1985 09 01 Mets at Giants

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the giant starting pitcher Dave Lapointe taking his warmup pitches he has a record of seven and 11 want to know against the Mets this year and everyone average at 3.1 oh he has worked 165 and 2/3 innings this season with a record of 161 hit 58 watch 97 strike out Dave Lapointe going for the Giant and Dave will be opposing Len Dykstra leading off and playing centerfield Wally Backman the second baseman will bat second Tom Paciorek will play right field and hit third Gary Carter at first base will bat fourth George Foster in left field hitting fifth and Ray Knight the third baseman batting sixth Ryan Reynolds will be behind the plate today against Dave and Rafael Santana batting eighth the shortstop and Ed Lynch on the mound opposing Dave Lapointe so a late meant in scratch Darryl Strawberry taken out of the lineup at the last minute but Yorick moved from first base to right field and Carter moved from catcher to first base with Ron Reynolds taking over the catching this copyrighted telecast is presented by authority of the New York Mets in WR TV and it's intended solely for the private non-commercial use of our audience any publication reproduction retransmission or other use of the pictures descriptions and accounts of this game without the express written consent of the New York Mets and WR TV is prohibited so the final meeting between the Giants of the Mets this year the Mets a 1 7 the Giants have won four Giants and sixth place they're 23 and a half games out of first for the record of 51 in 76 the Mets in second place they have a record of 76 in 52 two games back of the gardener Lam Dykstra - laid out for the match thanks drew hitting at 255 for the year with one home run 18 runs batted in a left-hand pitcher against the left-hand batter a new situation set up by Davey Johnson and the first pitcher called strike Dykstra against left-handers normally not playing with strawberry and center and Paciorek can ride and this ball popped into shallow center field chili Davis coming strong they make the dive in a great gam Billy Davis with a great play this is the last place be where you talk about a super play right here that would have been more routine to catch it straight up but to backhand it and then go down on that risk if you remember that time Darryl Strawberry sprain that ligament in his right thumb but what a play by Davis man he'll wake you up in a hurry and Davis a star against the Mets in this series a three-run home run in the 10th inning to win the first game he drove in the big run in yesterday's ballgame so Davis who does not like playing here in San Francisco and wants out certainly playing outstanding baseball and now wally backman the batter Wally batting at 290 for the year with one home run 31 RBIs back when hitting at 306 against giant pitching this year with 11 base hits in this series he's 4 for 12 and Wally a switch hitter a much better hitter from the left hand side and it's through the middle off the leg and a good carom for the Giants to Trillo and that man is out to potential base hits on the first two batters turned into out it's all wrote back through the middle and it hits the point on the left shin he appears to be alright Manny Trillo as Backman easily it first base scored 1 to 4 to 3 and you said it appropriately route to potential base dips and two outs and that'll bring up Tom Paciorek dominating at 323 with one home run eight runs batted in and he fouls it back for strike one the jorik one for four in this series 4 for 12 against the Giants this year two min away top of the first just under way here at candlestick and the breaking ball pulled foul Metz had never beaten Dave Lapointe as a starter the only time they beat dey was in relief back on the 15th of September 1983 he is a good changeup an adequate breaking ball in a sneaky fastball and he misses with the 2 strike pitch so to count one ball in two strikes the 0.5 and 1 against the Mets lifetime and this one grounded slowly to the shortstop Uribe in this for the first base with either side an order on two outstanding breaks for the Giants and in the end of one half any Nevada Giants coming up from the University of South Carolina graduate and Finance will be facing Jose Uribe the shortstop leaving off Manny Trillo the second baseman batting second centerfielder chili Davis batting third at first base Dan Driessen will hit fourth Ryan Rennick you had a couple of hits in yesterday's game the left fielder batting fifth right fielder Joel you will hit six Bob Brenly behind the plate batting seventh Brad Wellman over at third hitting eighth and Dave Lapointe on the mound will afford that night and Lapointe a good hitting pitcher he delete off for San Francisco rebe hitting at 233 one home run 19 RBIs and the Mets flame the guard against the potential of a bunt and this ball hit out to right field but short fighting off the Sun with a glass whose death makes the catch but short before the ballgame when he thought he was playing first base said well I'm glad him playing first and right field is really true well we got the news of the lineup change about seven or eight minutes before game time and they be johnsoning today and trying to decide whether to put strawberry in the lineup and he decided late and then that's why push Erick was moved off of first in the right field and Carter from behind the plate to first and for the Giants it'll be Manny Trillo to bat second Manny hitting 228 for the year with three home runs 23 RBIs at lunch with the fastball picks up a strike ed Lynch with the third best control record going for him he has averaged only one point two three base on balls throughout this season forty nine in the ball game and this ball hit high in the air to center field and Dykstra now will fight off the Sun and he makes the play to men away this record for role the fewer squats then effectively of the capital with a record of less than one walks per nine innings 0.92 and then from our point of the San Diego Padres at 0.95 and then Edie Lynch here is chili Davis and he's had a big series against the Mets chili for the year hitting 270 with 12 home runs 53 RBIs got his 12th home run against the Mets and against the Mets this year he's had a 359 batting average with 14 hits two of them home run any pounds of fastball back chili Davis at yesterday's ballgame drove in the third run of a ball game of the ballgame or the sacrifice fly the first time the Giants got a runner in from third on a sacrifice fly in 42 ballgames it's July 11 that is really an amazing thing hard to believe and having a ball in the count of one ball in one strike of course they have gotten runners in from third with less than two out on infield but have some base hits but not to hit a fly ball in 42 games to get a runner in with less than two out for third faces a rather remarkable thing that's mind-boggling and the pitch back to Davis the fastball 2 & 1 the count Davis ended up the year against a white Gooden hitting 500 with seven hits and 14 at-bats against Gooden he explained it by saying Gooden isn't God man left feel this time it's George Foster making the play and the Giants go out and three fly ball Miss Dorothy into one now here's a word from far as they could go losing by a score of 3 to 2 the point retired the Mets in order in the first inning and his first pitch here in the second fastball a call strike by fred brocklander the home plate umpire lee wires at first base ed Montague at second and Steve rippley the umpire at third Carter in this series 3 for 8 one ball one strike miss for the fastball bottom of the sixth sits the Cardinals leading three to nothing over Houston and a flyball to centerfield tell me Davis and he fights off the Sunnah makes the play john tudor pitching for the cardinals goes into that game with six shutouts tied with Dwight Gooden for the National League lead and now working on the seventh leading three nothing for the Cardinals here's George Foster Foster was raised in this area hitting 253 for the year with 17 home runs and 64 RBIs and he was a former giant ball player attending 182 against the Giants this season with two home runs and five RBIs over five in this series [Applause] and a strike off [Applause] at a team batting average of 281 number one in the National League and they are second in earned run average with a three point zero zero er a for the month of August in the National League Dave Lapointe with a three point 100 we are a back with a pitch out of the strike zone and phosphatases it and he becomes the first strikeout victim of this ballgame I'd say that was an artistic sequence by Dave Lapointe and Bob Brenly the fastball away and then the fastball to time up and then the change-up in the dirt that is an expert job of pitching to George Foster and it brings that beret night night hitting 212 for the year with five home runs 29 RBIs one of his home runs against giant pitchers and the first veg low most of the time what get you out as a hitter is what the pitcher is done before he got to that pitch and what determines whether you get a hit also is dependent on what the pitcher in the catcher have done before they get to that count a lot of computer mind storage involved with hitting and pitching the point has never had a losing season in his major-league career until this year and he has a chance to get out of that came in with a record of 7 and 11 ray Knight betting in the sixth batting position he had been canceled in in the seventh batting position before strawberry was scratched from Atlanta that's playing without Keith Hernandez and Darryl Strawberry [Music] 3 & 1 the count to Ray Knight and it's fouled off 3 & 2 talking about the record in August of seventeen and eleven the Mets in July had their best record ever when they won 21 lost 7 so in July and August the Mets have won 38 while losing 80 full count to Ray Knight two men away top of the second inning and this one in the air to right field Youngblood is there and once again the Mets go in order the store at the end of one and a half heading for the first time yes I did let these before steer with a good pianta bar and we did not venture into that place left field do a great great major league player and also a fantastic big man in San Francisco while David Alliance Danny Driessen the batter Lynch retired the first three hitters to face him Danny batting 239 with eight home runs three as the giant is - a noted recent no another great ballplayer had a saloon in San Francisco Tony Lazzeri oh yeah what Joe DiMaggio has it has had a restaurant here for years [Music] swinging a Miss 2 and 1/2 Dan Driessen yeah you got a chance last night to visit the world's greatest waiter that full house Johnson he sunk many 250 pounds of muscle you eat what he puts out all right you better read it huh and you better say you liked it but till 1 pitch he's dead down the left-field line creased and make it a double and he will dan Driessen with his 23rd double of the year and he's the leadoff runner on second base here in the 2nd inning Bob Grayson had been one for 12 before he picks up this hit right down the left-field line and nothing you can do about it as he eases in with a two base hit the recent who came to San Francisco from Montreal came over for Bill Lansky and Scott Thompson no score but Driessen at second and nobody out in the better Ron Roenicke who's betting 225 in a bunt and there's Carter and the throw to second oh boy Carter with that snap throw to second base almost got threesome one away all the stuff to change positions when you're catching you're facing out here you're facing in and he makes a good turn and flip the perfect throw and Driessen