1979 Talladega 500

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the crowds are still gathering for the $230,000 11th running of the Talladega 500 good afternoon I'm Ken Squier here for a race in which victory has never been duplicated 10 previous races 10 different winners it is a race of dark horses it was here that names like brick house and Hamilton Hilton and Brooks last year Lenny Pond unexpectedly came to victory this is a race which is incredible in its speed over 200 miles per hour in the drafting but perhaps the two major stories here today I won the petty story for the first time Richard Petty faces his own son Kyle Petty 18 years old in a Grand National race but the major story of the day is right here in this front roll this is the Wood Brothers car it brought David Pearson victory after victory in his 103 winning scheme a new driver a sign just four months ago Neil Bonnett last week the racing was in Pocono Pennsylvania Dale Earnhardt crashing breaking both shoulder bones the driver asked to replace Earnhardt what to be my : answer for this broadcast David Pearson and after qualifying here at Talladega they are both on the front row little bee bonnet versus Pearson as they go into turn number one and what do you gentlemen have planned for today well Ken as hard as it is it's gonna be a tough race and much like it's gonna be some wide open all day long and for you silver fox you've gotta wait another time to be our co analyst well yes I have Ken but I think I'd really beat down I'd rather be here run it with me and we certainly would five others see David Pearson in action an action it will be later today here on CBS on most of these stations with the coverage of the Talladega 500 [Music] [Music] CBS sports presents from Birmingham Alabama our CBS Sports Patrol [Music] while working with me today is the three-time NASCAR [Music] in second place and just moments ago car number 21 Lee had to retire Neil Bonnett automobile here you see it just a few moments ago going back they dropped the bow different winner in this way Victory Lane [Music] [Music] she was in the hospital two days [ __ ] stop today Lee you're touching at these incredible speed well that's a race driver for you anything I'm like a race dog out they got a race coming up on Sunday [Music] 199 points [Music] [Music] just moments ago we have [Music] working up towards lap number 80 with Daryl Wyeth in the lead number 72 Joe Milliken [Music] great humidity hanging around us like moist bales of cotton the horizon covered with marauding Thunder heads and the heat about 95 degrees here in the pit out on the racetrack those cars may be as hot as 140 degrees [Music] give me the men and not the machine they are watching the 79th lap and there you see Gerald Walter one of the rookie drivers Joel Milliken Joey [Music] II was in front have to be following him although I think it's they're pulling away from the feel now it looks real good because [Music] the way I see it anybody from this [Music] [Music] live with Joe Vella can also working with us today loading up everything and heading back to Stuart Virginia they dropped the valve on that mercury number 21 as you mentioned earlier he's been ailing this week [Music] [Music] and get in for walkathon there Nick 215 miles [Music] [Music] the way to go for the next ride [Music] Jesus already and it looks like it's about five days [Music] oil is beginning to darken the back door carnival [Music] number two David Pearson going into turn that's what it be seriously what would you ask [Music] he doesn't run out all he's gonna be David Pearson and number two not 21 but - today is running out in front Yarbrough second wall - third would be Joel Milliken driving a beautiful race back there and forth saying here comes chaos [Music] the flying I don't know how face I think Richards lost the left and he's falling right in behind although [Music] you never know about this race [Music] it looks like it's a race to the finish [Music] for anybody to win this race right now hey y'all very so there's no way to predict the race of this type back out in front we have a late report from the pits your pocket absolutely surrounded by blue and red uniforms of the petty crew on the right side some chassis adjustments that have slowed him down and he's about to fall two laps off his uncle Maurice is this crew chief this afternoon I just asked them how you're doing in Murray we can expect which means with their place P they want him to get some miles under his belt and [Music] [Music] look at this battle battle for the front-running along behind his Taliaferro in second place the third spot a skill David Pearson [Music] I really got mixed feeling about the whole thing Kien because after all this is the second race that Kyle has really been in and we ran down to Tomah beat down that any to Charlotte over there and he wasn't able to make the race over there I'll go right [Music] the cars wave he's doing alright plate that Gerald is standing by in the Oscar one fits of David Pearson can David Pearson has been considered one of the luckiest drivers somebody here today this power that we're standing beside go one or two more laps the end of the wall is too tired dont flat on the track ready got in put on the new tire before he did go flat so every later so David Pearson mister with Lee petty with us today here in the booth [Music] that is a lapped car [Music] [Music] Pearson has not won this place for first-time Millikan's rookie his first effort here and this is a track with the unusual Benny Parsons [Music] [Music] fifteen Bobby Allison [Music] trying to be the first man to win this race price was about more car [Music] he was right in there most all of