1983 Z28 Camaro First Wash Will It Run and Drive??? 3rd Gen Camaro Revival

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hey guys welcome back to the channel Rob here fo load of Customs so I was out in Saskatchewan a couple weeks ago doing the old internet installs when I spotted would look to be a 1983 Z28 Camaro park behind some bushes just off the highway so rolled the internet truck around left the note asking if it was for sale it was so I did the only thing I could and I bought it because I don't got a third gen Camaro project yet so can't have too many third gens that's that's a saying I'm sure got the trailer all loaded up so let's drive on out to saskatch one today get this Camaro loaded up bring it back to the shop get a running and driving detail it up and then then let's decide what we're going to do with it stay tuned for today's [Music] video [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right cool guys so this is the uh Camaro I just picked up here so it's a 1983 Z28 Camaro well stop the video so I know at this point I know what you're thinking I know what you're thinking because I probably said it a couple times now but uh Z Z28 Camaro I'm Canadian so sometimes comes out of Zed but Z Z28 before I got eight in the live in that comment section might already be too late but anyways let's Let's uh continue on with the video I spotted it sitting behind these bushes over here couple weeks ago when I was back out in this area I said I'm just going to stop leave a note see if it's for sale and hopefully someone gets back to me and they did we're down here today we just bought it picked it up so let's flip this camera around check out this Camaro and then get the trailer in here and get it loaded up and bring it back to the shop and she's in pretty decent shape here just got a it's got a bump there on the uh the fender here but I can use the Unis spotter pull that out hammer and Dolly it and get that fixed and it's got a section on the door here too which is pushed out quite a little ways anyways I should be able to work that back into place and I already got the mirror for it too I picked up at the uh the wrecking Air at the same time I got all those parts from the firebird so other than that like everything else on this Camaro is in pretty decent shape it's not too bad you can tell here just by the orange peel on it so it has been repainted at one point in time but it is in pretty pretty good shape and what's really exciting for me is I've had a I had a 1983 Camaro when I was in high school and these cars they bring back a lot of memories for me so super cool to see super cool that I was able to pick it up and buy it really excited about that so for the exterior Wise It's really good shape and basically all these tires got air in them which is great cuz I'm not used to that either so um I think there's only one that's a little bit down on air this one over here a little bit but not too too bad and the most exciting thing probably about this is take a look in the ignition column I've got keys and for me this is probably the first vehicle I've boughten in like the last seven years that actually has a set of keys for it so we're definitely looking forward to not uh tearing apart the steering column this time around should be pretty good so then for interior wise on the Camaro here so it's actually in pretty really good shape actually so the seats are all intact they're not all um ripped or torn or nothing like that even the ones here in the back are in really good shape same with the interior Plastics in this here too are in really excellent shape the carpet is pretty carpet's pretty dirty it could definitely use a good interior clean here in the interior we'll get it back to the shop and we'll get it detailed up here there are a few little cracks in the uh the dash pad but other than that though the interior is in pretty good shape there is a little bit sagging on the headliner there too a little tiny rip as well but overall uh interior wise she's in really good shape so let's uh go we check out and see how many miles it's got on it so for the Camaro here so she's got 28,224 th000 miles on the car so pretty wicked shape and it's got the motor in here it's also got the transmission in the car and it's got keys too so we're off to uh off to a good start on this one let got everything cam does have a 305 in it here I'm pretty much don't know a whole lot about the car I've been dealing with the guy's grandmother the whole the whole time purchasing this she don't know a whole lot about it either basically from what she told me it got moved there with the tractor a couple years ago he's pretty much lost interest in it and it's been pretty much sitting ever since so now that we did the quick walk around on it let's get the trailer in here get it loaded up bring it back to the shop is [Music] all right cool guys so we got the 83 Camaro all loaded up here on the trailer so in town There's a little car wash and you know when you get these things got to give them that first wash so let's bring it into town wash her [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] aahah [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] she actually feel really nice she looking pretty good on the trailer so you always got to do that anytime you pick these cars up you got to give them that wash down for the first time for how long they've been sitting feels good so anyways it's all washed up so let's get her back to the shop and see if we can get this 305 running and driving oh by the way while we got