1985 Maryland vs Michigan 9 28 85

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[Music] [Applause] so jam-packed Michigan Stadium in Ann Arbor Michigan poem Sports presents the first meeting ever between the number 15 Maryland Terrapins and the undefeated at number 9 ranked Michigan Wolverine [Music] today's our conference game is taught to you by Ford and your local Ford dealers have you driven a Ford lately the Detroit Free Press Michigan's warning newspaper tell everybody I'm ray late along with me the former great Wolverine quarterback Dennis Franklin will be handling the color this afternoon of a Michigan contest in Michigan's game number three Dennis to known a lot of the so-called experts were saying just a couple of weeks ago Michigan will have a so-so team and 85 well I never believed that ray and I don't think both Schembechler believed it either he would just prefer that everybody in the media leave his football team alone and just let him play up to their ability and I and you can believe that they have a lot of ability Michigan with wins so far over Notre Dame and University of South Carolina last Saturday that was a blowout meanwhile the terpenes of Maryland two wins one loss and lost the opener against Penn State while Maryland's got a very strong football team with very physical football team they don't come in making a lot of mistakes they're gonna be very competitive today against Michigan I talked about how the Michigan office will work this year and I guess you might say why wouldn't a former quarterback say that it all deals with a fella by the name of Jim Harbaugh right Jim Harbaugh has really matured as a quarterback and people forget that he was hurt last year after four games but now whenever he starts and prints a game his records 5 and 1 and his ability to come up with a big play instinctively has really been the key to their success so far this season Bo Schembechler has said the key to a successful 1985 is an offense leading that defense so far the first two weeks of a man up on that line all the hammer cameras Dean is leading defensive tackler for defensive tackle to be up there amongst the linebackers are generally the guys who lead your defense attack of Mike his second in tackles he's got like 13 tackles and last week against South Carolina he had eight tackles two four losses and one interception so he's been the defensive captain or the defense of champion two weeks in a row which means he also has a pretty good supporting cast now let's talk about the terpenes on offense and they've got a bruising fullback and a body by the name of rich food addict who can really do some scoring but Danny gives not a breakaway type runner right he's the kind of guy that they'll run the ball give him the ball 20 times a game and he'll keep busting in there he's their leading rusher and he scored in the last 12 13 games so he can put the ball across the goal line all right Marilyn can score there's no doubt about that what about the defense well we see a Maryland defense here a little bit different than what you see in college ball it's not very often that you see this defense it's called a wide tackle six and the key to this defense is their two interior people and they've got a great one and Bruce Messner he's about six six 260 something pounds he's got great quickness and great strength and he's going to really be it's going to be up to Michigan to double-team on him if they're going to be able to run the ball at all as Dennis talks about master and on your program you'll see he's listed as a left guard but that's left guard on defense now when we talk about Marilyn Marilyn is a rough tough veteran ballclub yes they are and I think their secondary is key they've got two brothers back there the covington brothers one of them was all ACC last year and I think based on the way they come in here today they're going to play a lot of three deep tones and sometimes a man demand so it wouldn't surprise me at all to see Michigan try to get the ball to their outstanding a wide receiver Paul yoghurts okay we'll find that out very shortly before our opening kickoff let's take this free time [Music] chickens Stadium now as a past subscriber you can enjoy this kind of college football action all winter long now the teams you want to see from around the state with Michigan State Michigan Western Eastern central to around the country with abrasca Oklahoma Florida Texas and more if you haven't already call your local cable system and subscribe to pass now now let us join ray Lane and Dennis Franklin for all the football action the University of Michigan and the Maryland Terrapins on your pass free preview weekend all right Tom Ryan thank you very much the Maryland Terrapins have already moved out of the locker room along the sidelines and from their bench on the far side of the field and Johnny we were talking about a wonderful day weather-wise for this enter Rock enter coastal rivalry I guess you could say that the coast of Great Lakes against the East Coast the Maryland Terrapins 105,000 that's for sure on hand here at Michigan Stadium great a state is set and if you will go to color a coloring book you couldn't color it any more perfect it's just absolutely beautiful there's not a cloud in the sky all the fans of set I'm sure that call teams are set so I'm looking for an outstanding football game myself our fans just noticed a head coach at the University of Maryland that was Bobby Ross officially as bad as before but their pregame ceremonies will be not at their respective seats on the near side of the field Bobby Ross by the way in his fourth year as officiate team gets ready to be introduced and come out of that tunnel on the far side of the field Bobby Ross in his fourth year at the University of Maryland and has really rebuilt the program of the terpenes walking away with the ACC title here ago half two years ago and hoping to repeat they are the pre-season favorites again in 1985 after spending some time as a head coach at the city though you see the bays and blue colors here shirtsleeve weather maize and blue colors the fans of the University of Michigan sprinkled over em of course the red the white the colors of the University of Maryland Maryland opened up with that loss 22:18 at the hands of Penn State we told you about in our opening then bounced back with a big win over Boston College 31 the 13 and last week black West Virginia 28th another the 1985 University of Michigan Wolverine [Applause] [Music] you know it's quite a feeling coming out of that tunnel I can remember when I was in Southfork without even you know nowadays harmonica player play as freshmen but when I was a sophomore running out of that tunnel and at that time we only had like 90,000 people in the stands and I never will ever forget that feeling the feeling of butterflies anticipation and just a lot of pressure on a young athlete coming out trying to perform in front of this tremendous crowd Denis frankly I want to say that tunnel has been enlarged to little bit in there I think there were some guys that used to bounce off the wall and still do to get ready before they come out in the field all day then if you're paid moshe back their 17th year at the University of Michigan and what a record Boas had and as you mentioned Denny a couple of weeks ago all summer long they were saved Michigan and 80 for six and six record including that loss at the Bluebonnet ball well they're rebuilding they're not gonna be heard from and I think he really has surprised a lot of people well they're built that there's no rebuilding to be done in this program because beau consistently replaces his star players from year to year he does an excellent job of recruiting so you know you can talk about rebuilding from year to year but I don't ever believe that Bo Schembechler has to rebuild because he recruits too well and both will say one thing as he looks around the nation at some of the scandal going on today in recruiting Wars of the various university he said hey it's easy sometimes there's pressure but you can win with a clean program that's very true ray it's just a you know a matter of how you want to approach the situation and once you establish yourself as a record and/or once you establish your team and your consistency and build a record of winning tradition it's very easy to go out and compete for the young high school after their is key to coming at number one East back all by himself standing at the 5-yard line now moving up to around the 7 yard line Michigan will be kicking off and that will be the job of Rick sukkah which the young sophomore from Troy Michigan's Country Day High School so we're getting underway here at the University of Michigan the Wolverines in the University of Maryland coming to packing up and we'll take it just inside the endzone we'll doubt it but the automatic touch back at Maryland will bring it out to the 20-yard line so once again the strong leg of suck the witches but very impressive on kickoffs in the previous two games Darla's Germans will go on offense that'll be interesting to see what they try to do against the Michigan defenses afternoon at least in the first half galvan number eight he's a senior out of Carlisle Pennsylvania manitech getting the call a pullback Neal is a running back to go without it and we'll check those receivers for you just a moment Bob Dylan was in motion and this is Neal on the carry trying to get outside and brought down by Todd Schulte the interior linebacker of the Wolverines pick up about five on the carry Tommy Neal was like the third leading rusher not a very big running back 510 200 roughly 200 pound he also is not a breakaway type threat the Ray a big line weight-wise most of 280 pounds average wise watch for Evan Lynch the left guard he is quick and believed a lot of the blocking assignments pulling out overload on the right side to wide receivers and going through the awkward put a fullback but attic broken up again by Schulte the linebacker [Music] incomplete will be 35 just underway here at the University of Michigan the Wolverines against the Terrapins off Maryland University [Music] yoga not much of a threat as a runner I'll leave that up to the fellas corporation I'll go back to that Cosette I believe Gail Boggs calling an audible at the line of scrimmage Hammerstein's jumping around whether he was drawn off or not on that left side you saw 66 almost making contact not sure whether he did or not I think he did right to be 5 yards against Michigan and probably a first down as well Lynch and they went to the audible then along Cowen and Hammerstein that time tried to do a little guesswork and just get across that features water scrimmage a parent least and kill ball the quarterback number eight there you see Hammerstein come over him he didn't make contact sold us the correct call but Stan Gale ball he is a veteran quarterback he's a senior so if Michigan to give him a certain situation he will come up to the line and automatic and get them into just the right play for the particular defense that they've seen I don't look for the first doubt I'll burst it Jeff [Music] fighter jets heard some footsteps and drops it at complete that was Ivan Hicks moving out quickly to make a tackle but it made it the ball has to be careful throwing out into coverage like that as you see him go back here he's looking for his wide receiver number 87 Raul but Tony Gant had coverage out there as well as Ivan Hicks number 17 incomplete fastball back at the 30 yard line second down and 10 for the Terrapins wide receivers left and right there's a pro set in behind Geldof in motion is Eric Holder the split end he gets the first down up close to the 44 yard line finally blocked out by Cochran of Michigan some good footsteps getting through the line of scrimmage there and a very nice second down call Michigan anticipating you can see here the pass they even had a blitz the linebackers coming coming number 48 Neal with great quickness in his feet picking up the first down field I was carried twice and picked up a total of 18 yards it came in this ball game averaging five and a half yards per carry nice job of following his blocking that time right market at the 43 yard line first and ten for viola [Music] looking for somebody often double [Applause] [Music] No forcing a blocker right back into the quarterback gal ball that is down back at the 33 yard line well the real key to this ray is Gabbar is looking for Abdul Rauf again and he's got double coverage you seen him pump fake there and you got to give credit to the defensive secondary because he had at least four or five seconds back there to find his open receiver there was no one open and by that time Billy Harris had a shot at pulling down Gill ball and they second [Applause] [Music] Garlan rivers coming up quickly it would suck it down to 20 vo getting it back to the 34 yard line well once you get in the situation ray of second and 20 it's almost very difficult any way to pick what what do you call you know at second and 20 you try to hope to catch Michigan off-guard and run a draw play but really put yourself in such a bad situation by getting the quarterback sack that it's very difficult now to pick up the first down for 89 Sean Sullivan the bottom part of your screen just checked in might be with a pass play third down and we have our first time out of the after though well minutes and 27 seconds to go in the opening quarter our ball game just underway and no score and Maryland facing a third and 18 so Dennis Franklin is a former quarterback this early in the ballgame you look over a defense or maybe you didn't get quite the play right that was brought in to you is that the right thing to do call timeout this early yeah it's but much better ray to make sure that you're in the proper situation particularly in a situation like this third and 18 you don't want to make any mistakes and being on your own 35-yard line you also don't want to turn the ball over to Michigan and give them good field position be much better off running a safe play and getting and coming back with fourth down and punting the ball away rather than turning it over down on your own 35-yard line michigan by the way had a fifth back in their duck Mallory he is checked