1951 Studebaker Gasser, pulling the bullet nose from it's tomb Part 1

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hey pup how's it going hmm well i think i'm gonna take a break from some of my junk just to do something for fun for a day here one day two days yeah give myself that i kind of always wanted to pull this one in and build a gasser out of her it's kind of the plan except i'm not building it for the track well not yet someday that'll be the plan but for now we just do some dirt drags out in the field so [Music] i think this would be a cool a cool little gaster for that so don't have to meet much tech doing it that way but yeah i've had this forever so it's kind of the plan the old astutey the bullet nose i'm really not sure what's underneath or anything i've had this thing for so long but i don't remember anything about it uh the plan is though to radius the wheel wells and a solid axle under the front so still has the original motor but she is stuck beyond stuck if i can get this open if i know how this works come on baby oh she's not happy let's get the original motors i don't even know what i'm doing for a powertrain or anything yet but i think i'm gonna go to the shop and get me some stuff actually hold on i should be able to do this mint just needed two hands so she's a push pull style we're gonna change that over and the frame is pretty ugly i think i might just bring it up to the shop get the motor out i'm gonna need two sticks of steel so i can run the axle underneath it i have like an old pickup axe or something which is fine but i really want this thing nose bleed in the air and again we're just doing some dirt drags just for fun out here so it's kind of just going to build it for that for now we can always switch stuff up down the road no idea like i say what i want to use for a power plant but she's a little rough everywhere so she's a perfect candidate for this oop that's actually kind of cool save that for some hoshi crunchy all right well i do a little bit of cleanup in the shop and then i'm gonna go grab this thing slide her in the shop and have a better look at her [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so [Music] so i was rummaging around trying to find my uh my mixed gas tank which was in the pontiac there but i remember i bought this axle it's not pretty but should be usable for what i want and it was super cheap this is actually the straight axle out of a jeep so i got this brakes tubed axle i mean it's a little bulky but let's try it first case you take it out put a different axle in right no big deal anyways again price was right so i'm gonna try it out see if it's usable or not i just got to get it loaded onto this sucker here hopefully that's not too hard [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] well there she is and all of her crunchy glory [Music] body's pretty straight just got a lot of holes like a lot i don't think there's a a rocker or a floor on this side ah a bit of a rocker actually outside rockers not bad not really relevant gonna guess that's no good no worries where we're going we don't need that fuel tank oh yeah there is a lot of speed holes happening here it's going to go so much faster without all this excess steel eh lots of mouse poop yep that's good so it looks like some spare parts two spare tires a wiper motor that i really don't think is for this car looks gm i guess we got some trim bits not sure some hubcaps it's kind of cool and a radio all right that's trunk i don't think i have taillights for some reason that's kind of crappy well it isn't it isn't treasures do we have inside so that was the trim for the bottom of the door a headlight a pretty funky because i was doing a gaster i got the fuel tank there look at that stuff look at that that's pretty wild so we got our rings hold on i'm going to lower the hoist here a bit so we got our grill piece nice moon tank we do have our uh starter and stuff but that motor is so stuck it's unreal but yeah we got a bunch of neat stuff here how does this work look at that fancy well that's kind of i bet you that's kind of rare don't know what that other trim piece is that i got doesn't fit anywhere in the car interesting turn so is that lights get a v another h i don't get it [Music] you need dash interesting yeah i don't think that motor is loose if it's loose then at least it might be of use to somebody it's definitely not of any use to me so the 12 or 6 volt doesn't say i can always use 12-volt voltage regulators because they're cool on the old junk we got here we got our jack nothing else really i thought that was a trim ring but sure don't look like it i'll have to look under the seat after i get some tires on this thing make a rule oh well let's lift it up and uh see how bad she is underneath [Music] well she's surprisingly crunchy underneath not too bad though well not bad in places i care you know we don't have any body boxes the floor is actually not that bad i guess these cars don't actually have inner rockers yeah a little bad in some spots worse than others yeah she's a little crunchy check this driveshaft though that is tiny i don't think these motors made a lot of power so yeah body box floors are a little worse on this side same over here that's okay we don't need that many that much floor is where we're going spare tire mount is junk lots in the trunk there's definitely some