MRCRX B16 Turbo Honda CRX King of Autosalon

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e [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Brian yeah Brian Johnny how are you bro good what's going on things as family n everyone's good Mr CRX it's funny you say that we just got the car [Music] ready it's done after a year and a half it's done that's good man I'm happy for you thanks for all your help too Bri help me to get there you done very well with that car man yeah wait till you see this thing bro this thing is gone next level [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah you think I'm pumped or what welcome to Grass garage today you got JP's car JP thanks for your time thanks Peter M tell us about your car mate Mr CRX one of the biggest um iconic cars in the in the scene for about 20 years now would say m thanks to Brian for building it and um you know setting a good example for us all to um really have something to look forward to for our weekends and car shows and that we we get so excited to do things like this mhm so it's good [Music] absolutely good weather to do a photo shoot on the Mr CRX absolutely perfect very blessed perect [Music] how long have you had the car so I re and I picked it up from a very good friend about I'd say nearly a year and a half ago mhm then cut me deep because I bought the car the engine was blowing so then I had to buy this car that I've always dreamed of then um what happened is I was like all right now we got to wait another year to get this car on the road because then we had to start the build from the ground up again but it was definitely worth it now now it's alive we're we're en Joy it but we we're talking like actually ground up I saw some photos on your Instagram the car got stripped down to a shell again yeah it did it's been it's been rubbed back it's been rubbed back probably about five times flow coed twice um every everything's being pulled off from the back guards to the doors to the front guards to the Bonnet all the bars we've done it we we've done it properly this time mhm yeah mhm so what's the plans for the car now we just want to enjoy it on the road we want to get it out there um to all these cool shows that people are like supporting to make the car scene grow again um I find we need positive and happy things on the internet I couldn't couldn't have said it better myself I love that exactly man positive and happy things tell us what you know about or even if you can just keep fil me in the history so we know about why and building the car and at king of Auto Salon tell us about what you know about the history of the car from there okay well when I was growing up um it's funny I I sleep next to this at night sometimes um sometimes I actually before I go to bed I got to have a little couple of Snippets of this um where is it where a couple of little pictures of this beast when when Brian picked it up look at that yeah so we I I look at these pictures thinking mate 20 years ago like how in front of the the game was he to get it sitting like this so big respect I remember I think it was 1999 mhm I and that was the first car show that I ever went to was an auto salon and I saw this car and I was like this is something else and for something not to lose its its Charisma over these years of um all different kinds of um Trends coming we got JDM we got exotic cars at the moment that are G through the roof with all the Lambos and everything and for like a little it's really a Honda Civic with no roof to have such a strong respect in the car game mhm that's what I know about this car 100% yeah tell us about um the guy that you bought it off how long had he had the car so Jay's a very good friend of mine I've been friends with him for probably about 19 years mhm he bought the car off of good another good friend that bought it off Brian okay he bought it and poor Jay I um I um pested him I've got messages on my messenger pested pested him for about 10 years every every year I'd say mate can I have the car can I have the car and um he would just say no and then 10 years later he said to me goes to me if you're serious about this car you come tomorrow and pick it up or else I'm I'm changing my mind so um we were over there the next day with a tow truck picked it up it was great it was great and then we um put it on there and then then we had to get to work then then it went then then from there it was cracks in the air brushing from just just wear and tear nobody's problem um just wear and tear cracks in the air brushing we got those cracks fixed from Brian we sent it to back to Brian I got something special for you today it's not these rexies I know you're going to love [Music] this it's got to be one of the most well-known Bonnets of any show car in Australia lately Brian's been painting some of the best cars in Sydney he's let us sneak into the shop today and check out this absolute beautiful car king of Auto Sal the Mr CRX here it is I'm pumped you have to stay tuned as we follow the build there's a few things getting repaired at the moment this interior is still absolutely amazing check out that there's some big changes happening to this car so you'll have to stay tuned for part two love it uh we were talking features before what's your favorite feature in the car yeah you know what we were one of the most iconic things other than what we were talking about before is is the fish tank tank the fish tank and people are ring to me they're like are you going to put are you going to put this back in you and I was like I wasn't going to do it because I want to put the roof in the back mhm you know in case it rains we could quickly put the roof on but I was like you know what they J me up I'm going to have to got to do it I put the fish tank in that's one of my favorite features I'm really happy I did that and it's a really really faded detail it's those dark and light Checkers that come through the quarter of the panel that come through the Flames if you look really carefully in the background of the car so they're probably my two favorite features I love that let's just say that I was going to force you to change the car yeah what would what could or would you do different would you change Wheels would you what else could you or would you do to the car yeah look we we've got I've got two favorite pairs of wheels for this car I've got those um the G zos and a 18 because I've gone and put the effort of putting such big brakes on this car now and um they're so hidden by the gals which is it's it's a little bit frustrating because you want to show that you've gone to that effort you got detailed like areas of the brakes and the suspension you can't see it so um that would probably be the gz for the wheels and they're my second favorite Wheels as well the just thought so I'm pretty happy with that yep yeah so gz are you chasing a set down yeah if anyone's um watching this you know we got a big car