1978 11 12 Cardinals at 49ers

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haider secondary the Cardinals of the second wake passing attack in the NFC welcome to Candlestick Park San Francisco as a 49ers will denial 109 record playing host to the Cardinals who come in here two and eight for the year hi everybody I'm Gary bender along with Hank Stram and there's turmoil in San Francisco two weeks ago they changed coaches and today Hank they're changing quarterbacks yes it's always a bad sign especially when you go into a season with the anticipation of having a good football team you trade your number one quarterback Plunkett you make a declaration the Steve de Burgh is gonna be your quarterback of the future and then after 10 games you decide that really he isn't the quarterback of the future and now they're gonna start Scott bull so it's very obvious that they are in a state of turmoil and it's gonna be interesting to see how they play you know the Cardinals lost their first eight games but they didn't play like a team looking for the first win they've won two in a row and they think they can salvage the second half of the year and I really think they can't - Gary they they played very well in the early stage of the season even though they lost eight consecutive games but I think they're on the upswing and I think in this game today is very obvious oh the 49ers you could see one but I say they like you to receive and the man who's going to replace though Jay Simpson who's out of the game because of a shoulder separation call hope ur number 36 brings it out and the 49ers have the football at the 29 yard line San Francisco last met the Cardinals the 1976 and Busch Stadium and in that game the Cardinals wanted an overtime 23 to 20 on a Jim Bakken field goal you know Gary is going to be interested to see whether or not they run any option plays where Scott bull at the quarterback position the 30 yard line and let's look now at that offensive forward wall the best linemen they have is Keith Phan horse the right offensive tackle they had three rookies used Quillin and downing starting in that forward wall they've had a tough time providing some Running Room Harrison Solomon and the number one draft pick McAfee are the receivers and then of course we have Scott bull along with Hofer and bobby Ferrell in the backfield bobby Pollard made that tackle along with Steve Neal's number 53 and Bobby fathered number 82 they're sending in plays which is something they didn't do taking over for peace McCauley and on a second and nine straight ahead power play by Greg Boykin he's hit by Eric Williams and the ball will be marked out across the 32 to the 33 yard line will to bring a third down and still a long five to go there's Pollard the leading tackler Dawson the nose tackle and John Zook the veteran on the right-hand side Niels Williams a Lerman in Arneson the four linebackers as jean Bartha indicating a penalty number 82 defense off side that's Bob Ballard that was offside so it will move the ball out to the 35 yard line and bring up a second down now and four yards to go there's the secondary Worley greenstone and Allen we expect to see through the course of this game the 49ers running some option plays as a field stop ball is an excellent running quarterback [Applause] 38-yard line he's about a yard short it appears up the first down were to bring up a third down Ken green the strong safety over to make the stop before st. Louis they tried to run a play-action past that time with the express purpose of hitting Kenny Anna Kenny Harrison they 83 down field but Roger Worley number 22 did a great job of covering him and as a result he had to throw the run the ball instead of throw it and now they come up with about a third and 1 it is very cold here for San Francisco this time of year temperature kicked off 50 degrees it's been raining lightly it's third down a yard to go Freddy Sullivan the top of the screen flag down he's got the first down Bofur coming in here had only 82 yards rushing but he's pressed into service do the entry to OJ and it's very obvious that their game plan is going to be to a run to the right not so much because of the weakness of the left side of Bob Pollard but because I think they feel very strongly about the blocking ability of key far worse their right tackle number 71 and their best offensive lineman so it's a first down the ball at the 42 yard line for the 49ers [Applause] he's going to be a couple yards short of the first down mark artists are making a stop and Hank we expect to see a lot of running by Scott bull I'm going to tell you something Gary Ken Harrison number 83 really threw a beautiful block on Eric Williams the inside linebacker and that's why the play was successful a beautiful block by Kenny Harrison number 83 knocked down to now for the 49ers Farrell was check back in with Paul HOFers our running backs the 49ers this year offensively our 13th overall 10th and rushing 12th passing here comes home for again these two the Cardinal 45 yard line even though the 49ers have won only one game there's been three others they should have won losing them in the late stages of the contest mark Arneson made the stop again for the Cardinals and a first down at the st. Louis 45 yard line you know neither team are really great running teams st. Louis for example in the statistical area is 11 rushing and San Francisco is 10 in total rushing so there's not much to be decided there between the two team from a rushing standpoint 39 year-old Fred O'Connor who two years previous to this was the offensive coordinator for the Chicago Bears got a first down a cab to Hofer hoppers going nowhere because Ken green came up and boy he just took the interference with it yes he did did a great job and that's the way you like to see people force on the run if you're going to try to run outside the guy that has to stop the outside run is the outside linebacker of course and the cornerback or the safety that time he did a great job Denver defeating Cleveland so Denver now seven and four for the year this telecast is presented by authority of the National Football League and is intended for the private use of our audience and your rebroadcast or the use of this telecast without the express written consent of the San Francisco 49ers National Football League is prohibited and hopers going to be five yards short of the first down as we go to a third down Ken green Steve Neal's combining on the stop for the Cardinals and Homer who's a slicing type runner has three touchdowns but just hasn't been used much this year but he's going to be using off a lot from here on in he's a very outstanding looking back God has good quickness and power and let's see this time if they throw the ball whether they try to match up Solomon on Carl Allen number 27 the left corner let's see what they do and they're at the top of the screen shot of it wiped out there picked up Miami that's kind of a misdirection type way yes it was a rollout action and they ran a draw play hoping that the defense would pursue watch it he rolls out to his right and Farrell goes to his right then comes back against the grain he does a great job of running here he runs right into people watch this and and finally gets through there Roger Worley number 22 and Eric Williams 55 Miami finally make the tackle but he makes the first down yes Ted defeating New England after trailing most of the game in Miami and in quite a battle with Buffalo he has the ball at the 27 yard line mark Arneson dropped him back via two hundred and fifty pounders well this is a misdirection play they fake to the right and then Scott bull rolls to his left he runs away from Mike Dawson 73 throws the ball right on target to Kim MacAfee and he makes a nice catch and now it's about second and three that's what it is there's coach bud Wilkinson his club looking for their third straight win after impressive wins over the Eagles and Giants Kenny Harrison comes flanked out Freddie Salomon to the top of the screen on the second of three [Applause] and San Francisco is heating up time with 8:25 and yard heat at the same time as Kurt alderman makes the tackle and that was nothing more than a straight-ahead shot with the left tackle Aires 68 and the left guard Ernie who's doing a good job of blocking at the point of attack you can see right now that San Francisco's determined they're gonna run the ball right at the Cardinals yes they feel they must feel very strongly about that because they're really blowing them off the line of scrimmage and that's what you have to do to move the ball as efficiently as they're doing it right now first down handoff up the middle Steve Neal's reacting to the play and making the stop as again they're just coming right at him all Hofer carrying the football and so now inside the 20 to the 18 yard line or to bring up second down and still long 7 to go the thing that's happening right now is that the offensive line to the San Francisco 49ers are really controlling that line of scrimmage and knocking them off the lino off the ball and this is why they're doing a good job of moving the football on st. Louis in this early stage of the game 18 yard line scott ball little mix-up on that one [Applause] I thought that's who they pick on and they picked on Carol Ellen and that time Harrison ran into the post got him turned went back out to the flag there's a flag on the play however we'll see what happens a ball had Harrison wide open the penalties against San Francisco and it'll bring it back but he really run a beautiful pattern got Carl Allen turned in the end zone and he was wide open on the outside but it's all nullified all in vain because of a penalty on the part of the San Francisco 49 all right let's listen see what Jean Barth has to say that is Walt downing who by the way is the most penalized player on this team he has really had a tough time this year a lot of jumping offsides and this time for the clip and so the touchdown comes back in the ball now at the 33 yard line it's going to be second down now in 22 yards to go it motion comes Freddy Solomon peril knocked out of bounds by Ken green and green establishing himself early in this game he's made a lot of stops in this first series yes he's a big strong defensive back and Horford that time made a nice block on that run oh you know Hank is 710 left this has taken a lot of football time as the 49ers have taken the opening kickoff and they still have possession they did a good job of play selection that last time too they didn't try to get it all back in one play very wisely ran the ball and now they have a third and 16 situation coming up so the ball is at the 27 yard line no score were just underway Green as the Cardinals had five defensive backs in on that boy we got a little pushing and shoving going on between Ernie Hughes down there and also Eric Williams but no damage done and it's going to bring up a fourth down so that penalty certainly has hurt San Francisco and that could make a very big difference in the outcome of the game too because it takes away some of the momentum of the 49er team had they gone right in and scored that have been very tough to contend with especially early in the game this could make a difference especially if they missed this field oh this is a 45 yard attempt I really worried he's hit ten or twelve this year Scott ball the hole [Applause] he just got over just made it a 45-yard field goal and the 49ers are on the scoreboard seven minutes one second left to go on the first quarter San Francisco three st. Louis nothing [Music] [Music] personal car for now the 79 Futura with tomorrow's look right now space efficiency for now high mileage ratings that are now and a sticker price that says why wait there's a new taste in Schlitz Lite the taste of natural ingredients brewed into a pilsner beer new Schlitz light still less filling with a taste that's bigger than light gentlemen here's the fast horses slits light those slits like natural fill with no beer so the San Francisco 49ers take a three to nothing lead on a 45-yard field goal by Ray Wersching that was the drive 44 yards 16 plays they used 7 minutes and 59 seconds of that clock Gordon Bell and will Harrell go back now as the twin safeties has a long drive and I'm sure it gave Scott Bulls some confidence in his first start and I like the way they operated in that first Drive they moved the pocket the pocket well and that's the kind of pressure that puts a lot of burden on a defense and so a short kick and Curtis Townsend a second-year man from Arkansas former San Diego charger runs it out so they didn't want to evidently risk the return but the Cardinals come away with excellent field position Mike balls hacen up they're making the stop for the 49ers and from the 37 yard line the Cardinals have the football for the first time the interesting to see now the 49ers making some changes in that secondary if they go at that left cornerback spot fern Roberson discarding there in place I'm sure they're gonna throw a lot today they feel they control I think the San Francisco is 12 on or 14 against the pass until statistics so I'm sure they're going to give them a little business and try especially the left corner Verne Robertson who is starting at that position Jim Otis the all-time leading rusher for the Cardinals gets the ball out to the 40 yard line where to bring up second down seven Archie recent hit Bradley combine on the stop miss 49er forward wall with number 78 has a new look he is a rookie out of Clemson playing their place of the injured Cleveland Elam Eason Ranson starting to tie it in he's been slowed by a hamstring here comes Jim Auguste again [Music] all righty Rhys making the stop that's very close and they got the first down Bob Young threw a big block up front Jim Jim Otis does that extremely well it was a play right up the middle and he reads the block of the guard in the center and the middle linebacker makes any kind of an over commitment to one side of the other Jim runs so well with his eyes that he saw that opening and made the necessary yardage for the first down excellent run by Jim Otis so from the 47 a first down his first pass to Mel Greig watched his footing but he picked up some yardage to the 45 that was Roberson the guy we mentioned earlier the second-year man who they picked up from the Miami Dolphins in that Delvin Williams dream Roberson is playing very deep he's almost as deep as the tunnel and so you can expect him to throw an awful lot in front of him until they get him up where they want him and then he'll go up on top and they're gonna throw a lot in front of this guy I'm sure that is a game progressive so it's second down two yards to go excellent reaction by Joe Harris we might indicate that that catch by gray is now extended his consecutive streak of catching at least one class a game 270 well that's quite a quite a feat for the outside wide receiver for the Cardinal well he's a remarkable receiver and got everything that you look for in a receiver and it's really done a remarkable job for the st. Louis Cardinals loss on that boy there's Mel gray and it's going to bring up third down field and he has the first down to the 24 you know I'm surprised they didn't try to help Robertson that time was double coverage but they made him cover cover single and male gray turned him around completely had an outside move and Jim Hart put the ball right on the money but you can see from your replay the film that Robertson was way inside and got turned and was in real trouble on that outside met outside pattern Mel gray now with 36 catches for the year and from the 24 yard line a first down at Tilly to the bottom of the screen gray to the top starting to rain out here to Gary it sure is here is Kelly the intended receiver depending on the play is Roberson so they're just coming right at him in this first series I don't think that Roberson has as much respect for 83 Pat Tilly as he does for Mill gray and justifiably so because Mill grace has such great speed and so they worry about that and give him a lot more room as a result I think they can throw in front here's a New Orleans st. 17 to 3 against Atlanta supported that's a lot of points against that Falcon defense well they're a they blitz why you're gonna get a lot of punch if you guess right the rain falling near Candlestick Park as will be cloudy day goes nowhere nobody fooled on that boy in particular Cedric Hartman is having quite a year you don't hear a lot about Hardman because the 49ers haven't been winning he has eight and a half sacks and he's having quite a season he's a great player and one thing that you have to worry about him you just can't ignore him and run away from him you got to run at him some just to keep him on the line of scrimmage he loves the rush the passer and if you're permitted to do that he is really murdered third down 12 yards make it 14 yards to go gray Tilley the wide receivers or the rain coming down pretty heavy now Tim hike got the protection he needs Palgrave defending on the play was Bob cherry looked like gray stopped on that pattern and they had a little mix-up on it well they had double coverage on him that time they were hoping for single coverage but on the snap of the ball they double covered which meant they had to two defensive backs on Mel gray and as a result he wisely threw the ball over the top fell incomplete and now it's fourth down and I'm sure they're going to try a field goal all right Jim Bakken will come in he's 7 of 16 Bakken will be attempting a 45-yard field goal the same distance array Wersching converted successfully moments ago Hawkins kicked us on the way he got it and that's almost the same type result that ray Wersching had both of them just getting over both of them almost crawled over the goal the goal post and it doesn't make any difference as long as it goes over there scoring out 3 3 so Jim Bakken hits a 45-yard field goal and with 3 minutes and 29 seconds left in this first quarter of play we're all tied up 3 3 the winds starting to pick up here the rain starting to come down and the blame conditions may deteriorate it could wind up being a very nasty afternoon out here at Candlestick and with a combination of the wetness and the combination of the winds why it could create a lot of problems especially for the passing game so we're all even first-quarter moving very quickly first a drive of seven minutes of 59 seconds okay okay miss Dave Williams [Applause] dave williams emirate okay how far was the can't was the Cardinal Drive yeah I know but the DRI of how far was it welcome to Candlestick Park in San Francisco we're all tied up here 3-3 with 3 minutes and 19 seconds to go in this first quarter play San Francisco 49ers in the red jerseys as Mike Dossett put quite a hit on Paul Hofer the first scoring was done by the 49ers they took the opening kickoff march 44 yards and then kicked a 45-yard field goal ray Wersching doing the honors and just moments ago the Cardinals in with their first offensive