just does get back this is the bad play by Ron Roenicke he was bunting for a base hit and at the same time if he didn't get the base hit he was hoping to get the runner over to third but he did not accomplish either one as in moats as in most hedges he ended up coming up with nothing and that's what Rennick he tried to do tried to hedge it there and Joel Youngblood fakes the slider for a strike going one he wanted the best of both sides uh-huh tarter looking for it anticipating it making nice play Youngblood batting 216 Joe with 3 home runs 16 RBIs [Applause] so it's owing to Youngblood the whole in about a month and a half I guess Joel will be an upstate New York hunting with that bow and arrow dog of his sangre Yavin looks like he's starting to grow his beard he always comes up with a beard here ya go for his honey honey now going to to Joel Youngblood and he stays alive the name of his dog sangre Yavin means Youngblood in Spanish an interesting isn't it I'm just trying to figure it out jail ven Sangre yogurt sangria obviously comes out of that name minute blood-red yeah oh and two and the fastball misses so it's one in to draw Youngblood the Mets have already clinched the season series against the Giants the first time they have beaten the Giants in the season series since 1979 ground ball to third base high hopper night two out all right night using peripheral vision to make sure that the runner on second base Shannon riesen was not going to come over as he made the brother first base so recent stays in second and the better it's going to be Bob Brentley and you have a pitch-around situation here Brenly not hitting for a high average but awfully strong is 17 home runs 42 RBIs only three makes it three for 27 against the Mets this year won a big home run against Roger McDowell slider for a strike going one Hut home run won a game in the ninth inning against the New York Mets two-run home run turn the ballgame around beat the beat the Mets 3 2 - 2 weeks from this past Wednesday last year he had four home runs and drove in 14 runs against a mess [Applause] and the throw home Friendly Ghost [Applause] why the catcher says try to knock the ball down where the runner on second and two out and Ray Knight did that knock it down he tried to make the catch and he gets away from him on the short hop and unnecessary throw home by Santana and allows Brenly to go to second base Santana not getting any help at all as far as where to throw the ball and Brenly goes in the second base so he's in scoring position as the Giants take the lead so it's gonna be scored a single Brantly going the second based on the throw home in the batter Brad Wellman it was a bad play by Knight not that he didn't feel the ball cleanly but allowing it to go through because there were two out had he kept it in front of him Driessen doesn't score and to add insult to injury Santana threw home and Brenly went to second Oh into the Wellman bread betting 239 on the year one to nothing San Francisco if you're looking for an indication and gains where the Giants have scored first they have only 150 percent of the games that's an extremely low average average would be serving to 75 percent good play Ron riddles Ronny starting his ninth game behind the plate Carter at first base starting his fifth game at first base and Wellman stays alive these are the Giants nor the match took hitting today there was a father son daughter game before the game all the tots and toddlers firing around the infield running the bases the opposite direction moved the base was down about 80 feet ball hit well to center feet over there's Dykstra glasses down he makes the catch but the Giants take the lead one run on to head Reynolds batting 281 he's done a fine job in a very limited role only his ninth start behind the plate Dave Lapointe on the mound strike one Davis retired six in a row while striking out one slider fouled away Owen too back on August 16th the Mets were a game and a half in front of the Cardinals and they really had a chance to pick up some ground they went into Pittsburgh and lost two of three to the Pirates changeup out side then they played San Francisco and won two of three and now they've lost two of three here a couple of weeks later so they're four and five in their last nine meetings against two last-place clubs and as everybody knows in order to win it you got to beat the teams in the second division especially the teams in the cellar but the Mets have failed to do that they've dropped two games behind the Cardinals Cardinals winning today in the metro behind ground ball Uribe it short throws out Reynolds one away in seven in a row by the point the Mets going into that Pittsburgh series routes if you remember had 132 of 40 games there were 32 and ate their last 40 games and their explanation I remember that was a nobody in the stands was hard to give that furball game but just can't let that affect you that's right can't expect them to continue to play that incredible ball that they were playing from the first to do lie or since they July 4th game in Atlanta up until that time they have been flat for the last couple of weeks trying to pick it up for September ball hit fairly well the left but rena key there and their two away eight in a row retired by dave will point any banners going to be at Lynch who's batting point 73 for 43 on the year it out feel very shallow chili Davis around toward right-center Youngblood very shallow and right and just one a note it Mets in their last 20 ballgames have won nine and lost 11 so they have flattened out Cardinals in the meantime have a six-game had a six-game winning streak but they have lost three in a row so both first-place teams have really given a reprieve to Montreal who was crept back in there too mild contention Montreal seven back so they still have a shot Janice went into Montreal and dealt them some bad cards to feed them two in a row and it fouls it away so it's 2 & 2 that's why looking at the schedule is pure folly really when you think about it because last place cut clubs play like pennant contenders in September had nothing to lose and they get great enjoyment out of being the number one clubs it's their only chance of really good knowing what do you think of that it Lynch was only his fourth hit of the year it's the first hit of the afternoon for the match [Applause] this had been 3 for 43 as the fights off to his fastball and he lobs it into center field for the first base is perfectly appropriate with the open in New York now or sir Dijkstra and there's a bullying a chorus of boos here in San Francisco and I know not for what [Applause] and abundant them by Dijkstra Steve Zabriskie informs us that there was a group of Mets fans down there saying let's go Mets the Giants don't like Giants fans don't like that happening here at Candlestick I understand a few giant fans future fans that are here yesterday were good in 15 they had a crowd of over 20,000 their averages around 11,000 Giants second in attendance second from the bottom Pittsburgh Pirates with have drawn the fewest people in the National League 660,000 101 to Dykstra and a bunt and a beauty Lapointe we'll have to hurry safe at first that Dykstra spends more time on the ground than he does on his feet [Applause] well it's a fairly good bun not a great one but it's good enough the point has to take a little time to get to it and then Dykstra hits the bag and then goes down [Applause] there's more time in the ground the wrestler [Applause] in the matter wally backman and that's where the chance to tie it here they trail one to nothing top the third two hours Lynch at second and Dijkstra's first [Applause] one a no to Beckman quali the first time up that a hard smash that hit Lapointe on the left shin and kerim - Manny Trillo who threw to Dan Driessen for a 1 for 3 put out [Applause] Brown ball hit sharply to short but Uribe the trio retires the Mets no runs two hits no errors in two left after two and a hand it's one to nothing San Francisco that is a frightening scene right there that ball all the way Lynch caught it that ball wasn't cut by Lynch it just won in his glove he didn't move his glove he was trying to get out of the way that went in the glove or sixty feet six inches away that ball is going over a hundred miles an hour I mean so fortunately for Lynch he comes up with it the batter Jose Uribe Uribe flied to right his first time up and a slider misses one a no to Uribe batting to third they sit right here [Applause] the batter is going to be Manny Trillo that's the third hit for the Giants and that's up to good hit run man Dykstra playing trio to pull about four steps and he's out of position Trio a good right-field hitter especially with the man on there you see bankster in the screen it should be way over and right-center he should be 30 feet away over to the right against Manny Trillo who hits the ball well to right-center flame-like a left-handed pull hitter the Mets are not planning properly right now one out Uribe with good speed at first wider misses in the bottom of the eighth-inning yesterday with a runner at first base they put the hit-and-run on Rios swung and missed and then fell over in front of Carter and Carter did not throw the runner got down to second and then on a bunt play and moved this the third base when Trillo was safe at first on interference by the pitcher McDowell sacrifice fly McDowell went over to cover and and wally backman was covering and McDowell was about three feet from first base and since he didn't receive the ball then trio was credited the first and an error was given a Roger McDowell and that was the inning that the Giants scored their third run and they beat the Mets three to two two and out a trio thanks Trey now drifting over toward right-center field and it's three and out of Manny Trillo [Applause] chili Davis on deck thanks for has moved about 15 feet over to where he should be but he can draw another and her Sophie there's a strike three in one highly unusual Fred Lynch - walka hitter is walked only 23 in a hundred and students coming into this game he has walked more than two only once this year there goes the runner and it's fouled off three and two uribe back to first and he'll be running on the next pitch the 3-2 pitch [Applause] Backman cheating at second and Carter holding uribe close a big hole on the right side there goes your rebate ground ball to third ray Knight up with it and he throws Trillo out a good play by night two out well we'll look at it again Rey has to really fight it off [Music] [Applause] balance momentarily but does get it over the first base no chance for the force late with a runner going on the pitch so the Mets get the second out of the inning and the Giants have a runner in scoring position for the dangerous chili Davis davus slide to left his first time up Jilly betting 270 with 53 RBIs and 12 home runs this one way back to right field and for jorik is there and he makes the catch no runs a hit and one left here in the third and after three innings of play it's one to nothing San Francisco City Lapointe against Ted Lynch Tom Paciorek leads it off here in the fourth and to call it for you Steve Zabriskie thanks a lot Timmy Tom grounded to short his first time up he'll be followed by Gary Carter and George Foster in a one to nothing San Francisco leave here in the fourth fouled away strike one good short his Ralph mentioned thinking he was going to play first base reveling in that fact when he came out and saw the Sun in the wind condition grounds one to second Trillo gobbles it up and one away [Applause] now bring up Gary Carter and let's play Mets trivia Dwight Gooden has a good chance to leave the league an earned run average I