1971 World Series Game 6(EDITED)

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world series report 71 with joe garagiola and sandy koufax brought to you by texaco and the many thousands of texaco retailers and distributors in all 50 states trust texaco to have the right gasoline for you a standing ovation for nelson briles a winning pitcher for pittsburgh in that fifth game prize himself said that it was one of the most touching moments of his baseball career and this fellow throws a ball he really puts a lot into it watch him now as he pitches to paul blair this is the last out in that fifth game watch him fall to the left there it is now he's being congratulated and look at that affection shown by the catcher just fantastic they take care of those pictures i'm joe garagiola sandy kofax standing next to me you see tickets for game six and seven if necessary and sandy jim palmer pitching for baltimore is really not too much of a surprise because he did beat him he is the big man but the choice of moose by danny murtaugh did that surprise you i don't think so joe i think danny realizes all he has to do is win one out of two games i think danny respects jim palmer i think he believes that he's the only pitcher on the baltimore staff who could shut out the pirates and if he pitched blast today against palmer and blast fished a great game a good ball game maybe one runs two runs he could get beat two to one or one to nothing but he figures if he goes tomorrow he's got him in a ball game where he thinks he'll get him at least three runs if they beat palmer today he'll be very happy but at least he's got another chance now you don't think it was that headline we saw we saw a headline i want to tell you about it loose moose set to cook birds goose that was really in a paper in that fifth game we saw another side of the pittsburgh club the speed now the obvious way to see speed is a stolen base but there are other ways take a look at this now manny sangine the fastest running catcher in baseball steals second base it's close you can see that davey johnson a little unhappy but when you see the slow motion replay you can see why the runner beat it watch his foot his foot is into the bag and davey puts the tag up near the knee and if you don't get the foot on a play like that you can't get the man called out nelson browse is the better and sanguine on second because of the stolen base scores easily on this base hit by briles who helps his own cause so that's the obvious way you see speed the stolen base and it paid off now here is klein's at first base clemente is the batter uh here is sometimes you overlook this kind of speed a hit-and-run play clemente hits a ground ball to the shortstop he can't make the play at second goes the first to get clemente and klein's at second moved to third on an air and then scored on a wild pitch here's another display of klein's speed he hit a ball into left center field blair good jump on the ball couldn't catch up with to catch it made a good play off the wall and got it to belanger who was the cutoff man mark looked the wrong way at first couldn't believe that kleins was going into third and look towards second base and couldn't get him at third sandy when you see that kind of speed how did it affect you as a pitcher i think it it affects your rhythm out on the mound you tend to pitch a little faster maybe you'd try and hold the runner at first place a little longer it breaks your concentration at home plate and i think a lot of times it affects the catcher in his selection of pitches i think the catcher is worried about the man stealing he he just calls for the fastball a little bit more often than you might like him to in just a couple of minutes it'll be time for game number six it's been a good world series the first two games baltimore really took command won the two games here in baltimore and it looked like with the pitching and the hitting that the series would end in three games the way they were going but then they moved to pittsburgh and the pittsburgh pirates showed why they were the national league champions winning the three games in pittsburgh and that's the way we stand today pirates have shown pitching they've shown hitting they've shown speed game number six here in baltimore jim palmer against bob moos and sandy i'm just curious i've never been in that situation what can a manager say to his ball club like earl weaver would have to say to his club but if they lose today it's all over joe i've never been in the sixth game where it could be all over i've been in the seventh i've been in the fourth and it's awfully difficult for manager to say anything to his players you've played 180 games at least you know and it seems like it's the end of a long year and uh the only manager i ever played for was wald alston and walt would tell us that usually that he was proud of us for getting there and it's accomplishment to win your league and if we won today well we've won it or you've got another chance tomorrow if we don't to have a good winter and have c in the spring grown-ups talking to grown-ups you want to pick a hero i don't think so i think if it could be the last game along with heroes can also come goats and i'd just as soon not pick either one when it's finally over couldn't agree with you more so game number six if baltimore wins it we'll be back tomorrow if not you have a good winner let's go back and review the heroes for the first five games of the 1971 world series in game one it was dave mcnally who got the orioles off to the start he was the winning pitcher brooks robinson in game two on base five times in a row then steve blast with a brilliant three-hitter for the pirates helped by a big home run by bob robertson young bruce keeson became the talk of the nation with his clutch relief pitching and a big pinch hit single by milt may and then in game five a two-hitter by nelson bryan and of course all through this series roberto clementi has been a standout the leading hitter his arm and his speed have given the orioles something extra to think about who'll be the hero of game six well we'll find out as nbc sports a service of nbc news presents game six of the 1971 world series the national league champs the pittsburgh fire versus the american league champions the baltimore orioles hi everybody kurt goudy of nbc sports chuck thompson the telecaster of the baltimore orioles and down on the field will be nbc's tony cubac it's cloudy today here in baltimore the weather is warm and the cloudy day should help the hitters here with the white house background that we have in baltimore and of course the orioles now are up against it and there's no doubt about it pittsburgh has taken the play away from baltimore over at pittsburgh the pirates were more aggressive at the plate the orioles were taking too many pitches the pirates much more aggressive on the bases and you know the longer year-round sports you realize you can't go by the book everybody said the orioles were by far the superior fielding team i thought i was watching hannes wagner and pie trainer over there in that pittsburgh infield on thursday as the pirates have been a much better feeling team no alibi by the orioles they admit they have been outplayed and they say we've got to do it ourselves here today let's take a look now at the starting pitchers and accept the gym up to uh bob moose and jim palmer there's bob moos this year he won 11 games he lost seven he won his last four uh many experts are criticizing danny murtagh for pitching moose today they think that steve blas should have gone but murtaugh has made some wonderful moves so far in this series this is the sixth starter by the way for the pirates in the series and on the mound for baltimore will be their 20-game winner jim palmer who won the second game of this series in eight innings he was lifted and didn't finish the game but it was taken out with the orioles having a big leap so that's the way they set up and