opportunity marched the football down the field and Jim Bakken kicked a 45-yard field goal so that's how it stands right now 3 3 with now just inside three minutes to go in the first quarter reigning 50 degrees a Scott bull who's getting his first starting call in two years third year man from Arkansas is thrown for a loss back to the 36 yard line by Mike Dawson and you know Gary on that first drive he looked very impressive he ran the ball well as far as the utilization of his running backs and then of course he did a good job with misdirection and play action and bootlegs and move the ball down in good shape and had a 16 play drive and finally got three points there you see the offensive picture for the 49ers Hofer replacing OJ Simpson who's out with a shoulder separation and that's the Scott ball he's a very fine running quarterback and in this early going he's been running a lot of bootlegs been rolling out and at six foot five two hundred eleven pounds he's a tough man to bring down yes he is and of course the big thing is he puts a lot of pressure on the defense because he's moving the pocket from side to side and making the defensive linemen guessed as to where he's going to throw the ball from and that puts a lot of pressure on the defense [Music] [Applause] at the 24-yard line he had beaten Carl Allen the guy that they've been picking on here in the early going they've been picking on him short and in front and now they throw on top that was a blitz situation with both linebackers coming Allen had to cover Salomon all the way man for man he threw the ball nicely into the post area he should have had it he did have it and just dropped it he doesn't catch it in his hands he catches it in his arms and it ruled right out of there and incomplete there you see it again but he should have made that catch it was a beautifully executed play receiver 28 kept his his Mike Connell attempting his kick and he got a little bit high didn't get the distance he wanted on it a fair catch by Harold at the 32 yard line you know Scott bull impressed me that time with the automatic he saw the Blitz he changed to play at the line of scrimmage got the ball right on top just perfectly everything was exactly right except one thing the receiver forgot to catch the ball Freddie Salomon incomplete that was the 32 yard kick by Mike Connell we have a timeout 207 to go in this first quarter it's all tied up three all [Music] [Music] [Music] introducing Hertz takeoff rates save up to 35% on the average weekday rental when you take off Thursday through Sunday for a minimum of two to three days take off in a subcompact for only 1395 a day Fairmont's 1595 grenada 1795 Thunderbirds 2195 a day all with no charge for mileage there are some restrictions so check with Hertz take off next weekend with her slowly takeoff rates at Candlestick Park we're gonna pick up the action three three and of course we welcome all our viewers watching that Washington New York game Washington winning in overtime 16 to 13 and there's the offensive picture Roger Finney not starting because of that ankle injury that's plagued him all year long in action comes Wayne Morris the line of scrimmage the 32 yard line on her first day today in place of I'll Chandler makes the catch and for ransom that's his 19th catch of the year Joe Harrison Bob Jerry combining we should say Hank that while the viewers were watching another game Mel gray caught two passes now he's caught at least one pass in 70 straight games and he's going to catch a lot more passes as this game progresses I'm sure they're going to continue to work on Verne Robertson the young corner number 49 who occupies the left side here they can throw on him anything they want to especially under they down because Archie Reis number 78 a young man there extremely high on a rookie fifth round draft pick from Clemson coming up to make the stop and so a loss back inside the 35 yard line it will bring up third down and eight yards to go there is Reese he's joined by their most consistent player up front Jimmy Webb Cedric Hardman having another outstanding year he leads in sacks with eight and a half remember number 57 Danny buns you'll hear a lot of him as this game wears on their number one draft pick a back deep the man Hank mentioned Roberson they're picking on him on the left corner spot he usually plays a safety spot third and eight why Mars Morris has a first down as he comes out across the 45 yard line running away from number 55 Bruce Elia who couldn't quite catch up with him that they had a good match that time they wanted Morris on Elia number 55 and that's exactly the situation they got heart jumped out of the pocket a little bit slides I should say out of the pocket and hits Morris who was wide open 24 on Bruce Elia 55 and he makes the first down there just short of the midfield stripe first down the second possession of the game for the Cardinals at first would netted a field goal third year man from Kansas is maybe the fastest player on this football team got back there that's the first time Hank they've gone to the other corner you know and the other thing we Morris who went in motion that time there you see I'm trying to get the ball into the post but Lewis plays it very nicely number 22 but Wayne Morris who went in motion to the right side that time was one-on-one with Bob jury number 26 and he was really wide open but Jim Hart never looked for him he was looking to hit the receiver into the post and as a result it falls incomplete the Cardinals feel they can throw on the San Francisco team which is ranked 11th in the NFC and fast [Music] just can't go anywhere a flag on the play they but tackling by facemask and that's what it is I think it was Archie Reiss there reached in there and got the facemask of Wayne Morris that time is a great illustration of guessing wrong they guessed wrong offensively they had a blitz and they try to run into the Blitz and of course didn't succeed there was a holding pen or a face that's Jean Barth his crew working today's game the rain continues to fall at temperature kickoff time 50 degrees and the people here in the Bay Area can't believe this kind of weather it's almost a record low fares Barth and he is very capable crew of course Dean look the former all-american at Michigan State from the 49 in the first down after the pedal to the 20 he goes out of bounds until you've got a game ball last week after catching four passes for 101 yards just caught his 36th of the year he's impressive he goes back into the pocket you see Jim Otis setting up waiting for the linebacker to come he doesn't come Hart looks to his left and hits Pat Tilley 83 who makes a fine catch runs away from the linebacker and the defensive back and is finding knocked out of bounds by the defensive back Chuck Criss number 24 first and 10 st. Louis that was the 31 yard pick up to the 20 yard line the Cardinals are looking very effective on our face this is Jerry Jerry who started the year at the Seattle Seahawks a former standout at the University of Pittsburgh saved what could have been a big gainer yeah everybody was going with the flow of the play except jury came across the line of scrimmage and really did a remarkable job of reading the play here he is he takes an outside position good leverage and knocks Millbrae off stride and prevents him from making a very big play and so the first quarter comes to a close it's all tied up three all [Music] Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans present an American tragedy nothing is so useful as the car but many Americans misuse it Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans are working to hold the cost of health care down so stay fit walk when you don't need to drive together we can keep the cost of health care from being driven even higher hmm you sure didn't spend any time getting dressed maybe you'd look better in Haggar slacks or Haggar sport coat and flex you could even afford a Hicker vested suit and that's a look I can't afford to pass up close enough good because looking good makes you feel good [Music] introducing a whole new breed of Mustang the all-new 79 Mustang and Mustang performance from options of b6 ba even a turbocharged engine Mustang 479 the new breed in two-door and 3 door models capture one at your Ford dealer now with Hank Stram I'm Gary bender we start the second quarter and the Cardinals have a second and twenty four after that end around reverse backfired Bob jury making a fine defensive play for the 49ers Jim art thus far throwing the ball very effectively he said he would come out throwing and there's the stops five of eight 81 yards as long as 31 yards to Pat Kelly [Music] [Applause] to flag down on the play however I don't know what it is was on the far side of the field Gary we'll see what happens they had five defensive backs it looked like hearts slipped Hank as he threw the football his foot went out from under in a little bit Branson the intended receiver and then you saw what happened after that Chuck Chris we head at New Orleans where this is a very alert see what happens got a personal foul coming up but you have to say Lourdes but Chuck chris is a very alert and intelligent football player reads the quarterback very well that time Hart looked at the tight end right from the very beginning he was open for a while but by the time the ball was thrown here's a personal foul but by the time he got the ball there Chuck Crist was there in time to make the interception first and ten San Francisco Bob young forced that fumble and then Jim Otis has called for the personal foul on the balls at the 25-yard line that was the third interception the air for Chuck Chris [Applause] he's hit by Steve nails let's go back to their wild and wooly interception just a moment ago parts back in the pocket and watch him he's looking he's looking at the tight end right down the field Chuck wrist is also watching heart easton is open but by the time the ball was thrown chuck chris makes the interception number 24 runs up the field watch it he fumbles the ball as he's hit Eddie Lewis picks it up number 22 and almost went all the way had he been able to maintain his balance he would have gone [Applause] looked like Alan had a shot at it then it look like Solomon should have had it what the fact the fact that the hands went up I think made Solomon lose his concentration it was another rollout play-action pass and he throws the ball right on the money he's dropped two of them today but Alan had a chance to make the interception and I think Solomon was surprised by the fact that he didn't and didn't concentrate on washing the ball into his hands and as a result dropped it so Solomon now dropped one earlier in this game wide open the bench so they settle for the field goal and now drop from the end zone first and seven there's a blitz and you can see the rain that's been falling since we started this game is starting to affect the play as ball loses yardage way outside the 30-yard line Derrick Williams came storming from the middle line backing spot to force the play and at the 33 now it brings up a fourth down they had a double blitz coming and they had the right play call they were trying to get one on one which they had however he slipped in the process of going back into the pocket and of course lost yardage on the play so ray were she knew earlier kicked a 45-yard field goal attempt the 51 yarder we can watch for something with Scott bull holding the ball here he might try to a fake field goal there let's say he's kicking with a window he's back where she's kick is going to be short so we're Xena tempting a 51-yard let's not get it and it's still a 3/3 football game he had to stiffest foot in some Gatorade before that kicker never would have made it from that distance I may have a bar in my office but Lawson has a scene darn I thought they're gonna give me a Sony most people feel very special about Sony Trinitron color TVs probably because Sony Trinitron color TVs are very special you see it's not just a TV it's a Sony dad I have a date coming over tonight [Music] no doubt about it you say [Music] [Music] well it continues to rain here and it's not getting any warmer and as you saw a moment ago the field getting a little bit slick they're going to change the surface here they call this candle stone instead of candle stick because the field is so hard next year they're going to go to natural grass here in San Francisco yeah they kiddingly call it fuzzy cement so after the missed field goal attempt the Cardinals have the football and Jim Otis trying to go dances got him that's the guy we talked about earlier they are so high on number 57 he was their second number first-round draft pick he's out of Long Beach State he's 64 at 230 founder he's their leading tackler and he'll be all over the field yes he's got terrific range and of course the good size in conjunction with that rudy makes him a very unique middle linebacker because he's going to be a very good one you can see coach Wilkinson trying to keep dry and it's going to be difficult to do because the wind and Fred O'Connor this is his second game as a head coach of the 49 [Applause] he's just about a yard short of the first down Chuck crest who last year was the MVP defensively for your New Orleans Saints team yes he's a very outstanding player he really is and I think the San Francisco 49ers were very lucky and did a good job in that trade market to get Chuck with his football team because he's an outstanding leader along with being a very good football player so they're just short it's third down look at this Green Bay Dallas neither one of those teams can afford to lose that game no it's a must game for both people and let's see if hard try something on third and one usually in during the course of the game situation about three times in a game it's situation Jim always reads the whole world none better than Jim Otis because he really somehow someway always finds a way to make that yardage especially on a one-yard situation of course now the all-time leading rusher and Cardinal history he's glad to have that pressure behind him got the mark last week and that went against New York and now out across the 36 and a half yard line up first down checking that offensive line Bob Young is still in there they're watching him very closely he's having trouble with a hamstring workmen did start in place of Roger Finney here's Gia motives let's put a good draft for the 49ers there's been all kinds of turmoil out of here coaching changes today a quarterbacking change but one thing you can say they did have a good draft they're starting three offensive linemen tied in a middle linebacker well let's face it Gary you know it takes a lot of courage to stand by your convictions very obvious that Joe Thomas feels strongly about these young people and he feels they're going to take their lumps but eventually they're gonna be good players and that's what happened every place [Music] [Applause] that with four interceptions for the year as the 49ers have it with good field position at their own 48 yard line that time they were again trying to lift the left left corner Chuck Chris watched him all the way watched his eyes and you see what happens he intercepts this pass again big play Chuck Chris there's so much clearer information in the yellow pages you'll never be confused canine care you'll even find specialists to make house calls for almost any situation not a kitty you're a dog when you need to know who what where when and why let your fingers do the walking to the bell system Yellow Pages Americans have always had a love affair with the automobile and of the more than 2,500 different cars introduced one was the best-selling everything this one Ford Fairmont presenting Fairmont 79 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Louis three Kenny Harrison and Freddy Sodom and the wide receivers Paul gets off to Hofer good reaction at time by Bob Pollard and also Eric Williams landing over there you know that time they double covered both outside receivers which means that two defensive backs cover the two outside corners and the safety for people cover two and as a result the middle is wide open had they been able to clear that run the passageway would have been very good for a big gainer out the middle because of the way the coverage was changes now Greg Boykin number 33 replaces Bobby Ferrell at fullback gain a1 on that last play it'll be second down and nine this time Solomon to the bottom of the screen Harrison to the top the place of the injured OJ Simpson is into the Cardinal into the field and his progress just inside the 47 yard line where's third dad and still four yards to go Tim Carney made the tackle on that way and there was a blitz on the play that time and they ran inside of the Blitz and we're very fortunate to get as much yardage on the play as they did that very obvious to the st. Louis is concerned about protecting Carl Allen they're using more double coverage on his side to keep him from covering one for one the Colts lady in the Seahawks as you see at 10 to 7 we'll keep you both showing all the action happened back east in the National Football League here's ball back to throw that time they didn't double cover practice cheering here because Solomon has dropped a couple of passes previous to this receptive but he's wide open Carolyn is very concerned about the deep coverage and that permits Solomon to get in front and pick up the necessary yardage for the first down there's the hit carolallan on Freddy Salomon number 88 Carl Allen 27 first down at the 30 for the viewers who weren't with this early part of this game this is exactly what San Francisco did on the first series they ran right at st. Louis and held the football for almost eight minutes the SNA through some very outstanding possession style passes with play-action and misdirection and had a beautiful 16 play drive here's Minnesota 1714 Chicago Bears that's eight in a row for Chicago Minnesota staying on the heels of the Packers in that NFC Central Division second down five and I believe they've got to get another ball in that one's too wet continuing to rain and it is cold you wouldn't expect this kind of weather this time of year out in the Bay Area but here it is so Scott will have a second down 555 Kenny Harrison collision with Steve Neil's just about the 30-yard line but Scott Paul he doesn't have to back off when you're 65 and 211 pounds here's another fake draw roll op clay and arena doesn't look like he had minute any intention of throwing the football at all he was decided to run blood after he made the fake and he's just short watched the hit there by Steve Neal's 53 and I think he broke his helmet some collision that's what they're going to have you see Scott ball and officials timeout well they have equipment repair and too many quarterbacks said that happened to him as he comes off this young man you can see where they're pointing just above the left ear hole the square of the helmet has been cracked