out now a checking back in as Andy Buller a linebacker we'll keep an eye see what Michigan comes up in the way of defense here a third and 18 Neil has been the busiest runners so far for Maryland three carries and a total of 20 yard I don't think Maryland's going to take a chance here I think they're just going to hand the ball off and like I say punt on fourth down all right Sullivan goes in motion Gayle ball back hurry [Applause] [Music] for sure 6:3 245-pound offensive tackle for michigan well Marilyn didn't listen to what I predicted but give all this time it's flushed out of the pocket from the pressure inside by Billy Harris and he's forced right into the hands of mark Messner and he does a good job of bringing down good ball but I'm sure Marilyn in retrospect would wish they would have listened to me and just taking it easy and run off tackling in front of the ball on fourth down Darryl Wright all set to putt a very short punt that boxes around the midfield area and no chance at all for Jill Bobby Johnson to make a return gets a little bit of a hop for they therapist that will be down right at the midfield stripe at the 50 yard line so another 37 to go the opening quarter at Michigan goes on the offense for the first time this afternoon tell you that pot was just about two seconds up in the air slightly better about two and a half seconds have fudge on it look at the fishing and offensive linemen white and Wiltjer Wiltjer getting his second straight start at tailback Johnson the Yogi's and catice the receivers Michigan started off with great field position and that was moocher on the carry picked up three yards banked it down to the 47 yard line and brought down by the interior linebacker on that left side for set he's a good one leading tackler on this parent team coming to the ballgame at 31 and a couple of sacks to his credit that will be second down at 7 for the Wolverines first time have had the ball this afternoon see what they can do with it and in front of those running backs and receivers a very active that probably the biggest line of Michigan's has the number of year check that that was not Wiltshire on the carry but brother Jamie Morris forest making the first carry for three yards karbala this first attempt in the air it's inside the 40 Grichuk Pentagon coming up along with shank Weiler effect to stop her Harbaugh get down to the 37 ray that's what I meant when I say Jim Harbaugh has really matured you can see here after he bakes off tackle this good pressure coming from the Maryland defense and nobody no support whatsoever the linebackers had dropped out and dropped deep and Jimmy just tucked the ball under his arm and picked up the first down that's very important you must football as the game of first down you got to pick up be consistent and pick up first down where's she gonna has her first first down this time I handed off to the full-back brought down header bonus brought down or rather to brings down Merriman on the carry yeah dude number and therefore fish again it's John Cowles are a freshman out of West Lake Ohio at number 40 they had him set up at a split end or the flanker position and he comes out of the left side again for the University of Michigan so he is getting an early start here this afternoon he is played on kickoff returns to my knowledge but that's just about it ray I've not seen him play from the offensive set at all originally had him listed maybe as a kickoff returner for 1985 motion by Michigan and a five-yard penalty coming up they were facing second down and six saw your left guard that time number 74 Mike whose are starting to move on that well I tell you really what happened because everybody on the offensive line fired off it's usually the mistake of the center he did not snap the ball when Jim Harbaugh called for and that's why everybody went off and Jim didn't have the ball so I'm gonna blame that on the on the center babitch II know okay I know Babita Pitino question mark or whether bobby was going to start today because of a calf problem but a physical problem over there [Applause] to the back field offensive backfield beat the linebackers and finally it was Chuck beset the linebacker to make the shot from behind Erick Cadiz coming into the game ray only had caught one pass but this is the old tide in delay and he does a very good job of delaying inside not a letting not letting the linebackers pick him up and then soon as he breaks across the middle Jimmy does a nice job but throwing the ball and he picks up a nice and he picks up a first down second first down for Michigan at the 25-yard bottom Berlin those scored the ball game first and ten Wolverine Jimmy Moore straight ahead got five drives it down to the 20-yard line brought down by Besner that's the young man we were talking about a narrow / the left guard off the fence in the very active one you'll see here Jamie Morris doing a nice job running inside picks up about four yards on the first down play that will leave Michigan with the second and six hi Jamie picking up a total of eight yards so far carries two carries last week racked up 95 against South Carolina and that time thought right through was the full-back Gerald white on the carry trying to get close to the 15 yard line they've got to get just inside the 15 for the first down he's going to be a little bit light back to the almost 17 yard line it'll be third down and two along - look at that barrel of Defense Nana's Dennis told you a lot of times you'll see six men on that line that all of a sudden you'll see eight men I'm on that way I wouldn't be surprised that Michigan took a chance here and threw the ball because you are in fourth down territory and remember yogi she's got a quite a few inches on on kita covington uncovered to the outside flores jonna rotte but Bob Arnold 63 252 powders number 99 planted the right shoulder into him and drove back no game when you call that a conservative gone very conservative but I guess boats is going to settle for the three points because certainly didn't there was no creativity at all in that particular play Mike Gillette freshman in there to try the field goal a 34 yard attempt has a distance it is good but 34 yards away has six pies for 1985 the Wolverines of Michigan go on a front three to nothing over Berlin with seven minutes and 13 seconds to go here they all think quarter after getting the break Jenny I'm getting that short punt and taking over at the 50-yard line it's going to do something proficient even though it's only three points but it might be a big three points yeah it's always important I think ready to take the lead in a big football game particularly against a team that is as competitive as Maryland they're a very talented football team bolshevik who knows that given the right situation that Maryland can be a very difficult team to beat so he doesn't want to come in here and make a lot of mistakes turn the ball over and give Maryland an opportunity to go up and get confident and get momentum so for Michigan the score first always helps special teams of michigan special team unit I guess I should say getting some last-minute instructions to kickoff team sackowitz look at kicking off [Music] there the whole thing quarter that went at Michigan's back so the Wolverines cap it off with that 34 yard field goal that was eight plays that covered a four but it 24-second time period key to Covington the junior on a Danville Virginia standing back around the 5-yard line is returned the ball on five occasions so far in three games coming to this contest for a total of 123 yards so he's averaging 23 almost 24 yards kickoff return five tries they get a chance to return this one takes it at his hand on all the covers got that guy [Applause] moving in there quickly delayed away was read offensive guard ray I really believe Keita Covington had trouble with the Sun because he's looking right in the direction of the Sun and never really saw the ball completely you can see there that he had misjudged the ball the ball hit him up almost in his head so he probably just lost the football in the Sun and in a situation like that you can see here see how high the ball hits him up on his shoulder pads well if you can see the ball he would never try to catch it up that high so I think he lost it in the Sun if Keith Cowen some credit also on that stop this time stop give Akers some credit as he stood his ground right around the 7 yard line to fake the stop on the barrel in fact you know the fact that the Covington fumbled the yard you know the kickoff return it gives a Michigan great field position and now they're as a defensive team they can do some things like blitz or they can play back and set and read the quarterback and try to intercept the pass here al is carry 4 times 23 yards second down a 70 got three on that last carry ball at the 10 yard line of Maryland today on this direction I was a messed up play but anyway garland rivers decided that he was going to put a little blitz on him he was in the backfield as quick as the Merlin box got the ball that's exactly what I was just talking about ray when you get in a situation like this you can do you can take chances as a defense and you can see number 13 rivers at the top of the screen just blitzing right in and making a good job taking a good angle and making a good tackle that ball is back at the three yard line so make a third at 13 [Applause] was close to being a safety but he got out find some Running Room that was deal again and finally Hicks brings him down shy the first down but it looked as if he might be trapped back there it certainly did you can see here Hammerstein gets a good jump off the bow he was almost across the line of scrimmage when it was snap and Neal doing a good job of running he's got very quick feet ray Wright with a very short punt again Giovanni Johnson waiting for it again against a Maryland bounce in a big town right around the 38 yard line of Michigan at Ball State in the air on the a couple of seconds plus 40 to 45 so he's not getting much piked on that ball let alone hanging it at all not doing it watch him a job for his teammates to get downfield although they got a lucky bounce that time yeah given the situation where they punted from can't ask for too much more I said I'll take a pass like that or unlucky then do it like that and he came into the ball game as far as punting wise averaged just a little over 37 yards so he's staying close to that consent the dud two pots members of that Michigan band unit there's horrible Bob calls him the most underrated quarterback in the Big Ten Wolverines first at 10:00 at the North 38 yard line Michigan leading three nothing 506 to go in the opening quarter our ball this is a young man we're talking about a freshman out of Westlake Ohio has his first reception in collegiate football just a simple out pattern you see Koza at the top of the screen the linebacker stay inside and they got under coverage but the cozaar and Harbaugh hook up for a first down play nice call those are comes out of there now and Giovanni Johnson checks back in but wide to the left Yogesh wide to the right first intent for the Wolverines at the 42 up Maryland it didn't take him long to get into that territory Jamie Morris bounds it just inside the 40 yard line we'll call it the 39 and percent the line back there making the hit or 54 there is credible one of the defensive captains darling the defensive alignment well it's pretty good coming out with their offense Jamie Moore's you can see what he's done so far this year a year ago as a freshman the leading ground gainer off this Wolverine team don't forget he's quite a receiver too right when he comes out of the backfield Jimmy Morris on the receiving end gets it to the 35 yard line Abela ball thrown just a little bit behind it made a nice catch and Steve Kelly and Pettibone come in there for the tackle this looks like a screen play ray where Michigan is trying to let the the Maryland defense come inside and then get the ball out to Jamie he'll do a nice job of well no I take it back he did a bad job of outrunning his offensive lineman Marc Hammerstein that time he saw Jamie go right by him he should I think waited a little while longer and given market chance to block somebody maybe even picked up a few more yards third it's reefer Michigan at the 35 yard line of Maryland Harbaugh now three for three in the past Department for 37 yards wants to go on the air again but won't do it coming in from behind Ascot tie the right tackle to make the stop almost tied clearly didn't get locked at all with the line of scrimmage get a little maneuver there and came in from behind Michigan faced with our first part of the afternoon you can see Scott tie that time taking a inside route he actually came inside a clay Miller number 79 the strong offensive tackle and perhaps the best offensive lineman on the Michigan line but Scott tie with his quickness did a nice job and dumped to Harbaugh for walk Monte Robbins with his first punt of the afternoon a big Hightower want that Paquita coming and watch his sail into the endzone had some help if I went but that was a beautiful punt that'll be brought out to the 20 yard line hang time if you keeping track of that 4.15 so not too shabby as Robbins comes into this contest averaging 35 yards a punt and that will help the average a little bit sin field position compared to the last time they had the ball first and ten at the 20 here comes deal again got some good blocking this time at the la discourage that's outside we run out of bounds at the 43 yard line a fella over there was bleep Gant was heading him up and finally got him out of our kneel speedster six rugs that he's picked up 55 yards you can watch Neal there's great blocking on the inside number 62 pálinka their offensive guard did a nice job opening up the hole so Neal could come through and pick up by what 55 yards on it or he's got six carries for 55 yards Hicks over there do officially be recognized as a man that ran him out of bounds varlet now first and ten at its own 43 yard line I used Blount the banner motion a half that they had number 72 that's Tony Edwards out there to point a sort of a former one-man screen but Jeff Akers is over there that really bothered the intended