would say that might be an understatement when was the last time that a New York Mets pitcher led the league in ER a you think about that one will give you the answer before the end of this happened I'll be thinking now Dave Lapointe and home plate umpire fred brocklander having a discussion initiated by brocklander probably out checking for foreign substances Gary Crider flied to Center his first time up Carter entered the game hitting 333 against a giant with two home runs and he drills one to write young but going back all he can do is watch and it's out of here Gary Carter with his second home run in as many days ties the ballgame at 1-1 here in the top of the fourth inning for Carter his 20th homer of the year and Gary just overpowered that changeup pine away and got it in or got it into that twin and then right field and that ball just took off in a jet stream cane jump up and away now watch this ball Youngblood goes back and he realizes playing in this Park for his third season that that ball is history awfully strong Gary Carter with those big arms just overpowers that ball the other way tie ballgame 14th on Russ Foster who struck out back in the second inning and he takes outside for ball one Carter now with 65 RBI is second on the club to Keith Hernandez ball 2 [Applause] Carter now leaves actually he is tied with Bob Brentley of the Giants for most home runs the nationally by a catcher that home run is not one of those Gary has 17 as does Brenly while playing behind the plate and Gary now with 20 overall Buster may be given the hip sign but it's doubtful we'll see taking all the way green one [Applause] [Music] George batting with one out and nobody on down to the fourth inning and fall for the points first bought follows the home run to Carter and the Mets have a runner aboard with one out I think it's interesting to note that after fred brocklander went out to talk to Dave Lapointe it was checking that ball that Carter hit the next pitch and when when Carter hit it Lapointe looked at brocklander now that's going some when a pitcher looks at the umpire after a guy hits the ball out of the ballpark blaming it on the umpire why not ray Knight flied to right his first time up and he takes the ball outside well let's do the trivia question yet again please ray Knight hits will give you the answer last math to lead the league in earned run average think I know that right down the right-field line but now it's slicing into the stands out of play the only the only reason I believe I know it is because I think I was still playing and there positive in that regard you are correct and I think it was the late 70s also correct zeroing in on zeroing in on it now China loves to write things down when it's up to me giving you as much help as possible you obviously have an idea because you're right well I think I remember it because I believe I was playing I can't say the exact year but due to 76 or 78 I've signed away in a snap show the first does not get foster to count now three in one denied well you also write in that regard it was 1978 little hint for those at home I think you know that sort of narrows it down yeah yeah [Music] now if you can guess who it wasn't in the exact er a they had he went all of Marvel well hit the left on a line but Rena she does not have to move one step the hall of an all right mr. McCarver venture your guests we've surrounded this baby who was the last Mets pitcher to lead the National League in the ER eh it was Craig Swann in 1978 with a 2.45 er you missed it by one by two one hundredths of a point two point four three Craig Swann 1970 I just remember that because I remember swanee having a guy think he won 14 games that year or something like that but he was throwing awfully hard that year and I think it was the next year that he came up with rotator cuff problems had the big contract I believe you are correct so you win the trophy for to the marbles yeah I lost my family Ron Reynolds who grounded to short with a count of no balls one strike takes a ball low one in one two out here in the fourth inning a run is in for New York on Gary Carter's 20th home run of the year and George Foster who walked is at first base [Music] [Applause] Ron Ralph inserted that almost the very last minute the baby Johnson making the lineup changed just bright before games in any strength down second strikeout for the point and the to run on a hit writers xx in one one in the middle of the fourth year pick [Music] organization some capacity dan Driessen leads off the bottom of the fourth for the Giants he doubled and scored the only giant run in the third inning and he lost this one to the short right-field wally backman back Paciorek coming in second babe we team plays on balls hit in the air in this ballpark now but this is for sure it's fall all away he's got to run back man off that ball and Tom very tentative right there and coming in and Backman ends up the ball ends up going off his glove and that is only the fourth error of the year for Wally Backman greetin again at second as he was in the second inning when he led off with a double and here's Ron Roenicke who popped out to Carter trying to punt big blow ball one can't really be too tough on any fielder when you drop a fly in this ballpark because nothing is routine even what would normally be routine flies elsewhere not routine in this park another pop up this one to the left side Santana was in the safe seat that however you can be a little critical and he's supposed to catch the ball because because it stood south you have to give the guy the opportunity he was the right guy American league scoreboard California over New York 3 to nothing in the six Boston 9 to 3 over Minnesota that game also in the 6th the White Sox four to one over Toronto in the 8th inning 8 to 4 Cleveland over Milwaukee in the fourth Kansas City at Texas this evening Detroit over Oakland 5 to 2 same score of Seattle over Baltimore 5/2 to both those games in the 8th Joel Youngblood grounded to third back in the second inning Driessen at second on the air with one out down Youngblood came into the game hitting 330 over his last 30 ballgames to raise his average 66 points in those 30 ballgames and how did he do that well he didn't have a ton of adapt how he did that [Music] 1/1 I almost went after it took the slider low two and one [Applause] Driessen at second one away retired had one in the bottom of the fourth and that caught the corner two into [Music] displeasure [Applause] down the third baseline and I can't come up with gray night looked like he got a late break on that ball and stayed fair and young buds at first base well rate comes up on it and doesn't play under the hop but I shaft that he would have had a play on Youngblood see we talked about playing under the hop did you see where his glove was right there in Friday night's ballgame you read they made some great plays and we brought up the point that his glove was always on the ground and that's what is meant by playing under the hop Ray Knight was above the hops in its sportive base hit and rightly so infield single for Youngblood and here's Bob Brenly who had an infield single off of Ray Knight to drive in the giant run in the second inning I guess simply put Steve if you're above the hop in order to catch the ball you go down and thereby stab at the ball if you're under the hop your hands soften up because it's always softer to come up than it is to go down once you got more glove to work with with your own short left field foster having to just about three different times stays with it two away runners at first and second for Brad Wellman Wellman flied to Center to end the second inning [Applause] 2:39 no homers 15 RBIs [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] drank wine a run on three hits in an error for the mats a run on four hits and no errors for the Giants but the Giants have runners at first and second with two out in the fourth one and one [Applause] [Applause] that Lynch wants to get Wellman for more than one reason Dave Lapointe as scheduled next and he's not sure they have him lead off the next tenant to mention get the third out without a run being scored and it not in that order no priority is to keep the run from scoring regardless of who leads up all tight ball games certainly like that thank you got a tight game today and get used to it because this September is going to be exciting run the gamut of emotions in September when you fight you for a pennant there you go no first base umpire [Music] [Applause] [Music] so the count 2 & 2 why are these games more important as you saw the check swing by Brad Wellman well because time's running out and every game in the lost column has gone forever that's obviously the case in April - you got more games with which to come back first and second here in the fourth inning though the games still tied at 1-1 after four and we're back in for this for Budweiser Rafael Santana leads off the top of the fifth inning one one ballgame in the last meeting of the year between the Giants and the New York Mets [Applause] Santana flied to left back in the third Dave Lapointe going for the Giants then a fly ball it won't get out of the infield now just barely Manny Trillo about to step on the grass one away the batter will be pitcher ed Lynch the point says he has two goals this year okay the remainder of this season he was tell me before the ballgame first of all he wants desperately to come to a 500 record and a Jew and Ralph were talking earlier he's never had a losing record in the big leagues and he figures with eight or other seven starts including today he's got a shot at doing that with a 7 and 11 record and his other goal is to beat Mike Krukow in a little friendly but heated battle they have over which pitcher will get the most base hits as a hitter and right now Fuko leads 12 to 10 well it's interesting that you brought that up because this is an astonishing thing as far as non-support goes the Giants this year have not hit more as a team than Dave Lapointe has as a pitcher as a team when while they've been hitting for him with the exception of today's start as an example a point entered the game batting 208 and his team batting behind him have hit only 220 - as a team when he's been pitching that's in the dirt and away and the count out to and to day Atlanta I'm friendly taking a moment the team is a hundred and sixty nine hits in 760 at-bats when Lapointe has been fishing and up until today he was sitting more than the team that was supporting well he has a fine er a not outstanding but good at 3.10 but a seven and eleven record to go with it that link slices one to right and he's maybe got a base hit run hard out of the bike and Jolie mouth exactly right the pictures can take things for granted just like regular players and it Lynch was not running and he is thrown out from right field by Youngblood who's playing shallow he throws a bullet to 1st base Nate got him by half a stride well you just don't take anything for granted in this game and it's often the case that pitchers do not run when they hit the ball and they try to preserve their energy but when you get a base hit to the outfield you're not preserving your energy and you're not preserving a win for yourself either baserunners have been few and far between for New York lately and they just lost one right there two out rather than one out with a runner at first for Len Dykstra who is 1 for 2 Sonny was robbed of a base hit on a great play by chili Davis to start the ballgame and he grounds one an easy play for the embracing the so a little mental lapse loser basis it's still 1 to 1 in the middle of the fifth from Mars Nikola the sitter's expanded to 40 players the