1962 - Texans vs. Oilers AFL Championship

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Gilson well defend the goal on your left they'll be kicking off there in the dark jerseys and receiving on your right will be ballast there in the white jerseys they wrecked me today as harold born the umpire Bob Finley the head linesman bull McAllister the back judges you Gambhir the field judges bend right and the alternator's wall partner now the honor referee honoraria referee is one of our great astronauts Gus Grissom to a station here in our Space Center in Houston and Gus Grissom is teeing up the ball as the honorary referee George Blanda shaky Dan Lander will kick off for Houston these teams flip this year Dallas winning here in Houston and Houston beating Dallas in Dallas when who the football hey Grayson and James is 28 Grayson is 45 hitting a sideline Clara we're waiting the wind is in favor of Houston and the American Football League and a good game to pitch the two of them away moving on the five wasting to the 2025 [Applause] there's no pepper blotting down so we'll have a Dallas first down on their 28th they backfield now for Dallas will be when Dawson number 16 Abner Haynes is 28 he's a left half curtis McClinton 32 to fullback and Frank jack the spices in there they got the big backfield in two fullbacks in right now right to the plant and they flip Haynes on the wing to play number 43 and Gary cut singer number 80 bird I think we might as well mention right now I believe these people watching the ballgame can hear this this crowd is almost to the point of hysteria before the ballgame began so you can expect a lot of delays by the quarterbacks when our own players can't hear their signals today second down five to go for the Dallas Texans on their own 33 Lenny Dawson brings them up blank wide left [Applause] that's putting the end [Music] 35 of the 37 had Moosman stop team there he is Curtis McClinton number 32 the Rookie of the Year the American Football League and a former all-american at Camden he finished Hilton Iligan rushing and did not play much in the first four games 230 and he can move as planned most of the time throws the ball pretty much with a van and he throws quite often and I think he's thrown about a third more passes than Dawson this season all right George Blanda number 16 the veteran quarterback give the pilot Charlie colors at the 45 into the 47 Bob Schmidt was blocking for him Davis in the Rochester in on the stop three yard gain second down seven you'll see toller's Paul mentioned a very unusual running style he's only five feet six and waves a hundred and ninety eight pound really built low to the ground and he's hard to bring down he was second in the league in rushing a third in the league Hanigan his flank wide right and Duvall the split left in there's a draw off the color color rips up to the 49 number 56 is Cory and Cheryl Henrique number 69 Hank Stram Dallas coach to the press box with a spotter you've just seen taller twice you've seen seen something you'll see all day he's always apparently stopped for a yard or two loss and he ends up with a yard or two gain even when that line is in on it he is really tough to bring down he's quite a squirmer third down five to go for Houston on their 49 they're in their double wing set up now Blanda looking good protection and again with shackles by Bobby slide number 14 formerly available this sound for Houston when you saw him line up as you did there with nobody in the offensive back field except Lando they're all out on the flanker this means he's got at least five receivers to throw to because they'll all go downfield Tanana Toller is set deep Hennigan flank left dropped the cannon trying to get outside 235 at the free $26.00 he was brought down get hard there by AJ Holub talimena he was moving out the block for him now they have a second down for Houston threatening here early in his game no score landed the quarterback number 16 cannon left at number 20 solar 44 the full-back and Hennigan 87 the flanker with Duvall and McLeod attend solar trying to move that first down [Music] [Applause] as play resumed here in Houston Texas the Houston others have the ball on the Dallas Texans 16 yard line second down and six Houston now in the midst of a 40 yard drive that was carried from home 44 and again wide right back and that pipe Bobby fly tripped him up Bob Schmidt was leading the way for him also on that play was big Jerry Mays number 75 Lulu's and sideline the sidelines with his 255 pounds at the 12 yard line third down and 2 the goal or the Houston Oilers [Applause] same setup with Canada thrower deep [Music] [Applause] they get at the cannon [Music] the linebackers and then send Billy cannon wide the faculty bill Hall number 85 defensive left in and Bobby fly number 14 that was it Kurt that was a nice call by bland a fine call because everybody was expecting the full-back taller to hit for that short yards and he faked him up the middle and drew that defense in first down goal the goal for the Houston Oilers on the ballast section five panting wraps up on the 4 yard line by Jerry Mays in each a hollow jae-ha lobe in his second year in pro football the name do the All American Football League team has a linebacker in fact you'll see two outstanding linebackers for Dallas today Barrelhead rig number 69 also was an Allpoint the throw choice second down four to go for a Houston touchdown they're just over the dallas five we'll call it the four we have no score eight minutes ten seconds to go in the first period [Applause] plan of the canon canon knock down on the nine yard line by a mad branch number 87 and by Dave grace in the right corner man number 45 we really fired through now it's third down and nine the goal for a Houston touchdown they're both playing is rather cautiously both quarterbacks occurred but I would suspect you'd almost have to see a throw now for the five yards ago and if it fails come up with a field goal but they've both stayed on the ground there's been only one pass in the ball game up to now they're down nine to go for Houston they're on the Dallas nine and again goes wide right blue ball split in left [Applause] planta fading on third down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] bacala Houston there goes home for the key intersection and greeted by smugly sober one of the Texas Lyman made a fine fighters Holub right there made a fine defensive play because he hit planted just as he was throwing and that was the result of that wounded pigeon throw as you saw it fall down into Hollis hands so Dallas has the ball mister their first two first down of the game Dallas on their 48th first down we have no score six minutes 54 seconds left to play in the first period Ames as a flanker back again the spikes in McClinton set beat two fullbacks in the Dallas backfield here's McClinton in the houston territory and out of bounds on the houston 45 curtis McClinton the big rookie pull back knocked down and out by Freddy Glick the right safety man of Houston now Reynolds the right guard was pulling for him and leading away there was a gain of seven if second down and three to go and for the first time in the game Dallas is in Houston territory let's see what they do now second and three [Applause] the pastor hain is completed it's good at the 37 yard line we'll be a first down Fidelis don't even feel on top of Abner Haynes the second leading rusher in the American League first down Dallas their second first down in the game but crisper firt injured Dallas has changed their backfield perfer it is by far the outstanding pass receiver on the Dallas team so for the championship game is at two fullbacks in the lineup and put Haynes out on the plane first down Dallas on the Houston 37 cross to McClinton at the 35 and the quickly running it inside the 30 out of bounds in the Houston 29 Culpepper drove him out number 78 of course one thing they accomplished too by using the two fullbacks is the deep man in the backfield if they're not running they have great pass protection for Lenny Dawson because you've got the two big boys in there to block Dallas grinding it out now they stop the Houston touchdown threat Dallas now is carried from their 43 after the interception by EJ Holub they're now on the Houston twenty nine with a second down and two to go [Music] [Applause] Dawson on second down there's a lot passionately he did not have control and possession it was antennae for McLaren on that tumbling attempt but it all ends up as an incomplete forward pass into the third down and two to go he sure had it long enough as he was going down looked like a juggling act [Music] five minutes 53 seconds to go in the first period no score panes wide left to tighten up and both ends in price the fake to McClinton [Applause] Dec fights off Mike Duke Sarah winning and that was a great class slides awesome he had a leading purposely and drop it here's your signal motion declined by Houston Dallas loses it down in his fourth and three for Dallas on the Houston eight I felt pretty sure that they would refuse the penalty Kurt because it does no good to get a five yard family and then I have them attempt a field goal it's no difference from that distance it would give another opportunity to throw all right Tommy butcher will attempt the kick holding his gospel he spotted on the 15 yard line wide angle from the far side and the kick the store Jefferson City in the Dallas section 3 of the Houston Oilers nothing Tommy Booker who just looted that field goal to put Dallas in front will kick-off Bobby Jensen closest to you Billy cannon on the far side deep for Houston it's a lowland dancing fields it on the 10 he's in trouble he's up to the 15 to the 20 25 by dancing and it looked like he was going to be 10 - inside of his 15 said Green was downfield to hit him first and bring him down so it's Houston's fall now first down on their 28th George Blanda running a team quarterback they've got a double wing a clot on an end they've got everybody Fred [Applause] [Music] lower than a thirty five inch worms for the 36 yard line each day holoband bill ho had aimed to bringing down that was no accident their last minute get rid of the ball deal because taller stood there all the time planta was going to attempt to throw the long ball if it were open but it wasn't and taller was the expected receiver on and he was ready for it that was a gain of eight as a second down two to go for the Houston Oilers on their 36 three nothing