1963 Allis Chalmers Dealer Movie The Big Race D Series

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to these drivers this could well be the biggest race in history new records are set each year and future races will probably be driven even faster this race is run at a slower speed the competition is still later and the results are just as excited aims a big race that no one wants to lose everyone is trying to believe but there will be only one winner a big race went on here too there was a lot at stake the challenge was terrific the payoff will be a successful the best brains of the season can be realized as a crop rolls as it matures when it's ready for harvest then it will be determined how well this race was run are you able to take advantage of ideal weather conditions and keep you from getting your crops planted on time and can cause you to spend endless days in the field during the hottest part of the season and still result in your crop not maturing before the start of the winter snows it takes timeliness to win the race with the weather there is an ideal time to plow disc or plant your timeliness can best be measured by the result at harvest the right choice of power which will perform with the best efficiency for your operation gives you a good start in the big race this power must be matched with the right tillage equipment it must be matched with the proper equipment for seedbed preparation the tractor matched to the right sized plow and teamed with a top capacity disc can help assure that the grain gets in or the planting is done at the most favorable time this grower missed the ideal planting conditions by not having his fields ready he may not lose the race but he won't finish in the top money when the soil temperature is right and there is sufficient moisture your crop will get off to a good start if your fields are ready at the right time how much horsepower do you have or is insufficient power one of the reasons you're not finishing the race in the top money are you using your horsepower properly or are you wasting it on improperly matched equipment your chances of being in the lead will be governed by your choice of equipment it wasn't very long ago when this was all the driver had to look at there is no tail with this view only facts and it represents many more horses than that view of yesterday along with increased power operator conveniences that come a long way the seat can be positioned for just the ride or comfort the operator desires and all the controls are within easy reach the right tractor power is available today for any size farm or type of operation what size tractor should you have 35 horsepower in a long road or a 2 row size 48 50 475 horsepower well over 100 horsepower that will be for you alone to decide here are a few facts to think of however with a constant speed of 3 and a half miles per hour a 35 horsepower tractor pulling two 16 inch buttons covers an acre per hour stepping up to 45 horsepower using 3/16 inch buttons you can do the same work in 40 minutes adding sufficient power to pull for 16s at this speed the time is reduced to 30 minutes so I'll a seventy-five horsepower tractor pulling a 5/16 inch plow does it in 24 minutes big power is recognized if you are using a 7/16 inch plow to turn an acre every 17 minutes somewhere in this wide range of available power is the tractor that will help you get your crops in at the ideal time for top harvest yield now horsepower alone is only part of the story in farm power how it is applied is more important the application of power in this tractor was tops in its day but when you stopped and changed gears it was hard to get started again the tractors of this era often seem to get smaller when the going got tough today modern engineering lets this D Series tractor grow bigger when the same conditions are encountered pulling the hand clutch back increases its pull power by 42% it lets you get through those tough spots with ease or matches ground speed to fit harvesting conditions while providing continuous running live power take-off through eight forward speeds tilling the soil is one of the first operations required at the start of each new season this tractor develops 35 horsepower from its high torque engine and set new fuel economy records in its recent official tests it will develop high torque even at low engine rpm a live hydraulic system with a two spool valve provides fingertip implement control the economical performance of this tractor makes it an ideal cost cutter on any job where 35 horsepower is climate we're motor capacity is needed the d15 tractor with 48 and 9/10 horsepower has what it takes for efficient fun it can handle coil shank field cultivators with ease for summer fallow work stubble mulching or in fall plod land before planting using chisel plows which require an average of 3 to 5 horsepower per shank the D 15 walks right along a tractor of this size can be the busiest one on the farm it has power for the required field work and convenience with ease of handling for year-round application on any sized fun wherefore plow power is needed this unit will turn the world over at the rate of an acre every 30 minutes it's 55 horsepower gives you a new feel of power and ease of handling the hand clutch really makes this d17 grow big when the going gets tough it has the capacity to disc an acre every eight minutes so you can keep ahead of your planting and seeding operation to help win the race on larger acreage if you need still greater capacity this five plow tractor will offer more earning power the D 19 has 75 horsepower at the power take-off and over 7,500 pounds of weight it has the capacity to plow over 25 acres a day with a 20 foot disc you can cover up to 85 acres and with six or eight row equipment you could cover up to 125 acres in a day the giant of the tractor line up the D 21 with its more than 100 drawbar horsepower answers the challenge of large acreage it will do things for you in a big way such as plowing 30 to 45 acres in a day with large wing chisel plows it gives you the capacity to operate at the rate of 10 acres per hour these chisel plows have