point line back to Lynch by the way his first time up one-to-one game in a ground ball towards second back went over to Carter one out and to get some of the young players guys used to say alright come on one time hit that Budweiser time hit the Budweiser well the young players would look out of the dugout that they turn around and say there's no fertilizer sign out there so one time with the roster expanded the young we were in this ballpark and I yelled down from the end of the dugout hit the Budweiser sign and there's nothing nothing I hit the Budweiser sounding all of a sudden down from the other end of the dugout Danny Ozark the manager says there's no line was not meant to get the manager it's meant to get the young players who come up in September well anyway it's one in O - Jose Uribe is 1 for 2 [Music] line two Carter Gary playing Uribe closed for the bunt and it was right to him three pitches two out during the fifth and it made it a little bit tougher play as Gary goes to one me obviously if you've been playing in deep position it would have been a tougher play really because he probably would have gotten a line drive on him in between that ball was sinking Manny Trillo Oh for two Giants scored their run in the second inning and the Mets came back with Gary Carter's 20th home run of the year in the fourth it's one to one Owen 1 to Trillo and again the Mets outfield swung around a little bit toward the last 2 Manny obviously it's a little different this time because there are no runners on base cRIO more apt to pull ad lynch than he would other pitchers he opened the game with a double open the scoring yesterday with a double against the white Goodman scored the first run in the game and the double predictably with the right-center field [Music] ooh good slider there one and two and what you see so often Tim it's hard to understand or explain is when they set up as we look at the pitch again they set up defensively for a guy to pull and then pitch him away yeah that's ex-wife you know if you're straight away then that doesn't take anything away from the pitcher you allow the picture to not pitch one way to use all his tools it's been grounded foul and just foul white Gooden esterday losing his first game since May 25th when he was defeated by the Dodgers 6 to 2 Dwight 20 and for now he has lost once to the Giants and once to the Dodgers once to the San Diego Padres and once to the card so the cards the only team in the Eastern Division that is people good in this year two into two trio and those Cardinals will be at Shea yeah when the Mets returned home one week from Tuesday the 10th 11th and 12th two night games at 7:35 and a 135 afternoon game green nail-biters fly ball to center field Dykstra started in now he's back and he makes the catch it an easy inning Fred Lynch it's now retired five in a row and after five it's a one to one game now here's the word for man you've won to Backman same as the score 101 Backman o for 2 he has grounded out twice another breaking ball in a beauty the point is not used that breaking ball nearly as much as a straight chain probably a third best pitch 1 & 2 to Wally Backman and it was a changeup that Gary Carter hit out of the park to tie the ballgame in the fourth inning hit to right field and another breaking ball a tide to ensue to Backlund Tom Paciorek on deck Lapointe from Glens Falls New York he was a centerfielder first baseman and pitcher in high school started his wind-up and stopped and now he appears to be ready that's trying to even the series where they go to San Diego for three games changeup tapped back to the mound and the point throws EMAP away what fans we want to invite you to help support the leukemias Society of America and get a full-color poster of Gary Carter suitable for framing as well to get your copy send a check or a money order for five dollars to the Leukemia society Gary Carter poster box 77 New York one triple o1 and all proceeds will go directly to the leukemia Society of America well with one out the better Tom Paciorek any fouls one back oh and one our track stat man Jay Horowitz is in the booth with some useful information as always and Tom fouls it back going to J prior to joining the Mets was the athletic director or no sports information director at Fairleigh Dickinson University and it looks like a base hit for Tom to charge so Paciorek is on the board with his first hit of the afternoon any matter is going to be Gary Carter who homered his last time up of the shark came into the game hitting 323 [Applause] [Music] awfully nice the J she wanted to take us all to dinner tonight in San Diego unfortunately that [Music] we invited Jay out so he could pick up the stand outside the Carter want to know to Gary Kishori kid first one out in a 1-1 ballgame Carter homered his last time up Jay informs us that Tidewater and Richmond are scoreless in the 14th inning as the tides are trying to qualify for the triple-a playoff they've got to win that last game right right Tidewater the triple-a affiliate of the Mets and that would be important because if they do lose today then and the Mets will have some fresh faces for the month of September and if they win well those players will beat the laid incoming because of the playoffs down in the international leagues not a fastball misses three and out of Gary Carter Randy Myers who was briefly with the big club earlier this year pitched the first seven shutout innings for Tidewater today went to spring training with the Mets the left-hander line drive base hit to right field the jorik round second but Youngblood can throw three holes [Applause] well Jerry's hauler was too right and he goes to right on the point here lining one to Youngwood and the combination of the sharply hit ball and Youngblood spine arm holds the torque a second so two singles to right back to back after one out and George Foster with a chance to put the Mets ahead he's over 1e a struck out and walked hit hit for the Mets they lead two giants and hit five before [Applause] and the cheers once again of let's go mess and that's the way the food the giant fans don't like because they're almost outnumbered and intimidating in your own ballpark bad fall outside the foster greg minton the right-hander is warming for the Giants the Mets have never beaten Dave Lapointe in a starting role Dave is one and O this year and five and one career and as you said earlier Tim that loss came in relief in 83 games Jeff is fouled out of play so it's one on one to George Foster the Cardinals won their game five to nothing John Tudor with his seventh shutout of the season he is 16 and 8 then he now leads the National League in shutouts with 7 he and Dwight Gooden were tied with six prior to today sliders inside and low the Cardinals now with 16 shutouts the Dodgers have 19 and San Diego has 18 [Music] [Applause] wings in a bad ball and it's too ensued a foster big into those Padres the Mets as you look at Ray Knight Ryan Reynolds the Mets travel to San Diego this evening and we'll be on wor 10:35 New York time tomorrow night bringing you the first game of that series it will be mark Thurmond for the Padres going to get Sid Fernandez [Applause] make that 905 New York time a rare 6:05 start tomorrow night because of the Labor Day holiday I'm sure that's the reason that we'll be on the air at 6 o'clock Pacific 9 o'clock Eastern but that is it only I mean Houston starts from six o'clock games on Sunday but the only time I never remember at 6 o'clock 2 2 2 on 1 2 1 game it is the third strikeout for the point in the second time he has gotten foster both on change' watch George's body position here you can tell how way out in front he was of that pitch just by his posture so it will be up to Ray Knight runners remain at first and second their two out now Knight climbed sharply the left and is flied to right ray entered the game batting only 212 but he does have five home runs fastball is high want to know Mets lost his first game 6 to 3 in 10 innings on a three run homer by chili Davis they each doubt a win in Friday night's game two to one and lost yesterday three to two so they have scored seven runs so far in the four games changeup is a strike one [Applause] for sure it gets second Carter at first Ray Knight to better fastball is wide and high two and one tonight Ryan Reynolds he on deck batter Lapointe entered the game 42 and 33 for his career as last start he won against Montreal 26th of August there's Ron a mess of bad ball to ensue fred brocklander indicates x-ray did foul tip that ball [Applause] both night and foster when they were ahead in the count went after pitches that were out of the strike zone [Music] [Applause] changeup lifted - laughs down the line and foul well point wants to take it himself he didn't want to turn it over to the bullpen for he has left four games this year with the lead and the San Francisco Giants bullpen has failed for those times and that really showed you how stake bit and he is because overall the Giants bullpen has been good Mark Davis leads the major leagues in strikeouts for a reliever with 106 he's got gerelds down there he almost went around and there goes for joy and the and ray Knight went too far so Billy's gotta throw the balls the first lady's head night - wrong he failed a run oh boy well ball in the dirt raid looked like he checked his swing you think though I thought he went too far there's Davey Johnson arguing I think part of what he's arguing about is the night in any opportunity because they didn't call it right away for him to run the first place well we'll see right after this word from Bud Light one two one middle of the six [Music] round ball good play by night on the in between hop and he throws out Davis one away that's good play there right that was a tough hop ball very sharply hit so he just has it boy right the other way a knight had no choice but to play the in-between hop because the ball was on him so quickly and with Davis's ability to run he had to be playing up complete even with the bag that's a good point because sometimes the hop dictates how you're going to play it that was one situation don't really have a chance to to play the hop you react to the hop why position is Dan Driessen drills one into left field the second hit of the ball game for Dan Driessen in the third straight time he's been on base five hits for the jam inside now with one run and five hits in the batter Ron Roenicke who's over 2 so far this year in the six starts that Renault key has had as each been used primarily as a pinch-hitter he's batted 333 1a no Tehran or Steve we mentioned the pennant races in the month of September the National League famous for pennant races of course back in 51 the Giants and the Dodgers shot heard round the world Bobby Thomson's blast this one popped up center field Dykstra couldn't find it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Ralph Kiner tells the story about a shortstop or a third baseman I guess it was running out to left field and trying to find the ball on the out fear had to tell him it was back on the infield dirt that's about as well yes what happened to wrapping that is a I hate to say it but almost a typical pop-up here at Candlestick Park the ball at first looked like it was going to be out the medium center field and it wound up maybe 15 feet past the edge of the outfield grass so the batter Joel Youngblood it will be scored as a hit however teenager Youngblood slider misses Joel with an infield hit his last time up and he was grounded to third only one out [Applause] waiting to miss one in one 59 season when the Dodgers had a playoff with the Milwaukee Braves and the Dodgers winning it of course ground ball foul 1 & 2 the 62 season