1977 05 11 Twins at Tigers Radio Broadcast

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it's fastball on outside ball one Klieman has their three home runs at 18 runs better than he spent very deep in the batter's box now Roberts kicks in the bitters there's a fastball in close under the chin to and on the beat off hitter Mankowski little bit close to third base they've got Wackness shortstop tonight twenties at second and Thompson at first and they tiger infield Robert Kennedy wind up he pitches and Bostock fouls it away out of play back a third in the up field for the Tigers Kemp and left the floor and Center nose will be and right maze a catcher and Roberts on the mound the twins have won their last four they won seven out of their last eight and 16 of the last 21 games they have been a hot ball club now Robert into action again the pitch Bostock swings the chopper hit on the ground foul down fast first base coach Tony Oliva izo will bat next and then he'll be followed by Rod Carew against the eastern clubs a Minnesota has won seven and dropped two and in their own division the West they've won 12 and lost 8 here's the pitch Bostock takes a ball high the breaking pitch Oh count on him leading it off for the Minnesota Twins now Roberts ready again here it comes the swing to the Barney vault after base-10 inside the bag fielder's by Kemp he may try for two hip hop on the ball there goes Fasnacht the second the throw is high and gets away from who it is but he's backed up by chops and holding it second is the matter of our socks it'll be a double for linemen Bostock a sharp grounder between Mankowski in the bag at third the trends open up for a two-bagger and now Heysel will be up to the plate with an even 300 batting mark he has eight home runs and 27 runs batted in he's the number one long ball hitter on this club I'll feel is straight up on him right-hand batters the plate against the left-hander Dave Roberts man on 2nd for the twins first man bat reaches second base here's a pitch swinging the power to the screen strike one Tigers play tomorrow night in Milwaukee Dave Razvi and Bill Travers will be the pitches and rule in court in the Friday game Saturday Arroyo gets to starting assignment again past and Sunday it'll be Sykes and Roberts against Layton and Augustine Robert next pitch is low on away one and one that means that this upcoming series will see her or get his first starting assignment of the year now Roberts is ready delivers a board in tight under the chin 2 & 1 the Karen hazel for the man on 2nd and nobody down in the opening any bright blue skies lots of daylight left the lights are on however and not as much of a breeze as we had over last their several days Robert sets looks the second pitches is a ball outside low and away with the fastball 3 & 1 the count on will Larry Hisle brought guru waits on deck may gives him the sign to set by Roberts the pits went on this a flyball into the right oh they'll be going back there the wall he say makes a guess here's the tag by Bostock he heads to third he will make it with ease aisel flashed the right paw stock tanked at second and takes third Giroux will be the next man to map for the twins of the mana third and one away rod up there among the leaders he's hitting 353 for the season Alvin woods of Toronto's leading the league in the American League hitting 393 the league leader the nice league is Parker Pittsburgh batting for 27 guru swings and fouls it away to the screen now the Tiger infielders are back with the exception of Mankowski he's inside the bag at third Tigers have won two and lost three on this home stay they lost their last two games they won 10 in lost 16 I'll ask you at this stuff pace there were 13 and 13 Robert said she pitches Carew but at the bottom misses there's a no pro prompt from a rough Bostock back Thursday's Mankowski looking over the tiger dugout they're still keeping him in despite the strike to college guru one out a man on third at first inning no score kuru waiting here comes he takes the ball Ovid stopped by May and a dig that allows the dirt to the glove side seventh start for Roberts in his second against Minnesota he's on one against them this year in two and three lifetime they beat him out in the Minnesota 73 the pitch is lawn in tight a fastball 2 2 on Carew last time out Roberts came back and beat the brew is five to two nearest Tiger Stadium prior to that he'd had a three-game losing streak now the left-hander sets against Carew weights the pitch is a strike he got him that's the big out for Roberts he sneaked one over on Raj guru and there are two down now it's the Dan Ford coming to the bat still a third is the leadoff man Bostock Ford with a batting mark of 212 he has one home run 11 runs better than all the infielders a deep dad the right-hand batter Prabhat said checking out his lamb with catch a milkmaid remembers a Lowen ball one it's birthday greetings today to the Tiger Hall of Famer colleague Erica 19 years at second base for the Tigers the hit 321 and became known as the mechanical man he was so steady out there here's the pitch it's a ball and close to it Oh it's also a birthdate of one of our favorites fall in mine the lake Hittite - and ah now the comment about it Danny Ford with a man at third and two down Robert fitties Ford swings and chopper hit foul over toward the seats about the best nightly that fall for baseball certainly the best night here I think Oakland beat Boston today in case you missed that score earlier three to one on three home runs Milwaukee leading Cleveland at the end of one over there Cleveland one to nothing all the other American games start later is a fat body check his swing or did he yep he checked it in time it's ruled a ball Haller checking with his court cockle at first base and says though for did not go across it'll be a 3-1 count on him [Music] right hand about a wedding on Dave Roberts first inning no score set by David and the left-hander pitches there's a strike he got the outside corner breaking ball kusik is waiting on deck for the twins now Ford steps away from the plate then get some dirt on his hands Atlanta and Pittsburgh are tied one to one in the third inning at Pittsburgh provid step delivers here's a chopper hit back for the mound it's ruled a foul ball to him on the foot in case you missed the earlier announcement Ted Turner the owner of the Atlanta Braves has temporarily demoted Dave Bristol his manager and taken over the managerial reins in Atlantis Bristol has been appointed the temporary thought of a scout to go down to the minor leagues and see what the Braves have down there mr. Turner's gonna manage the ballclub now and see if he can pull them out of their tailspin they've lost 16 in a row and tonight we are filled that he's managing at Pittsburgh afford weights on a 3-2 delivery swinging the bounding ball to short Wagner has the hard hopper throw to first he got him and the Tigers pull out of trouble no runs one hit no errors a man left at the end of a half inning it is Minnesota nothing Detroit coming to bat when Bob McDaniel goes to work at a cat cracker at the marathon refinery in Robinson Illinois he doesn't work alone he gets together with Eldon Cooper Keith Mason and Verner ferguson and together they go about the business of turnin heavy oils in a gasoline and fuel oil bob mcdaniel could work alone the job wouldn't get done as for at all without the help build and keep the burner because each of them brings something special to the job they get together to do it better a company is like it's me when marathon found oil our oil people got together with some pipeline people who got together with some remaining people got together with some service station people so we could do it better yeah we got together to do it better [Music] talking about Ted Turner the owner of Teja brave taken over his manager Boston braved in their old days when they were hard up for money judge Fuchs on the ballclub and he took over his management one time that was when the brains were always a sellable club and there was a story that if he was seated on the bench managing the club and the judge didn't know much about baseball and one of the coaches of us try to squeeze play now the judge said no we can't do that we got to win the game fair and square no cheating I think missed the turn of those a little bit more about baseball of that well it'll be a very interesting a situation to see what the flamboyant mister Turner does I presume that he will not put on a uniform although that the presumption we don't know they've been probably managed in civilian clothes according to what I understand is that he is going to be wearing a uniform is yeah I don't know that that is a rule is it now that you know you can wear civilian clothes Connie Mack did it your chops in it but you're not allowed to go out on the field like mr. Mack you story I'm far over to talk to him and or Roy would go out of rakia and shot would send out soup fourth or somebody well we're ready to go now Ron the floor up no score last half of the first inning insan delivers a fastball hi this is Jeff Don the left hand it's a cast off from the National League a former University of Michigan pitcher and he's got a great record this year five and old this is his seventh start and LeFleur takes a fork ball over for a strike zip throws the curve a sinking fastball in the forkball and he says that he'll changeup and with a straight changeup that is a no trick pitch he just changes there's a changeup hit the third-base bluffed by the third sack and Terrell throw to first to guru and LeFleur is on bran went up there batting 215 and now the next man to bat will be poetic talked with the Jeff Zahn before the ballgame he was born in Baltimore but he grew up in Toledo and then went to the University of Michigan he was drafted to several times but that the draft didn't take until he accepted the draft of the Los Angeles Dodgers in fact the Tigers at one time had drafted him so at the Boston Red Sox and one or two other club but he want to finish college and the pitch for the University of Michigan there's a fastball outside so it is is a batting right-handed these are 337 hitter right now and zom delivers here's a bounding ball to third it is just fouled outside the bag John's college coach Moby Benedict is an attendance tonight fact if they had this dinner last night after the ball game was over those two Papa went his man broken his bat i believe thats what applet this Timlin and bringing him a new one Jeff John was telling us to clean lived in Toledo he used to listen to the Cleveland Indians and to the Tigers he you sort of divided his allegiance one of two legions here you see two one delivery now coming up to Tito and he swing to the choppa hit up the middle there goes Randle deep at second throw to first not in time he has a base hit that was a very high hopper Randle did the very best he could on it he got deep it to second base to his right grabbed it on that high hop but he couldn't get enough steam on the throw to beat Tito and twini's has the Tigers first hit that'll bring up a man battling the slump rusty Staub frustating 208 with the 12 RBIs and four home run can hear the bird chirping from the corner that I got over there on the third base side mark Bedrich Sam deliver his ears a bald in two flows incidentally fit rich chip hits tape simulated game today around 4:30 5 o'clock he worked for 20 minutes through 92 pitches and the Tiger brass they're very happy with what they saw mark is a strike called on rusty one and one Frau pop says he's gonna resist the