1965 Ford, Hand Forming The Last Repair Panels

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hey guys and how's it going we are returning to a long lost project that's been a backdrop in my garage for I think going on several years now anyway it is a 1965 Econoline pickup truck that is I think it's called a super spring special which is the five window cab and the Chrome going down the side and all anyway uh we've gone through it there's a bunch of videos of bringing it back to life getting it running and going through the drivetrain all that kind of stuff that's all been done and then we jumped over to metal work metal work has been done all the way around made a bunch of panels for it on this side the back end the bed on the inside's been done the other side I'll show you later the other side's all been done everything except for that section right there so I figur we can go hop on that if we can get that done uh I have a gas tank a new one that has to get modified to fit uh inside this truck and we get the radiator in it we do a bunch of stuff and it'll actually be drivable you know of course pain and body work but uh let's try and get that last piece of metal work done so that we can kind of keep moving forward on this and I actually possibly free up that lift so let's go take a peek of what we got and go on for there although at first glance the section may look fairly decent it is pretty much paper thin you can uh do that so there's not much left to it the other side I've already replaced and like I said I've done most of it all the way around but that is just more of a shell than an actual piece of metal so we're going to try to build that I did it once before uh a couple years ago so I don't remember how we did it so it's probably going to be new to all of us again plus you know the front looks halfway decent but the uh what's behind it there's like a drop that goes down behind that's all gone too maybe we'll get that tire out of our way and you can see we need to you know rebuild some of that lip let's get that tire off of there yeah on a creeper I'm going to go check it out and you can definitely see that there's pretty much nothing left of the box that's supposed to be down below here and the other side was the same way I don't know if you get over there take a look you can see the other side's been rebuilt little back light on you there but some of it's galvanized you can see like the galvy that's up inside there and then some of it steel you could definitely see what's held up better in the long run so I think we're going to start with making uh paper doll of the outer skin cuz I kind of want to form that while it's there I don't want to cut all that out of the way and then try to you know figure out what was there I think I remember on the other side I screwed up over here on the curve I think we we end up me turn that light off blind in here I think we ended up coming more straight down now and over because when I rebuilt the Box in this corner here I came more down straight with with it instead of doing what I should have done so we'll just match it look like the other make it match and look like the other side let's go grab some paper and uh make ourself a cad drawing real quick let's just go pick at it make sure there's nothing else that's on its way out got to keep that in mind too I'll be on a separate piece so I think we we'll build up to here that may blow out more or not or we may just try to make a piece that's like that big and we come around the corner that's getting ahead of oursel though I went to go look for a piece of cardboard wherever it went and I found the piece from from the other side I don't know if we can use I think this might be a mirror image of what we need that be the case or no do we just fold everything over the other direction cheating I didn't look I should have probably looked at the last video that we did but let's go see what I come up with this time compared to the first time I did it that was the pattern that I went for that feels actually pretty good sizewise all right let's go take that and draw it on a piece of metal hunk of metal going to fit awesome let's go give that a trace is there a line that we can that top Edge there will kind of steal that right up got it let's go over to B saw and cut that [Music] out how of it shows up this has a compound curve see how this fits first pretty good this can get trimmed a little bit more um this has a compound curve going this way and this way before we put this bend on it let's see if we can kind of curve this a little bit um I don't know if you want want to try maybe the roller I'm going to go clean the surface up a little bit too get some of the rust off of it but uh let's see if we can put a little bit of a belly on I think last time we did it in a slip roller we kind of like just shoved it in and G gave it like a Bend first let's go play around a little bit you should probably Mark what it is so this is this is like a that so this is the front inside and we need so we have to go fold that lip over the top if we're going to use it we're not going to bend it yet but I kind of want to mark it let's go with something like that I'll try to put the Sharpie each time on the side where the bend go so we can kind of remember it a lot of times I make the opposite of what I want to go make okay so we need to make it curve like this and I'm looking at the pain right now looks like most of it is down in this area so let's see if we can try to make a a bit of a roll on it I still don't know if it'd be better off I think last time we sto put it in a slip roller I'll show you what a slip roller is so that's what a slip roller is you got a crank got three rollers uh you could adjust two of them and by putting metal through it it puts a curve on it uh I'm going to go Mark where most of the bend was just kind of give us a a ballpark where we need to be yeah cuz most of it's like right here so let's go pull it back some we'll say from there let's go to the other side see we start it nice straight line let's go with something like that go start from there and of course wherever it goes around so let's go draw a line across here I'm going to double check that front one one last time it feels about right about the same as the other one we'll draw a straight line across that we'll try to make a bit of a maybe a Bend first on the slip roller take a look at it again you can actually see the bottom although it rolls it it tapers up on the front and and in the back pretty straight till about I don't know right about here but I drew those two straight lines that one straight line going across and I just kind of eyeballed it give ourself an idea that we do want to kind of favor after we roll it maybe to try to get a little bit more of a belly in there let's see how that works out so this is the inside we want to curved in so I'd say got