the Dodgers in the giant Cardinals went into Dodger Stadium and the Dodgers had to win one game their magic number was won four games left to play and San Francisco was playing Houston here at Candlestick the Giants won four in a row the Cardinals won four in a row and the playoff the best two out of three was won by the Giants and then 1918 mm-hmm with the Astros going into Dodger Stadium of course that was playoff time oh yeah yeah that's right during the regular season that's exactly right use me rhetoric over and he can come up with it had those mounds to contend with hey Gary Carter goes a long way for this ball and right honey so because you never know where the ball is gonna wind up Carter Carter tried to rip his mask off enjoying class but forgot he was playing first base so he ripped his cap off then his sunglasses to cool well that shows you what a reaction that is ingrained into you and you play one position for so long only a fifth game this year at first base [Applause] another fly ball feel fly roll might be the only one the only way to catch one in this part have an automatic infield fly rule regardless in a situation nobody god I'm selling if one part me to do they would be this one wally backman to his credit almost anticipated where that ball was gonna be because the ball was actually hidden more to the left side but the wind blew it back and the better Bob Brenly who is 1 for 2 with an RBI incidentally the era that Backman made earlier back in the fourth inning most his first error in 57 ballgame and as you said Jim only his fourth this year major league record his help by Manny Trillo who back in 1982 when 89 games without an error three cents or here comes Ricky [Music] [Applause] [Music] then Bob Brenly has driven in all three runs in this ball game with a single and now a double to left field he goes to third on the throw home Driessen scores easily and Rena kee who runs a little bit better than average might have been out had Reynolds been able to handle the throw cleanly it was that close Brenly winding up on third base with three RBIs he now has 45 on the year and he shows that form that helped him to kill the Mets last season [Applause] and they're gonna walk bred Wellman with Brentley at third and Dave Lapointe coming up the genesis scored all three runs with two outs on two base hits by Bob Brenly but the big play in this inning in this played fly ball by Rafael Santana say what the myths have a bad combination going now they're not hitting and they're not playing good defense at bad combo so Welman walk that is the only walk that Ed Lynch has allowed and of course it's intentional as you look at Doug Sisk throwing in the bullpen for New York now the point is over - but he said one ball well and he shot this one the Santana goes to second so the Mets are out of it but the Giants take the lead two runs on three hits and two left and after six is three to one San Francisco now here's liquor to prove that statement 31 and 31 while playing at Candlestick and the wind will take this one into the stands out of play the Giants have a 500 record at home and on the road they have 120 and lost 45 so there might be something to the home club advantage well if you're gonna have an advantage in any park it would have to be here for a long time the Astros have had an advantage in the Astrodome because of the unusual conditions even with a bad ballclub ballclub that's tailored to the ballpark of course the st. Louis Cardinals have their ball club tailored to the big ballpark I used this feed on the astroturf and Paul fouled away so they can that strike two on run Reynolds Reynolds has grounded out and struck out Lapointe back and strikes him out again got him with a fastball strikeout number five two of his biggest those coming in the sixth any when he struck out foster night with runners at first and second and Lapointe was a perfect pitch catching Remy looking so one away in the batter will be Rafael Santana Rafael old for two Mookie Wilson in the on-deck-circle the Mets now have gone as all the other clubs can due to an increased roster you can go to 40 men as of September 1st that's have added Mookie Wilson to their active list off the DL ground ball in the hall the slow infill the grass high here in the infield close it up and Trillo over to make the play so 2 min away and Mookie Wilson the bet Mookie along with Bruce for any and Ron Gardenhire added to the active roster today all three of them have been on disabled with and the last time Mookie played he was hitting 260 with three homers 17 RBIs and 17 stolen bases bowl for four as a pinch-hitter that's dreaming in the game by a score of three to one the Mets have not had success scoring runs in this series a four-game series in the first game they got beat 6 to 3 in 10 teams they won the second game to the one behind Ron darling yesterday they got beat 3 the - and here today they have scored only one run rukia switch-hitter [Music] and the first pitch is ball one [Music] 9975 paid their way into this ball park today after going over 20,000 with wooden on the mound they went back to a mark of 9000 which was sort of the mean mark at the Mets have drawn here without Gooden on the mound too old pitch and Mookie takes four ball three three balls no strike Mookie's last start was back on June 28th against the Cardinals but he did appear as a pinch hitter in defensive replacement against the Pirates July 1st so he has not been in a ball game since the 1st of July two full month and he walked on four pitches as he makes its comeback but unless now I have the time run to the plate but in the form of Len Dykstra has only one home run that came in his first game in major league play against Mario Soto but one thing that Davey Johnson wants to use with Mookie Wilson still not a hundred percent after shoulder surgery for a defensive play is a great pair of legs on mr. Wilson so we'll see if he's gonna have Mookie running here with two out bogey was 17 stolen bases for the Mets before he was sidelined because of the operation first pitch to Dykstra missed at strike one Dykstra with a bunt base hit is one for three he was robbed of a base tin on a great play by chili Davis's first time up thanks to an idea about bunting and his point around on the end fastball dice roll will be fun a lot because he stands right on that plate and if you're looking for a base on balls as you look at Garrett's the star relief right hand there for the Giants standing on top of that plate will bring you a better chance at it and this ball hit in the air to center field Shelly Davis with the glasses down and he makes the catch in every tires decide so walk in one left in the store at the end of six and a half any here's the word he has walked 34 and struck out 24 Doug says to take over for ED Lynch as we go to the bottom of the seventh inning Eddie Lynch pitched six full innings gave up three runs two all earned he gave up six base hits struck out one and walked only one that one walk was an intentional free pass and Ed of course leaves the game as the pitcher of record on the losing side and this first batter will be Jose Uribe who is 1 for 3 in the game three being one of seven starting shortstop out of the 26 in the major leagues to come from the Dominican Republic and to come from San Pedro de Marco Ruiz seven major league shortstops from one city and there are only 12 people are out on the first base side foul for the Mets have Rafael Santana Mariano Duncan of the Dodgers another boy knows exactly kidding about 12 people but there really are there only two men and I believe in total population in the Dominican Republic right and the town of San Pedro de Marco Ruiz is not a metropolitan metropolis or is that redundant [Applause] certainly whatever speaking of redundancy Bill Lee has been found spaceman has been found yeah the shuttle found him looking for a broken satellite he's up there floating around ground ball to Carter's first base who takes it by the root of it under sister's play and one away Bill Lee is six and one with an earned run average is zero point five nine pick pitching for the monsters and the net New Brunswick the senior league in Canada I'm about there monks can met hmm well if there was if there ever is a league on the moon Lee will be up there to pitch me well you know he went to spring training with the Giants and then didn't make the ballclub they asked him if he was ever gonna come back and he said it would take a special amnesty program such as mantle that maze they're getting back in the major leagues by the commissioner Manny Trillo the batter is old for three wasn't pretty good stats he here six and one and then run average a 0.59 but you got a five wonder who was who is he pitching against and the moms were met huh bunch of hockey players probably they're good lowball hitters though and there's a pitch low for ball three three balls no strikes it was Bill Lee who once said that could be a good relief pitcher you have to be like a Tibetan monk so he's pitching for the amongst enmet that fits in three old pitch and a called strike three and one white Gooden appearing on the Sports Illustrated cover for the second time the nine September second issue that's coming out another featured event get your picture on the cover of Si and his winning streak has stopped after 14 consecutive wins per says a lot of people really believe that there is something to that and there are a lot of evidences of course to support that but when you consider the number of covers and the number of instances by far in the minority well the man in the first cover was Eddie Matthews it didn't jinx this career thanks for sure there's a walk by Doug sis to put a runner on with one out here in the seventh inning the Mets trailing 3 to 1 and it brings up chili Davis who is all for three [Applause] Davis is driven in nine runs in the last five games in the last 13 games he's had three homers and 10 RBIs for a while he was about all the offense the Giants could muster they picked up a little bit still last in the league in batting however when you say that as the hotdog wrappers are mustering around here swinging the myths in the strike one assist starts off with a fastball dine-saw I've been playing fairly good baseball they've won four their last five ballgames at eight of their last 13 and rocky bridges has his hat blown right off his head and they had to pick it up for it third-base coach rocky and with that unusual gait that's bolted National Forest speakers but that unusual gait of his they had to have the bat boy come out and get it or we'd have been here till dark waiting for him to get over and pick it up burn horse sight and rocky bridges are the dance together oh that would have been the scene of all time were there wheels huh well they're not allowed to shake hands because their hands would never be able to be unlocked that fingers going every which would and this pitch misses a fastball and the count one ball and one strike [Music] trail the runner at first base and the next delivery grounded foul so they count one ball and two strikes dog and his 38 the parents family watching up in the state of Washington via the dish and it's 2 & 2 again the fastball two balls two strikes chili Davis started the ballgame with 14 hits against the Mets this year was all for 3 in the game two of his hits have been home runs in the course he won the first game of this series with a three-run home run in the 10th inning he hit the drive in the center field Mookie Wilson out there having a little bit of trouble gets his first put out since coming back off the disabled list I'm 2 min away Trillo back to first base Mookie staying in the ball game after pinch-hitting