Boll has rushed the ball four times for 16 yards here's a guy it was actually put on waivers at the start of the year then they got rid of Jim Plunkett he stayed around waited for his opportunity he's getting to today and he's tried to make the most of it there's a timeout [Music] the premium taste of Pabst it's a lot to look forward to this is the new sonar one-step camera from Polaroid it sends out inaudible sound waves that bounce off the subject and return in a split second the lens automatically rotates to precise focus like this and if I had to focus I would have missed that picture sharp instant pictures in minutes this close this far this quick Polaroid's new one steps the world's simplest cameras so the 49ers have a third-down a yard to go as Scott bull has the helmet repaired he's ready to go on third down conversions the 49ers are three of six us far Hofer trying to get the first down and it's going to be very close to see where they market he didn't get it I don't think he made that and that was an unusual call to take the ball all the way across the formation on a short yardage situation it's a long way to go to try to make a yard and they didn't succeed in getting it done they're going to go for it it's fourth down as Paul seal comes in they'll have to tight and seal and McAfee they need to make it to the 29 yard line so they've actually got still a yard to go fact it's a long yard fourth down Scott Kuo runs like a fullback yes he does and he's got good you know the great thing about him is for as tall as he is he's got good body lean he fakes inside rolls out to his left they take the bait inside but watch he runs to the outside watch the lean he drops his shoulders protects the ball very well and finally spun away from the traffic and made the yardage a beautiful rush by Scott bull Slava Paul is just short of the 25 a first down Scott Gould in place of Steve de Burgh had thrown 20 interceptions who started all the other games listen throw in front of Allen anytime they want to Danny Harrison you called it coach as a through right in front of Allen but a connection was not made that time that kind of a pass any time you to throw the ball inside it's really important that you throw the ball right at the numbers because if it is deflected there's no chance to get it intercepted if you hit the numbers if you hit it high like he did that time it slid right on through and there's always a chance that the guy behind him could make the interception and that ball does a little wet now it causes even more problems second down 10 Harrison is back in now Harrison saw Tobin the wide receivers looks like the card was ducked offside Oh pick out a yard or two let's see if they were drawn off or they in fact came across two on their own they did offside against st. Louis Mike Dawson looked like the first guilty party and that others followed suit yeah and they headed boots on that time they try to anticipate the count that's why it's so important for a quarterback to make sure that he changes in the count and the RISM rhythm as the game progresses so that the defense can't get beer off second down so that the defense can get in tune with what the quarterback rhythm really is and any what happened on that play and Hank as I recall they say they have worked on a different cadence all week the 49ers yeah you got to you got to do that to keep them off balance you're not careful you wind up going on to all the time it's so Scott ball the new quarterback a new cadence and some problems there's a delight he's got a first to go lair Bobby Farrell was clotheslined by Roger early as his former UCLA standout found a hole and he took advantage of it that was another well conceived play it was a roulade Scott Bullas roll out so much so far in this game that he rolled out to his right like he was going to throw Bobby Farrell went to the right like he was going to block it and came back against the grain there Steve Neil's missing there you see green missing and he finally knocked down by Roger early but he's in good position first and 10 Farrell now with 28 yards on 5 yard line Tim Carney making a stop and hoofer really came off the ball that time he came off the ball well and so did the entire left side of the line John Ayers Ernie Hughes fed Fred quill on the center all of whom did a good job of getting movement and that's what you have to do if you're going to succeed on that kind of a simple handoff that offensive line downing Hughes and Quillin are all rookies Hughes third round Vick downing a second-round pick and quill in the center was a seventh round draft choice second down just outside the five Scott for [Applause] he wanted to throw it as Salomon settlement could not clear and so then deals came up had support from Tim Carney and now they have a third down and the ball is back at the 9 yard line they wanted to work on Carl Allen but there you know he has an ally there with a with the end zone with the end zone line for protection and as a result was able to play the ball well he had no other choice but to try to run it and he was tackled there very nicely by Steve Neal's big play coming up for the 49ers it's all tied at three all they have a third down at the 9 yard line Sullivan Harrison to wide receivers my Dawson came through and that's a big shock watch Dawson 73 he gets through there in good shape looked like a screen he got through there so cleanly and Fred Quillin the offensive Center 56 just missed the block that's all it is and here again is tough when you go back into the pocket and everybody knows you're gonna throw the football I'm surprised he didn't move the puck at that time and avoid that kind of a rush 39 yard field goal attempt by Ray Wersching he's one of two the spies kicked a 45 yarder he's missed the 51 yarder Scott pulled a hole where she does not get it and so where she dismissed his last two opportunities and with 4:35 to go before half that still caught up I'm Merlin the electronic wizard challenging you to six computer games start with simple tic-tac-toe your turn my turn I'll tell you if you win and when you lose play all kinds of games echo blackjack 13 Magic Square or formidable mind bender or make beautiful music together Merlin the electronic wizard from Parker Brothers introducing a new American road car the all-new Ford LTD 479 with more front seat room or rear seat room more window area and more Hanley's than last year's Ltd plus the power of a v8 engine standard a road car to take you across town across the country to test drive the all new Ltd on your own roads see your Ford dealer today next Sunday on CBS Sports see NFL doubleheader action check local listings for the games at times in your area you say you saw it on CBS Sports this tier at Candlestick Park as you can see it is wet it's cold a wind blowing and swirling around here two very friendly people I think they're in lo the 21 yard line missed 39 yard field goal attempt the Cardinals have it Wayne Morris in motion and it's going to be Morris with a pass ball a little too tall and too hard to the far side well what happened on the play Archie reach Reese in number 78 got penetration deflected the ball went right over the top of the outstretched arms of Wayne Morris number 24 and of course it felt incomplete that's the guy that they're high on Archie Reese is Hank mentioned reaching across and getting a hand on it San Diego leading Kansas City 6-3 New Orleans they were leading earlier in their game what was it second team 27.7 1513 [Music] [Applause] across the 45 to the 48 yard line a burst to speed a first down Chuck Chris eventually Randy mouth you know they've talked a lot about the fact that they haven't been able to really get outside very well but Morris really does a good job on this play obviously good good run blocking at the point of attack he runs through a tackler there jumps to the outside good blocking there by Mel gray downfield number 85 and he finally knocked out of bounds by number 24 Chuck crisp that was a 27 yard Tillie with his second catch of the day and it's another first down and the Cardinals are moving they had the ball now at the 33 yard line of San Francisco at Gallagher came storming through and really put some pressure on Hart but he was on the button with the fans yes yes he was Gallagher does provide good pressure you see him coming inside here but heart stays right in keeps his feet in the fire and gets rid of the ball nicely right on target to Pat Tilley 83 and it's a first and ten Hank that's that quick release at hard hands yes first down for the 33 gym on us to the 30-yard line it Bradley made sure that Audra Jo Harris the outside linebackers and so Akina - it'll be second down and eight yards to go at the 31 and Roberson number 49 continues to play Mel gray very soft and it looks like he could play catch over in that outside area the way he's playing at this stage of the game Dallas after trailing seven to nothing now has taken the lead 14-7 that's in Milwaukee [Applause] what here now but you want but but gray was wide open you see he runs a hook in front of Eddie Lewis but he's the boss gone over the top but on the day like this we want to throw the ball because the offense has the advantage [Music] [Applause] and he's got a first down in heart really took a shot that time as he released the football at Tillie with a fine catch and that's a first down at that time they were in man-for-man coverage 49 Roberson had to cover Tilley all the way across the field they got the one-on-one situation they wanted here he is you see Hart staying in the pocket nicely there you see Tilley coming across the field Robertson 49 pursuing but too late and it's and and gray was open on the play two behind Eddie Lewis both of them are open see if they throw again on first down they can throw any time they want to be second and five to go back to that previous play fat Tilley catches everything that's thrown in his direction you talked about him not having a great speed but every time the ball arrives in his area you can depend on Pat Tilley and that's the important thing you have to be able to catch the ball first even though you don't have great speed and that's what he's doing there's just so very important the two-minute warning is here we'll be back in just a moment RCA announces a major improvement in video cassette recording introducing select division 400 said it today and for the next seven days the 400 remembers the shows you want recorded it'll turn itself on and off up to four times even change channels select division 400 the for our video cassette recorder with the seven-day memory let RCA turn your television into select division you must be ready for a fear I'm ready for a new Schlitz light there's a new taste in slits light the tastes of natural ingredients brewed into a pilsner beer new Schlitz light still less filling with the taste that's bigger than life climbed it because it was there and we came back down because this was here so it's light natural pilsner beer though 2-minute warning has just been executed the Cardinals have the football 2nd down a long four to go just outside the 15-yard line and at halftime we'll join the NFL today as Brett Jana nerville update us on that overtime game Washington pulling out a big one against the New York Giants we'll be checking in on that one right now the Cardinals would like to take a lead into the dressing room [Music] [Applause] touchdown Chandler with his second touchdown catch in as many games he caught a five yarder last week for a touchdown and he takes this one in and he just ran over for an Roberson what happened on the play they used the shift of the tight end the tight end went to the right and made Chuck Chris play strong safety instead of weak safety you see he's way off of the tight end number 87 al Chandler and he goes in for the touchdown missed the tackle going for the touchdown they now we're going to try the extra point it should put it but all problems Roger early can't salvage that play and so that could be a big point after before this game is over as the Cardinals now have [Music] there's a distinctive personal car for now the 79 Futura with tomorrow's look right now space efficiency for now high mileage ratings that are now and a sticker price that says why wait the future isn't some day it's like there's a new taste in Schlitz light the taste of natural ingredients brewed into a pilsner beer news Schlitz light still less filling with a taste that's bigger than life gentlemen here's two fast horses slits light slide natural film with no beer and there's the juice all Jay Simpson you can see he has his right shoulder in a sling he has a shoulder separation I think they called a third degree separation and he may be out for the remainder of the year there's a possibility a slight possibility Gary that he might be back before the conclusion of the season but a very slightly so a 15-yard touchdown pass from five to Chandler Mike would kick it off and apply on the place that gets to about the 30-yard line Chandler hit him high and bounced right off there's a flag on the play but Chandler was way too high when he made contact and his result had no leverage and didn't knock him down you can see a clip coming up against the San Francisco 49ers so Jim Hart just a moment ago tossing a touchdown pass which is his eighth of the year the Cardinals coming in here with a second rated passing offense in the NFC boy looking ahead we've got some good football coming up personal foul clipping on the run back number 68 first down 68 is John Ayers but next week it's doubleheader action on CBS regional games Philadelphia New York Cardinals will go against Washington tried in two five-game losing streak and then most cities will receive more NFL action Green Bay Denver Detroit Oakland Los Angeles and San Francisco be sure now to consult your local listings salvaged something here with 139 left in the first half of play Mike Dawson that time number 73 the man in the nose made good penetration along with Jim Kearney and they made a buddy yard on the play you know we've I think Dan what three Cardinal telecasts in each game Dawson's played well he made a big sack early er in this game and he's played well at that nose tackle spot they talked about his neck being tough to make that adjustment there boy he's been very impressive in the three games that we've seen him play now we have a timeout the Cardinals evidently feeling they're gonna get another shot at the football using their first timeout of Scott bull number 19 will trot to the near sideline and Fred O'Connor is the guy now that's given the chore trying to turn this football situation around 60 minutes coming up tonight on CBS if you're a collector of anything see 60 minutes tonight it's at 7:00 6 o'clock central amount in time and then David Janssen hits an all-star cast in the premiere of Irving Wallace's the word Dallas follows the movie and tonight the Ewing women are staggered by reports at Bobby and jr. are missing in a plane crash 60 minutes the word in Dallas all tonight on CBS you can see the crowd very sparse here and they're huddled together trying to survive this afternoon and these people out here they're just not used to 50 degree temperatures this time of year it was very obvious very obvious that they're concerned about the weather condition plus a fact that I think anytime that your team has lost as many games as the 49ers of Ross so far this season why there's bound to be a drop-off in attendance and that's exactly what's happened here today I had 10,000 no shows at the last game so with 112 left the 49ers have a second down and nine from their own 16 yard line the Cardinals using the timeout they're trying as best they can to get the football back and again NFL today at halftime so stay with us one thing the 49ers have to be careful of that they don't make a bad mistake here and provide st. Louis with good field position to go in and get another touchdown or a field goal before the half Harrison had Solomon the wide receivers [Applause] it's amazing he's dropped three balls there were big plays in this game so far and that time is softer they were playing but in spite of the fact that he was playing soft he ran right by carolallan number 30 27 they continued to pick on him inside outside and deep he runs by him here Alan's got him to step for step and then he starts to run by him the ball goes right over the top right into his arms and right on through for a basket looked like Alan laid back trying to intercept and then he misjudged the football that's right in this jet flight on the ball third down and nine and the Cardinals got to get the football at the 18 yard line is a forward progress and the Cardinals I think will use another timeout and will they've used their second so they have one left and there's still 57 seconds the chance' to return and maybe close enough for a field goal Mike Dawson again got penetration and licked the offensive Center Fred Quillin number 56 and was able to make that play tomorrow night my shares one hour than earlier than usual at 8 o'clock 7 o'clock central the mountain time followed by one day at a time and then stay tuned for one of the seasons major dramatic events Irving Wallace's powerful bestseller the word starring David Janssen James Whitmore and Fleur render bulken the word arg1 begins tonight our 2 tomorrow night following mash and one day at a time Mike Connell will go back in Kent he's averaging 37 point in the NFC Willard Harrell is back as a single safety for the Cardinals 57 seconds left before half-time almost lost that football Dave Williams was down there and almost alertly came up with it yes he did and it was a power kick he really got a good foot into that ball that didn't spiral he just powered the ball and along with the help of the wind got a down field in good shape and it was tough to handle the way it came down Dave Williams former University of Colorado quarterback plays running back and I understand we might see him at wide receiver before the day is over there's your time remaining in the upper right hand portion to the screen I Cardinals from the 35 yard line first down it was a 47-yard punt and as you said he just drilled it out here's how Tilly could not get there roberson defending on to play and number 49 is being tested today Roberson is going to get a lot of experience before the afternoon is over with he's already gotten a lot of it we get a lot more the CBS Sports spectacular next Saturday the Ontario Speedway will be the setting for the highlights from the NHRA World Finals the culminating event of the 44 drag race racing season that's next Saturday 4:30 Eastern a CBS 4 spectacular 10:00 tillie that looks like the same plane Hank they were trying to get earlier yeah exactly the same thing they can't continue to throw in front of Robberson number 49 he continues to give him a lot of room and justifiably so right here before the half he doesn't want to have a big play but he's played that way most of the day