receiver you can see here caballo I think misread this coverage he had his wide receiver Abdul wide open down the field I'm not so sure why he came off of the wide receiver and tried to throw the pass to blunt that time but it looked pretty dangerous from up here I almost make up your mind that way and sort of this go with it yep that's it second 1/10 still at the 43 this is holder but in that motion Blount on the carry what does if he was going to pot it for a big game but instead jeweler was flatter than a good stop made by Andre McIntyre the linebacker one thing though was already substituted off that bench he's used about six linebackers he's had his interior alignment runner is live and on defense a three-man line nine holes now that's one of the reasons Rea why I say Michigan really never has to rebuild because he uses enough players from year to year that they really never has to be go making the reception was edmonds thank you to hit garland rivers close to a first down I might get a measurement they might be just short we'll wait to see where they spot the ball Edmonds is their outstanding tied in he's at 66 234 pounds and he actually lost ground trying to make a move at the last minute on garland rivers I think he had the he had the first down when he caught the ball right and then when he dipped he went back beyond the first down marker and they they have to kick they thought they had that ball at the one-yard line instead the officials inside we're gonna make it out to the 20-yard line break for the university official yeah I'd like to take another look at this I think it's a bad car but no you can see there he's put his foot on the goal line and so if he touches the goal line like that Michigan's supposed to get the ball at the 20 the Fisher was right there to call it line let's give the official some credit and get their names jump out for the 2000 as you said start on our pass replay that job walling ahead from the full-back position is white brought down by Bob Arnold white getting close to six yards maybe seven [Music] Oh chef backward and the brainpower over on the sidelines you see Christopher Bruck number 12 the backup quarterback to Jim Harbaugh he did an excellent job last year after the fourth game when Jim Harbaugh was injured I think that was against Michigan State right Michigan State right got six on the carry they scary three times for a total of 14 [Music] for some other Scott anymore well ray I really think Michigan should do more of this kind of calling I think Jamie Morris is an excellent pass receiver he is their second leading receiver but for a guy with his quickness to be put in the situation where a big linebacker has to cover him it seems to me that you can just pick up number a numerous first downs if you just get the ball to him in a situation like that back of the die device again 37 [Music] [Applause] should have the first down as he's brought down at the 47 yard line the perfect pass here by Jim Harbaugh you can see right there the catice had to do very little in terms of reaching for the ball he just put it right in the pocket and caddis picked up the first down for Michigan he's got two catches Eric cat has two catches for 21 yards at the story you saw so far advantage of the passing Department on a big advantage this time 400 as they come up with that combo at the 47 yard line of the Terrapin you can see the Boggs handed off to Jamie Morris I couldn't see the number of who hit the ball out but it was a cause fumble it wasn't as if Jamie just let it go somebody knocked it out of his hand what does if it was Tommy Parker number 91 a junior Baltimore on a Baltimore lifeguard of the Pittsburgh garland I can tell you right from past experiences it really doesn't matter how you fumble when you foam well you're in trouble in terms of going back to the sidelines and being confronted with both that was blown on the carry that died number 33 sort of picking his lane and before we come back with our action on a second down Bonilla push down situation let's go to Tom Ryan great game going on here in an hour between Michigan and Maryland you know for my money there's nothing that delivers excitement like college football unless of course it's college basketball and this fallen winner past pro-am sports system has the college basketball teams you want to see most bilf readers top ranked Michigan Wolverines Michigan State Western Michigan the University of Detroit Titans plus appearances by Eastern Michigan Central Michigan Northern Michigan the Toledo Rockets and other great games for high action edge-of-your-seat excitement there's nothing like college basketball and it's coming your way this fall and winter on path and of course pass also brings a great college football like the game you're enjoying today and Detroit Pistons basketballs CCHA and windsor spitfires hockey Kronk boxing and a whole lot more we hope the jar enjoying the game today on pass we are tell us we are we hope that all our fans are nice to have them along and the first time viewers will be looking for you again first and 10 now for Maryland at the Michigan 43 yard line on the carry that time Alvin blot the running back trying to make some yardage on that left side Jeff Akers coming up to make a stop turnovers story so far the first half that was why Harlem has the ball right now and that's why Marilyn's got good field position as well right and we talked about Michigan cannot allow or cannot make mistakes like turnovers or pass interceptions because they don't want to give Maryland that Maryland get good field position or score on obviously we saw close up a plow or picked up for that last carry second at six Blount a young man the state of Maryland yo ma is tight in this height actually the second string tied in Brad chocolate there to make the upset on him but Mike got inside the 30-yard lot of the river agent market at the 28 Theobald had the right play called you'll see him roll out number 8 Stan Gill Bob but watch at the bottom of your screen you see garland rivers number 33 under number 13 was on a blitz put the ball on the rush on the dash actually got the ball away and Marilyn now picks up another first down after 28 FS you get first to tab little misdirection a cursory scooter the intended blocker at what plow down flow coming down very easily on that one but a great effort by acres I'll show you he's got a lot of upper-body strength reaching over the intended blocker at the breaking up doll Aloha acres the senior he really did make a nice play right because if Blanc gets past the acres at six points from Maryland on that particular play did a nice job of staying in the hole and and pulling down the Allan block the ball carrier second of ten for Maryland Lala watch the pass got a man open [Music] sorry 59 [Music] that was holder [Music] he'll think you'll ball roll out to his left this time and he's looking in the zone for his senior wide receiver eric holder who does a nice job of holding on to the ball despite [Music] number 17 first and ten at the 14 in the Wolverines firelands biggest threat thus far on a first half cause he could lead sweet honey and a molar but really didn't get actually as quickly and his motion going in the backfield the guys there was a Michigan man back there taking the intended blocker out well we had a little situation with number 13 once again garland rivers watch him come in as soon as his boss handed out the plot you see 13 e right there coming in to break up the interference and I thought Blanc did a nice job just to get back to the line of scrimmage actually right actually picked up one yard Dennis Branca second of my gross up there I go home [Music] Michigan nightmares led by Todd shorty it almost looks like you bought here says here take the ball how to won it and he pitches back to his outstanding runner the Zdenek but Michigan really had that place sniffed out we've got the first time abaddon ACCA's carried the ball Thank You Ryan I believe you we talked so much about coming into the football game leading rusher and we find it a bit unusual he's just now touching the ball here in the second quarter 39 vapor sir countless divers like he almost and once again the outstanding play of Mike Hammerstein we talked about him in the beginning of the show as well watch him number 66 he doesn't really have a lot of great speed right he is just the kind of football player that anticipates well he's awfully quick and he put a lot of pressure that time on spin the ball and you can almost credit him with a sack there because that's why the past play wasn't completed the latest Appliance 40-yard field goal [Music] this is for field [Music] with 43 they go on a second quarter at Michigan continues to lay the tariff by a score of RIT okay so they sort of fight the bullet and it really hurts if you're Maryland football fan or you not to get any points on the board at all particularly since on Michigan basically handed them good field position with the fumble by Jamie Morris and Maryland successful in picking up a couple of first downs and getting himself down close to the goal line and now they come away with nothing it really can hurt you as a football team and I'm sure coach Ross is going to have something to say about that at halftime well the young man that we talked about buried is a junior out of Arlington Virginia there's two four six now the year he has missed from the 20 the 34 and then he had a 51-yard of depth in this last one a 30-yard attempt so a couple of those have been within range something that you have to capitalize on and there's the young man that you were talking about I consider the coach tiller young man Bobby Rose grows excuse me I said Rob you're right it is wrong okay my teeth are chattering first of ten Wolverines para Madonna Carrie got it up to the 26 yard line play picks up six on that carry I could second at four al coming differently safety making a stop al while the fellas that Dennis was talking about earlier to the brothers compilation his brother keno who plays it defensive left hat both are considered all-acc players Ilana Coast Conference second of four for the Wolverines at the 26 so thank you good [Music] milker on the carry shy the first down gets to the 29 boy he was turning away a pretty good shape and then Tommy Parker number 91 came in and cut down the young man who played his high school ball at Detroit Central High School you'll see here Tom Wolfe's Wilshire out of central and Detroit 60 185 pounds does a nice job of running the power sweep MoDOT multi-tier very good neither yard for the first job and instead [Music] there was six points for Michigan al covered in making the stop and push em back no surprises everybody surprises everybody Jimmy Harbaugh does a nice job of faking off tackle to Perryman the full-back and catice was wide open ray he caught that ball for 43 yards and obviously a first down but you see there you can see all the linebackers number 11 and 54 for Maryland all up front there was no underneath coverage Erik Cadiz that's his third reception already today 464 yards and Michigan done with a big surprise on third down and when they do it was first at ten at the 38 pulled back carry that time drives it to the 32 yard line get Sheppard making the stop here but on the carry it'll be second down and four yards along three let's go on a three and you consider Bray that Michigan may debt the third down car on their own 30 yard line who said Bo Schembechler hasn't change Canada's probably thought GI paper this looks like a good play right believe nobody's around me second of three here comes Miller cuts it back in bet they're just as he got to the line of scrimmage bought the set most here first down inside the Maryland 30 most of the 28 is a good luck ray at that wide tackle 6 you can see the two inside people of Bruce Messner and Bob Arnold in talking to the offensive line coach or quarterback coach Jerry Hamlin before the game he told me that it would be real important for Michigan to isolate on Bruce Messner and Bob Arnold the two inside people on that wide tackle six they are the key people in the defense perrilyn quesadilla guard for the first down as far as fair who drops a powder I was going to say they had the double tight in again but I don't think if you see that Saint play pyramid for the third carried out for 16 yards pulling his way in pot I brought down by Bob Idol you can see the offensive line play that time mark Hammerstein Papa taboo chinko and Mike whose are their interior lineman all quite big considerably bigger than when I played both of them are about 260 270 I don't think we ever had anybody with a big big see the physic information' here a slot to the left but then brought it down inside the 20-yard line of five exemplify kita covington what a story I will chair another twenty seven Wilshire has really been banged up during his stay here at Michigan a great track star by the way also for the bays in blue but with track Willie then he took his first injury and then had a missing football season got back last year another injury and here at the senior year really getting playing time and doing a good job dragging it down close to the 16 yard line and dragging for set the linebacker with it will go to the 32 now [Music] now would they be scared Scotty for Navy huh we don't help [Music] mark at the 17-yard line third down a tube of the Wolverine now a slot the left again and a tie formation Marv are taking a little extra time looked over the defense and said I want a timeout I think he was a little bothered by the lineup of al Covington the middle safety man he seemed to take the far side of the field they generally only have three three defensive backs in their secondary key to Covington al Covington and Donald Brown number two and they basically shifted to the wide side of the field and when Jimmy looked up I don't think he knew what coverage they were in ray so he decided to call the timeout which is the right thing to do and go over and talk about it you'll see here the inside linebacker people Robert Klein Mike Sampson number eleven they're outstanding they're linebacker pecet they moved up on the line and Jim look back in the secondary as I said before and decide to call timeout by the sava score