to kick it a little more that that Line's pretty straight just go give her a little little pull up on kind get started you know pretty I'm pretty sure eventually it goes to like a u let's go move it a little we make like a a 90 on it let's go back the other way kind of so we don't have like a a dent eyeball that let's see if we can um like I said we got that's a straight line we got to try to I figure out how to make it do a little bit more of a curve let's go a little bit more and maybe we'll try to get it in the roller you could always undo it let's go bring it over back over by the truck see if we on the the right path anyway let's go see how we're doing right so it's going to be that lip f it down and we are we lift up on it we're actually like right there I got lucky it's kind of like right on the curve all right let's leave that bend alone and see uh let's go see I think the front probably going to have to roll more than anything let's go line that back up yeah we got a big gap in the front there see to remember it's all coming back to me I'll show you get you in there let's go get that up into place and the Gap that is left right there got a bit of light on it yeah see all that Gap we got to get rid of grab some pliers there we go this is all touching up in here and then we lose it in this area we got to close all the this Gap up that's that's the curve that we need to try to work out uh I'm going to should probably mark it of course I have my marker on me it's where it's good when you have you just thr like 10 markers on the floor because you're going to keep losing them so it stops touching right about there if you can see inside that Gap I'm going to guesstimate that line I'm going to say right there is all the area that we have to kind of taper and shrink down to fit that corner jumped over the other side same thing too you can see where that kind of opens up and tapers and it goes back to touching right about there so we just kind of know that these are our areas that we need to kind of work with to curl inward so this is a harbor freight English wheel kit and it may look like I should know what I'm doing but I don't so we're just going to kind of wing it and make things we're going to educate ourselves as we go along I believe we need to kind of drop that down we're going to get that roller out of there think I want something that can make a much sharper turn than this can and what they have is a little setup over here let's just go for the Gusto I think this one's got the most curve on it so take that one you would think to give you one more place so you don't have to set the thing on the floor when you you're not using it I'm going to go clean some of the crap up of that first and we'll put that on there I think our best beted just kind of hit with Scotch right I don't want to you know impregnate it with any dirt and I already hit the uh other wheel this one's already cleaned up snug Precision it's not sitting down on the Cradle on the other side all the way grab a rubber Hammer we'll tap it in yeah you can see it that side's not sitting in all the way so try and Center it a little and I think we're good now like I said Harbor crate so I want to try to roll that edge after that this cam is really doing we'll leave it in the down position let's just see if we get any response out of this it's kind of weird because it goes the opposite way which you think if you want to try to steer it you got kind of walk it walk it back to where you want it's definitely opposite of what you think you should be doing get it over there I want to go like that like that can we roll it I get in there it's going be kind of tight plus not popping off the end of it you know let's go see if this has accomplished anything for us I think we kind of we got a decent curve on it you know it is tapering in we got a bubble right there but well defitely going in the right direction see it curling up looks like we got to do that upper section too though try to roll it in from probably right here start giving this some curve to it too I think we can keep trying to do that but I think we just have too much metal in this area that we're trying to work with let's work on shrinking some of this up kind of bunch it up together a little bit and then we'll do more with trying to curve it I think we try to bend this down this is just going to pop up on us so we got to try to you know worst case we could always slice it and you know weld it back together but let's see if it'll uh play well with us it's called a shrinker stretcher shrinking on that side stretching on the other it's got a pedal down below you push on it this little Jaws you it squeezed together I kind of give you a a demo what it does essentially this one gives me a smiley face think of it that way so if you go to hit it and you stomp on them a couple times it'll take metal it kind of squishes it together and allows it to go do that so let's go do the problem is we got a curve on that too and that again wants to make things flat let's just go see if we can have any effect on trying to curl some of this metal out of here it's going to uncurl it that's okay [Music] I do have what's called a a deep jaw setup that allow you to get back in here but that definitely looks like it kind of started rolling it the direction we wanted I'm going to go throw it I'm going to go back to the um English wheel and see if I can kind of put more of a curve on that again you can get in there it's really supposed to be working with the pressure but I'm kind of bending down on it watch your fingers too just trying to make us get that roll to the edge of it let's go see if that's starting to follow it in the right direction actually going to work a little bit more the other this way and we want to go like that that get it over we go throw the shrinker on where we're getting these little lumps right here let's go try to shrink this up a little bit it's like playing a dance let it's definitely got a decent curve to got a bit of a lump to it right now here too but we can work that back out I think we're getting to the point where we should probably throw that Top Bend on there kind of overshot it but I need to be able to try to make this this Edge this platform hold its straightness let's go put this bend on it now stiffing it up nothing like the right tool for the right job right going to eyeball that line give that a the right way yes it is that should help keep that panel from rolling now too that's a lip that goes up inside the door then we kind of fudge start working on this a little bit more let's go see how it looks now yeah I kind of you know now we can kind of claim everything's place where it goes look like we are decent we haven't done anything with this side yet so we still have to make that one make the curl in how's the front looking there you go that's actually looking pretty good huh fold it