temptation though to start him too early he's gonna wait until he's exactly 100 percent before he gets him in there he'll work him first and in the exhibition game at Cincinnati in relief and then make up his mind when he will start there's a ball outside on stop Ralph told me that he you definitely when he pitches for the Tigers in a regular game it will be as a starter he won't fool around with the relief except for that exhibition game in Cincinnati no score first-inning stop at the plate and a 2-1 pitch coming up from Jeff zong zah in he delivers it's a slow curve over but low 3 & 1 Glenn Boardman doing the catching tonight for Minnesota gene Mauch says he just wants to give his youngster wanna go rest get workman in there no percentages played there because why are switch-hitter all right makes no difference Tito's got a pretty good lead here's the semi-pro over there and a Tito back in time Carew not directly on the bag he had to move to the back to Cleveland leads Milwaukee 3 to want to be into to nouse onto the set position again the left hander kicks the deals and there's a chopper hit to a third base brawling slowly picked up by Jarrell and he's got a broad second after Tito would have patched the bank when he's back safely everybody's safe it'll be his infield hit for rusty star that one slithered off the end of the bat and Terrell that couldn't let it roll that was hit him too hard for that I guess and he caught it just about at the bag but he had no play anywhere then when Tito rounded second he thought he might tick him off he blew to second base but the widdy's got back safely so sod is in first inning trouble now Roberts got in first inning trouble with a man at third for the twins and only one man out but he got out of it [Music] he got out by Fanning kuru on a called third strike and getting bored to bounce out to win the inning now the Tigers have blue Indies at second base and rusty Staub at first and Nova and one away off away at the plate [Music] then hitting 268 the out deal around toward right slightly on him left-hander against the left-hander and the pitch is a fastball in close Ben has a slight co that it has just started he's giving that a battle standing deep with ISA peek close together the tank is trying to get ahead here they earn a 0-0 tie with the twins Shawn ready there's a foul fly it'll be out of play of the seats packet bird 1 and 1 the count on ugly Montreal DISA dodges one nothing in the third San Francisco and the Phillies are one to one of the third San Diego leading the net to the first game in the ninth inning 4 to 2 Atlanta Pittsburgh one to one him appeared the other two not other way yet in the National okhla me takes a strike that was a fastball across wanted to the content camp wedding on deck boo and he's at second base stop at first base one man down first inning Jeff Don set to go again holds it at the belt he delivers and then that fouled it away I believe he checked his swing it hit something either the shin guard of the bat scoreboard stays a one ball two strikes will go along with that unless it's corrected by mr. Haller hosana step out the slab now I'll get back up to get his sign here's the left-hander ready to go again and there's a turn of the throw to second twenties is back Sunday most of his big-league pitching for the Dodgers so Dodgers traded them to Chicago in the 75 season and he was released by the cup and this year was talking to Jerry Terrell who suggested he get in touch with Don McMahon the pitching coach he did McMahon told mark about him and they signed him then he is now five and all quite a pickup for the twins he's ready he steps he pitches there's a fly ball at the right field they drop in for coming hard can't get it it's a base hit the wind is coming around third headed home - called the plate not in time hopefully goes to second off the third ghost but the Chinese have a one to nothing lead on the RBI hit by Ben Ogilvie it's a single for ban and he thinks second on the throw picks up an RBI man on second man on third one run in the Tigers have a one to nothing lead over Minnesota and Steve Camp coming to bat we've got jean-marc the manager coming up now he has nobody in the bullpen this is probably just a little confab about something so a single by four it is a single by Starr a single by Ogilvy getting the tiger run home and then then one out a second base on the throw to the plate in the Boardman well the conference didn't take too long and Kemp is about ready to take his cuts Steve hitting 256 this is his 25th game more home run to 13 runs batted in and not gonna bring the infield in their uh past episode but no more than that here's a pitch to Steve and he takes a strike that was a good one right above the knees Pittsburgh leads Atlanta two-to-one now they're in the fourth inning Parker hit a home run that's his 60 the league's leading hitter the major leagues leading hitters also wind up barzani pitches there's a cut on a Miss he fooled him Zhaan's the slender left-hander 30 years old now looks here to get his sign from Boardman no one nothing Tigers ahead in the first here's a swinging a chopper hit fouled over to it the first base coach's box now what is give City he had a single is a first trip here one for one this game and he's connected in the 12 of the last 14 games and gone 24 the 51 trip both of this night safely in nine of his last 10 now the wind up for the pitch it's a fastball in too close and also low wanted to the cam on cam [Applause] stava third Okhla Viet second of eight he can get a pretty good-sized lead the left-hander delivers there's a ball though he checks his swing at pitch fooled esteem but he held up enough and the count is two two on him two balls two strikes the count on camp digging in one nothing Tigers I'll feel not playing in to pull the ball very much here's the pitch he swings his a body ball towards first base guru comes home with it the throw is not in time and stop engine on the third goes over they safe at first is Kim guru had to go wide on a high hopper between first and second he threw home stop did not slide it was closed at the plate but he got in safely I don't know how he got over the legs of Boardman but Boardman had one leg out in front of the plate there obstructing rusty but he stepped over it again somehow or another didn't seem to be in here dispute about the play that's it for testing the call by umpire Hallett and that will be scored as a single well that is the fourth straight single for the Tigers and an RBI from the skim and here's Jason Thompson of the plate the Tigers have a two nothing margin now Thompson hitting 267 takes a strike with a fastball in her hi Jason as the 17 runs batted in and five home run he is still the leader in the RBI department he anova bleeeh tied for homeruns here's a foul out of play that went back to the on-deck circle Strike 2 the count on Thompson my god have called out a fielder's choice Ernie yeah they I agree with you the play could have been made at first base I think if they'd want to go that way strike two the count on Thompson two men on one man down dawn delivers Jason it's a bonny ball back to second Randall has it be flip to the truck top qualty in time there but the double play is not it time as Jason beak the throat of Carew and a run crosses the plate Ogilvie coming in to score it's three nothing Tigers it'll be an RBI on the forceout at second the ball not hit it really hard enough to get two Tigers have gotten three runs and have only hits the probably have only had one ball out of the infield and that was Oakland is and it was of any sharper reported on it was just thought of a little soft flyball that dropped in but they'll take them any way they can get him three runs the Tigers lead it here is Milt may batting 288 a Santa battle looks at a strike a fastball promptly left handed zon two-out and Thompson at first base set by Jeffy pitches there's a bounding ball to first base glove by Carew he'll make the plan assisted at first May is out of the side retired the Tigers get three in the first three runs on four hits so there were no errors and one man left on base and at the end of one Detroit 3 Minnesota nothing you're at bat in the levant baseball trivia game here's the pitch as a pitcher he led the American League in percentage and ER a in 1916 and wound up in the Hall of Fame even though he was credited with only 94 wins during his entire major league career who was he you've got some time to think about it so why not have a cool refreshing low bats beer give up its all-time great Babe Ruth great baseball calls for a great beer or bad call for Labatt brewed in Canada since 1828 distributed by Labatt importers Incorporated Buffalo New York a bats blue is available in selected markets throughout Michigan hello mark avery inviting you to join me for the great American road show in the afternoon Music Hall between three and six going home entertainment from the goodwill station [Music] that's false out for station identification this is a chart Tiger baseball Network the blue gearing to mark fit rich radio 76 has been part of it all right sports information you've come to expect from the goodwill station wjr Detroit Tyga's later 3-nothing the twins coming to bat in their second inning and the Craig qu6 the big right-hand batter will be leading it off easy designated hitter 14 walks team goose are getting to 55 as a couple home runs he's not in seven run second inning about to get underway Robert stick to a three run margin by his Tiger teammates goes to work now on the big burly right-hand batting Lucic do swings and misses strike one it'll be Randall and then Smalley to follow there's a strike called the Tigers have two left hand flowing outfielders Fred Smith super Tiger fan who works here in the tiger organization and Bill Brown looked up the left hand throwing outfielders in Tiger history might interest you a little bit later on as we go along there's a ball outside here's the motion now by Robinson the pitch is a ball Oh some of the ladies to the left hand throws had played the outfield here Rd James rich Reese Winnie green Tito Francona Jim small Charlie Maxwell neared Harris is a flyball into right deal slicing may be troubled it is a foul ball oh that was close you want to go back to the 40s among the left hand throwing outfielders rip rat flip please honey manoosh chick short you hide then going way back you high goes back to 1914 Maddy McIntyre back into the 1940 19 tenure and the Sam Crawford the Hall of Famer and Lewis Lapine in nineteen - you folks may remember Louie Lapine and then there was some that didn't play many games we won't get into that Norman catch of one of those is a cut at a foul off the mid of May maybe Herman was another one played here I forgot the babe played for the Tigers Whitey Herzog Johnny hop Tigers really haven't had many a left hand throwing outfielders over that's the long span now the two to delivery is hide acoustic he's got a full count you've got a final now for the National League San Diego meets the met six to three much the first of a doubleheader swing and a Miss he struck him out with a breaking ball the second strikeout for Robert and Bob Randall will be the batter in that Met game spilner is the winner and stever is a loser Sivir is the foreign to now when feel had a homerun miss Bobby Randall the right hand of adding infielder the fifties outside from Roberts ball one on Randall Randall hitting at a 200 clip Prabhat the checking is signed with built may and the pitch is a fastball wide - and Oh at Pittsburgh Atlanta game two-to-one now the part lead