Dykstra going out of Dodge this will take over Dijkstra's position in the batting order that would be the leadoff position in the batting order now Dan Driessen the batter Dan has reached all three times he has been up doubled in the second inning then later on scored the first run of the ballgame and singled in the sixth and later on scored sandwiched in between he was safe on an error by Wally Backman only while he's fourth there of the year ground ball that back when backhands crosses off the Santana for the force play and that retires the side no one no hits a walk in one man left on base ok the door at the end of 7 the giant 3 the New York Mets 1 now here's a word from the good old guys the left and there is Davis and the right hand there Garros to ace relievers for the Giants and have a good bullpen and this bun is bunted down the third-base side and it spins foul go back will have to come back wall he is over 3 in today's ballgame had that ball stayed fair Backman had a base hit rather easily and here is the National League scoreboard in a seventh-inning Chicago pounding Atlanta 14 to 3 st. Louis behind John Tudor shutout Houston 5 to nothing in the 4th inning San Diego shutting out Montreal 3 nothing in the 3rd Philadelphia shutting out the Dodgers in Los Angeles to do nothing and Cincinnati beat Pittsburgh 3 to 2 and we have no word on whether Pete Rose picked up a hit he needs 8 base hits to break side cops record he was asked if Ty Cobb was looking down on him as he approached the record and Pete said from what I know of him Ty Cobb and he might be he might not be up there pretty good remark for Pete Rose who knows what's going on it's deme tutor and pitching the shutout now leads the National League and shutouts with 7 one more than Dwight Gooden and Backman takes again counted two balls and two strikes they've been carrying articles on Ty Cobb here in the San Francisco papers all the old-timers quick to point out that Ty Cobb at his 4190 one hits and a lot less that Batson Petros I think that's really of no consequence though Ralph the record is a record that's right gang beats it you know he keep gonna have X number of hits for his career and it happens to be more than anybody else time is tall so no pitch Ty Cobb first hit was a double came about goal 1905 it became 80 years ago as a matter of fact a couple days ago and his last hit was a double got his last hit in a Labor Day double-header so you can hook up doubles with Ty Cobb right there and what we understand both on and off the field so now runner at first in the time run at the plate in the batter's Tom Paciorek is a Mets trail by two in the top of the eighth inning their leadoff batter on base joique in this game won 4-3 third walk issued by Lapointe and Tom Paciorek the veteran major league ball player the batter and the first pitches sit down the right-field line foul swinging at a fastball McCown strike two so the point right back to a two strike count after the walk to wally backman and the point has really used that fastball on the inside part of the plate with great effectiveness to right-handed hitters today one ball two strikes Darryl Strawberry was in the starting lineup with Paciorek at first robbery was scratched so but joy went the right and Carter went the first and Reynolds came in the ball game strawberry in the month of August hit more home runs than anybody in the National League he had nine there's ball two two balls and two strikes nice to have strawberry and Hernandez on the bench here today of course they would be available as pinch hitters ground ball and it is over the bag of fair ball the throw to second base in the dirt and it pulls Rio off the bag he makes a great catch but Roman slow pulling him away and off the bag and all hands assay but we'll see how they scored it would have been a very first play even as well made a good throw because wally backman really busted it down there and as you see this ball was not that sharply hit Wellman had to wait for it and then as you said Ralph Trillo with a fine backhanded pickup but off the bag and now it's Jim Davenport out to the mound and he's going to make a pitching change the Mets have Gary Carter coming up a right-hand batter so they're going to Scott girl here that side up the ballgame and then he picked up a single in the sixth both of his hit that bit in the right field Carter with two home runs in the series thanks for ball one [Applause] Barbara excuse me go ahead mrs. Tsai our resident poet and punster Tim McCarver has come up with a beauty which I'm going to pass on to you and it's low again in the can two balls no strikes hemmed on the spot by Timmy man out of the depths of despair the Mets roll the nips of pesty giant by a No very tough he puts to rest burma-shave this one rips out the count two balls and one strike I'd say it's him as dangerous when you have a day ball game he gets me did you write those world signs for that burma-shave leg dog sounds like one of them that would take you about 10 miles on the highway wouldn't ya we won the count in a strike volunteer off the breaking ball Grider disagreeing with the count as he thought it was blowing away here it is again but pretty good two balls two strikes runners at first and second no one out the Mets need two to tie were in the top of the eighth inning [Applause] big strikeout girl look at that ball go down he is one tough dude to hit especially for right-handed hitters as he does have a great movement down and away coming up with strikeouts and big positions in this ballgame foster struck out in the sixth with runners at first and second and one man out and then ray Knight followed by striking out now the runners at first and second in the eighth inning Carter strikes out runner is unable to be moved up foster all for 2 with a walk 2 times he has been up on the official side he has been struck out both times on change of faces changes of pace I guess is a better way to put it by the starting pitcher Dave Lapointe geralt with a record of eight and three and twelve saves and he is close to joining Mark Davison over a hundred strikeouts for the season Davis the first giant to ever strike out a hundred batters or more in relief and the fastball fouled back strike one Scott jeralds now with nine one on the ear what a tra uh 1.67 Don Robinson the only best pitchers who strike out a hundred batters last year in the National League in relief and relief and it is playing [Music] out of his own [Applause] [Applause] two strikes the count on George Foster three pitches and posture struck out for the third time in this game and what a curveball it is it wasn't a great pitch however at a good time and Ray Knights being called back in favor of Darryl Strawberry and of course they can counter by going to the left-hand picture Mark Davis blowing in the bullpen [Music] we'll wait and see what Jim Davenport does the Spirit is going to let Garrow mix to Darryl Strawberry [Music] darrel as we mentioned originally scheduled to start the game in right field Davey Johnson undecided about the lineup really all morning made the decision at the last minute to keep Daryl out no real reason given Daryl's not injured there wasn't any problem Daryl hitting 273 20 21 home runs in 57 RBIs if there would be a reason it was because they started the left-hand pitcher but strawberry now against the right hand there and that's ball one robbery betting 315 with 15 home runs and 45 RBIs in his last 52 ballgames and the most homeruns by a National League Player of the month of August 9 it's ball 2 2 balls no strikes says girl goes with the fetch ball in his first two pitches on deck batter Ron Reynolds but if it should continue in this any Reynolds would certainly not hit and strawberry taking all the way on a to old count with runners at first and second he was not about to offer I don't understand I don't either there's a shot he's not there that walk he's up there to hit he represents if he hits one out the go-ahead run and he goes after a fastball and fouls the back in the count two balls and two strikes you were mentioning Ralph it'd be anywhere to continue the meds have Clint Hurdle's a left-handed hitter [Music] who can catch on the bank they said Verano course they could be a starter behind the plate if he's still in the ball game at first in time fall no pitch rusty Staub of course [Music] Keith Hernandez is available Danny Heep is available for med fab strong left-handed hitting back do into the Casa strawberry two minutes two men on and the pitch strawberry swings and misses and arrow walking an infield hit strikes out Carter Foster and robbery to get out of the inning one hit and two men left and the score at the end of seven and a half the judge now here's the word from the sign but Scott girl dug this working his second inning of relief gets strike one 1 1 now Joel Youngblood and Bob Brentley to follow for the Giants here in the eighth-inning brenneke got the big blow in the game that puts the jabs up by 2 and it was a gift with Driessen on him one out of pop up in the shadow Center Santana lost it the wind took it it dropped it nobody thought it should have been caught by Santana put runners at first and second they scored on brenly's double fouled back and it's 2 and 2 now Giants with one run in the second on brenly's RBI single and then those two runs in the sixth on his two RBI double way high three and two now for the leadoff hitter here Ron Roenicke permit only run game in the fourth inning on a solo home run by Gary Carter his 20th of the year ball for second walk issued by 5th Rocky's aboard with nobody out here in the eighth-inning and the batter will be Joel Youngblood who is one for three with an infield base hit back in the fourth [Applause] [Music] the Mets now have foster Wilson and strawberry in the outfield Johnson Santana Backman and Paciorek in the infield and Carter behind the plate in a strike at the bean [Applause] they sent less here ready around second he will stop as foster got to the ball quickly the Giants are back in business with runners at first and second and nobody out well Joe gets a fastball and he is a fastball hitter he just drills it father not sink down tonight normal action of Doug fish fastball should do costly quickly over to get it and Youngblood where the signal puts runners at first and second with no one out and here's that man again Bob Brenly after a very quiet season against the mess Brenly has erupted today two for three and all three giant RBIs with a single and a double [Applause] strike one Cardinals have already won their game John Tudor shutting out Houston five to nothing and with the Mets trailing 3 to 1 here in the eighth New York in danger of losing another game to st. Louis and falling three full games behind [Applause] [Applause] good think of that time and it's over [Music] apparently won a game against the Mets at Shea Stadium with the ninth-inning two-run home run that turned the ballgame around that was his first hit against met pitching all season long and in this ballgame he's driven in three runs with two hits and he has a total of five hits all season against the Mets but he has done damage one into now last year he had four home runs and 14 runs batted in against Mets pitcher Brenly and Dan Driessen have done the damage today Driessen got inning started by getting on base and scored two of the three runs Brenly drove in a high pepper foul outside third handled by Howard Johnson and account remains one and two [Music] [Applause] ground ball to third and it's a fair ball Johnson steps on the bag throws to second which I don't quite understand and the baserunner there Joel Youngblood is safe and so is Bob Brenly at first on a fielder's choice