now let's get the slants here of mr chuck thompson thank you very much kurt good afternoon everybody i think in a word kurt the story for baltimore this afternoon is pressure do they handle it or do they not handle it uh the history of the oreo ball club has been you know great and successful but without any pressure in other words go back to 66 in a four game sweep over the dodgers in the world series and then they came along in 1970 last year against the cincinnati reds and win it four games to one and uh they had things very easy clinching penis very early they've won all of the championship series they've been in the american league the only time the oreo ball club has faced pressure was 1969 in the world series against the new york mets they won the first game they lost the second game of the pressure mounted and the orioles were not able to defeat the mets in the only pressure series they have been in i think that's the story here in baltimore this afternoon and perhaps frank robinson said it better than anyone else when he said this afternoon we're going to separate the men from the boys and now let's go down to tony kubak will be frank robinson frank you know your broadcaster here with the ball marios talked about pressure just a moment ago want to hear right from your mouth what about the pressure here on your ball club is there any well actually tony i don't think we feel the pressure it may be that the newspaperman and the fans feel the pressure but uh we're professional ballplayers we've gone through our big ball games all season long and before and we know what we have to do today well you know uh all the writers and a lot of other people that you've talked who's been coming to you i know and saying what's the matter with the orioles i think they're sometimes forgetting to give the credit where some of the credit belongs the pirates have played a good series so far the player pirates have played a good series tony actually and we haven't played uh i was a type of game at all and even in the two games that we won however hitting over came out of a defense and pitching uh hell the pirates hit us down and held them off and the last three ball games uh the pitching hasn't been bad but we haven't scored any runs we haven't hit and uh we've been playing bad defense for the whole series and again we just feel like today we're going to put our game together and get back on the winning track you know frank one more quick question a press release this morning that came out in the baltimore papers you've been it's been said of you you're going to be the first black manager you are highly qualified black or white today you came out with a statement saying you don't want to manage why the change of heart well actually tony i've been thinking about this all year my last year in puerto rico i said in spring training that this was the year i was going to really think about what i want to manage or not when i'm through as an active player and i've been thinking about this off and on all year and this is the decision i've come to right now i really don't want to manage any ball club in the major leagues or even in the minor leagues i just want to continue to play next year as an active player and maybe after that and see what comes about but i hope maybe to stay in baseball in some capacity maybe when i'm through as an active player but right now i don't feel like managing is what i want to do one quick question will there be a game tomorrow well as far as uh the baltimore's is concerned it will be our game tomorrow uh we feel like we're going to win the day we felt like was going to win day before yesterday tony but we are very confident in ourselves like i say it's no pressure and we feel like it will be a game tomorrow frank robbins thank you so much good luck thank you the series comes back to memorial stadium the orioles with two more days to prove they're what earl weaver proudly calls and sincerely believes the best damn team in baseball no team in recent history has come into a series with finer credentials 100 or more victories three straight years and now we're going to have the ceremonial uh first pitch and the honor here goes to rube marquardt a hall of famer on the outstanding left-handed pitchers of all time he's 82 years old he lives now in baltimore and he holds a record that pitchers have been trying to shoot for year after year after year the most consecutive victories of one season in 1912 rube markwood won 19 in a row he won 201 games in the national league he was a free spirit and a fella who really enjoyed baseball there he goes all right the sixth game of the 1971 world series being brought to you from memorial stadium in baltimore maryland as the pittsburgh pirates meet the baltimore orioles the umpires in today's game john kibler behind the plate nestor shilak at first ed sudall at second john rice at third ed varga will be um firing the left field line and jim odom the right field line no wind today it's overcast the orioles take the field and now to take over the first four and a half innings play-by-play to set up the orioles defensively for you is the voice of the baltimore orioles chuck thompson thank you very much kurt goudy and good afternoon everybody here the orioles defensively powell at first base and the orioles second baseman is dave johnson and finally call the blade mark belanger the shortstop and the oreo third baseman brooks robinson in left field is don buford the center field of today is merv retinmond and in right field it's frank robinson catching in game six elrod hendricks and on the mound is jim palmer he started the second game of the series he won it eleven to three won eight innings allowed three runs a rich have near home run seven hits eight walks ten strikeouts and as i mentioned it was rich hebner's a three-run home run in the eighth inning the deprived palmer of his shutout well this is world series game number four hundred in baltimore game six palmer's pitch today cash [Applause] powell should make the play [Applause] cash had a world series average of 143 and had three hits and 21 trips now here is rich hebner and that's his seasonal average for the pirates that you're looking at right now in the series abner is a 250 hitter he's been up there eight times with two base hits one of those two however was a three run home run off this man palmer and he too is first ball hitting and rattling is waiting for it now the pirates going after that first pitch they're first ball a hitting team but here's one man who's not let's watch clemente now he does not like to go for the first pick maybe he will though we'll see though but normally he doesn't kurt uh clementi is hitting 429 in the series and unfortunately i do not get to see as much nationally baseball as i would like to the only chance i have a chance to see uh clemetti and aaron mays of those fellas is on your game of the week and i am i i just have to say this kurt that if if aaron and mays are any better than roberto clemente then they deserve a very special special place in the hall of fame this man has just uh impressed me so much that i'll never forget clementi of all one to him and as you said he does not like to go for the first pitch he can do everything so well now a ball too he runs well he's got a magnificent on defensively he does it all and what a hitter that's not to say that mays and aaron are any less than a chlamydia but certainly how can they be any better we're watching buford and he cannot get to it here is clemetti again on his way for three belanger off the mark and clementi has tripled 37 years old here's his swing now notice how he that leg right over the plate to him palmer grooved it clementi's been hitting the ball mostly to right field only once to left but he pulls that ball he'll pull the pitch over the plate in the inside pitch roberto clementi's 10th hit and he's been the outstanding player in this 1971 world series he's got a chance of being the outstanding