in the fifth inning the Pirates have won ten in a row the Braves have lost sixteen in the role stand the pitch strike called to it on the caliber Prandtl I feel the write on them for a Roberts delivers it's a bounding high chopper hit the short bobbled by Wagner he can't pick it up and make the play and safe at first is Randall we've had a lot of those hi hoppers tonight and in fact they're all during this homestand that was the ball did Wagner had to charge from fairly deep shortstop and couldn't get his love on it he got his glove on it couldn't hold it and an arrow will be charged to mark mark pretty much had to get it on that high hop or he would not have that his shot at Randall at first base and they've labeled an error here Smalley at the plate [Applause] switch batter batting right-handed he's hitting 204 for the season swing a line shot the right you just punch that ball the right-field Ogilvy picked it on the skip and rifles it back into the diamond to Puentes and now the twins are kicking up their heels a little bit they've got two men on and one man down the Tigers lead him three nothing in the second it'll be Jerry Terrell the third baseman another right hand man is stepping in Terrell batting 243 the Tigers have put their infield in DoublePlay depth small deer demonstrated there you don't have to hit the ball very hard to get your base hits he just sort of punch the ball to right on a sharp line drive moved his teammate Randall into second Robin sets into the biz there's a fastball low ball one for the hit by small d is the second off Roberts and the twins have a second inning threat going against the mr. Robinson the Tigers three nothing Tigers ledum chopper hit toward third Mankowski has it he'll go to first with it in time the tops and the runners move up ball not hit hard enough for Mankowski to stay back and tanked the bank at third he had to come in to field it and it had only one shot that's the batter Terrell that was the first base Glen Portman the catcher right-hand batter stepping up first appearance for Glendon this two-game series hitting 217 and 9 game one home run in two runs better than for four-foot bo r g ma n is swing fly balls packets second in Detroit right centerfield boo it is going back here they come and it's going to be trouble ultimately dives and can't get it a little mix-up among the three of them and to Ron score the Wendy's went back Leflore was coming in rather slowly and I think Oakland diggin it was between those two and then it's the last pump but he made a dive and almost came up with a ball but he got his glove on and it couldn't hang on it would be a double and the twins got a couple of run oh my and after you Alphonse Alfonse Gaston act out there in right-center field that hurts that's the third out of the inning of with any kind of decent play but the winds up a two-run double for Glenn Boardman Oh everybody felt the other guy was gonna get it here's Bostock up now and he swings his a fly lifted the left Kemp is there waiting and he has it for the out of the side retired but there's been damage two runs on two hits one error one man left at at the end of an any in the half Detroit 3 the twins - well here's the little quick quiz for you major league pitcher he was born in 1921 he pitched his first game at the age of 21 he played 21 years in the major leagues he won exactly 21 games in each of seven different seasons and the number on his uniform was 21 mr. majority who was that picture 1921 you say right so he got an organized bar in the majors in 42 I just ate a little bit on that mr. Caron we let the folks out there and he spent 21 years in the majors right Mankowski batting now the Tigers beat created two in the second inning bill Mankowski batting 381 takes a left hand curve from Jeff's on at ball one I feel is almost straight up on Phillip Zahn that it is there's a bounding ball why the first Carew has this when you make the play on assisted one up and one away I'm open for candidates when the time comes well you're talking about a relief pitcher ah because he say 21 victories in each league put again no for seven different seasons he won 21 games in each one of those seven seasons Oh his Wagner at the place now mark Wagner the shortstop batting 190 and he looked to the slow curve over for a strike oh you got a bigger pitcher who was pretty good he won the 21 games seven different times here's the windup and the pitch swung on a bounding ball back to a short of the left go small d has it thrown at birth he got him two up and two down in the Tigers second top of the batting order Ron Lafleur coming up before bouts the third is only time at bat Tigers got three in the first the twins came back with two in the second Tigers scored on singles by petit stop Ogilvie Kemp and a force out by Thompson Twins got two on the two-out double by Fortman here's a strike call who Enys waits on deck before the batter again Jeff's on the Minnesota left and it Jeff whines and pitches bounding ball to short Smalley has to go right through his legs into the field there goes the floor to second the ball picked up by Heysel has dipped into the second baseman Randall but not in time now we'll wait for the score on that one the floor had turned and stopped at first base then highs though was a little slow picking up that ball and getting it into the second baseman Randall and Ron made it the second safely so there are two errors on the play and error charts the smaller the shortstop and error charged to the left fielder Heiser and here's tea tofu in ease at the plate little bobble by Heysel than he was late getting it in napped it went right through the legs of Smalley there's a fastball outside while the shortstop's will tell you their toughness players have bought it directly to them they don't get the alignment on it the way they do some of the others there they look berry easy but there they go through the legs fairly often three two Tigers lead second inning who n is batting right-handed waiting on the left-hander and the pitch swung on the chopper hit the deep short small team loved it can't make the play and everybody's safe he backhanded his off the short hop but even had he caught it I don't think he had a play at first base and LeFort textured it'll be a single well we've seen a lot of scratch hit Tigers have had their share and then the big hit for the twins at double was with the scratch variety and fell in among the three Tigers who at ease before normally he's rusty Staub up with two men on and zooming out and say each of the pictures so far deserve a better fate than it had [Applause] rusty had a single in the first inning an infield hit man on first man on third Don set some pitches as they fly ball into the left field coming hard as hazel and he dives and can't get it and the score comes to the floor on the third those waited he is out at third the throw came into the third baseman Carol the tag put on the widdy's for the out but the run I believe scored was then before they made the outer third base he stopped and they put on went seven - six - five the left field and the shortstop to the third baseman for out number three on who it is the Tigers get a couple of hits so they get one run now there were two errors and one man left on base that at the end of two Detroit for Minnesota two Larry Hisle lead off against Dave Robertson the third the Tigers the head for tattoo this one is sort of a crazy game already and we've only had two innings multiply balls dropping in a lot of infield hits on each side and there's a fastball outside well Paul Kerry's come up with the answer to our little quiz question oh we wonder if you have the answer is Warren Spahn the great national league left-hand pitcher here's the wind up now by Dave and the pitch is swung on and fouled on the screen highs over the 1-1 cut on him cleaver Mitch Milwaukee three two one they're in the sixth inning over there across the lake Chicago Texas about the start and this afternoon Oakland beat Boston three to one other games are late started in the American League there's a fastball in too close to and one the gun on Larry Hisle he spreads out at the plate Roberts checks is signed with milk May as a custom Ahsan a fastball to to it's pretty good pitching when you can win the 21 games in seven different seasons the spawn a member of baseball's Hall of Fame here's the tutu delivery is a bombing ball did white at first Thompson loves it dropped it throw to first is late and safe at first base is hazel and that will be an error charged to Jason Thompson so each team now has committed to bobbles Rutger ooh will be the batter Rodney struck out in the first inning against Dave Roberts Montreal each the Dodgers won nothing in the fifth inning the Giants head of the Phillies treated to there in the fifth San Diego beat the Mets its first game six to three Pittsburgh leads the Braves at the end of five two to one Roberts is ready he pitches and Carew swings and misses on a fastball memcache key to the Intergraph third base Thompson trying to keep the runner high so close over there Heysel got a fair-sized lead there's a swing and he missed it pitching Carew down around the knees and two strikes Tigers have won one and lost three so far this year against Minnesota karu takes a fastball from Dave Roberts one and two danboard waits to be on deck circle Roberts has his own TV show now here in Detroit now the left-hander goes to the set position runner goes the ball is in two boats may starts to throw and drops it so it'll be a stolen base for Larry Hisle had a good jump on the milk I don't think he could have had him anyway as he reached back to throw he dropped the ball that's hopeful days of the year guru may have hurt himself he may have pulled a muscle or something trying to get away from that's the pitch I'm not sure he's come to the on-deck circle and he's talking with the Dan Ford I don't think this is a strategy talk I think he heard himself a little bit but he still walking back in now the emotionally trina Dick Martin that he's okay Tony Oliva came in to inquire I saw two to the Kanaan Carew man on second base and nobody down the Tigers lead 42 in the third inning well the most relaxed looking bat is Rod Carew he swings and fouls this one away it's the pacing of the third deck and down below beginning to get a little cooler now here at the ballpark Tigers hit the road tomorrow they'll be back on the 24th and 25th against California then the other expansion Club other than Toronto comes in Seattle on the 27th 28th and 29th Danny Meyer in company Travis's slowed his pitching face at this the point of the game picking each time he sets and the pitch is there's a another foul this one a little drift back a third of the seats into the lower deck and a gentleman from Livonia caught that one guru I think Falls hurts a little bit ease to wander around there and thought of talking to himself stepping very gingerly around the home plate area bill haleh's give him a little time to get himself settled cuckoo the count on him thank his lead 42 in the third inning Roberts ready delivers Carew swings fly ball into the left field going back his Kemp still going still going at the wall makes the catch his attack now by the runner Heysel starts the third the throw comes in to Wagner and he runs it into the diamond good running catch by Kemp by probably the best catch we've seen him make that was a tough top catch because the ball was carrying away from him all the time and he had the wall behind him in the wall in front of him to contend with and the line a lot of factors involved one out