right along a little fudging but again we can even just kind of work with a hammer even where it is right now just kind of tap on a little bit get a little bit more of that curve but I would definitely say that is following the line that we need it to let's go work on tweaking that backside a little we stop it so we want to we could probably I wonder if we could trim some of this off so we can get in there to shrink it should we or should we not trying to so we got to make it roll like this and we got to do the same thing get rid of some metal but I think we have so much metal there what did we do last time I think we cuz the lip was gone I don't think we ended up using any of this I think we kind of just sliced down on it and so let's do that let's go we'll leave ourself proud like maybe a quar inch or so and when we're done we we'll build a new lip we we'll weld the corner on it instead of trying to like fold this over I think we're just uh going to be beating our head against the wall trying to uh maintain that actually H let's go look at the other side real quick we didn't do that as sharp of a curve yeah there's the other side so we kind of just followed that line down the same angle was on let's go try maybe drawing that in something like that I wonder if I shouldn't make a template template we'll transfer it to the other so I get an idea you know this side's wrong but if we make them both the same nobody don't know let's go cheat take a peek what we got going on trying to recreate that let's see if we just kind of draw what we think where we think it goes I'm G say something like I don't know about the curve on the bottom just kind of wing it so let's just say that's our imaginary line let's trim off some of that we'll we'll leave like a quarter inch Gap give us some you know because as it moves around if we Bend this corner in this Dimension is going to get shorter like this line if we bend it it's going to go in further so I don't want to Short Change us any I'm going to uh eyeball the other side real quick make sure that we are kind of following the same rules but I think that's got it so we're going to going do a dotted line let's go do a let's get rid of like that much in the metal that'll allow us to try to be able to shrink some of this [Music] [Music] right so we want to shrink some of this up right so this is the the top side and this is the piece that's under I did hit that on a um flapper this just to take the edge of the metal off can we uh flip it over going deep and can we if I didn't have that lip there we could probably even go I could probably get rid of that lip right we go hammer that out and we can um maybe shrink it just a little bit going this way too too much they really they really kinked it tap some of that back out I went a little too heavy he we got her back on there front stayed the same a little bit of a lump right here I don't if that's going to matter to us I think we can uh draw that up to the piece that's down below and on the back we still have a decent Gap that's there I think I kind of curved it more think I curved it more this way than this way so we need to concentrate getting a little bit more of a roll like this I'm going to go back and forth do my best you know tweaking it in instead bring you back and forth with me and I would get a little bit more dialed in I think we're pretty close but yeah we just need to kind of curve this piece we'll concentrate and try and roll it like this not so much like that I think this is supposed to be actually be a little bit more straight down and then making the curve right from the front side I spend maybe another 10 minutes on it kind of put more of a curve on this one too just to kind of match as a bit of a bow to the door so that line looks decent following it and then on the the back crack I think we're forming pretty good on that like so we haven't you know finalized any of that yet so let's get that out of there I'm happy with that panel it pretty much even without the clamps is is following it again we got a little bit of a belly right here but may just leave that maybe just the way it's supposed to be yeah sure let's get out of the way let's go cut this outer skin off and we'll start working on the innards I threw like a bunch of markers on the floor so as I lose them let's cut we'll we'll leave some this is actually pretty solid right [Music] here let's go leave a good inch or so on the front of that for now even go a little more let's go cut back say this much and get rid of that I'll get a better view what's going on on the inside try keep whatever a little crustiness we have left there for an idea what our pattern is not much huh he so there's a what's supposed to be a box underneath here come down from here went across down and back to the panel that we made so it's basically a c channel with an angle going back up it looks like that's why I don't like the trash stuff this piece is kind of still there we maybe use that for measurements just that end right there that's those four points I figur maybe on this last one we'll just kind of measure up how far to we think we get the good M Metal maybe we'll go uh we'll go like a/ inch from whatever that top surfac is I think by the time we hit there it looks pretty decent going all the way around so let's go to uh draw that out maybe on a piece of metal and we'll do some bending so unfortunately the old pattern for what we ever did the last time isn't around so let's go it's got to bit of a curve to it too let's give it a length first and then we'll go a little bit longer so that is 11 let's go let's make it like 13 like that and then so we got to which one's going to be the first band it's going to be this lip going up which I think we can call it whatever we want let's go call it like 3/4 is that actually going to be the inside of the panel that we just made right this is no this is the inside of the panel we just made so we want this is going to be the piece that goes all the way up on the wall that real tall section let go measure that real quick let's call that 2 and A2 yeah again i' rather overshoot it than undershoot it so two and a half on our first line which is going to be this wall then we got whatever the width of that is you're going to call that another two and a half yeah another two and a half I got enough metal double check that other one from the bottom go five from the bottom sometimes you go from the other line you start losing it and then the so the last two bins are going to be that which looks like an inch so we'll go to six you got to transfer these the both sides too and six are we just going to go with what's left over for the last part right so we got the wall That's the wall that's the part going across that's that part and then we need whatever comes back the last little bit we'll just leave that last little bit there may see what it is it is it's 