1983 Steelers vs Bengals

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they are one and four and if they lose tonight well the players themselves are saying we're going to be out of it for the pittsburgh steelers they're three and two but it's a different team that dominated the 1970s we'll be talking about that but a win tonight for the steelers and they move to the top with cleveland in the afc central division howard cassell will not be with us tonight he's in baltimore preparing for tonight's tomorrow night's telecast of the first world series game involving baltimore and philadelphia but when you don't have the one great mind you come up with two minds and we've got to pair them a couple of greats from out of the past o.j simpson number 32 and don meredith hold number 18 17. not 18 number one in y'all well yeah we'll miss his brain we got our heads together so it's going to be i've got a scoop for you i had so many lunches today with so many different people and i found this out pete johnson has been activated a big full full-back all-time leading rush for cincinnati 270 pounds he's going to be playing on that well i tell you he's going to need all every one of those 270 pounds because he's going to play against a pittsburgh defense that literally starts 19 players wait a minute we're gonna have a good time i think it will be a good ballgame tonight okay let's have some fun let's go dancing oh frank take it away let's go get it frank all right gentlemen about ready to get underway the pittsburgh steelers have won the toss they will be receiving dropping our number 44 henry odom he's a rookie from south carolina state with good speed and tim harris another rookie from washington state set to get things underway jim breach the bengals again one and four they know they must win tonight pittsburgh fighting a rash of injuries we'll tell you about them shortly here comes tim harris we're underway from cincinnati out over the 28 to the 24-yard line where it would be first down at 10 the pittsburgh steelers and quite naturally the first injury that we will discuss is terry bradshaw the great quarterback of the 70s not starting tonight of course with the celebrated and much talked about injury to the right arm that required surgery last spring cliff stout for the year 57 percent four touchdowns seven interceptions but he has not been producing their spectacular games even though the steelers are three and two in the season that the pittsburgh steeler fans were accustomed to with terry bradshaw the wide receivers they'll be young tonight because the steelers are hurt at the wide receiver area on the right side of their offensive line as we watch balder abercrombie bursting over the right side for about six it'll be second down and four and defensively the cincinnati bengals like to play the steelers with a lot of movement up front that is the three four that they open with eddie edwards one of the best pass rushes in the nfl over on the left side and he will be going up against elkin filling in for all pro larry brown of the steelers there are your four linebackers jim leclaire returning to duty the leader of that defensive unit inside linebacker who's been out for four weeks second down and four for the steelers the ball just over the 30-yard line and here he comes franco harris over the right side he gets up close to the first down in the arms of jim mcclaire and what can you say when you speak of franco harris he has moved ahead of o.j simpson [Music] he is into tonight's game only 953 yards of passing the legendary jim brown as the all-time leading rusher in the history of this game and he's off to the best start ever and they're going to measure what can you say about him he stays healthy he's wise he is uh still the leader of this team you know i asked him today if he was thinking about retiring or when he's going to retire he says he never even thinks about it so if you think about it you start looking forward to it and he's playing the best ball he's ever played he feels as good as he ever felt and he can play three or four more years look at franco and he runs just as well a year's off to his best year 417 yards into the night he has three 100 yard games already this season and he needs to take up the flat because the sailors looking over a third down or short you saw it a moment ago just inches for the first down the steelers are hurting at the wide receiver and in the offensive line and stout pulling ahead using six four and 218 pounds to get the first down for the sailors out over the 35 yard line always give it to your strong runner in those crucial situations okay he actually is the leading uh rusher for a quarterback in the league you know that i mean cliff he's not throwing a lot but he's running a lot and we talked about those wide receivers we'll see a lot of calvin sweeney oj touched on him earlier we'll see the youngsters though wayne capers who opened tonight the rookie from kansas because greg hawthorne and john stalworth are both injured tonight flag goes as abercrombie ties the left side and the whistle goes before the ball is snapped i'll start offense and it will work against the steelers i'd like to mention the fact that ed biles the coach of the houston oilers 016 on the season announced his resignation this afternoon so the houston oilers are coachless tonight winless on the season hate to see that i think ed's an awful nice man but he certainly had a hard time putting that club together offense they have two paws for one second it really it's really strange to look at the pittsburgh team with all the great receivers they've had and they look at a guy like calvin sweeney has only had 19 uh receptions in four years and capers he's never caught a pro pass blind enough for him they're smallest through the years haven't they they've had the great receivers there first down 15 stop he fires in and out of the hands of penny cunningham the big tight end it'll be second down in 15 and cunningham also is playing with very sore ribs tonight greg hawthorne who would start a wide receiver has a muscle pull in his leg we won't see him john starworth into reserve after four weeks with a hamstring pull and of course len swann retired last year jim smith who was a great backup to stalwart and swan he has gone to the usfl birmingham so the steelers going in a different direction frank o'hara single setback now second down 15. he's not open and he has to throw it away abercrombie picked up nicely out of the backfield stout had to switch off tried to get it to cunningham to no avail reggie williams put some good pressure in the linebackers i think we've got to see them the bengals are at a point right now where they're gonna have to do so many doggone things and they're gonna try a lot of them reggie william 57 you'll see him come in you'll see stout drop back nobody's really open yeah i think you're going to see a lot of this with the inexperience in their receivers he's going to be looking for guys to get open all night now i got a feeling they're going to have to run the ball i think it's hard to do that 50 yards to go new folks offensive line for mosquitos on the right side larry brown not in there tonight course they're not in they've been replaced by wilkins and donnelly third down 15. here comes the pressure stop gets it to harris harris short of the first down after the 40-yard line of flag is down in the backfield for pittsburgh and we're going to have to crawl work against the steelers but it is a fourth down it could be decline cincinnati looking for possession another thing about frankel we talk about his run he's their leading receiver i think this year he's he is indeed holding number 55 offense declined fourth time rich donnelly filling in the right guard for the steelers for an inch of steve corson out with a sore knee detected holding penalty declined to bring up the punting unit and craig will kick away for the steelers and dropping is mike martin a rookie out of the university of illinois great wide receiver there respecting coco martin has settled in inside the cincinnati 20-yard line [Music] [Music] craig colquitt he got it off beautifully and cincinnati their first possession were just underway will begin near their 10-yard line [Music] the results are in more americans looked at back when put their money on chevrolet in the 1983 model year they made chevrolet number one in new car and trump sales number one in onboard computers number one in fuel injection number one in front drives that's because chevrolet provides the cars and trucks america wants and needs in fact over the past six years chevrolet has sold more than all the imports combined thanks america this bud's for everyone who kicks off the week with monday night football yeah just for you that distinctively clean crisp taste that says blood wise this bud's for you [Music] looking across riverfront stadium you can just see the lights of cincinnati they're all on tonight 50 degree temperatures skies are clear beautiful night for football cincinnati's first possession kenny anderson affords the quarterback they'll begin at their own 11-yard line here comes charles alexander who's been filling in for pete johnson who was out for a four-game suspension on drug involvement he was activated this afternoon the big booming pullback of the bengals big kenny anderson 70 completion once again leaving the nfl in that department as he usually does last week and losing to baltimore he's still at over 330 yards there is alexander one set back they'll use rodney tate and they will often use three wide receivers chris collinsworth having absolutely great years thus far with 23 recessions he has split at the bottom of your screen that's paid in motion on second down and nine a little offsides look like anderson he reads defenses so quickly he looked right came back to collinsworth he never stopped working and he gets up to the 25-yard line but again the flag is down at the line of scrimmage it looked like the tight end it looked like you readjusted his stance at the last minute i think it's going to cost him that little slot hitching is good along with all that just kind of who's going out there a little bit in a hurry college worth has had a good year yep that's what it is our referee tonight is pat hagerty and he'll be working along with his crew hopefully we'll hear a little from pat nothing personal but we like it that way there's your three-man down front and o.j tuts on it they'll play everyone on that defense 19 or 20 guys we'll see a lot of action linebackers they're good and particularly jack lambert inside on the left side the leading tackler once again as he is annually the cornerbacks mel blood over the right side one of the all-time leading interceptors in this league and he's got a couple already this year and he's in great condition at 35 years old illegal motion number 89 offense second down dan ross it was the tight end lost at five it'll be second down and 15. a very loyal crowd they have turned out and sell out numbers here tonight but i'll tell you if they go one and five they'll be looking for friends anderson now backed up inside his own seven yard line [Music] play action [Applause] anderson with a tremendous touch gets it to the tight end dan ross oh that's really pretty he dropped that one in the bucket didn't he i don't think you could there's no way you can cover a guy any better than he's really yeah but evidently just a little quick not much of a play fake but a little bit this is really the touch you just drop that thing going didn't throw it that hard that's the only place that one can be nice throw that is the mark of a great passing quarterback and dan ross one of the better receiving tight ends pro bowl a year ago probably because they didn't give it to him in 81 when he had 71 receptions and led them to the super bowl as is curtis in motion on first down this is alexander right side and alexander working hard out over the 30 to about the 32-yard line for a gain of about six before lauren taves is there first for the steelers it'll be second down at four hall of famer forest greg with the messenger system giving the play to rodney tate forest is really frustrated this year he's uh he thought he had a good ball club and they come in it seemed like they had so many things that had gone wrong for him with injuries and of course a couple of suspensions before the season was started he just he can't get it together so we've got to score some points that's all there is to it 32 yard line second down and four alexander single setback play action by anderson once again anderson isaac curtis inside pittsburgh territory at the 47-yard line curtis's 12th reception of the year but anderson has been concentrating so much on collinsworth this year curtis still oj with that great speed we'll take that defensive back so deep yeah well curtis used to be their home run hitter now he's more than possession receiver there he is running your everyday 20 yard out yeah this is what they don't have in pittsburgh now they've been throwing to isaac for a number of years and the timing kenny let that ball go before isaac made his turn he knows where he's going to be and in talking to the pittsburgh people they haven't had enough time to work with those receivers it was not to bobby lane's spiral was it it was beautiful tightly woven and anderson throws the ball that way on first and ten alexander breaks it again on the right side and this time he's up close to another first down once again lauren tave from the offside had to take alexander in president and the bengals have really come out firing tonight they're coming off that line of scrimmage working over there with mike wilson max montoya and dan ross does a fine job blocking there's pete johnson we mentioned he was activated this afternoon he could have been activated last week but they didn't find scales enough to wave i don't think he came back at about 273 he's dropped three pounds this week he's in there at 270. boston earlobe yeah but i tell you they really miss him because they've had some crucial third and ones and third and half foots that they haven't been able to get that's right against buffalo where they talk about they didn't score from the four and that's what price greg says that's what this team misses says if you can't score from the four we don't deserve to win they see it all the time anderson either not liking his personnel that was sent in or the defense he was looking at he calls timeout dp gym pack [Music] 50 professional exercises at home dp fit [Music] is taking charge compare s10 maxi cap to dots and king cab and you'll [Music] [Music] maximize your truck value chevy s10 maxi cab chevy chuck is taking charge the phillies and the oreos two great clubs who meet for the first time battle for baseball's greatest prize the world series begins tomorrow on abc here is d johnson number 46 all-time leading rush here for the bengals came up a second round draft pick all american ohio state and in the six years he's played he's been the bingo's leading rusher he also is a good man in protecting kenny anderson anderson has a first down and ten the ball at the 37-yard line of the steelers no score just underway here in the first quarter from cincinnati anderson a lot of time too much time for the steelers isaac and that's all that ball is picked up right and taken by brian hinkle curtis had possession of it it was stripped and the speeders get the football good field position 38-yard line anderson frustrated he had the ball right into isaac curtis and then he gets stripped so flooding a zone he had three of his receivers over there on the right side they couldn't cover all of them and he just fell out of his hands looked like to me dwayne woodruff got right up into isaac curtis the ball came out and the man that collected brian hinkle the steelers have a first down they're at their own 38-yard line we'll be back in cincinnati in just a moment chevy charles is taking charge moisture and road salt are murder on a pickup but tough chevy s10 comes with built-in corrosion fighting zinc coated steel to help guard against rust while ford ranger uses about 93 square feet chevy s10 gives you almost three times more zinc treated steel about 277 square feet for year-round protection chevy s10 got you covered with tough corrosion fighting steel chevy trucks is taking charge we just had to find a cheaper way to heat and cool our home then we heard about a system that uses a special pipe developed by phillips petroleum that circulates water below ground the earth warms the water in the winter and cools it in the summer so the system's heat pump works less and our energy costs are cut up to 50 percent now i don't have to buy gasoline at philip 66 but i do because some of their ideas strike pretty close to home fine products for you and your car from phillips petroleum the performance company sandy the network television premier knight farm following hardcastle and mccormick brian hinkle recovered the ball for the steelers in his second year but actually was injured reserved for his first year so has not had that much experience he made a big play however quick snap and there was movement by cincinnati and pulling away this stop left the ball the bengals were saying it's theirs but i think it was contact made on the part of the left side of the line with the bengals i think i heard a whistle too before all that started looking like maybe the offensive line started for that snap apparently the offensive line movement drew the bengals off whistle blew before the ball was snapped options being presented to the bengals at the moment well i know you two aren't interested in basketball i live in los angeles i'm a big laker fan and they made a big trade today let me hear about it yes what happened to the lakers well it seems the lakers sent down to san antonio on mr norm nixon and eddie the thief of baghdad jordan they picked up a rookie named byron scott and sven nater formerly ucla oh i'm glad that yeah that's good to pass this stuff along you're an investigative reporter also i think that's terrific ah my friends would be interested in it first down 15 the steelers inside their own 33-yard line look out welder abercrombie and abercrombie tries to get to the right side and jim leclaire who has missed so much playing time with a bad knee was up there defensively to make the stop getting help from robert jackson who has been the free safety for the bengals this year brian