well he had no chance in second he has a chance at first Brenly is slow brenly's the catcher and he doesn't have any idea about throwing the first and Youngblood is in he buries it second he had a chance of double play it first though runners still at first and second now it's only one out and here's Brad Wellman Wellman old for two-plus an intentional pass in the sixth inning to get to pitcher Dave Lapointe ball one is low Wellman is flying to Center and struck out [Music] [Applause] hitting just 236 on the gear with no home runs and they've caught the corner one and one [Music] sänger grounded to short santana to Backman and on the 1st and the chart stays on the bag to complete the DoublePlay throw a 6-4-3 get Doug Siskin the mess out of it as we end the eighth inning here at candlesticks but the Giants still lead at 3 to 1 over the New York Mets then we're back after this for the good old guy as we go to the ninth inning last shot for New York and you saw rusty Staub in the on-deck circle with Hojo as Staub will bat for Rafael Santana scheduled up next and then Mookie Wilson will follow against Scott jeralds who's looking for his 13th day there's rusty 3 2 1 San Francisco it was Johnson that tied up the first game of this series with a three base hit later on scored a sacrifice fly the Mets eventually lost it and he also won the only game the Mets and won with a double squaring and taking time for ball one driving in what proved to be the winning run of the ballgame rocki bridges telling me before the game today that can understand why johnson's hitting only in the two thirties the way he's looked against the giants Frank called makes it 1 in wire how to trade to me because the player hits very well against a singular ballclub that's for sure fouled out of play one ball to strength Scott jeralds has faced 3 batters since coming into the game in relief of Dave Lapointe and he struck out all three just about perfect wait to tell you in pitchy did a triple and we'll be a base hit into left field for Howard Johnson against Iran mojo going to second while taking a very funny hop is it hitting the ground this ball really takes a bad hop on rena key and it's foods I'm buying we'll put a runner at second takes the possibility of the double playoff just about all the way off he couldn't do a double play on the line or a bad baserunning play with rusty Staub coming up as a pinch-hitter that's one thing if you always think about with rusty of the fit center of anything to a double play [Music] second of them walking table of course is about nil because that would bring the tying run to the plate so it's a double for Johnson leading off and rusty take pine away ball one rusty is 3 for 4 with an RBI and a walk in his last 5 pinch-hitting appearances they walk rusty to put the tying run at first right to go ahead while back one on one rusty has eight pinch-hit this year 97 for his career is now in 10th place on the all-time list behind the leader manny mota with 150 mark davis the left-hander throwing in the bull pen for the Giants just outside two balls one strike and drive in the right-center field it's going to be in there and score one run it's all the way to the wall rusty chugging for second as the throw comes in from you [Music] nobody we'll come out to run for who is now four four five two RBIs in the plastic bag must be four foot five with two runs better than walk last six 15 appearances as his nice big hit this year in his career just five behind my qualms who is nice on that list just ahead of a rusty stop coming through with a buck pinch-hit double and the Mets have the tying run at second and they have Mookie Wilson coming up there's Larry Bowa the pinch runner who will stay in the game in play short should the myths go into the bottom of the ninth and they're certainly hoping that they do and the guys are looking for the sacrifice from Mookie Wilson nobody out here in the ninth has a mess strategize Wellman and briefs and well in the bag of third and first respectively and on the grant that could say in front of the bag [Music] if you walk this first time up pinch-hitting for Edlin activated just today there is the on-deck circle with Doug fish me I believe that drugs will not hit [Music] little blue for the could drop in down the left-field line Uribe can't get at the base hit though I had to hold up and now he's gonna be horrible base running mistake by larry bowa who had to hold up and then you're gonna have to blame but Harrelson for some of that but heading waved around and did not hold him up Bork had to stop too late and he was too far from the bag and they got gone unfortunately for bull the throw came in the third normally it would go home Paul picks up by Uribe and he sees the bull riding the bag and throws in the third but Harrelson as you saw right there in your picture didn't that stop boy with no one out he had to play it safe so I'd have to think through the combination there that's involved both for veteran and bud Harrelson first out of the inning a runner out of scoring position is on the play Mookie Wilson went down the second base credited with a base hit productive and the tying run for New York at second base and here comes Jim Davenport and with Mark Davis the tough left-hander in the bullpen you got to believe he's going to make a chain and bring Davis into the game Davey Johnson is also coming out and he's going to have a word with home plate umpire fred brocklander [Music] so while we wait for March gave us a tough left-hander to take his warmup pitches we'll have to speculate a bit Davey Johnson coming out to make sure they did not make a lineup switch because Jim Davenport did not come to the umpire first before going out to take girl that's out of the ballgame Oh believe it or not fans now's the time to start thinking about Mets season tickets for 1986 the Silver Anniversary season of the New York Mets interest in the cub is at its peak and now we got an argument going here because Jim Davenport did not come out to the umpire and he cannot switch batting positions that's why Dave Johnson was out there to make sure that he could not do it in Devonport is now arguing that he can and that's what it's all about and the rule states that a manager must go to the umpire first to take out the other player before the crew that's exactly right to make the change in the lineup tactical error here by Jim Davenport and there's no way he can win this argument absolutely no way and while it goes Bobby sure a pint you about next year although right here were in the present there's no doubt about it Davy was the one that made sure about that they wanted to switch batting positions in case the John's have to bat in the ninth inning and he cannot do it because of Devin Davenport's tactical error I'm to start thinking about 1986 well I think it's time to start thinking about 85 but then 86 reminds you if you're interested in one of the Mets season plans for next year now's it's time to place your name on the mesh preferred list to ensure that you obtain the best possible sitting location in shade to put your name on that list and a letter or postcard along with your address and phone number to met sales Dept Shea Stadium flushing New York one one three six eight again if interested in 1986 season tickets them your name dress and pull number two med sales department a stadium plush in New York one one three six eight it's bad in the night when the Mets are hoping they have to the pitcher Mark Davis is scheduled to lead off so he would either have to he being Davenport would either have to hit let David hit or pinch-hit for him anyway Davis is in the game with a record of four and seven in the RA of 2.79 he has seven save making his 64th appearance of the season and that leaves the National League he pitched 90 and a third inning walk 32 in struck out 106 and Keith Hernandez will have the inevitable assignment of facing him first Mookie Wilson the runner at second representing the tying run for New York Hernandez squared as if the bunt and took it for ball one he's now hitting 286 on the year eight homers 71 RBIs those 71 ribbies lead the clouds and fall to one out ninth-inning 3 two to San Francisco leading Mookie Wilson at second [Music] maybe I'll play and it's 2 & 1 now at Johnson led off with a double the left-field on ball that skipped by Ron Roenicke rusty Staub followed with a double driven into the gap in right-center to score Johnson with the first one to make it 3-2 su and Boas pinch running force table from second base was caught off third after a bloop base hit by Mookie Wilson down the left-field line for the first out of the inning Mookie going down the second on the play Darin and his pinch-hitting for sis for the count of two balls one strike [Applause] got Geralt went an inning in the third so far charged with one run on three hits he struck out three and did not walk a batter he is responsible for Mookie Wilson the runner at second [Applause] well to right-field lead four to three Keith Hernandez who has been in a slump RBI men for the New York Mets come through in a pinch hitting roll with his ninth home run and now 73 RBIs on the year and he does it off one of the toughest left-handed relief pitchers in the National League in Mark Davis well Keith Hernandez has tied his own national league record which he holds with Jack Clark game-winning RBIs is 21st as we look at it again if it holds up he will have side the national league record 21 game-winning RBI so we'll have to wait and see a half any measure matters with a dramatic pinch-hit home run foot submits up by a score of 4 to 3 and now wally backman the air fouls one off his foot and he is hurting while he drilled that ball right into his front blade [Music] look like it hitting right on the ankle bone [Applause] Hernandez being arrested today with the left-hander going we've got eight innings arrests and what a guy to have coming off the bench John well you don't figure him to come off the bench and beat Davis with a home run his first home run against the Giants this year yeah they can do it all let's have oh wait a minute it's a tango this win or does he get it all that ball went into the upper deck that was Keith's first home run since July 24th so it's been more than a month they're still looking for the ball it might have gone out one of those tunnels I mean he turned what Linder is here around [Music] pitch it was a bit down and Keith just nailed it though Backman has recovered the count Owen to Diwali Fanning here with one out and nobody on basis Hernandez has driven in two to give them at the 4-3 lead filed back again now that home run changes things around the pointer was on the winning side of this ballgame looking for his eighth victory against eleven defeats no longer can get that and Ed lencha was on the losing side would have been his eight watts against ten victories can no longer get that and ed and Doug Fister has a chance to be the winner and it will be his third victory against five lawsuits strike three call and Backman is out of there first strikeout for Davis and Davis right now figures to be the losing pitcher as Hernandez Ronde with the winning run at this point and it is Davis who gave up the home run here's Tom Paciorek who is 2 for 4 the Turk has singled his last two times up let me take sign away for ball one Tom now at first base after starting the game in right field after thinking he was going to be playing first all along any rips one picks cleanly by Wellman who throws him out in the inning over but the men take the lead on Keith Hernandez to run pinch-hit home run which followed an RBI double by rusty Staub three runs in the inning and it is four to three New York going to