3/4 so let's just go mark it but we may leave it long it might it might get in our way though so that's 3/4 so I'm going to draw some straight lines going across them like I said think we got to some of them have to get transferred to the other side I'm going cuz I there's a good chance I will bend them the opposite what they're supposed to be I've been known to do it before I should have sanded this before she got the rust off before oh well I'll do it on the other side well because I know me I decided to make a uh a test patch and just kind of see if that follows everything we did I think so this looks a little long I don't know if that'll be an issue for us and this piece is the extra normally we would have we would have cut that off right there but we're going to go leave that alone for now I don't see an issue way that gaps a little on the tall side just a hair all right let's go bend it up it's only metal what's nice is I got this little guy to kind of copy off of just to remind me what we're doing so that's going to be our first Bend and the second one I think we have to flip it over right it has to get bent up get a here on that side and then these are going to get tight but I think we should be able to so we got that that so now we got to do this Bend think we said that one was a little tall I'm going to go favor the line inward just a hair get that one as much as we can I think that's it right yeah we just got to uh Flex it back a little at that last one you give me in handle that one all right let's go back to the back to the truck well I think we got towards the rear it looks pretty good far as what the profile was and drop in just the hair so I think that was pretty good what we got what happens is when we go to the front this Dimension is too fat I don't think it's going to mess this up at all I'll show you you can see on that front side there so that would be like that you can see how much further out it is than what was there um could always cut a pie out of it right and kind of sister it slip it in or can we run that panel on the back there maybe we'll leave it alone let's trim up might be able to too we might be able just to do something like yeah who's going to know if we just kind of do something like that a little bit take up a little bit of room right let's um I'm going to go do some trim I'm going to go clean some of this stuff up we'll get some of this crap out of our way and uh that we be able to start piecing some parts up in there I'm also going to go tap with a hammer knock some of this crappy Rusty crap out to that's what the drain holes are supposed to look like that right there but they get clogged up and they get taken out I think it was you can still see the remnants of what was on there yeah so there's the drain hole right there but you know of course all the rust is falling out of here but it just gets packed up a crap behind them and stuff just sits right in here causes to blow out a lot of times like we did the frame rail remember a long time ago we blew out took out a mouse Nest down the length of the frame rail the same reason just stayed the The Nest stays in there and then uh it gets wet and just stays wet it's got mouse piss and everything on it it just rots them apart so that front angle is off that much I think what I'm going to do is just we'll cut it and weld it back together to give us that that taper that we're looking for i' say we're going to go something like we don't have to go all the way to the other end but I would like to try to make it somewhat maybe we'll throw a little bit of a curve in there let's go slice that out of it and then we can kind of Bend this together let's kind of do this one like a let's do it gradual though let's see if we can kind of you know what I mean no you don't not by that line sh so that's cut out of there and I got the vice pressing the two sections together figure out weld it from the inside then we can grind the outside edge I'm sometimes it's easier to try to feed wire in between here then try to be on a seam on the other side for me anyway see if that holds true put a tack on the end of it [Music] give it a second I got it one hole in the center there travel speed was a little too slow all right now we can take that side we'll just hit it with a grinder and clean it off it should go to a a decent [Music] Edge like it never happened and we're up underneath do some cleaning up got rid of all the undercoating and crap that was on there this one's just uh plied in place this kind of worked out good as far as us you know shortening up on this or else it really would have tried to push that this too far out I ran it all the way up we we could drop it down a little but I see um I think this pan we just have to roll a little more close that Gap up we could pull this lip down too if we want you know we can this thing has some Flex to it so if we can take this one and pull down on it and close that Gap up I think I want to uh work on rolling this just a little more to get it to naturally meat up cuz I do think it needs we could just grab it too and you know clamp it but I want to see if we can get some of the natural roll out of it but that right there before it was more like like a I said it was more like that that the bend was more of a 90 and we don't have that yet just you we can kind of influence it a little bit up there oh I got too much nether kind of want to keep this roll in the straight line aesthetic so your eyeball look actually pretty good little caved in right there try it again much better just a little more right here there we got to get rid of that mouth that's in there again we could probably even just Clan it together but I like to try to have it like an unsprung that did a a good number on it I would say like when we go back if you if you're looking at this from that angle it's it's probably like that right now you this is going downhill and this is straight I can actually feel the Gap we could probably just do some squishing on it once we got stuff a little bit more get this one [Music] handed I think we could just kind of do some squishing on it and those two seams will line up then we're going to do a one last cut after I don't care where these two lips end up this way we're going to you know cut it back so there's like / inch or 3/4 when we're done so there's extra definitely on that we kind of want more the the back of the seam touching than we do whatever this front is go tweak on that just a little more this feels good all through here seems like it's fairly decent yeah just a little bit of persuasion got it into where we kind of need I actually brought it back on the uh breake and I didn't use the I didn't bend the brake but I just like collapsed down on this Edge and pulled up on it and that kind of give me more of a flat surface going across took some of the bow that was in it out of it and now we got it you