hicks who was the regular free safety a year ago on the interior reserve with a knee gain of a couple for abercrombie it'll be second down in 13. tonight a dangerous receiver averaging well over 20 yards of reception and of course a great running all-american back out of baylor bout will go down inside the 25 oh gary boyarski the nose tackle inside the 25 the sack on stout he almost can sense when you see them go back to pass they're kind of saying we really don't want to do this but we read the book you've got to do a little passing too but they're just not very smooth with their passing game all right the loss is inside the 25 and it'll be third down and they'll call it 22. and o.j i think we got our san antonio mixed up with san diego san diego la and san diego correct that's close both of them have a saying saying they're both south sure third down 22. south blitz again underneath the franco harris and harris gets some of the yardage back moving out close to the 34 yard line but we'll see the punting unit once again and that means great culprit for the steelers well that's the second time they threw that little delayed pattern of franco you would think they'd throw it on first down i don't think they got much time to throw anything else from that they're coming in there pretty good as we say they have a lot of problems on their offensive line especially the right sideways a full-in tackle and a fill in guard maybe a long nightfall so counter the heads they're all there ten beside himself mike martin has dropped you had a quick look at him at the 20 yard line of the bengals co-clip doesn't turn over and a fair catch is called for executed at the 25-yard line of the bengals so cincinnati will have their second possession near their own 25 yard line after a punt of some 41 yards by craig coquitt back in a moment hey to everyone who tackles the changes and challenges of that new promotion this works for you this but's for you there's no one else who does it right away stop the [Music] no line [Music] yep just for you that distinctively clean crisp taste that says budweiser [Music] they keep leading around too close to comfort actually and cincinnati has a first down attend their second progression no score in the first quarter 7 18 remaining anderson they'll throw the ball for you isaac curtis and anderson comes right back to the veteran wide receiver who gave it up deep in steeler territory a short while ago and donnie shell up there defensively for the sailors after a gain of seven well that's the third time they've thrown that pattern they must have found something over there you think that woodworkers giving him a little cushion well sometimes he's like a throw to the right might be though one thing i noticed is how much more time anderson's got to throw on the other side all right makes a difference alexander single set back second down to three a pair of tight ends are in joining dan ross with ml harris and he struggles out over the 35 he'll get the first down as jack lambert is there defensively jack lambert he plays this game emotionally wouldn't you say oj yes he sure does and it's it's amazing that he's been able to make the adjustments so well i've always felt i mean from three four to four three two three four defense i i felt that you have less responsibility playing with four linebackers than three but he's made the adjustment as if he's been playing it his whole career i mean he's 20 tackles ahead of the nearest guy on his team well a premature assessment on my part alexander short of the first down and you saw by how much they'll bring in come on let's bring pete johnson no not yet we're going to save him from look at that fire drill down there and they'll kidding they change people on given situations now they have a short yardage they bring in different folks they line up in a four down front lambert nicole will remain as linebacker stanley wilson joins charles alexander as a setback for cincinnati third down and inches oh alexander all over the left side and this time he gets the first down at the 38-yard line [Applause] alexander of course through the first five games of the season has been filling in in a different position for him although he does have the size of 225 pounds but he's been filling in for pete johnson while johnson was under suspension and of course last week when johnson reported a little heavy actually he may be more suited to playful but we'll talk about that uh in a bit a guy with his feet which you've seen would be a natural aspect blitz for the sailors robin paul is there in and out of the hands of rick woods he gets what he's down the sidelines rick was oh broke the ball rodney tate had it knocked from his hands the steelers were in a blitz ball came loose and rick woods coming up from his safety spot was there 38-yard touchdown steelers on top i'll tell you this is something for pittsburgh because they've been controlling the ball in most of the games this year but they haven't been coming up with a big play last week they have one big play from abercrombie and let's take a look at this one this is another big play and they certainly don't have the offense now to dominate a game like this they're going to have to come up with more big plays like this if they hope to win whoa edmund nelson coming across robin cole had turned rodney tate inside nelson gave him a pop and it went into the arms of this man rickwood that was a ver a very nice move there his first professional touchdown you were just saying that because there was a quarterback in this that tackle out there i saw that how many tackles did you make i made several i threw a lot of interceptions gary anderson makes it seven to nothing the steelers people might give you their trust once but after that it must be earned that's why we at emory are proud to be the overnight delivery service so often relied on to deliver not bad maybe you could use a little pine tar thanks emery we've earned the trust of american business and now an announcement that can't wait we have something to tell you you can't keep it a secret any longer see from the very beginning i knew he was a winner i felt the same way so now it's time for everybody in the world to know burger king switch to pepsi burger king and pepsi two winning tastes together at last together [Music] a big last matchup number one ranked nebraska with its tough and unbeaten scoring machine including turner gill irving fryer and mike rosier take on the missouri tigers saturday on abc for cincinnati number 23 rodney tate who just turned the ball over to rick woods who took it in from a 38-yard touchdown he's back there along with stanley wilson there is rodney tate they'll be looking for the big run back poor rodney he's been starting every game this year he's only carried the ball nine times i think he will be lucky to carry it nine times in the next five games after that mary anderson [Music] and it takes rodney tate to the goal line [Laughter] and the steelers are saying no we've got it now the referee's saying they didn't so i'm gonna go with the referee whistle that blow there was hinkle who says that he was the one that got the football we'll look at it again a return of 22 yards but he's really hammered you're really hoping that he'd break it after that fumble he got himself a whistle break that's good i like it a whistle break hey the bingo down by seven five minutes remaining in the first quarter they have possession inside their own 18-yard line david firstly now wide receiver for cincinnati number 81 play action again by anderson this is burster and burster a first down up around the 30 yards on the arms of jack lambert and let's go back to rodney tate's fumble he was placed at first by robin cole and then hit by edmund nelson nelson's number 64 from his college days as a disc jockers watch joe rock just knocked that finger straight up in the air woods comes by picks the thing up help him up help him up now this is a good move on a quarterback it was a good and this was a good athlete too well that's a good thing in the 30-yard line first down again cincinnati reverse to david mercer is a lot of speed but he attracts a lot of steelers the first one is rick woods first sir we'll get a couple of yards out of it after a lot of exercise a pretty good draft with wide receivers they got burster number one was a 79 or 80 and then they had chris collins worth number two so they picked up a couple of good ones right there in the college draft they really kind of know versa to be the big man there and he had some problems i guess uh picking up the system and reading coverages but they're counting on him to be a big star in the future the bengals bring it up they look over a second down and eight the ball near the 31-yard line rodney tape single setback and anderson as it goes to the tight end dan ross the flag is down and ross is close to first down yardage you know what he met black there's a flag down out there and i should wait let's see but that might have something to do with a little pick move that isaac curtis was trying to pull all defensive back so yeah to get uh colleen's worth in sight so the bengals will lose their pickup by dan ross you know gifford used to make that play famous when he would play a cornell green thought that uh frank was an offensive tackle for you he'd come down there and pick him off so many times in a second there and that's why they call it a pick play they were picking up and watching frank will not deny that either they're getting 16 just brent in there he said well maybe i did once a play offensive pass interference number 85 nothing what an eye what an eye on top of it let's take a look at it again i used to do something similar for joe walton see he was in motion they're trying to get chris inside there so that was the pick move they're trying to call it chris didn't go inside i think he saw the flag yeah loss of 10 loss to 20 if you count the loss of the completion it's second down and 20. and kenny anderson pulling away from the center he was anticipating the snap the flags are everywhere and anderson very wisely gets to the artificial surface inside the 15. i saw dan ross move a little quick at the end i think the snap by blake moore just didn't get into the hands they're going to have a procedure call against cincinnati blake moore of course filling in for dave remington the much talented rookie with an injured foot begins tomorrow night i already have some of don's money in my pocket from the playoffs we're going to be picking up a halftime report tonight from howard he's in baltimore philadelphia phillies the graybeards if you will and of course baltimore the perennial powers so cincinnati drops five more in the procedure call boris greg i think he's having a difficult time figuring out just what has happened to my football team chris collinsworth of course has committed two years down the line to the usfl as has the great tied in dan ross but they have both turned into third seasons thus far third down in a bundle look out anderson in town goes anderson it was keith gary he's gonna flags it down he might have got his hand on the face on the face mask of kenny anderson i think he did there it is okay still down too he got a hold of kenny anderson's face mask yanked him into the end zone keith gary 6-3 255 and anderson is hurt let's take a look at it you're going to see why they have this rule in the neck is one of the more vulnerable areas of the body on the field along with the knee and you snap that head there's nothing he can do oh he just snapped around too i mean that could really be a serious injury and anderson is down gary got his hand on the face mask almost turned anderson's head around him let's hope he's all right it was a dick knight train lane that literally was a defensive player that led to that rule personal foul face mask number 92 first down it's good to be yeah run by and grab guys by the face man single bar face mask i saw him do it at kizar stadium a few times you will certainly follow it i'll tell you that and there's no question why the rule was put in let's look once again keith carey coming in from your left side anderson trying to spin out anderson a good running back actually he was trying to grab the inside of that he was just trying to grab the inside of that shoulder pad but it looked like he got a couple of fingers on that face mask and just didn't let go anderson being treated now at the end zone they have already marked off the assessment against the steelers and keith carey the man that is warming up his church shawnert has not played that much in his brief career had a great career out at stanford university a lot of those stanford quarterbacks you see scattered throughout the league and uh actually i guess i don't know there's not one starting though i don't think isn't it [Music] steve is in minnesota now let's plunk it down and there you go see there i knew you guys were waking up there's not but three or four of these guys started and i guess we've had a real concern now etched across the face to force greg is for the well-being actually of his quarterback kenny anderson that's where we'll be a week from tonight washington again with a victory over saint louis well they were impressive they they're really playing some good football i love it you know you get the redskins and the teams like the raiders and those two teams in particular seem like they play with that old-time enthusiasm they got a bunch of guys that are kind of really having a lot of fun playing and it's it's showing up in that one loss record well they get down to the basics they seem like they're really good put the big guy on the big guy after one another they continue to work on kenny anderson let's take a look at the washington redskins yesterday let's look at the action as it took place in the third quarter joe this has been having another great day at this point the redskins are ahead 24-7 this is the tight end rick walker is usually the motion man for the redskins that made it 31-7 washington and now at 31-14 the fourth quarter well guess who the big man rumbling word as he go the left side just as he did in the super bowl third touchdown on the day for john reagan this one from 15 yards out washington going on to beat st louis 38-14 and of course they stay one game behind the undefeated dallas cowboys with a five and one record dallas of course 6-0 isn't it amazing you look at big riggins he's the oldest back in football he's having maybe his best year if you look at franco harris is right near the oldest back in football and he's uh having his his finest here do you think he's gonna have to come back they've taken i don't mean this preciously but maybe they're taking better care of themselves uh off-season work and stuff like that than maybe what we did a few years ago well i don't think you can just start this at the end of your career if you look at franco he's always been a guy who's taking good care of himself rigging's always been a guy who's uh taking care of himself and i think it's something that just happened over the years you know guys like you and i you know we're out there dissipating all the time kenny anderson gets up one of the problems don you might remember we were in cleveland penny anderson was playing with a very stiff neck i i'm not so sure that they didn't just now put the collar on but when flew at him a couple of weeks ago in cleveland he'd been hurt against buffalo that's right could hardly move his head at the time so i think he's aggravated actually an injury from that buffalo game several weeks ago actually tony dungy was coaching the defensive back for pittsburgh mentioned that to me today that they didn't think anderson was picking up his second receiver well and he thought the stiff neck was hurting uh anderson's ability to hit that back out of the backfield he didn't turn well he hit that back swinging out of the backyard they were trying to get a detailed report on the condition of ken anderson he has come off the field walking but with a neck brace around his neck and into the ball game comes turk schoenert fourth year man out of stanford he's 6 109. he saw his numbers a while ago 7-13 no touchdowns no interceptions and that was in a philip philly and roll when anderson was hurt against buffalo earlier in the year well you really hate to see that that's just that's one of those things a lot of things can go wrong with that old neck how about your spine yeah you're going to see what john uh goodman got his fingers in there because he has a couple of big finger scratches right on that other side of his face underway again again we will try and get a detailed report on the condition of ken anderson first down at 10 following the penalty and this is alexander on the left side big opening in alexander taken out of bounds up near the 20-yard line by rick woods there'll be a gain of about five and it'll be second down and five we're talking about anderson being more suited for fullback here's a guy who runs a 9-200 and he runs about a 4-4-40 and he doesn't look bad do you like that yeah some guys have speed on the field and some guys don't you look at frank o'hara's who really doesn't look like he's a speed burner but he's pretty either breakaway running you very rarely see franco get caught anderson i see him get caught a lot not that he gets open that night second down and five for the bengals 305 remaining in the first quarter the steelers on top seven or nothing anderson has gone to the locker room here comes alexander right side again short of the first down out close to the 28-yard line boy he hasn't changed the expression very much he hates to anticipate but it doesn't look too good does it and we have another flag down on the field as anderson is being taken in the golf cart inside i presume where x-rays will be taken they've had a lot of things that's gone wrong for them this year the injuries we've talked about plus they just m1a ball games so something like this could cause a little letdown by those blinkers offsides number 78 offense still second down anthony munoz over the left side offside with cincinnati and that good looking kid moves the ball back inside the 15-yard line where it'll be second down at 11. eastern time zone little man you ought to be thinking about rumbling on home for a little nap center the quarterback now for the bengals ncaa passing champion back in 79 at stanford let's go over the second down and eleven draws the clip and goes for chris