1984 Formula Boat Sitting For Years. Will It Run? - NNKH

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diving into another boat Revival video down here in tullytown take a little Cruise in the Gran Torino and we're over at uh crozier's yard where my buddy just scored this formula uh for 500 bucks and looks like it's been sitting a few years we gotta cross this little Lake first to get over to it see I brought the proper attire right uh and actually this dump truck too which I'm hoping maybe we can score a deal on that and do a future video too they did have a bunch of blocks out here that they just moved yesterday you can see the the imprint of them just use this bridge over here we'll get back there yes all right we said it was sitting for some years but none of them getting up close I see it was last register it's got 2017 stickers on there open the uh more in five years man look at the gel coat on this that is going to clean up so nice that's probably uh I kept it covered too as you know with most of these boat Revival videos and they don't keep me covered and they just go to junk I can't believe he got this for 500 is my first thought look at the trailer on it's got a older shorelander from I eat a Grove Iowa Midwest Industries shout out to you guys out there for building a quality product because that galvanized is holding up real good we got decent tires a little bit of dry wrap but they'll take air bearing buddies on there and look at this yellow coat oh man this boat is Gonna Shine little little spider cracking and stress cracks in it but wow all right let's see what we got for a drive it's got a Mercruiser alpha one that looks brand new on it piano it's never been in the salt water the stainless steel braided no fraying this is a deal of a lifetime stainless steel prop on there 23 pitch Quicksilver at Laser tilt yeah it's got a little a swim deck back here too on each side very cool it's not falling off the transom that's that's about the most I do as far as testing that formula so it's a little guy I suppose it's probably like a 17 maybe 18 foot once you pop this cover off see what we're looking like on the inside I guess I'm finished looking over this side there's the Amtrak the bottom is just stunningly beautiful too this boat I like oh come on here it feels like this let's spend 500 and my boat's always had trees growing up slippery Oh missing a window oh it's got the one piece on the front let me get this uncovered we'll take a look holy smokes look at this interior it's mint and I was thinking there was a window here but no this is just open which is great so you can hang your your hand out the window your arm whatever and then oh man this is just a beautiful boat like a stainless steel or aluminum uh trim on the back I don't know if it opens up oh that's hot it's like 95 degrees right now and yeah sweeping across the dash looks like it's got a depth finder 12 volt a Sony stereo close that up a voltmeter oh I love the gauges on it the panic button uh if we'll take a feel maybe trim gauge oh wait 23 and a half engine hours are you kidding me that's insane horn I wonder if it comes with a key I would imagine so it looks like whoever owned this took good care and didn't use it much the speedometer and RPM right up on there like race status you know and some cup holders there's his registration trim courtesy lights anchor pump blower I really like the action on these switches but the fuse is right below them pretty standard stuff you also have uh let's see yup throttle and shift cables feel amazing and brand new I mean look at that unless it's not hooked up that would be the only it's got the override for going into neutral you press this in and actually okay so now now that's the shift cable okay that's a little bit tighter it's got enough room to stand at the helm that's always something I check on a boat because I had one once where you yeah like pretty much had to sit down and if you're sitting wow this is perfect your head's above the windshield you can get down if you have to it's actually a really well thought out seating position and these don't rotate of course because there's not enough room for them to the Old owner actually just stopped over and gave me a little bit more info on this he said he bought about eight years ago from the original owner that apparently had the motor and out drive redone and reupholstered the whole thing uh so yeah give me give me a little more he said he only used it a few times and then it kind of sat just noticing this is definitely a glass windshield which is amazing it doesn't look like a cheap piece of glass to replace though where were we on this boat do have a little cutty which is like I mean it's a skinny boat it's hard to even get I don't know how you would even get down in here I mean it's more of a storage cuttier cutting for the kids we'll call it I can't oh man stuck let's try well how much you guys can see but no smells at all very nice no mildew solid in here and you know plenty of storage all right make it to the boat I did ask him about the key he said no key for it couldn't find it I won't have to either just hot wire that or try to figure something out brand new rope does this pop-up there's probably nothing under here though oh look the umbrella Mount right there how about that see what kind of about to look at the engine I know you guys are like popped let's see what motors he's got motor it's probably a V6 or I think I guess it could be a four banger um let's go oh yeah tried and true