them engine just going into the first round he went into the engine and he was able to work out real good [Music] levy watching both his on his breath fastest track in the world [Music] 200 [Music] [Music] after Lobby analysis lost attention going into turn number 1 1971 winner will not be [Music] it is 2.6 miles [Music] thirty [Music] [Music] but you know opted out you're standing by hearing Darrell Walker he's been asleep well evidently feels pretty good right now [Music] come on help me out okay Donnie Allison we'll be standing by Kim they made a longer pissed off than usual in that car number 80 because the Jersey up was laying out in the floorboard the card the crew got replaced it has fallen back to fit there you see the later what about heat we asked Cale Yarborough to describe the heat here at Talladega in a race a lot of times [Music] this rain to season today come on 500 miles here today nobody was making 500 miles I don't believe because you know we just have to start off in the spring and adjust ourself up through the year and [Music] Jarl hitting the chooser Johnson try number 11 still another time winner of 62 races everybody is never one to tell the [ __ ] 500 let's go to we're down here with the cale yarborough pissed off and not one of the interesting things about these cars were with it one of the unpleasant things is this exhaust pipe that comes out from underneath that door of Keio passes right beneath his feet and that exhaust pipe temperatures right around a thousand degrees and when he [Music] onto its peak so actually while he increasingly hotter inside the automobile and as we can see now they're making a an adjustment on his left rear half shaft it looks like he's got some problems extending into a very very serious moment here in this race for the leader and it looks as if he's going to be in here for a while thank you Ken we'll be back on that gabbro story in just a moment kill who wanted Pocono a week ago the race delayed one day and run on Monday before amended Pocono Pennsylvania here is Yarborough in the pits now trying to fight his way back to Winnipeg of 500 I believe he's changing gear because you know he's been making grease now for the last 10 or 15 laps and you notice that and I believe they're changing something in there in because they're pulling axle out he's coming back 4:11 back on the track the new leader was 95 [Music] [Music] that is the first car in the race Danny Carson Benny Parsons coming down by another laugh under caution [Music] take a look at the story on Betty Parsons they never win first prize in a Gucci contest for telling about a long time as you can see pretty badly I had about a inch long blister and it hurts very very bad and you know when you when your breasts accelerate all with the floor and it's like putting your foot in a fire you tend to want to come out of fire so the guys try to get me to go all the way to where they have put a Spencer's on my boots but as the lining inside the tunnel on the car now it's about an inch thick with asbestos and flame-retardant material [Music] how come the asbestos is on the right side of the well that's the spot that really gets hot is the tongue or the drive shaft of transmission bailout in the tunnel there your right foot lays against that and that is the spot that is extremely hot it's hard about the blister through all that and through the food you know the exhaust that comes out of the Sooner head the temperature of the exhaust right Alice toner it is about 1500 degrees if the car is right it's 1500 degrees now we use steel tubing headers that run the headers themselves are about 40 inches and there is what we call a collector or a tailpipe that's another five or six feet and we can imagine how fast the exhaust is traveling through these pipes it comes out of 15 or cherry it loses a great deal by the time it gets back to your feet 2 or 3 feet away but still [Music] and the only thing separating your feet from that is about an inch of space plus 14 gauge sheet metal [Music] [Music] talking to penny on the radio now [Music] problems with the heat he feels alright though you know he hasn't said nothing about getting out or anything so we're in pretty good shape I see tails a little faster than us but he's had marine problems so everybody else with him okay they're feeling very good here in the Benny Parsons here right now and that is the story there is a bad rear-end week on tails Junior Johnson Clark in delivery of its sponsor out here number 11 whereas the petty car is a combination of liveries the old same petty how did you ever get that caller for the petty cars leave right it was 1959 we had a bunch of pain and we really didn't have enough paint to paint the car of one color so we just taking the mixed playful colors together and it came out that and it wound up a real good color [Music] Richard one year ago [Music] [Music] [Music] they cars in the lead lap coming down for the fly [Music] number 98 260 miles complete we're checking on the number of automobiles now another crime Wow the first six was only one previous winter [Music] 99th Wow [Music] take a look at the speed as they come down with Parsons in first water [Music] [Music] you notice he's running third he might be running first it looks like now right now second which is a real commendable proposition for him [Music] now one lap down in seven joyfully [Music] first time he has ever led at Talladega he loses the lead in turn number one Waltrip back on the inside Milliken hi [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] number two laps 271 miles complete just ago [Music] [Music] oh yeah sticking right in there with a leader [Music] we go there now there have been three