collinsworth and challenger the first down out over the 21-yard line rick woods ron johnson defensively when he got a young inexperienced quarterback such as tony he's going to see a lot of blitzes well he's going to see uh this is not the best game for him to be coming in because pittsburgh gives you so many different looks defensively and move guys around you'll see him bring bob pours in number 90 they play him like aj dewey they try to move him around the line he rushes he drops back for passes and not the best game for a young quarterback to be coming in and of course the other thing he does not work that much during the week when kenny anderson was looking at the different pittsburgh defensive sets so he's on the spot and he's down seven to nothing in the first quarter third down and three oh yeah and alexander gets the first down yardage plus out through the 33 yard line before he's hit by rick woods that's a good play i like that that's kind of an unusual pass pattern he had his wide receivers and setbacks all dragging in toward the middle and here comes alexander out of the backfield a little swing pass not terribly difficult to complete picks up his first down alexander so you say they're not difficult to complete it's amazing when i played ball how many quarterbacks really couldn't pop that ball out there there you go behind the runner let them a little too yesterday i should take that back as i've said many times that's one of the most difficult passes to complete because you're judging a different kind of gait different speed from that receiver coming out of the backfield the first down just over the 32-yard line of the bengals yeah i'll show you i'll go to collinsworth deep no flag collins with one and one as he worked against mel blunt it could have been collinsworth going down right where the pitchers mound is covered by the artificial surface here at riverfront stadium that's where he was tripped up but shawna threw a good pass i think if the ball would have been inside a little more collinsworth would have had a chance for it now colin's work would like for that ball to be on his eighth side there and you see it the ball is a little outside and blunt has position there and he can't get back outside to get the ball and blunt has been positioning himself well for many years 14 to be exact kenny anderson are we avert thus far as a bruised neck x-rays will be taken hopefully we'll know more later second down had to get it away quickly because he was under pressure from jack lambert he's going to miss him miss him on that side because chris was pretty well covered anyway and i think turk probably saw that looks like he's talking to chris maybe they had a little mix-up that lambert is everywhere isn't he he is you know you see him he's tall but he's almost like like a wide receiver in his body build he's 6'4 220 but looks almost frail i know when i first played him i said this guy cannot be playing in the middle he's so thin in the hips you know and in his waist but he pursue he reads offensive so well he just plays good all-around football third downtown alexander the single setback there's gary keith gary the one who manhandled ken anderson earlier was in there defensively gary a number one draft pick of the steelers in 81 who went up to canada for a couple of years in montreal came back this year as a free agent and he has tremendous speed and size a great pass rusher keith gary that'll bring up the fourth down punting unit scanci has dropped for the steelers and we'll watch pat macanally for the first time tonight with 135 remaining in the first quarter gary and goodman both oklahoma fellows uh reunited here in that defensive line for steelers they're happy to have them macanally has to hurry it low doesn't turn over skancy will bring it back not far to the 43-yard line good coverage by a hustling special team at the cincinnati bengals upon a 39-yard two-yard return still is on top seven or nothing they have good field position crowd here at riverfront stadium we want to remind you college football it'll come to you live saturday at 3 30 eastern time here on abc this will be a beauty nebraska getting it on with missouri nebraska course on a 16-game winning streak the longest major college football winning streak in the nation of course they have a great running back mike rozier who's leading the nation in russia nebraska missouri this saturday here on abc i thought smu had that street stout tries to get it to abercrombie did he trap it oh they say that abercrombie has made spectacular catches all year made a legal catch at the 30-yard line of cincinnati that's part of that baylor connection that the steelers seem to have four players from baylor and walters one of them and he's really having a good year seems to be shaking up a little bit on that last reception yes he's giving them something that they haven't had let's take a look at it from the reverse angle he gives him a breakaway threat from that halfback position the last three weeks he's had three touchdown passes in each game and he really did a real good job there made a real nice kick concentration by abercrombie the first down at the 30-yard line franco harris surging behind the front offensive line of the steelers a gain of four it'll be second down and six and with each yard that franco harris clicks off he draws ever closer to that incredible mark set by jim brown at 12 312 yards the incredible part of it he did it in nine years yeah the strange thing is uh some of the shortcomings that the skillers have right now with their problems with their wide receivers may work out better personally for franco because they got to rely on him a little more he's going to have to run the ball a little more and most backs would like to get that work they'd like to get the ball you know a lot of times give me the ball give me the ball well 7-00 in pittsburgh we'll be back in a moment [Music] here comes the hottest selling chevrolet today the fun to drive front drive cavalier fire up two liters of electronically fuel-injected fun and experience more horsepower than the top three imports the minute you feel cavalier before you know what makes cavalier the hottest selling chevrolet today [Music] over the years a beautiful relationship is blossomed between secretaries and their ibm typewriters now there's the ibm electronic 85 the finest ibm electronic typewriter ever with automatic erasing pages of memory proportional spacing and a keyboard full of features that help make a secretary's job a lot easier it's beautiful [Music] this bug's for everyone who's got the heart and courage to go the distance [Music] yeah just for you that distinctively clean crisp taste that says budweiser this buzz for you second quarter action coming up riverfront stadium sell-out crowd for the steelers and the bengals the pittsburgh steelers don't believe what i told you to move in to a first place tie with cleveland in the afc central division they can do so for the win tonight right now the steelers led by footstop as we begin the second quarter looking over second down and six the ball at the 26 yard line of the bengals the speed is on top seven to nothing god's the bullet and he can run the first down marker and he'll get the first down inside the 20. eddie edwards went right by his head smart man zach get out of bounds good going cliff let's take a look at the first quarter numbers cincinnati with a couple of turnovers one of them turned into a 38-yard fumble recovery for a touchdown run they have an edge in yardage an edge in ball control but they trail by seven to nothing cliff stop brings up the steelers greg garrity here with you from penn state one wide receiver top of your screen that's frank pollard right side he's in the arms of ross browner who was reinstated last week or after the fourth game and he did play on passing downs considerably last week as greg hawthorne and with the head stallworth two guys pittsburgh totally missed if they want to go anywhere this year they're gonna have to get one at least one of these guys back yeah that's their regular wide receiver stalwarts but that's the hawthorne without the hat and you talk about a big receiver and a great threat good coverage by the bengals wayne capers the rookie from kansas double coverage ken riley the principal man back there who's playing with a pulled hamstring but he had help from louis braden as cincinnati rolled their two cornerbacks over to the right side yeah i think fouled after the fall well he was certainly double covered but you know they talked about he's been around for a long time and uh chuck noll was talking to him this morning he said that's still not that's not the difference is the deal is he hasn't played much and you still gotta get out there and play so he's not picking things up very well i guess not he qualified for the nfl pension without ever having thrown a pass 56 games he did not even see action out he's on the line however this season third down and eight gotta go and not a well thrown ball but nevertheless greg garrity well covered and it would have been a little hazardous had stout tried to get it in stop comes from all your basic major colleges he followed ron jaworski over youngstown state and uh jaworski had a lot of records over there and right here i see it right now he came from c right there says so right there and he broke a lot of jaworski's records those things are important here's greg anderson 35-yard attempt gary anderson 10-12 this year for pittsburgh gary anderson now has nine in a row and the sailors have attended epic lead over the cincinnati bengals early moments of the second quarter we'll be back to riverfront stadium in a moment gary anderson good from 35 yards out the street is on top 10 to nothing deep stanley wilson number 32 there he is a looking ninth round pick out of oklahoma david firster is also back there number 81 bursa of course with a great speed the amount of speed that to break it open and anderson one would suspect would try to get this ball and we'll fall [Music] but he doesn't this will be david from his own enzyme and mercer dances a little looks for the opening explodes out over the 20 where he's left there by david little it'll be first down to 10 the bengals at their 23-yard line well don see this was my kind of game you know i certainly hope anderson is all right but yeah for a running back you know you got the best quarterbacks on the round one's in the locker room wherever terry is somebody at home hey let's put the ball on the ground and let's separate the men from those guys and it goes to nest clearly oh okay all right well let's give it to them man let's let them run the quarterback remains church for the cincinnati bengals if you join us late kenny anderson went to the locker room for the next layer of his neck after being sacked by keith gary this is alexander right side and alexander is met right at the line of scrimmage rather severely by lauren taves merriweather also there defensively for the steelers steelers couple those defensive people we touched on at the top of the show they'll bring in some new folks right now because it's second down and 10 it's a good blitz down for the steelers second and long heath gary comes in keith willis comes in in the defensive line the linebackers come out except for jack lambert and rick woods comes in as the fifth defensive back near the 23-yard line second down and 10. donors has the time fires is complete taken by dan ross who has the first down yardage out over the 35-yard line ron johnson there defensively i'd like to wish a happy 30th anniversary to krdo in colorado springs also a happy 30th anniversary on the air and 23 years as an abc affiliate to wtbm in columbus georgia and a happy 25th anniversary on the air and as an abc affiliate to wjrt and flip michigan all of our pals along the line let's bring you these football games and happy birthday to anybody that's having one today on first down stoner back once can't again the receiver and stoner takes a hammering by mike merryweather after a gain of a couple i don't think that was a good good decision tert the turk was trying to get somebody to go deep don't do that sort of stuff that's the jack lambert in the middle that's ross coming out this might be one reason why turk was hey ross are going to get him for lambert's trying to give you some trouble in there isn't he doing a little more than five yards downfield yeah nerd got three yards out of it he took a lot of hammering and the smattering of boos and cheers is for pete johnson who has come into the they're game for the first four games he's a big one maybe bigger than force greg would like but nevertheless he's in the lineup and toner on the very first play bulls over the 42-yard line does pete johnson for a gain of two that'll bring up the third down at five lambert and edmund nelson there defensively for the steelers i was ready to talk to some of the pittsburgh people when they used to play uh cincinnati and pete was in there that has to get defensive lineman to come in and run the plays for somebody anybody that big how would you like to be 180 pounds safety coming up looking at a guy 260 pounds about a foot and a half off the ground even lambert says man i don't really yeah if you tackled me he said yeah about 30 or 40 times he said every time i hit him i always hope somebody else was coming quickly to help but there's that change in personnel for the steelers on third down and five fires and it's complete it goes to isaac curtis and he has first down yardage and he is hustled back by about seven yards but he was up close to midfield for the first down i think schoener's going to take another pretty good lick this time from keith willis i believe it isn't rick no i think it's the harvey clayton the cornerback they're doing everything yeah it was 93. turned out to be 33. but he let him have it 93 was close i thought i think everybody was in the area the way pittsburgh playing jesus though a safety blitz dealers and shoener reads it very calmly gets the ball to izzy curtis first down at midfield action here in the second quarter it is on top 10 to nothing play action by schoener which is for coming today he made a great move on the cornerback he gets the first down at the 25 yard line and donnie shell has no right to be trying to work with chris collinsworth as great as shel has been collinsworth has just too much speed for him let's take a look at it looks like he's running a deep end this is a nice move you see how he got up field he almost got by two guys when he came down he's the guy who's always conscious of where he is and where the defender is he's brought his defenders too that's blood on one side shell on the inside now he's thinking about running see he's not thinking about getting hit there's a guy thinking about running he's a player 25-yard line first down cincinnati johnson that's what i'm talking about welcome soccer football johnson gets about seven yards all on his own using tremendous size and strength and we're going to pause five seconds and allow our stations to identify themselves wls tv chicago e johnson who came back after his suspension at 273 pounds down to about 271 has picked up six yards it'll be second down for the ball inside to see this 20 yard line inside handoff after a fake to johnson and this is rodney tate and tate breaks for big yardage and another first down down close to the 12-yard line i sure hope tate break one today yeah i don't like to see those backs playing the whole game thinking about a fumble it may cost in the game certainly no i just pick it up and go i can't believe you like seals back run over people you never like to run over it oh no no i didn't weigh 270 pounds either give him a little bit came in under tremendous pressure has not played hardly at all and in four years he hasn't played that much kenny anderson very durable out of this game however and shonert is moving the bengals they started at their own 23-yard line 5-7 64 yards thus far [Music] looking for somebody to run over he couldn't find a stiller to run over at one point let's take a look at this marion motley where are you hey look at him he's looking for somebody to run over right here where are you where are you give me somebody he is a big one isn't it boom we'll need a seismic wrap to record his yardage 270. inside the two-yard line first down goal to go and pete johnson has brought this crowd to life now here's where they've been having their problems here's where they say they miss him the most are the fans saying pete seems like i'm here oh this time he goes down lambert took him where he should down low that's where i would have taken him right around the shoelaces i would have taken him only if i had a pal to come along with me i tell you what he hadn't played in a while he's carrying a few extra pounds he's going to be breathing hard when he come out of this drive we walk pete you got him second down goal to go this is where the bengals one area they've been troubled getting the short yardies plays to function for them they've got their big man back and they give it to him one more time and johnson right in there close to the goal line because they're going to mark it about a foot short tell you the steelers are hanging tough aren't they oh i tell you they're hanging tough in there this is my kind of football let's take a look at it again johnson they're running a what looks like just a four drive he's to follow his half back right in there this is why i thought they made a mistake in the super bowl a few years ago i thought instead of him carrying it when he was stopped on the goal line they should have used that 250 or 60 pounds to lead alexander in the hole was dwayne woodruff 49 at quarterback who met him first and he did a pretty good job of holding his down third down goal to go the bengals failed 10 to nothing johnson a touchdown out of pete johnson in his very first series of plays back third time's the charm well you just knew they were going to keep giving it to him and if they didn't make it then they're just not going to make it i used to love it down on that goal line where everybody's digging in i say give it to braxton smart i'll tell you when pete johnson gets all that body moving if you know anything about physics mass velocity i do i know a lot about it you just don't want to be a safety well that's that's right i bet he's looking for the oxygen now though jamboree conversion does the holding for