player in baseball now here is a clemetti slide into third base and the throw from belanger was way off target and now here is a stargel in a ball one willy is hitting 250 the triple by clementi means he is now hit in 13 consecutive world series games and chuckles repeat again the all-time record clementi can't break into this series hank bauer hit safely 17 world series game in a row and a ball two to willie stargell among the memories of this world series i will remember the greeting that this man got when the we played the first game in pittsburgh he had had but one hit here in baltimore in two games and what an ovation he got from the pirate fans the first time he came to the plate something i'll remember for a long time and the count is 3-0 to star jokes [Applause] clementi at third base and the pirates again have got something going [Applause] now it's three and one as a matter of fact only in three innings did the pirates go three up and free down in pittsburgh in the three-game set out there they have something going every eight three it in the second inning of the fourth game and in the third and the eighth innings of the third game the pirates were three up and three down other than that they had something going every inning we couldn't stop the fling a big strikeout the pirates no runs one base hit no oriole error one man left on so at the middle of the first hitting the score is pittsburgh nothing with baltimore coming to back now defensively first baseman bob robertson and the second baseman is a cash short stop for the pirates of hernandez and third base uh rich habner out in left field of willie stargill and the centerfielder is al oliver and the right fielder the one and only clemente catching manny sangian and on the mound is bob moose well the orioles buford johnson powell are the new batters to bob moose one nothing to buford bob moose who just gave up the hit to lead off swinger buford has been used twice in relief in this series uh working in uh both previous games here in baltimore because three and two third innings in the first game a running three hits and one was a home run by buford and then an inning in the second game and he gave up five runs and five hits and that was a game when everything baltimore hit seemed to find an opening well abner one two [Applause] taylor made double play ball ever over to cash cash has been doing some outstanding pivoting in this series as the middle man on that double play here's buford going on into him and uh cash is hung right in there around the bag and nimbly popped or skipped or tumble out of the way and completely throw it at first [Applause] luke powell two out nobody on no score bottom of the first inning powell in the series hitting 11. [Applause] there were no pittsburgh errors and nobody left on at the end of one inning of play it is pittsburgh nothing and baltimore nothing ocean coaching a third for the pirates leopard at first you saw clementi here's the way he makes his basket catch he's sensitive about it he was accused of trying to copy willie mays when he first came up but that's always been his natural way of catching the ball here is uh oliver as we go to the pirate half of the second inning and oliver hitting 214 in this series three hits in the 14 trips [Applause] [Music] i'll say when palmer got stargel up there those last two fastballs he threw were the hardest he's thrown in the world series he really reached back to get him out well hit frank robinson and now see the throw to second base and oliver will beat it without too much trouble so again the pirates continue what they have done in almost every inning of play here in the world series uh particularly the last three games to be a little more accurate keep pressure on baltimore pitching base runners just about every inning a lead off double by oliver pirates two hits now flamettes triple and oliver's double base hit duper charging oliver around third headed home here's the throw nowhere near it pirates lead one another it's up to jim palmer but in the second pittsburgh's big gunner bob robertson behind the double by oliver knocks in the first run of the game clearly palmer isn't the overpowering pitcher he can be robertson at first base with his fifth run batted into the series and there is earl weaver to talk to jim palmer and he will be joined by elrod hendricks i'll tell you something as good as it was the other day concentrate on getting the other stuff and keep yourself in here come on one run ain't going to do it that's just what we need to wake up but go after him come on jim one of the comments that oriole players made about this sixth game was how hopeful they were that they could get on the board early they felt that was important to score early in this contest while the pirates have beaten them for the punch which is something they have done with alarming consistency over the last three games and the pirates are really running the bases aggressively now that ball was hit hard as you saw on one hop might have held oliver a third they waved him right on and he beat the throw easily we are i think going to get some bullpen activity for baltimore another base hit a palmer appears to have good stuff but he must be making some bad pictures in there they're keying off on him in this setting one of the comments that sometimes is made in a situation like this is the fact that perhaps palmer could be and this might be unfair criticism but he could be pitching a bit too cautiously [Applause] there's the bunt commerce play to third they got him fielding play by a farmer there's leonard the right-hander jackson the left-hander hard to put on palmer he can get off that mound has cat-lack ability [Applause] and would be a class i'm sure as the finest defensive pitcher the orioles have that fielding is his position he's as good as anything baltimore has to offer now here's pitcher bob moose powell fields the bunt no play at second back but first the sacrifice moves the runners up this telecast is presented by authority of major league baseball and is intended solely for the private non-commercial use of our audience any publication re-transmission or the use of the pictures descriptions and accounts of this game without the express written consent of the commissioner of baseball [Applause] johnson and centerfielder redmond should be second baseman johnson that's it for the final half but the pirates pick up one run on three base hits no oriole errors and two men are left at the end of an inning and a half the score is pittsburgh one and baltimore nothing now very quickly a look at the baltimore coaches george staller the first base coach and that third base is billy hutter now the pirates score first [Music] and the orioles now have gone 18 consecutive scoreless innings against pittsburgh pitching which was not supposed to be able to match baltimore's picture that's the 71 series figures in frank robinson [Applause] two home runs two runs batted in two strikes good breaking stuff [Music] [Applause] one gone bottom of the second inning and the batter is merv rattenbun the 222 hitter in the series [Applause] [Music] shortstop hernandez two down in the orioles second inning [Applause] and here is brooks robinson a 375 batter in the world series with four runs batted in and he also has committed two errors bob robertson makes the play unassisted the orioles three up and three down at the end of two complete innings the score is pittsburgh one and baltimore nothing as the pirates come on in the top of the third inning it will be rich hebner then clemente and then really sergil against gin palmer i'm sure that the pressure if uh palmer feels it and he'd have to feel some of it does not get any better when you watch the futility of the orioles swings strike one to hebner now dave johnson making move the center field or the shortstop are also in your picture will be the shortstop belanger and we have the first out in the top of the third inning here now is roberto