cautions the other 157 miles per hour overall for the way the individual laps one-ninety today and there you see at the present I'm physically taking a lot of abuse Johnny Allison is [Music] all ships today the third spot now there's cale yarborough he's back there [Music] Parsons fixing it up they're falling back and forth to spar back to Smith and Cox is shown in six then in the seventh position hi Scotty position ricky rudd also a lap down [Music] and wear an undershirt oh we shared in between the shirt two shares they put it down in between them and it keeps their stomach and that you want to keep her stomach [Music] can work for the leaders prices way down to the bottom side the factor for Nigel Pennsylvania driver losing milligram here [Music] I was brought a ferret he must be anxious mr. Donchev dead right now [Music] and he told me that he would probably be able to be okay and run the race the pole race and right now we've got Donnie Allison standing by because Donnie you know Donnie and down switch drivers down here this race last year and but I think there I'll stand be able to be pretty good right now I feel great when I'm leading but I feel bad when I'm running sick / lap 190 5.8 mile an hour average over this 2.6 mile course with the crew chief module millington car technique this quickly yeah we did was qualified poorly but we need [Music] it's running real good last what's he telling you over the radio [Music] a happy man down here back to you Ken again Wolcott turn free $195 average by each other's if they were going 40 miles that leads over there [Music] numbers I believe it will be a record [Music] first wife behind in his Cale Yarborough and then two cars running side by side Scott on the inside [Music] again it won't slow down because they run inside beside there's two cars in front of them they're running and so where the draft you're able to stay with him faster back there with two cars two cars noticed they're able to stay with him real good and Cale just taken over and [Music] are pasted in each other just like replacing card number 67 light 19 so while I try went to sleep and so now he's thinking over for buddy garrison who was hoping to have a really good day today Arrington and had a couple of good runs here he actually had one he used to wear this dark horse [Music] near zero walk it down the inside Milliken here comes Pearson into the hot again thirty official lead changes thus far in the race at forty the lead changes in this event 109 laps complete [Music] [Music] Oh car real good to slow cars I really recognize the cars that's really running babe I think there's a lot of respect to give to those [Music] [Music] here to stay out of that very fast crew because if anything happens when you're covering a football field a second you just have that one reaction to make and then running right [Music] Motor Speedway Darrell Waltrip trying to win his first total dick of 500 [Music] before materially [Music] previously has been only at seven in 1973 a blow situation this track for Joe we'll enjoy but he runs awfully hard on here we go back he's averaging around 195 miles per hour [Music] [Music] when it's up there on the banking how much is that far away we're going one of these turns with a 31° [Music] and it away from six to eight thousand pounds and so that's what makes it hard in fact you don't swing on this racetrack you just go down into the racetrack and so that's where I'm grand national champion Ronnie in fifth position late coming in at the last moment to help us and a very anxious man as we mentioned earlier both his son and for the first time in days the other petty cars there you see trial petty right there being overlap and ninth second [Music] with the degrees like in here if you don't watch your thermostat will hold it down and you've walked a 250 degrees just heading around these circumstances these cars I read it there by the large radiator and it has a lot of flow and so with that speed picking up a lot of and that's what foods are a deer on there you see very closely that is David Pearson seem strange to see him in a different car [Music] so hard and we hope that they learn hide if he's watching today is feeling much better [Music] David Pearson subbing for and today enjoy beautifully here again are the leaders and Pearson has all he has to do to contend with another outstanding rookie his off here at Talladega on this lovely August afternoon with all these new rookies coming up and a lot of them already ahead 10 years maybe we can't classify on the rookie because Dale Earnhardt has already showed me that he's really not a rookie but I was up at Pocono in the first trick to them the first 40 left and so I don't know [Music] when he first runs the Grand National and most of these drivers come up coming up and daddy you subscribe for us [Music] laughter and I used to work not only drive for me used to work for me and his kid was [Music] you're not was there is David Pearson changes in the race 31 official now the difference is we're chatting all the way around the track some of our statistician go on his flat watching the most competitive automobile racing in the world CBS pleased to bring it to you today there again is David Pearson Joel Milliken fifth position in the sixth spot now his price to the left [Music] not only of their own cars but everybody else's for surely we've got several laps to go here in fact you already had that many early changes and it looks like [Music] miles an hour they have covered 313 miles thus far today [Music] David Pearson out here running now back in fourth position behind Jill Milliken many people thought he wouldn't race Grand National anymore [Music] I never had really