cincinnati there's the bengals attempts to draw within three and they do so new football game from riverfront stadium in cincinnati the bengals on the scoreboard they trail the pittsburgh steelers 10 to [Music] 7. how about that great investment well my brother's here and ef hudden says ef hutton talks people listen [Music] i wasn't drafted till the seventh round they don't even know my name best crowder huh it has a taste all its own enjoy it [Music] phillies and the oreos two great clubs who meet for the first time battle for baseball's greatest prize the world series begins tomorrow on abc [Music] the big man on the bengals drive along with their quarterback turk schoner jesse johnson puts it in the air and tim harris the rookie from washington state is there at the four yard line and good coverage by the special teams that have just been given a fired up feats on the sidelines by head coach forrest gregg the steelers have the ball back and we'll be back in a moment taking charge are you tough enough to make it with the us army chevy trucks are the army contracted for 53 000 tough full-size chevy pickups and blazers these rugged four-wheel drives are regular production vehicles powered by the proven 6.2 liter diesel v8 need a truck as tough as the us armies just sign up at your chevy dealers today chevy chops is taking [Music] gen charge [Music] 50 professional exercises at home [Music] wednesday first lady nancy reagan and our special drug abuse program on good morning america [Music] they don't necessarily like to be this clinical but the x-rays have been taken of ken anderson's neck they apparently been brought out onto the field where the doctors remain during the course of the game and we will try to get a more definitive word on the extent of kenneth anderson's injury the steelers first down and ten with foot stop going all the way as he has all season in relief of the injury terry bradshaw looking over first down and ten franco harris with a nifty little move and of course the question on a lot of people's mind particularly steelers fans will bradshaw be back to sheer and there's a question that we put to him earlier well i i expect to be back i it's a slow uh process getting the arm back in to gain the shape i can throw now which would be good for sandlot ball but i can't throw uh competitive uh i'm restricted right now i don't have the pain that i have virtually zero pain no pain at all and what i'm doing is strengthening it now and strengthen it the proper way and it uh has responded in the last 10 days and it's been tremendous i've almost tripled the the the arm strength and with the greatest signs the fact that i can go out and throw and have no pain at all other than muscle fatigue from all the exercises that i do prior to throwing so i'm encouraged by that and with that i would say that i'm going to play this year when i don't know but i definitely feel like i'll play terry bradshaw talking about his future for this year third down to five now for the man that's filling in twists out stout fires and is complete louis breden there defensively as wayne papers the rookie from kansas comes down with his first nfl reception that was a good move i thought by stout that time he didn't really have anybody open until he made that little move to the outside and capers opened up to the inside well you take a good look at capeler's paper he looks like a clone of stallworth i mean he looks exactly like in the uniform he runs like him and i know there's still is hope he end up playing like that he can catch like him they got a deal right first down in ten for the sitters they have a three-point lead 335 remaining in the first half and this is frank pollard out on the right side and he's up close to first down yardage one of those situations where the bengals helped him pick up some extra yards that time pilot is kind of an all-purpose uh football player he can play that outside slot that you saw right there he plays both the backs uh not a really it was all-purpose utility they won't try to make another rocky blair we're trying to get all these older players back into their uniform so they they can win more super bowls right listening to the words of uh terry bradshaw might be providential the injury but when the state has lost all those receivers yeah i'll tell you it makes it tough to get the this is completions left side and collard gets into cincinnati territory a gain of six before ross crowner is there defensively big number 79 for the bengals i'm sure bo terry does get healthy can play up enjoy watching him play for a number of years terry was the one that said really i've written an article in the newspaper he's talking about the difficulty that stout was having and he said it's just he thought he could help the young receivers a little bit more than stout and that was maybe the only area he thought that he could improve on by being there he says these guys having more confidence in him second down and four hours the single setback look out and a lot of pressure spins and gets away from eddie edwards the fire is incomplete it'll be third down and four little stout showed a lot of poise that time well it just looked like it from up here where he was get away from me eddie eddie is leading the league after five games tied with miami's doug betters he had eight individual sacks in the first five games of course he annually leads the bengals and sacks big defensive left in eddie edwards to cincinnati he'll be coming back on this one because his third down and four and stroud is in the passing situation bingo showing blitz all the way they drop out of it that's calvin sweeney no they're saying he never controlled it i think he was probably bobbling it all the way defensively back there with him was louis braden yeah at one point it looked like both of them had the ball or fight for it let's take a look at on the inroad zone sweeney's having a tough year right now he has two fractured thumbs he's got a bad hip well we might be able to see that on a reverse angle and uh it looked as though he caught it from here our viewpoint but when you see the reverse angle you can see he never did control it i think you think i don't think he ever did well neither did that referee down there fourth down cochlear out for the steelers he angles for the corner but he hangs it high faircats called for by mike martin and he backs away from it and it takes a steeler bounce inside the 15-yard line it looked like he was hit you know i think what he got here yeah i did but i wonder if he had not given his uh fair catch signal before he got hit not that that would make any difference at all yes though would it well he was running up field rather fast let's take a look there's a fair catch indication right there got hit by his own man who is knocked into him there will be no flag no penalty and cincinnati trailing by three with 153 remaining in the first half will take over at their own 13-yard line they have two timeouts we weren't planning to go to midas on our honeymoon but we didn't have much choice the brakes on my old camaro were making a terrible noise so we pulled into midas and showed them my guarantee now you're pat with simmons i am used to be you might just fix the brakes right away and because of the guarantee the brake shoes were free i guess something always goes wrong on your wedding day it's a good thing we could go to midair [Music] oh you enjoy being buried in the sand would good friends really play this hard for a beer well it is michelob life the rich smooth taste you can compare to any beer you [Music] see like sun the sand to check the check that's hall of famer forest greg the head coach of the bengals with his back to you former great tackle with the green bay packers where he participated in so many of their championship games and as a super bowl remember the dallas cowboys late in his career a standout for the silver springs wildcats the bengals have a first down and 10 at their own 13-yard line along with o.j simpson and don meredith howard in baltimore for the beginning of the world series tomorrow night we'll hear from him at halftime charles alexander's single setback now for church and this is alexander good strong running by alexander hit at the line of scrimmage and he stretches out four it'll be second down at six and speaking of the world series that's our schedule it'll begin tomorrow night eight o'clock eastern followed by the game wednesday there'll be a travel day on thursday they don't go very far of course to meet the graybeards in philadelphia and friday and saturday and if necessary game five on sunday and travel day on monday followed by games on tuesday and wednesday if necessary the phillies and the orioles i think it will be industry has to waste another timeout or rather nerd either not liking his personnel or the defense they are down to one timeout now avis has the fastest way for you to return your car and get this record of your rental charges without waiting at the counter i'll prove it our new avis rapid return is as easy to use as your pocket calculator you just punch in your car number your mileage your gas gauge reading in less than a minute out comes a record of your rental charges try our new avis rapid return it's another avis first it's fast it's easy and it's only at avis northwest low fuel heavy weather army 212 radar contact turn right heading 1-5-0 with a fog bound helicopter hanging on your every word it doesn't matter whether you're a man or a woman only that you're good roger over landing threshold thanks for your help [Music] 116 on the scoreboard clock remaining in the first half the bengals down by three to the pittsburgh steelers they lost by the bengals tonight well they could start dreaming of next year one would suspect they're one and four in this young season the pittsburgh steelers are three and two the bengals kenny anderson out of the game his x-rays by the way negative that's good news kurt schulner the quarterback looking over a second down and five the ball at his own 18-yard line alexander dances back to the inside checks out a couple it'll be third down and a long two if lauren taves was there defensively in the crowd booing somewhat i think they wanted to see schoener go up on the top time out once again 107 remaining in the half we'll be back after this message from the national football league stay with us i'm in the same league with joe montana and ken anderson when your kids join the nfl super pro club they're in the club that's part of the nfl and they get a lot of surprises through the year like the official super pro id card from their favorite team in this t-shirt transfer the nfl trivia book details of their favorite team newsletters full of inside information their favorite team's photo bank miners the great nfl fun book touch football booklet sideline saucer an nfl standings board where members can track their favorite team to the super bowl it's all worth much more than the six dollar membership fee your kids will love to join send name address name a favorite team and a six dollar checker money order to super pro box 9000 trenton new jersey zero eight six five zero announcement brought to you as a public service by the national football league the bingos have no time-outs remaining one is indicated on the scoreboard clock but we've been counting them they have a third down and two the ball at their own 21-yard line alexander cannot get outside taken there by mike merryweather who has turned in a whale of a linebacking job already this evening no donnie shell he's not here either was it flag down i'm out pittsburgh pittsburgh of course using one of their timeouts because pittsburgh wants the football back they still have 58 seconds remaining hey i'll be bringing you some of the highlights from yesterday first of all let's take a look at what happened at giant stadium east rutherford new jersey the giants defeat the eagles four straight times here's action in the first quarter scott bruno the quarterback for the giants to score nothing to nothing at this point and brunner big tall lanky quarterback looks for the free agent tight end zeke moab and zuke moak picked up a 21-yard gain and rookie ali sheet came in to put three points on the board and action now in the third quarter the eagles on top seven to six jaworski having a good year back looking for an exceptional fine receiver mike quick and he hits quick for 18 yards quick second touchdown of the day ron jaworski doing a good job for marion campbell to have those eagles playing once again they beat the draft 17-13 as we look at cincinnati's macanally we'll go back and pick up the rest of that action in a moment chances back for the steelers good kick by macanally he takes scancy all the way back to 37 where he bobbles the ball and falls quickly upon it 48 seconds now remains for the steelers mike quick is on the receiving end of this pass from jaworski and he's having a tremendous year he caught six for the day and his fourth and fifth touchdowns of the season great diving catch by mike quick second year out of north carolina state right up there among the leaders philadelphia again over the giants 17 to 13. philadelphia going four and two and as i said marion campbell keeping the eagles in it in the nfc east close to the redskins at five and one and the cowboys with 6-0 pittsburgh has two time-outs they have a three-point lead and they have good field positions their own 38 yard line they can be a little chancy here and they have used too much time getting the ball into play so they'll be backed up five yards it's not really how you execute your two minute offense yeah those are quite frankly and taking nothing away from cliff stout he's been around seven years hasn't played that much terry bradshaw would have been in that huddle fired up and he would have been coming out coughing at the mouth looking for more points i think if you can get a good experienced quarterback that can come in there and call plays very quickly you eliminate a lot of this special substitution stuff that's going on he's getting out of that hurdle and he forced the defense to play with the people to have on the field that's right first down 15. jim griffin a rookie from middle tennessee stepped right in front of benny cunningham down the sidelines we've got a new leader in this game the bengals have come back from a 10-point deficit 41-yard return of the interception by jim griffin you could see him winding up stout telegraph that pass and griffin started running he had a running start i mean five eight yards back well that's uh two touchdowns by the defense hey evened it out that high tie seven seven as far as the defensive units are concerned i'll tell you call it exactly right because cliffstop was waiting and watching for benny cunningham to uncover a linebacker and jim griffin who was really deep in that prevent defense put on his track shoes took a run at it was about 15 yards and he picked it off in dead stride he really did reach for the conversion the bengals have dramatically turned this one around our bengals go out on top good football fans in cincinnati still outside tonight the team coming into the game with a one and four mark and see if we can see cliff he's coming back looking he glanced a little bit to his left but right there he's zeroing in frank goes out in front of it and coming in from the back time that went well didn't he here comes griffin 6-2 197 pounder a seventh-round draft pick out of middle tennessee and good stop good athlete not even close 36 seconds didn't play it any better than that so the steelers who took a timeout when cincinnati was faced with the fourth down so they could get the football back got it back they promptly got a delay of the game on the first and 15. it was stout firing to the tight end cunningham picked off by jim griffin for the touchdown as cincinnati continues to bedevil the pittsburgh steelers they've won four of the last five games they've played the last time the steelers have won here goes back to 1978. and you wonder if one man can make a difference you wonder about this team here great football team cincinnati a lot of personnel they've missed pete johnson he made a token appear well not really a token appearance and this team has been playing like a super bowl team soon great along the ground and later by donnelly trying to get it to one of his skill man i think he was trying to kill him take it he didn't want to get in that way what they said about donnelly he was a phi beta kappa in college that guy is smart donnelly to odom and the steelers with 30 seconds have the football good field position they're out over their own 35 yard line and they have two timeouts remaining remind you again we'll have some more highlights for you at halftime and of course howard's report for baltimore in the world series right now we still have action plenty of time for the steelers and swift scout draw play franco harris and franco breaks for seven over the left side to the 47. oh this is when the back loves to get the football you know you know they're playing to prevent defense everybody give me the ball this is working yeah maybe he had a couple of couple of 30 yarders on here and the steelers the two timeouts remaining choose not to run another play they're going to go in and regroup the bengals have roared back now bengals on top at halftime 14 to 10. we'll be back for the halftime features after this message and a word from our local stations come on one more no the championship of the entire civilized world i'll pass and to make a low blight i'll serve would good friends really play this hard for a beer [Music] it is michelob light the rich smooth taste you can compare to any beer you like i thought you were tired nope just thirsty [Music] so the tax people today oh all right you call the accountant running your own business you need all the help you can get that's why you've got the rainbow the new personal computer from digital with two separate microprocessors one for today's jobs and another for tomorrow's it's like getting two computers for the price of one oh hi we've been waiting for you the rainbow from digital equipment corporation call 1-800 digital for the store nearest you your move to chevrolet's new celebrity move into the comfort of more passenger room than 91 out of 95 import cars move into celebrity and attraction of front drive try to find any other front drive automobile that gives you more passenger room for less and you thinking