Michigan three Barama nothing they predicted maybe very low-scoring game right you can see here both Schembechler with the short sleeve shirt on but the other gentleman there Eliot usual butyl act was that former pit Western University he's now back here with Bo and is basically the offensive coordinator go has a not a lot of faith in them and that offensive coordinator here's a lot third down a two Wolverines try to keep this drive going first option play call [Music] his first carry as far as an option play finally brought down by Ezra it's not very pretty but it's very effective Bob Perryman did a nice job there of blocking the interior lineman and Jim Harbaugh just goes right down the line of scrimmage you'll see here from another look see him ducked right inside and pick up the first down Michigan albergue turtle 176 yards 66 on the ground 110 passing first and jet at the 14 Wilshire on a carry close to the 10 oh he got maybe four yards on that carry [Music] Masaru again and the stop and we'll chernow with his fifth carry in total of 17 yards you noticed we haven't seen any of anymore of Jimmy Morris for now and generally it's both policy that when you fumble the football you're coming out of the game well he has up to this point Wilshire and Claire among the running backs in behind Harbaugh thanks to all to watch they go to the air [Music] a very nice call Michigan cat if I believe that his found his 50 his fourth catch and he's got 74 yards four catches in 74 yards but Michigan drew man-to-man coverage on their ride man [Music] inside out and Harbaugh did a nice job to get the follicle [Music] we have some interesting calls on that Michigan Drive gray I tell you it's changed so much since I used to play you can see here Jim marble faking off tackles the time washer now see Eric Gattis number 81 he's coming out and now you can see Yogi's he was blind up on the outside went inside and he took two people with them that is what left Eric cat it's wide open hard ball right here fake back foots running back roll out and he'll throw the ball to a wide open Eric catice Harbaugh now is 7 for 7 ray in 120 yards one custom catus having his biggest day as a collegiate ever might be even including even in his high school career but one to remember of course still a little bit of time left in this ball game still a second I have to go a story on that scoring ride by the University of Michigan covering a total of 8 are [Music] you know it's not that warm but that's the way he wants to kick I never understood that about kicking I mean if you can kick that good with without a shoe it only makes it only makes sense to me that you can kick better with the shoe they scare me out kickers my experience with kickers is not very good I don't want to bring it up I mean they hear different drummers this is Rick sukku it's number seven for the University of Michigan Keita Covington is deep standing with the five yard line this one ended the wind coming it will take it at the 13 yard line that's close to the 25-yard coming in with great speed he's by well daylight he because of trouble for the opposition the opposition is afternoon who will Marines so the garden three minutes and thirty seconds remaining in the first half and a figure one that gives credit on a special teams give Todd shortly credit for the tackle this time mr. Covington do body under control and then taking off with it even though it wasn't a relatively short kick part of Wolverine got some catching up to do here with three plus minutes that's a little extra time this time of cons of an Oakland did he catch it as if he was having a little trouble finding a handle but of a spell Edmund the tide in thanking his second for such an Ivan hood it's over there to cover on the play well we'll take a look and make sure ray see whether or not did catch the ball but you can see kill ball does not handle but that didn't have a lot of pressure on him that time to a pretty good pass out to the plank I'm not so sure he caught that either he's gonna lie job covering it up first down Maryland at the top of the 39 yard line little draw play this time [Music] our McGarry on the tackle [Music] and Ebola this time does a real good job of sitting at home [Music] that he made and really saved Michigan Jeff Tommy olefin coming up with a big game [Music] great tackle he cooked up a lot of yardage [Music] a quick pass to the sideline Jennifer Eric Holder behind it [Music] this area the Godzilla go well guys to get it going on the 3rd of jab all a story of a heart yo ball 4:43 line Oh [Music] justify our rivers and also in their Andre McIntyre on the stop close to the first I'll kill ball this time on the third and ten just wait for his running back 48 [Music] and the MacIntyre in 61 junior out of Chicago Illinois did a nice job of keeping Neal from picking up the first down in Maryland's forced to punt close to a 17 yard line good coverage gets it up to the 21 on a short clock that time by Daryl right right Rory has had only one month this afternoon to speak up and that was the one that just probably got him to Michigan Enzo now you can see what Tony Kent is facing a real bright Sun very difficult to pick that ball out of the air when you're looking right into the bright Sun you recall Cummington head that he fumbled the ball on the kickoff return in bad situation that Google bed field position brain drugs to the University of Michigan Bo Schembechler gonna jack up his third one along with the rest of his Wolverine led by Jim Harbaugh the quarterback you see the perfect statistics by Jim Harbaugh seven four seven four hundred and twenty yards very impressive Merriman with China flies in daylight - honey Ritchie put him on and Steve Kelly the linebacker and infancy bride is making a hit on him it lost a handle on that but I think after the whistle huh take a look misty Perryman number 37 trying to get outside it's almost to clip there by Wilshire trying to block and help Perriman back let's take another look you can see Wilshire that time almost clipped petty ball I think when I told that had he not already had the runner huh ball carrier glossy our little draw play this time we'll sit on the carry we're going to get a might be a facemask oh wait to see whoopsies got a little daylight got to the line of scrimmage and then we knit there by a linebacker on the right side I don't have to hold him behind Benidorm was also there and so is Kelly face faster most employers can with going in right Marilyn 10 to nothing let's take a look at the penalty to see Wilshire here getting face mask charge number 99 Arnold Bob Arnold grabbing his facemask watch number 99 right there grab Tom washers a face man Michigan's got two penalties for 10-yards in Maryland one four five so really haven't had a whole lot of penalties in the game unintentional face passed that time and they marked that ball the line of scrimmage now run around the 28 yard line of Michigan will be second down on three timeout was called by Maryland with one minute two seconds to go well maybe figuring if they can stop Michigan here on short yardage force of the punt we'll wait and see how that strategy pays off meanwhile haha over there talked with his head coach coach Jeff effort exactly what beau wanted right but I think you're absolutely right there's a benefit to deep in your own territory keep saying the 28 yard line you're gonna play a fairly crosses I think that us but at this point you know something just tells me that Beau's over there telling Jim Harbaugh look this is what we're gonna do I'm gonna take a chance we're gonna go off tackle fake off tackle I don't want you to get sack and I don't want you to throw an interception short of that we'll take a shot at it because it's you know we've got a ten-point lead and they might just think at this point that we're just going to be content because thus far in this particular series he's run the ball three times and it looks as if he's going to be content with going in and you want that third down pass again the cat is right Bobby Ross he saw the far side of fear Bobby came out of his shirtsleeves earlier today now got the sweater och so things might be a little cool all over the sunshine on that far side of the field we'll see if Michigan is in the sunshine right now with a second down at 3:00 nice to see the associate athletic director of the University of Michigan will Perry stopping by our tunnel vision booth a pass booth we thank him for his cooperation with all the Michigan sports along our network [Music] all right the gentlemen and stripes want to make sure they getting everything all straightened out on a second a tree I think it's a scoreboard ray whenever you see the old headset come off you know mr. Schembechler has something to say either to the officials to his players her to the fans or to the video all set to go now second of three at the 28th walk out [Music] Jamie Marsh back in the lineup first Kerry's had such a trouble [Music] yeah carefully after you got to the line of scrimmage and should have enough for first down just a simple off tackle play Jamie Morrison doing a good job of following the big fella John Eliot 6-7 285 pounds out of New York his weak tackle believe it or not that's the position he plays 6 7 285 weak tackle right now 240 seconds first a 1033 officially good here it is - Jamie Morris at the 39 roughed up a little bit bit of our percent a good stiff tackle time huh this time called by the Wolverine 29 seconds remaining in the first half Michigan leading by score of 10 to nothing armory lane along with Dennis Franklin we're very glad you could join us along our past network nice to have you here if you're a first-time viewer we hope that you'll make it a habit on pass we'll be looking for you Bobby Ross a far side over there as far as he wants to check with the officials talking to some of the members of the Kochi staff of merriment a couple of hours before the game time and they took a look at the stadium when they came into practice yesterday and it was partially filled when we had our conversation going they said 103 to 105 thousand this is bigger than a polo game and they take home checked if they'll get into that also bigger than the ballgame pay off well I will see how the mullrine's want to play with 29 seconds remaining second of four at 39 their own 39 of a tenth nothing leave again over the middle Tina Morris [Music] that was Kara Chicago a good block Jamie Lewis for a few extra yardage however is a flag down back at the 30-yard line all for naught it's gonna be against Michigan holding well we talked about this particular football play and the fact that Michigan ought to use Jamie Morrison more in this situation like this getting the ball to your quit running back a guy that can catch the ball very well and is going to beat most linebackers that you face it was a good call but I didn't even see the indication on the penalty I believe it was holding right bring brings back a first down play and they'll chalk off the five yards against Michigan brings it back to the 34 yard line that will make it second down still second down and nine yards so he was passing before what would be passing again with 21 seconds to go here in the first half no pitch out this time Jamie Moore's on the carry gets in a 45 I got for the first down my key the Cummington a halfback on the left side 16 seconds romantic jamie breaks off tackle on the power sweep nice block up front by Perryman which allows morrison to get in the secondary Gerald white number 22 is going to kick out right there and allows Jamie Morrison to crack the line of scrimmage that's is they've Kerry now for 32 yards four yards of carry 16 seconds Harbaugh wants to go there okay coming Jim Tina Kelvin general which the tackle from Calais at the 10 and gets back to the 25 yard time has run out or whether there's still one second on the clock was going down to the wide receiver Paul Yogi's you know we talked about the height advantage to yogi who is six eight and kina Covington's only five nine but I want to tell you something on a basketball court where are yo pizzas played for so many years kena Covington looks like a guy who could go up and get a few rebounds cuz he went up and got that ball coming back on that jackal for Michigan was Kosar Kol ESA are one second remaining before the half is completed and they load up with trips on the right side Maryland you see the three receivers on the right side yo mom getting a lot of time putting it up for grabs and nobody is there that's it the missing in the footer let's Cody [Music] for the University of Iowa well again here is probably very thankful that Gabala even just even threw the ball because he was so far down the field there was no way that Maryland was going to complete a pass to be behind Tony Kent number 14 he had to be 30 yards down the down the field when they lined up right don't again coming up with his first interception of 1985 and it was a lot said that Tony after suffering the broken leg last year how he would be back in action this year and so far in three games he's done a pretty strong job off the halftime intermission he would have been 9 for 9 a few - completed that the way it stands he's 8 for 9 407 yards and Michigan has basically dominated the game offensively 196 total yards versus 94 for Maryland but the two turnovers I'm sure beau had a lot to say about that at halftime they can't make mistakes because the more mistakes to make the better Maryland's chances of getting back in this football game well they only touchdown so far in this ball game it's what's happened in the second quarter Jim Harbaugh here makes a real good read he had Yogi's his fine the outside receiver number 84 coming in on the post cut and then Eric catice the tight end who's having probably the best day of his career thus far ran the out cut in the Harbaugh got the ball to him and it was a touchdown the only touchdown scarred best part in the game long parade is all set to kick off with the University of Maryland Michigan has sent back Jeanne Morris and John Cole sir it'll be Morris trying to battle the Sun above for yards he decides to bring it out of the end zone and gets it close to the 15 yard line he was a little bit hesitant and then decided to