quit you know how about how I said that you know [Music] I've been winning for a long time when the board was in racing with Albany voted [Music] with them [Music] I've known his dad a race for him brought often and I told him friends of mine so I felt like that I should help them out a little bit and come back and one they are right now the awesome one collars running here at Talladega Alabama in the fourth position in the way and if he won his 104th 500 he is one of the great champions like Yarborough who had to win here in the Talladega 500 in this tremendously [Music] Loni inches apart such a thing you see them there fighting for first position girl trying to fend off and we Lord spoke a little here spoke a little there and be around at Victory Lane [Music] the backstretch trying to stay in front of say they're about 197 miles an hour [Music] five hundred today [Music] sports special coverage the tell the nega 500 will continue after this word from your local station back with you again at them on this Sunday August 5th in this blazing [Music] now between darrell waltrip an Oda like he closed all the way in on at that time down they going to turn number one and still we notice a whisper with that juniors you had a week in the rear end is that causing any problems for you now now they'd were just feeling call the senator Dale when's your next kid [Music] second place car this two-car draft of Waltrip and Yarborough if they quite a breakaway from the field they have ridden they are ready to pulled away they're pulling away about a half a second or second on the 3rd place man the fan is running back and it looks like it's kale and Bale is going to be able to really pull away from although in about full five more lamps a hole it's got to stop and once they make a stop it seems like a change the complexion of the race my t16 would be of the year David Pearson car number two and here are the leaders and we're going to take a look at the interval between these two leaders automobile [Music] and the granddad talks car [Music] I noticed a while ago with the stand down whether it's cold it went out and so that rate of confusion but they got it all back working now and we know which ones which one second which was running third and the main thing of this nature you'd like to know that the cloth went out because you'd like to finish up and although these two cars [Music] even a few laps right now jams away and that will make a change between those first two out of a built-in third-place finish line which is not in the middle defiled [Music] 15 and 7 seconds like a whole lot of time because they're gainin because they're running and so these other cars back there in racing about four five cars it's already been laughs and so with the situation there laughs the field because of their time elements they've already gained 15 seconds about 45 laps or something like that they would like to feel although we never know just what circumstances like to get away and decided between two cars whether than six or seven cars that they possibly can although this is much of an advantage if anyone is some pit stops coming up and once you run by yourself you're cooked out here now grant ad costs number 41 the young [Music] and Pearson is willing to settle back he's running almost side-by-side there you see Pearson he is now running in the fourth position and trying to hold off Benny Parsons in the white-and-blue MC Anderson's are in fifth in the back straightaway the österlen colors looking very good here today coming back like they've northern felidae gali that Cardell every weekend so hard you're really Georgia back [Music] talking about earlier that I mentioned earlier on the left rear side of the car the left rear wheel it is our seal that we only during the stop for the cars underway there's about a gallon and a half little reservoir tank in the back of it jr. Johnson car that holds the oil of the lubricant for the transmission we may very well lose that in the course of this race up to you [Music] [Music] take the lead here granddad talks is the only one that [Music] [Music] come in a pitch look like and on the outside is Harry Gant getting the life back Harry Gant who is driving away today and here comes a cross in so all the leaders will have come in the last couple of laps this will shuffle the positions a bit out here no caution coming out [Music] tips and all competitors there's still we left you saying that all the leaders attended I wasn't elected just coming in and now all have been in [Music] Richard Petty [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] vision Julie kitchen on that car I was about to [Music] because of what you just saw there the stamina that they have to have these tires when to take [Music] who is now appropriating first place number 88 [Music] Pearson a lap down or waiting for officials going on that I believe he has done a lap down Lee nobody's right close to it it was a lengthy stay they have trouble getting the engine fired and here is the 88 coming by [Music] 35 laps for 69 miles in bar 500 it's 11 2010 races 10 different winners Walter attempting to become the 11th if you're just joining us darrell waltrip actually drove to the crude lane in 1977 for a Donnie Allison he himself has never tasted victory here is Cale Yarborough running in second position t2 has never won the Talladega 500 just about everything else in sight over the last four years Richard Petty has won this race once and the winner of over three million dollars on the grand national [Music] to go and so in which is said to five miles or more it makes a heck of a lot of difference pretty much by himself the biggest breeze or anyone has enjoyed today is