Superman at second base and the batter will be Danny Dan is about two short his only trip next batter for the Twins will be kusik beer in the heavy part of their batting order now they clean up batters up at the moment miss Ford robert's delivers there's a swing givenness he took a hard cut at that one how do you remember it was up in Minnesota and Rod Carew and Dave Roberts met two somewhere other than on the mound and let the plate the right thought in between the right pushing and shoving going on for them to close 1 and 1 the count on board Robert checks out his Sam with his catch of milkmaid and of the visit there's a bombing ball wide at first sticked up by Thompson throw to Roberts covering and he missed the bag on the third safely goes high it's all safe at first is Ford [Applause] Thompson had the field of all very wise the bank-robbing got over but he took the throw from Jason and they could put his foot on the bag as he crossed over it'll be an error charged to the pitcher Roberts and puts runners at first and third with one down and it will bring up goose picked and struck out of the second inning Davis really perturbed with himself he to the old reach for look like a Fred Astaire out there a tap-dancing looking for first base that's the third tyga era and the fifth in the game Tigers together play their infield at DoublePlay depth off to get their ground ball up the middle short a second preferably gusik looks at a fastball why the ball one Chicago's jumped out at Texas in their game one to nothing at the end of one down there Texas twins have three hits Bostic a double-double by Bachmann and the single by Smalley I fouled it'll be out of play upstairs one and one cosec digging in again here he comes he takes a strike inside corner fastball 1 and 2 the count on track Roberts checks out his I know on to pitch coming here it is it's high to to Gordon first Hisle is a third base one man down here's the pitch swing and a Miss he got him low outside delivery two down let's pause briefly for station identification this is the Detroit Tiger baseball tatbir Warren Pierce knows your city and your interests evening from 7:00 to 10:00 and for kind of Kerry you've come to expect from Radio 76 wjr Detroit Bob Rondeau stepping in for the twins the Tigers later in the third inning for - the twins have to bid on 1st and 3rd and there are 2 out here at Tiger Stadium this evening final game of the homestand for the Tigers Randall it's a bounding ball toward Shore to the left goes Wagner grabs it close to 4 it is they get the force out there at second on boredom the side retired no run on no hints there were two errors and two runners a left we've moved to the last half the third at Tiger Stadium Detroit for Minnesota to Oakland Bay will lead it off for the Tigers they've got a lead over the twins for two to going to the last half the third inning then had a single and drove in the first hike a run to the first inning Tigers have had six hits all of them have been singles four in the first thing to the second up Jeff's on Jeff pitches Ben takes a high with ball one standing deep deep goes together ultimately weights on a one out of every return the takes of although the breaking pitch may be the fourth ball this design uses quite often Jeff goes into motion pitches again there's a swing and a Miss by Ogilvy two balls one strike Tigers trying to get an even break in this series they lost the opener of the two-game set last night swing a long high fly deep fried for going back and looking up and this one is out of here the way his six it's in the upper deck in right field about halfway up to the upper deck and here comes banana been rounding third and headed home with another home run that'll send a free case of superior potato chips with a fresh-air society remember a superior potato chip contain no additives or preservatives superior potato chips are a completely natural food - four - Peralta baby ii upon a homerun smash he takes the leadership in Auburn South among the Tigers that's number six for him three straight tigers have to hit the beach when they stop at Ogilvy here's Kemp he has won 4-1 Shaun delivers and Steve takes of all inside that's the fourth home run allowed to be here by Jeff's on Tigers lead it 5-2 to swing and a Miss on allowin 1 and 1 the count on camps Cleveland now leads Milwaukee 3 to 2 they are the seventh in Cleveland Candis beat him a doubleheader yesterday Jean checks out his fine with Glenn Boardman his catcher still not ready do deliver here's the wind up by Jeff from the pitch in too tight since that fastball rainin decide to drive him back two balls one strike the count on Steve Steve gets a lot of pitches event spot that fastball inside on him Jean ready kick some deals here's a strike the breaking ball got the inside 42 to Houston leads the cuts at the end of one inning down in Houston do nothing that's the first report on that game Kemp swings and chops a ball down the first base side he was jammed and got the ball of the handle of the bat Tigers have scored in each of the first three innings three runs in the first one of the second one in the third twins got a pair of runs of the second looks like a hitter's game here at the start Steve waiting on a to two deliveries ons not quite set yet looking for the sign still now the wind up for the pitch swing fly ball at field dot the tidal has camped under it he's waiting it's in his club for the off one away Jason Compton has hit into a force to get a run in in the first inning Hassan has not walked anybody and he's not struck out anybody and that's the first out be applied hadn't been caught by a Minnesota player everything else has been on the ground get that sinker he throws that's what happened here's the windup of the pitch - Jason it's a wide one ball one I feel deep the right on tops in the in feel back and around to the right Jason next of all Oh out of the batter's box e gets back in there Tigers leading us from 5 to 2 in the 3rd inning strike that one fooled it broke across now let's see what it will get on there - one delivery it's a swing and a Miss on a fastball - to the countertops that continues to talk throughout the game with the Tigers at bat is the constant chatter from the corners a guy dug out here's a bit swing a line shot base hit left-field Thompson is armed with a single and history hits and it is number 8 for the Tigers 7 singles on a home run here's milk BAE who ended the first inning with about toss the first baseman Carew but second game in New York is started San Diego in the meth - nothing nothing the San Diego Padres won the first game from New York mace finger the body bought it the second Randall over the small knee one remained at Carew it's a double play and that's all for the Tigers again one one run on two hits no errors and nobody left at the end of three Detroit five the twins to us Norman the Detroit dude boy anybody home out here I'm cleaning the garage oh hi mr. Bovie I see you're cleaning the garage Norman you got a mind like a steel trap lint trap yes sir anyway I've got a swell idea how to get rid of all that stuff in the garage oh yeah Detroit News real cheap classified huh and what might those be well they're one ads and they're real cheap yes sir there's a $20 plan that gives you two lines for 14 days for the price of only five days well gee that's a real G we've also got a $15 plan and a $10 1/2 each of which also represents significant savings hey kid thanks for the tip maybe excuse me mr. Baldi but you aren't throwing out that neat gorilla suit are you with that thing yeah she have always wanted a yucky sport we could try it on right ahead Jeep Fulvio Oh guess you'll have to wear it well art say to my customers just tell them your duck suits in the cleaners my doctor yeah that'll work Detroit News real cheap classifieds call 977 7,500 it's a way to sell almost anything for next to nothing Warren piers here inviting you to put yourself in my place on the goodwill station evenings from 7:00 to 10:00 get involved in our extravaganza on wjr Tigers in the lead they got three in the first one of the second one in the third Minnesota picked up two in the second Tigers have five runs eight hits and three as the twins two runs three hits two errors though going a young man who left the bleachers to go to pick up four home run ball the grandstand I think now is being escorted out of the ballpark and that is the band reaction Smalley will lead it off for the twins in the fourth inning let's tune in on Paul Carey all right Ernie thank you very much and while the twins go to bat against Dave Roberts Dave Johnson begins to throw down on the Minnesota bullpen Tigers in front five to two here on the top of the fourth inning it's too small he swung on a little looper toward centerfield the floor coming on makes the kid will short fly ball off the bat of Roy Smalley one pitch one out of the fourth inning I'll bring up Jerry taro who wears number one for Minnesota Carol a utility man a jack-of-all-trades why just about any position last year the only positions he didn't play for pitch catch and first base played all the outfield spots and around the in deal the first pitch is low for a ball Carol grounded out to Mankowski his first time up Roberts ready is a pitch from Dave swung on a fly ball to right field backing up his Oakland he still backing up he reaches makes the catch Benjy was playing in pretty shallow on Terrell who's not a power hitter and a right-hand batter and we had to go back quite a ways to haul that in to down in the fourth inning I will bring up Glenn Boardman who has the two RBIs from Minnesota in this game on a pop double in the second inning that fell between three Tiger beauties Tigers with a hits the twins with three mr. Roberts Freddy delivers its popped up behind the plate off of the mask is may he'll have the room I believe under it and makes the case and that retires the twins in order for the first time of the ballgame after three and a half innings of play it's Detroit v Minnesota - you see you wouldn't mind if your car got a little better mileage and maybe ran a little better too well here's some code you don't have to put up with a car that's running a lot for wasting gas the solution might be as simple as yanking out those old plugs and dropping in a fresh set of champion spark plugs just remember the pressure your plugs the better your mileage and performance you chefs are not on the pond loosening up the face the Tigers here in the bottom of the fourth inning zon deserves a better fate than his football in him thus far Tigers have one long-distance blow the bases empty leadoff homer the third five penalty they've been picking up some scratch hits in this game and on one play they twins made two errors behinds on it will be Phil Mankowski leading it off for the Tigers he'll have that seven-game hitting streak snapped last night bounced on unassisted to first his first time up in this game he pitched the Mankowski swung on there's a drive hit deep to right center field going back his board it may be it's gone a home run in the upper deck for film and Kowski is first al play major league career for Phil here comes Mankowski rounding third having home and he has got to be happy his first major league home run I'll have to correct that that's his second major league home run his first of this season but he hit one during the last month of the year for the Tigers so it's number two or is major league career but number one this seat and the Tigers now lead it six to two and Dave Johnson continuing to throw in the bullpen for the twins second home run