this thing out here if this was actually painted to the Finish I put on this I would never use that car wash brush on it but damn looking pretty good on the trailer right now I got to admit she is looking pretty good what color guys should we paint this thing drop some ideas in the comment section let's get back to the [Music] shop all right cool guys we got the 83 Camaro back to the shop here um and if you see in the Horizon basically the sun's almost gone down and if you live in Alberta you know in the fall it gets dark right now out here so I got maybe 10 minutes maybe 15 of daylight is left at the most so just leave the Camaro on the trailer here overnight and we'll catch you guys back here first thing in the morning and we'll get her unloaded so Camaro she's frosted this morning I've also got surprise internet jobs that came up damn it so we got to go do a couple of those but maybe I'll squeeze back home before my Saskatchewan jobs and film some more YouTube stuff and get the Camaro unloaded for the trailer but now I'm late for work because I had no idea about my jobs today so I guess I'll had out get get those on the go so we got the Camaro all unloaded here from the trailer so let's go ahead and jump in on engine bay see if we can get this Camaro running and driving all right perfect oh yeah that don't work going to need a third gen Hood prop got a perfect one right here beautiful so if you guys are looking for a hood prop um for your third gen here Sherwood makes a pretty good brand these are available on Amazon uh these are really good they they're flexible they're made of fiberglass and uh this one here is a flex 85 which is pretty good it's also a Paul coffee model anyways let's uh go ahead now and let's uh check out the oil oh that's well there's no oil on the dipstick so yeah that ain't good so definitely be adding some oil to this thing here so power steering fluid over here wow why is that super full like that that's uh way up there going have to siphon some of AO CU it's like yeah it's right there that's way too much yeah that's up on the thing okay well siphon some that out there because it shouldn't be that much might as well see how the rad fluid's doing now oh well that's good so that's full at least let's get to see there's there is some two here in the uh the Overflow compartment and might as well check this fluid here for the transmission make sure it's good it's got a nice color to it at least so that's a good sign definitely better than what the 91 was the firebird fluid wasn't as clean that's for sure see how this is here oh that's actually pretty decent looking that's brand new air filter in here that's a good sign to see perfect an carburetor here too no electronic stuff really love seeing this perfect well I'm going to siphon some of this uh power steering fluid out here too going to get some oil um fill up the oil compartment there too and uh let's quickly check a spark plug here too here as well so might as well just get some knocker loose here just Li up a couple of these parts here haven't moved in a little while perfect so I'm going to go ahead in here pull one of these spark plugs just got the checking on them seeing how they are spark plug wires look pretty good though uh they don't they look relatively kind of newish so let's check those spark plugs out so here's our first spark plug here so it doesn't look to be too too terrible a little bit of buildup on it but anyways check one more here and see how it's looking as well so anyway there's that second one so there is a lot of oil on them but if you do look down in here so there's a pretty good oil leak that's everywhere on this side see on the top you can see it and coming down the front there too which is explaining why there's no oil in it but anyways clean that up and we'll put her back and maybe check one more on the other side so here's one of the the spark plugs I pulled from the driver's side so these are looking to be like they must have been recently changed or they must have been changed before the carb was parked but uh they're looking in pretty pretty decent shape so we probably talk a battery in here now and then uh we can go inside the car here check out some of those gauges see if we got some lights so went to go throw a battery in it here but I noticed I'm missing the terminal piece for the battery so we're going to clean this up here get the new terminal connection piece there too and I don't know if you can tell or not let's see if we can zoom in there but if you look closely right here down at the bottom looks like there might be a new starter in there which would be pretty sweet so quickly get this cleaned up toss the battery in there and uh see what we got for electricity perfect so we got this all cleaned up also replaced on the terminal here too so anyhow let's toss the battery in so just went to go install the battery here but the uh the terminal bolt it's a bit too long and there's too much movement so it's not making a good connection there and I don't have any washers or anything to slide in there to make it shorter make it work so I guess we'll head over to Canan Tire get some smaller side puls terminal bolts also get some oil while we're down there and if we're lucky by some miraculous chance maybe they have Hood props for the for the hood here and we can replace on those that would be fantastic well back here at Canadian Tire it's pretty much the only place I can get parts in this town on a weekend everything else pretty much closed here we are back to the battery terminal shelf again I feel