and anytime you want to throw in front of him you can which is very obvious and so after the 48 yard line it's a first down with 37 seconds left the Cardinals are still trying to get on the board again the world's strongest men it's a wrist roll it's the 7th event 100 pound weight they're going to come lifted 100 I should say 10 feet off the ground he said laps in the title had fallen down the intended receiver at the 40-yard line at Chuck Crist was with him oh yes that time they had five defensive backs in the game and he slipped as he tried to run a hook but luckily the ball was thrown over the top because Chuck Chris number 24 was right there with him and had a chance to make a play on the ball had it been thrown properly so second down ten are you a poker man next Saturday the Hold'em final that's poker on the sports page next Saturday 4:30 the great poker man join up for that event Tilly little too tall Bob Joey had a crack at the interception and it's going to be a third and ten and the time 26 seconds the Cardinals still with one timeout remaining this game started out with the 49ers driving they kicked a field goal the Cardinals got the football for the first time they matched it with a 45-yard field goal and that's the way it stood until 153 remained in this first half one hard hit Chandler with a 15-yard touchdown strike Jim har so far is throw 19 times completed 9 for 136 yards two interceptions and a touchdown both those interceptions by Chuck dressed have missed that point after which could be a big one it's 9 to 3 here's the first down across the 40 to the 39 yard line play Morris with a couple of big bursts he had a 27 yard run earlier today Bob Jerry making the stop and at the 39 18 seconds now left in this first half Steve Jones threw a big block on that last play as the timeout has been called Cardinals using their last timeout as Roberson comes off the field they've taken him out of there as somehow the Cardinals have tried to pick this one up get something on the board next Saturday CBS brings you the series championship of women's tennis and all the big names are going to be there Chris Evert will defend her title former Wimbledon champion Virginia Wade this year's Wimbledon champ Martina Navratilova and others next Saturday afternoon at 3 p.m. Eastern the series championship of women's tennis there's Jim Hart bud Wilkinson Jim Hannaford what are you doing a situation like this Hank you got 18 seconds no timeouts left well you want to get the ball downfield the best you can so at least you can get in a position to kick a field goal and without any timeouts left you've got to call a couple of plays in the huddle with the anticipation anticipation of not wasting any time stopping the clock if you do make a reception close enough where you can stop the clock and at least kick the field goal five defensive backs and two linebackers are in now for the 49ers [Applause] stopping the clock with 13 seconds Walter mines boy that was that beautifully thrown football that was double coverage that time and he threw between the short man than a deep deep man Eddie Lewis they had five defensive backs and the deep man Eddie Lewis was very slow coming over to protect the outside area as a result Jim Hart saw it there you see and he's slow coming over and Mel gray makes the catch big play and a great executed play by the st. Louis Cardinals so they're gonna try it one more play and they'll try to get the field goal kicker in yeah they'll try to get this one in the end zone I'm sure you got a bump and run on this left side they've got a chance to make a big play on the left side see if he takes advantage of it from the 13 yard line hard he said ransom mahp jury gave him a pretty good shot so now Jim Bakken will come in with seven seconds to attempt the field goal well they boot that football in a hurry yes they did and I'm surprised that Jim didn't go on top that time because both receivers had bump and run which meant it was man-for-man all the way and it looked like Tilly had a step on this right side on any Lewis but of course Eason was wide open to just dropped the football Bakken whose kicked a 45 yarder in the first quarter will now attempt a 30-yard field goal Bock and getting back skating on the football and that's going to wind down this first tag there's no time remaining and so the score at halftime a Candlestick Park the st. Louis Cardinals lady in the San Francisco 49ers 9 to 3 stay with us the NFL today coming your way [Music] I'm tested that's what about forward I was requested to come up here to tell you how mortal come forward were tested tough in Alaska motor craft tune-up kids with spark plugs were tested in 50 cars and trucks from Ford Motor craft to numb kids they have the stuff this is the Kmart 672 Kmart's best car battery like another leading premium battery the 672 is calcium lead constructed like one other premium battery it's truly maintenance-free completely sealed so you never add water but the 672 has one other feature you'll find only in Kmart automotive products the 672 K Mart's best battery is Kmart priced [Music] one magnificent flying machine 79 Thunderbirds I love its luxurious cockpit plywood v8 engine power steering and power brakes all standard glide and great style with rappelled roof and opera windows at a down-to-earth sticker price 79 Thunderbird what a way to fly gorgeous 1978 US Open finals defending champion Chris Evert is taken to the limit by fifteen-year-old Pam Shriver [Music] CBS sports next Saturday at 3:00 p.m. Eastern CBS Sports presents the series championship of women's tennis Chris Evert is scheduled to the fender crown against Wimbledon champion Martina Navratilova and other top women professionals from first serve to match point you'll say you saw it on CBS Sports [Music] let me show you what happened down in the Superdome just moments ago the game was all wrapped up it was 17 to 13 New Orleans had a lead Atlanta had an opportunity for one last desperation play Bartkowski went back through a deep all the defensive backs were back there deflected up in the air touchdown now folks the key here is don't hurt Jackson afterwards be very careful down he goes suddenly Atlanta can move to within a game of Los Angeles in the NFC West if the Steelers beat the Rams right now the big doubleheader game in County Stadium in Milwaukee it's the Packers and the Dallas Cowboys what does Bart Starr order up right off the start of the game after he wins the coin flip the onside kick and look at the Cowboys they retreat into the end zone Chester Marcol pumps on it and then a short time later it was a packer touchdown Barney Smith margin 7-o upset hold on here they come as the Greek predicts Robert Newhouse 14 yards a Dallas touchdown tied it Tony Dorsett goes left nine yards Dallas touchdown 14-7 Rafael septon warming up on the sidelines into his own lean-to now it's Roger Staubach pulling out looking to Billy Joe Dupree who fumbled last week in the Orange Bowl but not here and it's 21 seven right now we also had an overtime game in the NFC this afternoon the New York Giants appeared to have beaten the Washington Redskins when the defense forced this fumble right here from Joe Theismann watched Roy Archer scooped up the loose ball zip into the end zone 13 six thousand ones got just a minute to work with and back he comes go on to his tight end off a quick count gene Fugate down to the giant 23 yard line then with seconds left it was Mike Thomas getting the call he tied the score 13 all and they go into overtime wins the coin flip they received back comes Joe Theismann runs out of the pot watch what happens on the sideline look what's gonna happen to the line judge right there but he's okay he wasn't seriously hurt they make him tough those zebras heard now back comes the Heisman again looking for a few get over the middle knees got him right down to the 17 first down in part he says a kick a field goal get out of here booted by Mosley but it's no good the Giants have got a chance now to come back can't say that on a family station their mark here we are Giants can't do a thing second and 11 can't move against the skin defense so Washington get the ball back after a Jennings punt and this time Theismann says I'll take what you can give me and underneath to McDaniel who picks up added yards and Mosley gets an opportunity that all of us wish we could have a second chance and he makes it good and in overtime the Washington Redskins beat the Giants 16 to 13 Detroit their record now four and seven as they shoot down Tampa Bay 34 to 23 Denver climbs to 7 and 4 by beating Cleveland 19 to 7 the upset of the day Houston rallies 26 23 look out for the Oilers they're now 7 and for the Patriots slipped to 8 and 3 dolphins are now tied with him as the Dolphins down buffalo 25 24 and the New York Jets a loser to Philadelphia 6 5 for the Eagles now 17 9 the final there 22:17 you saw the conclusion of that wild game down in the Superdome Chicago has lost eight straight games the Vikings could be tied for first if the Cowboys hold on against the Packers and it looks like they will 21 7 second quarter it's all Cowboys st. Louis and San Francisco the game you're watching at the half Cardinals lead at 9 3 10 7 falta more over Seattle at the half San Diego is ahead of Kansas City 13 6 that game also at the half from the NFL today we'll continue on CBS after these messages from your local stations Bobby and jr. are missing in a plane crash and the Ewing women's emotions are at the breaking point in this week's tense edition of Dallas tonight at 10:00 9:00 central and mountain on CBS still can't get over the Houston upset of New England or show us some of those plays the Patriots had it all locked up I can hardly wait to see this by itself of course Houston wound up winning a game 26 23 after trailing earlier in the ballgame but just fought in the second half and came back and the upset victory Earl Campbell knew in this ball second attendant in 36 arrow Campbell's hit here he takes the ball down to the Houston 36 yard line Trenton next play here first and goal yeah I got the sequence of plays here they're gonna have a little trouble with here see here we got Grogan on the on the keeper if they built up about a 23 to nothing lead and then the Oilers came barging back carpenter finally got him up on the scoreboard and carpenter got another watch Earl Campbell here candidate for Rookie of the Year particularly in the AFC barging in for that score victory cash who sit here for a touchdown in the game wound up that way across Houston wedding at 26 23 we had a sequence of plays earlier and they had a little confusion with it turned out New England dominated the game in the first half Houston came back in the second half and won it until upset as we said before 26 23 here's the game you were watching earlier today it was Philadelphia and the New York Jets now the Jets of course are operating without their starting quarterback Richard Todd who was on the sidelines against Philadelphia but did not play at all Matt Robinson went the distance but Todd could be able to play next Sunday watch the in the round Kenny Payne following number 63 getting to the outside against the jet defense and inside the 20 yard line it pays to have size if you've also got decent hands Harold Carmichael stretching for 673 Philadelphia back come the Jets Kevin wah gets the corner turn kick was blocked by Carmichael now it's Jaworski looking for Harold watch this snatches it down out there when you're five nine you can't cover him unfortunately Jaworski was injured in the game just suffered back spasms nothing serious and right now let's send you back to Gary bender okay Brent thank you we're at Candlestick Park nine to three our halftime score the Cardinals on top and Hank Stram as a special guest we have at halftime the celebrated halfback of the OJ of the San Francisco 49ers OJ Simpson I know J the people around the country are wondering how long you'll be out with that shoulder injury hope to be back pretty soon they told me it would wouldn't heal for three to eight weeks I hope to come back to last two or three games you know we have a young football team and the guys need all the support they can get and I like to get back and sort of finish the year for them and hopefully end it on an up note so we have something to look forward to next year Oh J what specifically is wrong with your shoulder well it's in what they call the AC joint I ate at the joint then I tore some of cartilages and ligaments in there and it's sort of painful at night you know I have to sleep a certain way in bed last night I set up over my stomach by the first time and I was pretty sore this morning but I it causes me a little uncomfortable I mean in the middle of next week I'm gonna start working it out they're gonna put me on a program so I'll start my my way back into the lineup I hold Oh Jay I know that your ambition is to play with a Super Bowl team somewhere before you get through with your career in conjunction with that goal I know probably that your concern also would like to be able to break the record that's been established by Jimmy Brown fifteen hundred and thirty eight more yards that you need is that is that a goal that you have in mind well you know as a runner you want to have all the records you possibly can get I had hoped that if I hadn't he got hurt this year I could have finished this year on a positive note I still plan to and play another year and with a team that has to improve you know we got a lot of young football players on this team we averaged less than two years per player they said if they got rid of me they would average about six months per player but we have a young team we had a few girls we had got hurt I think if they came back we could be a very good football team starting the year we're pretty optimistic we lost a lot of good football players we have to start a lot of rookies up front but I think our veterans will be back next year I'll be back next year we're gonna have grass here in candlestone and I'm looking for Vicky ur next year and hopefully we can make a run for the playoffs and hopefully I can get 1500 some yards Oh Jay Simpson thank you very much good luck and God bless you Kerry bender okay Hank as you can see here the people are hanging in there as it continues to rain we're gonna be back with a start of our second half of play for the Cardinals looking for their third win in a row leading 9 to 3 at halftime ACDelco is making it possible for you to buy a freedom battery at a special sale Thanks still cooler you see this poster free Python the battery you can trust thanks Joe as a State Farm agent when people come into my office and sign an application for insurance my job is just beginning there's no sitting back and putting the file away agent Vince Grandma Rosa talks about State Farm services we're continually reviewing their protection we're continually talking to them it's on a personal service basis from day to day month to month we never forget the people when you're a professional athlete your body is your life so you think about it take care of it more than most people maybe you because it's easy to take your body for granted or worse abuse it by smoking or by drinking too much by skipping meals by not getting enough sleep and not keeping fit the list is long but don't get discouraged it is possible to change old habits and worth it for by choosing how you live you often decide how long you live treat your body well and chances are your body will return the favor with life and isn't that what it's all about we'd like to help with a free booklet called good health the rules of the game from the johns hopkins medical institutions send for it if your reasons to live are as beautiful as mine walking back to Candlestick Park nine to three the Cardinals leading the San Francisco 49ers at the halfway point Gary bender along with Hank Stram as this game started out with the 49ers winning the flip and they marched the football and they had it for almost eight minutes before ray Wersching booted a 45-yard field goal you can see as bad bud Wilkinson comes on to the field it is cold and damp air but then the Cardinals not to be outdone they got the football for the first time and they marched with it and bakken added a 45-yard field goal and that's the way it stood three to three but then the Cardinals with 153 left before the end of the first half marched down and Jim Hart hit alt Chandler 15 yards out Chandler second touchdown catch in as many games then they had a bad snap on the point after and it got away and then later the Cardinals had another field goal attempt coming up just before the end of the first half only to have a bad snap again go awry and sold those two bad snaps Hank be a big part of this game before it's over yes it definitely gives the 49ers a lot of hope and you know the one thing about the the first half was Freddy Salomon dropped three possible touchdown passes it would have made a big difference in the way this game is going to be played in the second half or you can see the Cardinals have dominated statistically yes they have no question about that you can see total yardage 208 to 72 in offensive plays were pretty even 36 and 34 first downs 13 to 7 yards rushing Cardinal is 43 and the 49ers 88 both teams Riddhi have gone into the game with a tough time rushing the ball and they're not doing a very good job of rushing it either this afternoon and that's something no the 49ers lead in time in possession but look how few yards they have so that first drive made a lot of difference in eight-minute drive ray Wersching will kick off Harrell is back deep along with Gordon Bell and this is Harrell he'll bring it up to the 3rd he's got some Running Room he kind of slips on the wet surface here and his forward progress will be on top of the 40-yard line wander Mons over there to make the stop for the San Francisco 49ers and I'll tell you Hank it's starting to get cold there yes there's a lot of chilliness in the air and I think it's going to have a little bit of an effect on the way they hold on to the football and the way they throw it in the way they kick it it continues to rain it's lent up a little bit it's more of a drizzle right now so from the 40 yard line till a great a wide receiver I kiss to Otis and Otis as you can see he's having some footing problems he may have picked up two yards on the blade Joe Harris is over there he already had a pretty good hole there that time and he saw it and wanted to cut back inside behind the flow of the linebackers but slipped on the play and of course just made about a yard second and nine great at the bottom of the screen Tilley to the top in that first half are throwing the ball pretty well except he threw two interceptions with you to keep them going he was 10 of 21 here comes Harvick first down inside the 45 yard line Jim Otis on a draw play that time saw the Running Room right up the middle and took advantage of it I tell you one thing about Jim he sees