Darrell Waltrip the Franklin Tennessee working with us at the booth this afternoon is today Petie Charlotte you couldn't haul away one wrecker you had all the way with to 1948 Duke and so [Music] well I don't know about that I just know when Richard was growing up we live together and now so much more than you did back in the day together a together and slept together we don't came to high school I think him and Richard got separated a little bit because the time now he doesn't say much not old was dating he was going to football baseball and all there you see Carnival radiate walketh has just put a lock on tears waste a pit stop just as follows [Music] 193 even five of the last laugh now he's really backed off [Music] daddy was on a drawer and so as I said while ago now the man who gets it wins this race you got to be a lot of things very carefully I think you're going to see some war to get back out here you know he's such a tenacious little fighter he'll come back out and still try to score points today and this one in the nest art or battle so they're in is really hard him so and it was a motor and I never could figure how to change the engine in 13 it'll take them minutes soon changed everything back there so hard he's done run out of grease so he's running trouble in the cover and everything else that's August the 5th ha Talladega Alabama afternoon we're watching the 11th running to the Talladega 500 and right now you're watching the activities surrounding Cale Yarborough's car number 11 which all of a sudden entered the garage area [Music] then we're down here with the Yarborough car they've just nipped it around the corner just in off the pit lane they jacked it up and they're working on that feel that feel that has been giving them problem all finally the oil level and that little reservoir the back ran down and now it's a question the entire crews setting to to change that steel and repair that leak and it obviously puts him way way out of the the three wins what Yarbrough third in the National standings Darrell Waltrip is enforced by a point margin this driver number 88 / Richard Petty sucked understand Cale Yarborough is third Bobby Allison fourth and rookie injured Dale Earnhardt his fifth his substitute driver number two position as job row falls out [Music] rookie Dale Earnhardt is good job today not taking anything away from David but I'd like to see you earn hard in the car today because he would have been right up there charging and you'll check the time on it it's gonna take this about as long to change is as it did they change their engine [Music] [Music] well here he is try to win the peleve gov 500 and the luck hasn't gone his way they're Fanning him giving him oxygen I imagine is much harder in that car right now when you run around the racetrack he can pick up fresh air [Music] oxygen mask away for me to tell me how did you what was the problem with [Music] Junior Johnson is crew chief with the radio rather than divide again and talk with us we'll get him get him in just [Music] we got a rare into Finley Ken doll [Music] what did you that discovered the problem we didn't tell you to come in did the crew tell you to come in or did you discover the filled up with smoke going down the backstretch so I knew it had father let's go [Music] he's a tiger ken he's ready to go as soon as I get it back back to you Parsons car is in and all of a sudden the oppression is beginning to fill [Music] [Music] I said while ago anything can happen although it looks like it by a star but just anytime anything can happen any car out there [Music] [Music] 144 laps complete only 44 laps to go [Music] in a lap by himself is Darrell Waltrip Kenny [Music] number 88 the dye guard team automobile with darrell waltrip at the controls is running in a laugh unto himself and I think this is the first time that has happened in the 11 all the ways where you have one car you know Wi-Fi itself that is welded for the lead David Pearson trying to get back and there is your third place part number 35 Scott the fourth place car is 27 [Music] the leader in the race let's go to those pitch now which is by far the prettiest if you remember off this or any other crew down here Ken [Music] before he went in the race but now that it running out front do you think that that's good medicine for him I really do [Music] make a world of difference in if the car is running out front Darrell Waltrip is feeling much better I think I said it before once you get out and rest you really don't mind sick it was yesterday before [Music] he was trying for 27 Benny Parsons is slowing down and there's a caution is coming on the speedway [Music] oh yeah they can go from here on out although ways things are happening now - under the caution the colors Dean laughs a lot of the cars I have in trouble and when you're out here running it is known under the circumstances there's no way to keep all those cars in perspective the heat just melding the cars and the hopes of so many drivers in this unpredictable eleventh running of the Talladega 500 [Music] is going to be proved here today it's hard to say because it's one or two dollars out there is putting this race before you just don't predict the race right [Music] simply because he's lost the clutch in his car it's locked in fourth gear which means that these dogs will be more extended for him than normal chief mechanic Jake elders reported that the car lost his clutch on the first and he's had to make this extended stop he's going to have to get the car pushed started once these tires have changed the last stop of the afternoon and it's going to put him probably out of contention one of the grapes David Pearson drivers of all time here's