for the Tigers tonight they've both been in the upper deck in right centerfield here's Mark Wagner right-hand batting shortstop the pitch to mark nice squares and bunts foul and Mark running it out anyway the Tigers have scored in every inning and I'll lead it 62 here in the bottom of the fourth inning I'm sorry to lead you astray on that homer by Mankowski having to check back on his record of last year he spent 24 games in the majors there's a called strike on mark two strikes now on Wagner until hit 271 with one homer and four RBIs last year Jeff's on into the motion the left-hander delivers outside ball one graduate of the University of Michigan deaths on into the motion the 1 2 pitch there's a slow on that hangs outside 2 & 2 now on mark Wagner nobody op 1 run in of a homer by Mankowski here in the 4th Vaughn shakes off one side now has one he likes the 2 2 pitch blowin inside ball three and find the mark with a breaking ball that time zhan numbers five victories so far this year no defeats one of the wins coming over the Tigers there's a foul upstairs in the upper deck a right field side sent two complete games and one of them was against the Tigers in that seventh of three victory over Roberts up in Minnesota Fredi the 3-2 pitch to mark he swings there's a long drive to left field that's going to be gone mark Wagner is hit a homer upstairs in left field back-to-back homers by Mankowski and Wagner and it's now seven the two tigers here comes Wagner with his first home run of this season and for mark that is the first of his major league career how that homerun by Wagner will send a free case of superior potato chips to the greater Detroit Society for the blind to remember superior potato chips contain no additives or preservatives superior potato chips are a completely natural food and tell you what I'm gonna have to make up one of these because the back-to-back homers so we'll say the thief home run by Mankowski will send a free case of superior potato chips to the Genesee County Association for children of Flint and remember superior potato chips contain no additives or preservatives superior potato chips are a completely natural food it's a potato chip inning here at Tiger Stadium leadoff back-to-back homers by Mankowski and Wagner and we've seen the last of Jeff Zahn for the evening as he heads for the showers and Dave Johnson the right-hander will take over on the mound for Minnesota Oh Wagner with his first of the year Mankowski with his first of the season makes it seven the two Tigers Dave Johnson who was just recently called up by the twins [Applause] taking over Johnson out of a Baltimore organization you may recall at a great future many felt when he was working at Rochester for Baltimore started off this year at San Jose and and pitched in justa in eight games out there strictly in relief one two and lost none working 15 innings they Seattle Mariners fought Johnson in September of last year and was actually the first official player of a Seattle roster but they let him go to Minnesota after the season got underway and he wound up at San Jose where the Twins have bought him from Seattle and he'll be facing Rod Lafleur so Zahn goes four innings has allowed the seven runs 10 hits walked none and struck out done here's Rod Lafleur to face Dave Johnson pyon inside the ball one twin cept to Johnson's on their Bound staff Tom Johnson and Dave Johnson swing-and-a-miss one-in-one on Ron now the wind up by Davey delivers the ground ball to short Smalley has the big huff the throw the first jump run by a step and a half there's one out here in the fourth inning that'll bring up Tito Puentes it has two for two a pair of infield singles Tito will change bats and switch to the left side against the right-hander Dave Johnson from what I can figure out from the stats this is Dave Johnson's first appearance as a Minnesota Twin who wind up by Johnson he delivers fastball in for a called strike Mankowski and Wagner leading off this fourth inning with bases empty home runs the pitch to Tito he had to skip rope that time to avoid being hit who that was right at the laces one strike one on Tito bikers now on the total of 10 is 4 1 1 pitch fouled the streams he reached outside for that one Hido doing a little tomahawking eyes back in waiting on Dave Johnson outfield swung Goa left the infield seems to be a little bit to the right side swing and a Miss and a low inside pitch when he's attacked as Berkman dropped it so they're two down Johnson has done the job coming off and the batter now is rusty Staub bases empty nobody and to Hawaii prefer strike up for our Minnesota pitching tonight wind up by Johnson me delivers it's a call strike stop is two for two he had a scratch hit in the first inning and then single the left field as Heysel made a dive for it couldn't come up with it cleanly and that drove in a tiger run inside - rusty fall one strike one well the Indians and breweries now all tied up at 3 to 3 in the 8th inning across the lake at Cleveland the to stop he takes it slow two and one taxes in front of the light sock three two one now after two any that's Alexander for the Rangers again snap of a white dog stop takes a strike two and two on rusty fala wind up by Johnson the pitch swung on in this struck out stop Johnson comes in in steps down three in a row to retire the side but the Tigers for those two homers have barged it further in front two runs on two hits no errors nobody left after four innings of play it's now Detroit seven Minnesota to UM Dave Roberts has got quite a cushion to work with now a five run lead for the Tigers seven to two as the twins come up to face the left-hander here in the fifth inning it will be the top of a banning order Lymon Bostock followed by Larry Hisle and Rod Carew three home runs for the Tigers tonight all of the bases empty by Ben Ogilvie Phil Mankowski and Mark Wagner Dave Roberts trying to get his third win of the year looking in as the sign here's the pitch to Heysel strikes called on Larry twins have three hits off Roberts he delivers little high Roberts has retired the last six in a row he shakes off one sign has one he likes here's the pitch from Roberts the Heysel taken inside to an one on Larry when tonight is of no great consequence it's blowing out toward right for you there they drive hit the straightaway centerfield Lafleur turns around makes the catch now Ron did not have to go back too far and it's a good thing because that ball was hit right on the nose by Heysel the dead center field two down on line drives to the outfield alle batter now is Rod Carew hitless and two trips against Roberts rod has taken a called third strike and flied to left marry call kuru I went up to throw a couple punches a day above in Minnesota there's a ground ball up the middle into center field a base hit right through the box of Carew and go hitless for long he's 1 for 3 on with a two-out single here in the fifth inning that'll bring up damn Bordeaux for two against Dave tonight Ford has bounced off the short and was safe on an error by the pitcher with bored hit a ground ball to Thompson and flipped to Roberts covering the back at first but Dave had his foot off the bag in kept searching for never did find it over the plate foot low ball one on Fort Palomar oh and the first of five games in Milwaukee Dave Grossman goes for the Tigers Dave going after his third win he'll be opposed by left-hander bill Travers the pitch board takes its a strike on the outside part of the plate lawn outside good pitch by Dave so it's a long series in Milwaukee coming up Tigers will fly out around noontime tomorrow the sets the pitch to the plate top fall into the upper deck behind first ball and two strikes on Dan port Ron Luciano and petabyte is out around second bait having a little conversation while Robert says the sign the one-two pitch or it bounces one the short deep in the hole Wagner goes to second makes the force on Carew to retire the twins here in the top of the fifth inning no runs one hit no errors and one man left Tigers come to bat on the bottom half of the fifth fifth Detroit seven Minnesota two before the Tigers fan in the fifth inning we'll pause for station identification this is the Detroit Tigers baseball Network Jimmy lawns provide mid-morning merriment and involvement it's a tradition you've come to expect from the goodwill station WJ our Detroit radio 76 all right Dave Johnson ready to go and his second inning of work against the tight mustachioed right-hander who hails from Abilene Texas powerful Springs ago there was the comment that Johnson was perhaps the best-looking pitcher in spring training for Baltimore and yet he got shipped out to begin the season I'm kind of disgruntled in a Baltimore organization felt that he had not really gotten the opportunity should have there's been opening to lean it off he swings there's the drive to right field going back his board he makes the catch jumped in front of the warning track a line drive a low liner to right field as Oakland he is off swinging at the first pitch low they've gone up two for two with a single and a home run his single driving in the run in the first inning there Steve Kim who has an RBI on an infield single in the first inning he flied to left his last time up Tigers with three runs of the first inning one in the second one in the third and two in the fourth the last three runs have come by way of faces empty homers inside Kemp had to skip out of the way of that one to wind up by Johnson the pitch to Kemp swung out a high fly ball the right feel that should be caught ford circles around he's under it now and it makes the catch to Hobbs and they Tiger piss hunting the bases empty in the batter will be Jason Thompson Jason has an RBI he's one for two he got his run batted in on the ground ball poor shot in the first inning Tigers scratched out three runs off starter Jeff Zahn in that first inning one soft liner into the uphill bioody the other three hits were infield scratches they all paid off with three runs for Detroit breaking ball inside the Jason ball one there's the windup and the pitch the Thompson it's high and outside both the tiger farm clubs in the southern league and Florida State Lee came to his victories last night inside to Jayson three-and-oh on Thompson Evansville had the day off Montgomery off to a great start under Eddie Brinkman defeated Charlotte seven to one Steve Trevor with a poor hit shut up I was hardly a shot out of they allowed to run that's what it said pitch is outside Thompson gets a walk it's the first base on balls the Tigers have received in this game Thompson at first two down the batter is Milton a Lakeland got a four hitter from Ralph trial in beating Tampa one to nothing fifth straight win for the Lakeland Tigers early half game out of first place in that division today Florida State Lake got a result the lake today from the American Association I'll pass it on there's a call strike on milk may is hitless in two trips he's one of the two Tiger starters in the game that have gone hitless drop Lafleur being the other Thompson at first two down the stretch by Johnson the to the plate swung on and fouled away I don't know whether this was the opener of a doubleheader or what but it came in early this evening from Denver the Denver Club beating Evansville six to five in ten innings [Music] Tigers at Glen Taylor and Harris alpha mouth in that game [Music] throw the first Thompson gets back one game this afternoon in the American League Oakland beat Boston 3 to 1 another snapped the first base ball gets by Carew but Thompson starts to go in that holes