see it up in there that's decent kind of pretty much what it would have been like like this line looks decent all the way across we got a good uh contact in the front I a reveal on the door looks pretty good definitely workable so I think I'm going to I am going to see well I'm not going to B well I'm not I'm not going to carve it out to the exact exerise and do all that I am going to trim this back more of a straight line and I'm going to run around the Sharpie just Mark where all that goes and then I'm going to go clean it up with a flapper disc get all the paint and crap out of the way I'll probably weld up the inside one and I may leave the outside one off until we make some other patch panels so we just have access to the holes the front I'm going to leave open for the obvious reason trying to keep the crap out of it but this is again the front this is the the back where the front tire throws crap at it it sits in there so I would like to seal this off because as this wheel is spinning it throws you know junk on there and causes that issue so I would like to seal that up much better than that gaping hole and we could do that with that panel off all right let's get rid of that I'm going to go Mark some lines clean some stuff up and do some triming here and there to kind of get ourselves more in the window where we want to weld [Music] [Music] well that's all lined up pretty good I trimmed back a bunch of places just so there's you know maybe half inch at the most overlap where we're going to weld but I want to deal with this whatever we got going on let's go slice it back I don't know we could always make it larger if we want but let's go something like that and when you cut through you can kind of tell how much Metal's left to weld to by how the cutting wheel just if it falls through the hole or not for now let's just go cut back some something like that this lip is already gone anyway so um yeah this I think there's a frame back inside here so that's this is probably like where the spot welds were or the spot welds are right here and where the crap fell down it it blew that out let's go open that little baby nightmare up for well I say we make a panel patch this one we're going to butt weld in uh I believe we make a patch of this size and we just let it hang proud over this Edge like like this you until we're ready to go scribe that line down and grind it we'll just let all that stuff hang past that and again we're going to do a new lip probably from here all the way down to the bottom once we're done we'll weld that in but for now let's concentrate on this fig it'd be easier you know this isn't in our way we could take this right off if we need to yeah let's go for that I'm going to trim some of this back on the back side because I think we're going to make a you still have to make a panel that covers the front of that hole yet I'm going to go take a let's go take a piece of uh cardboard and we'll lay it over the top of that see if we can get yourself a pattern about let's give ourself a a reference right there I'm just going to go dirty hand it stop it I'm just going to make a mark every place cut that out we'll lay that down on a piece of metal now we'll cut that out there's our pattern and we got to do some you know some rolling to get that lifp in there and all but let's go start with that let's go carve that one out at least I cleaned the metal ahead of time we'll call that a straight edge and I'm probably like cut to the outside of the mark and we'll like sneak up on it we'll grind up on it and let's go cut that out [Music] thing that's funky is we got that seam that kind of goes through there CU see what our gaps look like we should be a little tall all the way around which we are I want to um make that bend first before we sneak up on it so let's go call the bottom on the money and we want to have a Bend we're can go from that to nothing and from that really to nothing so we want most of a Bend up here to make that curve and then down to nothing probably be able to do that in a vice that's see what we can do all right so I'm going to want that one should be the lower one so we're going to want that to go from a deep end to nothing so we got to kind of lean it we want something like but nothing on this end and then on this one kind of want to do the same so we want it say it's probably more than enough let me straighten it back out and so that'd be the top going than nothing I think I get a little bit more graceful bend on it I'm going to work on that one a little bit more I know this needs to be flat so I'll stand it straight up better let's go look at the car and see what it thinks we're doing all right let's what are we doing we are that right which isn't bad the width is right the angle looks pretty good it's kind a little stuffed in right here I might be able to hammer that got get rid of that little tit that's on there it seems pretty good I might be able to go a little I got I got to make a little bit of a curve on it this way too I'm probably just going to do that with a soft hammer on the vice just got to give it a little bit of a roll look at that bit of a snazy hammer look like it's what it's supposed to be used for go give just a little bit of a curve to it I think that should do it now we can find fine tune it with a flappy disc all right where are we got to knock off about a 16th across the top let's go to mark that with a sharpie I threw like 10 of them on the floor still can't find so we're going to mark that here we go actually fitting here but we need to take down about that much inside that line I'd say yeah inside down line not quite that line we just use that for judgment a little hair off of that [Music] open this up right here so that piece can hang right out of [Music] it need to make the top of this dent a little more a little more curve on that we might be able to fit that in while we're welding it too it's too tight yeah I need more of a Bend right there I have it pretty good but I'm going what I'm going to do is I'm going to put a tack tack tack with these three are fairly level and then I'll pull out on it get aack you know do my best to line these lines up it does line up but to try to get it to sit there statically is uh a bit of an issue so I think it's there I think I think everything kind of goes into its correct location we do that so let's get a couple tacks on that one probably just tap it in [Music] I'm going go take my time and do bunch of tack tack that in all the way around it we'll kind of grind it flat see how it looks and yeah after got all that welded up feels pretty good the line going down feels like it's fine I should have come up a little higher because when I started to go weld this across holes started appearing up here so I had to do the old you know wire feed Chase kind of fill them fill them fill them and the same thing with right there oh well live