four banger GM 3.0 same motor is like the last three boats I've got had a little bit of milk and rust up top I don't know if you guys can see that actually yeah that stud's rusted pretty good so it means definitely some moisture was getting in the engine these are notorious for head gaskets it's uh Jen's actually working on getting her video out look at that distributor that's different than the one on mine let's see what we got on the oil for overfilled no right up to the full Mark and clean but can be a good sign also a bad sign I bought a boat once when I knew nothing about bulletin brand new oil up to the lines again we just did an oil change on recently first day I took it out it was just dump and water it like filled the crankcase with water it was the block was clearly cracked I was uh I got beat you know never use black vinyl on a boat that is just a scorcher it's like a 60 degree difference between the two bump your knee on there you're burning yourself uh fire extinguisher still in the green just about the empty and let's see any evidence of cracks I don't see oh oh yeah yeah it's got the the typical 3.0 crack it looks like somebody painted over that painted over the rust but you can see it the rust starting to drip out that means somebody stored this without being winterized and it cracks um it doesn't have a quick drain on it otherwise I'd check the block for water but I'm sure it has water in it so a big deal though because these tend to hold up pretty good to the freezing they just blow out the side of the block and then it's fine just uh throw some right stuff on it and hit the river I've seen about all I have to so I'm going to cover this back up and he's gonna pick this up later we'll uh we'll get diving into it and hopefully bro little TLC here and breathe a little life and yeah get this baby out on the water see what the top speed is he said it does over 50 mile an hour and now let's fast forward he's gonna pick this up get it to his shop in Croydon I'll see you guys over there all right we're over at Corey's shop now I'm gonna mess with this thing try to get started up ended up grabbing my keys and we got lucky with this truck cap key actually we just had it going a little wiggle jiggle there it is all right so we got good kids now and he did flip the throttle motor's not locked up or not oh sorry flip it over and it did crank oh we dropped a new battery in and at this point we're gonna see what's in the bottom of this fuel filter sorry about the bad camera angle but it's got that mechanical pump with the water separator and screen on the bottom and then a screw on so uh no pumping of the fuel we're gonna just pull this over to the hose bib and try firing up we should start right it's not my boat so you guys can't get mad at me for not lubing the cylinders or doing anything uh like that I can't wait to get the bumper on there I brought it with me huh tagged that real quick it's always a good idea to pull the drain plug off in these when they've been sitting for a long time see if any water got in there because you know the water is heavier than the oil and it'll settle on the bottom otherwise you fire it up and then mix everything together it gets all milky hopefully it's just oil down there right sometimes they can be under pressure too but this actually this is newer so probably oh yeah looks fine no water down there oh touch milky you can see a little bit of moisture was in there but totally fine what does this have a bottle in the engine compartment or I believe it's a full top of the motor yeah okay oh yeah yeah so he's got on these newer ones they have a line that goes down and when you pump them full of oil yeah it go you go until this fill line which is a much better design the problem with those is a lot of time that hose can break and then allow water and so because the only ones were just sealed off like you build them that was it and they they pressurizes the problem though and they can blow out seals and cause them to leak or get vacuum build up with the temperature changes yeah they're hooked up to water to lube up that impeller just fires up decent crank sounds like maybe low compression on one of the cylinders don't sound like the carb spraying [Music] oh smells like straight starting fluid see what's up there huh yeah it's just running great starting fluid I think let me let me hear hit the pumper or hit the throttle you ain't got no gas in there I can hear it ain't spraying he doesn't have a gravity tank over there but we could do one better use the old tried and true fire extinguisher go ahead and hit the throttle once to see if it's shooting fuel yeah oh there it is you know oh yeah we got the bottle hooked up we heard the carb fill should fire right up now and give it some normal choke foreign [Music] out there but burning plenty of fuel now can feel my eyes tearing up you ready to drop this thing in the water a little pressure wash I've got good flow coming out of the block [Music] assistant got a oil pressure yeah it sounds healthy let's try tagging this with the buffer real quick I'm gonna use the heavy duty cleaner oxidation remover and then a cleaner wax uh with something like this you can cut it real hard first and use a new pad is probably a good idea too but let's just do a quick little test and see how this is going to look oh yeah just slopping on there good to go go right over the graphic [Applause] it's already looking really good look at that she shines real good man yeah I'll be pulling off the tank right now you