thursday [Music] thursday they're rolling out the red carpet and warming up the homemade food jim brady returns to his hometown and chuck gowdy is there on eyewitness news tonight after the game what's it take to go this far in life ask a marine persistence confidence hard work and a little luck and before i piloted the space shuttle or sky lab i needed a place to develop those qualities to prepare for anything life has to offer and you can take it from me being a marine gives one the groundwork to build on so the sky really is the limit find out maybe you can be one of us the few the proud the marines savage bees tuesday at 3. the phillies and the orioles have dominated their respective divisions in recent history now for the first time these two great clubs battled for the greatest prize in baseball for wii's kids against the wiz kids in the world series beginning tomorrow on abc the cincinnati bengals have come back from a ten 10-point deficit they got a touchdown a pulling effort on the part of pete johnson and they got an interception return on the part of jim griffin and cincinnati has taken the lead from pittsburgh 14 to 10. tonight's halftime features are being brought to you by merrell lynch a breed apart in the breadth and quality of its financial service highlights coming up your way and then a report on the world series a six-month cd is a smart investment but if you could picture a cd that makes even more of your money what would it look like you'd want to see it lock you into a high fixed rate or maybe you'll prefer a competitive variable rate you'd want access to your money at market rates and avoid a penalty for early withdrawal for safety federal deposit insurance would be added plus a starting investment as low as one thousand dollars put it together and it's obvious there's only one place to call for all these benefits merrill lynch where an account executive will help you choose a cd with the right maturity to meet your financial goals now that you've pictured it why not make it real call tomorrow and get a closer look at insured cds available from merrill lynch a breed apart [Music] the orange bowl in miami yesterday the buffalo bills were in town in an attempt to rebound from last monday night's defeat at the hands of the new york jets it's never been easy for the bills in miami but yesterday joe ferguson put on quite a show of the veteran quarterback of the bills against miami's number one defense in the nfl against the past second quarter action the bill's on top seven or nothing ferguson looking deep for byron franklin the second year speedster from auburn franklin is there behind fulton walker and buffalo moved on top 14 to nothing picking up the action now in the third quarter don chula looking for more outfits started his rookie quarterback the number one draft pick from pittsburgh dan marino and from the shotgun mourinho hits mark duper duper going 63 yards for the touchdown to tie it at 14. and later in the third quarter 21-14 buffalo on top don chula went to the playground for this one mourinho hands off to tony nathan who on the reverse gives the ball to number 83 mark clayton who then looks for duper deep a 48-yard touchdown pass to tie it once again at 21. mourinho to nathan to clayton to duper then in the fourth quarter with the score tied again at 28 dan marino back looking for mark platon the rookie eighth-round draft pick out of louisville he's in the end zone 14-yard touchdown to put miami ahead 35-28 with three minutes remaining in the game fourth and goal for the bill for 28 seconds remaining ferguson looks to joe cribbs out of the backfield that tied it up at 35. ferguson on the day five touchdowns over 400 yards passing into overtime 108 left in the overtime period donello 36 yard field goal he wins it for the bills buffalo 38 miami 35. jack murphy stadium in san diego california seattle and san diego are both trying to stay close to the streaking los angeles raiders and seattle under chuck knox this year is playing everyone tough first quarter action zorn is back scoreless game charlie young the receiver 25-yard pickup to set up the game's first touchdown then in third quarter action 21-7 the seahawks on top dan faust playing with a broken navicular bonus left hand looking deep for bobby duckworth duckworth in full stride takes a pass 59-yard touchdown to cut seattle's lead to 21-14 san diego brought it even in the fourth quarter at 21 and with two minutes left in the game don coryell's injury-riddled secondary came up with a big play andre young steps in front of the receiver at the 40-yard line returns it 40-yard for the winning touchdown san diego over seattle 28-21 san diego joins seattle and denver at 3-3 in the afc's west atlanta fulton county stadium atlanta georgia st bartkowski of the falcons is having a great year third quarter action the score tied at three it's barkowski back looking for number 82 stacy bailey bailey opening the end zone 20-yard touchdown pass 10-3 atlanta has the lead now in the fourth quarter atlanta on top 10-6 the veteran ken stabler came to play play-action fake look for wayne wilson wilson 23-yard touchdown pass and it's 13-10 new orleans with 116 remaining in the game to score 17-16 atlanta atlanta kicks off to kenny duncan duckett the second year man from wake forest looks for the sideline moves up field and takes it 41 yards and then on the final play of the game it was left to morton anderson to put the winning numbers on the scoreboard for the saints morton anderson is good from 35 yards out on the final play of the game new orleans over atlanta 1917 and a three-way tie in the nfc western division new orleans joins los angeles and san francisco at 4-2 saturday nobody move the heat's coming down in chinatown for tj hooker it's a shooting gallery and where are the targets then jamie parr goes way overboard for heather locklear wow on the love and oh my a working girl search for true love welcome to the party trap under her spell fantasy island saturday all across america the teams of the national football league bring you a celebration of competition the nfl takes pride in its 64 years of tradition and in creating the first charitable foundation in professional sports nfl charities where nfl clubs set aside on the field competition and work together for a common goal a better future for all of us commissioner pete rozelle it's our way of complementing the local voluntary efforts of our players coaches and club presidents nfl charities is our way of saying thank you by supporting programs like the vince lombardi cancer research fund the united neutral college fund and a hundred different organizations and programs nfl charities over the past nine years has committed more than five million dollars to fight drug abuse promote safety in sports and provide human services nfl charities helping others in the true nfl tradition and that tradition continues here tonight where earlier paul brown the legendary one of the bengals presented a 10 000 check from nfl charities to the national operating committee on athletic standards accepting with robert white wayne state university who is president of the committee we're at halftime here in cincinnati riverfront stadium cincinnati leading pittsburgh 14 to 10. they came back from a 10-point death deficit and of course the world series begins tomorrow night let's go to a report from howard in baltimore on the world series he also had a conversation with both starting pitchers for tomorrow night's game john you know this baltimore team pretty darn well from your days with the indians it's not that much different how you gonna handle them well they're a very tough ball club there's no question about it they have the organization that has always believed in putting a winner out on the club there are out on the field they're very disciplined and there's no question about it that i have to be on in order to beat these guys and i remember the times i pitched against him what it took to beat him and that's what i'm going to have in my mind thinking about all those particular pitches particular hitters and hopefully things will go well that i can put together that kind of game well the guys you've got to stop quite obviously you've got to stop murray if he's stoppable how do you handle it well howard you know one of the things about uh focusing on in on a particular hitter that you can get so caught up in a particular hitter you forget about the other eight guys that you're going to pitch against i found in all of my experiences of pitching that number one hitter can hurt you as much as number four hitter as much as the pitcher can hurt you so murray no question about it is the type of hitter that can spark a big inning by taking you deep and obviously i'm going to try to guard against that but i'm not going to focus in on him and forget about the other guys because i have to beat them all you've got the four basic pitches your purpose and who was it said lowenstein said the thing about denny is he's always around that plate and that complicates things well there's no question about you throw strikes and you've got a chance to beat the opposing team if you throw balls you're going to put them on base you're going to get behind hitters you're going to have to come in with a particular pitch and you're going to get in trouble if i can stay around the plate throw the kind of pitches that i want in the particular areas there's no question about it then i'm going to be tough thank you john and much good luck to you thank you very much thanks scotty seems to me they put the burden on you you've become the big game man you feel the pressure oh no not really i think that i guess that's where you want to be in your career is be able somebody they can rely on and i'm just happy to be in that position where i can pitch the first game of the playoffs now the world series and hopefully pitch us for you know a couple more wins the rest of the season i enjoy it that's what jim palmer says i said what's mcgregor got he said not much he just knows how to win well i think that's been very important i believe in myself and i've i realized that realistically if i'm here i got just as much chance to win as the other guys so why shouldn't i win you know so i think that if you pay enough attention if there's anything i could tell anybody that's younger just pay attention and listen to the people trying to help you and i've had people like jim palmer and jim catfish hunter to help me when i was young and it paid off rick dempsey says the thing about you is you never lose your poise if you get bombed doesn't matter you come out the same great pitch in the next game well i think that that's something i have developed from being able to watch some of the guys we've had in our ball club and i think realistically you can't win every ball game i'm entering in every game trying to win that game but if i don't win every game then if i try and win every game i'm just going to drive myself crazy so i'm realistic enough to know that i'm going to win most of them and i'll lose my share too in a nutshell the big problem containment of mike schmidt well the way he's hit the ball over the past few years i wouldn't i don't know i know i don't walk a whole lot up here but i wouldn't mind walking him a few times just to get by and know michael you know he's a very powerful hitter likes to swing the bat and and i'm going to go after him the best i can but i certainly don't want to give in to him thank you scott good luck all right thanks sunday all we have to do is wait for her to call but she's not gonna call you you blew that one i'd like to see you how about dinner the judge has a new look 30 years a renowned jurist and i'm down to serving convicts in my own tiny hope you're right sir now he's cooking you don't have the maturity to handle a woman like that i'm younger than you certainly better looking hardcastle and mccormick hold me sunday following the world series both the steelers and the bengals coming back out onto the field the cincinnati bengals coming from a 10-point deficit to take a 14-10 lead at halftime schoenert will stay on as a replacement for ken anderson and we'll be back in just a moment [Music] this abc sports exclusive is being brought to you by michelob light an exceptional light beer with a rich smooth taste by chevrolet official u.s cars and trucks of the 14th olympic winter games chevrolet and you taking charge by digital equipment corporation quality compatibility reliability computers from digital and by rca makers of innovative video products that will open your eyes sunday stallone [Music] led williams together they are the poorest you sure you know the hell you're doing night box a network television premiere sunday falling hard castle and mccormick trendless question advised the company said they had plans for me said i was crazy to throw it away to train horses when a man has something extra deep inside his soul it shines like a diamond and it's worth more than gold glad i had my own plans [Music] you have our name on that it takes more than high octane to keep your car performing well that's why these world famous stunt drivers rely on mobile detergent gasoline they know a car with a clean carburetor performs better it's as simple as that [Music] mobile detergent gasoline for your everyday driving needs live marathon coverage sunday at 9. cliff stout playing without his healthy wide receivers greg hawthorne and of course john stallworth having a rough night tonight the one interception translated to uh jim griffin 41-yard touchdown for the bengals the bengals will be on the receiving end of the second half kickoff you had a quick look at rodney tate and david and here's gary anderson the second half is underway david mercer from the seven yard line the speedster and he's taking this out over the 20 close to the 23-yard line by mike merryweather and turk schonert remains the quarterback he weren't with us in the first quarter ken anderson the gifted quarterback for the bengals near his own two-yard line drop back the blitz was on keith gary number 92 watch him he's trying for the safety i don't think you can really fault him he put the hand out there was a face mask i think he even tried to release it and wound up with kenny anderson's jersey but anderson who had suffered a very severe neck injury in the buffalo game several weeks ago and a slight concussion is out of the game the x-rays taken were negative but kurt schoenert remains the quarterback on first down and 10. schoenert fires from this complete to isaac curtis and curtis is up close to the 30-yard line in the arms of ron johnson short of the first down by a couple let's take a look at the numbers as they transpired from the first quarter to halftime cincinnati of course got one of their touchdowns on an interception from jim griffin i mentioned a moment ago they also brought pete johnson in and put together a long scoring drive they had the margin of possession as you see as as we translate to the halftime 17 minutes and 50 seconds against 12 10. and an overall yardage 166 to 100. not what you call a real offensive show well the defenses are outscoring the offense is 14 to 10 right now second down and two schoener looks it over from his own 31-yard line play action on second and short trying to get a big one and schoenert has to pull it down he has the first down hook slides right over the 40s to the 43-yard line for a bengal first down and i'll tell you donut coming in four years in the nfl actually started with chicago coming into the night when he was pressed into action he had only thrown the ball 33 times in his career at 18 completions no touchdowns but no interceptions the former stanford ncaa passing champion back in 79 is on the spot right now the fingers almost have to have this game tonight they're one and four in the season the steelers are three and two and looking to tie cleveland and the afc central with a win tonight black is down talking offsides against pittsburgh they got a little antsy right there in the middle of the line but you see they're bringing some linebackers i would imagine we'll see more of that this second half pittsburgh is not generating a great deal of offense so maybe they will rely on that defense to score some more points for them they're bringing linebackers from different directions a lot of movement our referee pat hagerty will sort it out and what we have is the movement on the pittsburgh steelers offside looks like they got a little anxious right there in the middle of the line that happens a lot of times when these guys know that they're not going to just go right straight ahead sometimes when they blitz they've got one of those defensive linemen will go the left shoulder let that linebacker come to the right shoulder he jumped a little quick offside number 67 defense still first down gary dunn in the middle the two setbacks in there with turk shonen rodney tate who we just saw absorbing the blow with the steelers on that last play and charles alexander who is now the single setback as kate was split out alexander and alexander gets into steelers territory short of the first down by a couple it'll be second down and two 48-yard line of pittsburgh the sony's done an excellent job he came out and threw the ball to the right side that's the way they started the game looks like they're sticking with whatever the game plan was to pick on the left side of the pittsburgh defense of throwing the ball throwing under the d-backs and and trying to break something up the middle they haven't had much success running up the middle but they've been having some pretty decent success throwing those intermediate passes 15 20 yards downfield and the dangerous one for the bingo collinsworth flipped to the left shoenard him deep collinsworth is behind blood and he doesn't hold on at the three-yard line blunt forcing collingsworth to the outside and collins were bitterly complaining to the officials that he was interfered with we saw him complain earlier in the first quarter with a i think he had more reason to complain this time he did one in the first quarter that one the black blunt did get his weight a little bit less if schoner could have got it out a little further put it out in front of a little further this is a cinch touchdown he's certainly adding beat i'll tell you mel blunt 35 years old he's there somehow got a hand in there collins with much more speed at this point in blunt's career you see a ball