like I should probably just buy the rest of them in are in stock always seeming the always seem to need these going to be using the best oil possible for this project and for me usually the best oil one that's on sale so Castro GTX sold so just got back from Canadian Tire and they they had Hood props in there like Hood props for an 83 Camaro I did not expect that but like look at the yellowing wi and how old those those have been sitting in stock for a long time but happy I got them because now we can throw them in the Camaro also got the smaller terminal bolts here got some oil and funnels was on sale the funnels were on sale too so pick those up so let's toss everything in the car hook it up before those are snow clouds it's going to snow in Alberta and it's it's not even freaking Halloween yet like come on Alberta and on top of it like it's cold enough I can see my damn breath and it's only like the 20th of October so like if you live in a warm climate maybe like Arizona California Florida somewhere warm Mexico let me know in the comment section below bet it feels great to be down there anyways let toss all this stuff in the car got to put my hood props on so I can get my hockey stick back because if we're getting snow at least I can play hockey again and rag will go it with Ronnie Stern Stern loves the fight Raglin not bashful gets a couple of good right hands then Stern comes back with a left and Stern and rag wrestle each other to the ice that's one good thing so picked up some 530 for it let quickly throw that in there fill her up cuz she was down low she wasn't even on the stick there so she was definitely either burning oil or leaking it really bad but she was down just about two quarts there had to throw in there perfect get that out this new one up here perfect there we go that's in that's in beautiful oil has been all topped off Hood props have been changed power steering pump has all been siphoned out to the proper level here I've gone ahead and I've replaced on the terminals here too with the batteries so let's go ahead connect the negative here to make sure nothing Sparks out or arcs out or the vehicle doesn't burn to the ground which is always nice so anyways oh what we got there oh well damn that's that's beautiful to have so I don't even know if I had any of those my newer cars a freaking engine bay light well that's convenient because it's only 5:30 and the sun's going down here in Alberta so let's uh tighten this up with a wrench real quick and let's uh see what we got for headlights and tail lights and uh gauges inside and check and see what we've got for for gauges here so battery gauge RightWay is working great oh the fuel so if the fuel is down that low I'm not even going to be able to siphon anything out so might as well just add couple uh gallons of new fuel to it and see what we got there but throw in the high beams here beautiful go around the front of the car check those out see if we got some signals oh that's wor hey this is great like I said I normally don't get a vehicle that almost has keys it's been like seven years so it's nice to see things all working for a change so what's also cool is I actually got the door buzzer working I've never had that on any of the third gens I've ever owned so and in noest then we crank over the uh key here to accessories stereo also seems to be working too might have to hook that up in the engine bay there and see if we can get that sub in the back to work here and see what kind of sound systems in this car here too so now that the lights and everything else are working might as well just give it it and we got some got some real low fuel it was only reading like 16th of a tank or something low so anyway just give the key a bump see if she turns over perfect so she's going to rotate there right away so before I try anymore what I'm going to go do let's go throw some new fuel in it perfect so we'll just toss some new fuel in there so at least when it's turning over now should suck up a little bit better gasoline here dump a little bit of gas down the carb there as well she's been sitting for a bit so might as well just feed it just a bit there we go got some got some new gas in it raised it up actually to about half just over a quarter of a tank there got some gas in the carb here so she's been sitting a while a couple years or whatever it's been so anyways let's turn the key and uh see if she fires off [Music] there oh almost try her again [Music] [Music] yeah oh yeah there we go oh that pry good time oh wow just killed it so she firing off which is good so let's just uh I won't I won't kill it this time let's uh give it another shot here oh there we [Music] go so she's sounding pretty good here at the back but man is that power steering pump squeeing I had to turn this off [Music] well she's got some smoking at the back here but that's just from all the uh the old oil here probably burning off because it hasn't been started in the longest time but man is that power steering pump howling so which makes sense as to why this was overfilled car was probably parked because the power steering pump went started making that crazy ass sound and they didn't know how to fix it so it's probably why it was been sitting the guy said about six years or whatever and also when I was is that snow already man it is too is it yeah it's snow 20th of October tell me once again how warm it is in Arizona right now anyways but that's explains why there was a chain hooked up to it when I loaded it up on the trailer because it was obviously dragged to where it sat and