any kind of a cavity he's gonna take he's gonna run right for that goal line he's a goal line style of runner he's running straight ahead and did a good job on that run picked up the necessary yardage that time they were in a 4-3 defense and got the first down one of the officials Jill Connell almost got run over on that way and Bob young their left guard did a good job of blocking on the play on a first down Hart wants to throw I mean but he makes the completion the ball to the 36 and a half yard line they've thrown enough in front of Roberson where I think somewhere along in here we can see gray or Tilly run a slight move to the outside and then run up the field with a double move because he's starting to play a little tighter on the end on the patterns in front second down for pickup of six heart with his eleventh completion of this game Hart has to salvage the play a flag on the play and you know it's interesting can you have the wrong Footwear sometimes when the starts raining maybe you don't have the right stuff to be worrying out there that's twice now that hard or whether Otis has slipped and fallen down you know that's one thing about the progress with shoes on synthetic turf there's so many different kinds of shoes that I don't know whether there's any right kind for bad weather number 54 Tom banks is guilty of holding here you see Tom banks you see his arm grabbing Webb's arm and that's definitely a holding penalty they have five defensive backs in the in the secondary now and two linebackers that's the 49ers on a second down and 13 after beholding Benedict there's a little delay delay MRSA Morris having a big day he's to the 30 and he's got the first down Wayne Morris having by far his most effective day rushing of the 1978 season and that would that was a great surge and a good call they had five defensive backs and two line linebackers the linebackers are playing the backs man-for-man and you see what happens here there's a nice hole right up the middle he cuts to the left Chuck Christa's has a beat on him and gets a shoulder in and makes the stop there's a flag on the play on the near sideline as Otis is able to make it to the 25-yard line so a lot of problems right now penalty wise that's against San Francisco you know Terry Steve number 68 the right guard as as a young player who we drafted in New Orleans and I really think he's gonna be a great football player we liked him very very much in New Orleans and I think he's going to be an outstanding player for a long long time for the Cardinals they ran right behind it you know Dan Dierdorf said he just improves each week but Steve stays in there and it's a vastly improve every eight and he's just such a young player that he's going to play for ten years providing that he doesn't get hurt but he's got that kind of ability 78 is Archie Reese so from the 24 yard line first and five for the Cardinals they lead it nine two threes were in the third to the back it continues to rain and this is eastern Russia and there's another flag on the play we've had about five straight plays now with penalties live jury defending on it ransom very close to the first down with that catch offside against San Francisco it's two consecutive times jury is playing very soft on the tight end and as a result the tight end is just going out in the flat area and by the time he can recover why he makes enough yardage or a good chunk that's Cedric Hardman so earlier it was Reese now it's the other defensive end Cedric Hardman and of all's inside the 18 yard line a first down the Cardinals picked up that one by penalty two consecutive offside penalties Tillie gray the wide receivers Eastern Lance in the motion horace drags gallagher with him inside the 15 yard line Horace has those strong legs and he can really fire out Booth's a football and his forward progress will be to the 12 yard line you know I like what the Cardinals are doing with the tight end they keep shifting him from side to side and on occasions they're making the safeties a strong safety Bob the jury play weak safety and Chuck Crist who is normally the weak safety play strong safety and as a result it gets to be a problem six yards to go Jim Otis to the ten has a first and goal just outside the 5-yard line Dan bonds is over there Otis Broca tackled the line of scrimmage joined good upper-body strength that time so it's first and goal and here's one of the plays that Jim runs extremely well it's just it's nothing but a vanilla play to the left side straight ahead blocking Webb misses the tackle and Jim runs right through the grass of Webb and and it makes a nice gain on the play first and goal just outside the 5-yard line nothing developed up the middle and he may have gotten a yard one thing one thing that we have to observe here is that Hartman is a excellent defensive end especially against the pass especially against the pursuit but he is not especially good when you run right at him and that's what they're doing right now they're running at hardman and doing a good job of making yardage at that position there is coach bud Wilkinson they gained about a yard maybe a half yard so second and goal just about on top of the five yard Easton Ranson man hardest really upset at himself for what have developed on their play but what like Otis was the primary receiver and he couldn't get open well Ranson was wide open the tight end and 50 Joe Harris got penetration and it looked like he made Jim throw the ball before he was ready to throw it he threw it into the ground but the tight end Eastern Ranson was wide open in the play so we come to a third and goal at the five yard line al Chandler goes out Jim Otis checks out ransom is in Tilly and gray the wide receivers is his first touchdown catch of the year they did they did a very cute thing on that Gary he was in motion on the right side like he was going to come across the formation he stopped and went back into the corner nobody was on him at all he wasn't covered see him wide open in the corner they expected him to go in motion across the field or up the field he went back in away from the grain who was wide open a beautiful executed play this time is good and the kick by Bakken is also good so the Cardinals get a little breathing room 1008 to go third quarter they have a 16 to 3 lead take any razor available in America any razor now there's an electric shaver that we shave is closed or your money back the running ttan XLR remington can guarantee a close shave because only remington has this remarkable three-part system the first head shapes close a second closer the unique intercept cutter is designed to shave longer ears a remington XLR it shaves as close as a blade or your money back this and today it greets the Budweiser Clydesdales crowd symbols of a beer whose unique distinctive taste leads the way [Music] wherever you go in this great land when you say Budweiser well Jim hired with his second touchdown pass of the day a five yarder to bapt inning Tilly despite all those catches he's made that was his first touchdown grab so I know he's got to be happy with that I like to look to him he's a you know a very dependable steady performer gives you a hundred percent on everything that he runs and the big thing about it is you get the ball close to him he's going to catch it absolutely Mike would to kickoff boy did Williamson Walker deep for the 49ers a line driver this is Dave Williams [Applause] gets it out to about the 14 yard line so the 49ers do not have the good field position so San Francisco who came in here 1 and 9 tied with the Cincinnati Bengals with the worst record in the NFL right now find themselves in a catch-up situation you know it's a great complement to the button this fine staff to have this team respond like they have after losing eight consecutive games but they're playing with a lot of enthusiasm a lot of animation executing well and that's a sign of a coach doing a good job and Hank they're out to salvage the second half of the year it's very obvious that they feel that they can quick pitch to Hofer and hope across the 15 to the 16 yard line Kurt allurement over to make the stop well the Cardinals if they'd win today win three in a row and then they come up against that Washington jinx it's really been tough for him they've lost five in a row but the Redskins just got out today by the skin of their teeth well that's the sign of a good football team you know when you can win a close game or win a game when you're not playing very well it was an important game for Washington and regards what the score was the big thing and the important thing was if they won Chuck a down nine stop ball gives off to bobby pharaoh and pharaoh can't get about two more yards and that's all so it's going to bring up a third down for san francisco ken green is over there Green's played quite a game Steve Neal's also an assist look at him you try to get out of the rain any way you can we're lucky to be just slightly out of it here we get a few spots few sprays from from from the outside in here but it isn't too bad so at the nineteen and a half yard line third down six yards to go they have Harrison Solomon as the wide receivers as Scott ball he does not throw the ball all that mud sure hasn't well he's got a tough journey he's gonna have to throw the ball to play catch up over the middle mcafee kenny stone almost had it stone who has six interceptions in the last six games almost had number seven yeah he had that one and he looked he looked at Scott bull all the way there was a blitz on the play bull stays in a pocket nicely but there you see stone number 23 just waiting and headed and he kind of to Cepeda dit he would have made the catch he waited for the ball that come to him instead of going after the ball or else he'd had an interception Mike Connell back to kick again stone has been quite a story he's come on so well at that safety spot six interceptions second in the NFC here's Caudill from the five will Harrell is deep for the Cardinals Kyle Davis is him to snap the ball at the 47 yard line of st. Louis so the Cardinals of the gut field position for the 16 to 3 lead 8:20 remaining third quarter I'm John Kelly a tire engineer and this is the Firestone 7:21 radial tire we have so much confidence in we're backing every 7:21 sold for the rest of this year with this guarantee if a Firestone 7:21 becomes unserviceable within two years because of defects and workmanship or materials we'll replace it free only road hazard and in-service abuse are excluded the Firestone 721 we are so confident we guarantee them for two full years the new Ford Pinto 479 a new design for a little American workhorse new up here new back here new in here and it's loaded bucket seats standard AM radio an electronic ignition standard 2.3 liter engine standard electric rear window defroster standard rack and pinion steering standard front disc brakes standard low price the spanking new 79 Pinto well it rains and it's continuing to rain here at Candlestick Park you can see they're having a tough time keeping the football dry the Cardinals had the ball they have it at their own 47 yard line we have a 16 to 3 outside San Francisco taking up [Applause] they had Robertson beat all the way on that one yeah they had a blitz on that time I had man for man coverage offside San Francisco so it makes it first in five and Mel gray head him licked would have been a touchdown head he got the ball on target grace got to get a breather now she'll go to the sidelines Dave Steve will come in number 75 defense offside lets it down that's it Gallagher the former New York Jets seventh year man from UCLA there you see Gallagher 75 anticipating the count and anticipating wrong first down and five Kim Otis to the 46 yard line Cedric Cartman is there three possibly four yards short of the first down there's Hardman boy what a career he's had ninth year out of North Texas State 1975 he was all-pro it's been in the Pro Bowl three times one of the most feared rushers in the game today though they have this Gold Rush crew that in 1976 had 61 sacks they were tremendous and he was a very important factor and the successor that defensive team just about a yard that's all to the 45 will to bring up a third down Jimmy Webb it's been one of the mysteries really Hank on the 49er forward wall they had 61 sacks a year ago 42 they had only 21 coming into today well I think a lot of teams are trying to run the ball on them too and that makes a big difference and but I think that's really why they haven't gotten to the pass one more there's Hart two interceptions two touchdown to Steve Jones we've just checked in and they didn't fool anybody so it'll bring up a fourth down as Dan buns the middle linebacker was there and pretty subtle Minh is going to go back deep he's going to be joined back there by a new man in the lineup but a Nima Schumann who they just picked up this week Mike Schumann a rookie out of Florida State who started the year with Miami they had two free agents this week both of them wide receivers and back to kick will be Mike would would last week did quite a job against the New York Giants let's see if he tries to kick to his left or to his right he's a right footed kicker should kick and he does fair catch is called for I shouldn't say this but Freddy Sullivan just can't seem to catch the football today he's having a hard time he couldn't catch on a fast he can't now there's timeout with the Cardinals with the lead this fresh egg is going to help us sell this brand-new free flex shoe from Freeman watch you can do it with any new Freeman free flex see Freeman shoes at fine stores everywhere [Music] no doubt about it when you say Budweiser [Music] next Saturday at 3 p.m. Eastern CBS Sports presents the Series championship of women's tennis you say you saw it on CBS Sports crowd at 33,000 they just announced his 12,000 886 no shows he had 10,000 last week as a brave souls very hearty Souls here today back to that kick firewood 49ers had the ball at their own 17 yard line they kale 16 to 3 ball on first town and he got his man Kenny Harrison & Harrison kept both feet inbounds as a good catch by him you know he was open all the way to it was a play-action pass watch Harrison 83 go right down the field Roger Worley took off like he was going to be a fly pattern he broke to the outside Scott bull had to scramble a little bit but Harrison knew where he was all the time kept his feet inbounds made the catch and first down San Francisco the ball at the 34 yard line [Applause] as Mike Dawson dropped it Dawson was on top of it there's a pen lay a flag down field and that time Gary they were in double coverage again and Scott Gould didn't read it very well and it looks like a penalty against st. Louis Louis it's good to be holding that was way off from the football yes it was it was on the other side of where they threw the ball but again Scott bull the young quarterback were surprised by the double cover here's a number 50 defense holding first down that's Kurt aller bundle linebacker throw the first down at the 39 and all of a sudden now 49ers got a little operating room started from the 17 Baltimore leach Seattle ten seven can't believe you could oldest Seahawks to only seven points away they've been scoring yeah not many people have done that this year a lot of white shirts as he's just across the 42 the 41 Eric Williams Curt alum and the men in the middle Eric Williams is playing as you look at coach bud Wilkinson with a specially designed elbow brace he had a hyperextension of that elbow which slowed his progress he's probably a real key to that defense as he is just quite a player a second-year man from USC you know John's looked that time did a good job along with the mark Arneson number 57 there's the Fred O'Connor still looking for his first win the second time around his second game as a head coach [Applause] now Harrison and Worley collided Harrison interfered on the play I'm sure that's what they're gonna call at least I think they will let's see what they call that's exactly right well Ken stone now has seven interceptions seven in the last seven games that was a blitz again and the young quarterback just threw it up for grabs Rudy and there you hear the call here you see again you see Harrison number 83 push Worley intercepted by Kent Stone number 23 timeout will be back the Cardinals had the ball of the 25 dawn launch sea of japan see a recruiter or call toll-free it's not just a job it's an adventure Esther from Germany with front-wheel drive and Michelin steel-belted radials for sure for attraction Fiesta under with responsive acceleration that's picked to the rescue Fiesta Thunder car to go long distances on a gallon of gas Thunder car disguised as the Fiesta I like it so do i Louis at your Ford dealer sorry thanks tram I'm Gary bender and from the 25-yard line the Cardinals had the football after Ken stone just intercepted his seventh pass of the year Tim art gets out the way more it's been blown dead one thing about hardener number 86 it's much easier to run inside of him than it is to run outside that time they try to run outside probably figure figuring that they run inside quite a bit but he responded just like he normally does and he tripped up the ball-carrier and kept them from making any art ajaan the play Eddie Lewis also was in on the tackle Moses shaken up on the play Hank he's limping out there so it's second and ten from the 25 great at the bottom of the screen [Music] that's what they want is to get him out there isolated let him get by that initial defender and then look out yes and again that they continue to throw in front of Robertson number 49 and they can do that anytime they want to this is first game he's replaced Anthony Leonard and he may wish he'd never moved out there there's Hart complain much about Joe Harris defending on the play that time there was a lot of confusion on the play they did the Roberson didn't know where to go where do they go to the slot side or the weak side he finally wound up moving when the ball was snapped and as a result Morris was wide open on the play and picked up some yardage and a guy like Jim Hart doesn't miss any of that he knows exactly what's happening back there Anthony Leonard now is playing in the right corner for the injured just gonna get back to the line of scrimmage and that's all Bradley Hardman they can't seem to get that corner turned on that far side and they're not gonna get a turn you're not gonna get outside of Hartman I assure you you might do it by accident but but but not by design he plays the outside rushes the passer he's an outside pass rusher plays the outside well against the run and that's why it's important what you're gonna do run at him to run inside not outside 6-foot for 245 pounders Cedric Hartman Lewis is back in a game for Anthony Leonard number 42 Robertson continues to operate at left corner there's the third down conversions on a third and seven Steve Jones all right Joe Harris came through there didn't he yes that was a blitz