that's under thrown a little bit as that one was you see a lot of times the guys have a you know they go the receiver sees the ball comes back catches it but it looked like me that time that could have could have been appeared a little bit but what do i know about passing through nothing third and one play action a man wide open and it is stanley wilson rookie from oklahoma on short yardies the steelers thinking short yardage run play action schoenert hits wilson and the bengals are moving once again comes back again he's got three receivers in the route deep middle and short cp johnson 46 he's back in got some time to look at these guys he just dropped it right over here that's jack hamm out there i mean the jackhammer we miss old jack him jack lambert that wasn't even lambert oh yeah the play action held lambert just long enough that he could not get back to that zone it was a good cause it's a good pattern about wilson going to oklahoma you know he didn't catch many passes down looking ninth round draft pick stanley wilson gets the first down for the pringles inside the 30 of the steelers pete johnson back in the game this is the big one johnson picks up five yards moving to the 25 yard line it's interesting they bring big pete in and i think they're telling pittsburgh you better tighten up your helmets you know because whenever pete comes in they're putting the ball down on the ground and they're just playing muscle football they got the muscle [Laughter] johnson got five daniel get out of that somewhere well i was gonna agree with that yeah second down in five johnson remains a single setback wanted to release it had to pull it down the intended receiver the tight end ross covered as lawrence taves and woodruff were both with him the pressure made schoener pull it down and he'll lose yardage back to the 29-yard line when you've got a four-point lead and you're in field goal range you don't want to lose any yards you never want to do big jack lambert's been around a long time they got him out in the passing situation i don't know if i'd ever take him out but he's one of the few guys that never normally never lead the game from pittsburgh third down and a long eight here comes a blip they're gonna throw it all at them clayton coming from the outside neil schoenert all the way back here near the 40-yard line yeah it looked like all 19 of them came that time yeah you know leveraged time with ted hendricks for the uh i guess the leading receiver i mean uh interceptor and active players and they got him they don't even have any of those passing situations all the time but normally i think maybe he just needed some rest because blunt woodruff and he uh uh lambert are normally the three guys that play in any situation yeah you know they aren't really designated to come in and out maybe they're just giving him a little rest tell you what that sack did it move cincinnati out of jim breaches field goal reign so pat mcinally is on at the punting unit very timely effort on the part of the steelers and harvey clayton macanally does not get the corner end over in the short time that paul scancy calls for and makes the fair catch inside the 15-yard line a plan of 26 yards and i think it was because macanally was pressured [Music] a big eighth matchup number one ranked nebraska with its tough and unbeaten scoring machine including turner gill irving fryer and mike rozier take on the missouri tigers saturday on abc i got it right the og spells dog dod dog or is it d-a-w he left the jail we're not going nobody out but nothing steelers having their problems the bengals fired up the steelers have the football first down the ball up their own 14-yard line welder abercrombie gets out over the 15. close to the 17-yard line to pick up a three it'll be second down and seven well i'll tell you until stouts start completing some medium passes some passes to get those middle linebackers out of there all those little traps that they're trying to run inside just won't work and they're just not going to work for him and he does have some problems he has two guys on his offensive line who doesn't play regular we know the problems we have with his wide receivers but i think i start trying to hit my back on medium routes and trying to hit my tight end to get those middle backers out of there second down and seven i tell my defense to play harder play hard score more points defense that's what i'm talking about that's it and abakami got up to the 30-yard line but the pursuing bengal defense met him there and it will be third down at we four why lambert was out of the game on a passing situation he's a good pass defender we've been told now that he has a slight head injury and he is expected to return just what is a slight head injury i just repeat what they tell me i love it slight concussion yeah yeah you know just slightly great little scratches i had a slight one i was about a year and a half that's right here's a flight concussion third and four franco harris a single setback there comes a blitz again the bengals put on their own safety blitz they brought louis braden that hurried cliffs out is passed to calvin sweeney incomplete and the bengals are smoking now i think the last two series of downs by both teams is an indication of what's going to happen in the second half the defenses know that both offenses are struggling so man they're going to throw everything in the world at them we might see somebody get man-to-man and break along with a little while but louie breeden is right there in stout's face he just got rid of that one he's lucky wasn't picked off ken reilly in the game for the first time and he looked like he was after his 60th interception mike martin couldn't get up for the fair catch and it takes a bit of a steeler bounce to the 32-yard line but the bengals with a 14-10 lead 8-31 remaining in the third quarter have good field position coco a 48-yard effort he got a good roll in television presents you make the call on a free kick following the safety the miami potter kicks from the 20 and the ball is recovered on the 34-yard line by the dolphins now you make the call is it a legal recovery finding the best video game system is a tough game to win who plays the most games the best selling games in television too add the new system changer and play all atari 2600 games the most games the best selling games like hubert enduro burger time in television 2 has the most going for it more games than atari and kaliko over 430 games get in television too it's got the most going for it what call did you make on a free kick after a safety normal kickoff rules apply and since the ball traveled more than 10 yards it is a legal recovery one on the left is on the right the one in the middle is the methodist pittsburgh steelers struggling offensively the bengals leading 14-10 and they have the football at their 32-yard line jonard alexander and alexander line of scrimmage and that's about it robin cole looked like him in there we haven't heard too much from him but he's the second man in the cedar defense as far as tackles are concerned this year the only player for new mexico universe that's ever played for the steelers robin's had a good career here with him number one draft choice back in 77 i think the shuffling defense of the steelers and he could well get it second and long no blitz that time look out the pressure and donut gets the ball out goes out to the tight end and rob's put in complete was pressed into action when kenny anderson left the game in the first quarter damaged neck x-rays negative that is the last word that we have been able to get from the clubhouse third down in nine dealers changed personnel again defensively [Music] gary and schoener looks like they're going to get keith gary for a roughing that's two on him tonight yeah that gave forest a little bit of a shake number 92 defense offside defense pete gary again called for aggressive play he wears number 92. they get shown out of the pocket and let's pick up the foul you'll watch 92 come in from the right side of the screen right here yeah the oh welcome to the nfl welcome to the stardom unit and that will produce a cincinnati first down out at the 42-yard line here's the call first of all number two fighting on well he put a 90 in front of that and we've got keith gary first down at 10 42 yard line or midway in the third quarter and the bengals are on top 14 to 10. blitz again with the steelers and robin cole stormed in covered alexander and the flag is down that blitz was timed just right slipped right in front of mike wilson tackle he was pulling the block on that last play and robin had that one time there's a flag down didn't see that and gary is indicating that it will work against the bengals so it will we'll pause five seconds and allow our stations to identify themselves wls tv chicago forest craig head coach of the cincinnati bengals looking on as his bengals are assessed the holding foul number 55 often well we don't have a 55 and i think what we have is a 65 he's the only offensive lineman it would be max montoyan he'll be [Music] and what a great record he has compiled in his 15 years as head coach of the steelers and just a little slow getting it delivered was kirk ron johnson in there to knock it away from the intended receiver actually i think he was trying to do the same thing that jim griffith did he was trying to play the ball there he had a running start and i think he was a little disappointed he didn't pick the ball off connor glances over to the bench where the signals are being set in doing picks up the call steps back in the huddle on second down and 20. that's a good group i think at the beginning of this game the steelers looked like they were going to blow the bengals out of it they had a 10 to nothing lead pete johnson came in capped a long drive they bring it to 10-7 and then we have the interception and great return by jim griffin to put the bengals on top and and sherlock goes down again you got to do that you just got to do that until the guy until the quarterback beat you and he can only beat you by getting rid of that ball quickly let's watch gabe rivera the number one draft pick out of texas tech also keith willis number 93 and keith gary number 92 they were all over shawnee the big number 69 i know people they're expecting big things from here from him i know the raiders wanted him real bad in the draft they say he's a lot like joe green he's a tough kid he's physical and they think he's going to be one super football player one day he can play on the nose he can play on the outside he has great speed he weighs 282 pounds rivera they call him senior sack respectfully i call him mr senior third down and 28 draw play alexander picks up a few yards far short of course of the first down and cincinnati will have to punch i wouldn't be surprised to see pittsburgh go after one of these punts because they're not doing much run and moving the ball they're gonna have to make something happen i said they pressured macanally on his last one and he got off a 26-yard effort when he was looking to put it out of bounds inside the tent and there's macanally out again as we look at paul scansi the rookie return man from the university of washington how would you like to be returning the ball when you know everybody's going after the plot and if he gets it off is you and 11 of the other guys i stick up my hand right now fair catch well they got a return on here knocking alley not high but rather deep as gansey drops and takes it into 22 up ended at the 28th and scancie is out over the 30-yard line after a hit by larry kinnebrew pittsburgh has the ball back we'll be back in a moment if you're just looking for a small car your choice is very large but if you're looking for a small car with advanced front-wheel drive engineering your choice is more limited and if you're looking for a small car that's also very sporty and maneuverable you'll find it reassuring to look at this one skyhawk the first car to succeed at being both small and buick at the same time [Music] this bug's for everyone who takes the power and sends it down the line [Music] yeah just for you that distinctively clean crisp taste that says budweiser [Music] world series preview with dick chap and ray gandolf tomorrow on abc's world news tonight how we are away oj had a thought vinci quick wow maybe it was alan amici i mean franco's been around a long time passing me up and all he must have been here at least 15 20 years um we got some smart cats down there in the truck could have been rocky rocky wasn't around that long was it tom tracy tom the bomb i think it was true steelers first and ten inside their own 31-yard line and stout is complaining and a flag is down oh wait a minute what was the back that ended up in dallas the season procedure against the steelers all right south that's what i'm talking about he's getting into the game now got his helmet off does he realize this is late in the third quarter i'm not quite sure what they're complaining about but now chuck noll is taking up the case on the sideline i think chuck noll can look very serious can he he really can't use something else fifty-five there's the captain franco there that was rich donnelly filling in for the injured seat fortunate right guard who was offside and of course as you mentioned several times earlier is filling in a right tackle for the steelers for the injured larry brown so they are hurting on the right side as well as the receiver core where both greg hawthorne and john fowler are injured is that the same good you looking from turkey [Music] a rookie [Music] riley is playing with a full hamstring almost looks like somebody missed an assignment over their little play action pass and nobody was out there he just went out and up he's about to run out of bounds here let's take a look at him he's running them out well he does look like stallion real nice if he can perform up to stallworth because he certainly has a look-alike steelers have himself something in this rookie from kansas wayne capers the first down is at the bengals 48 yard line abercrombie good running by abercrombie breaks the tackle and gets inside the 45-yard line gain a four it'll be second down and six all right what's the answer abercrombie's out there right now oh jay's got a good memory i pressed him pearson could be all right dude hey hey hey about your boy well it took you a while you guessed everybody there was i don't know you have to call the president allen why do you guys johnny johnson started in baltimore wound up in dallas abercrombie got four second down and six for the steelers look out and down again under pressure had to deliver the ball much more quickly than he wanted to do reggie williams very cerebral linebacker for the bengals was all over south cliffs out there so this is what terry's been doing all these years i see and it's one of the reasons terry's at home no wonder jerry's got a sword boys that might have been abercrombie's man you see 34 going out to the outside yeah it looked like it should have been i know if it was not i'd try to talk and to pick him up next time he had his hands up maybe he thought he was hot on the play you know reggie's very active in the community here in cincinnati big hometown favorite third down and six the ball inside the 45-yard line of the bengals good pass to al sweeney shout out to tremendous pressure sweeney was hit but he had first down yardage as a slow whistle yeah it almost looked like he was hit before he caught the ball you know sweeney with man-to-man coverage because the bengals were on the blitz made a fine catch take a look at calvin here he knows the blitz is on he's looking right to the receiver riley you know that's a tough call i don't know what the answer to that one is either because he did get hit before and uh we're smart enough to get up you know one of those intelligent guys from usc the first down is at the 36-yard line stout going for capers and the defensive back louis braden also a very heady veteran timed his collision with capers just perfectly well i think stout thought he was going to go outside you know in the background was trying to lead him along the sideline there guy went inside and stopped really through the ball to the outside he had no chance at it see the end of you see the ball is to his outside to the zero side of him capers trying to get back out there but he just can't do it both of them checking out the ball no flags it'll be second down and 10. dealers hailing 14-10 four minutes remaining in the third quarter cunningham and vinnie cunningham has the first down yardage to the 25-yard line tom dinkle there defensively for cincinnati so the steelers now on the move here in the third quarter and a reminder saturday college football here on abc 3 30 eastern time nebraska with a 16-game winning streak and their great running back mike rozier take on missouri nebraska the team second in the nation total offense and missouri usually plays kentucky they were played tough last week by oklahoma state oh they were [Music] i don't think he ever had it around and glenn collins comes out of the pack with the football for the bengals the steelers had a first down at the 26-yard line of the bengals and on first down uncharacteristically franco harris maybe was a handoff maybe it wasn't coughed it up and the bengals have got it back i don't believe i don't believe franco ever had this let's take a look we'll see you well look at it with reverse angle a little stutter step something almost ragged about this steelers offense they've been called procedure calls hit him never had the ball hit him high it seemed to me they should make some rule about that we've talked about that in the past we've seen bax get the ball on the shoulder pass and that goes against them that's their stack you know it should be a quarterback step well i look great 14 team we'll be back in a minute for the first time in his life he's struggling having a hard time in math he needs help he can get that help with the home computer from texas instruments it has more educational cartridges than any other computer they challenge encourage make learning fun the home computer from texas instruments it can give your child a head start in school that could last a lifetime why does your car need a fresh fill of prestone after just 10 000 miles of driving on weak neglected antifreeze a radiator could look this bad while a prestone radiator looks this good that's the prestone difference