the bottom of the ninth after this for Bud Light Tran for rusty Staub stays in the game and plays shortstop and Jesse Orosco comes on to try to pick up his 15 save of the year jesse is four and four and has a two point six 70 re making his 43rd appearance of the year Doug this pitched two innings gave up one hit walked two would be his third victory of the year if Jesse can save it for him Dan gladden is going to pinch-hit for Mark David gladden hitting 228 two homers in 27 RBIs is nine for four with a rather to them to be hard to do with a 459 with an RBI as a pinch hitter will be gladden batting for Davis and then Jose Uribe and Manny Trillo to follow against Jesse Orosco here in the bottom of the ninth inning last time gladden was up he was batting where the bases loaded the chance to redeem himself when he made the air the loud the mess to win the second game of this four-game series but he flied out the center he has not appeared sin strike one on the fastball from Orosco gladden fifth in the league in triples was seven McGee leading with 16 and he's eighth in the league in stolen bases with 26 guys one to left field Foster's circling with the glasses down [Music] gladden one of the few Giants who even shows up in the offensive statistics in the National League one down in the ninth nobody on for Jose Uribe who is being called back well the Giants have Jeff Leonard on the bench he is a power type hit hitter here but it's going to be Rob deer here also a power hitter but not so better than that Leonard is here at four home runs three of them as a pinch hitter 5 for 25 as a pinch hitter with three homers and five RBIs and you have to wonder rau and Rob Deere brings this to mind the Giants recently traded for Dan Driessen who is a veteran ballplayer they have been playing predominantly a veteran lineup and they do have like robbed beer or as with robbed beer some fine young talent on the club in their situation why aren't these guys playing all the time well sometimes they don't like to play rookies against the contending ballclub figuring that the other clubs will feel that you're making it too easy but I would agree with you that as soon as the Mets get out of town I would think they'd have to go to play their young players to find out whether or not they can play how you do that or they're wasting a lot of time so it is Rob Deere who is big enough to go hunt bear with a stick batting with one out and nobody on and Orosco is off speed delivery for strike one everywhere that deer has been he has been a strong home run hitter the Mets leading by one four to three with three runs in the ninth strike two on good fastball from Jesse and his last four minor-league years he has averaged 32 home runs and 88 runs batted in a year [Music] and he's up there to do one thing and that's try to tie this game up it's Owen to see you later what a breaking pitch from Orosco just froze gear on Owen - and he's out of there on three pitches while he goes to the breaking ball of course that's what the young players don't know how to do don't know how to hit that curveball and now one out away is Manny Trillo fence up from picking up a come-from-behind dramatic 9th inning victory and what a lifted could give this ballclub Ralph with st. Louis having already won and the Mets really falling on hard times lately seems like whenever the Cardinals have lost a game lately the Mets have also lost and to come from behind and be able to hold on down win this ballgame where they've had problems here in Candlestick Park could be a big psychological lift to the rest of the roadtrip trio today is over 3 plus a walk he has flied to Center twice and grounded to third any skies one that should be handled Mookie Wilson calling off foster in the Mets at one Jesse Orosco comes in to save us his fifteenth of the year as he sits down the Giants in order here in the ninth inning Doug Sisk pitches two innings in relief to pick up the win fist is now 3 and 5 on the year and the loser in relief is Mark Davis who gave up the big home run to Keith Hernandez that won the game for the Mets in the ninth inning Davis is now 4 and 8 on the year Ralph and I'll be back to wrap it up Tim is standing by with a postgame interview so stay with us from San Francisco where the Mets have come back to win it 4-2 3 over the Giants now here's a word from the good old guy [Music] while the Mets winning in a dramatic ballgame by a score of four to three the Mets are trailing by a score three to one as brilliant in three runs against the New York Mets the Mets had gotten their only run on a home run by Gary Carter to right-field and with the Mets coming up in the ninth inning trailing by two runs that looked very very bleak the first batter was Howard Johnson Howard doubled that was his first at-bat in the ballgame he had come in the ball game in a managerial switch early in the game and then the next batter was rusty Staub and stop doubled in the right-center field as a pinch hitter and the Mets had a run in and he had the tying run at second ball came in to run for rusty Staub and on a bloop base hit by Mookie Wilson who also was batting for his first official time in the ballgame he had walked his first time up in the game the ball dropping in left field and ball rounding third base was not held up in time by bud Harrelson a double mistake I think you'd have to just read it both Bo and Harrelson on the play boy I certainly saw the play in front of him he thought possibly you might be able to score but with no one out they did not play it safe and ball was trapped off third it looked bleak for the Mets right there but the next batter was Keith Hernandez is a pinch hitter and Keith with a three-run home run came up with the big hit in the game and the Mets went on the winning ball game and win it by a score of 4-2 3 and Hernandez hit that thing in the upper deck that was a block unbelievable and what a bench Davey Johnson had going for him today with a lineup he finally decided to start he had strawberry he had Hernandez and of course rusty Staub the premier pinch hitter perhaps of the past decade or so but I think that we talked a little rough about the psychological factors of this ball game and of course depending on what happens to the rest of the road trip and it is a crucial road trip for the Mets game games that you look back on and you'd say well here's a point the Mets were slumping at this particular time offensively and defensively and this could be the biggest pick-me-up so that they could want at this point at this point in the season well this point in the season they all look like big ball games but this is a great victory for the New York Mets getting the series tied at 2 & 2 right now let's go down to Tim McCarver and his special guest you talked about out of the depths of disparity 30 minutes with a mighty home run and it may be the biggest hit not only of your career and I'm not gonna say that because you're an MVP in 79 you win the world championship in 82 but this has got to be one of the highlights huh well I think simply for our ballclub it's been tough for us to lose 3 or 4 here and the Giants always give us trouble you know and pinch-hitting it's not an easy job and that's the first pinch-hit home run in my karate we know I haven't printed a lot but just very fortunate very happy that I did it the right time now that I'll get us up hopefully we'll move down to San Diego and do some damage and very fortunate to get a curve ball to your sit down and watch it well normally when you got two strikes on you as a hitter you got a bear down look fastball but you know if a smart Davis so many times I'm a career he's got a great curveball and he was head in the count and I said the hell of it I'm gonna look for a breaking ball if he builds me a fastball I'm dead but he he sold me a breaking ball and he hung it and I happen to put the wood on it Keith we have both spent in a lot of situations where we've made mistakes like Larry Bowa made in the ninth inning what was the feeling in the dugout when when beau was when they threw it behind him and had him at third well it's almost like we hit so many balls from balls hard here with men on base and the Uribe made some great plays and but we can't catch a break and you know the fortunate that the feeling was Jesus just can't catch the ball could have bounced down the line and hooks it right up and then throws Larry are the tough play for Larry but we're just looking to get out here with a split all right Keith well I did write this in the seventh inning now remember Steve Zabriskie read it and it went like this out of the depths of the spare the metros to nip the Giants find those a slain giant as David will attest is very tough to put the rest and they work tough to put the rest worth it alright very tough I'm glad we're through with them and I'm sure the rest of us feel that way as the Mets got out of here with the split 2 1 run victory now let's go back to the booth to Ralph it Steve thanks to them and thanks Keith our guest will receive a gift certificate from John Gerald Jewelers where you'll find fine jewelry watches and diamonds visit John Gerald rulers for the sports crowd shops John Gerald throughout Long Island Queens and Brooklyn and from Wainscott young man shirt sweaters nips em fest designed to make you look good because you never get a second shot of the first impression Wainscott while the winning pitcher in the ballgame was Doug cyst who pitched two good innings he's now three and five on the route on the year and Orosco got his 15 save Mark Davis a losing pitcher now four and eight and you can bet one thing Keith Hernandez had in mind at one time Davis dream in a ball game and pitched 23 consecutive curveballs before he threw a fastball and the curve boy back these bananas out of the ballpark won the ballgame for the Mets or 4 to 3 the Mets have won eight of its war games against the Japs is here and that is it for the Giants for the 1985 season once again the final short that New York Mets for and the San Francisco Giants three New York Mets baseball has been brought to you by Bud Light the light beer was the first name in taste everything L suggest alight by Nissan builders out technical obstacle he advanced cars and trucks for over 50 years the drivers do demand quality the name is Nissan by manufacturers Hanover the financial source worldwide by American Express car don't leave home without it buy the good old sky your New York New Jersey and southern Connecticut Oldsmobile dealers by RC Cola people go out of the way so the taste of RC Amba your local Sunoco dealer who offers you 93.5 octane ultra Mets baseball 85 was produced and directed by Bill Webb associate directors David wardo and Grady lever personal consideration was provided by two guys your hardware stores and home centers bringing the world beautiful music with this annual multiband multi-voltage stereo radio cassette recorder baseball 85 is a production of channel 9 sports production facilities arranged to Vanda communication the announcers on the pre sitting to the gas were approved in contracted for by doubleday Sports incorporated be with us again tomorrow at 9:00 p.m. when the Mets take on the San Diego Padres right here on WRTV now this is Rob Connor for timber tar Bernstein Zabriskie saying so long from San Francisco California over and all the divisions they've all been settled the courts the st. Louis guard
Channel: Classic SF Giants
Views: 2,208
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Id: AyvyUSwpgJk
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Length: 131min 35sec (7895 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 27 2018
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