and learn it wouldn't have been much of a difference to make yeah the patch just come up a little higher I think maybe now let's get that bottom piece off I think holding it is there is there more holding it yes there is there's that and I actually think we can kind of weld that one up inside there I'm GNA weld it from here there's a a cleaner metal on the inside to go work with and I'll buzz it around I'll attach the front of it right there and then um still undecided whether we should build this corner and then put this cap on or not but there's nothing holding us on that one so let me get that one welded up and we'll move on from there got to speed things up a little well if you can see we got that welded going across probably show you about it later let's go work on closing this ass end at least trying to make a paper doll that's somewhere close to it so we'll just start laying some stuff out and grab some scissors where's my skizzers we just maybe work on this part of it first let Whittle down to what something let's go with like get rid of some of the meat I think we we'll do a little patch for that corner by itself I don't think we're going to try making that but let's go make kind of wants to Mark itself huh let's go with that the end of it yeah let's go with a piece like that is that right should probably make it turn it if I just make it tall to go grab that can we start over and we'll make it let's cut a piece out I how far up I want to chase that let's do that and I'll add another inch and a half I'll make a square off from there we'll get it to the width of it and then we'll try to chase this coping part that was smooth wasn't it I cut one out get up in there very level with the base of it so we want to fold I want to try to contact that going across so we should kind of try to get a bend on it something like that maybe even a little higher and then I could shift it down so I'm going to bend this like that I'm going to try to put a a z in it so we want this in out top let's see if we can kick that we going to want think we said that's the one that we wanted do something like that flip it around I think we need the opposite Bend we need this to be in which is correct we need a step let's go with right about there do my best work guessing make that so it's flat to the surface let's go see if that did anything for us least it went the right way actually is pretty good I got to get a Twist on it like that I'm flat on that lower section we could actually Hammer this and roll this a little too up far enough to cover that rust yes we are we are all the way up to we're up to like right here yeah that's how far up we're reaching um let's go give ourself a a witness spk let's go put there's a line behind it just going to use that for remembering where I was let's go is there way we can clamp that I don't think so huh might be able to get little vice grips right here there you go let's go grab our outer scheme whever that ended up qu driving over it kick you a little that way you're attached to the brake drum so you got a bit of a roll to you you're adjustable as long as you don't knot out on me all right so we want be able to get that up in there I think I'm just going to go and Chase it by [Music] whittling get the top lock on all right so that's where that goes I wonder if I can just kind of start with something like that and I'll keep picking away out I'll keep back and forth and put another Mark here so I know where I was and I'm going to keep nibbling away on this so it can kind of match that curve that's in there I first grind so closer you oh I can't see actually looks pretty good I wonder if I can is like this would have to kind of crush over more get level with the piece in the back trying to think possibly if I raised it up a here you know do it got room to go up cuz it I have to be flush with that guy all right so I think I can do that I'm going to keep tweaking on that until I can get all three of those pieces to play well together think I'm actually pretty close though look like I need to take a little bit more out of the the belly of it right there to match the curve of the tin that we got so we want to nibble some of that off and the only thing that's kind of clamped is this one at that base piece where it should be and that's looking pretty good I ended up kind of rotating it a little which made the bend on an angle but that's right we're not going to see it what I'll do is I'll slice this corner so that that top piece can fold in and marry that but right now we're against the end of that channel that's on the other side so I'll probably get a couple attacks on there to hold this piece in place then get this removed and I can you know form that top seam to better play well together it's pretty close so there I should be able to push on on this just to hair the get that welded together and all that's folded and bent and ground and fit into place quite sure what our Gap is right there how we looking looks pretty good we should about to weld that see that black line there that is the center of the base of it so let's kind of make yourself a mark there and our stopping point will be here we have to drill some holes in this to make it where's our line on this one I want to say it's right there so we could draw a straight line across that we could drill a bunch of holes in it so that we can plug W these two bottom halfs together see other issues plus when we're done we may I probably just going to take a whz wheel we'll make another straight line maybe about right here we cut all this back once these two are welded together I that's all right anything else look good I think we wait on welding the inside of this until we cut this just be a little bit easier to access let's go take care put an outer skin on there that's what we got again I just welded it from the inside couple on the outside there I just ended up hammering that corner together to close it up should be fine it's the seam sealers for right not I really care all that much but from a factory uh a lot of panels are plug welded together when you look underneath you kind of see those eyeball that and a way to duplicate it is you do it with a welder you drill holes and you fill the weld in it's called a plug Weld and just kind of gives that same look so let just kind of we'll drill holes like every know inch and that's where we're going to plug the two pieces together and the upper doesn't the the upper panel you leave alone that's what you're welding to and I don't know how far we go up here yeah we'll leave it like that I'm going to go drill them out about maybe three Ace holes I do have a hole punch handheld hole punch and kind of makes a cleaner hole than a drill does I don't know if it'll work for this gauge though let's go find out yep so and it's got a back gauge on it kind of stops it the same height that you set it at but you know if