what brings them to the mountains [Music] the phillies and the oreos two great clubs who meet for the first time battle for baseball's greatest prize the world series begins tomorrow on abc [Music] glenn collins covered the franco harris fumble for cincinnati the bengals bring it up first and ten the ball of their own 26 yard line alexander single setback for the bengals 323 remaining here in the third quarter koenig spinning to the sidelines cuts back inside hook slides over the 30-yard line picking up additional yardage but he should have paid heavily for it as robin cole has zeroed in on him along with lauren taves gain of about seven yards for church schoenert you can believe rob and cole don't appreciate that makes time shown to come out there they're gonna be bowling up for it and the normally you see those quarterbacks go down and you wonder why these guys are taking shots at them they hate to be shown up by quarterback they put a move on you like that we saw joe ferguson do it last week for a first down and hopefully for the rest of the night second down and three alexander big opening and alexander will have the first down up near the 40-yard line as the bengals put things together here in the closing minutes of the third quarter a tough defensive game tonight and of course the steelers struggling offensively terry bradshaw of course still on engine reserve questionable if he'll be back at all this year scout has been going all the way they've been hurt on the right side of their offensive line the steelers have offensively a wide receiving four has been totally depleted and of course kenny anderson for the bengals went down with an injury and they are being directed by turk chernott at the moment and he is called timeout the name buick has always stood for automobiles that are well above the ordinary automobiles that are engineered for a quiet smooth ride designed for comfort and convenience and built to make you feel good about your car as long as you own it maybe that's why in the last seven years over five million discriminating people have chosen buicks and we're expecting another very good year think about it [Music] the olympians that tough breed of steel belted radials from kmart warranted to go the distance made by uniroyal olympian's aggressive european all-season tread takes every grueling mile in stride olympians warranted to go the distance and now you can get the olympian 2 with its 45 000 mile wear out warranty at a very generous sale price as low as 37 olympian 2 by uniroyal more proof we've got it and we've got it good 159 remaining in the third quarter riverfront stadium sellout crowd and i know their spirits dropped considerably in the first quarter it is taking a ten to nothing lead but they have roared back have the bengals they now lead 14 to 10. they're being directed by schoenert helensworth in motion look out robin cole from tonight and they're turning him loose oh i think he went to get even that time too good thing that he took turks stepped forward because he could have paid a price in you know this pittsburgh defense they sort of bend but they don't break you hear the pittsburgh people speak of it they say they're maybe better than the great defense they had during their super bowl years they're playing virtually everybody on the defense you've heard us mention they're playing 19 players they say everybody's happy because everybody is contributing to the defense so it's a happy unit they're all going at some super football a lot of speed in those down linemen beasley dunn goodman gary willis rivera all have run around 4-8 for the 40. second down and 22 and children is back fires a strike and pittsburgh is saying it was trapped by izzy curtis and a ruler to completion just short of the first down by about three let's take a look at it here it's amazing how cincinnati teams like cincinnati san francisco and san diego they just seem to be able to spread the defensive part look how wide open the defense is very nice catch but very close that was close though yeah that was very close isaac curtis has been doing that for 11 years 105 years yards let's take a look at it one more time [Music] i think he got it right wrist under the ball it's third down and three now for the bengals blitz against jack lambert totally unimpeded as he came on the blitz what do you i mean that's got to be scary you know you go back there and lambert beats you back to your setup position yeah get out of here he's got smoke coming out of those knots too well he makes a lot of noise out there you get the feeling if pittsburgh is going to win they're going to have to win with that defense that group is out of here right now they're not moving that ball too well on offense i'll say at this point i think schoener would vote for them that's right all right and time has expired here in the third quarter the bengals over the steelers 14 to 10 and we'll return with our fourth quarter action after this word from our local stations sunday the judge has a new look your rank sir heart castle mccormick vance stallone billy dee williams nighthawks friendless freshman buzz sunday following the world series it's a night of madness for chicago fans einhorn is mad at the tribune and ditka is mad over yesterday's bears loss details on eyewitness news tonight after the game when you travel as much as i do you look for a hotel with a difference nice to see you again thank you hear your messages sheridan knows what i want they give me convenient locations fine restaurants and competitive rates when you're looking for value with a lot of style sheraton's the place taste the difference sheridan makes call the sheridan value line 800 800-325-3535 in the world of business how you present yourself and your ideas determines just how far you've gone mr russell good morning at heart chaperone marks we make quality clothing of rich luxurious [Music] but the wrong suit can certainly hold you hi herb no messages herb heart chap remarks the right suit made of the world's best pure wool at the right store live marathon coverage sunday at yeah it's 9 day at the office yeah the jockocracy is finally taking it over how y'all watching guys a couple of class running backs and yeah i got some treasures on meredith trivia trivia yes for that the pittsburgh steelers have nine sacks that's all time team record i just heard that from the truck and they've got a quarter to go and they're gonna have some more for it's over fourth down for the bengals they've all at their own 37 yard line pat macanally on for the punting paul kemps he has dropped for the steelers macanally free to kick away doesn't turn it over and scancie will field it with the 25-yard line up handed out at the 30-yard line it'll be first down and 10 the steelers and the flag is down now it's picked up there is no flag coming up tomorrow night that's where howard is tonight getting ready for our telecast with our talented crew that will be of course directed by our regular monday night football director chad 40 and we are being ably directed tonight by jim jeanette and tan the sailors they trail the cincinnati bengals opening moments of the fourth quarter 14 to 10. bingo stop gets it to benny cunningham and the big tight end pulling forward looking for first down yardage will be a yard short in the arms of robert jackson let's take a look at the third quarter numbers mostly a defensive effort not tearing up the game offensively that's at halftime that's how it was now we'll switch it over cincinnati still dominant in yards gain and they also lead on the scoreboard this time of possession look at that 12 minutes more by the bengals pittsburgh only has 56 yards rushing and last year i think it was well i'll get right to that boy this is big two hold on just a minute second down less than a yard abercrombie breaks it off outside and keeps on his feet gets the first down tried to break it big but nevertheless he picked up the first down i wish he had turned up the first time then he would have one guy to beat you know he had that little hole yeah i sure like the way he performs though he's a good running back and an excellent receiver number one draft pick a year ago who missed most of the year with an injured knee and the steelers can be thankful they've had him this year because he is not only a gifted man running with the football but he's turned into a big play receiver and that's where they've been hurting injury for greg hawthorne and john stallman retirement lynn swan jim smith to the usfl scout oh and just when you talk about his receiving ability yeah abercrombie doesn't hold on i just when i was about to say they should throw him a few more swing passes in short passes i still think they should and uh that ball was a little bit it wasn't well he should have caught it of course but it was a little bit behind you know franco has not had a good success running against uh these bankers last year i was going to say i think he only ran for six yards something like that was three yards yeah six games three yards that's not what you call on your big averages interesting stat on franco is of the uh 40 games he's going over 100 yards they've won in five days long second down and ten [Music] across the field to calvin sweeney and that was almost picked off robert jackson roaming back there free safety had his hands on it if you leave that ball in the air that long somebody's going to get to it well that was a good example of having inexperienced receivers because they saw he was in trouble and nobody really scrambled to find an open area come back and help him that's right let's take a look look at our at this point abercrombie should have been coming back giving south a passing angle yeah but he's on the complete opposite side of the football field it would have been a very difficult thrill to get it all the way over there let alone see him yeah but what you're saying is right abercrombie should have gone back toward that quarterback come back in there toward him third down and ten dealers at their own 44 44-yard line blitz is on again and stout goes down at the 40-yard line ross browner one of them in there anna eddie edwards that they were all there yeah they're coming in oh it kind of yeah this doesn't always work but if you've got some roll out passes instead of going back and trying to set up in a pocket that doesn't exist let the quarterback roll out to the right or left and throw those little short swing passes well we can really see it up here i'll tell you right eddie edwards first man there for the bengals steelers fourth down that's mike martin the rookies of illinois and here's craig copeland coakley mike martin from the 13-yard line good coverage by the steelers they usually do that pretty well don't those special teams for the steelers throughout the years have been pretty effective bob coors down there on the coverage and the bengals will have the football the ball just inside their 20-yard line we're in the fourth quarter [Music] when they move him down a couple years ago he hurt his arm early in the year these guys were down here scouting the kids now they're back looking for help [Music] the best never comes easy that's why there's nothing else like it budweiser lights the best hey bob you got a minute it has a taste all its own enjoy it the phillies and the oreos two great clubs who meet for the first time battle for baseball's greatest prize the world series begins tomorrow on abc [Music] that 236 12 36 remaining in the game and the bengals possession inside their own 20-yard line remains the quarterback jimmy anderson out to the neck injury in the first quarter here's alexander on the first down call over the right side for a couple in the arms of mike merriweather and dwayne woodruff of the steelers it'll be second down in eighth we've seen pete johnson in case you have joined us late sparingly tonight they used him extensively in one drive that resulted in the bengals one touchdown executed by the offensive unit he was the principal ball carrier but this is his first night back and it looked as though johnson had really fired him up while he was in there but let's face it he has not worked that much on second down and eight turner with a good move to get the ball to dan ross for a pickup of about three tried to hit him quicker than that and ross wasn't looking to saw him pull it down again young quarterbacks on both sides we talked about they're blitzing linebackers safeties cornerbacks and that's what they're going to continue to do i would say all night long throw it at him come at him got a third down and six look at the steelers shuffle the fire drill continues they get the pass defensive folks in there bengals bring in the other wide receiver and they've got chris collinsworth who's been relatively shut down tonight isaac curtis has the fighter oh yeah the defense that scored 20 points well 18 points anyway without the p-a-t that's almost identical to what we saw earlier when we saw james griffin do that for cincinnati ron johnson read the eyes again of shonert full stride he picked it off 34-yard touchdown return i'll tell you something about those defensive backs let's take a look at it from an end zone the owner it looks left well all the way as if he was looking all the way that's what he did you look at these the steeler defensive backs they're coached by a guy named tony dungy who was a rookie in 1977. i'll tell you a little more about that story when we come back that's gary anderson helping put the steelers back out on top they now leave the bengals 17-14 we'll be right back [Music] the rca selectivision video monitor is a high performance television and more it's designed to get the most from your video components video cassette recorders video disc players and even your stereo simply plug in for a better picture and true stereo sound the rca select division video monitor quite simply incredible we'll open your eyes sean connery is james bond in never say never again [Music] sean connery does it all in never say never again rated pg now playing czech newspaper you're talking about tough now sean connery is tough before [Music] 34 yard touchdown for ron johnson dealers both of their touchdowns executed by the defense gary anderson set to kick off stanley wilson the rookie from oklahoma is back with dave verso a little more than 11 minutes remaining to be played when regulation that is high kick by anderson and here comes wilson the rookie from oklahoma and he runs immediately into david little and it will be first down for the bengals and fisticuffs break out two teams really haven't cared for each other they've got some tough sledding over here that the steelers have in the past few years particularly here in cincinnati things don't like one another how do we go to green bay next monday night we're gonna see some opportunities to be there yeah that's gonna be fun that's sunday game on october the 23rd like that one that's right that's gonna be two good ones the raiders come into dallas one how far dallas will be behind i don't know that's but they really had an amazing i could not believe that yeah timmy newson made one of the great efforts i've ever seen down that sideline to pull that one out for dallas yep walking along tightrope first down cincinnati the ball at their own 23-yard line that size is curtis in motion a little late releasing it taken out of bounds chris collinsworth it was a good drop by robin cole the linebacker who forced that ball to be thrown out of bounds you know i started to tell you a story about pittsburgh's defensive uh back coach tony dungy tony dungy was crafted out of minnesota he was a quarterback he came to pittsburgh and they moved in the defensive back where where mel blunt and donnie shell sort of worked with him a little bit to teach him how to be a defensive back he was traded to the 49ers now he's back coaching the guys he taught him how to play defensive back well he must have learned that one in a hurry i think i understand that yeah you saw kurt schulner who has not seen much play he ever had a difficult time reading the play from the sidelines they do the wiggle waggle he's running out of time and he just does get it off within the 30 seconds another short reception pickup of about three it's going to be third down and seven mike merriweather getting a lot of calls tonight was there defensively for the steelers i wonder what motivates somebody to get into one of those funny suits well i just want to get out of the house that's all there is to it maybe a free ticket i remember that guy and we put on those funny suits there yeah a lot of people wonder what motivated us money 26 yard line third down and seven look out look out he's with us but turner gets away from willis and he gets the pass off to collinsworth and he has the first down out near the 37-yard line and good job by schoenert to get away from the charging keith willis that was an example of seeing a little more experienced receiver also come back toward that quarterback what we were talking about earlier turner should have been tackled it looked like the lean this is big keith willis 93 he almost pulled him down right there oh he'll be upset in the film tomorrow turks still looking for that receiver threw that ball on the run here's what you meant don what's collinsworth he sees that schoner is in trouble he's over there helping keep looking trying to find an open spot man that's how you keep moving out there that's i tell you what you're going to look for receivers like that when you know they're doing that they're working alexander on the first down and defensively big jack lambert once again huh he does have a way of being around that ball doesn't he yeah he's always nothing i'd say the teammates don't get too close to him out there i've said it many times he plays this game in the stanislavski method totally motivated lambert saw the tackle pull out there and just shot in right behind him these guys they play each other so much you may be wondering why nobody seemed to be fooled by any play here well when you play twice a year every year you tend to know what the other team is doing pretty tough to fool anybody lost to five clicks again on the second down and long and it was a safety blitz harvey clayton coming from the outside right and shown his face he had to deliver long before he wanted to all right now really i think it's time to start rolling out a little bit now don't you think they'd have some that roll out passing in the