Bruce Ilya was also in on the bliss as a flag down on the play offside San Francisco well maybe that's true they were through so quickly but Harris came untouched on the plane Hardman out the top of your screen is arguing vehemently but that'll be a no avail as they'll step off five yards I think that's who was offside number 86 defense offside third that's right that's why it's so important to keep changing that count it seems like a very minor thing but it's very important to change the count in fact we used to keep track of the count on the sidelines to make sure that we reminded our quarterback then sometimes said you're going too much on two or you're going too much on one you got to keep changing it because if you're not careful the defense gets a rhythm to the count as much as the offense forget about two yards to go and they try to get it sending the big guy up the middle Jim Otis and they got it at least it looks like they did yep they sure did is he's just short of the 50 yard line buns and Reese continued to make a lot of tackles on this team good place to run to over right guard Terry Steve and Dan Dierdorf who did a good job of creating enough of a cavity for Jim Otis and make the yardage so the Cardinals will have gray and Tilly wide left and wide right that's ransom number 80 coming into the tight end spot they're going to double cover the outside people the tight end might be open there's great Bob jury going over there Robertson I don't think Robertson could believe how quick gray is he's just going by him and leaving him in he's just like he's in a trance looks like he's in the Air Corps bombs away on that left corner and that time Ranson was wide open the tight end down the middle east and ransom number 80 and the double coverage but Jim elected to throw the ball outside and over the top second and 10 they're going to bring in five defensive backs as they Gallagher checks out of that forward wall Dave Stieb is now ahead at the top we'll take the Blitz that time this is ransom he's hit pretty hard by Robertson his further progress just short of the 45 yard line over bring up third down and still five yards to go five defensive backs this time they throw to the tight end ransom number 88 in front of Robertson he comes up nicely and makes the hit there you see he's got good leverage wraps his arms around him like he should and knocks him out of bound his third and about five two minutes 56 seconds left in this third quarter [Music] it's again blitz was ransom you could see both banks and Bob Young had pulled out to send the convoy to the far side but it just didn't materialize I don't think Jim could find ransom like he like he wanted to and as a result had to throw the ball over the top but Easton Ramson was the intended receiver on a screen they had a right play call you like a screen against a blitzing defense that's Mike Schumann number 84 the young rookie free agent out of Florida State this is Mike wood last week averaged thirty nine point six the punting Department against the Giants you know let it hit and it's gonna make it in for the touchpad so out of the 20-yard line and the 49ers will have the football with 237 left in the third quarter looking ahead to tonight on 60 minutes beginning at 7 o'clock 6 o'clock central and mountain time if you're a collector of anything you want to see this program 60 minutes what a program it is and then following that David Janssen heads an all-star cast in the premiere of Irving Wallace's forward and then Dallas follows the movie and tonight the Ewing women are really staggered by reports that Bobby and jr. are missing in a plane crash 60 minutes is the word in Dallas all tonight right here close to five yards as he brings it out to the 25-yard line a look at Scott ball he was the prep high school athlete of the year in the state of Arkansas and he went to play for the Razorbacks and in his senior year they won 13 football game closing only in a ball game he's got a lot of poise and runs the team very well Gary but you can seize have it a tough time passing there are 3 for 11 complete caprara pals got a first down as he drags Steve Neil's with a first down San Francisco that's when he looks most effective when he moves the pocket by design rolls right rolls left play-action passes play-action and rolls he does that extremely well and he puts a lot of pressure on the defense when he does do that that was a good illustration of it right there you know Scott bull started two games his rookie year in 76 and they won both of also a preseason game but last year he threw only 24 passes and of course his first starting call today he's got to do more throwing on first down and home first got to get a couple of three yards Bob Pollard leading the charge defensively and also Mike Dossett the guards Knutson and downing continued 60 and 62 continue to bring in the plays from the coaching staff on the sidelines before that under Pete McCauley and when Steve de Berg was the quarterback he was calling the play and they made that change with O'Connor and now he's calling him well I I'm you know O'Connor was on the staff with Jack Paar dude and that's what they did he called the play for the Bears and I'm sure that he feels that's the best way for them to function at this stage of their team at the 19-yard line raju early finally caught up with him and pull through that ball very well to it and here again it was a roll out to the weak side he ruled to his right that time and threw the ball right between Roger Worley and Kenny stone watch it beautiful throw and a great concentration on the part of Ken Harrison 83 who stayed with it all the way good for 48 yards in a first down you know last week Harrison Tata passed for 50 yards now a 48-yarder he was cut earlier in the urinary side [Applause] Ron Yan Kowski now playing it right defensive end the former Kansas State standout stacked that boy up and then some there's nothing developed on that and that may be the last play of this third quarter but Harrison who is a brother to white Harrison as a defensive back for the Buffalo Bills made a couple of big plays the last two games for the 49ers he really reached up and got that beautifully so that's the end of the third quarter a score the Cardinals 16 the 49ers three we now pause for a word from your local station the word a shocking discovery that shatters the Christian world they'll do anything to stop the word starting Sunday November 12th the word this is CBS you David Jensen stars in the word he had lost his faith his marriage he found other women I think then the discovery that changed his life and shocked the entire Christian world was it a hoax or a miracle the word starts Sunday so we start the fourth quarter and the 49ers after their long 48 yard pass completion while with a chance to climb back into this football game see how the ball at the 20 swiftly trying to do something on Carlisle here it is Scot pull the poppy Ferro Carril is at the 11 yard line and Steve Neal's defending on the play and Scot Paul being very effective with those rollout passes yes and he just rolled to his right that time Gary you're right rolled to his right they drove Alan back through in front of him and another nice gain on the play you know Hank looking ahead should the 49ers get in on this one that point after looks awfully big now doesn't it yes they always do you know when you miss an extra point or a field goal especially like they have from two occasions they could be a big factor in the outcome of this game two tight ends in a game right now there are three of ten on third down conversions third and two [Music] Scott Bullock be fair it looked like he was shot out of a cannon on that boy boy he got off the mark as well as I've seen anybody get off the ball all year long he got into that crack he got into the crack beautifully and the left guard Ernie who is John Ayres Fred Quillin did a good job of blocking on the play but Farrell really blew in there tough and almost fought his way into the end zone on the play boy what determination first and goal at the 1 yard line Scott ball asking for some cloud [Applause] ball time to sneak it and he's not going to get it boy he hit a brick wall didn't he yes that's a poor call because the quarterback really doesn't have any momentum at all and he doesn't have any kind of a surge and it's tough for the quarterback to take the ball in on that kind of a situation is much better to give it to a halfback or a fullback because he's got a good running start Dawson yeah and Kowski Arneson all of them got to give credit the entire forward wall so it's second and goal they may have lost a little on that one Solomon is flanked out to tie dinger in - it's going to be further than gold it's a second time they try to run across the ball from a formation with the left halfback on the left side of the ball it's a long way for them to go a long way for them to get penetration you see what there you see Williams 55 coming in there along with Steve Neal's all doing a good job and they stopped the play for no game lost yardage shank they're back out close to the two yard line now he's gonna have to roll out when some kind of a play-action pass to get the ball in there if he hopes to let's see what he does here he's going after her he's only got six seconds six seconds oh he's been able to weigh a game coming up to he didn't get it off go away again boy that's gonna give coach a gray hair like that's really murder it's tough enough when you make mistakes but when you stop yourself and the mistakes are self-inflicted that really hurts delay of game call would you believe that san francisco's had everything happened to him this year well now you've got a third and goal now they take out the two tight ends and a print bring Harrison back in a game they'll go to their normal set up and they'll try to get the ball in the end zones from about to six or seven yard line and I'm sure it'll be some kind of a rollout let's see what they do at the 7 yard line third and goal [Applause] is the flag however on the other side of the field the flag on the other side you don't know what it is it's offside against st. looks they let's say they had it at the 7 yard line so they won't take that penalty or would they want another down let's see what they do here it's a tough call we've got a man shaken up for San Francisco that's a tough decision whether you take that play over you go to a fourth down at about the 1 because they had it at the 7 yard line they're gonna take the penalty Hank and have another down there's the man Bobby Farrell down yep they're taking the penalty and they'll have it at the 3 yard line now they got two down which is a smart smart thing for them to do they've got two downs to get the 3 yards instead of one down to get one well those two three hearts have been awfully tough though yep there you go that is Dawson who fired prematurely and so now it's third and goal up to three you have two tight ends again in let's see if they rule out this time they were very successful with it before Paul Topacio broken up beautifully what a play by Roger whirly Roger whirly who all year long has been making those kind of plays he made an end zone interception against Philadelphia yeah that time they rolled out away from the strength of the formation the tight end was on the right side they faked inside and tried to throw over the top Roger Worley just did it beautifully just like it you want to make a highlight film that's the way you'd play it on Paul seal number 85 well that's origines at all pro you know they're going to go for it they're not going to go for the field goal fourth down robot a game I'm sure [Music] they're back in this game Hank were you surprised they didn't go for a field goal no I wasn't surprised at that but I was surprised at the play they ran but it was a right obviously because he went for the touchdown I thought sure they'd try to roll out and flood an area but they give it to him right inside there Bobby Farrell and he does a great job running through traffic and fighting his way into the endzone for the touchdown unusual play and that's probably why it was successful for their point after very big now 16 to 9 the car goes earlier messed up a point after came to 10 and all of a sudden that Cardinal lead has been cut to six points there's still a long ways from winning this one making sure the news gets out is with my jobs now it's [Music] the premium taste of Pabst it's a lot to look forward to it takes the average wheat farmer over 50 days and 14 tons of machinery just to plant his seeds in the ground now Phillips Petroleum has helped develop a better way a system that plows fertilizes than plants in a single step it can lighten a farmer's workload and cut as fuel use and have conserving energy for all of us while we make fine products for your car that's performance from Phillips Petroleum the performance company l has an impressive Drive as you can see 80 yards 13 plays almost five minutes and Bobbie Ferrell culminating that drive with a three yard run and that was a very tenacious effort by Scott bull he just kept hammering away yes he did and he had to give the coaching staff some credit too on that call because it was unusual and I'm sure they would have been criticized severely had he not gone in for the touchdown it was a good call ray washing kicking it's short this is going to be Gordon Bell [Applause] so what looked like a real disaster turns into a pretty good run-up to the 28 yard line Mike Paul Dassin making the stop on bail who has just signed this week former New York giant 16 to 10 12 33 remaining in this game coach bud Wilkinson it hasn't been easy for him last week they took a 20 to nothing lead and then held on to win 20 to 10 over the Giants and then they had to hang on to defeat the Philadelphia Eagles they want some close ones and they lost a lot of close ones the same way motus and others to the 30 you can see quite obviously the 49ers are fired up now they've really taken some impetus from that last Drive and the win is going to be a factor in this fourth quarter the San Francisco 49ers have the wind and it's always a factor in this ballpark because it's very deceptive it swirls around here it's awfully hard to know where it's flowing proud it continues to rain it's raining the entire game and Dallas is putting a number on Green Bay 28 to 7 there's way more to the 35 has been thrown that time they were in a 3/5 the Oklahoma defense with Bruce Elia in is one of the linebackers Jane Barth indicating flipping against the Cardinals that will bring it back the Cardinals now in a very very difficult situation they're protecting a six-point lead they don't have the field position as Hank mentioned they're going into the wind let's listen they go crack bat not a clip but the penalties back to the 15 yard line for the Cardinals st. Louis led 16 to 3 in the third quarter and now with a 16 to 10 Lou [Music] the draw interpreter dropped it the guy they've been picking on all day could have been a hero but he couldn't hang on yes he tried so hard to make the catch and that happens so much of the time instead of just catching it with his hands watch here he tries to catch it with his arms and his body throws right into coverage this time watch it's a little low but it hits him right at the numbers and falls out incomplete so from the 15-yard line third down 23 [Music] [Applause] by Chuck Chris and Chris has been one of the standouts today two interceptions and a bone-jarring hit I mentioned Chuck on several occasions earlier watching here we had him at New Orleans for two years and fired that for the Giants but he's an excellent football players got a great nose for the ball reads the quarterback well watch him he's anticipating the ball he doesn't wait for it to come to him watch he gets a good jump and gets a good shot on the receiver Pat Tilley and jars of all loose that still wouldn't been enough for the first now but it would get them some field position there's my good kicking it's a fine kick this is Schumann by ken green as green reacted very well and stops him at the 45 yard line the San Francisco into the field so the 49ers down by six they have the football sir excuse me you just bought a new maintenance-free Firestone forever battery how come the warranty battery fails to hold a charge for the original owner that's me in the car which was originally installed right here Firestone will replace it free with the proof of purchase provides I'm merely discharged or damaged due to accident or abuse oh let's put in water fancy question yes it sure does the forever battery now maintenance-free [Music] it's like there's a new taste in Schlitz light the taste of natural ingredients brewed into a pilsner beer new Schlitz light still less filling with a taste that's bigger than life gentlemen here's the fast horses slit slight slight natural fill with my beer next Sunday on CBS Sports see NFL double-header action check local listings for the games at times in your area you say you saw it on CBS Sports well Mike wood kicked a 41 yarder and at the 45 of San Francisco the 49ers have the football [Applause] 11:27 left in the game this is feral [Applause] I bothered over there to help on the play Farrell was starting his third straight week beating out Greg Boykin in the way he's played today he's going to be tough to dislodge he has been impressing and he's running with such great determination you know the other thing I mentioned about Hardman it's the same a little bit the same thing with bob pollard bob is an excellent player and very difficult to get on the outside of pollard it's easier to run inside of bob than it is to run outside and he played that last one very well Farrell now with 55 yards rushing for the day on 11 carries the football paul Hofer just couldn't stay on his feet we've seen that happen about three or four times today yes that looked like a double fake that time to the halfback and a fullback but in the process he slipped and fell and it's tough to stop yourself on a drive like this one when you need to get the ball down the field and you wind up with only three downs in this area two downs to make the first down instead of three there's the 49ers their defense talking it over they've done quite a job there's ball [Applause] he and Eric Williams kind of got tangled up on that play back if he complaining he felt like his progress was impeded illegally but nothing doing it will bring up before down well that McAfee is big six for two fifty seventh player taken in the draft this year in the first round he's not a tight end he's a loose tackle Mike Connell the kick will Harrell back deep for the Cardinals we're gonna have to get another football in to play well that was a big series for the st. Louis Cardinals they did a good job of responding to the challenge defensively and here's Sarah's now when they get possession of the ball first and ten we might indicate Harold's been slowed by injuries the leg injury they weren't sure