this is uneven it's not going to be any good we should be decent going across the other ones with just eyeball it's not that particular you got to figure a spot weld is you know they're don't always in a straight line either they're kind of dance around a little bit especially old stuff new stuff not so much but old stuff and on this one we'll just pull back a little actually was that it where was the last one this is the front yeah so we're good for one more there makes quick work the other part that's good too is lot of time when you drill on the back you'll have a big Burr that's left behind and when you try clamping the two pieces of metal together it doesn't want to lay flat so you have to go back and grind it that leaves a nice clean little setup all right let's go glue this one on with well with the welder well hopefully I don't give you a welder Flash and or get a little shot in your eyeball the plug Wells are usually like these I'll start in the center and I do a circle outward something like that sure what you could see from your angle but missed that one [Music] thank you main idea is just try to keep it moving you stop at one spot you are going to melt through plus I'm using 035 wire which is like the largest that you would use on a homeowner titig welder I really should be running like a um a 30 or even less like a one's 23 that's under it cuz you can only turn it down so much with the thicker [Music] wire and the idea is when you're done you hit that with a flapper just you knock it down some but it kind of looks like a factory spot Wells that run it I missed that one a little bit and that one a little bit I got to go back and give him a better shot I got it that one's got a crater in it I'll just go with the flapper disc like so I'll start knocking them down and then eventually again that's just supposed to mimic a uh Factory spot weld kind of like I don't know if there's one we can see anywhere on here right now like kind of cruddy but you can see some on the frame right there those are heavier ones this is heavier metal but that's all smoothed out let's um trim back that edge now with a cutting wheel this to kind of clean it up like right this was all the just the excess metal that we let it go wherever it wanted to go so we draw a straight line from the front to the back something like that maybe I'll get a little bit more let's be a little bit more zealous let's go with that one I'll just hit it with a cutting wheel and uh that'll cut both of them at the same time we just give us a nice straight finished line on [Music] [Music] it I think we can uh work on that lip now let's work on let's work on we'll put a piece of tape here we'll figure out where the line is that we want to come down and we can trim all this stuff off and then we'll build that last piece which which is going to be this Edge going down and around see going to do it with tape as our guideline I think the other side want to say we maybe just marked it with a sharpie and eyeballed it let's see if we can start trying to follow the curve is naturally there let's go that for now I think I am in a little too far probably why I went with the Sharpie the first time can't get the bend with this tape you know step back from that and look at it and then of course the bottom we got a curve more going in but yeah right where the uh right where that top hatch is it's kind of wacky let's um take a peek at the other side here's the side that we already did looks like the bottom we kind of bottom two inches maybe it starts to roll starts to roll right about there maybe inch and a half so maybe um I think I have to come a little bit more straight down I think like I'm way off right here that's the original right there and you can see how far I'm out past it so I'm going to redo it I'm going to try to favor this line out about that much and down yeah looks better I kind of want right to those marks there and there so let's go trim that back with a wiiz wheel we'll cut these off I'll probably give it a I give it a hair more reveal rather have it a little extra that we can grind back to and then we'll make a a pattern for the the side of you know I think we have to go up a little bit too right yeah we got to get rid of some of this hamburger that's up here oh w oh definitely has it pinched in right there huh should have been more more straight that's a bond those for let's go cut some of this crap out I show that lip goes in and back and it's almost supposed to be straight up and down see if we can do a little love tapping to bring that out that's more like it more of a straight line I think this this piece just got bent in over time when I were messing with it I actually I was gonna weld this to the seam and weld this to a seam I end up Bridging the whole gap which probably introduced a bunch of heat let's get that little bubble out right there that's better all right I'm going to go trim some of this off right here I don't know when we what's our breaking point you know end up doing the whole wheel well if you like careful but let's grab a shaie don't know if I want to get into going all the way up there we can do that on a separate one to because once the piece gets so big let me lift you up there you go so this is a little Punky right here but let's try cutting it right here for now and down let's slice this de bris out of the way and maybe we'll go with this maybe we won't at some point you're going to start chasing the whole wheel well all the way around you know too much light for you camera doesn't want to adjust all the time correctly yes I'm going to go slice that out and then we'll make ourself uh a tracing of this big letter J right here and we'll put that on some metal and we'll carve it out probably extra you know we'll make it whatever this much thick we can get some TS probably from either side and then we'll we'll grind it to where the ts are and then do a final weld I'm getting ahead of myself though I got to go weld that up first that was the whole idea wasn't it you able to have access to that while it's uh available and we take care of it I think we could use the pattern that we had before right so we're not going be using that anymore see if we can make ourselves a a rough idea what we need here we go there's our there's our letter J we're going to go cut that out we'll lay on a piece of metal and like I said I'm going to go fatter all the way around then we'll be able to put TS on it and then grind grind to the tack I find a better way to get a straight line and the letter J oversized and again like I said I got a clamp there I'm just going to hold it against air and we're going to get some TS on it got to shift it up you want need that room prob do something like that get all the taxs on it and then we'll grind it to the tax and weld it on the outside you got enough to make the corner down there yeah that's pretty good Weir it