outfit somewhere around them doesn't everybody have that oh you know roll right rolling i think they do yeah if you can't block them let's get out of their way that's right the one with the other they have come with it many times tonight the steelers and schoenert only because of pretty good athletic skills as he's been able to avoid a much more severe pounding than he's already taken been in about three times totally free wheeling third down long blitz again and he gets the ball to krider and kreider has first down yardy up to the 48-yard line and again schoenert showing a lot of composure that time they picked up a few of those glitching uh linebackers just long enough for him to hit it kreider is coming in from a slot position you can see the safety going again the lacrosse pattern over the middle and they couldn't hold up to him couldn't get in there good heads-up play by both prider and schoenert fighter saw the linebacker lawrence hayes going and he was looking quickly for the ball that he knew that schuner would have to release quickly when the blitz he always had single coverage and he was able to be ron johnson p johnson back in the lineup this is big peak surging into steeler territory for a gain of a couple lauren taves a whole bunch of his buddies finally bringing big p johnson down surging i guess would be that is a good description of that imagine he didn't say lumbering say he's very graceful for two eyes of the man he is 270 pounds the ball right at midfield second down and eight little more than seven minutes remaining in the game the student is on top 17-14 and time-out is called the steelers wanna talk it over we'll be [Music] back frank gifford along with the nanny one and o.j simpson watching a hard-hitting football game if not a game of cosmetic perfection the steelers and the bengals we have seven minutes and ten seconds remaining in the game and the steelers lead 17 to 14 both of their touchdowns coming from the defense second down and eight right at midfield steve johnson second and eighth not one of your better calls of the night as johnson is held for about a yard pick up and it will put sonic back into another third and long third in seven situations you know you're right though they gave it to johnson again and that time you had gary willis and goodman on their own defensive line that's about seven eight hundred pounds i guess again the 270 pound pete johnson stopped in for a yard well they need about 15 more yards before they can bring breech in and perhaps a little more jim bridge is not one of your laundry stickers third down and seven downer has the time isaac told us half the ball he has first down roddies at the 40-yard line and isaac just keeps on rolling on i remember five years ago we're talking about earlier he had a knee operation a neighbor of mine frank jobe out in l.a operated on him and had talked to frank about him and he really didn't think isaac would play much more we really thought it was a severe injury isaac was in his late 20s at the time he's had driven keeps rolling along he's no longer the game breaker that he once was but he's been able to adjust to being the possession receiver and he's doing a good job he's down from about nine five to about nine nine i guess first down and ten here comes the blitz again and connor completes his 14th pass of the night in 22 attempts to collinsworth it's amazing what you can do when they pick up those blitz it is every time they pick it up they're going to complete they could uh they've completed the ball so that's true you're going to blitz you're taking a chance because you're leaving them back there one-on-one collins worth just short of the first down showner looks to the sidelines where the play is being signaled in it's amazing what one guy can do to the team this is the second time they brought pete johnson into the game and the team seemed to be moving the ball we'll do good second down less than the yard seconds ticking away inside five minutes remaining back flooded to the right looks for individual coverage and he gets it with collinsworth working on blunt put both backs to the right play action and blunt wound up single coverage and collinsworth he gets the first down i'd say they're in field goal range right now wouldn't you i would say pittsburgh is going to start bringing some people more than one which is what they've been doing the last two or three plays earlier in the game cincinnati was within field goal range and they gave up the sack and rather than being able to go with the field goal they had to punt away the steelers probably thinking that again they've been getting to shown it but he has shown a lot of cool in a very adverse situation tonight this is rodney tate on first down hear it all the way up here couldn't you yeah didn't throw them that time lauren tays with real nice play comes across there forcing me must feel the gain maybe of a yard it'll be second down and nine cincinnati one and four on the year they were seven and two last year blown out of the super bowl tournament by freeman mcneil and the jets 44-17 pittsburgh well they got there last year to the super bowl tournament with a six and three record san diego did a number on them in the super bowl tournament looks like a fire drill over in that defense six defenders six new guys second and nine johnson the single setback for the bengals [Applause] and a whistle stops to play did he run out of time game oh once again the 30-second clock is ticked off and it'll be five yards assessed against the yeah i tell bengals all those guys coming in there he's trying to figure out what they're going to do but you know what it's too bad they didn't get it off because it appeared as if they had picked up all the blitzes they had isaac curtis double team over the middle but the two outside guys had one-on-one situations it's kind of a game of chess because if you keep your backs in to pick up the blitzing linebackers you're going to get double coverage when they don't come on the outside guys if you don't keep them in you put them in the pattern and they come with the blitz well you're going to be looking for a new quarterback rodney played out live tonight second down and 15. peter's showing blitz again and they bring just the four linemen but they chase showed it out of the pocket and we had to throw it away it was gary john who had just had three wheeling chasing schoenert out of the pocket he sure made a quick release this seat done 67 right hey there well latoya says wait a minute what was that snap count i forgot to snap count you know that's what it was that's really what it was he got off the wrong count and he's a good one he just can't hear real well poor guy third down and 15. not an enviable position against the steeler defense they're young they're not the old iron curtain but they are ever so quick four down lineman right there they're about 47 yards away from a field goal isaac turner had the ball in his hands he was upended by harvey clayton who timed his hit out beautifully and now on fourth down we anticipate jim breach coming on jim breach five of six for field goals this year with a miss only at 40 yards he had a long field goal this year of about 47 and that's about as far as he's going to put it out there for you that's about where he is right now well this is like one of those old-time football games you know 17-17 defensive struggle controlling the game possibly 17-17 back in the dark ages before the new rule changes it's a 46-yard attempt well make it 47. fell to his knees just hooked into the crossbar dreams off and the steelers will get the football back and they remain on top 17-14 it's got a little that hook shot going for him i think one of these days they're going to have one of those laser beams goal pokes you know so if it goes through the goal post it's good well they call it on the tennis you know they call him though one eye oh yes yeah 3 40 remaining in the game and the steelers have the football back don't go away if you want it i like it if you really like it i really like it [Music] has helped more people buy their new gm car truck than anyone with rates that make sense on models people want all it's your gm dealer [Music] some things speak for themselves [Music] the bengals one and four they're back to the wall of this young season the steelers had led the nfl in rushing 206 yards per game coming into the night and look at a night 62 yards they only have been able to rush for 12 yards here in the second half first down and 10. thanks hell to practically nil tonight this time over the right side for about four it'll be second down and six well you know they're going to try to run it now what better man to have out there running it than franco you know of course greg just thought i said we missed pete johnson on the short yardage but what we really miss it is in a situation like the one we're looking at right now where you got to control that ball and that's what franco has been called on to do so many times in the past maybe he'll do it again tonight i remember playing the all-star game with chuck knows he's a real quiet guy and i was on the football field he started yelling at me simpson you were supposed to do this i said no i was supposed to do that then he started when i was yelling at him he started smiling i think he just wanted to know if my hand was in the game second down and seven dealers using all the time they can on the clock as frank collard is brought up short on the right side it will be third down and five steel is now working on the clock i like to see him try to go outside because just about every play they've run they've tried to run up the middle and cincinnati's not giving much up the middle both teams have two timeouts remaining each of them had to sacrifice one with confusion of personnel third down five bengals showing blitz they drop out of it and they go back in and almost picked off by robert jackson in the past intended for calvin sweeney oh boy louis breden pressuring on the safety blitz and flips out hung it up trying to get it to calvin sweeney now watch breden coming in from the side pretty slow drop right there breeden did make his move to the inside wasn't picked up stout didn't get back very quickly through the ball his arm so they're picked off i said i wish they had a shot at chuck knowles bengals disguising their blitzes beautifully tonight forcing the steelers to turn it over once again hurries the punt and this will be mike martin good field position and martin gets the bengals out to the 38-yard line and that's the two-minute warning we talked earlier about the dallas game many of you probably saw but it was another come-from-behind win the cowboys remaining 6-0 let's go back and take a look at it tampa bay deserve better than they got yesterday frankly they did danny white was 159 remaining in the game tampa bay on top 24-17 fires into the end zone looking for the touchdown to tie it up and it's picked off by cedric brown the score still 24-17 now 57 seconds remaining as we pick up the action no time from danny white no timeouts remaining timmy newsome down the sideline timmy going about 230 pounds walkable tightrope gets it into the end zone touchdown to tie it up and then raphael seption dropping the field goal kicker from 50 yards got to try again he made good from 42 yards out tampa bay loses to dallas 27-24 in overtime dallas remaining the only undefeated team in football we're going to see them a week from sunday when they take on the los angeles raiders i mean tell me about that roofing that kicker i don't understand that yeah it looked like he was on the ground well that was not the one right that was not the one okay yeah they they got him earlier on they got him really good and we got over hey we got old roger stall back in that ring of fire down there so congratulations go out with roger he's up there on he better not be near the 50 than you but he certainly should be 38 yard line well it's showtime 154 remaining the scene is on top 17-14 the bengals desperately need this game they're one and four in the season ah he had isaac curtis he did didn't he missed him yes he did that was a pretty that's that guy you guys been talking about all night this uh gabe rivera looked like he made a little late charge in there may have blocked his vision some at least sounded off loud enough to let old turk know he was in the area all right let's see if number 69 comes yet makes a little quick move to the inside come on back around over here now there you go yeah look 200 what'd you say he weighed 280. 282 program weight and he is quick as a cat second down and 10. almost broke the tackle he could have got in but he has the first down inside the 40-yard line of the steelers now you wonder they haven't blessed any linebackers or any safety people they've had great success with that all night i guess they're trying to protect against that one-on-one situation where he could go all the way down right now cincinnati cincinnati for some reason calls timeout there's 135 remaining they are down to one timeout we'll be back [Music] we always run faster together it's the baton maybe it's the way we push each other the best has a taste all its own enjoy it [Music] hard-working hardware now there's more for your hard-earned dollar at sears national hardware sale this craftsman hand tool group all tough all half price this one horsepower router or 3 8 inch drill are both half price plus sears rugged half horsepower garage door opener at our lowest price ever and now there's more more hard-working hardware on sale for you during the national hardware sale now through saturday oj made a very perceptive comment a moment ago when you watch chris collinsworth you realize he's a threat every time he gets his hands on the ball to score he almost broke this tackle that would have put the bengals ahead donnie shell cutting by one leg collins worth six receptions on the night 79 yards coming off a record-setting performance last week against baltimore when he caught eight to 206 yards one time out remaining for cincinnati they have a first down at 10 38-yard line of pittsburgh 135 remaining in the game in front of a receiver harvey clayton down the sidelines clayton scoring once again for the defense and schoenert under a lot of pressure tried to squeeze it in and it was harvey clayton who has got a lot of calls tonight as a blitzing safety man can you believe this first touchdown as a pro can you believe this is a team that's been winning the stat competition in every game and not winning they haven't made the big play tonight they scored three touchdowns all three touchdowns are scored by the defense and half the steeler football team has chased harvey clayton down the sidelines shoenard again he did have pressure tried to get it into kreider and then harvey clayton down the sidelines ricky's five foot 970 pounder out of florida state first touchdown he's got a great block from anthony hill spock wait a minute gary anderson for the conversion it's going back in a long season for these folks here in cincinnati and they've got a better ball club than than a 1-6 or a 1-5 or whatever it is there he is not big but he has been standing tall tonight has been a tremendous force defensively on the pass rush and you bet he's going to keep that football at the first touchdown as we said as a pro toner just tried to squeeze it in to steve kreider and you'll see right here again don he's got a lot of pressure on him but he's throwing this ball along he's got a little time to throw this time shake he just seemed like he wound up rivera had his arm up and and he doesn't have that gun anyone who's ever been out there understands everything is going on all the noise and the discussing of the different people's ancestry and things like that it gets brave it's a little violent in there yeah this is what he decides that he might as well stay here because that was gone well even if they weren't in there they've been there enough tonight because he knows they're in the area so that's going to make you think about it well you find out one thing despite not having ham job green lc greenwood why so many of the people in pittsburgh believe that this could be their most effective defense yet these guys if they had an offense if they played any off this defensive team is amazing two sides of the field you had a look at turk schoner who was within what he felt i know was moments of pulling this game out then you had a look at harvey clayton we were really getting this thing going he said i don't know what happened out there but that's a good point if they're hot man they can put some points on the board this stop will just drop i look forward to seeing cherry star a lot more than i do but yeah he's a lot prettier than bart bengals have one timeout and in a frustrated way i presume they'll use it tough night for shonert he came in obviously not prepared really to go because when a team gets ready for a team like the steelers they usually use their starting quarterback all week in the drills konard came in performed admirably under a lot of pressure and as i mentioned before he was within just a few yards of at least tying this thing up and sending it into overtime when he threw the interception that was picked off by rookie harvey clayton he did throw some good balls tonight though frank uh turkey yes he's got a good arm well this puts pittsburgh in the first place tie with cleveland huh you got it got it there still no sunday the steelers will work home and they are going to play cleveland and cincinnati will be in denver to play denver be in green bay and it's monday night with the redskins seconds ticking off we'll have to watch stout go through that charade one more time this is killing uh scouts of yards per carry over here you know and he had a pretty good average coming into this and i'll tell you something this game is so emotional he'll have a hard time sleeping tonight thinking if i could only have had that back we were just almost close close enough for breach to tie it up why couldn't i throw it just a little further yeah hit the goal post on one this will be the final play of the game steelers defense has defeated cincinnati resoundingly we'll be back in just a moment
Channel: Keith Clark
Views: 4,327
Rating: 4.9130435 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 181min 26sec (10886 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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