Dallas ahead the American Football League championship game three minutes 24 seconds left to play in the first period Hennigan is spreading way out there the left with a double slot and fuller on the right wing there goes forward motion they give him the ball colors at the 40 and he's up to the 45 he may have question here on the floor brought down by Dave blazing number 45 the right corner back by the Dallas section Billy cannon through a great block for him at the line of scrimmage Houston on their 44 first down top IV brought the double wing into pro football a few years ago with the Cardinals and he has a lot of this wide open the type of offense now they're back to their standards go time here's cannon Broncos on the platform the 45 cannon to the 48 yard line Bobby fly number 14 EJ Holub number 55 at number 56 is Walt Corey gain of four second down and six Houston coming up from your left in the dark jerseys Dallas in white [Music] two minutes left to play in the first period Dallas is ahead three to nothing he's got to be explaining a pass pattern in their kurta they couldn't take this one let's see though there are double wing set up again with Hennigan the wide flankers the draw is intended for Hennigan incomplete right on him was Dave Grayson number 45 Charley Hannigan number 87 of course will be the most dangerous receiver on the houston squad all afternoon and the boy will be the threat for the long bomb third down and six to go [Music] isten in possession and trailing free to nothing they are on their double wing again the miniguns plant-wide laugh [Music] [Applause] the progress Wayne would forty-eight plotting down that is another Houston first sound you might have noticed Charlie taller standing next to the receiver Hennigan right there he's waiting for that hitch lateral and yet Hannigan had a little more time before he was clamp he'd have gotten it off to Charlie you'll probably see that a little later they work that pattern twice Joe Spencer Lee assisted Houston coach first down for Houston now in the Dallas 40 the double wing setup emotions at the solar he was open and cannon was sifting through he was there at the 30-yard line of Dallas that couldn't hold on to it on the high pass the climatic second half of the championship game of the Eastern College Athletic Conference holiday festival basketball tournament is going to be featured over the ABC TV network Knicks Saturday night in place to the fight of the week and make that Sparrow follows right after the basketball game on ABC television the Houston Oilers on the Dallas forty second down ten Palace ahead three nothing Lana look out for a screen here mr. Kenan and he's hemmed in by four white Judith ballot players led by Bill Hall a rookie from wait for DJ Holub of Texas second Gerry maze of Southern Methodist no gain on the Dallas 40 Houston in possession third down and 10 the goal as I mentioned prior to this planet taking a long time in the huddle with a probable pass coming up this is a habit that's hard to break Glen has been around as long as any quarterback in the business he still doesn't it's a fault that all quarterback Kevin would just to get into this habit of explaining some little thing on a pattern there that was smoky Stover reserve linebacker on the phone for the Dallas Texans on third down Lander is firing it is incomplete intended for Hennigan you saw any good was crossing to the middle and planning was thrown to the sideline so it is now 1/4 pound and 10 the goal for Houston Hank Stram likes the way things are going right now for his Dallas section team Washington for Houston on the Dallas 40 and here's a field goal attempt Blanton his chip 1 of 55 yards this year will proof this one from the 47 of dollars of Roman holy Ronnie Robinson backe for the single safety the kick is up [Applause] Oh get off with a laugh that will fit over the French back first down for detection on their own 20-yard line [Music] they have only nine seconds remaining in the first period thanks Graham his third year of coaching eval especially Dallas Rockville will be Dawson a quarterback from the Clinton and spikes the beat men with Haynes the flanking back our banners and cook till the end pains a flank right the two tight ends in LaMotta leaders flooding mr. spike just three yards through 23 yard line tackled by Jim Norton the safety man and there's the gun in the end of the first quarter of today's games in Houston Texas the scores at Dallas Texans three and the Houston Oilers nothing three to nothing at the end of the first quarter Dallas on top Curt Goudy and for Crispin and Jack buck with the captainship of the American Football League Dallas and white Houston in the dark suits and we'll have a second down seven for Dallas on their own 23 James the flanker back out of your picture right now is fights and the bunt and each they give it the spiked we've got the 25 at the 30 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] territory look like somebody grabs a tell mascara which we look over for it's on the 45 yard line of Houston 32 yard game by Jack spikes and a penalty going against Houston that compares it to the 30-yard 29 yard line personal foul grabbing their helmet that's what it was somebody grabbed his helmet and tried to twisting down with it but the force can lead to a very serious neck injury Kurt this is generally accidental it's just when a man tackles high but even if your hand hits that mash and gets up you get a finger at you on it it's an automatic penalty in the palace coaching staff the screaming put over there with the sideline official happened to be standing right there and was right in front of it now they had a 33 yard gain in the 15-yard penalty on top of the 47 yard pickup on the play basket on first down at the 30 and runs for that sideline and out of bounds on the 28 yard line of Houston Freddie Glick was the man that drove him out a yard gain second down nine to go for Dallas on the Houston 28th [Music] Jack spikes have been a key performer today for the Dallas Texans injured most of the year so far playing his finest game of the season when it counts in the championship game Abner Haynes ranked wide right the two big pull backs are deep it's a fake the McClinton Boston throwing the hay decided [Applause] [Applause] remarkable performers we can't hurt you from any place on the field and 20 who saw him stay in fountains over for the touchdown as the 20th touchdown he scored this year by the way well Dallas is now leading 9 to nothing and they score here with 14 33 to go in the first half Tommy Brooker will attempt the kick Dawson is holding and the score at Jefferson City in the Dallas Texans 10 and the Houston oiler is nothing in the netting Dallas leading they went 80 yards in four plays 28 yard touchdown pass of Len Dawson - Abner Haines Donnybrook are kicking off Cannon and jams Accardi the kick is to Bobbie Gentry you got it at the sick little can just 20 he was really rocked up there in the 24 yard line by dick Davis number 86 and he hit him as hard as you can hit a man well so often these kick return men decide they're just trying to lower their head and run over a couple of people and every once in a while a tackler makes the same decision and that's when you see those horrendous crashes HAP said Jen seek their fall number 23 is a little fellow only about 170 75 we will get there by let's begin dick Davis first time for Houston now on their 25 that double wing set up line on a drought of color so they're running it up to the 29 yard line of Houston picked up by Cheryl Hedrick the middle linebacker and number 85 the hall and there again you see mr. Tolar apparently tackled for a four yard loss and he ended up with a game play on a second down six coming for Houston either on 29 there's pop ivy they instance lush with a couple of his players [Music] [Applause] to the 30 but firing through a Cheryl Hedrick again Texas Christian and Walter Corey also a linebacker the Dallas Koechlin Dallas was number one in the league on team defense Houston led the league in total offense Dallas led the league in scoring when Dawson the Dallas quarterback Player of the Year in the American Football League who's been brilliant so far in this game third down five to go for Houston Lander firesteel Hannigan any was pointing to the sideline for it to say they're worried about well no he did it the hard way and that he knew he was near the sideline and he dragged both feet as he went across to catch the ball but apparently the official who was right there saw his feet on their chalk mark fourth and five and now in confirmation of Jim Norton who finished second in the league in funding he averaged 43 yards of kick pains and Jackson Jackson's closer to you after Haynes on the far side and the double safety they're on their own 30 yard line remembers kicking against us about a 15 mile an hour wind just kick fights into that wind Haines Falls for the fair catch in the $31 and at auto sector now have a first down on their 31 they're out in front 10 to nothing as the ball exchanges hands [Music] so fire Dallas without plague Houston Houston shooting for its third straight championship right now trailing 10 to nothing with 12 and a half minutes left to play in the first half all right they got the two fullbacks deep spikes in the clinton the top two strikes bikes to the 34 yard line the 3 yard gain second down 7 for the Dallas Texans Mike Dukes on the tackle the right corner man and bill Richman or they left tackle for Houston in the last three years these teams have played six regular season games and they split three and three Dallas is the only Club in the American Football League to stay even with Euston in season series over the first three years of the lead second and seven awesome fading for the 43rd [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I think in this case it had to go along with the official that was a little late but this what's behind all that is that those quarter backs everybody's gone infarct you can get that big man out of there we've got the game half won I mean legally and he tried to bail him hard Dallas first down on the Houston 44g 15 our family so far in the game [Applause] [Music] here the signal roughly read born moving in let us say this is a first in a series of these and we're going to see a little delay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Dallas leading 10 to nothing 11 and a half minutes to play in the first half Dallas had the first down on