come out with it and finally got it up close to the 15-yard line when Walker and interior linebacker reads it there to make the stop and that's what really hurt him Ray was the hesitation you could see him kind of stutter back there trying to decide in his own mind whether or not he thought it was right to come out or to stay back and as it sits he should have probably stayed back in the info don't a little thinking about it Jamie Moore's is the fellow that brought that out they get our second half underway first and ten at the 15-yard line Michigan leads 10 another pulsar and Yogi's foot wide on the right side in Michigan with that eye formation with white and Morris Morris on the carry trying to break it at left guard gets back to the line of scrimmage Marty got two yards out of that carrier father Arnall was there for the tackle right we always fought with it when I played with Michigan that this was the most important series in the football game this is when you dictate whether or not you're going to win the game or lose the game because so much can change in the first series of the second half if Michigan is to go down and score they could put this game out of reach on the other hand if Marilyn intercepts or comes in and stops Michigan right now and then scores they could get back into the ballgame so they would always put a lot of pressure and emphasis on this particular series our ball passing that time his paw quite the fullback coming out of the backfield for a set and there to make the hit along with shank Wyler it was a second and nine and it'll be shy of a first down by about three yards you see Jim Harbaugh on the rollout and Morrison just kind of slipped up inside Jimmy delivers the ball to him but that particular pass play wasn't long enough really to pick up the first down so they'll be faced with a third and three third down a three at the Wolverine 22 second half just underway Tavis you know the Center for Michigan ready to snap at the Harbaugh the Russian is on and leading away again was father Arnall who caved in that offensive line so Maryland impressive of defense here in the first series of plays to start the second half for the three they keep in mind how important the series is now if Maryland is to receive this football here it gets good field position and they put seven points on the board it's only early in the third quarter and they've got a real shot at you know when in the football game that's why the series is so important Monty Rollins with a good punt coming to takes it out his 40-yard they want to talk about coverage 3.85 of the hangtime on that punt into the wind so these marked at the 40-yard line of Maryland and Maryland starts out with pretty decent field position really didn't have much to do with it but catch it right [Music] it's one of the toughest jobs in football catching those putts when you see about eight guys coming after you did you know you they dan certainly put on a fine performance at halftime again this afternoon first intend to pull back Bionic on the carry Rimmer's coming up to make the first hit on him bottom eight yard carry fourth down at the 48 yard line almost supported on it's just a quick killer inside but danach cuts it away from hammerstein number 66 with who is about to tackle it's still surprising ray why we didn't see which carry the ball a little more in the first half I think this is only the second second carry in the game Jim Snyder says yes statistician here the University of Michigan five-member the sports information staff photonic again inside of auradon he's finally stopped by counting at the police safety but Danny pedantic here is going to cut inside his offensive strong tackle Jeff Holika and his Center Dave amen he's really he can really read the offensive line quite well he's an experienced running back he's a senior out of West Farmington Ohio their leading rusher coming into the game are a and it carries again this time with line backer Andy baller and finally brought him down at the 30-yard line so this time on the carry is Tommy Neill rollback on two occasions in the meal carries for the eighth time picks up a total now of 62 yards of those 8 carries his first carry of the second half picked up five so it's second down and five at the Michigan 30-yard line Maryland trying to get on the scoreboard keep in mind Michigan has not allowed a touchdown so far in 1985 but a knee on the carry I am bursting in there they have a shot enema Ronnie ankles credit for the tackle [Music] Moeller lucky dad to get the defensive signals number 49 [Music] twenty-eight [Applause] [Music] the outside linebacker came up got help from an email two big series for Michigan you're right ray number number 33 Jake Jeff Akers gets good penetration right there and closes down Tommy Neil art our pedantic see here acres come across good penetration and Mira was going to go for it on fourth down or or go along three at the 29 [Music] it was there Oh here's a talk about pictures and Andre McIntyre [Music] down the artificial turf at the 27-yard line and they do not get the first down well Maryland is really forced in this situation to go for it on fourth down unlike most teams their bill goal kicker just has not been producing so I feel that their head coach decided that we may as well try to to keep something going here and go for it on fourth down Akers recovers and make a group that makes a great tackle to stop Tommy Neal about 1 yard short of the first down big play for Michigan Wolverines take over their own 27 yard line first and ten ten minutes of 26 seconds to go in this second a third quarter Morris on the carry that time in the right side where they call him up leading the way was a linebacker was said it just sort of squeezed hip he's saying please Scott tie and Bob Arnall and plugged up that hole in a hurry the set is their best linebacker and the leading tackler coming into the game New Jersey jr. 6-3 235 father Goodspeed yeah he has good speed [Music] Wiltshire in there a tailback position and behind white Baba [Music] hemostat Yogi's with his first reception of the afternoon well hard balls thrown into double coverage because Scott Swain Tyler the linebacker number 30 you'll see him up short and kena coming to number one and had deep zone coverage yogi went in and back outside and the Harbaugh did a nice job getting the ball in between the zone he's now 10 to 12 baba temple claw 432 yards Yogesh with his first catch of the afternoon his seventh of the season first at Jen Wolverines trying to go up the middle they get it off three yards on the carry Bob Arnold and there to make the contact and home that was white the fullback on the carry what jail say about a week Joey said hey I've got some great great friends my running back if I play with Herman wars in a wheelchair he says they all know how to get outside but I know how to get inside and get to that white line here you get a good look gray at that the wide tackle six that Maryland plays on defense sacks [Music] and this by cooperating against the passive take a look at the top of the screen you'll see theis got time number 56 come in and really bang Jim Harbaugh but he's in a nice job way of setting up real quick and getting the ball away to Gerald white now we'll get a chance to look at Harbaugh watching it stop real quick right there and get rid of the ball nice job Jim Harbaugh referee John Dillon they do a little marching right here against Marilyn and it might be a major penalty of 15 yards I believe maybe I'm Necessary Roughness of roughing the passer roughing the passer and that'll march it down to the 36 yard line a barrel of a big break for the University of Michigan first 15 yard penalty it has ball game this is the first time these two schools have played each other and I think they're going to meet again in 88 or 89 yeah and they got a couple of them back-to-back coming up down the road [Music] first it jab [Music] doors cut back got the quick people great balance let me turn the corner that time looked at maybe he might get back of the line of scrimmage the afterburner going it got close to the 30 making for 31 yard line you'll see here number 22 Gerald white kill a nice block on number 83 Messner a complete block where you have to knock the guy down but he got around and picked up about three four yards on that first time carry [Music] the first time [Music] bringing him right at the line of scrimmage and he took that 256 finder and dragged him all the way to the 23 Jamie Morrison likes to run inside as well as out you see here he follows his blocking very well and Ted Chapman the junior out of Maryland Salisbury Maryland makes the tackle you saw what Morris has done so far this afternoon of of 11 carries for a total of 46 yards seven minutes of 14 seconds second option [Music] Paul [Music] Jack Wyler shank shank Wyler number 30 is the linebacker ray now when hard ball comes down the line of scrimmage he wants to get to number 30 when he went out the right thing to do was to cut up inside and that's what he did and that's why he picked up another first down at the 15 yard line I've always carried four times for a total of 16 yard check that at second in one second I won I'm sorry second at one at the 50 that was my mistake that's your job anyway carry by white the linebacker may be the tackle that job most of the 12 yard line I just think hardball does an outstanding job ray in a situation like when he runs the option and even when he drops back to the past he just seems to make the right decision at the right time and that [Music] feeling much better about what and knowing what to do at the right time and he that he's got that ability that's really why Michigan history [Music] confidence with success right [Music] white got the first down he's carried five times for 20 yards Harbaugh asking for a little quietness if he can have it here at the Michigan Stadium at the 12 yard line first it dead Jamie Morris cuts it back in a five inside the fire [Music] gotta get in there I'd like to stop Peter Gallagher [Applause] Parker this is really and back type play where Morrison has the freedom to cut back wherever he wants to and he cuts way back to his right and follows his blocking does a nice job in almost scores R a nice run but anymore got it to the one-yard line first and goal for the Wolverine white reading right there trying to go to the top don't with occasion by the officials yet where to lay up I'll play Miller is simply found yes I have wait well they official I'll mark it down outside that goal lines you know give up the body play he was met at the top of the line the top of the pile by number 11 Chuck beset and once you leave you know once you leave the ground you really have no more momentum all your spin has given up because it's just meeting that body up over the line as quickly as you can and you can stop the guy [Music] well sure have a daylight as Bobby got in the end zone but he come with a ball before he went into the end zone and Maryland recovers on the one-yard line big mistake big break for Maryland just see here Tom Wilson preparing to go over for the touchdown sip he's got two hands on the ball really it was an outstanding play well I think Steve Kelly number 53 the linebacker I think he put his helmet right on the ball and caused it to come out let's see who causes the fumble here as wool circuits right he's got two hands on the bar so much more than that and I think 53 Steve Kelly [Music] [Music] the one Gardi deputy cocktail baka 3 was hit by about two or three defenders of Michigan and a hammer quite honest I came up for that ball at Michigan has it right back at the mole crew yard line on the recovery so let's give Hammerstein could it for they hit Paris on the fumble recovery Michigan purses going up the three yard line knocking at the door again Bob on a third option of the afternoon keeps it tipped up got to about the two and it was Scott tie and there to make the tackle on Maryland did a real nice job in that play ray of stringing it out not allowing not allowing Jim Harbaugh to ever get to the guy he supposed the option look at him they're all rolling to their right Marilyn's right a hard balls left and they really never give him a chance to make a decision and the indecision cost him guard each because he didn't get a chance to move up field as you look at post him back where he belly you select its assistant no gain on that plane second ago still at the 3 yard line [Music] [Music] a quick touchdown pass it's a rollout with hard ball rolling to his right and countess just going out in the black wide receiver it's gonna coming right inside he stayed outside and it created a home right there in the middle zone [Music] so vision got a 17 zero Bobby rawson company got some catching up to do Marilyn head boss Gary Moeller the defensive coordinator an assistant coach to go is chef buckler and father of Andy to keep things on an even keel down there don't ease up now with a 17 to nothing lead well there's a story shortest in history after they turned the ball over Michigan at the one-yard line and then Marilyn caught it right back up again as you get takes a couple of plays said it's capped off five up [Music] of course a week from today whole thing up for real ever think Tennessee batches of Wisconsin to head to Michigan Stadium there we hope that you'll join us right here up has for the telecast of that game meanwhile will be Maryland bumping up in their conference the ACC against North Carolina State kena Covington at his five-yard line straight ahead [Music] show me he was having himself quite a ballgame on a special teams and also at the linebacking boat [Music] after 27 of our first at 10:00 it looks like up here array that Covington had a huge hole in the center of the Michigan defense but that was closed as you said by a very healthy tackle from the Michigan defender first agenda Paul wants to go there little [Music] Hammerstein's also active on the flight [Music] you can see here he dropped by Todd Shelby number 41 going to his responsible area once the ball has completed the hill it comes up makes the tackle only a pickup of about four yards second of six back in a riding right on top of them again the show [Music] or he is playing a good ballgame [Music] neil has been the busiest back so far for Maryland 31 for the teraphim at their own Cody 6 yard line [Music] Oh way to the right but I know there was more but that job I the molar coming over the town [Music] yeah the left side really moved before polenka Tony Edwards attack on number 72 [Music] Maryland's third penalty [Music] 36 which is much more difficult to pick up [Music] in Michigan waiting here with 251 to go in the third quarter [Music] got enough for the first down polar the split in coming across and a molar making the tackle for Michigan market at the 41 yard line [Music] that was a nice call to the flanker or the wide receiver Eric Holder out of Palmer Park Maryland just a delay type patterning of gray where they come up underneath and Gabor got in the ball in plenty of time now getting outside which the tackle on drive straight ahead ahead of first down finally Tony Gant on top and he held them up enough for Andy Miller they also come in there and help on a stop it's a very impressive run by Tommy O'Neill or Tommy Neal watch this tackle that he breaks here by Brad Cochran number 30 right there the all-american candidate Neal just keeps going until he runs into Gantt and a few other players Neal's got 81 yards now in 12 carries take a little breather right now you can see what his average has gone up a little bit he came in the ballgame at 5.5 on his running average this afternoon at 6.8 come please that was milling the wide receiver was set up on the right side went down about ten twelve yards cut across and walk down [Music] way too much time here cabal his just sitting back here if it's the very consuming type play array we're 22 milling breaks in about 20 yards down the field and waits for the underneath coverage to lie back [Music] first of ten at Michigan's 26 yard line trying to find somebody open those sunglasses pull back pathetic it's completed for heavy a nautical bounds by McIntyre and a river is also coming up there to help but Nanak going to the sideline the ball fakes to his running back kneel but he really didn't fool anyone because there was good coverage by Michigan and linebacker and the McIntire Schreiber comes in to take over at the full-back position from Maryland and that i-formation a good girl Farley driving them out on the far side of the field we could block that diamond Stryver the pullback hits somebody over there on the right side Wow [Music] on the corner man I think Kelly was the guy that he blocked inside the morenae hi [Music] he's got the ball [Music] the roadside drive them down and ask our silly finish them up but on the 48 seconds time out as a stop the bonds 48 seconds pervading the third quarter cabal really tries a net kaput break here he just faked he keeps the ball himself but he really didn't fool garland rivers number 13 who came up and made a nice tackle and then like you said scarce Ally number 85 came over and made the final hit so second [Music] [Applause] he's 4 for 4 in the second half I could cry for 5 German autobahns at the six yard line just using his backs coming out of the backfield at that time it was his running back flop brought down by scar silly once once again pretty much the same thing you can see Scott's Eliot's in the middle of your screen he drops off number 85 and then once the ball is thrown he comes up makes the coverage or makes the tackle good coverage by Jim scar Sully the senior out of Warren Warren Michigan all right [Music] six yards away from six points keep in mind was it was not given up a touchdown so far this year go ball going to the endzone [Music] crowd defense very strong defense what the ball the first thing he does is make a mistake because [Music] the ball was tipped by Mallory I believe and his brothers malory his brother out of DeKalb Illinois and I think Mike tipped the ball and it bounced around a couple times and then Doug Mallory his his brother ends up with the interception 36 seconds to go in the third quarter Michigan has the ball at their own 20-yard line Wiltshire out of cherry picks up four gets up to about the 20 boy to make a stop and Chuck Cossack suck it down [Music] gets credit for 5-yard carry [Music] okay [Music] 70 over the fourth quarter right Wolverine's offensive unit they have gone xi quarters so far exclusively on pass pass the pro-am sport system is the cable sports network you've been waiting for this pollen winners not a sports action with a different event every day all seen exclusively right here on pass no repeats and no reruns you're not a fast subscriber call your local cable system and tell them you want the best seat in the house for the sports and teams you want most call now because for all good sports in Michigan they come to pass now back to Dennis Franklin and Ray Lane all right Tom Ryan you talked about action what you were talking about passing on that last play we saw plenty of action Jamie Morris on the receiving end for a first down at the Michigan 37 yard line first and tau our fourth quarter underway Morris on the carry Ilana's four yards and finally brought down by LeBron Halston and Jean Scott very impressive running inside by Morrison at 74 Hooters are my crews are he gets an outstanding block and Jamie cuts off and picks up another first down in his second consecutive and this this drive Guerry so far this afternoon Morris 13 carries for a total of 68 yards and one of the Terrapins injured on the play on the far side of field to pick out his number he was in all that tackle about three of the players in there that maybe Oh Brian Alston there right in or the outside linebacker so it's Michigan leading seventeen to nineteen fourteen twenty four to go in the quarter that's the final quarter fourth quarter in this ballgame and Michigan in a real battle here with the University of Maryland and we'll talk more about today's action after these words Brian Alston as heard on appeal and being assisted off the field all of a [Music] that should bring Steve Kelly back into that right in position the store story so far this afternoon on total offense and it's Darya to scoring apartment 14:22 go in the ballgame Maryland's moved the ball there's no doubt about that you can see with that statistic that there were only some seminary 80 yards behind the Michigan internal in terms of total office but they've just been unable to score first up Jen for the Wolverines at the 48 their own 48 [Applause] [Music] after 2007 god Yogi's getting into the receiving accent Bronski driving the model bonds a linebacker at the 28 where our lives well you see Yogi's come from the top of the screen on a crossing pattern and Harbaugh does a nice job to get the ball to him and now with the secondary coverage and everybody dropped off so deep Paul has a chance to just use his adequate speed and turn this into a very big play yoky touch believe that's his first catch this afternoon or a second yeah second catch both coming here in the second half first and 10 at the 28 pitch out to Morris cuts it back in gets about three possibly 12 ball three yards on that Gary at three defenders chasing him the man leading the way was Bob Arnold coming up also behind was Ted Chapman 17 nothing Michigan leading 13 34 to go in this ballgame Morris now 14 carries for a total of 70 yards a 95-yard afternoon a week ago at South Carolina the story on Jim Harbaugh who came in slightly under 50% of the fashion Department repulsed 28 he has built up the stats today yes he has and they have not been little dump passes all of them to his backs either setting up again once again outside Worcester on laundry day [Applause] [Music] at the 16-yard line I thought the gym was going to run it finally unloaded and Cummington Lazare to make the stop I'll tell you array I can't say enough about Jim Harbaugh he looks really polished back there watch him move around making up room for himself plenty of time comes under control and then whips it right out there to caddis his tight in and I just can't say enough about Jim Harbaugh and the play and the decisions he looks very mature just doing everything right so far at Skadden six catch already there for 81 yards I had a couple of touchdown first and ten the couple of receivers put wide however they go to the back Jamie Morris tries to scramble it down of a 10 yard line and gets very close to the 10 you know read without saying telling everybody my age I can remember when I played here with Mitch at Michigan Dave Brown who was my roommate and at the time my you know my best friend and stuff we'd go over to the Harbaugh his house and because Jim was Dave's coach his father Jack actually was the secondary coach a little Jim Harbaugh was just a little boy and we used to run around and go over there to have dinner and he was only about this big and now he's quarterback in the Michigan Wolverines as a person Jen right now I asked gets inside the tent most of the seven yard line [Music] yeah there wasn't that long ago I want to say a deck decade you know that coin [Music] Mesmer making a stop that time on our bow picks up seven yards stirred down a tree at the 7 yard line of no 1125 remaining in the ball game Michigan on top 17 nothing the Wolverines have called for so haha go back and check with a bench what's the ways holy as right army was started holding it going to the bench just the way he was running himself coming back he looks like he's okay yeah blow fetches right now very busy with strategy goes jumper Jeff hobble and on the far side of the field a little defensive work and words by Bobby Rose the Maryland coach well we have a chance we'd like to remind you the next Friday evening University of Michigan will induct seven former wolverine greats in the Hall of Honor festivities will begin at 5:30 with a dinner and award ceremony starting at 7:00 p.m. that's next Friday evening all the excitement will be held at Chrysler arena for ticket information contact DOM one the number is six six three two four one one during business hours Monday through Friday the Michigan Hall of Honor Friday October 4th at Chrysler arena and go blue is going pretty good so far this afternoon 17 nothing with eight eleven twenty to go in the game as we look at Jim Harbaugh going back into the huddle when I was down on the field before the game rail on my way back up I was surprised to run into Jim's mother Jack Jackie and sit alone at her but you know her husband is the head coach at Western but she's here watching her son play they get jacked the next time yeah 33 Parma plenty of time scrambling and he'll X the gun out he couldn't find anybody open good protection that time on the defensive part of Maryland covered the intent of receivers in Harbaugh had one choice that was the throw it away so he's 14 417 484 yards and Michigan looking at a field goal attempt with 1113 to go Harbaugh also has carried the ball six times for 19 and here's Mike Gillette has been perfect so far this year from inside the 40-yard line and missed only on one occasion 25 yard effort he's done a - it's good in Michigan increases illegal good cutting like July he's been a real fine a freshman on a st. Joseph Michigan adds the three points in the early stages of the fourth quarter Maryland right now behind us auto pulled on the laces and I guess you guys refer to it as a gut check [Music] yeah it's tough right when you get into a ballgame like this and come in you expect as a Maryland person if you were coming into this game expecting to win now that's really all you got to do is is do your job and try to perform well enough that you know you don't get hurt and next week you start all over again and hope to win next week because I think Michigan is truly dominated this football game and if boat was worried about the crest before he's certainly going to be worried about him afterwards because I'm sure they'll probably move up into the top 10 in college rankings after such an impressive victory against I think there were 13th ranked Maryland come out to this game preseason choice to be in the top 15 preseason choice to win the Atlantic Coast Conference title for the third straight year and battling for prize succulence drills this went out [Music] bring it out to the 20-yard line but talked about time of possession when we check the stats from the first and almost last two scoring drives Michigan possessing the ball for five [Music] on his last story taking a total of 526 that really has been a big factor I think from here you get not only this game but in the first two victories time of possession it's very true it's a statistic that ball really relates to he likes those 10 12 13 play drives of anywhere from five to eight minutes they can eat up an entire quarter almost and be very effective if the score on him it's ketchup time for Maryland and with that in mind in the first and ten Gill ball that time trying to connect with his foot in Eric Holder and is incomplete so it'll be second down and ten ball mark back at the Maryland 20-yard line rivers over there the cover on that passing play and again at Michigan defenses afternoon of Mark Messier Billy Harris and Hammerstein along the forward wall gar silly Mallory McIntyre molar shielded and acres the live Bach is doing a marvelous job back up Stephane scriber on the carry flag goes down might get a little holding out there garland rivers of it of a double you see the ball this time hand off the draw play to a scriber number 45 and garland rivers number 13 comes up and makes quite a tackle things have not gone right for Maryland they're going to be called for holding this time Peter Heron comes off to peel number 35 from Michigan he was in on that play Billy Harris checks out and Reinhold checks in meanwhile the officials mark it back to the 12 Jimmy Snyder you call that one hourly holding so let's back to the 12 yard line of our second at 18 deniz Franklin is here I'm ray Lane we're glad to have you along right here on pass and we'll look for you throughout this weekend and of course with all of our sporting events chase is on gets out of the end zone still looking for somebody and completes it at the 28 yard line milling on the receiving end good pursuit that time by the lessee good defense Hammerstein once again putting plenty of pressure on good ball and he was plating flirting with a