at first Carew had a little trouble getting to the ball he had to kind of block bill Kunkel out of the way but the ball didn't squirt very far behind the bag and Jason's up the better of going Tigers in front some of the two here in the bottom of the fifth inning Thompson at first two down two strikes on May the pitch wide for a ball Johnson's glancing at first delivers the plate popped up behind the plate Bartman puts the mask away May up the room he does and he makes the catch but he had trouble following that fall and the pivot just at the last moment to grab it so the Tigers are retired to the fifth inning no runs no hits to walk no errors one left after five innings Detroit seven Minnesota two oil out of the ground 23 turning it into something people can use as another it takes a lot of people with different skills and different talents to get that job done we got people together we thought you'd do it better and we called the company marathon from the driller [Music] when we found oil we could have left the rest of the jobs to somebody else we had decided dear that we could do it better so we got people together not the same way we got dead [Music] [Music] we got together to do it better interesting points of coal trade in-flight entertainment frequent information updates all apart of night flight 76 I'm Jay Roberts inviting you to join me at 11:30 and radio 76 this game is being brought to you by Labatt brewed in Canada since 1828 by Detroit Chrysler Plymouth dealers seal all there 77 models I'm Marathon Oil Company people who've gone together to do it better by Champion spark plug company the fresher your plugs the better your mileage by City National Bank the bank that really wants your business by Sears where America shops and by the Detroit News offering you the detroit news real cheap classifieds now more Tiger baseball action with Ernie Harwell and Paul Harry the circles Li skin of the infield with his brush [Music] like rockets out there 72 Tigers lead the twins they top of the sixth inning Craig Cusick leads off takes a fastball high for ball one enjoy Dave Roberts TV show Obama got a chance to tune it in last Sunday pitch from Dave swung on dough he checked apparently in time and plate umpire bill Haller will to the ball [Music] - no on kissing now roberts was just about to go to throw and he shook it off now delivers low for ball three dave has had pretty good control here tonight he is not walked a man but he's gone three and on the leadoff man kiss eek in the sixth inning here's the pitch called strike on the crate [Music] Roberts comes right back ground ball to third Mankowski gloves it to his left throws to first and to seek his up [Applause] it'll bring up FOP Randall Randall forced to share the second base duties this year with a young rookie Rob Wilfong but the Tigers have started to left-handers in this series so Wilfong has not started as the Toronto Lee takes a strike pop light they're both baseball and basketball at Kansas State University for one strike delivery ground ball to the right side Thompson down Ford has it he'll race to the bag and make the play unassisted John Randle Roberts was getting there too but Thompson felt the better of it decided to hang on and get there first himself oh there two down nobody on battle bring up switch-hitting Roy Smalley he's really Roy Smalley the third and the Martian Roberts the pitch to Roy he takes low for ball one small iasts one for two off Davies single to right his first time up on the second inning tony is second hit as a right-hand batter this year there's a fly ball lifted a short left field to Kemp coming in still coming in he's under it now makes the catch and the twins go down 1 2 3 in the top of the 6th inning after five and a half any Detroit 7 Minnesota - hi I'm Ernie Harwell and I'm here with a couple of competitors in the Chrysler Plymouth dealers honorary Tiger batboy contest Paul how does this thing work well any boy or girl between 8 and 14 can sign up in any participating front with 7 Theo provided they're accompanied by a licensed driver 18 or older that's right and there's no obligation for signing up then 20 to bat boys will be picked on June the 2nd right Katie right 22:01 finished regular and everyone who signs up gets a free Tiger ru9 patch great well that about does it so kids grab your parents and stop into any participating Chrysler Plymouth dealer between April 18th and May 27 and sign up for the Tiger batboy contest thank you Katie and Paul and this is there's one yes Katie do there be that person well anyway it's see you're participating traitor Detroit chrysler-plymouth dealer soon [Music] Tigers coming to bat here in the bottom of the sixth inning with a five run lead over Minnesota 7 to 2 the Tigers jumped in front with three runs of the first inning and four scratch hits off starter Jets on the score the three runs added a run in the second inning it was an unearned run had a couple of singles after two were out made two errors on the same play on the ground ball by ron before setup a tiger run rusty stopped singled it in and then Ben Ogilvie led off the third with a home run and in the fourth inning Phil Mankowski led it off with a home run he was followed by mark Wagner who hit a home run as at the end of the state of hip zone of the Bob Dave Johnson took over and Johnson's done an excellent job he is not a lot of hit he's walked one man in two innings of work here's Phil Mankowski you let off that for for the home run leading off the sixth the pitch to Bill inside for the fastball ball one the right-hander delivers swung on in this one and one on Mankowski [Music] she freely beginning to throw now the tiger bullpen the pitch from Johnson he checks but it's all a corner for a strike her little breeze at all here at the stadium tonight stronger earlier in the evening a one-two count on Mankowski the pitch is swung on it popped in the air in the short centerfield coming in as Bostock still running he makes the catch good running catch by Lyman Bostock one down in the bottom of the sixth inning that'll bring up mark Wagner who homered his last time up his first major league home run didn't get it good eat it into the upper deck in left field Tigers have not been able to touch Dave Johnson hip is wind up the pitch curve is in for a called strike Johnson had an excellent season last year at Rochester in triple-a ball outside one and one in 36 games all as a rinic pitcher he won 11 and lost five at an earned run average of 2.8 1 curb breaks outside 2 and 1 on Wagner one out bases empty here in the Tigers 6th inning ah the windup the pitch strike black you're looking lotta hits by Johnson they to to pitch it slow ball three well there's an hour's time difference for those games in Milwaukee beginning tomorrow night Ernie's pregame program tomorrow night we'll begin at 8:15 Michigan time the pitch to mark he swings a bouncer through the box in near the bag at second Smalley gobbles it up over the first he got him so they're two out in a sixth inning for Detroit that'll bring up Rhonda Lafleur brought one of the two tiger starters without a hit in this game has bounced stop the ferret was safe on an error by Smalley and then grounded out to short Johnson ready here's the windup the pitch strike gone rock [Music] pygar RBI spread among six players here this evening they lead it 7 to 2 foul to the stream stop has one Okla D to camp 1 Thompson 1 Mankowski and Wagner 1 apiece Johnson became a relief pitcher exclusively in the 1972 season he daughters swung on and missed he fooled him badly Ron reaching out for that one he goes down on strikes and the Tigers are retired in the sixth inning in order after six innings of play it's Detroit seven Minnesota two now from City National Bank mu subordinated notes that make it possible for Michigan residents to earn a steady 9% interest per year for the seven year life of the notes these notes are available for as little as five hundred dollars and in increments of one hundred dollars above that the nine percent interest will be paid quarterly by check or by deposit to a CMB savings or checking account the offer for the sale of these notes is made only by the offering circular the notes are not deposits and are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any government agency and are subordinate to the claims of depositors and other creditors of the bank for complete details on subordinated notes and how you can earn a steady 9% interest for a year for the seven year life of the notes visit NEC in the office or call nine six one two two one one nine six one two one one [Music] City National Bank getting it together in the morning to use the vernacular that's what we do mornings here on wjr I'm doing my job on JP McCarthy join me from 6:00 to 10:00 we're ready to go in the seventh inning here at Tiger Stadium back from the play-by-play Ernie Harwell I think appalled ears that Jerry Terrell of now Robert is got a seven to two lead over the twins and delivers a strike call right across the plate Terrell has been up twice he's bounced to third and flied to right he'll be followed by Boardman and then it'll be the top of the batting order Lymon Bostock now the wind up by Dave the pitch is a ball outside a 1 and 1 the count on these right-hand hitting infielder that Pittsburgh Atlanta game gone to the eighth-inning and Pittsburgh still leading the Braves it's two to one with the Braves batting of the 8th Terrell Texas strike at the inside corner above the knees 1 & 2 Mortman waits on deck well the Tigers scored early they got three in the first one in the second one in the third and two in the fourth the twins got their two runs on the fly ball doubled in the second as a chopper hit the third Mankowski has it at the corner throw to Thompson in the dirt he can't hold it and Terrell is safe at first base well we've got a former big league pitcher here with his top of it pitch for the Tigers mr. Hart Holloman are maybe you had a good time out here at the ballgame tonight Ernie it's very enlightening real pleasure being out here to take a look at the fellas I got apologize I haven't been out as much as I should be I do love the game as you know and the plane it I'm looking this ballclub Nicklaus is showing me something they got a real fine hitting ballclub where the people learning well they'll be out here when the weather gets a little bit warm and we have to penetrate hey it's good enough they guys gonna fall Clipper knee they get a little pitch and they're gonna be tough I agree with you and how about the way ogle is swings that baddie swings that knee now I have a former pitcher knee he drove in two runs a night he looked beautiful at the plate but I'm just looking at him a right field I think that man is thinking about hitting right now he said it's already up he gave him to an early that to play ball well they did drop in on him that's right now here's the pitch to Portman and he takes a strike after 1 1 count on him get him it's up in this kids a better pitcher than I thought - he's got pretty good stuff job teaching quite well tonight he hasn't been you get a ball game he's allowed 2 runs they really shouldn't have been scored absolutely should have a shutout man on first nobody down the pitch de borbón is ball two and one try to keep him busy these days are working hiring about with some people friends the night customers of mine but it really it's an enjoyable thing I'm gonna say something it's Minnesota ball clubs leading the league they're no better ballclub Detroit is these people in Detroit better get out of a sudden they get a ballclub