a rugged all welded box frame any four inch square members our space 28 inches apart to provide exceptional trash clearance and give you a shank every foot of working with this implement capacity gives you the greatest utilization of your horsepower horsepower is the prime factor in your farming operation but there are other timely factors to consider you are losing part of your capacity to produce if you have to take a lot of time to get ready for instance in hooking onto tillage tools wheels have to be properly spaced if you had a fifty five horsepower tractor and could save an hour's time by modern engineering you will increase your plowing capacity by two acres front wheel spacing is just as important this too is changed by engine power extra traction is yours for the asking right at your fingertips once a d-series tractor is properly weighted for the normal loads to be handled until it's worth part of the implement and soil weight can be transferred to the tractor as needed to get you through those extreme conditions in the field if the same is getting added weight free anytime you need it mounted tools offer convenience and ease of handling to get your work done more efficiently snap coupler hitch gets you started in record time extra convenience allows for faster hookup of larger three-point hitch tools with the retractable lower lift links to make it easy [Music] now that you're all set to go to the field you should strive for a turnover capacity fuel expense affects your profits don't waste it you can lower your fuel requirements by matching your implement to the horsepower available a leading University test revealed that as speed increased while plowing draft load also increased on each bottom if you bought a five to six plow tractor but kept your old three bottom plow and traveled at five miles per hour the draft load on each bottom would be 575 pounds by using a larger plow and going slower the draft load in this same condition could be reduced to only 450 pounds per bottom for lower fuel requirements plowing at too high a speed not only uses more fuel but can cause more wear and increase chances of breakage a quality job of plowing at moderate speeds will help you win the race but to do this it takes quality equipment the quality of a plow in any size begins with its construction big section beans are heat treated and oil quenched by experienced craftsmen who know how to temper a beam to stand up under tremendous shock loads they earn this mark of quality the frame members are assembled in jigs and tightened into alignment to assure top performance season after season each bottom is individually polished so that it will readily take a land to polish field tests are continually carried out to prove that quality is maintained to meet the highest standards rat lows are measured and shock loads are recorded while the plow is subjected to the roughest of conditions when the plow passes all these tests then and only then is it ready to compete in the big race these plows are designed for efficiency and long life to give you an acre of plowing for an acre of time they have capacity to handle heavy trash with ease through the high vertical clearance which is coupled with 22 and 1/2 inches of beam to bottom clearance to assure you of more non-stop plowing there is a choice of sheer boats tub beams for lower first cost or heavy duty spring trips for maximum protection from rocks or hidden obstacles watch it in action as a rock is encountered just back up latch and go you can match your horsepower to perfection with this new 9000 series plow it's heavy backbone can be tailor-made to match your needs by adding extra beams and bottoms there is a choice of six different types of bottoms with various covering equipment for just the action you want these bottoms are equipped with low-cost replaceable plowshares that have heavy-duty reinforced gunnels [Music] the new heavy-duty Coulter shanks offer extra protection against obstructions and they're protected from overload by shear bolts the ground geared serrated Coulter blades will cut through the toughest trash for more actual plowing time a steerable tailwheel is engineered into the larger sized plows to provide better control and shorter headlands the ease of handling this plow with six bottoms is yours with spool valve convenience and hydraulic action the spinner plow is easily raised and rotated to throw all the furrow slices in the same direction irrigated or sloping land where conservation practices are followed provide a natural home for this unit the tillage operation takes on a different look using Lister's with this rugged four and a half by eight inch toolbar straight rows and uniform beds will help win the race for ever listing or bedding is the accepted practice tilling the soil is one of the most expensive operations required at the start of each new season in average soils it requires the lifting turning and moving in each acre of approximately 100 tons of soil for each inch of plowing depth no matter what the size of your operation is small medium or large there is horse power available to meet your needs the tool you match to your tractor for tilling the soil will be a big factor on how you start the race the closer you get to the ideal planting conditions the more important time becomes your yields could be increased in many instances if you had a way to slow time down during this part of the season if time went back too far we end up back in the old days today's modern tractor will keep you in time with the season if the available power is matched to the most efficient disk size for your operation there are many different sizes available to give you the most efficient performance from your available power with an eighth row size you can disk up to 135 acres per day now with a two row size you will have a capacity of 40 acres per day or it would take three times as long to cover the same acreage think about the time you spend in using a disc to cut last year's crop residue or to level a field before plowing how many times do you disc the same field with conventional planting of crops it's a common practice