clemente you sit safely now in 13 consecutive world series games he tripled in the pirate first inning he just hit a a ripping shot into the alley in left center field i don't think any batter recent times has ever been to hit the ball harder or more viciously to right field than this right-handed batter clementine we've seen him a lot of hits in this series to right and back frank robinson up to the wall several times well frank's gonna make a move on this one it's gone home run clemente and the pirates do the orioles nothing and what a magnificent performance from pittsburgh's right fielder the great roberto clemente watching and pitching him outside he'll drive that ball with power as we were saying [Applause] and now a homer in the third roberto going with a pitch and sailing it over frank robinson's head it's his 11th hit and first homer of the series and the pirates lead two to nothing and the pirates continue to do what they did in pittsburgh aggressively attacked the ball now the 1-1 pitch to sergeant palmer's turn volander the power to go first tuesday has changed it's now a chronologue and we'll still examine the new and unusual stories that make the headlines i'll join garrett udly and watch a kenalog this friday night right here on nbc [Applause] and the payoff pitch to al oliver second baseman dave johnson to powell for the final out but the pirates have scored again one run one base hit no oriole errors and nobody left at the end of two and one half innings it is pittsburgh two baltimore nothing well if game seven is necessary in the world series it comes your way tomorrow afternoon at 1 30 eastern daylight time and then football cleveland at cincinnati san diego at denver and in the oriole third inning elrod hendricks mark belanger and jim palmer one one to hendrix here's bob robertson and another unassisted put out incidentally if there will be no game seven if there is no game seven there will be a doubleheader football doubleheader on nbc tomorrow [Applause] breaks the string as moose has issued his first walk and now jim palmer coming into this inning now the orioles have not been able to score in the last 19 consecutive innings for that matter they've picked up only four hits over the last 19 consecutive innings coming in to this one [Music] it's about as futile as you can get here is palmer will reach second on the sacrifice bunt by jim palmer [Applause] two out and buford who homered against bob moos earlier in the series two and two the count to buffer how about that for a pitch for the orioles and they're half of the third no runs no hits a man left on at the end of three complete headings the score is pittsburgh two and baltimore nothing if there's a world series game tomorrow we'll have baseball then a four o'clock pro football game between cincinnati and cleveland if no world series tomorrow football doubleheader and there you see the lineup for the first games followed by either cleveland and cincinnati or san diego at denver two to nothing pittsburgh ahead inning number four and chuck thompson here is bob robertson he's single to knock in the pirates first run of the ball game in the second inning and palmer starts him with a ball one [Applause] kind of a fellow you'd say he's got muscles on top of muscles another basic the pirates continue their trademark almost a trademark of at least a hit an inning [Applause] now a total of six off the offerings of jim palmer here is manny sandia [Applause] how about that for a record get over 305 of his seven pro seasons you know chuck when a team gets a man on base every ending of the game it's unusual the pirates now have had men on base 18 innings in a row luke powell making a move and we'll see whether or not he has a play apparently he will have a play and that's the first out of the inning uh baltimore is getting some more activity started in their bullpen it's the same duo that we mentioned earlier dave leonard a right hander and grant jackson the left-hander i think this uh hernandez has been a surprise player of the series jack i don't think many baltimore people expected he would hit three better than 300 in this world series and he certainly is doing that there's powers when palmer controlled that pitch for strikes then palmer is a very tough pitcher let's strike out number two here is pitcher bob moose called upon to sacrifice in the second inning he did so powell for the unassisted put out and the final out in the pirate half of the fourth no runs one basic no errors and a man left at the end of three and one half the score is pittsburgh two and baltimore nothing let's go to tony kubak you know as roberto clemente stepped to the plate the last time up before he hit his home run there were a lot of people here in baltimore that rose to their feet gave him a good hand as edward admiring his great ability and it seemed kind of strange to me that some of these people have never had an opportunity to see roberto clemente before and i think that was a great promotion for possible inner league play let's go back upstairs [Applause] well the orioles in the bottom of the fourth inning start with second base and dave johnson hit into a double play in the first inning [Applause] run away [Applause] bing crosby bob hope d martin pretty good lineup of talent in any league and each will host his own golf tournament that will be seen here on nbc early next year [Music] shortstop hernandez in shallow right center and he's got for the second half [Applause] here is frank robinson he struck out against moose in the second inning clemente that's the final out at the end of four complete innings of play the score is pittsburgh two and baltimore nothing here we go to the top of the fifth inning and the top of the pirate batting order dave cash rich hebner and clemente again cash is twice popped out this afternoon the first and the second baseman [Applause] one away we paused briefly for station identification this is the nbc television network number 20 three and two to hebner that's a ball four a ball four and weaver will protest and weaver is going to ask of the plate on fire kibler that he verify it with one of the base umpires [Applause] well the dispute continues [Applause] and weaver uh is going to go back to the dugout but of all four on the check swing to hebner [Applause] and as roberto clementi steps in he's getting a hand he has a chance that this series goes six or seven at all time records the most hit clap player in the six game series 12 by billy martin at 53 clementi now has 11 hits so far and 13 hits as a record for a seven game series now clementi this afternoon has just tripled and homered in two played appearances and the ball starting with the second game of the series the pirates have had at least one man on in 35 of their 38 innings that's incredible fall one to clemente [Applause] palmer missing with a curveball [Applause] out of play fans might want to take a look at the body of this man you can almost put your hands around his waist he weighs about 185 you've seen him strip from the waist up a marvelous chest and shoulders long limber muscles i call it almost a perfect body for an athlete one ball one strike to clemente the runner at first is hebner one out let's see if retinol can track this one down and he does and quite a few thousand fans in baltimore collectively heave a sigh of relief as femine goes to the dugout for a change two down and here is stargel struck out and grounded to shortstop in two previous turns and the palmer fastball to retire stargill no runs no hits and a man left at the end of four and one-half innings the score is pittsburgh two and baltimore nothing and we're ready to go now to the oriole half of the fifth inning with the pirates leading two to nothing on the scoreboard and three to two in games and it is our pleasure to turn you over to nbc's kurt gowdy kurt acker check merv redmond grounded the shorty's first time then brooks robinson and ellie hendricks against bob moos