following on your page so if anyone does have a set of 18 in 7 Pi FS or sevens um that fit you know the offset of a Honda CRX yeah please yell out to P let's get them done and I'll I'll pay for shipping whatever we to do to get them up here we'll get them recr we'll get them just absolutely perfect there's got to be some out there somewhere there are 100% And they're in someone's shed who had a Mitsubishi Lancer back in the day I think Lancer Hondas the same was this 4X 100 yep 4X 100 Gemini hold there be someone holding Gemini I know where there's a pair asked him but he won't sell them to I love that all right I'm going to put you under pressure now here we go go you you've got Mr C park there you have to park something next door what you there yeah I I I'm a big fan of back in the day uh Pink RX7 Series 6 everyone knows it Barbie 7 of course yeah oh I love Barbie 7 I'd love to build something like I probably dare do I probably do a Barbie s mhm yep I do a rotor next I love rotaries give us a couple of memories of the carene of the Gold Coast back in the days this is the take we're going to keep in this is the take we need is so the memories of like bri like you know there weren't many nightclubs back then that were everyone wanted to go out and have a good time M everyone wanted to across from Australia Fair which is a shopping center they had a massive car park it would sit about 3,000 cars in it on Friday and Saturday night and everyone would enjoy that Hobby and come and show off their like pride and joy they loved it we'd stay there till 1 2:00 in the morning we'd get home have a good sleep wake up in the morning everyone would be cruising the ES are mhm they were the times they were the good times now we got the internet everyone just wants to stay home on their phone know socializing we need you know that good energy of getting out of the four walls enjoying life before we're too old to enjoy it 100% I'm passionately tiptoeing into the Men's Health world right yes you need to eat healthy exercise have a community or a Brotherhood and you need to be creative now here's where I get passionate that people go people have I love this car right if you if some people have the reaction way they go they go I don't like that style you go great you're an artist too because if you feel that way about it what do you like tells what you do and and then you need to be everyone watch if you're watching this you need to get out in your shed you need to be working and building cuz it's good for your mental health to be good vibe get off your phone finish watching this episode then get off your phone go outside and build and be creative and build you know and if you've got something in the garage and it's a project car or a hobby and you're getting it ready like don't waste any more time because you'll get it ready and go man I wish that I spent more time on it earlier so I could enjoy it because you just end up kicking yourself 100% 100% you know and there's a lot of cars bro that people have got and they're trying to get them done mhm mhm you know no matter what it is JDM if it's like tough V8 Street machine which we also I love and I love JDM or if it's exotic mhm mhm get it out there mate you give me a rat rod style F100 with an LS in it I'm happy as mate you know like but then but then I'll be you know i' have that next to this that's it nice VK side that would be beautiful this is it you know i' love a VK run us through the specifications of the engine building if you actually I was hoping you'd ask because the body you can see you can see it the body's great engine we've done a 1.6 L board out to a 1.8 camed forged uh triple sleeved inside because these cars do not like to be turboed we really wanted to protect its inside so we could enjoy the booze we were lucky asg's done some really nice um Fab work with the intercooler the intercooler piping as you can see we've got a hail tech computer which is awesome it just looks it just completes the interior we want about 500 at the wheels right now it's obviously on a running tune it's it's just a running tune so around 200 right now so we're hyping about 500 once it's um once it's ready because it's got some legs on it it's just when you were given it like as much as you could give it giving it hits today it just wanted to just want it will not it's ready to scream it's ready to hit Tech and it doesn't even pop because we've got it obviously on a on a limiter at the moment so [Music] yeah you know these builds they're not they're not one person that there's a team that puts these things together John who have you got to thank for this one yeah yeah it is definitely Brian but you know you know what's crazy about Brian he he doesn't have anything to copy to go okay I've got that that idea like how does he get these ideas yeah the Flames are from a hot rod mhm I get it you know but then he putting Checkers behind the hot rod like his imagination is just so in front of everyone that I know to have something turn out like this like 20 years ago it was only respectful of myself to bring it back exactly how he did it so big credit to Brian massive credit to Bri yeah you know how many phone calls um any night of the week after he's finished work he's with his family and I'm calling him like how do I get this bit to F this bit it was so hard to get part you know there's so many people I want to thank like I've got good friends like I've got so many good friends I got a m at the Sunshine Coast Drew he's got a lot of crxs and a lot of CRX parts without his help I would not have been able to complete the engine either was a sensor it was a clamp because you can't just make these things and just go boom yep it's working you got to try and find these places like they were just helping me heaps Mark he's got another CRX he was on the internet over from Japan finding all these parts you know I had lot of good friends helped me build this car I definitely could not have done it by myself mhm so a lot of frustrations a lot of late nights a lot of worry that everything would join up to just make it go like this yeah and then it's you know there's cuts of footage of us out on the street having the best time ever that's where that's the payoff isn't it getting getting it together yeah you don't need to go and be doing silly things on the road just Cruise it enjoy the wind we're happy so we really want to say thanks to JP for having us over cuz this car is fantastic JP thanks for your time in thank you pet thank you you're welcome anytime mate good on you [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah you think I'm poped or what sick gu
Channel: Grassroots Garage
Views: 9,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: modified car, street car, turbo, rpm, grassroots, datsun, corolla, toyota, mazda, rotary
Id: UuquiCmpFaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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