the Houston 44 [Applause] there's a faker McClinton rocking last in the 50 45 40 and he goes to the 34 Boston has been a depth all year at getting out of the pocket of rushing linemen and picking up yardage he's not overly fast but he's clever picking his way up field Doug playing hit him first to slow him up with Tony Banfield brought him down and that's another first down for the dollar section is so far are completely dominating this game they've now had seven first down Houston five pop ID right in the foreground watching his team were able to get going [Applause] first down at the spikes at the 35 to the 30 the 30 fumble upon the spikes Tony bam field number 40 number 33 is Jean Babb on the tackle and kuch singer also help that scoring of 10-nothing dollars came about as Tommy Bruckner kicked a field goal from the Houston 16 for 28 to go in the first period and early in the second quarter Ballas moves 80 yards and four plays the Hanes going on a touchdown pass Houston bar first down the kickflip the Canon the 2030 got a first down taking the fling fashion George Bailey was brought down by Johnny Robinson who used to be a teammate of Billy cannons at Louisiana State flower after the blue bonnet ball yesterday we saw got a ball game and then right after the game San Diego sign Rousso Guthrie the consensus all-american guard of Georgia Tech man Diego's number two draft choices I'm gonna amend just on Walt Sweeney their number one choice out of interesting signing by the American Football League the last week that he will tell you about some of the great college names in the country third down nine to go Houston on their 32 Lander intercepted by number 45 Dave Jason's at the 40 35 30 and down Grayson for my ward [Music] [Applause] and Dallas now House of all in history territory on the Houston twenty nine and bland is going to be kicking himself there there's a man who intercepted Grayson in that you saw him stop there and sort of confer with Hennigan out on the flanker there was apparently a little bit of a mix-up and generally a quarterback a call time out there but he went ahead with the play and that's what usually results when there's a little bit of a misunderstanding in the huddle they've got Frank Jackson as a flanker back they've gone out of there to fullback system give it them a Clinton what a hole and open for him is he roars for the twenty three Favre Carroll and Jim Tyre were blocking for Curtis McClinton second down four to go for Dallas only Houston 23 Dallas of the head ten to nothing we have six and a half minutes to play in the first half Jackson's the flanking back the ends in sight mr. Haynes pains a shot at the 25 they'll be Fenian on Abner Haynes all day he averaged nearly five yards to carry this pass see he's a marked man every time he gets the ball Mike Dukes it him first and then head husband came in the home loss to three third down and seven to go there's the Dallas bench in there coach Hank Stram heard gaudium fall Chris Froome with Jack buck again in Houston Texas Dallas leading 17 nothing as Houston puts the ball in play on their 49 George Blanda [Applause] tackled by Johnny Robinson and he plowed the tight end from Abilene Christian that gives a first down for Houston on the Dallas 30 he's had pretty good luck on his patterns down the middle all day Curt Hennig and dropped the last one but he was wide open so planta obviously is sticking with what is the best spot to throw in up to now now Houston asking for time as they came up and once again he had a mix up in the huddle there apparently bland and Hennigan are not hitting on all six on these past patterns so he called a timeout so he they didn't blow this better than this time bobby ply on the Dallas bench number 20 Bobby hunt of Auburn now Branch is 87 ready to go now Houston ball first down on the Dallas 30 landed a cannon at the 30 and out of bounds on the 26 yard line Dave grace in the right corner man took him out Ron Zillow was leading the way around the block put it on a 27 they say second down and seven Houston is not on the scoreboard yet they're trailing 17 nothing with two minutes 46 seconds to go in the first half [Applause] and again the plank arrived with two slots back color and motion color on the inside reversed goes to the 24 of Dallas number 72 is Paul Rochester and number 75 is Gary maze they're the two big men in the middle of that Dallas line they have a third down and five to go Houston in possession when they have just 2 minutes and 20 seconds left in the first half to get a score [Applause] there's the Kipling 3 or the collet and complete passive tenant for Hennigan you notice every time Hennigan cos downfall is being double-teaming yes they have to cover him that way he has all the moves as I mentioned he's not having a good day with his hands he dropped two passes he should have had I will say this in his favor both passes are a little bit behind the mark but this should be no excuse for a good receiver like Hanigan he just one of those things sometimes you drop him and he dropped 2 of 5 and 1/4 pound fourth and five on the Dallas 25 a big one for Blanda [Applause] having trouble hanging on to the Bolivar good wall with the intended receiver number 88 well Houston swept the straw here late in the first half that stop and Dallas takes over a first down for Dallas on the Dallas 25 with Dallas out in front 17 to nothing the lack of being able to hold on to the ball has killed two drives for Houston up to now and this this of course really changes the quarterbacks thinking because he expects to make that game when a man is open he chose to him when he doesn't you've just seen two drives go to pot they've got their backfield now Jackson on the flank McClinton Haynes deep Dawson faking the draw throwing the Haines at the 25 ever Haynes at the 30 and Haynes is brought down at the 33 yard line of Dallas by Doug Klein and Mike Dukes the two linebackers of the Houston Oilers their two-minute warning now is being given to each been a gain of eight for Abner Haynes second down two to go for the Dallas Texans are out in front 17 to nothing Jackson is the flanker left both have been tight Avril Haines trying to get outside he stopped with a 34 yard line by Bucky Wagoner and Freddie Glick and those victorious Missourians are sitting here watching their old teammate Bucky Wagner who played at Missouri just a year ago third down one to go for Dallas on the Dallas 34 Jack spikes down at fullback replacing Curtis McClinton Jaxson the flanker they've got the first down and more filling up to the 39-yard line as Jack spikes Mike Dukes brought him down Jack spikes of Texas Christian I wanted if Dawson was gonna sit on that 17 point leader go for the throw here and try to get another quick test down before the half and he is throwing but he's throwing the safe type pass all you've seen so far is the screen which is the type of thing that is seldom intercepted let's see if he throws downfield now or just plays it cozy the rest of the half all right Paul they're 45 seconds to go in the half Dawson right down the middle and it is complete to spread our banners number 84 the tight end his second year from Michigan State University that was quite a catch by him Mike Dukes haul him in and they're going to try and stop the clock now it's on the Houston 49 Dallas calling trying to stop the clock well you're seeing many of the stars here today who have made the All American League teams and offense and defense and many of these same stars with other outstanding players of the American Football League they're going to be out in San Diego on Sunday January 13th for the annual American League football all-star game will be televising that game on ABC TV the sleek standout says the leading ground gainer in the league cookie Gilchrist the Buffalo Abner Hanes Denver Broncos star and Lionel Taylor Billy cannon will be seen in action you folks in the San Diego area tickets are on sale at convenient locations the American League all-star game telecast on ABC television Sunday January 13 39 seconds to go in the first half of Delos comes up with a first down on the Houston 49 penalty marker down he's drawing deep - hey incomplete they have a penalty marker down you need a great diving catch on that but it was out of bounds all the way now let's check the penalty 15-yarder against Dallas this is their first 15-yard penalty of the game push the ball on a Dallas 35 illegal use of the hands of course Houston accept that penalty they want to get that ball out of field goal range we're half time here in Houston Texas the American League football championship game the Dallas Texans are leading 17 to nothing they were about a one touchdown underdog for the game and that pop ivy now will have to rally his Houston club at halftime and get them back in we're going down now on the field for special halftime ceremonies and here is Jack buck ladies and gentlemen here halftime it is time to present the awards to the Player of the Year and the Rookie of the Year in the American Football League each of the winners will receive a 1963 s 55 mercury convertible presented by the mercury division lincoln-mercury here to do the honors and to introduce the men is the Commissioner of the American Football League mr. Joe Foss let's welcome mr. Joe Foss thank you the first presentation will be to the Rookie of the Year Curtis McClinton Kirk the next presentation will be do Lenny Dawson Player of the Year [Applause] as far as I'm concerned this is it well let the ballplayers do that's talking today merry Christmas to you all thank you very much go floss the Player of the Year Lenny Dawson the Rookie of the Year Curtis McClinton Curt Goudy back to you the high school band entertaining should halftime the American Football League championship game with a Dallas Texas leading the Houston Oilers 17 to nothing we're talking about some of the recent signings by the American Football League Rufus Guthrie the Georgia Tech all-american guard sighing yesterday under the gold ho after Missouri upset Georgia Tech and they Bluebonnet ball he Boston Patriots who recently signed Don MacKinnon the all-american center of Dartmouth and yesterday president Billy Sullivan signed Dave Watson who Bobby Dodd has called the greatest blocking guard he's ever coached at Georgia Tech Buffalo signed George same shell American pull back at Michigan State therefore heard a German legend Saint all-american Center Dallas assigned Bobby Bell a week ago the college lineman of