little pitch and they're gonna be tough there's a runner going there's a fly ball hit to left center field for coming over he's there makes the catch and headed back to first now is Jerry Terrell the throw will be there in time he gets back safely Olerud Holloman thanks for coming by and good luck to you Thank You Ernie they're not that far from a these people better get with these people because they're a good ballclub in a thing a little bit of pitching a little bit of luck everybody stay healthy they're gonna be stuffed and he'll be looking for seeds to be trying to get them rather than taking her choice of what they want that's great come out and see us often well yeah good to see you again mark looking just as good as you did when he used to pitch Claudius Bostock at the plank Knights had a double for three the twins have a man on the man out in the seventh inning Roberts is scattered for twin it's my stock pop-up tent about a wedding and the pitch on the way swung on a Bonnie bought a suit for it is he has it on a wag no one related Thompson double play and the side retired so it no runs on no hits one error and nobody left we go to the last half of the seventh inning the Tigers 7 in the twins 2 [Music] and Sears has a great idea for your children's backyard on this summer Sears big tee exercise gym it's a physical fitness 10 with hand rings trapeze swing horizontal and vertical ladder even a rope to climb the big tee exercise gym at most large Sears stores easy to put together and the price is easy to take only 48 99 for months of backyard fun Sears knows to the summertime means we'll be doing loads and loads of laundry in your home so right now there's a special savings on Sears heavy-duty laundry detergent by 315 pound boxes for only 17 dollars and 97 cents and you get the fourth box free that's right you get the fourth box free but hurry the sale ends May 28th at Sears where America shops [Music] [Music] Tigers still lead him in the last half of the seventh inning 7 runs 10 hits and 4 errors for Detroit the twins have 2 4 & 2 and Davey Johnson on the mound for the twins he'll be pitching to Tito for widdy's to start off seventh inning then stop and then Ogilvie Tigers got three in the opening inning a single by three days a single by stop a single by Ogilvie and a single by camp in the fourth out by Thompson they got another one in the second inning with two on the floor safe on an error at second base and then they came home on a single my rusty Staub the Tigers added the run in the third inning on the home run by Ogilvie got two more on back-to-back homers in the fourth inning by Mankowski and Wagner and the twins score their only two in the second Randall will safe on an error Smalley single and with two out portman jump double pop fly that two fell in among Lafleur twenties and ogle early for a double to score those two who it is fouls it away it's upstairs and then that down below at the tarp rolled and out of play strike one on Tito zon started before the Minnesota Twins Johnson relieved him in the fourth inning all the seven Tiger runs and all the 10 tiger hits were recorded off Shaun Johnson has about only one runner that was the two-out walk to Thompson in the fifth inning he set everybody down in order except for that there's a fly ball to short right-field board goes back now comes in to his right has it and there's one away that'll bring up rusty star with a couple of singles of the strikeout Tigers lead 72 with a division leading twins mob field around a right little bit on rusty the infield back on the right up slightly on the left side Johnson fires and the right-hander gets a strike over that was the letter high fastball on left-hand batting rusty stop [Music] while Cleveland hung on and meet Milwaukee tonight four to three seven thousand eight ninety three as he paid attendance here this evening at Tiger Stadium stop takes the ball oh that'll make it one and one on him Joshua had a home run for Milwaukee and the garment is the winner Augustin Texel on Darla's now has one one and drop for is a curving to close on stop two and one well that final again Cleveland beat Milwaukee 43 Texas lead Chicago 3d2 of Epiphany and today Oakland with the Boston 3 2 1 Johnson fires bounding ball foul down past first base to 2 Davey Johnson one time of all the more property not to be confused with the second basement of the same name starve weights on a hay - to serve now from the right-handed Tigers lead him seven to seventh inning the windup the pitch swung on a bounding ball a high hopper hit the deep second base Randall backs up has it throw to first he got him we have really seen a lot of high hoppy ground balls in this series back during the whole home state and a special tonight here's Ogilvie for they single home run in the plateau right that was the sixth home run of the year prevent one of the three Tiger home runs you have the two by Mankowski and white there he looks for the breaking pitch in for a strike Johnson goes into action and the pitches of all outside Lakeland beat Tampa tonight that's another win for Lakeland they're hot 73 Chris the winner and Barney ADA losing seven to three Lakeland Winsett there's a fly ball deep sent it straight away going back his Bostock still going still going and this one is off the wall groaning second heading the third he's got threes coming around third and he holds on as the throw comes in on one up the board but that one hit in deep ranks at a bill passed the 415 foot marker off the railing there at the barrier my stock turned and just kept on running didn't miss the homerun target buy very much that's one we should have the binoculars on because it was so far away from us and from the plane and you really couldn't see where it did in I thought for a second that it might have hit in the seats and bounced back out over the fence but Ron Luciano running out the center field waved and know that it's a ball in play that was a long ball and a three banker by been ugly here's camp at the plate that's the first hit Allah by the relief pitcher Dave Johnson Steve brilliant listening in the tanker both bed at the moment Tigers lead it 72 seventh inning two out the infield back the pitch is a fastball on the inside corner phanie strike one hopefully made it fairly easily into third base but was held up there by the coach Hatfield Johnson ready again wanted fifties it's a strike same spot inside corner at the knees trouble the fans in fact felt that he should have been waved in they wanted to see a primer and inside the Barker would have been an interesting plant the plate probably [Music] the wind up Kip Wade's here comes he takes a strike struck him out ball third strikes Stephen his bad he throws off it throws his office Talbot he throws his paddle back turns it says something to mr. hallowed watch on after the field no runs one hit no errors and one man left that at the end of seven it's the Tigers seven to 22 hi I'm Ernie Harwell and I'm here with a couple of competitors in the Chrysler Plymouth dealers honorary Tiger batboy contest Wow how does this thing work well I need boy or girl between 8 and 14 can sign up in any participating trucks with Clement field provided they're accompanied by a licensed driver 18 or older that's right and there's no obligation for signing up then 22 bad boys will be picked on June the 2nd right Katie right 22 a prolific killer and everyone who signs up gets a free Tiger iron-on patch great well that about does it so kids grab your parents and stop into any participating chrysler-plymouth dealer between April 18th and May 27 and sign up for the Tiger batboy contest thank you Katie and Paul and this is there's one more thing yes Katie well anyway it's a your participating trade of Detroit chrysler-plymouth dealer soon Town and Country is the radio 76 audio magazine that provides the information you need when you need it most mornings from 5:00 to 6:00 here on the goodwill station let's pause the station identification this is a Detroit Tiger baseball Network JP McCarthy knows your needs on a Michigan morning man delivers its quality you've come to expect from Radio 76w Junior Detroit aisel leading enough for the twins he takes the high curveball one the Tigers in the lean over Minnesota 72 in the 8th inning Hisle has flied to right save on an error by Thompson and flied to Center right hand about it takes a ball that hits the outside corner and the count on him 1 and 1 well Pittsburgh beats Atlanta again 2 to 1 that's 11 in a row in the win column for the parts and 17 straight now that the Braves have suffered the loss there's a foul lifted out of play back on the screen Candelaria the winner he's 4 no Negro who is 1 none had lost 6 takes a loss and the Ted Turner the owner was supposed to be managing their that team this evening in Pittsburgh demoted his manager Prestel to a scouting post and took over the managerial reins himself swing and a Miss struck him out high azole goes down swinging on a high hard one that's the fourth strikeout for Roberts and the first one he's racked up since the 3rd inning [Music] rod carew with the one hit in three chip steps in Robert says scattered four twin its small D Borgman the Bostock in kuru one apiece rod looked to the ball low ball one he'll be followed by board Houston leads the cubs 7-nothing in the fourth inning Montreal Silla had a bird I just want the nothing they're in the sixth there's a foul out of play on a check swing by Carew one on one on Rodney the twins ahead home for a short homestay and then they'll go on the road again go to California Seattle and Boston daggers open their road trip tomorrow night in Milwaukee we hope you'll be on with this here's the pitch he takes a ball high two balls one strike the count on the Carew of the eighth inning Tigers ahead by 5 7 to 2 over the twins Kukoc beginning to throw again in the tiger bullpen Tigers have 11 hits so far the Twins have four Robert pitches hits a wide curve three in one Dave wants another ball some pitches a lack of all it feels so smaller than others there is a little the divergence all balls are not alike their hand-sewn and that makes a difference there's not a whole lot of difference here's a pitch swung on a bounding ball it's a second nice off for twenties throw to Thompson Carew's out to up fan two away in play 20 fitting and Dan Ford will be the better Ford has bounced to short he was safe on Roberts's arrow and he hit a ball to Thompson and Roberts missed the bag at first then in the fifth inning his last time it Betty bounced out on a force to shortstop [Music] ortega this time about stepping in there to face roberts Chicago and Texas on our tide there three three at the end of five there's a low pitch it's outside for a ball kusik is wedding at the on deck circle swing and a miss the ball tipped of a men of may one and one run his helmet off joint with such force [Music] 1 1 the count on him with 2 down to the eighth inning Tigers ahead Samba - Robert pitches there's a board in close it almost hit him two balls one strike on board twins two runs came on a two-hour flyball double that dropped in the floor for Wendy's and although they could not make up their minds who was going to take it it fell in for the runs producing double there's a ball in too close three and one [Music] laughter what is a Musa over towards second base and a little deeper from a second base post here's the motion by Roberts in the pit he swings and did you get it tried to hold up he went across two strikes full count on board these is a black bat we're seeing a lot more those black bats and we used to some