Walker number 88 [Music] the standing first position now Kenny hold on to it for the last 35 36 laps to go we'll see here today and our same-day coverage to the del take of 500 [Music] here in the Talladega 500 had meant to retire prior number 27 David him prepare MC Anderson car has gone behind the wall Parsons is out of this event his best finish here third a year ago but he doesn't get a crack at it let's go to the control tower listen the control tower [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the tower backed off ship horn and get this place back underway [Music] just about set to turn blue there's the later Walker [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] under caution again net Joe is standing by with a very dejected champion trying to win this race today Jim's fire you said exactly right when you said that dejected individual penny exactly what went wrong [Music] 60 to 70 new 54 hitting at maximum they ever want to run and so he came in and put some water in when the cold water at the engine is just any one away I would assume grab the silver any of the temperature is awfully high here what was it like in that car out there running the speed you were running someone do that I've seen it a lot harder but you know not to say that wasn't very very warm but I've seen a lot harder a lot of crafting going on that there that's the only in going plays but no way I'm going place maybe there's somebody out there they can't run them themselves but not me that's the story here Kyle Petty coming back on the Speedway 18 years old in his first grand national appearance today and he's been able to run back there was some of the slow cars in fact he was out running most of the slow cars in fact I don't know what position in right now as far as being satisfied I think you've done real good stay out of trouble and you said it's awful hot out there when you're 18 years old you like to give up quit and start over you never gave up quicken richard richard dreyfuss 21 years when you say that nineteen years old I wasn't I was 35 years old when I started and so I was tough and I guess I was tough because I ran a lot of races hey you won the first Daytona 500 back in 1959 that tremendous race but it took three days to decide do you ever accept the hand cream ever wish you were back out here competing on these super slick cars not really I tried I have to the Rick down to Tony Beach in 62 and 63 and I'd love to desire to run a race and when you losers die to run a race especially on a day like today you've got a hang a lot of desire to run a race under cone competition way the competition is today although in 62 they wasn't as strong as yesterday but oh no the only difference today of the drivers [Music] did you feel back then there would be a day when the Petty's would be called $3,000,000 winners on this tour I know the Sun coming out grandson well I think he's grown so much although it doesn't take care of the race card we have to we have to get us a sponsor but I think maybe in a way everything is going up in the inflation proposition now maybe you can wait for years [Music] they will be racing here at Talladega 157 laps have been completed on this Sunday August 5th welcome to our CBS coverage of Apella daga 500 400 seventeen miles complete Cale Yarborough is back why are working with us today Jared [Music] one of the all-time great champions a lot of the only seen back in the days when they ran a bird here's the real place your baby I sort of feel like a muppet trying to learn something because there's so much to learn up here that I didn't learn down there although I often wonder how easy y'all got it because we're in a conditioned place and I think it's much better up here it is down now I sort of yeah I don't even do those boards down there but if I've been out anybody else board up here wild trip today there's Kyle Petty number 42 they said he's now running in 12th you take that picture yourself I know some of y'all news me detect that picture he looks a lot like Richard I think he's drifted away he's got other blood in the house yes car number 42 running 12 Kyle Petty and his first Grand Master race and how you are back once again let's before we start in the power that's power race control [Music] dictating how as you watch these guys get ready for stardom former driver oh yeah all right they're telling you they say leave the base card get low because he'll run over you out there [Music] [Music] last weekend not feeling well [Music] [Music] they'll bring back just sort of sliding in their seats now after the tremendous heat of the day I was talking some of the fellows from up in New York State and they were talking about the rednecks down [Music] storia ball grip is one of the great American stories a youngster out of Owensboro Kentucky who won everything it was to win on that short track [Music] except of Ireland well hold on in fact he came up through the ranks and Richard told me taking about four or five years before he could really build a good race driver and so he accepted that fact he wanted to be in the cut of Richard Petty that was always his face what's go to the pitch quickly and it's beginning to fill up here now more than 25% of the field [Music] we see them pushing Cale Yarborough's car into the family they're not able to fix the problem with the rear end or back car so it looked like kale will be out of the way along with Benny Parsons ed Milliken Jack Ames woman along the other fellas here with now twelve cars 425 425 miles down Richard Petty is right there honey is running in sixth position the standings again in second place is David Pearson hi Scott from financial Pennsylvania [Music] that car is ricky rudd