who pitched a one-hit four-inning shutout [Applause] ground ball dave cash brilliantly picked it up his throw he's got him that's what the pirates have been doing the entire series young dave cash let's look at the cash play once again and notice that he did not hurry himself after getting to the ball he took the time to set up and make the good throw and have something on it and now let's watch dave again and watch again that he didn't rush this at all he just took his time and got set up and then made the good throw he'll continue all right brooks robinson has a base hit the right field robinson first shift is the second hit now for the oil the pirates have fixed it ellie hendricks rounded out his first time [Applause] there they drive in the left center over fort gozale oliver flags it down robinson plays halfway and goes back to first mark belanger walked his first time [Applause] [Music] number seven he's had only three hits in 17 times [Applause] ball four and the orioles have winners on first and second it's been rare for them lately while we wait for palmer to come up i want to remind you that the magic kingdom of walt disney's world comes alive with help from julie andrews jonathan winners lynn campbell and bob hope in a very special special friday night october 29th right here on nbc [Applause] jim palmer sacrificed his first time number 22 jim [Applause] no runs for baltimore one hits there were no errors and two men left we've gone five innings it's the pirates two and the orioles nothing we had an interesting thing happen while we're away in a commercial this uh girl you see here in the ground through linda wareheim makes the circuit and usually comes over and dusts off that's uh david johnson dusts off the shoes of the third base coach that's how oliver following the ball up most of the uh well in fact everyone i've seen always sort of gets into the act but in the second game when the pirates were moving frank oceak wasn't too happy there at third and today he didn't come out in his third base coaching position until the girl had left the field and he was roundly booed when he did appear oliver hits a fly ball out to buford one down al oliver has previously doubled and rounded out [Applause] bob robertson single in a run in the second single left in the fourth both times he's hit line drives one out nobody on one ball two strikes to bob robertson there's a line shot to [Applause] bolanger happy-go-lucky manny sang coming up single left fouled out this fella could go oh for 14 in a game make seven errors 15 bad throws and the next day would still have a grin on his face chopper to short he could run the landers throw safe [Applause] now pointing it he was addie watch it oh take another look at it and belanger was powerless he couldn't get to the ball of the high hop but here is your play at first base and he is safe and the fastest running catcher in the big leagues on they always comparing to mickey crockett another catcher who could run when he first came up was john roseboro the dodgers [Music] pop up shallow right center davey johnson going out and the orioles second baseman has it no runs for the fire one hits one left at the end of five and a half it's pittsburgh two and baltimore nothing the orioles have now gone scoreless 22 innings in a row and they have buford johnson and powell the top of their order up in the last of the six buford is single and struck out he has one of the two hits off bob moos a high drive deep to right field that one is going it is [Music] here is the buffered swing that gives baltimore their first run on their third base hit after such a little fella as you see he generates a tremendous amount of power but in the sixth buford opens with a home run in a 3-2 pitch the first extra base hit by baltimore in 26 innings it's 2-1 now and the bullpen gets busy dave johnson has hit into a double play in boston the score now pittsburgh two baltimore one a chopper charging hebner can't handle it well here are something you've not seen much of in this oreo pittsburgh series a miscue on the part of a pirate infielder and you see it was right off the heel of hebner's glove and he has been charged with an error and if ever the orioles needed a spark needed something to turn around it is of course here in this game and it would appear that this could be it could be the spark that could start them that's just the second air by the pirates in the series the first in the infield al oliver and the outfield committed the other error luke powell up and it's a basement in the right field johnson's coming at third powell's on first so many throws to robertson who cuts it off and the orioles have runners on first and third nobody else that ball just eluded bob robertson who's made some very fine fielding plays in this series at first base now you can take a look at it again a game of inches and this one just does get by robertson who is a very good fielding first baseman just got under the glove and the orioles who definitely needed some kind of a break some bit of help to turn them around seem to have picked it up here in this last half of the sixth inning starting with the buford home run and then one of the most infrequent pirate mistakes in this series and let's face it errors are a part of the ball game and hebner had one just trickle off the glove now powell is singled and now the orioles have the tying run 90 feet away and frank robinson at the plate and i believe that uh that burden has already signed to the bullpen and he would want the right-hander bob johnson boog finally beats the stacked right side flamini comes up firing your attention now pitching for pittsburgh robert dale johnson who started the second game of this series was knocked out early this year one nine lost ten his big win of the year was in the playoffs against the giants when he beat him two to one at pittsburgh and at game two he pitched only three in the third innings allowing four runs four hits he walked through his second [Applause] on first and third nobody out we just saw dave johnson in third luke powell at first buford led off with a homer last of the sixth inning and the pirates are leading 2-1 frank robinson has struck out and lying to right and this is the orioles big chance murr retman will follow frank robinson to the plate he pops it up he went after the first pitch and popped it to the shortstop hernandez one away [Applause] rutman coming up now he's grounded a short and grounded a second [Applause] right threatman fluffed a bun he's got strike two on him [Applause] and bob johnson has come in to get robinson on a pop-up look at weaver bryan egg in the back of his neck right now and lettman on the strikeout so far marvelously fetching by bob johnson [Applause] weaver's gonna be fit to be tied if they don't get this man in from third [Music] defending [Applause] [Music] bob johnson comes in and does a fantastic release job look at this pearl weaver down the runway frustrated one run two hits one error two left and at the end of six pittsburgh two baltimore one pittsburgh bob johnson in this jam bob johnson ineffective as a starter does a superb job after frank robinson pops out redmond strikes out and brooks robinson becomes the third out the pirates still lead after six two to one bob johnson a strike to him must be getting some standing rounds of applause around the homes of the pittsburgh area ground ball to shorts melanger throws johnson out before what a job he did coming in there with runners on first and third nobody out and getting frank robinson redmond and brooks robinson out one down in the seventh inning fires hanging on to a 2-1 lead [Applause] [Applause] palmer appears to be in the groove now chuck he certainly seems to have hit the stride he has thrown many uh more curveball strikes and uh the fastball apparently he's still you know pretty active and it's just a whole lot better since the well the third inning that he had through the first three richie hebner has