to disc once or twice before plowing and then once immediately after spring plowing and probably once or twice a planting time this makes the job of a disc Herald grow in size 100 acres of land could mean 500 acres of disking which is a big factor that should be considered for the farms large enough for big horsepower squadron hitching of disks allows for cutting widths of up to 30 feet this would let you cover up to 180 acres in a ten hour day which means an acre disk every three and 1/2 minutes it takes a well-designed disc to give you this kind of performance this line of disc harrows features a semi flexible frame have all bolted design to offer more protection and longer blade life this design feature allows for more of the blades to do a job of cutting or mulching even in adverse conditions and affords better weight distribution for an average of 50 pounds per blade roof controls provide for easy adjustment the disc is leveled by a spring-loaded cranked penetration is controlled entirely through the depth crank the leading edges of the disc blades are always set with the cutting edge parallel to the direction of travel here a string represents the line of travel and a disc blade is positioned so that its leading edge runs straight with this line of travel just as it does in actual operation this is the best possible angle for penetration cutting and mulching for a disc of this weight class for lack of efficient design but this Carols of the old days were very hard to fool today's line of modern disc harrows roll-on sealed ball bearing their lighter draft lets you pull a larger disc with greater economy the design of these bearings feature the ultimate in protection first a sealed ball bearing is centered in a heavy steel tube for maximum protection then a special water-resistant grease is used to keep foreign matter from contacting the sealed bearing and double lip seal czar used as a final protection until recent years there was a missing link between tractors and large sized tools this link had to do with getting extra traction from tools that were too large to be fully mounted this traction booster hitch is the missing link as the load is applied to the tool the hydraulic system transfers weight through the spring leaf for added traction the amount of weight used can be transferred anytime automatically on the go for better tillage efficiency matching your horsepower to a big capacity disc with the benefits of light draft and better traction can give you a head start on the planting season many other tools can be used to help win the big race you can finish a seed bed to your satisfaction spring tooth arrows are the ideal tools following fall plowing or summer fellow work and are used for weed or erosion control spike tooth heralds are available in almost any size for working up to 250 acres per day and are used as a finishing tool or for small plant cultivation coil tine arrows can also be used for finished seed bed work and are popular in crop Finnick or small lead eradication with special longtime models for sugar beet cultivation in the Great Plains area the race with the weather takes on a different look but the goal is just the same this heavy model L Harrow with its sturdy rigid frame provides level disking across the full width of cut and may be squadron hitched for uneven ground conditions a disc of this type is right at home in stubble mulching or chopping and crop residue in leveling a field or preparing a seed bed a heavy duty adjustable hinge ties the heavy gangs together at just the proper angle for complete double disking hydraulic control regulates the cutting angle on the goal there are sizes available from 9 to 30 and 1/2 feet the model K arrow is similar to the model L with the exception that it is equipped with transport wheels to provide for more convenience and ease of handling there are sizes available from 6 to 13 and 1/2 feet for extreme conditions the new model Katy has the same heavy gangs as used in the model K but is a tandem design it features an average weight of up to 125 pounds per blade this rugged tandem disc is at home anywhere that heavy soils or extreme trash conditions are encountered regardless of the type of tillage operation the goal has been the same getting the crop in on time the seeding operation for the large wheat growers and the small grain farming is underway the listing and better planting is started in time to take advantage of the warm soil temperature and the available moisture soil has been tilled the beds have been formed the cotton crop is on the way the corn farmers are ready to go too it's time to plant one trip operation with fertilizer insecticide and weed control help to assure a good stand these crops did get in on time but will your operation be as timely consider your own source of power this is where the race starts there is a size that will put you in the winning circle you need sufficient power to get your work done in time you need the proper tillage tools to take advantage of your power supply the right size plow matched to your tractor will give you a big lead the economy of your telogen will be the greatest when you match plow size two tractor size properly preparing the seed bed becomes even more important as you get closer to the actual planting operation how much time could you save getting your crop in if you had a larger size this remember you often go over the same field several times before planting a big race but it's over now the harvest has been planted time starts again the beginning of each day will you have half a day's work done by high noon or are you way behind from the start the use of sufficient power and properly matched equipment during the entire day can help you win the big race by making every turn count [Music]
Channel: J and L Videos
Views: 89,283
Rating: 4.8629284 out of 5
Keywords: Allis Chalmers, 16mm, D-10, D-12, D-15, D-17, D-19, D-21, D10, D12, D15, D17, D19, D21, commercial
Id: RjlNle3mzig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 2sec (1442 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2017
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