the Chesapeake Virginia campaigner car number 77 Jody Wrigley in the [Music] running two laps down in the seventh position yes the former modified champion of NASCAR farms car position if Bruce Hill Topeka chances former grand national whoopee of the year and running nice on the field number 67 that is the Ellington car [Music] Watertown New York now driving insane [Music] two records broken one of which one all the way back to nineteen 195 mile [Music] on it in the number 21 card that far then has retired Baker is also retired here's number two trying to make up the laughs Pearson is pulled under the wall shift car and David Pearson the Austral machine later [Music] [Music] laughs one down has been as we put a clock back on me the place life's officially completed Richard Petty is now in fourth he has been shown to laps down from the leader [Music] would be Ricky in socks then in the eighth spot would be card number 47 Terry gasps [Music] now with the control [Music] heavens he's down to 50 point six is only averaging 118 I'd like to get it down even slow in that if the other cars would slow down although they're pushing just a little bit more than the rest of the cars because the airport been passing and the first thing you know he's back out with the street he's God I just notice 47 is past him now but I think the darrell has just sort of let plan is just a little bit foxy just those cars is passing him time to time I laughed [Music] pretty good right now will you make any adjustments over these final few laps with this kind of a lead well no right now we should be able to go though the full distance on the gas stop we have finally got the car settled down we listen to the right rear tire no of course the dista car was loose and but Daryl feels ok now you know a couple days [Music] a little bit he's down under 190 miles an hour is that buy-in tanner is that because he's out of a draft right now you know the race still County back off a little and kind of feel after the competition we do have now a Pearson gets back in the lead lap then we have a caution then we got to go right well I don't know we're down here to race but it feels better to have a lap lead okay can a happy buddy fares right now back to you I think that's lead anyone has enjoyed here at Talladega Alabama being enjoyed by Darrell Walker it comes around as 100 one left remaining in the event with a champion [Music] [Music] all the time they only play the hurt you and your chances of winning that for a championship I have to get it we take one step forward and three backwards in like so [Music] August 25th of Bristol Tennessee I'm a 35 35 degree banking there's st. ed Cox retiring his automobile grant Adcox coming out in oh we have a car blowing and crashing [Music] he's alright though Richardson won this race seventy-three after leading only 17 laps and one of the great upsets on this track flowers coming back well he was up with the leaders much of the early going [Music] once again grief lately what happened up there in the choir [Music] maybe he bloated now let's smoke he blow too tired he's loaded of time so it looked like all the tires are blowing right now in that shape with all their cars behind me he was real fortunate no there wasn't a car behind it he was in back to the main pack look at the car spin there's something else one of those things you don't think you just reach down the seat and hold on damaged contact to the wall and we have our fifth caution of the day [Music] [Music] with you once again on this Sunday August 5th from Talladega Alabama they're running the Talladega 500 with 18 laps remaining under caution after Richard Brooks at a tire four new tires he's back on the track that was the fifth caution of the day the standings are as follows the largest lead anyone has had in the history of this event is $230,000 race in the second position there was a battle between Richard Petty is now in fourth a lap down Ricky Rudd number knighting is being shown infinity in the same laughing they will be racing I'm I notice down in the pits right now so that'll give those fellers change to gain some of the time back on him although I don't think it he's worth too much about that oh yeah [Music] we have a 170 left one down I'm coming for you I think will give us a little more depth great [Music] you have one driver and forth and you have another driver in nine year I think that's real good our eighteen year old grandson is right there in right spot I'm real satisfied with this continue I'll be more than satisfied oh we've got a whole lot of races going on yet you noticed from time to time we are with car number two and second place sure hope this Earnhardt kid gets his act back together after I know he's hurting and I I know that everybody on the tour wishes he was here except those other kids fighting for wookie of the year he's been driving I guess a lot of real pleiades not sure although endale is a hang of a driver I gotta go them a lot of credit I can't say that David has done anything against the car running today he just got a lap down due to the transformation they have been right in our so hi Scott number 30 has had a heck of a race here today he is rotting in four he'll fight with Pearson [Music] [Music] boy Pearson could get a caution here Geordi Ridley in the 77 [Music] 77 here's price shot coming right along [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] gets all the speed maybe thank you so you'd be able to be in position to go around there's the battle for second place and tie Scott the Pennsylvania driver on the inside Tiffany's David Kirsten it takes second battling in the same lap [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] they