it wasn't driven so anyways now it's snowing and I've also lost all my light let's uh it's packing in for today and then maybe tomorrow if we got the parts we'll get the power steering pump changed out and we'll take the canaro the canaro the Camaro for a trip in the snow cuz it's still going to we're going to drive it regardless so last night I couldn't see much out here because it was too dark I thought for sure the power steering pump was the problem here but I think that screeling is probably just a loose belt now on the alternator that I have a chance to take a look at it I notice whenever I give it some throttle there just a slight movement here on the alternator so it might just be a loose belt going to try and get that tighten up here let's tighten the belt up quite a bit here so yeah quite a ways so I'm pretty sure that should uh oh there we go that should solve that issue well we'll turn it over here now and see if that solves that uh squealing [Music] issue that definitely sounds a lot better wow definitely not scw like it was before sounds way better so she's all running here good now um tighten up that alternator belt definitely seems to have fixed up that squealing sound she was squealing pretty good there she had the old uh Peter Griffin sound to her going [Music] but uh we got rid of that so anyways what I really like to do now is I keep stepping on all these wires down here I guess there LEDs or something that's hooked up or was hooked up and there's a bunch of stuff laying around here so anyways not really one for having the car dirty like this so let's get the shot back out here quickly give this car a detail there and then once it's clean let's go take it for a [Music] [Music] [Music] cruise [Music] [Music] down [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] ch [Music] ahahahahah [Music] perfect quick little detail that feels so much better all right cool guys so we got the uh Camaro she's all detailed up she's all topped up of fluids uh that belt's all tightened up she's running good right now so let's hop in her take her for a little test drive here see how she drives and then let's pull her into the shop so she can warm [Music] [Music] up [Music] [Music] well 1983 Z28 Camaro she's up and running running and driving again uh took this thing out for a test drive like you've seen and this thing is driving excellent this thing things shifts great sounds great and for me that's fantastic because that means if I don't get to replace on anything major mechanical wise like the engine of transmission we can just jump right back into the Bodywork and paint on this thing which I've been waiting to do for a while again on this channel uh especially in my new shop here so I cannot wait for it um last thing I was able to do on this channel is my brother's 1979 Silverado 10 pickup truck if you haven't already check this video out over here and basically you get to see what we basically get to see how my brother's truck turned out I think we had like a $1,500 Budget on that truck he got it for 400 bucks I think it was 400 bucks no he got it for 400 Bucks sold some parts with basically a free truck and we spent about 1,500 bucks on it check that video out kind of gives you an idea what we can do on a low budget so uh make things look pretty freaking damn good but anyways guys leave in the comment section down below here too guys what color do you think we should paint this thing I'm thinking like a deep red burgundy color would look really good with that t interior I think would match up really nice same with House of Color root beer candy I've never seen a painted on a third gen Camaro before but I think that thing would look really good especially with the tan color again I think it would match it excellently uh maybe you guys have some other other great color ideas maybe have a couple color code ideas and stuff like there codes for the colors as well leave those in the comment section I'll check them out if you guys take the time and leave me comments I'm going to make sure I take the time to reply to you I appreciate you guys leaving comments appreciate you watching the channel leave those comments I'll check them out and we'll get the painting on this Camaro right away here so basically as you can see behind me here I got the 198 Scott still outside put that down getting ready to pull the Box on it soon as I'm done pulling the Box on it and doing the metal work and paint on that truck we're either going to get to the Camaro or the 91 Firebird that's outside so leave in the comment section down below there two guys which one of those You' like to see once I'm done the truck series uh it's either going to be the Camaro which is going to be the easiest for me and the cheapest keep that in mind or the 91 Firebird and I'll just get the extra parts we need for it and find the transmission everything else but we'll get one of those two uh make a series of those right afterwards get them painted put back on the road so all right guys till next time remember it's not reging it's not custom I'll catch you guys in next episode take care [Music] he
Channel: Fully Loaded Kustoms
Views: 51,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #InShot, #Camaro, #3rdGen, #ChevCamaro, #Z28, #Z28Camaro, #Z28Chev, #Z28Nation, #Z28Camaros, #Z28chevCamaro, #Fbody, #WillitRun, #3rdGenCamaro, #Firebird, #TransAm, #Revival
Id: geU3U2Nwj-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 40sec (2440 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2023
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