coming into this game how healthy would be but he's been back there for every fun [Applause] [Music] they didn't get away it's a take away a game calls here in the fourth quarter you know the thing that happened there on the defense the st. Louis Cardinals are moving people around trying to disturb the blocking responsibilities of the 49ers there was a look there was a little indecision O'Connor is on the field wondering what happened on the play but that's exactly what happened well they're taking advantage of those three rookies playing in the middle that offensive line yeah they created some problems and as a result they took a lot more time than they should have so they tried again except for the five yards back up the field as from the 25 this time Connell will kick so Connell did not hit that one Wow and at the 1039 mark of the fourth quarter the Cardinals have it with a six-point lead the secret to getting ahead in business is staying cool because somebody's always trying to pass you up especially if you're renting a car you see I can walk to where I have an mr. bell that midsize car you reserved we just rented the last one so we're giving you a Buick LeSabre at the same rate why that's the Avis policy what a wonderful thing to do Avis now features GM cars introduces a new wagon for the American Road the all-new Ltd Country Squire 479 a new wagon with more driver convenience for handling ease more window area and more passenger room that last year's Country Squire [Music] the all-new Ford LTD Country Squire 479 see you at your Forge either now well let's check another score being played elsewhere San Diego Kansas City they're all even 2020 fourth quarter play and the Dallas Cowboys are really having an afternoon look at that 35 to 7 over Green Bay and nobody has been scoring very many points against the Packers no but this you know the challenge that the Dallas team has at this particular time is what may be just what they needed they get him out of the complacent attitude that they've had and they could come on strong from here on in that last kick by Connell was only 24 yards so from the 36 yard line the Cardinals have it Wayne Morris [Applause] Linna pickup before we're to bring up a second and six Eddie Lewis making the stop Jimmy Webb and assist on the play the Cardinals as you mention Hank made a good defensive stand on that last series and now the offense could put this game away if they can keep it moving now with 10 and 15 remaining and they I think they have to throw the ball a little bit more than they have to they're kind of sitting on this lead but I think they can throw the ball when they want to and I don't think they can be just consistently run the ball that time was in motion was leaning on the play and we'll see what they call you know we should say that Dierdorf when he got into San Francisco last night had an abscess - they had to take him to the dentist to have a drained and he was there ready to go today but he's had trouble with his teeth ever since he had his jaw broken a year ago so Dan back in there they said he was able to eat shortly after he had the teeth tooth worked on I should say and so he's in the lineup and he has played this year with a lot of hurt scenes with the knee brace at times he's a great player and he finds a way to play regards what the injury situation might be and it's a lot of possible third down 1/6 ago Art's got a lot of time far side Tilly [Applause] and you know something I wonder if the wind could affected that ball a little bit definitely did it kind of blew it off course Tilly leap for the ball and I think it took off in the end of the wind and created a problem for him to make the reception he was wide open Gallagher is getting providing a rush there's Webb 74 providing some more pressure and he throws the ball he's wide open but the broad just sailed right over the top of his head you know John Brodie said that you'd play here sometimes you couldn't believe what would happen to the football all those years he was a San Francisco quarterback well in a pregame warm-ups and warmup several years ago Jerry Wilson our great corner missed the ball completely in a pregame drill because the wind disturbed the ball the drop of the ball so much Mike Schumann with a fair catch the 49ers with the football 938 left in this game [Music] protect against freeze ups and corrosion take out old we can decrease and put in America's most trusted antifreeze presto and when you flush your cooling system use Prestone super flush you have strange language in this country like the name of this beer and ice bush natural light it's good but I need an interpreter when I order I used to need an interpreter myself till I realize you don't need a whole vocabulary just one little both of you both of you that BOV just say natural pay attendant to more natural oh you want clean glasses no things that I wear contact while you're away they found in an eligible receiver downfield on last kick so the Cardinals after the five penalty kick it over and they're going to come away better for it as they get a break the ball rolls down to the 15-yard line so the 49ers wanting the Cardinals to kick over after the ineligible man downfield backfires on Mike Schuh in 484 did a poor job that time he should have caught the ball signal for a fair catch but he shouldn't let it hit the turf and bounce like it did they lost a lot of yardage on the play there's a 50-yard kick and Gary the lights are on here at Candlestick Park the tape is dark here it's and it seems colder than it really is I don't know whether it's a dampness in the air or what it is well the dampness and of course the wind is very penetrating just across the 15 yard line the 49ers down by six points 925 left in the game they faked the into reverse [Applause] deficit job that time uh staying hid balanced well he got hit a couple of times on the sidelines and maintained his balance watch they faked the reverse faked the play-action fake the reverse and in throw downfield to offer to offered number 36 watch him now he gets a shot here but he stays inbounds a poor tackle there by Carl Allen here's another shot any finding knocked out of bounds by Ken stone number 23 48 yard pickup on the play to the 38 and they're in business again here's Bob Bell Tim Carney catches him a 48 yard we have a man shaken up for the Cardinals at the 38 yard line that's Bob Pollard who's getting up very slowly so how this game has changed on the big plays we've had a 48 yard fast completion both the Kenny Harrison and now to Paul Hofer as Bulls come up with some big plays in this game and there were a lot there were three other big plays and we mentioned several times the Gary that Freddy Salomon dropped that could have been at least two or three touchdowns alright the CBS Sports spectacular next Saturday 4:30 Eastern 3:30 Central Pacific and look at what we've got coming your way the NHRA World Finals from the Ontario Speedway and that'll be followed then by the World's Strongest Man as they're going to have the wrist roll the seventh Evette 100 pound weight they'll lift ten feet off the ground and that'll be followed in by all the outstanding poker players in the country getting together in Las Vegas as next Saturday they have a Hold'em final and that's not a look at the big penalty makers in the NFL but highlights of the ninth annual poker tournament from Las Vegas Hold'em is a variation of 7 car stud and is especially popular in Texas in a fitting finale for one of the biggest poker tournaments in the world back to defend his title is Doyle Texas dolly Brunson next Saturday on the CBS Sports spectacular Bob Bell will now come in to replace Bob Pollard at defensive end father goes limping off the field ball thus far in this game has hit seven 217 143 yards and one touchdown and there's your time remaining in the game second down and nine [Music] Carl Allen that time they sent Freddie Salomon in motion from the outside in he went up the field and it broke to the outside and he was wide open Scott bull didn't that seem on the play and you could see Harrison coming back and talking to ball he spotted something so it's third down now and nine yards to go from the 37 yard line of st. Louis Steve Neal's when they asked play put some pretty good pressure on Scott ball [Applause] intended over the middle to Kim MacAfee and that'll bring up a fourth down Ken stone back there defending Mike Dawson shows very good quickness as he came racing after him and caught up with him he's really played outstanding football and I noticed of that offensive center control that Center very well most of the afternoon has put a lot of pressure on the quarterback well they're ready to kick the ball in a hurry Connells back there everybody's still getting back defensively still eight and a half minutes left in this game nobody back for the Cardinals they haven't dropped anybody back there to let the ball hit [Applause] [Applause] cherry is over there to doubt it Mike did a outstanding job of putting that ball on the 1-yard line there's five Jerry he might be a real steal for this 49er team that's a 36 yard kick but more importantly was the placement on they're gonna mark it actually on the two yard line and now the Cardinals have a tough situation the hurry obvious they've rehearsed that kind of a play where the coverage goes down field and watch to make sure that they get the ball down inside the two or three yard line they did a good job of executing the play looked like a golf ball coming up on the green and getting that backspin on it [Applause] this is close to the 5-yard line a lot of time left in this game 8:20 the Cardinals with a six-point 16 to 10 lead Jimmy Webb made the stop along with Chuck crisp the fact that the st. Louis Cardinals are shifting their tight in from side to side creates a problem for the defensive line and that time they got almost got caught about the time the ball was snapped just short of the five yard line second down seven [Music] all this good second effort and I think Jim has been shaken out he's gonna be alright he just took a shot boy that guy is tough he is tough and he fought through some traffic that time he should have been stopped at the line of scrimmage but got some extra yardage on just great effort second effort Jim Otis he's going to have to come out of there though Steve Jones checks in for him so it's a third down four yards to go Baltimore hanging onto that lead against Seattle 1714 good time for a play-action pass here something to get the ball out of this traffic area let's see what they do protection cajones it's a fourth down Steve Jones couldn't handle at the 10-yard line I tell you that was a great effort on the part of the San Francisco 49er defense it was very important to hold him on this on this situation and they did there's a lot of time left 707 and they should come away with good field position after this punt well Mike wood has kicked very well we'll have to do it again the last time he kicked a 50-yard and now three men go back Schumann 84 is the middle man Solomon to the bottom of the screen and also Jack stepped I was back going fine one beautiful cake good reaction over there Lee Nelson was the first to get there enough flag has been thrown a late hit late hit it looked like on the part of st. Louis let's see what they call you got to take your hat off to Mike wood who is a st. Louis native out of Southeast Missouri State he's kicked the ball under pressure extremely well a 45-yard kick that time and into the wind that time - it was a beautiful kick but there was a penalty on the play a late hit it looked like let's see what they call 15 yards that'll move it to the 40 yard line let's say for your rolls out or does something that's Dave Steve here's the shot he's on the ground and Steve comes in on top 84 let's see if he rolls out or throw some kind of a play-action pass on first down here's Scott ball on first down completely recovered st. Louis definitely has possession he caught the ball it was jarred loose Tim carnies got it yep ken green was the guy that hit him and then Tim Carney came up with it [Music] watch it a play-action pass from the i-formation makes the fake with his hand throws a ball out into the right flat you see dossie coming in getting an angle there you see Farrell making the catch loses the ball and connie recovers so from the 38 the Cardinals get a new line 6:45 left in this game [Applause] sweatshirts get a shot at him and eventually get him he still has to throw the ball some he hasn't done that much at all he hasn't had very good field position but it's not bad here and I still think he can throw in front of the defensive cornerback Robertson anytime he wants to and especially on first and so his forward progress will go to the 36 yard line where he lost actually yard maybe two on the play second down let's make it 11 yards to go they're bringing in a 50/50 back as Jimmy Webb comes out of the forward wall GRA Tilley the wide receivers Carlos got pretty conservative here in the second half yes they have makes a big catch and he says won't go down he lays all of a hundred and seventy pounds they can't get him down and the other thing is you know they were fighting desperately to jar that ball loose but he maintained possession of that in good shape and the Cardinals have possession first and ten Bob jury made the tackle number 26 but it was nothing more than a curl pattern inside good protection Jim Hart throws her right on the money he's in the open area there were five defensive backs in the game there you see jury number 26 tackling high and the rest of the people trying to draw the ball those many buns specifically number 57 there's again - Otis - the 45 yard line it's Joe Harris making the stop so a pick up of three it'll bring up second down at seven and that was a big completion at the time as you can see starting to get down to a critical stage yes very definitely and it becomes you know the time becomes an ally for the st. Louis team and there's a result that was a very big play good reception by no great Jim Otis comes back out Steve Jones is in the backfield with Wayne Morris it has not been easy it was 16 to 3 and all of a sudden forty-niners kinder than six there Steve Jones Jones to the 40-yard line Dan buns the fine rookie middle linebacker making the tackle we have another overtime game today Kansas City and San Diego after regulation all tied up 23 all earlier today Washington and overtime won a game you know it's amazing I think the Kansas City Chiefs have won their last five games in San Diego the San Diego has won their last five games in Kansas City so it's already been a wild encounter between these two teams the last five years third down two yards to go goes in motion he went in motion circle clear back over here an a long ways on that boy yes he did and he had a chance to make the catch he ran right away from the defensive back but it was just a little bit too low play-action pass on short yardage there he's got plenty of time throws into the post - Mel gray Eddie Lewis is in pursuit but he has to reach out a little bit too far and it's a little low and as a result he couldn't hang on to the football so it's a fourth down and we'll have to kick 49ers still have time remaining for 27 that was a good call you know during the course of the game during the third and one third and two about just three times in the game and it's good to take advantage of that situation for the big play wood hits it and they're going to have good field position as the Cardinals covered very well the ball will be about the 10 yard line so 90 yards away San Francisco trailing by six in Texas we have a saying it's not the size of the dog in the fight it's the size of the fight and a dog so when you see this little black & decker 5 and a half inch circular saw in your store don't be foolish it's smaller and lighter than other saws so you can handle it easily but inside it's purity five and a half from Black & Decker small light and very tough keeping our country beautiful and saving energy two good reasons why Alcoa supports aluminum can collections recycling saves 95% of the energy needed to make new metal from bauxite today one out of four aluminum cans is recycled and used again tomorrow maybe one out of three someday maybe every one of them well you can see the wind and you can see the rain that continues to fall here in Candlestick Park the 49ers have the ball at their own 10-yard line four minutes 18 seconds left the 49ers still with a chance because the Cardinals missed that point after attempt early in the game which left the door open for San Francisco who trails by six Kenny Harrison Freddy Sullivan the wide receivers Scott Bowl has done a very creditable job at quarterback that play took a long time to develop that's a back respond to the ball as as as it was in flight like it was it was up there a long time almost like a punt Mike Dawson came through and dumped Scott bull just about the time he released the football so it's gonna bring up second to ten from the 10 yard line that Carl Allen he had one of those earlier he misjudged and that one wasn't far from getting over his in Allen like Robertson has really had a busy afternoon as both teams have gone right at those respective corners see if he rolls out this time to his right show some good hands on that play first down to the 32 yard line Ken stone made the tackle that time they double the outside receivers he threw this one from the pocket you see Dawson spinning off the block and he throws the ball right down the middle to Kim MacAfee and he's a big bruising tight end and he's got excellent hands that's his second catch there's a final Baltimore over Seattle 1714 [Music] [Applause] we made a good adjustment on that now he rolled out to the right and the tight end has been going out to the right that time instead of going to the right he curled into the inside away from the traffic they over ran his position and as a result he was wide open in the middle there you see Scott Doyle reading it well McAfee making a leaping catch and good for another first down a beautiful play by Kim McAfee the rookie tight in from the University of Notre Dame Ken green made the stop it's another first down to the 46 and the 49ers with 255 coming up next Dallas Green Bay will ship there immediately following the conclusion to this one pull back Dawson Dawson up and batting it down you know there was a big game between Green Bay and Dallas today and I think this is going to surprise a lot of people Dallas leading in that game 42 to 7 over Green Bay Packers went in there with a 7 and 3 record so from the 46 yard line second and 10 243 still a lot of time and Scott ball has shown the ability to come up with a big play today there's his stats [Music] that's the rollout that he likes [Applause] neil zobelle over there that quarterbacks fair game in those situations yeah but he's a gutsy gutsy quarterback he's done a lot hurt watch this hit now he jumps over the top