know the keyboard I suppose that was the instruction for him to stay out of commendably for sure knowing to stay out of the way of the fast car [Music] richard childress [Music] again anyone has ever enjoyed will it hang together for general Walker the guys wanted in seconds they have never won this event [Music] in 1974 [Music] a good year he's currently leading in the standings [Music] Victory's and let's go to the tie Scott fit for just a moment that jarred there fielded a winner here in the past with Dave Marcus Harris you got a young driver out there in topside but he's doing it from his job today did a beautiful job [Music] and if we can we're going to be real happy to leave here today with seconds apart and he did a beautiful job with driving today they just come back now running 100 96 mile an hour that's a beautiful way to go you've been around this sport for quite a while what kind of advice did you be able to tie before he started today starting in third place [Music] all [Music] on a caution today which there's a real [Music] other than that bad break we got all negative [Music] mistakes today the mistake that we had to put her lap down those unfortunate things that a caution felt immediately absolutely [Music] got a cool mechanic here to also inspire one of our favorites old Harry hi [Music] Ridley in the 77 leader Darrell Waltrip [Music] that Sunday August 5th here you see ty Scott who is with David Pearson one lap down from the leader [Music] Vernor Richard Petty is trying to fend off and there you see it right behind petty coppers [Music] many said would not go past the first dip stop [Music] they sure found the right medicine when he popped out has been staying pretty much up inside of them here he is getting just one car as they come back into the fray over another time [Music] sukar with six laps to go are one lap down to Walter Talladega 500 worth the total of over $230,000 in first this afternoon [Music] oh yeah we've won plenty of races you know before in fact I saw Richard search he left behind one time and come up and win the race you know what I mean so [Music] [Music] five laps to go in front it's an in-court Richard Petty position [Music] and now you see a closing of the ground as they move in on Richard Petty looks like 77 five shot is making the move wheel to wheel with Richard Petty that is the battle support [Music] but now he's moved out in front of that car number 30 JC I find David just playing with him while ago well that's his style I do gorilla fire up at this weight well he plated just for the right time into that detail by the wayside [Music] like he may have fallen off come on number two coming out of turn number four by himself or second place so we have the leader walketh in one lap [Music] 500 [Music] know it the way they run into the first turn lead Betty no sorry they are really going Oh two nails in fact David would like to be able to go around [Music] in the bag if something don't happen number 30 just went by running slowly really gave it a whomping belong here today eighty-eight Walter [Music] to the goal while sit there and the off [Music] the battle is back here for Kirk just behind these two machines remember there are left ow [Music] Richard Petty [Music] when they get to cars like that five cars [Music] to do now just hope something don't break licky ride [Music] [Music] just go to the checkered flag he's got it made although rich has got trouble back in two or three cars children [Music] [Music] [Music] the outside making a good move to take the position away dropping Richard Petty to fourth Jodie Ridley [Music] from the 11 different winner Darrell Waltrip winning the Talladega 500 this afternoon on the world's fastest Motor Speedway Motor Speedway sees the green and white colors of Waltrip headed for Victory Lane [Music] in [Music] [Music] number 90 number 90 came across in fourth driven by would you write and drop Richard Petty to fit with the car of Jody Ridley finishing in a position the seventh position to Harry Gant position what the Kyle Petty was a 10-spot going to car number three Richard Childress again hi Scott kept motoring kept going along he was off the page zygarde bus with all of us begin everything went so well I forgot about being sick my hat's off to Robert Yates you know we read each in trouble last week Pocono [Music] congratulations now a little bit of a hurry like you are effectively janitor from Victory Lane very tired young man 161.50 hours 6 minutes and 6 seconds to go the 500 miles today at Talladega when you want it they told her in 1959 how long does it take you well know what how long it takes to run 500 miles 135 miles 160 1 mile an hour with the average today for car number 88 wall cook victorious here you see him still taking oxygen in victory lane finishing in second spot across the line was David Pearson and throat our congratulations to pie Scott car number 90 the tuner god-loving crew from Virginia with an excellent finish today as their driver Ricky Rudd came through then came the Richard Petty and the Petty's wound up having a pretty good day in 4th of 9 spot for Brock Jays and Ned Jarrett working in the pits and for Lee petty working in the reserve role from a guy named David Pearson who elected to go back out and race and race he did I'm Ken Squier when I coverage same day activity of the 11th running of the Fela degas 504 the 11th time a new name isn't explained [Music] holiday [Music]
Channel: SMIFF TV
Views: 115,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eVatzAXkSfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 7sec (5767 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2017
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