the year the all-american for Minnesota at Buddy for Michigan State Junius the Canon of Grambling denver sign tommy Janek and Charlie Mitchell they scat back to Washington openess I'm Dave Cockrum gustaf state of Utah we told you about waiting the salesteam as you're watching today is indicative of the opportunity offered these young fellows who sign in the American League the Dallas team averages 24 years of age and the rookies have a great chance to make the scene not only an earning power for themselves but a professional football name for themselves and as you might figure from the state of Texas the music is giant [Music] well there's the top tenant for last year and the year before which right now are in jeopardy of being hauled down unless the Houston Oilers go to work in the second half as the defending champs are trailing 17 to nothing they dollar sections will be kicking off from your left there and why did you just joined us Houston in the dark suits and Tommy Brooker is teeing up the ball number 81 [Applause] [Music] Bobby dancer number 23 Billy cannon number 20 in receiving formation [Music] [Applause] here we go [Music] dassit pictured on the crew he's up to the 20 25 cities and a 33 yard line with across town by Bobby Flay number 14 [Applause] Bobby flies has an interesting story does not intercept the past during the season until the last two games of the year and then he intercepted the seven passes there's Bobby Jam sequel just to ran that kickoff back so let's see what's happening Houston now at halftime after going to the clubhouse or out ready to go now first down under 33 Duval and Hennigan are flank to the left on the double wing set up George Blanda is firing [Applause] cackling where do ball the first pastor that has thought this was a a bland that can go wrong a quarter 1/2 3/4 of the game looked bad and then suddenly come out and kill you particularly when Jackie leaves in there they give him a little bit of rest he seems to build up a head of steam and he comes back [Applause] Houston is on ballast 44 first down Kahneman motion teller at the bar the party seller to the 39 yard line of Dallas tackled by wall Corey and Jeremy Hogan Wharton was leading away as he pulled out from his right guard position the block that was a five-yard gain of second down five to go for Houston on the Dallas 39 we just started the second half with a score 17 to nothing in favor of the ballast section lime is a quarterback cannon number 20 seller 44 the deep man hitting in the flanker the plow 81 the tight end Duval 88 this play going out with a double slot setup get back to polar [Music] [Applause] the bowling ball five feet six 200 pounds and Oilwell firefighter in the offseason drop down for a first down Houston on the Dallas 27 will follow Kurt he's no longer the human bowling ball now he's the human manhole cover that's the latest is tonight now showing their best defenses brush to the game double slot right Lander [Applause] hitting his target George Blanda who when he gets hot the veteran time after time was poor distant from behind this year when they were trailing in game first down Houston now on the Dallas 15 yard line and the Houston Drive has awakened they shot out Houston crowd double-wing set up Landa throwing right beige a Hall of Annette was go dangerous pass was intended for Duval and Holub nearly picked it off number 55 gallon mr. Bentley ladies and gentlemen at this game would end up in a tie under American Football League rule they would have a three minute the rest period and then would start a sudden-death playoff period and the first team scoring winning that's in case of the pie second down tend to go for Houston on the Dallas 15 Landis Pass [Applause] we'll go from Southern Methodist University stores and blame the removed when they went 67 yards a 1 2 3 4 5 Rick plays George Blanda will kick off for Houston Houston had just scored marching 67 yards deep for Dave Grayson closest to you and Abner Haines Landis kick against the wind Grayson takes it on the stretch to the pen 15 funny [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] our own fumble on the 27 they're getting up down at the bottom of that file [Applause] mark arrow ready click went down to make the tackle on the kickoff team for Houston if you subscribe now they've just seen their team score for the first time in the game Dallas had a superb first half and this is the first time Dallas has had the ball in the second half we're on their 26 for the first time the Quitman spike to pull back to their McClinton take the bar out why he number 30 I could writing down vanillite quarterback position here I think it's interesting to note how that little taste of a touchdown their picks up that defensive line the Houston defensive line now is like a bunch of tigers in there they're a little bit flat the first half second down 12 to go for the Dallas Texans on their 24 at a whistle blown inadvertently that's what raised the huddle up Andrew Haynes is coming out of the plant with spikes in the princess seat Dawson quarterbacking Boston the McClinton the 25 a court running it over the 30 and up to age 32 yard line Curtis McClinton at the gain of 8 [Applause] they have a third down and four to go on Floyd and Mike Dukes winning that last tackle for Houston they're five minutes John in the third three the score 17 to 7 in favor of Dallas [Applause] aimes coming out as a flanking back our banister split end [Applause] thirty-five with a totally marketLine flag is down blossom taking the McClinton up the middle went to he's 36 very close to a first down now they're conferring I think we're gonna see a defensive holding penalty card I'm not sure though the scores against Houston defensive holding automatic first down at this moment mr. Blanda is thinking of everything - I mentioned when he took a long time in the huddle I was generally a pass he took a long time then I moved his hands around like he was explaining a pattern I think hoping to get Dallas thinking it was a pass coming up and then he came up with a run second down four for Houston and Dallas 49 and the motion is taller with the ball went head-on at the 47 yard line of Dallas by male branch and walked Cory Cory's 56 branches of the fence II write in 87 now he had a third down and two third and two produced him on the Dallas 47 a new American Football League record for attendance is set today the crowd 37,000 981 they could have sold 60 or 70,000 seat during Houston today they the room they sold this game out in three hours a week ago Charlie Hannigan honest Lankford and two for Houston brothers this stop no game maybe he lost the yard he was slowed down by branch ill-afford in and then Hillary took the final wrap up on him fourth down and three [Applause] fourth down and three for Houston on the Dallas 48 Frank Jackson and Abner Haynes are dropping back of the flim safety confirmation is Jim Norton whose average 42 yards of booth [Music] Martin is angling for the near coffin corner it's a beautiful kick Jackson takes it on the sick [Applause] [Music] [Applause] his motion stopped just short of the five as Hart and his beautiful spiral may live in the coffin corner and he had to handle it raus that ball might have gone off fall on a one or two yard line that's right it was a definitely a coffin corner kick critter and I was if it's a seat Big Bob Kelly 256 three make a valiant effort not to hit the ball carrier because he was in there late he didn't want that penalty flag to drop he really did a dance there Dallas leading 17 to 7 comes up to their five-yard line with the first down four minutes 19 seconds to play in the third Farrell the whole open for spike he gets about four yards for the 9 yard line of Dallas were Freddie Glick the right safety and Bucky went near the left and hit him speaking of not room here today yesterday the county here the city of Houston voted on their new dome Stadium they both went through and the erection of the stadium will now go ahead a new dome Stadium for Houston and the Houston Oilers will play there in the future the clinton stopped at the 10-yard line later the 11 without salt pepper and a hustler hitting him in the middle of the line the affair down and for speaking of dorm stadiums Boston has just hired an architect to drop the women right plan for a new attractive Allah Stadium in the city of Boston where the stadium went through they put balance forth event for that area would be gray we're down and for its McCartney and heroes after the 15 Curtis for Clinton that climb brought him down very close to the first down and they have the measurement the Clinton has been a ball today rushing into that line there is a measurement any part of the ball meeting the inside edge of the yard step first time credit that Dallas line was some really great blogging in here I often mention the toughest 10 yards of football the last 10 to the goal line but this is the second toughest 10 down in your own territory because the defense knows you probably won't throw and they like they load up that defensive line and you really have to root them out to make yardage down here first down Dallas under 15,000 13 you're firing deep - spike - spike number 30 was out in the open he was covered two steps behind by Bobbie Gentry as Dawson throws those secondary men with that fake ball he does real Welland and incidentally a fine call there he finally got out far enough where he figured he had enough air to get back in throwable Dallas Texans in the lead 17 to 7 had the ball on their 15-yard line second down 10 ranked Jacksonville flanking back pains a McClinton ER set deep brought the Haines at the 15 20 25 [Applause] [Music] same rut bouncing behind by Doug Klein at the gain of 14 and gives Alice another first down there now there you see something that Dawson accomplished even with an incomplete pass he shook up that defense a little bit they had to get away from that heavy line down here it went back to a normal defensive line and then he can pop through with that running play Dallas has moved this ball from their five-yard line of the 29 they're much better operating in field position now they were a few moments ago Dawson taking [Applause] [Music] and 78 is at salt pepper boring in the bringing down but he caught his spikes back on the 19 the loss of 10 it is second down and 20 for Dallas dark the clock again says Leslie born Dallas by the way sticking to the clock has been eating it up here and throwing the ball in the last