is let's get a couple more on it rid of that looks decent let's go grab the grinder and get that flush think I got to go with a heavier wheel I think this is a what's on here 120 yeah let me go see if I got like a 40 or something take forever to knock that down let's see if we can uh make a reveal line it's going to be a little warm let's go right from where that edge is there you [Music] suck roughly like that we'll cut it with the cutting wheel and then we'll use the flapper disc to to kind of even it out and make it more of a spacer I did screw up right here it's still in a little too far but a little bit of filler should take care of that I'm talking about that Gap right there it's not much though but I could have fixed it when I had the chance I suck I never R drawn that line I didn't like it did it with a scribe and then kind of put dots on it we're fairly close I'm going to go tune that a little bit better know I kind of left it long I might be able to actually tap that right to that wall I where the hammer ended up let's go with a vice grip hammer maybe it'll just tack that right to that this piece right here actually it's that's going to hold crap let's leave that we'll cut that off right there how we anything that gets in there can fall out that's good I kind of went over it with a uh 120 disc on the end that we had on there kind of cleaned it up feels really good nice and smooth no uh ripples to it really again the only place I kind of screwed up was just a little right here I could have built it out you know I could I could have tapped this wall out just a little bit further but uh we still get it with Bondo like so little skip cord over that we'll get it but it would have been good if this line was nice and straightened and you we kind of filled in this area I kind of wanted the weld to set a little little overed everything in the back is done what you can see up in there that's all sealed up again it's going to hit get seam sealer on it also and of course once the truck's all done it'll get soaked in oil so for those who are going to yell at me if for not using well through primer and all that kind of stuff it's open I'm going to be shooting oil then you know the whole truck is is that so this will be the last thing that rots out everything else will rot out before that but this it it'll stay out of the weather and the um like I said I soak it with a really heavy oil like a barn chain oil afterwards I'm pretty happy with that it looks like it's a a decent repair not my best but not my worst and on top it's going to seem going across cabilly feel any difference to it I knocked the lip on the inside down a little bit when I did it so that um it's p basically right back where it was to start with and the rest of it's already been done so I think I really the last piece of metal that we had to weld on we did the Rockers we made all this of course rust is kind of getting a little bit but uh that'll come off pretty easy the only panels that we bought were the this one wheel Arch back here and I bought two corners but the corners were I might as well have made them they were so far off they are on there that I made the the roll pan in the back was gone and all the stuff has an inside too all the insides has been replaced and done also this one's done made a patch panel for there need patch panels for all of this going across I didn't film any of that that front section there and then in the bed the bed got a bunch of stuff uh I don't know you'll be able to see it I got it um bunch of junk in there you're not going be yeah you're not going be to see much but made those in the corners both sides same thing on this side made all the corner patch panels the floor was missing here there's a big section in the middle I want to say it's probably 3 ft by 2 ft dead center in there made the wavy patterns you can kind of see where it was seam together right there don't mind the junk so that's it as far as um wut the rest is uh pretty much Bondo and that kind of thing we have a gas tank to modify this has a weird setup the the gas neck has a long travel to it on the factory one and it comes out here so they you can't get that tank but a Mustang tank is the same physical size so I bought one of those and um we'll work on that we got to you know patch a hole where the original fill would be and then add a fill to the other side got a new radiator for it I think once we put those two things in we could throw a battery in this this will you know Run Drive do everything it should because everything else has been done brakes were done we went through the engine and all that kind of stuff several years ago see straight inside the cab we just got to put the dog house back together which is that section up over the engine there we have the headliner out of it I got something to go make and replace the headliner there's not much for interior in these things anyway there really they're really fairly simple jump that with the other side here so yeah it's got a um I think it's a 200 it's either a 170 or a 200 straight six Ford motor uh a little bit later they came out with the the 300 that's a really nice setup but it doesn't match nothing matches from a 300 to the uh uh straight six to the um 200 and and down setup so this one seem to run pretty good too I do know we took it around the block once when we first got it going and it clutch chattered real bad so we may have to put a clutch in it or it just may be that it sat so long that the uh crud on the flywheel just needs to be burned off a little bit that's our gas tank that's what we're using we ran it out of fuel so uh the car's rebuil we put a exhaust man fold on it starter and all that kind of other junk all that's been done it should still be decent like I said radiator was leaking like a SI you can tell it's in lovely shape so that's for another video I think for this one I think we're going to go call it we got the metal work done I am happy for that and um Parts came in for this kid steer so I maybe jumping back on that I'm not sure we are waiting on snow for the snowmobile and there's another machine that I filmed a video on that was supposed to to go into snow but the day that we were supposed to get snow it never happened so I don't know what the next video is going to be so it's more of a surprise to you and me all right guys with that I want to sign off I want to thank you all for hanging out with me and bringing the super spring special back to life and hopefully this Springtime we'll be running around on the road till then I'll see you later I think I see it smiling
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 213,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mustie1
Id: vz_kAIvftrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 52sec (5812 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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