guys can hear the one-way check valve little spring-loaded ball in there but looks like good gas coming out I mean I'd say that's fine I need based on my standards but he's gonna run that in a Saturn or what I wish guys you got into Tacoma in my Tundra I'll dump that in there the light's on fire I'll dump it in the truck he's gonna go ahead and pop this lower off see what the pump looks like because we did start it up one more time and took the hose going up no water flow at all and then over here he's got this uh he's working on this minute proudly assembled in Indiana and here's a good example of why not to use ether on your diesel engines because this was his buddies and I guess he went to fire it up look at that big a hole in there in the cylinder so uh he's he's got a short block for it this guy wow those sleeves are really up high okay I see they still gonna be pushed down and um this motor is a China yangdong oh did I get some bad news this one broke clean off I gave it a little crank on this stainless bolt and broke that off unfortunately that does thread into the case but hopefully when we drop this there's enough of a nub we can heat it up get that with some rice grips [Applause] foreign I was talking about it it's got all this rust and crud in there pop this off see what the impeller looks like and here's a little going in there well we probably should have drained the oil first in case we wanted to reuse it but and you can see good nub for getting that bolt out we'll get some vice grips in uh torch on there all right huh it's not in the worst shape they could have a blockage in that line in the in the gimbal housing yeah order hose exactly I mean it does have all this crud in here too so that might be clean block I would definitely replace this regardless though because you take them out this thing's been sitting I mean this one feels pretty rubbery yeah you got this key on here too can you put it back on there's an oil seal down in here too but I don't know this ain't yeah it's a little oily in there and he's got some compressed air we're going to shoot that in yeah yeah that's shooting straight through powers done for it look at that so we'll get that on order see if we get lucky with this broken bolt definitely a little Heat it'll be a little blaster and give it a few taps yeah break that corrosion loose in there unless somebody cross threaded this thing in it was a possibility let's try to go tight ah man it's really in there huh foreign what I can't tell looks like it did yeah it looks like the threads were just completely corroded they put a Time certain air Haley coil yeah it'd be all right you got a hilly coil set I don't have one now you got one yeah I got one in my house it probably for the right size yeah a few days later we were heading down for the water test we've got the uh I'll drive back together water pump in there see that polish job holding up all right in the one spot know see what she's made of that sounds good it's a 12 valve in there [Music] [Music] idling shifting can't beat it a ton of debris down here at the Neshaminy Marina and on the Delaware River they got some major flooding up north and uh and it's even Browner out in the river but we'll puddle them out there not gonna be able to be doing 50 mile an hour with all the logs floating premium boating right here this is when you don't want to take your 30 40 000 boat out [Music] be clear out [Music] I got up to 40 no problem we had quite a bit of floaters up here though there's one you can't see there the bad you know [Music] yeah I think she's got a 50 in her on a good day right absolutely 44.7 feet chilling off the bottom of the boat charging voltage on your 160 on the 10. it's broke 24 hours was that trim gauge working yeah that was it really yeah low pressure now uh 20 psi at idle [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] good on the River real solid and he just ran the buffer over it with a rubbing compound and then a cleaner wax and see that came out pretty darn nice across the top too this is actually got that textured surface and whatnot but yeah I would call that another one saved you know well you see a lot you might see her out on the river so he's gonna hold on to it his uh his brother is has taken ownership of it yeah darn Butte now segue over to our 500 Beauty The Raven which Jen just put her video up I'll have a link to that down below if you want to check it out she did redo the bolsters and the engine cover she built one oh we still gotta buff it out but we're gonna take it off for a good little spin today yes the ambulance is still there that's just kind of a backyard lawn ornament storage original trip for that hasn't come to fruition yet but I I love that truck I do want to hold it love to swap it to a manual if anybody's uh got info on doing that I mean being an fl60 I think we could easily get a donor no take the goose man out on the river and yeah so let's hook up to this 500 turd all 500 boats are not created equal there's actually one in a junkyard I was checking out you might have seen it in a previous video but stuff growing all over it and been sitting forever motor's locked up the guy will not budge off the 500 price and he has no paperwork for the boat or the trailer and something like that just doesn't seem worth it to me you know it's to say it'd be a fun cool project to mess around with and potentially save but what a junker little to the right to the right no Chris left no I'm getting mosquito bites I was just messing with you oh what