fly to center popped a short and walk he's got a ground ball and back a second there's where belanger was playing in and balancing made all the plays in the seventh [Applause] the orioles are coming up for their seventh inning stretch in a score still pittsburgh two baltimore one the orioles send up the bottom third of their order in the last of the seven ellie hendricks mark belanger and jim palmer against bob johnson a little pop-up willie stargill coming in the left fielder one away well it's always the thrills of the big top and ed the man has your front row seat reserved for the timex all-star circus tuesday night right here on nbc the language walked twice dave jesse is the warm-up pitcher in the pittsburgh bullpen their ace reliever [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um palmer is on the on deck or he's going to back farmer will hit for himself now probably having up there bunning get that tying run down the second and the way he's been going the last four innings weaver probably figures he can't bring anybody in any better that's the age-old rule of baseball if kurt if you haven't got anything better in the bullpen stay with what you've got abner creeping in at third ball two standing hopping on that one and in that pitch the butt apparently was not in order they look for it again it's the first time we've seen murtaugh up and uh doing some emotions balls and a strike [Applause] ball three three and one with jim palmer weaver saying to billy hunter good and talk to him now let's get let's be sure we're straightened out the three one pitch strike two three and two to jim palmer palmer's giving johnson a workout [Applause] greg freeze out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] palmer thought it was a ball [Applause] weaver's unhappy [Applause] north settle back down again [Applause] two down tom buford has singles struck out and hit a home run he has two of the five baltimore hits the pirates have seven hits they're leading 2-1 pittsburgh is the 2-1 pitch there goes the runner high to throw he's in there with a stolen base now here is the steal of second geans throw bounces belanger had the great jump and is in with baltimore's first stolen base of the series the lander steals and we're now going to have bill verdin come out and talk with bob johnson [Applause] and uh the orioles continue to uh try to mount some kind of pressure and palmer has pitched exceedingly well over the last few innings and held the pirates to only two runs in hopes that baltimore can somehow start something you get caught up i think he wants justy out of that bullpen dave justy who saved 30 games for the pirates this year he saved more games than anyone else in the national league and they want him now so jesse will come on the pitch and while he makes his way in we'll tell you the score here in the last half the seventh is pittsburgh two and baltimore one now as you see dave dusty has come in from the bullpen and while he warms let's go to tony kuback well if a manager has a game plan in baseball the game plan for danny murtagh was to get five strong innings out of his starting pitcher bob moose that he did and then when moose got in trouble bob johnson came out of the 6th to get the pirates out of a lot of trouble it seems like it's someone different in every ball game for the pirates picking up the slack it was keyson in one ball game crushed roberto clemente has led this team along all the way we've had some great shots in the dugouts of the managers there's a lot of money at stake as you well know almost twenty thousand dollars earl weaver has been very upset he's had he's tried to arouse and exhort his men to get off their backs and come back up but every time it looks like the orioles are going to come back somebody from the pirates comes up and puts them right back down let's see if justin can do it right here back upstairs and our score here in game six of the world series the pirates are leading two to one if they hold this lead they win the series the lander is at second base the count is three and one to don buford it's ball four and the walk is charged to bob johnson the proceeding pitcher justin came in behind an account [Music] johnson logged an inning in two thirds gave up one hit no runs he's responsible for the two men on he struck out two walk one [Applause] dave johnson hit into a double play bounced at the pitcher reached in an air he hasn't had the ball out of the infield two down runners on first and second in the last of the seventh comes in ties it up dave justice comes in to complete a walk to buford and dave johnson crosses them up a soft liner over short for the tying hit dave johnson singles to left throwing valancha from second stars'll through behind the runner he does that he and flamini will throw behind runners he tried to nip buford at second but couldn't do it he knew he didn't have a play at the play boot powell flied out popped up and single to right but we're in a tie game now two to two last half to seven [Applause] they have a shift on for powell he hits a high drive to left field willie stargill camped under it and that's it baltimore tied it with one run two hits no pittsburgh evan two left at the end of seven the score pittsburgh two and baltimore two now we're in the eighth inning at baltimore's memorial stadium and the pirates send up clementi stargel and oliver the heart of their batting order in the eighth clementi tripled the left center in the first hit a home run to right field in the third lined out the center field in the fifth oh he's hit the ball to every field in this game he's getting a hand now every time baltimore fans know a ball player when they see one [Applause] i'll tell you they know that they have seen one in roberto clemente he's impressed me as much as any ball player i've ever seen he has been very outspoken all of his career he says what he thinks it's a high fly in the left center calling for it as don buford got it and the many had criticized the playing field here that it's a bad ballpark ask him again today that's what i mean that it is my opinion willie stargell has struck out grounded out struck out oh for three three two pitch change up that one's hit deep to left beaufort going back he's got it down [Applause] al oliver double the right round it out drive to left these pirates continue to hit the ball all over right-handers to right left-handers to left there's a drive in the right center retman moves under it and he gets them out one two three and the oriole fans roars jim palmer comes back into the oriole dugout at the end of seven and a half innings the game is tied two to two [Applause] last of the eighth inning frank robinson leads off for the orioles he struck out lying to right and he popped up the runners on first and third and nobody out on the sixth he'll be followed by retman and brooks robinson [Applause] respect to him on a curveball ball and two striker feeding robinson nothing but breaking stuff today got him in a fastball one away in the last of the eight ferb redmond has grounded the short grounded a second and struck out on the corner for strike two look at weaver [Applause] i'm glad i can't read lift [Applause] one ball two strikes to rettman [Applause] and he strikes out on off speed curve [Applause] robinson and redmond have been stopped cold in the number four and five spot in the baltimore order rick robinson has grounded the first single the right hit into a fourth play one out of three [Applause] ground ball dave cash up and hit his throw he still got him in with it and got a lucky roll up his arm for that one i will have an opportunity to see this see this one again and again i i point to the fact that this young man at second base dave cash does not get rattled he does not hurry himself he takes his time and makes very certain of the play a very cool very professional performance and so at the end of eight complete innings the score is pittsburgh two and baltimore two [Applause] bob robertson leads off for the pirates of the ninth inning against jim palmer we've had a lot of phone calls come into baltimore and telegrams i want to explain something called to chuck thompson earlier said that no team has ever lost the first two games of the series and then won four in a row and he was correct no team has ever lost the first two games and then come back to capture four straight and win the series four times teams foul ball four times in series history a club has won the series four games to three after losing the first two but they haven't done it by winning four straight we want to clarify that there's been a lot of calls and telegrams coming in two and two to bob robertson top of the ninth inning oh the oil fans thought that was frank's ring so did henry weaver's got his cap on he's been a wild man over there in that dugout the last three innings [Music] he doesn't think his club's getting efficient three and two to robertson [Applause] a fourth strikeout the palmer he's walked only one in this game that was in the fifth he got in the groove after the fourth inning manny sang a single fouled out and single palmer now has retired eight in a row [Applause] nothing i won the fan game as usual going for that first fish there they are eddie watt the right-hander and rickard the left-hander [Applause] one ball one strike this game tied two to two top of the ninth and for you baltimore fans the orioles in the last of the ninth have the bottom of the order up hendricks belanger and palmer in the ninth the orioles go for the tiebreaker buford with belanger on first and two out and only a good play by clementi keeps belanger from scoring uh mark come on we can do it this is our part of the game show him how we did it all year so it's up to dave johnson jackie hernandez recovers and that's out number three we're going into extra innings this will be argued by baltimore fans that could have been the ball game [Applause] i'll take a look at the play again buffer tried to obstruct fernandez he accomplished that now the hernandez throw and the johnson slide on an effort to reach and the throw clearly beats johnson and the umpire with a fine call so at the end of a regulation nine innings the score is pittsburgh two and baltimore two in game six uh extra innings pat dobson out of the baltimore bullpen and here is tony kubak well i guess we've talked an awful lot about the pressure of world series playing right next to the sorel dugout it's just a lot of electricity a little bit of buy play of course situated between these two dugouts johnny kibler the home plate umpire he's been getting the heat from both sides any pitches that are close in the strike zone either way are being of course criticized by both managers and dugouts and kibner has just kept us cool has not thrown anybody out of the game yet i don't know how because he's taking a lot of heat and called a great ball game back upstairs all right tony the last after any game in the world series with a fourth game with a 69 series we're now going to the 10th inning this game tied 2-2 and let's see what happens here in the 10th inning chuck thompson well the first thing uh the pirates will bring up a pinch swinger in the purse of vic davaleo davaleo will be the batter against pat dobson who started game four in pittsburgh with five in the third innings and was touched for ten basis walk three struck out four and was charged with three runs and that'll be the first out of the inning for second baseman johnson well the extra inning records of these two clubs are very interesting at baltimore won seven and lost seven extremes the pirates won six and lost six in extra innings and you're on deck hitter rich hebner face it frank robinson running it down and castle holds with a signal now here is hefner as the cash reaches hebner is fly to center pop to short walk and bounce for the shortstop [Applause] dave mcnally throwing in the oreo bullpen and bob miller had been up and warming in the in the pirate program two strike pitch to hebner no i'll throw the first there goes the runner struck him out throw the second [Applause] safe [Applause] well this is the fifth stolen base of the series cash is injured by the way when he went into second you'll see it at the end of this well curveball hendricks up and he injured his hand when he went in there save cash watch his slide now looks like he's injured his left hand his left wrist and they're attending him right now at second base well the pirates have a man in scoring position they have now swiped five bases in this series or just one for the orioles they've been running on henry and flamini is the batter that is exactly the situation here is the great roberto clemente this afternoon he tripled his first time up he homered his second time and then his slide to center and fly to left and i don't think this surprises anybody the olios are going to give him an intentional walk in the series cornetti hitting a resounding 4 40 11 hits in 25 trips and weaver on the phone to the bullpen now there's the intentional walk to clemente and weaver now is out of the dugout he's got mcnally down there pete rickard is just now beginning to toss i'm not certain whether mcnally is ready i guess that's what weaver's phone call was about if he chooses to bring mcnally so far as we can determine i don't believe he's made the sign yet but weaver is going to talk to pat dobson and uh hendricks of course out there brooks robinson tuning in kurt right now watt and rickard are in the bullpen dobson's leaving oh evidently mcnally is coming on [Applause] stargel is for four this afternoon ball one two and one three and one this is mcnally's first release since july 19 of 1969. [Applause] fall for he walks in the bases are loaded with two down mcnally on to get the left-handed swinging stargel loses him on the base on balls and now at the left-hand swinging al oliver well let's watch recklund and centerfield and that's it yeah the time of the 10th inning the pirates no runs one base hit no oriole errors and three are left on at the end of nine and one half hittings the score is pittsburgh two and baltimore two [Applause] the last half of the tenth inning in baltimore as you take a look at managers earl weaver and danny murtagh bob miller has come to the mound for the pittsburgh pirates replacing dave justin who won two and a third two hits a walk three strikeouts and no runs and we also have a new center fielder for the pittsburgh pirates gavileo who opened the pirate half of the tenth inning and lined to the second baseman stays in the ball game and is playing in center field and bob miller his record on the year eight wins and five defeats and his figures in the world series uh this will be his third uh game he has pitched a total of four innings allowing six hits one earned run without a walkie is fan two in his era is 2.25 it will be for baltimore powell rhett month a check that powell frank robinson and then retime well powell has one hit in four trips this afternoon last of the tenth two two times and that powell shift of course in effect again second baseman cash one gone and now hitless this afternoon in four played appearances frank robinson struck out in the second flied to right on the fourth popped to short in the first struck out again in the eighth [Applause] ball one one and one two and one three and one down [Applause] miller now with a tough pitch to make to the likes of frank robinson he missed it all four so with one out the orioles have frank robinson at first base and merv retinmond is the batter rhett unlike frank robinson all for four has struck out twice has grounded the short and a fine play from second baseman cash retired in the fifth winnings thanks this afternoon to alan roth our statistician and jim gorman [Applause] frank is going to go to third ostrow safe now we talk about the many being 37 frank robinson still goes from first to third at his age 35 or 36 years old he just beats