minutes of the third period and with a ten-point lead the best defense right now is to keep that ball as they come up they have a second down and 20 Jackson the flanker wide left pasta Hey [Music] [Applause] [Applause] let's see who gets up in the body if that husband number 82 pain thermal and his'n has a scoring opportunity Goosen has scored the only touchdown of the path Houston ball first down on the Dallas 20 George when brings them up on their double wing setup plaintiff aiding him first down over the head of Charlie told number 44 in a quickie second down and 10 the goal for Houston on the Dallas 20 Dallas was ahead 17 to 7 that was completely dominated the first half and Houston mark 67 yards early in the first quarter now they haven't had a flank dance Duvall and Hennigan go wide right taller and Canada a double wing land of fire [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 47 Johnny Rawlinson a Louisiana state fails Alice out and there is opportunity produces violence in the former halfback from LSU coming off the field when that one back from the two to the 37 and Hannigan head of tackling [Applause] first down for Dallas on their own 37 Dallas would have been in serious trouble in Houston scored down on that opportunity [Applause] this fires through from his West linebacking position Houston's boss second down 10 Houston on their 43 [Music] land on second down fires did Juba [Music] [Applause] George Blanda and Houston has a first down to ball offend the best receiver today for the Houston Oilers he has heard I think we've seen everything Hennigan who's had a brilliant year here has dropped three today goes out on the field we place another Duval well Gorman goes in at West and replaces Duval 17 to 7 Dallas ahead Houston has a first down there to defending champs Lana shoot for their third straight title and they're trailing first down in the dallas 34 Billy cannon at the 35 the cannon to the 30 and he has stopped at the 29 yard line of Dallas by EJ Holub number 55 who's been all over this field today with some jarring tackles from his left line back in position five-yard gain by Billy cannon second down and five to go for Houston 12 minutes 55 seconds left to play [Music] double wing setup with two white men - you said it's complete at the 15 on the cloud to hide inside number 81 said we can holocene up for the tackle is another Houston first down Houston first down in the Dallas 16 yard line and the Houston crowd yelling go go [Applause] sowe're and tannin on the wings plan to write down a little incomplete faster than kenneth / macleod number 81 it'll be second down 10 to go for Houston on the Dallas 16 George doesn't like to leave a good thing he came right back with the same pattern Curt the one that was completed on the play before that second down for Houston on the Dallas 16 incidentally 80% of his patterns have been a simple turn pass to the end that's that's just down the field and turn into the open space that's what he's been showing all day land on second bound that one deflected [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] deflected growler Fred's number 76 product that there the deflection by a Dallas lineman and he lied a lot to blander and the play will end up losing eight yards started out of the water looked like an incomplete forward pass that turned out to be one time when they would have been happy not to complete the pass they have a third down now and 18 the goal on the Dallas 24 11 and a half minutes left to play Dallas ahead 17 to 7 [Applause] big third down here a lab to keep the candle [Applause] against your teammate Diana was momentarily here in the open and Robinson came over and knocked it away hit Shannon at the same time but as legal he was going for the ball fourth down 18 to go for Houston they're going for the field goal Roman will hold on the 30 George Blanda will attempt to get a slight angle from the near side his kick is up and it is a gallop touched in 17 and the Houston Oilers 10 Dallas ball first down on their 22 stops to the quarterback aims it left that McClinton fullback and they're gonna put Jackson on the plane heard of necessity Dustin has had to play a little cozy for taking that lead but he's going to have to open up eventually now 10 and a half minutes left to play trying to get Haines outside [Applause] 5:33 but the Waggoner 86 all in weight lost only to look like a lot more but the whistle has opted forward motion second down 12 Dallas has had real trouble moving against Houston here in the second half now looks like we've got a great finish in the making here 17 to 10 Dallas leading they were leading 17 to nothing at the half pound line tripped him up third down 11 the Dallas on their 21 yard line Jack spikes checked in for a Frank Jackson Atlanta Houston is edging those men up and they've become famous for that safety blitz that they've used they even rushed the safety man at times I think Dawson has seen this to the type of pass that Hank Stram might saying it would be the scream well let me point out there's Chris perfect with the treachery they they pass the people of Dallas who was out of this game with a knee injury third down 11 enjoying the stream that's right by Hilton galloping position 30 bishop but houston nearly fit that free pass on 17s and Dallas leading for the American Football League championship a reminder again at his game engine at I will be a three-minute intermission and in a sudden-death playoff area first down for Houston on the ballot 49 the quick person [Music] a first time for Houston officials to pull her up the middle and then the quick look in right shirt and that fade fake has a definite purpose and that's just a freeze that linebacker for a second to come up and make that tackle on the attended runner as it looks like Toller will be and then he throws that little look in over his head Houston has been famous all year for coming from behind and they're trying to do it again they have a first down in the dallas 34 solar emotion pillar in the handoff bangs to the 31 of Dallas bar Rochester got him there second down seven ago for Houston on the Dallas 31 yard line Hank Stram take ease that as a tall can we hold him and we hold him only once in his half of Dallas been in Houston territory [Applause] Houston has scored a touchdown a field goal and lost another hope for another thing when they had a fashion accepted on the goal line second down and seven Toller in motion then we mark it down the pass incomplete from the cloud that we had a flag drop and believe it's an illegal position of procedure we'll get the official signal on him in the blank McCloud jumped the gun little bit he took a back step just before the ball was snapped number 55 is EJ Holub of Dallas who has played a truly magnificent game on defense for the Texans he was everybody's all-american at Texas Tech there it is a legal position or procedure against Houston the penalty declined by Dallas third down and seven ago for the Houston Oilers on the Dallas 31 yard line 7 minutes and 10 seconds left to play it is 17 to pen in favor of Dallas and again going out wide left along with Duval double-wing set up lie in the fire [Applause] lazy ass state was hit by Bobby fly there he is the Heisman Trophy winner three years ago slow down the back injury and with his back injury Kurt his running has not been as great as in past years but coach Ivey is flawless he's still the best pass receiver he has in the back here first down for Houston on the Dallas pen yard-line Lana rolls out fires [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a simple pattern went down Blaine would Stockton on the one-yard line and Houston now has second down and a yard to go not gonna go [Applause] second down and a half yard to go for a first down and goal that's been a point to tie this game up [Music] [Applause] cooler ice a little 205 that only prices cooks Ford and now is 17 to 16 now Houston gopher one or two they're going for the point unless they fake this one Lander will attempt to tie it holding his Drummond and they kick for Jefferson Stadium a dollar section 17 and the history over 17 George Blanda who just sided up with that fixed appoint will kick off 17 - 17 now 558 to go in the game it's been like two different games every day at first and he said I'm going to boom should be taken by Grayson got to the pen [Music] [Applause] hey Grayson fall down by Mark Johnston and bill Hirshman Dallas has been in a hole this entire second half it was all Dallas in the first half they went 17 to nothing giftedness come back with 17 points in the second half just like it came here on two different weekends to see different ball skirt was almost over on that play for a moment because there was an actual problem on the play with the whistle had blown baloff has a first down on her 15 yard line and Houston has got one pulled in the second half will be a Dallas to get moving again Jackson's out on the wing there's a fake drawn ready Goss is looking for a receiver throw incomplete intended for number 84 our banners as a penalty flag went down this was awesome let that ball go a penalty flag went down it might be ineligible receiver downfield I believe it is I think an imaginary through the band for half the distance to the goal there's the Fennelly ineligible receiver downfield that's it that's a loss of a dime Kurt again right second down and 22 yards to go we noticed one thing no Lenny Dawson has not hit the panic button he was very calm on that pass there and pick out his receiver even though he's being charged game all tied 17 the seven thing which could have a sudden-death playoff there had marooned out to the same range to the 15 out of town on his 17 ain't winning in out 10 yards if this game is that a try we'll have a three-minute intermission and a sudden-death playoff period it in other words the first team has scored in the extra period would be the winner and of course both teams have fine field goal kickers but Houston has the advantage in this case because they have a strong win behind them third down and 12 and the wind is very much an advantage in the fourth quarter Houston has a 15 mile an hour wind of exactly stop idea the Houston post third and 12 for Dallas on the 15 [Applause] [Music] at the hoof Leblon bag at the 18 and dallas now we'll go into conformation where they force down and 11 Eddie Wilson was coming in the kick against the strong wind red brick and Bob jams it were they going back in front the shooting formation