two toes [Music] here's the three to delivery by rabbits and it is a foul ball out of play over the seats used to be a lot of talk about holding the trademark up you know these are Louisville Slugger the air Ron TAC trademark if the bat wouldn't break if you held the trademark up thank Erin came up one time I think bear on the all-star game said that trademarks not up and Henry said look I didn't come up here to read I came up here to hit three to pitch here comes the swings as a tribe to write hopefully there he's got it right to the club up in Oakland they are down to one two three to come the Tigers to bat in the eighth inning and it's Detroit seven the twins two from the pipeline in wild the earth down Lucia [Music] you're right back getting oil out of the ground is one thing turning into something people can use is another we got people together we thought could do it better and we called the company man [Music] refinery gasps didn't [Music] we got together to do it better [Music] Tigers seven runs 11 hits at four errors at twins have two runs four hits and two errors were in the impending attack a stadium in the final game of this home say tomorrow night the Tigers will be at the County Stadium in Milwaukee we hope you join us it'll be yong-dae brosman against Bill Travers a night game and on Friday night burn rule against Barry Court [Music] that's a five-game series over there and Arroyo will get a starting assignment is first on the Saturday and then a double-header sunny will see Bob Sykes and then Roberts will come back to the second game his Jason Thompson deleted off well the darkness broke out with five runs they've taken the lead away from Montreal five to one at the end of seven its Montreal Chason with a single the walk he's 1 for 2 he's headed to force out his first time at bat man he looks at a strike call it'll be Thompson May and then Mankowski against Dave Johnson who relieved Jeff's on in the fourth inning fastball moved him back that was in close on him all aboard California they will be starting soon out there Johnson has his sign the geezers a barney-boy deep second backing up is Randall has it throw to first to kuru he's out one up spinner one away it comes me who has seen his average shrink a little bit after getting off to a great start baby started this game hitting 288 in he's open three he's bounced the first hit into a double play to second and fouled the catcher wind-up fan Dave Johnson delivers to Dave May it's enclosed for ball almost hitting down around the ankles oh I'm sorry milk Dave Johnson and milk me seven to to the Tigers in the main there's a fly ball deep right field and maybe it is Oh rod on the upper deck travell Faye number two and it is the third fourth Tiger home from this evening the phatso booming at Tiger Stadium 8:2 to the Bengals later than May his home run sends a free case of superior potato chips to Haviland's restful remember superior potato chips contain no additives the preservatives superior potato chips are a completely natural food well here's another man had all Brunton Mankowski he hit one in the second time at batiste at one for three his first home run this year the second of his major league career swing and a Miss by Phil then the bottom part of the batting order that's produced most of those home runs may men cows Kidd Wagner the bottom three in the other one belongs to the tech cleanup hitter oglivie is a bounding ball Powell off the bottom and Kowski eighth inning the Tigers have a six run made cutter the miss on a fastball and he struck him out now Phil goes down swinging that's the fourth strikeout for Johnson jewtown and his Wagner hit the first home run of his major league career his second time up the other two chips he bounced the shortstop high exoglass the 1976 don't fourth would Babe Ruth defending champions at the ballgame today and they're seeing some lusty Tiger hitting there's a curve over from Dave Johnson for a strike mark Wagner to the plate the Tigers now have eight runs on 12 hits the trends have two runs on four hits it's a wide one and the check this swing one of them on the count on marks all the port Tiger home runs have come with the bases empty flag the chaplain on the ground deep short smartly way back long for the first he's out it was close hey bang bang play dip-dip first base the Tigers in the 8th one run one hit no errors and nobody left on base we go to the ninth inning in his Detroit eight have the twins to w jr presents the noodles when you need it most every hour on radio 76 de pipe wjr news I'm bill Nordstrom wjr news I object basically to the bonding because it's a idea of the Fed now and pay later Tim Martin wjr news jennifer moore w jr news [Music] Tom cattle wjr news Ron Hanson wjr news the cast and crew from Studio B and jeer at Lynch Hugh Downs dr. Joyce brothers they're all here with me every morning from 10:00 to noon me I'm Jimmy Lantz join me on radio 76 ready to go to work of the night sitting he's got a lead of 8 to 2 over the Minnesota Twins well we'd like to tell you about a birthday mrs. Agnes Haggerty of Detroit at the Bertha Fisher home celebrating birthday number 97 long time tiger fan her congratulations justic the router swings abysus on the first offering of the knife hitting twins have two runs on four hits two errors Tigers eight runs 12 hits and they've made four errors is a balton close one and one thick Allen Craig gusik he struck out twice bounce do Mankowski a third Roberts next is lawn outside 2 & 1 the count on him while Kari will have all the scores on the scoreboard showing the game's over so be sure to stay tuned rustic takes the ball outside 3 & 1 Cincinnati leading the Cardinals 4 to 1 there they 5th inning Matalin in st. Louis now Roberts wide the pidgeys gusik takes a half cut it threw the ball and he gets the base on balls that'll be the first walk-off Dave Roberts Bob Rondeau safe from American to force out bounced the first base he's hit the ball to the ground three times he'll be batting now against Roberts the tiger left-hander trying to join us tomorrow night we'll be in Milwaukee what time that we get on tomorrow got a time change over there you'll be on at 8:15 Michigan time 8:15 in Michigan here's a barley ball why the first glove by Thompson he goes to second to Wagner for one that's all they'll get Roberts coming over to cover first but there's no real a mark held the ball he didn't have a chance for the battered first base Oh it'll be a simple force the first baseman of the shortstop covering the bank at second one on one away and here comes mr. Roy Smalley to the bat he had a single in the second he flied out the next two times to Center their left switch batter batting right-handed who called is her working in the tiger bullpen Smalley takes outside ball one San Diego leading the met from that second team trying to win a double head of the met it is four to one in the seventh inning line shot fouled out bastard bouncing around into the tiger bullpen pittsburg keeps on rolling they won their 11th straight tonight beating Atlanta the Braves suffering their 17th straight to beat Pittsburgh leading their division by two and a half games for the day started [Applause] [Music] GLaDOS now eight wins in 22 losses next pitch Lord a small D 2 and 1 the count on him Roberts to the set delivers small D looks for the strike that one right over the plate above the knees 2 2 the count on Roy Randall at first base in up payin attention to him the Tigers have a six-run lead right now eat the two of the night bounding ball chopped towards short Wagner grabs a doozy throw to first he got him on to second goes Randall small to his out a tough play that said high hopper again that he has to charge and play on a great big hop you let it take another one it's too late he's Jerry Terrell counts the third flied to right and safe on the era by Mankowski through low to first base for heads off Robbins [Applause] like a left-hander kicks in deals there's a pop-up Paul it comes me over to the seats maybe out of play yep it's about to rolls out of his reach halfway between home and furs Minnesota got a double the leadoff man Bostock of the first inning use left it feared when Carew struck out for the second out and then fourth bounced out the end the inning and then the twins got their two runs in the second on an error of I've Wagner single by small even with two out barkman dropped the double out among Lafleur for when he's at Overlea to get those two runs in they've had one hit since then a single by Carew with two out of the fifth inning now the strike one delivery swung on a bounding ball up the middle it hit the bag you're going to set a field we'll get the run in Roberts didn't quite get to that ball is follow through took him away and the ball went right through the spotty it vacated for an RBI single to make it eight to three oh the twins get their third run on the first hit by Terrell and here's Bork one who knocked him the other two runs his double in the second and England he fouled the catcher at a fly ball to center field the fifth hit for Minnesota Mortman look to the ball outside fastball wide Chicago and Texas have died there leavening three two three down there in Texas Roberts checks his side with milk May and they pitches outside to a know the fastball David trying to get that final man here Terrell at first two down set the pitch it's a curve over eight runs and 12 hits for the joint twins three runs and pilots set the pitch he swings as they fly ball the right okhla should get this when he's there has it in the game's over the Tigers win it in the ninth inning for the twins to one run on one hit in the walk no errors one man left and the final score tonight at Tiger Stadium Detroit eight Minnesota three he'll playing second base in the levant baseball trivia game who were the only brothers to win a batting championship take a little time to think about it and why not have a cool refreshing love bats beer you've just made an unassisted double play if you said the Walker brothers Dixie Walker hit 357 for Brooklyn in 1944 to win the batting title while brother Harry the Hat Walker at 363 for the Philadelphia Phillies in 1947 great baseball calls for great beer Labatt call for the bats brewed in Canada since 1828 distributed by the bottom four is incorporated Buffalo New York a bats blue is available in selected markets throughout Michigan the homerun ball and some strong pitching by Dave Roberts did it for the Tigers tonight as they end a brief two-game losing streak and end a four-game winning streak for the Minnesota Twins the Tigers coming out on top tonight eight to three bases empty home runs by Ben Ogilvie Phil Mankowski Marx Wagner and Milt May pacing a 12 hits tiger attack off Jeff Zahn and Dave Johnson as they pinned as on with his first loss of the year after five straight wins Roberts going all away with a nifty five hitter to record his second straight victory in his third of the year against four defeats the line score for Detroit eight runs 12 hits and four errors for Minnesota three runs five hits and two errors the twins left six on base the Tigers stranded for the game took two hours and 16 minutes to play for the crowd that paid attendance of seven thousand eight hundred and ninety three and I'll be back to check the scoring in one minute
Channel: Classic Baseball on the Radio
Views: 7,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JQnXCn8wf6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 52sec (8092 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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