1972 Datsun 1600 SR20 Turbo

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[Music] [Music] on this episode of Grassroots garage you got Ryan's 1972 datson 1600 got all the elements coming together on this one Jenkins performance engines built SR20 turbo mtron and it's tuned by Evan at unigroup so you know it's a tough little street car that's going to be super reliable I know you're going to love this [Music] one welcome to grassroot garage today we got Ryan Ry thanks for your time man time man tell us about your car this is my 1972 b600 I've owned the car for about going on 4 years I started tinkering with it and then it just snowboard from there man all right Ryan what are we looking at talk me through it here it is man this is the SR looks pretty like Factory it's got a 2871 on it just the droping cams n Forge Pistons n Rods a BPP fuel rail just a small little front mount 8 in Simmons man like just um I went the biggest tire I could get on it a 7 and 1/2 in all around I got 10 m either side of the guard and the shock still drives well with it like it's not too rough and bouncy this just got sand suspension in it just set of King Springs still nice and soft so it's a good little Cruiser man yeah now for me the highlight of this car is I know the answer it tell us about his paint so my mate um Michael Maron painted it um good friend of mine we um we're playing around with him man we're playing around with a few colors and I um another mate of M Dean pver helped me with the paint too um with stuffing around with colors so all it is man is um a Honda Accord Galaxy gray 150 mil of gold Mier in it nice yeah and it really does just it really just shines out that that gold it's beautiful it's pretty plain interior like it's just a little bit of suede with auto Technica bucket seats Auto Meter gauges Rockford fate little 10in up the back you saw that yeah man just sitting on the back of hle trade so what are you what are you listening to when you're cruising man bit of bit of um everything yeah bit old school rock man bit of R&B you know just cruising music good Cruiser music man I I couldn't be without a stereo I'm the same nah you have to have a little bit of music while you're driving mate 100% tell us about 4 years ago what did the car look like when you first got it so the car was originally blue I had a SR20 in it but I had a wedding 3 weeks after got the car and I end up doing a ring Landing in it so then the motor came out and um went off to James jenin performance at penr he built me the motor and then um put that back in and I still wasn't happy then I decided to change the color man mhm and then it all snowboard from there he again as it does just the money yeah so take us back to the were you always into datson look man I wanted one since I was like young but just was always Out Of Reach couldn't find any good ones and then later on like I I started looking again and I like 3 weeks 4 weeks month went by two months went by couldn't really looked at a couple but I wasn't happy and then I was happy with this one I come across this one and and it was down the road from where I was living so it was like it was meant to be I went down and purchased it and and yeah man so the car originally had the SR20 and I didn't do the conversion but like I I built on that conversion so talk us about some of the modifications you've done since you've owned it so paint obviously paint what else you I've done the paint so James built the engine just done a like just a set of rods Pistons cams valve springs all all all the SR the starter kit pretty much and um then I changed the computer I put the mtron in at sl4 which uh Evan from uni group done for me yeah oh oh always love the the fender mirror actually they were on the door here I loaded them up and I end up putting them on the guard man it does it looks the goods like different you know like you say it but you don't you know what I mean so 100% just a nice treater man that's what I was going for like Punchy like quick but not like out of this world you know what I mean just just nice Cruiser all right so you got Sunday fre got family ready where are you going to go driving I like to go head up I live in Glenmore Park man so I like to head up the mountains you know so get a bit of windy roads and then just come back down man and park her up and get a coffee I like my morning coffee join the few of the boys on a little morning Cruise Van and that's it man that's all I haven't done any racing in it or Roll Racing I I wouldn't mind doing a bit but I like the cars and coffee and just cruising man yeah I like to go and and and watch watch the racing I kind of forward the race you know man start breaking stuff he like it just ends up like trip to the RAC trck is a trip to the mechanic that's right that's right so yeah man 100% gives like some some car history I had my first car was a VR Bina then then I had a VR Cal and then I finally graduated to my fools mhm and then my I bought a R32 gdst had a I had about 220 Kil but it was nice it was candy red um nice set of wheels on it just just you know the P plate more like the you know nothing too crazy and then after that I bought another 32 which was pretty angry man so then I end up selling that I bought a bike after that and then I stumbled across this man so then this was here we are today nice few toys had a few to yeah I love that that's the way to do it man that's why we work right you know that's it man that's just 100% pump it into the pump it into the toys man that's that's what we do let me ask you this one let's just say you fell over in a bucket of cash and you had an unlimited budget and you've got a big shed to store it all what would you do to this unlimited budget I probably go pretty pretty all out on the engine I'd mini tuub it and I'd I'd set it up for Roll Racing Roll Racing yeah I would yeah if I had the cash to throw at it I would yeah cuz the Shell's pretty good man like little bit of rust spots in it not too many like it's not too bad like I cleaned it all up um but yeah I'd set it up for Roll Racing I still keep the SR in b m but yeah I'd set it up for roll RAC me that's what I'd like to do but I mean if Jenkins is built the motor you'd be surprised what it would probably handle you know if you if you wanted to throw the Boost through it but you know yeah but just haven't got the money for breakes if it po if it pops that's right that's right no no warranties when you're Roll Racing man no that's it no insurance all right so you've got You' got your Big Shed you've got your your mini tubbed 1,000 horsepower SR20 datson what else are you putting in your shed alongside of datson I'm a v man yeah I'd love a v f V8 turbo F turbo yeah all right that's it for Ryan's beautiful Des love this one Ryan thanks for your time man thank you sir Legend I hope you enjoyed Ryan's datson and thanks so much to Evan from unigroup for having us on site to [Music] film
Channel: Grassroots Garage
Views: 3,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: modified car, street car, turbo, rpm, grassroots, datsun, corolla, toyota, mazda, rotary
Id: lAaLDs0TB4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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