four minutes 45 seconds to go Blythe is 27 and dancing to 23 again this is been a tie game right now [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm a 30 gets a Dallas bone and roasted 40 yard line for only 23 yards followed on the 41 a 23 yard kick I'm here for that now is in great position and that's right and of course what Hank Stram is sweating out now if they just make as much as one first down there he is there at Houston makes as much as one first down or a good one there in field goal range game tied 17 - 17 Houston ball first down over that was 41 a motion-control era berrett-koehler is hip for a lost his momentum stops at the 42 yard line Paul Rochester brought him down and there's a TJ Holub again 55 he's been hit on about 75% of the tackles today you can see why he one of the greatest linemen ever produced in the southwest wait a brilliant game and a he's only 22 years old great young players in this American Football League that have long years ahead of them second down 12 the goal for Houston on the Dallas 43 fuller in motion planner in the crowd and the crowd on the 35 hours that's an eight-yard game makes you third down and florida goal for Houston the oh-ho puts him out of bound well we're seeing a great one here and on New Year's Day we expect to see one of the all-time best games in the Orange Bowl and Alabama Crimson Tide meets the Sooners of Oklahoma 29th annual Orange Bowl game it'll be on ABC TV clear the top coaches in the game Bear Bryant and bud Wilkinson matching whip please time college team President Kennedy will be at the game by the way a burrowing ball third down and four Houston on the Dallas 35 the swing pass to polar incomplete and now Blanda can break the tie if he goes for the field goal third a fourth and four for Houston on two that was 45 I tell you one thing - he's gonna be figuring on in this case that wind is not directly behind him it's over his right shoulder so he's going to be playing this thing like a golf shot with a hook aiming for that right portion hoping to float it in think he might have a little body English on this laughter he's a pleasant man playing a pinball machine he's going to kick it from the 42 his pick his up his back this in his honor that the $40 stopped him and Dallas will take over now David Grayson rushed and blocked off Dave Grayson a quarterback broke through to black brandish kick and Dallas has a first down on the Dallas 40-yard line time remaining three minutes ten seconds the game is tied 17 - 17 the battle for the American Football League championship catching the flanking back pains in the Clinton except deep both ends inside this to hane along the 41 yard line number 40 is Tony Banfield who hit him the left cornerback at an all league cornerback by the way again we notice it's very obvious the late tacklers are not tackling late anymore they're so afraid that flag is going to drop so they're if a man is down there very definitely attempting to fall over him if we do have a tie and a sudden-death playoff they kick off with me by the cost of a coin tossing is fading all the time in the world throws if good at the 50-yard line to our baddest read our banner for Michigan State in his second year of pro football hit by a rookie Bobbie Gentry to Lamar says our baddest [Applause] they brilliant tied into the dollar section there are two minutes to play the whistle blows the automatic warning to each band at the two-minute mark will have a timeout and a score here in Houston Texas they tie the Dallas Texans 17 and the Houston Oilers 17 all tied up 17 to 17 as play will be resumed here in Houston Texas Dallas has the ball just short of their 50-yard line where they third down and a yard to go wait in the yard Jackson out wide they give it to McClinton and he's very close to that first down the big rookie fullback from Candace University Curtis McClinton bucking just over the midfield stripe this may take a measurement let's see if three born looking to the yard sticks on the near side and here's the chain gang coming out any part of that ball meeting the inside edge you watch it now you'll have a good shot at it of the players gonna get my way first down Dallas has a first down that on a 50-yard line with a minute and 44 seconds to play the game tied a sudden-death of the game hands up in a time Jackson goes out wide right window field goal is a threat of course at any time while giving a Haines and he goes to the 46 yard line employers [Music] thought they had the bomb second down six the girlfriend Alice the clock is moving just over a minute left to play in a tie there goes Jackson wide right again Dallas probably on getting field goal position here with something and we had penalty markers dropped all over the fastest complete and out of bounds to Jackson they went ahead with a play Jackson's out in the 39 but let's see illegal position of procedure against direct that's what we call back that would have given Dallas a first down on the Houston 39 Bob wolf and Pat Henin will be long with all-pro scoreboard right after today's game featuring a 1962 American Football League All League team so stay tuned right after the game here's the illegal position friendly 5 yards [Music] we have 59 seconds left to play Dallas has the ball on there 49 yard line with a second down and 11 the goal will keep repeating a tie at 17 with 17 stay tuned if it is a tie it'll be a sudden-death playoff he went over and then bad 33 fell on top of him well that loses 9 yard gets third down and 20 to go clock stopped with 53 seconds remaining you know I keep mentioning this but it's still interesting two of the players on opposing side squared off there where they were debating whether to belt each other or not having a little idea coming up on that then they both suddenly decided neither one wanted a 15-yard penalty at this stage of the game so they quieted down where's Chris Burford the all-american will former in the Stanford and the outstanding the truth of the ballas team which would have been in there today [Applause] [Music] in seconds left to play in this game now Dallas black still moving Dallas may take all the time they can to run the shock out of him the game on his high Alec lock stops for 14 seconds to go in the game there it is 14 seconds remember if this game ends in a tie we'll have a three-minute intermission and in the start of a sudden-death playoff you can watch on this punt coming up to their two choices on this thing one it will be for the Houston line to attempt to block the punt and the other will be the attempt not to block out but they get a run back up and if you see the defensive lineman in the dark jerseys take one initial charge and then start dropping back second best to play in this game now Dallas black girl moving Dallas may take all the time they say and run the clock out of him the gay minutes hi Alec lock stops for 14 seconds to go in the game there it is 14 seconds remember if this game ends in a tie we'll have a three-minute intermission and in the start of a sudden-death playoff you can watch on this punt coming up - there are two choices on this thing one it will be for the Houston line to attempt to block the punt and the other will be there Kemp not to block guys but they get a run back off and if you see the defensive lineman in the dark jerseys take one initial charge and then start dropping back instead of rushing the punter you'll know they've got the punt run back play on and of course Dallas that they do close they'll never block better or try better to keep a kitchen being watched in this one Eddie Wilson's of Confirmation and the gathering darkness here in Houston were in a tie of 14 seconds to go the way it's a beauty they should have good fun coverage on this one fair catch call by Jensen on the 31 Houston taste of all is seven seconds to go seven seconds and unless we have a miraculous play here by Houston we're gonna have a sudden-death playoff period in which the first team of scores will win the American Football League champion take a three-minute intermission and then a coin flip to see who kicks off Bobby hunt as we face a mommy fly in the Dallas secondary Johnny Robinson's in there they're going to be guarding against the long ones just gonna flip the ball and play on their 31 first down with seven seconds to go it's all tied up two different games Dallas got 17 points in the first half Houston 17 points in the second half taller emotion Flanders fading two seconds to go [Applause] [Music] hi Gloria three-minute intermission a flip of the coin to decide who'll kick Raj is like the start of a new game and then the first team that scores in the sudden-death playoff will win the American League championship it will still be played by quarter now very very seldom and you'll see an ending like this one the captains are now going to meet for the pass of the coin number 82 is that husband and number 70 is our Jameson that book is out there with them for the possible choice for this unusual sudden-death playoff they're trying to get the Dallas co-captains out and as soon as we get all set we're going to send you down to Jack of the 50-yard line red barn in the dark cap is the game official the referee and red is trying to get the ballast captain's out on the field for the toss of the coin for the sudden-death playoff period right now let's go down to Jack at the 50-yard line right here in the playing field and very shortly we're going to have the toss of the coin as the overtime period will come about red barn is the referee officiating here knowledge is power court that a visiting team men will help it's sudden death now whoever receives a ball and it will start all over again you understand that both of you we understand it we know it isn't this machine just like the game when you called it while the coins in there and call it loudly his head a Dallas one guitar you have your choice of course your Stephen or kicking we will kick to the clock you're going to kick yeah do the clock right my balance one the show [Applause] [Music] I'd say over one night Dallas bench was going on as her name's elected to kick off with a club and I'm sure that's not the unanimous opinion of the bench Oh over there and whether or not it's going to pay off we're going to have to wait to see insurer skirt kicking against the wind [Music] the kick and Senator receive because they assume that Houston would think that when if they elected to receive this is this could be the only reasoning out well