lot of danger because he was really behind the goal line when he took that snap got that completion back up to the 24 yard line so it'll be Maryland third down on six all right it's 24 [Music] funny time [Music] blaghhh is going down at the 32 I don't understand how they could call it interference how about offensive interference let's watch the tide in number 93 at the top of your screen he's going to come around and curl right in front of the ball but I don't think we're going to get a chance to see it right here as number 17 Ivan Hicks recovers and makes the tackle on Edwards who should have caught the ball who should have really caught the ball right it's right in here I guess that's advanced but at the perfect pass let her hide out the numbers so Marilyn faced forth in eighteen and marched back to the 12 yard line in a punt situation and his best part of the afternoon off the foot of Daryl Wright kill Molly Johnson trying to find some Running Room on a far side and he has stopped back in his 34 or rather his 38 find a good him back at the 32 yard line 3.8 quad on a hang time on a fire right left eye poolhouse their security is necessary Giovanni Johnson number 26 catching the blog rattle northern high in Detroit just really trying to turn the corner never really had an opportunity to get around the corner as the Maryland defenders [Music] I thought maybe they'd call us motion around the 38th but they call it the 302 got those legs mr. oh he was still trying to make an effort to go forward I'm a little surprised at Jim Harbaugh still in the ball game right nine minutes 22 nothing lead I wouldn't take the chance for so 9:42 para Manama carry he's the full-back straight ahead down about three percent still in there making the tackles he has been most outstanding defensive player he and Messner along with the Covington brothers today Berman for five carries for 17 yards Armour has been Jamie Moore's white checks at a 4x5 Liga join us and we hope that you'll join us next week right at the same spot as the big ten season opens up conference playing the University of Wisconsin Badgers will move in Morris with 15 carries in 73 yards what Michigan State has a jumpring when they open up next week traveling to Iowa City Yogi's incomplete I guess claiming he did not have control of the ball still juggling a little bit I thought he was not gonna bow I think they blew that one Donald Brown will get credit for it no wait a minute one of the other person said no he okay he did definitely have it you'll see here our camera will show you he's down in plenty of time and he's got control the defender hit the ball but he still had control right and he had both feet down it was it was a reception I give no credit for his bird reception of the afternoon that amazed at Michigan has a ball at its own 43 yard line they get the 44 first and 10 [Music] yoky look wide to the left coal Tsar wide to the right on a first and ten for the Wolverine wiltjer Thomas will Chiana carry boy got to the line of scrimmage in a hurry had a lot of daylight and bucks it just passed the 50 yard line and greeted there by Kevin Walker along without coming to somebody's hurt ray one of the Michigan players down at the 50-yard line 17 I think it's who's our 74 [Music] Russ Miller the head trainer and his staff out there to check on the injured Michigan player dr. journal of Connor making his way out he's the orthopedic surgeon Jerry O'Connor this schedule is kept busy and was a very busy over the years it's been there a few years now put my collarbone back together for me so you're recommended I do recommend him [Music] sending my bill to you're right those are number 74 sophomore out of Chicago shake it up on that play [Music] you had a quick shot of that Maryland bench over there a very quiet this is really Mike's first year of action been around for that his first really starting season redshirted as a freshman Drake most unusual thing I've learned about him is he likes to collect stamps now we hope that he doesn't have too much time to do that the next few weeks sort of indicated maybe it's the shoulder the collarbone area as he's being assisted off the field keep our fingers crossed for the young sophomore he saw the record of Bo Schembechler now the Dean of the football coaches you have the big tent the record on Harve of course for this afternoon's play second down a three [Music] it's movie tacklers looking for daylight and fires up a little complete the urkesh at the sound line said he was involved Cummington on the play very impressive play here by Jim Harbaugh as you see number 53 Steve Kelly the linebacker come in from the blindside somehow Jim Harbaugh had eyes in the back of his head made a move at the last minute got away from him and then turned to play into a positive pluck a positive gain throwing the yoke and picking up coming very close to picking up another first down still working on a hussar there by Tommy has replaced him and that offensive line they need a foot for a first down they get about four yards for the first down down on a 42-yard line of Maryland as Steve Kelly and there they make the tackle and another Michigan player slow and getting up and this is Marc Hammerstein who is down on the turf right now at the 45 yard line that's two starting linemen in the last quarter of a football game that's really out of reach as I see it that's why I wouldn't have my quarterback in there especially when he means so much to you as an offensive football team so while they work on Hammerstein out of the field they continue to work on my clothes are on the bench Amherst I'm getting some assistance as he comes to the Michigan bench and the way he's coming off the field and you know leg hopefully it's not the knee but the way it is it looks like that right knee area right one of the real positive things about this football team has been their offensive line though the line of John Eliot mark Hammerstein Bob tap a chinko and holds our and played Miller really off veterans all very big and very powerful offensive linemen and now they're going to you know looks like they're going to have two of their starting players out of the lineup come next week it's got to hurt [Music] Michigan first in tab [Music] barosky and they're replacing Hammerstein wiltshire on the carry if he got a yard he earned it Chaplin breathe more you can hear it all the way up here down to 7 minutes and 32 seconds to go in the ballgame Michigan leading 20 to nothing wheelchairs carrying 11 times for 30 yards at Maryland's defensive unit as far as defensive coordinator trying to get the play out there what they want to do against Michigan but it's a sort of frustrating afternoon for the terraformers for their staff and for their players second and 8 for Michigan at the 42 Marilyn Harbaugh pulsar was the antenna receiver and Covington q2 Covington covered on the play well I'm a little too much Harbaugh was getting a lot of pressure that time from Sean Scott from the backside once again all of a sudden it seems like Maryland is shooting the linebacker on the weak side of the other play trying to put some pressure on the quarterback third down and eight third and eight at the Malon 41 the first time trying to pick up a block over there the far side of the fair [Applause] got inside the 30 the 20 yard line a finally was Peeta covered in thank you the tackle and you know Jim's got real good speed for a kid that's 63 200 pounds he can pick him up and put him down you can see here he decides he wants to run he makes up his mind and he goes and gets that first down seven carries 32 yards for haha you notice he he carried that ball just like that Tony Franklin did tuck it in did he huh story in the rushing department so far this afternoon Wolverines by 70 yards over the terraformers the three and a half quarters of play 6:35 to go in the game and Wiltshire's getting some tough tough trt Kevin Walker as the first one to hit him latter on the 27 yard line that that's the line of scrimmage why he got a yard out of that carry second and i-26 off tackle left deep and off and Tom wolf shirt just putting his head down making up his mind keeping the legs going he might have picked up next two to three yards just by simply moving the lake but I think they spotted it where he first hit the ground even though the effort was there we'll give up two and make it second at eight our ball going to Johnson [Music] [Applause] Farmington Kiba Cummings is going up on the contact was made well I went down well you know Covington actually was penalized for covering Giovanni Johnson too closely this time because when Johnson reaches up for the football he kind of pushed kena a Covington back and that's when they called the play [Music] you'll see here Giovanni Johnson number 26 there extending himself all out to try to come down with it the bottle store a little hell Michigan pick up the first round by as a penalty anyway against a total of 48 yards is a things go on you're right boy he's pleased Michigan with three families after them for total of 59 something that beau is happy about that the coming out of the South last week although he did believe they deserve avocados he got first of ten at the 11th of Marilyn wilcher on the carry boy just as if he looked like he had plenty of daylight was going to go to the endzone he skipped in the ball by Al Covington coming to claims he had it but I think they're going to rule it down at the 10-yard line they they see the ball belongs tomorrow so ii come with my wheelchair this afternoon yes and they do a real good job of stripping him here right watch him when he ducks inside [Music] and he tries to cut back up and number 18 now Covington that time as he's swinging him around he he pulls the ball away and then he goes down his pals on top of it quite a play by Al Covington number 18 watch here as he spins Wilshire around he'll rip the ball away from his arm right there and then he'll go down and cover it can't ask for more net takes the ball away comes up with the fumble recovery and Maryland has the ball its own 10-yard line al Covington a one-man show on that defensive play why not Michigan the prior 34 to go Gill ball firing optimist tied in that was Chris Knight all the reception enough for the first down the market close to the 20-yard line at the 21st a death knight running and down and out pattern actually a crossing pattern he lined up on the right side and comes across in front of good ball and pretty good underneath coverage later Herron you saw him I'm Michigan number 35 driving him out of bombs Roman reigns have turned it over for time at Maryland 3 that's about the only statistic or category that they've not been impressive in ray is that the turnover I know boats not going to be pleased at all with four turnovers knowing on the receiving end of that past and galois at the 32 yard line another first down for Maryland plain soft on that time as Greg Randall a backup quarterback of the weak side well Marilyn despite giving up two touchdown passes to Michigan this afternoon still has not given up a rushing touchdown to any of their opponents in four games and we got 525 to go on this one Michigan has not given up six points by the touchdown yet either through the air or on the ground so far this year well you doing that he was going to make a reception or later and that is after oh that's just a ride home well you know I've been practicing on that name all night long when we came in here today we'd have a chance to say it two three times and it's been so long since we brought it up is running a post pattern and the quarterback the ball does a nice job of getting the ball in between the zones and he cuts up a first down Raul's first reception of the afternoon his 16th straight gay that he's had at least one overall reception they went to him early in the ball game on one of the behind him so he is 1 for 3 Andy molar and there to cover on that pass down to 5 minutes and one second in the ballgame Wolverines looking pretty good at this point with a 20 to nothing lead over Maryland Raouf was an outstanding player in Maryland in high school I think it was a quarterback in the Player of the state Player of the Year on his senior year in high school so he knows a whole lot about offense gobball has completed 14 so far the second [Music] the senior others as it Hix that guy picks it off [Music] so the turnovers are even now a four-piece go BA once again throwing into coverage I don't believe he should have thrown this ball down the middle there's too many people down there I've been Hicks playing the tip drill number 17 brother of dwight Knicks who currently playing with the San Francisco 49ers also Ivan where is the same number that the right wore when he was here but you can see it's basically the tip drill that's something that they'll work on every single day in practice raise that tip drill where the ball is tipped by another defender and you just watch it and try to make the interception Chris sir book is in there at quarterback now for the University of Michigan he's number 12 that was white who lined up in the tailback position that time theta first down on that interception the tight end was night was a flare that that passes antenna for you're right right number 22 Gerald white he's got good enough quickness and speed then he can play both fullback in running back and he's really the third running back in terms of the depth art the line was moving I think the center still had the ball we'll wait for this one I've maybe a call against Michigan white is carried eight times for a total of 46 yards just have to do seven of those carries from the full-back position that last carry at the tailback position well the center snapped the ball Zubrod wasn't ready to go and the rest of the team wasn't ready to go for some reason sometimes you know when you change quarterbacks and they get a new signal caller in there he has a tendency to change his cadence a little different from the previous quarterback and Chris de Burgh that was only his second snap I believe second to third snap in there you can you can see Taba Chico snap the ball on time in his mind anyway I'm going to get them off the hook Dave Herrick is in there now a tenor yeah right number 69 and so white