1955 Solar Cooling

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foreign video 1954 we made this thing and we discussed that air conditioning was basically the same thing it's about blowing hot air for a cold surface I mean there are differences there are different kinds of air conditioners but the bulk of them are like that and we showed that when we made this now I'll put a link to that in the end of the video in case you're interested in seeing it but because the big issue is okay how do you make that cold surface that cold surface to be made in a number of ways but I want to introduce you to this stuff it is in fact clay it's a special kind of clay it's called zeolite x13 and this is the stuff that's used to clean fish ponds and it has an unusual and amazing property okay so I've filled my stainless steel tray with a bit of the zeolite and watch what happens when I pour on water okay boils almost immediately that is awesome or on some more water and add up Sterling engine ow and There She Goes okay that's cool it gets hot big because what we want is cold and the question is can we turn hot to cold so what I've got here is a metal tray with a thermocouple and it's going to this digital thermometer right there which is reading the ambient temperature and of course it's quite High because it's a metal tray in the sun now let's have some of my Zeal acts in The Fray yeah granted that looks like cat litter and then we'll add a whole load of water look at that fall in the water I put it on a bit of insulation and we're measuring the temperature and you can see it's shut up to actually shot at 65 by the time I'm doing this it's 56. now we're going to leave it to cool down to ambience so we've let it cool down to ambient 30 degrees is about right because it's 30.9 and now what we're going to do is force dry it with the fresnel lens we're about 10 minutes in the ambient is at 32.3 we're focusing the sun directly on this and that digital thermometer is reading 15 degrees so far from hitting up it's cooling down quite dramatically so I was asked to come up with the material that would be cheap easy to use and last wraps the edges and I can't think of anything better than something like zeolite now there are lots of materials like this lithium bromide was very very popular and a mix of vermiculite and calcium chloride would do exactly the same job in fact that mix is being used in the north of England to heat and cool houses which in England of course in the summer we get a lot of dry weather in the under we get a lot of wet weather so we have a bunch of zeolite when it's wet it gets hot give a bunch of wet zero like when it's dry it gets cold you can do the same thing with Sterling engines incidentally because Sterling's do exactly the same job but that zeolite is stunningly impressive it lowers the temperature well below what other evaporation coolers would do so if you've got a bit of cloth and stuck that in the sun it would also get cold but it wouldn't get nearly as cold as the zero like did feel like incidentally does occur naturally it's dug out the hills and you use it for a face mask and if you want to recharge something like zeolite of course all you're actually doing is drying it in the sun and then you put some more water on you could boil something with it dry it in the sun it'll get cold so brilliant for hot climates where you get lots of sun to dry your zeolite anyway I would suggest that is a brilliant method of keeping somewhere cool for air conditioning hope you enjoyed the video thank you very much for watching and please do remember to like And subscribe
Channel: Robert Murray-Smith
Views: 26,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zeolite, solar, cooling, air, conditioning, robert, fwg, tnt
Id: F1TzRU0RVi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 48sec (288 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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