is this oh what we're all jacked up drop this down a little bit [Music] they're so creepy oh I hope you die there I've never been a big fan of these folding bilge plugs but one nice thing about this boat is you spin it up behind the anode look at that just kind of locked in there versus uh you know that story if you ever seen a Heavy D he said he put one in and it was hanging down or something or another it got uh hung up on some sand and pulled out on his avati boat yeah I like to twist once just tighten them down by the way you guys might remember the hack repair I did on the whole used the right stuff silicone we've been going full speed in this boat that is completely bonded on there no leaks no not a proper repair but just to show you how tough The Right Stuff silicone is I mean by Permatex and I wish I was sponsored by them but I'm not maybe in the future one day great products here are my seat bubs move it says no I want to help come on we're going on a river guys get over there okay all right I hope it's just me but I would personally never want to own one of these giant mega trucks I guess I guess it's not too far off from the military five time I had for a bit but crew Cab's kind of cool it's like what what are you doing with it look how high the bed is it's ridiculous tone is it's actually a fair-sized trailer c-frame too she's a beaut all you need is a tundra first gen look at the difference my trailer rollers this trailer is overkill that's that's something I would do if I was putting a trailer together you know bunks are the way to go though in case your ratchet breaks up front it's not gonna slide off on the ramp you know foreign plug in right says yeah I'm ready let's go just a few days later and so much less debris it was a muddy mess out here the only day Gus is like wait I gotta poop I'm gonna go back on land he's barking at himself in the mirror gosh you're smarter than that you've already seen that mirror okay all right enough so ever since Jen did the bolsters on the side the trim doesn't work anymore yeah use the Leatherman on the solenoid back there and get it manually all the way down 2.0 in their formula sounds a little better than ours you know we got the knocky or piss piston slapping one but hasn't gotten any louder and I'm willing to bet we could leave it like that if anybody's interested in buying this boat we're going to be putting it up for sale four one million dollars but take a thousand bucks running running driving riding good it's the absolute gem Tide's rolling out we got beautiful scenery around here this is stunning [Music] oh [Music] nice thing about this boat is it handles these rollers like a champ rolls right into them nice strong hoe big old jalopy just went by [Music] [Applause] you could definitely put a bigger uh more pitch on this prop I mean it it ramped out right away but it's kind of nice it gets out of the hole real good he's having a good time he wants to go on land you guys probably can't see it's getting dark but these homes right here are uh Maple Beach I think the neighborhood was called and the chemical company behind it they had like a few spills and such many many years ago and they bought everybody out but those people held onto their property and now they got this like sweet premium Riverfront private property with you can't even enter the neighborhood it's not even you know it's illegal to go in there and there's no trespassing signs but they're allowed to go in kind of cool I mean not kind of cool that there was chemical spills and people lost their houses but the people that held on to it you know they got a sweet spot now there's still a chemical plant there though and it stinks around here all the time you get that tied up no timing you pull them into the wharf let's grab a little dinner [Music] you're not scared I am gosh when are you gonna start docking with us [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] yeah please you are one well-behaved poodle he's a Poodle right oh all right well luckily he's friendly because hate friendly or yeah he's quick huh quick he leaped off I mean it's a good thing he's friendly all right Gus is like all right I've had no I don't need the hot dog alone he was like I'm just trying to get the land I gotta pee and poop what's his name rod rod huh God this guy licking all the crumbs off the ground stopped in at King George Inn your friends are playing Stranger than normal check them out it's a band stranger to normal and got uh Cincinnati up there playing gym they do their acoustic set every once in a while by themselves here but you're gonna get up and sing too with them emotions [Music] [Applause] that's it lay down okay he's such a good boy and he pick up food oh he's got it Gus's crumb [Laughter] where is he going with it though he lives inside of the dock I guess I don't know man he had a long haul with that little piece of food it's a huge piece of food for him and the family it's like triple the size of it I know it's like a side of beef
Channel: NoNonsenseKnowHow
Views: 491,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NNKH, NoNonsenseKnowHow, mechanic, No Nonsense Know How, jennifer sugint, old cars, abandoned, jen, gus, sugint, hot, cars, olds, will it run, will it start, boat, boating, 1984, 1970, vgg, vice grip garage, pbg, raven, delaware river, bristol pa
Id: 3mywOlvppdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 47sec (2207 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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