and he finally gets the shoulder right on the sideline but he responds well he's back ready to go back in the ballgame and gets another play I would have such angst and you know Hank I would assume this young man's earned another starting assignment he has given him some hope I would think at that quarterback spot no question about it and he played in the final game against us a couple of years ago and we thought he was very impressive third down six yards to go ball is 10 of 24 in this game a hundred and eighty four yard [Music] Steve Niels the linebacker came up wrapped him up big play and the loss will be back inside the 45 yard line that's the one way to stop the rollout is to blitz the linebacker on the outside that time Niels does blitz and before he's ready to throw the ball why he gets to the quarterback and jars the ball loose and almost recovered it but the 49ers now have to punt with two minutes and 20 seconds left in his game that's the sixth sack of the afternoon for the Cardinals as on fourth down and 13 yards to go Connell will kick to 10 as we approached the two-minute warning Bearcats call for by Harold got away from and at the 24-yard line the Cardinals have the football and the two-minute warning is being executed at Candlestick Park so the car most still projecting that six-point lead 16 to 10 we'll be back with the final two minutes in a moment [Music] give me an anhyzer Busch natural life just seemed natural Johnson's right oh you can call me ray or you can call me Jane are you for a great-tasting light beer just say natural have to call me Johnson - Naturals please don't ask him his name my name you can call me ray or you announcing a whole new breed of Mustang for 79 the turbocharged Mustang from four with the performance of an optional turbocharged engine that took Mustang from zero to 50 in an average of seven point one seconds precise handling from sports car features and more Mustang turbo in three door and two-door models caPSURE wine at your Ford dealer now well that was a 33-yard kicked that time by Connell and at the 24 yard line the Cardinals haven't thanks to our spotter Bob coffee also our statistician Joe DeLoach and spotter al Cusick for their fine help today on a cold damp rainy afternoon here at Candlestick Park that Tilly and days steep for the wide receivers for the Cardinals now with 158 with which to kill when they hang on to what would be their third win of the year third in a row here is Otis and Jim has had a tough time with a footing couldn't go anywhere and the 49ers going to use the timeout that would be their first so they have two remaining but a kind of a tenacious football team and they're hanging on to it right now so we've got a timeout here was still 154 left of way okay Atari let's see your best pitch I quit soccer to play Atari you can't keep me in here Atari the Atari video computer system is 20 cartridges with 1300 game variations you play on your own TV set don't just watch television tonight play it cores 105 years of only pure rocky mountain spring water naked yours make it course ii 11 for the cardinals you see the timeouts remaining the 49ers using their first gym heart gonna throw on second down he just got rid of that one nobody could clear on it it looked like ransom was his primary receiver but he couldn't shake the coverage of bob jury yeah jury was all over him like a piece of abalone like a piece of oil we had no chance to go up field on that play that abalone last night no it sticks to you can't swallow it third down 11 and a minute 47 so this issue has not been decided yet if the cardinals don't convert the first down 49ers they have some time third down 11 they got a blitz coming everybody coming here is gray Bell can't hang on that's two of them very very close for this fine wide receiver and he's drawing a little attention now from the near sideline 49ers that's a tough place to land right in the middle of the enemy camp that time they had a blitz they had the right foot he's got him and hit by Ken green and I think greens played as well as he's played all year long over there and 1:30 left in this game as you see it on your screen and now from the 30-yard line 70 yards away the 49ers the winds picking up the rain is falling with more intensity after a 47 yard kick by Mike wood the 49ers have their work cut out for him next week San Francisco meets around next week the Cardinals meet the Washington Redskins in Hanken I'll be there in RFK Stadium it's a good place for a drop play I don't know what they'll do but they'll be expecting a run throw now he goes back and throws the ball there's Harrison Lane outs into this first interception of the year and Nelson tucks it away with a victory apparently for the Cardinals Lee Nelson has had a tough time this year he's had knee trouble he has a lot of fluid on his knee with a big interception Scott bull this time goes back into the pocket he's been rolling out an awful lot he throws from the pocket this time he tries to throw inside and it goes way over the top of the head of Kenny Harrison number 83 and you see is intercepted there by Lee Nelson number 38 and so with now a minute 19 left the Cardinals have the ball just across their own 3rd 48 yard line [Music] all right kids off to Steve Joe Jones into the 49er into the field and let's see we're gonna have another timeout call by the 49ers they have one remaining and bonds making the tackle I believe there's a flag on a play there is one that was right around where the tackle is made and it's going against San Francisco gonna be 15-yard probably unsportsmanlike conduct you know one thing you have to say about this 1,400 team they're much more impressive this time than the last time we saw them play and I think Scott bull has made a very good contribution to the offensive scheme of things and looked impressive in this game against the st. Louis Cardinals today in all fairness to him there were three big passes that were dropped that should have been cotton absolutely right so from the 34 yard line a personal foul did not pick it up off of the microphone but a 15 yarder did not turn the switch on so Steve and Tilly come out again it's a wide receiver you're gonna run to the left looks like they might let's see there's a give the chance again and Jones County they head on the 49ers now will use their final timeout so with a minute 7 it's just about all over right now and this reminder be sure now and join us on CBS for 60 minutes 7 o'clock 6 o'clock central and mountain if you're a collector of anything it really will be a program of interest to you and then the word will follow that David Janssen a very popular performer will be in an all-star cast in the premiere of Irving Wallace's the word and then Dallas follows the movie and tonight the Ewing women are really concerned about reports that Bobby and jr. are missing in a plane crash 60 minutes the word in Dallas all tonight on CBS and speaking of Dallas we'll have that coming up next the Cowboys and the Packers from Milwaukee will be shifting their hope it's a little bit warmer not as wet there as it is here it's cold I'm sure though now every team it's hot as Dallas is they're really rolling in that football game 2nd down 10 yards to go a minute seven the Cardinals with a six-point lead now what's the problem hearts pot something I guess they have the wrong football they they're so they'll bring another one in so the Cardinals winning here today would win three in a row they would go against Washington to say about that NFC should division that does they still have the Giants and he goes to play as well as the Joe Harris made a bone-jarring tackle the ball is fumbled but I believe the Cardinals got it boy what a hit was put on that time let's look at this one again watch the shot boy he really gave him a hit that time with the shoulder pads in a perfect position great leverage Harris whistle I think the ball was dead it looked like he was down yeah I think he was 250 Joe Harris blissing on the play and really made a great hit 3011 there's your time remaining third down 11 49ers had no timeouts well he's quoting the scoreboard Clark they have one left we had him [Music] now they're gonna take a delay a game call with cargoes using up to 30 seconds and so they'll step off five yards back out to the 40-yard line it is really raining now like it's serious about it delay a game couldn't quite click that one up but Jean Barth and his crew doing a fine job here today and under some less than ideal circumstances this weather raining since we started the game he stopped with the line of scrimmage and now they'll call the last timeout I'm sure that's right we had him earlier for one but now that I think about it that timeout was then followed by a penalty so they did not use that timeout and now they have used their third and final timeout tomorrow night mash airs one hour earlier than usual late o'clock seven o'clock central and mountain followed by one day at a time and then stay tuned for one of the seasons major dramatic events Irving Wallace's powerful bestseller the word starring David Janssen James Whitmore the word Bartman begins tonight part two tomorrow night following mash and one day at a time you know Gary this the first time is rained in San Francisco in three months must be your fault you brought it with you had to rain because I didn't bring a coat there's wood kicking and that ball is going to go dead at about the 15-yard line Steam's seconds left the last gasp effort now by the 49ers Ken green covering the ball it's one of those plays you just hit him down the field and toss it up for grabs right that's right the only way you can survive it and it happens so many times it's just unbelievable did you see the play earlier today yes New Orleans lost to Atlanta they threw it up for grabs ood up against the wall and you hopefully if you throw it up there enough something's going to stick and that's what happened on that last play and of course Atlanta won the game 20 to 17 Solomon Harrison the wide receivers [Applause] sattell been covered by Carl added in Ken green and 11 ticks left on the clock there's O'Conner giving the play to his wide receiver coach but Wilkinson man he's 11 seconds away from his third straight win hasn't been easy but sure nice winning that saves a lot of wounds yeah I know and nobody really fully understands how tough it is to win in this leg and bud should feel mighty proud of the fact that they've come back in win three games in a row after losing eight straight from the 15-yard line second attempt he dropped another one he has had some afternoon to forget about you know the one thing about Solomon you know he's been trying to catch the ball that his arms rather than in his hands he's done it on all four occasions and in all four occasions Riddhi is dropped the football but he's not catching it with his hands at all you see he's he's I think he's desperately trying frantically to make the catch and as a result he's trying too hard and is not using his hands at all but trying to use use his body in his arms to make the catch and hasn't succeeded in doing a good job he's got to be psyched out now oh it's tough when you have that kind of a day it's like a guy playing shortstop he makes that error and then the next ground ball he gets to doubting himself well that's the one thing about being a pro you can't worry about the last one you missed you got to come back strong and catch the next one and I'm sure that's have been a problem what's ready Solomon gets it off to mcafee we're gonna have no time remaini that's it so it's all over from Candlestick Park and there's coach bud Wilkinson and he's happy as they have won their third straight game they now move to three and eight on the year and next week they go to the nation's capital to meet the Washington Redskins and they have lost to the Redskins five straight times and I would imagine that will be quite a football game well our thanks to our producer William C Barnes our director Bob Duffy our associate producer Wally Miller and our manager field operations Brooks Graham J Fairmont our technical director audio dick oldacre and Mark radula thank you gentlemen for your help here today the st. Louis Cardinals defeating the San Francisco 49ers 16 to 10 this is Gary bender st. so on for Hank Stram well once again it was 16 to 10 st. Louis now let's go to Milwaukee's County Stadium for the conclusion of the Dallas Green Bay game politian with Danny light Paul Rosinski again made the tackle those of you who have been watching st. Louis in San Francisco and the Cardinal victory over the 49ers welcomed the Milwaukee County Stadium where Dallas leads Green Bay 42 to 14 with 322 left to play Pat Summerall will turn on retired everybody thought it would be very close or this could possibly have happened that is Larry Brinson the ball-carrier number 36 that's herded backwards Robert barber held out there just over two minutes left in overtime in San Diego Kansas City has recovered a charger fumble at its own 10-yard line with that score tied 23:23 again in overtime 60 minutes immediately following a game don't forget that have you seen that it's regular time on the west coast 7 o'clock course is rather safer and Mike Wallace right good team third and 18 [Applause] the Packer got back blackwell Robert Steele and Buchanan flag goes down over there they clobbered Steele claps his hands and one big Butler jumped across offsides and then got back and just as he was trying to get back they ran that draw inside of him he didn't have much control of his body at that time personal foul unnecessary roughness number 28 defense captain if we go a line first down told you as a secondary man will he be candid who can left to play and Dallas where the first down there ball up to five it'll be first in gold you know what they always started with the biggest guy on the other team to somebody it's about six seven to 89 in this case Robert steel is rather frail look six board 196 true that might have had a pretty good square the judgment running back for that Blackwell good second effort he assigned about the three Steve Luke led to defense that's something we're talking about 196 pounds Rocky Marciano never weight 190 with his champion Obi forget how big these people are today they say Robert Steele has the best hands on the team he doesn't even play [Music] you mean anheuser-busch natural light just say natural she pushed natural light and you doesn't have to call it an Heiser destro and you doesn't have to call its natural yes a natural johnson's right oh you can call me ray well you can call me Jane are you for a great-tasting light beer just say natural but you doesn't have to call me jumping - naturals please please don't ask him his name game you can call me ray are you announcing a whole new breed of Mustang or 79 the turbocharged Mustang from four with the performance of an optional turbocharged engine that took Mustang from zero to fifty in an average of seven point one seconds precise handling from sports car features and more Mustang turbo in three door and two-door models capture one at your Ford dealer now second and goal at the five for Dallas Cowboys already lead 42 to 14 these are key New Orleans next wicked through the glass Gary come out well a former Packer receiver is working in the booth next to us and we played against one another here in 1958 that's a long time ago it was a great offensive game I think was like three two or something right there five second down at Princeton Louis just down to about the three Terry Jones 63 was the first Cowboys get a chance to look at some of their reserves Andy Frederick is one tackle we're still shuttling guards Rafferty and Burton Wallace Donovan is still playing most points the Cowboys have scored for a while Randle is one of the offenses dog I think it is [Applause] steel and motion and Brinson straight ahead [Applause] zimsky programs will be seen in their entirety of a season vasily sixty minutes whatever this game is over followed by the word and then by dallas and on the west coast again you'll see all in their entirety beginning at the regular time on a pacific coast at seven o'clock bob daily has been our very astute director today for this broadcast from the producer also heuristic very smith the all-time dallas rushy record for a game to 86 [Applause] led by Terry Jones [Applause] we'll take over [Applause] 26 seconds left Dallas records will be improved to seven and four they'll still be a game behind the Washington Redskins Minnesota has already won today and they will be tied with the Packers at 74 315 yards rushing and 234 yards passing that's an offensive afternoon that's a final score they want it in overtime the Redskins dare Detroit the good offensive debut Tampa Bay Philadelphia 17 to 9 over the New York Jets the Eagles run out of it yet Bobby Douglas running around in the end zone being chased by david stalls and randy wife and heard it out of bounds 18 seconds left to play most points the Cowboys have ever scored of what they had more 59 points once against Detroit most yardage they ever had before his against Philadelphia probably plays these are all final scores again Minnesota 1714 over Chicago eight straight losses for the Bears Atlanta 20 New Orleans 17 tell you a little bit more about that game in a minute Baltimore beat Seattle 1714 our information is that New Orleans was ahead 17 to 6 with only a minute to play and Atlanta won James Lofton the intended receiver in the clock stops with 12 seconds to play okay Atlanta's defense is never the same thing twice they come at you from the bench and everywhere oh boy with what looks like 15 men instead of just 11 Kleeman bet has done a great job there oh yeah like joy Packers take a timeout [Applause] a timeout McGeorge is the leading receiver the Titan has three catches for 30 yards lofted has been shut out Andre Thompson has one and Odom has one the touchdown today they've completed just five passes back five of 25 30 cents a day for Dallas shut down Middleton with nine carries 429 yard party Smith who's been average in five yards plus for the last four games at three carries for six yards 19 yards and forth day that is defense huh [Applause] Lofton caught a pass Tom Landry and Bart Starr by the way damn thoughts as passed to John Jefferson and San Diego has won that contest 2923 on the last play and overtime Dallas 42 Green Bay 14 don't forget tonight on CBS these programs will be seen in their entirety 60 minutes the word with David Janssen followed by Dallas regular time on the west coast Pat Summerall save so long from Milwaukee's County Stadium for town Brookshire NFL on CBS is a presentation of CBS Sports [Music] this is CBS
Channel: Classic NFL
Views: 15,400
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Id: sYzywL-WLTA
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Length: 199min 27sec (11967 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 08 2018
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