this one in he never followed around a second here's the throw by davido beautiful slide by frank robinson i'll watch him all alone never broke stride a mark of a good base runner [Applause] comes on in and puts the winning run on third with one out and the orioles had runners on first and third nobody out of the sixth though after getting a run in and couldn't score and they've had their chances let's see what happens here with rick robinson and brooks robinson has gone out unassisted the first single hit into a force and a fine play by cash again got him in the eighth inning out of play one and one one and two [Applause] one ball two strikes 36 years old he really went to third on that didn't he check you really did now the tough part for baltimore getting the rest of the way the one-two pitch watching frank the third gavileo is under the shallow gabaleo's catch frank is coming here comes the throw he scores and the oreos win and that ball wasn't hit very deep either frank robinson 36 year old leg give the orioles just uphill victory and he went from first to third just made it in here it is now brook robinson gets that ball out of the infield dabilio you'll see is a fairly shallow left center his throw is to the left of home plate and a high bounce of frank robinson goes right under there is in with a winning run the orioles were behind two to nothing areas all alone tagging and the ball was touched by davaleo [Applause] throughout his career robinson's always been an outstanding base runner and today we saw two old pros really do it clementi and frank robinson the final score in 10 innings baltimore three runs nine hits no errors two runs [Applause] now the oreos face bob miller and with one away frank robinson walks threatening up next and he bounces one through and look at frank robinson shift into high gear [Music] [Applause] playing third base number five brooks that puts runners on first and third the infield the outfield drawn in [Applause] the contest now vic davaleo's arm against frank robinson's aging legs the orioles have tied the series up with a grim comeback in what has to be one of the most dramatic world series games of all time frank robinson fills us in on his determined heads-up base running going in the third i'm watching that richie hebner went to the inside to take the throw so i knew i had to slide to the outside and i knew it was going to be close so that's why i went in head first and i believe that's the quickest way for me to get there i'm just thinking now we're on first and third with one out and brooks coming up just know brooks is going to get you home some kind of way the main thing when i was thinking about coming down towards the line is i have to score i got to score and manny saint gene he went up in the air so i knew i had to go between his legs and not around him so it was just a real tough play but i just knew brooks would give me in some kind of way and so it comes down to game seven in a pressure-packed 68th world series now down to tony kubak thank you with me brooks robinson to my left he drove in the winning run his left frank robinson frank with his legs got into third base and scored somehow and i don't know how frank that's one of the most thrilling games i've ever witnessed and that was some kind of base running well thank you tony it was a tremendous game it was a must game for us and we battled all the way we didn't hit the way we should have hit today like we've had in the last three games we haven't hit but we kept battling and jimmy palmer did a great job he held him right there with two runs and gave us a chance to win the ball game brooks you know they talk about momentum and it seems like you haven't been able to snatch the momentum out of the hands of that pittsburgh ball club until maybe right now well that's right we had to do something and really uh palmer pitched you know it was really uh he just pitched great you know and that's uh just about the whole story and uh i'm just happy we're going to the seventh game now tony i'm glad we played a little better we've been playing too so that makes everybody feel better frank i saw when you got that in the third base after rounding second and beating that davalillo throw that you looked like you may have had a little twinge in your left leg did you pull something i'm going to tell us a slight pull in the back of my muscle and the thigh and i don't think it'll be too serious all i know is seriously not i'll be out there tomorrow it's no doubt about it okay tomorrow we've got mike cuellar steve blass what about steve blass you saw him one time he was very effective that's right tony he's got the best stuff of on their pitching staff and uh so he's got the best stuff we've seen this series and i'm sure he'll be ready to go he he was their best pitcher going down the stretch he got roughed up a little in the playoffs but he pitched a great game against us and we know we'll have our hands full and i'd like to say something about mike mike cuellar we've uh every time we seem to be struggling along even during the season and here comes cuellar to do the job and i'm sure that he's going to be equal to the task frank you know during the course of this ball game some games some strange things happened the ball bounced over belanger's head and a couple of bad hops a bad hop too of course their short stop hernandez but he got the ball and still threw the base runner out and it seemed like things just weren't ever going to turn back in your direction well it seemed that way tony but is this with this ball club we didn't give up we didn't complain we didn't drop our heads when those things happen we just kept battling and kept battling we knew that our pitchers would try to hold them right there and we figured we'd score some runs and win the ball game but as i said we didn't drop over here that's just part of the game he made the play and it was a tremendous play by jackie you know brooksy i don't think i've ever been as emotionally spent and i just sat there watching the ball game you know there's an awful lot of pressure in world series playing it's talked about an awful lot but today i thought there was a pretty courageous effort on a guy that wasn't even a player johnny kibbler who got heat from your dugout when he caught the other way he got heat from the other dugout he was under extreme pressure i thought he caught a pretty darn good ball game under the circumstances yeah i think i think so too tony i mean you know it's uh when everything kind of builds up you know and everybody's kind of hollering back and forth and like i said he really kept he's cool and i thought he did a great job too frank you said before the ballgame a little interview we had it's going to go to lamar it is and i'm sure you're just feeling great shape mentally right now after having the thing swinging your direction well that's no doubt about it tony we feel great we wish we could wrap this thing up sooner but with two great ball club like i was in pittsburgh i think this has does it the series justice for both ball club to go into the seventh game 3-3 frank robinson brooks robinson thank you so much good luck tomorrow in the seventh game of the world series back upstairs yes sir it's cuellar against blast tomorrow and now tomorrow we'll uh close it off chuck and it's been a home park world series so far and it's my understanding kurt that no team has ever won four in their home ball park and the orioles have the opportunity to do that tomorrow as frank robinson told me before the ball game today said hey kid don't make any plans for sunday right so at the final score again ten innings three to two baltimore wins it and we'll be seeing you all tomorrow
Channel: joeydbball
Views: 602
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 5kAmyWmPiRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 33sec (5133 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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