strip the official rules out with a sudden-death playoff there'll be a cleaving to information like we've just gone through you've seen the claim talk to determine who'll get movie speed Dallas electric it the teams drawing first by any method will be the winner play will continue in 15-minute periods with two minutes between periods and teams changed over at the end of the period all normal rules apply with FEMA sees three timeouts for each superior and the last two minutes of each tab will change will applied during the last two minutes of each second period and so ladies and gentlemen the regulation game has ended in the tie here they third year the American Football League which have made Diane's Drive year by year [Music] and a game hog Dallas nearly blow Houston off the field in the first half 17 to nothing and then Houston came back and dominated the second half the way Dallas hired the first half 17 - 17 and now the death playoff and any score by any means well win the game the first team of scores in the sudden-death playoff will win Donnybrook who will kick off Billy cannon and Bobby jasoos for the Houston Oilers Houston crying for its third championship in a row the kick is the 12 attention to the 20 25 30 and Jeff has dropped down on the 34 yard line Bobby fly downfield on the tackle [Applause] that's the Dallas page spread our banner over 84 [Music] first time out for Houston in the overtime period they're on their own 34 yard line and their double wing set up solar emotion planet pump faking right up and at the 44 yard line is Willard Duvall and is [Music] [Applause] see big Charlie took the picture if they had a jackpot gonna fail as we told you after the toss of the coin which you saw the Dallas bench was in great alarm over there and I asked one of the Dallas players Marv Terrell their offensive guard what it was all about and he simply said Curt that Abner Hanes have made a mistake one thing at Houston Lane has really been tough the second half they have been hard to move on third down and eight for Dallas Jackson why right sudden-death playoff period at the 25 on the plate resigned at the 28 but they're short of a first down game Bab Paulie men number 33 so it is fourth down and for the Gulf and Dallas in a hole all the second half we'll still be in a hole they're kicking again against this growing wind dallas won the toss for the sudden-death playoff period goes to kickoff and Houston not only got the ball but had the wind at their back Betty Wilson's information they're pretty glotón Bobby dent at the deep man dancing closest to world [Applause] this chick is a fair catch call by dancing on the 45 yard line in Houston Houston first town remember now any score a field goal if they see a touchdown wins the game the first team to score the sudden-death playoff it's a regulation 15-minute period they're playing in fact they'll just keep playing 15-minute barriers until somebody scores and ABC television will stay right with you 11 minutes left in this first sudden-death fairly new balls foot left Hennigan right the hand off the cannon 10 into 45 and up to the 50 yard line and he just short of the 50 cannon was hit by number 75 Jerry made second down six to go for the Houston Oilers the defending champs who as they have done so many times this year had to come from behind the do it and Blanda who three times this year was taken out of the game for poor play and then put back in later in the game then do about a sip of the Bob face as anyone in football he can be sole and then he can get hottest the taller taller at the 15 he was met at the 50 by EJ Harlem again 230 pound linebackers polyp doesn't seem to follow the ball a ball seems to follow him wherever he goes the radar screen on EJ Hall of the day well tiller skipped through and around a couple of guys there but not to mister Holub in this game Charlie told us coming out and days just replacing it the time remaining in the sudden-death playoff period it is third down and five to go for the Houston Oilers they've got Smith in a halfback now in place of Toller let's see what kind of a play they have coming up [Applause] Landa fires Johnny Robinson gravitons over 250 and stopped on the Houston 48 yard line STP interception Johnny Robinson is made a former teammate with Billy cannon at LSU and Robinson also added a pass that on the end zone at Turner was about these warm late in the fourth quarter Johnny Robinson standout in the defensive secondary well Dallas now has the ball in Houston territory we're going to keep repeating in the sudden-death playoff the first thing that scored wins the game and they can store by any measure they see touchdown a field goal the handoff Vista Curtis McClinton has he Bulls to the 41 yard line of Houston a gain of six yards it is second down and four to go for Dallas Dean Babb on the tackle number 33 [Music] it was nearly dark here in Houston and a cloudy day the temperatures drop 25 degrees since we started the game and the fans have forgot all about that they seemed too tightly contested batter second down and four thought Cole left hand is McClinton 10 we mark it down flag down that's Abner Haynes number 28 he says we'll accept the penalty we'll see what it's for five yards against Houston [Applause] [Music] no signal yet [Music] offside against used to push the ball in the 33 yard line or the 38 I beg your pardon second down and a yard to go board up Hank Stram a study and anxiety right now [Applause] third and 7 for balances at them up on the Houston 44 van Agrippa will sweat in and Hanes the flank back right [Applause] [Music] the University of Nebraska communicating if pop is having a day for Dallas husband is having the same kind of a day for Houston what at time now just about to say that Paul had husband has been great defensively for Houston and now here is a force down for Dallas on the 49 yard line they have a 4th down and 13 in the putting Eddie Wilson and fun promotion Gansu can flip to a double safety [Applause] kick hips on the 25 to the $20 bounce and roll is carrying the ball that a Houston 16 and a half it'll be Houston ball first town there's a time remaining in this first sudden-death playoff period for the American Football League championship it's tied up 17 - 17 first team of scores wins the game landed a cannon cannon gets it to the 14 second down seven sherry Hedrick the middle linebacker made the tackle for Dallas Curt I think we can pose a question for the armchair quarterbacks at home right now you you're going to have a tough time getting out of this territory running but if you throw that ball an interception can be fatal what are you going to do in this position second down seven Houston on their 14 any kind of a field position of course can be vital in this game for a field goal the women Lana's quick fast complete to the 25 a 45 day bracelet there's a first time for Houston I have to say mr. Blaine has a lot of fortitude to make that call first down Houston on the 25 the game is tied 17 - 17 five and a half minutes to go in the first overtime period [Applause] Paula Smith right back to bland again plaintiff pass incomplete intended for Billy cannon number 20 that ball was given to Smith on a draw and he gave it right back to bland oh and I think we noticed something there too Curt cannon was about to receive the ball again his back trouble he could not bend over that ball hit him on the thigh guard it was low but he can't bend over while he's running to make that catch this game right now of course this is unofficial but this is the longest game ever played in the history of brawl football here it is done through nearly ten minutes of the overtime period Dave Smith on a draw play whipping his way up to the 29 yard line third down and six to go for Houston while Corey on the tackle for the Dallas Texans each team had a vente chol season records of 11 wins and three losses Houston won the Eastern Division of the American Football League and Dallas the Western Division and each split two games playing each other we had only one tie game all year that was a tie between Buffalo and Boston and this is the second time it comes in the championship game land a little quick toss up with a snare let's get the 35 in a 36 they get enough for a first down [Applause] he's fan sound like he made a touchdown on our okay every yard and this over time ago his vital Dallas giving up ground grudgingly but giving it up right now first down for youthful Lana on the quick pastor Kenan ban him to the 40 to the 41 for yard gain for cannon tackle by AJ Holub the beast was been the beast today second down and six to go for Houston on the Houston 41 the game tied 17 - 17 three minutes and 35 seconds left in this overtime period still neither team has scored in the seventh period did they go through their first period let's start the second one and keep playing though somebody's called double-wing set up land at the Hennigan complete at the 15 Pentagon first time very fish is what three above right in his lap and when he caught out of his ear by the way we have a light rain coming down now just a light one but if it continues enough to perhaps make the field a little slippery and the ball too first down for Houston on a 50-yard line were tied 17 to 17 in the overtime period Houston has marched in at the living yard line to the 50 yard line on this Drive land of faking firing or somebody there pass intended for Canon who had turned in going out and then in Atlanta was throwing to the sidelines here again you see the difference now and between Dawson and Blanda we have not seen Duss and there's your time right there we have not seen Dawson throw a ball away today and that time we did see bland to throw one away because he was going to lose about 12 yards if he'd hell it there was a blue jersey in the area so he could throw to it but actually throwing the ball away to save that 15 yards Dawson depends on his own running to get out of that hole and very often he does consequently he has over a six hundred percentage in passing Houston's second down on the 50-yard line second and 10 double wing landis pass is complete [Applause] [Music] [Applause] they took up about 50 yard every yard for that ball for a field goal to win this game there's a very first time for Houston now they're on the dollar thirty five oh what a grinding March this has been by Houston 39 yards upfield 15 downfield they have now March 54 yards from their 11 yard line and they've got a great field goal kicker and