Cary's looking for a little more daylight on that right side couldn't find it the clock keeps moving we're down to four minutes remaining in the ball game [Music] so the Wolverines again hardly start thinking about their conference opener at home next Saturday afternoon as the Badgers of Wisconsin come in as we told you earlier Marylyn will open up down at North Carolina State straight ahead for a couple of yards the Wolverines just making honey a time [Music] run out the clock I was trying to check on the far side of the field a golf cart and one of those Michigan players injured taking him to the locker room right now I thought to see who that was I think it seems on the guard offensive guard number 74 I believe that Hammerstein who is also heard on two plays later has not come back into the lineup Oh keep your fingers crossed no plug on the option which is out to perm and that time and mighty got a yard or two out of the play did not get out of bounds the clock continues to tick away at 2:43 remaining in the game now Michigan came into this contest rated as about a 1 point favorite there they've been very impressive against a highly rated Maryland team at Michigan decides this is a good time to try for a field goal they have enough players on the field somebody may be missing yeah couple people better call the timeout the time is gone this could be about the record-setting the 47 otter on a 56 yard field goal effort we'll see where he wants to spot it at least 55 now Sean Scott number 51 was the gentleman that forgot his special team responsibilities he might be that might be the second kicking unit in terms of the yeah that's right the front people some of the first stringer sitting down right down the sidelines I hate I've already plum done all right 52 minutes out I'm taking my helmet off for today so then they go to the second unit and sometimes you forget about that well Gillette has still stayed in that little huddle out there so they still got their field goal kicker to make the attempt the line of scrimmage is a 37 yard line the Baldy mark at the 44 so it'll be a 54-yard attempt by Gillette at the distance just a little too much and hook them to it the distance but a little off on the direction but I'll tell you what he's proven one thing you can get that ball out there that's right and that's good to know and that's great game experience right because you never know later on in a season when you are going to be called on to kick a field goal like that it might might be the difference in the game Chuck chucking a flag again he has a little breeze at his back but he'll ever got his foot into it really good and he just kind of missed it kicked it too far to the left he kind of faded on him to the left side but you're right he certainly had the distance and then something could have moved it back maybe 10 yards at least five first if Jack [Music] a micron hole guess who Palestine was back [Music] watch number 66 my cameras guy leveling twittering under pressure in number 45 coming up with the interception ride home it was playing here at Michigan after high school career at Catholic central of Muskegon [Music] Michigan with two minutes and nine seconds to see if they can get something else on the board I'll start the series of plays from the 27 yard line [Music] two yards on the carry [Music] it's a long day well they never give up way they want you to execute you know perfectly throughout the ballgame it doesn't matter if it's the first string or the second string they still they still expect you to carry out the right assignment and if you don't they get very upset I think that was useful Akio really was not happy with something offensive unit was either not doing or I forgotten about you're right you get down up what's your situation where you'll save their time well gaming it a couple of points in a hurry under two minutes to go you still want your guys to be doing the right thing and of doing it a lot of discipline that's right because see even if you're second string you may think this game is over but the coaching staff takes the approach that you're on second string to replace somebody on first string so if you don't go out when you get you're given a chance to play and execute properly then they don't know in their own mind whether or not you can do the job should somebody in front of you be injured at some point in the season girag all he could do that time was to hang on the ball they sure that he didn't fumble a timeout ball is back to the Terrapin courtyard Jack why are there to make the stop great penetration outstanding penetration by Maryland's defense and in particular Schank Waller and Scott I think right yes well then the big guy Chapman get a little floor he came in on top three for one [Music] McDonough 43 seconds and here at pass we're very glad you join us with this ball gate we hope that you've taken advantage of the special weekend of passive course Tom Ryan has been telling us throughout our ballgame of the exciting sports events that will be coming up off pass through the fall and winter months and we'll be looking for you they get together next Saturday right here at Ann Arbor on the University of Wisconsin Badgers come and for the old pair of the big ten 1985 season Wolverines will go on that game with three wins and no losses 43 seconds to go Marty Robbins back to punt kena Covington at his 10-yard line [Music] almost puts it through the uprights ee no return [Music] so it doesn't mean anything is another practice session for my arrival game experience is surprised by this game study but I'm a little surprised Rea that Michigan is able was able to dominate Maryland so thoroughly I say once again in every category they seem to come out on top with exception of the the turnovers I believe they're tied that category but without those turnovers this game may probably would have even been close which it isn't right now but [Music] they did give maryland opportunities to to get in the ballgame had it not been for the outstanding defensive play by michigan you know they probably would have scored you saw Galois on his first gallop of the afternoon and that was really forced upon him because everything else was covered timeout called by Maryland as Michigan you think learned in this game maybe it's a combination of three games of non-conference games going into the Big Ten schedule well I think they still believe that that they do have and possess one of the best defenses that they've ever had here Hammerstein has just been outstanding you know coming into this game he had won the defensive championship award two weeks in a row which is quite unusual I've never heard of that before and he and he quite well could be a candidate to win it again this way as well as he's played and then offensively you can't say enough about the Jim Harbaugh and The Situation's when when he's put into pressure situations he seems to come up with the right decision and gets the first downs and consequently turns those first downs in the touchdown del Valle try to find some of the open he dialysis heroic hauls a tenor brought down at the 37 yard line don't bargain at the 37 16 seconds to go the clock stopped as they moved the chain gang block is not ticking right now 16 seconds remaining I get my thanks to a superb statistician and Jim Snyder nice to be working with Jimmy again Jonathan Grossman has been our spotter [Music] let's work so these are the fellas up in the booth Dennis Franklin get to get together with you again in our society we're doing yet I'm looking forward to it might take this time you say hello a friend of a friend Linda how'd you get that in there buddy [Music] eleven seconds to go second donna tap at the 37 that was holder liking the reception brought down at the 11 yard line four seconds remaining in the ball game Marilyn calls its final timeout I say okay the game is wrapped up so like keep in mind me more seconds Michigan has not given up a touchdown this season you gotta wonder right now yeah I was going to say it means a lot to both team Maryland wants to show Michigan that they can score and on the other hand this defense which has been so outstanding all season certainly does not want to give up a touchdown in this situation and keep those string alive a real viewer on pass for the past couple of seasons gentlemen came back in Southfield we don't say [Music] trying to haul their the threats together our executive producer pro-am sports is William Glenn the senior producer of college football is Michael Smith the lesbian was produced it produces a few in highway and our production coordinator is Christine [Music] toggle [Music] in 1985 they have played 12 quarters of collegiate football and have yet to give up a touchdown at 1985 so the Wolverines with this impressive 20 to nothing that wind over the University of Maryland very well could find themselves and most of the polls is coming week in the top 10 and now these you know really array the season this is is here bow really doesn't care about the non-conference football teams yes certainly he would like to win those games but now with Wisconsin coming in here next week he's ready to bear down and I think he's got to be quite pleased with his team so far this season Michigan players some of them having a problem beginning to the tunnel has exuberant Wolverine fans some 105,000 plus another sellout here at Hanover trying to get to that tunnel a few disappointed fans but they don't look too disappointed that a brilliant day as far as the sunshine and the weather was concerned and a brilliant day for Michigan both on offense and defense as a knock off Merlin final score 20 qaddafi [Music] welcome to sports specialties the pro hall-of-famer warrants in the NFL the pro is the authentic proline cap popular with NFL coaches and players and in Major League Baseball the pro is the all wool cap that the players wear in professional basketball the pro is the official camp of the NBA in the colleges the pro is the cap for your college teams ask for the pro at leading Sporting Goods and department stores everywhere Stroh's ice cream everybody's favorite treat I like my straight ice cream in a chocolate shake that delicious taste makes me finish in record time I just love Astros ice cream hot fudge sundae because with its high quality and reasonable price it's such a sensitive value I'll kick maestro's ice creams of plain old-fashioned cones thank you and I've enjoyed to taste that way for over six years Astros ice cream available where you shop just ask hello Highland Service do you think you could help me if you ever need service on something you bought from Highland appliance [Music] Islands own expert service already hey no problem you'll be there fast no matter what one call from you sets Domino's Pizza in motion [Music] from that moment on we do everything to make sure your delicious custom-made pizza is delivered to your door in less than 30 minutes Domino's pizza delivery [Music] well here we are at Ann Arbor and there's no doubt about it it's a victory celebration going on right now is the Wolverines and flight the University of Berlin xx Konami and sort of a surprise victory Dennis Franklin surprise in the difference in score that is and really that's the only surprise Rea the the difference in the amount of a point scored 20 to nothing I don't think anybody would have ever predicted that Michigan would come in here and our play here and blow Maryland out the way they did overall this statistics I thought were fairly even Michigan's total yardage of 380 yards versus 223 from Maryland but the defense really was the difference and they played strong they have all year and Michigan has always been known for good defense but as long as they continue to play this way Michigan is going to be tough to contend with used to refer to as it bends but it doesn't break doesn't break and that's exactly what happened today that's why Maryland was able to move the football up and down the field evident by the fact that they did have two hundred and some-odd yards in offense but that Michigan defense would not allow them in the end zone at all well you're talking about the statistics and how things Bend of course and how the defense bent but held firm and did not come up any points the story on Maryland on the university of michigan's final stats both in first downs right through the turnovers and I was a little off on that the total yardage for Maryland I said 223 it was 323 which again shows you how much yardage that they could compile 300 over 300 yards that's quite a bit of yardage for anybody but Michigan just didn't let them get in the end zone and I think they've got to be pleased I'm scratching my head here because I see it's 194 passing 186 rushing for Michigan I can't remember the last I'm a Michigan team got more yardage in the air than they did on the ground that is a that is a very unusual statistic you light with a field goal to make it three nothing that's the way the first quarter ended and then a past catice a tenure pass from Harbaugh in the second quarter with three 34 to go I was a 10 yard touchdown pass the conversion by Gillette made it 10 nothing that's the way the half ended 10 nothing Michigan in the third quarter got another pass from Harbaugh to Calais a three yard pass with Gillette's conversion make it 17 nothing in the fourth quarter another field goal from Gillette the cap off the scoring to make it 20 to nothing Danny Franklin will get together next week next week what Scott's ok working with thank you thank you fans for looking in we'd like to remind you our free preview weekend continues tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. with harness racing from Hazel Park followed up 1:30 by Major League Baseball as a Detroit Tigers host the Boston Red Sox live from Tiger Stadium our weekly look at the exciting world of auto racing is next with inside NASCAR at 4 p.m. at 4:30 it's time for great college football action as 40th consecutive
Channel: Pizza Pizzichetti
Views: 1,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1R-FpOkZAc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 2sec (9242 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 15 2018
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