blander the pitch today Smith Smith is hit hard by Cheryl Hedrick number 69 that was a tremendous effort by Hendricks they all League linebacker on the American League defensive team they lost the yard on that played a second down and 11 the goal for Houston and I'll tell you that Dallas line hasn't thrown in the towel I'm shouting either they're playing hard nosed ball second down 11 this is not only the battle for the American League Championship isn't for the state of Texas all effective second down 11 ago Lander rolling out fires and the complexion suddenly changes Houston has marched 54-yard they were giving him a little and he's unhappy right here at the bottom of your screen getting a field goal range that's five intercepts an interception for Dallas today and now Dallas takes over on the 50 yard line with one minute to play in the first overtime three I say first overtime story because when neither team scored in the last minute they're going into the second over there Hall a rookie and also a basketball player at Wake Forest and a football in he's try to basketball player - first time for Dallas on the 50 yard line they got their big backpack fill in again this Optima Clinton the Clinton gets three yards to the Houston 47th second down and seven ago there's the time running out of this sudden-death period teams have changed goals by the way at the end of the period that would give Dallas the wind advantage in the second quarter Houston is hard the wind in the fourth period of the regulation and in the first period here of overtime so they've made that decision stand up on the cake time is running out as the curtain takes the hand off there's the end of the first overtime period they'll now change goals and start the second overtime period with the first team of stores winning the game saw the score here at the end of the first sudden-death period where a little football history is being made today in Houston Texas to score the Dallas Texans 17 the Houston Oilers 17 now ladies and gentlemen going into the sixth period turn I wasn't waiting for you to say that's the end of the fifth quarter going into the third half third dimes seven the goal for Dallas on the Houston 48 [Applause] after rolling out competing at the strikes at the 45 40 bike goes down on the 38 here the light rain is falling first down and it was a big play for Dallas they third him seven and they got a first down on it sudden-death first team of scores wins the American Football League championship Dallas had the first down in the houston 38 yard line [Applause] it's been a remarkable game we haven't had an injury in the game we've had very few substitutes on either the offensive defensive team and both clubs are still going full-tilt we've got a lot of young football players in the both team their spikes getting outside of the 35 to the 30 25 20 and such the gel sow in real scoring position at the 18 Jack spike injured a bad leg injury earlier that allowed Ricky fitters for Clinton to take his job away from him but today was Burford the ACE receiver a flanker back on the sidelines Dallas was done with two fullbacks in it back they learned they have come through Curt incidentally there has not been an injury or a major substitution in this ball game Dallas has a first down on the Houston 19 and Dallas brothers saying young there is 23 and a half years of age up to the line of scrimmage Boston fire suspect Chris and his he-man he was really open at the five probably could have scored at least bina kasih ball it would have been a first down and goal to go for Dallas that'll make a coach's heart stop thanks Graham dusted then second down and ten the goal for Dallas on the Houston 19 in the second sudden-death overtime period of course when you overrun the passer as Houston did there then you're in real danger because he pops out he's got that much extra time to pick an open receiver in it and if they keep running as they should do they're bound to be open somebody if you get that much time game aside 17 the 17 Lenny Dawson after McClinton stop told by Bill herzman while still on the 19 yard line third and 10 and of course the Dallas a doesn't move for the first down here they'll go for the field goal that could win the game and if he doesn't throw this time he'll run for position probably just right in the middle of the field that a fairly good angle right now Paul we need to be about 2 or 3 yards tortoise to the near sideline and if you write the middle move it over three yards in one inch teams now have played more than 77 minutes a day of hard bruising football areas sneaking forward getting in field goal position picked up about 3 yard the quarterback sneak exhausting the angle slightly to the middle of the field to get that ball in position and now delicious field goal that will win the American League Championship there on the 18 yard line Tommy Booker will attempt the field goal and I think it's pretty safe to predict about an 11 man rush by Houston when Dawson will hole that's the ballast point Dallas is calling for timeout they want to get everything set for this field goal attempt that if they would make it will give them the championship and the game well while we have a moment here while in Dawson and his torch Hank Stram confer we want to remind you that I'm Sunday January 13th many of the stars you've seen in this championship game today and other outstanding stars of the American Football League will be in action at San Diego for the American League all-star game it will be telecast on ABC television and tickets are on sale at convenient locations in the San Diego area and of course Kurt don't forget the big Orange Bowl on January 1st where am I along with the great ballgame we'll see that fabulous halftime show of Ernie sylars and of course we'll be seeing President Jackson Baldwin and his gable staff of Beverly Benjamin and Norris Anderson all right fourth down Dallas on the 18 yard line of Houston's in the second overtime period can win the game that this field goal is good the game of fact 1717 tossing a hole in the 24 and watch it the big rush around the kicker's up they kick his goal on a 20 [Music] courageous ly hell there's their quote tank slam carried off the field and this was gotta be one of the greatest football games I've ever seen Paul that was about the wildest finish we'll ever see and of course Hank Stram is beside himself I imagine Popeye he's trying to congratulate him out there but he can't get near him because he's been carried away by his own players this game actually was played 77 minutes and 54 seconds of playing time a field goal came with 12 minutes and 50 seconds to go in the second overtime period dallas won the first half 17 to nothing Houston won the second half 17 to nothing and ended up in a tie they were scoreless in the first overtime period and Tommy brookers included the field there DJ Holub the plate that's a great defensive game for Dallas Houston had its defensive heroes in their second half their line was magnificent and we just beat the darkness here in Houston as Houston's reign as American League football champions has come to an end they'd won at the first two years in the third year of this young league Dallas has won the championship and right now let's go down to jackpot we're in the playing field as you know and here's Hank Stram the coaches are now champion Dallas Texans and Hank congratulations thank you very much jack it's a great thrill and I am I just can't compliment this quite enough to see the way they came back to stay on the ball game and the second half like they did it finally came back and white it was a great tribute I think to our squad and we're just a promise can we that we can win the championship and bring it back to Dallas Texas here's some of the ball players here here's Jerry corny loser I play a lot offense today I'll tell you what it was tough Houston's got a tremendous ball regulation Fred's a tight end for the Dallas Texans by the ball game Fred won't have too much to do before you realize what happened at least please I'll be home any choice another guy standing behind me he played quite a ballgame maybe Jackie your pup you caught the orders on a blitz and that's what won the ballgame for you aside from the field work well we've been blitzing all the second half and we knew was going to catch him after a while we were getting wonder about that fourth quarter I'll tell you congratulations to Jackie was very hard you set that last one up for Tommy and he didn't tell you did he no sir he owned all season in hi Tommy nice ball game ties on here's the fella right here a kick the bill gahl Tommy and never a bigger one than that no sir not this one did you think you're gonna miss it no well you can't miss this guy really you had played enough for the afternoon yes I was another one earlier this year the one ball game the closing seconds you want I play New York when you beat New York 21 same thing didn't compare to this one other here's Jim Tyler over here offensive tackle Jim good to see a fellow what about this we ever been involved in anything like the greatest race win of my football career right now and we've said we've said very little about the Houston ballclub and they really work they're a fine team they really are did you think perhaps they had things going their way in that second we almost gave it to on the second half we did Kimmo what about the cost of the coin is it before the overtime pay was that simply out and I'm not mistaken well I'm glad I'm glad we're after sake you know he's kind of hard to think but it turned out right [Music] that's about it for the people that we've had down on the field so it's back up to you very Gaddy thanks to Jack buck down in the field for his fine job today and so Dallas wins the championship and let's get for Christmas final comments any face maybe they have in the state of Texas but they haven't nationally they played a brilliant ballgame Dallas played a wonderful ballgame Dallas was back on their heels and managed to comeback withstand everything Houston had and won the ballgame that's it in a nutshell well 77 minutes and 54 seconds was all over Dallas wins the American Football League championship once again the final score the Dallas Texans 20 the Houston Oilers 17
Channel: ironbeatyfly
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Length: 121min 36sec (7296 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 19 2018
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