stuff going on over there i don't know what on earth happened to these shocks what kind of life it had that uh that got dragged off that's crazy we're speculating that maybe somebody was dragging it across some railway tracks [Music] hey a little bit of rock going on there the frame in the front here's actually got some buggering going on which is kind of cool that's about we're about to bob it off and kind of make ourselves some new frame rails so a lot of this clip is no good i'm not going to use any of it i'll have to figure out a steering box after the fact but i think i'm gonna just chop bits out of here and make everything new we want to leave it nose bleed with the plan of using this old jeep axle in there see if that works that's the plant oh crunchy well i'm just sitting here contemplating how i want to go about doing this looks like i or someone did many many years ago uh started cutting the motor out and stuff and uh i want to see how good or nice i want to do this the motor is so stuck it might be worth getting running for somebody i don't know if there's a big market for studebaker six bangers out there but it's small though holy i don't think it could have made a lot of horsepower that's for sure but i don't need anything with the clip or nothing either because i want to run just two sticks like this sucker you can tell here by this kink this thing sure hits something hard boy so i'm trying to think of how to do this without disturbing the front sheet metal and yeah i'm not sure right now i'm thinking i'm going to just cut the back out cut the frame rail torch these out i'll take deal or even cut the bolt heads off maybe i'll just cut the bolt heads off i'm just a little worried i don't want it to hang on the front sheet metal there when it falls out i don't want to unbolt all this crap oh that thing's mangled in the front d so i think i'm going to go up one more time see what i got to disconnect from the transmission just cut i'm just going to run the flame torch on everything flame wrench there we go that's the right term cut everything out and uh disconnect the few little things that i need to keep everything else i'm gonna drop with the motor and maybe when the assembly's on the floor maybe we can try to make it run a will it run right i don't know and i know the diff is super tight i couldn't move that drive shaft i know the transmission is in neutral but uh nothing else wants to go so i think i'm going to tackle the bottom first i'm going to lift it up cut anything i can find at the bottom and then come back to the top and then i'll chop away at everything again yeah that's our game plan [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] how you doing there bud yeah so yeah we kind of got rid of everything out of the front here i really need to do this before so we got everything gone well more or less i still gotta dispose of the steering box the rails have to get cut back further this frame is actually really bad i'm gonna kind of just scab something together but i think if i was to actually race race this thing for real uh doing anything actually fast i think it would need some new a new frame underneath it um but seeing how it's rotten back there i think i'm going to go there kind of come up straight up keep it under this subsection up in the front and then uh not sure what i want to do whether that or i'll just come straight and i'll kind of scaffold off depends on the spring that i get this axle seems to be the right width so that's okay but i have no no structure nothing up on the front hey so i have to kind of figure that out uh and a way to scab this thing together because this is like a a perimeter or a channel frame or what do you want to call it it's kind of got a top and then a bottom riveted on so whatever like i say this is just a dirt track car so it's not that fessy so yeah i think that's where we're at so far tomorrow i gotta go get some steel i think i'll play with this for a couple days at least turn it into a roller the rear diff is like totally junk so i'm gonna have to figure something out it uh it's like stuck the drums are probably stuck but i really don't think if you've seen how small that center section is it's not a very good dip for anything so let alone the brakes and stuff so i'm just gonna grab a diff that i got that i know is okay throw it in there uh of course we have to radius the wheel wells that's totally the plan this thing totally needs some arched out wheel wells so with that done i'm gonna have to find source ups and springs i have a bunch of springs but i think they're too big so i gotta find a decent set of springs make some pads for them get rid of my steering box clean up some of the junk i don't need in there and uh try to build a frame then i'll figure out how to do the steering i think i'll run it in the front and just do a cross steer it's kind of the idea uh probably just do some heims just across boom boom and then straight across add the okay and then i don't know what i'm gonna power with again this is just some fun that we're doing just out in the field so this is not by far any spec car it's more uh rather than it just sitting in the yard kind of rotten there a bit may as well do a little bit of a little bit of something with it make her some fun another really big fawn to these cars they're all kind of weird back here but they look killer as a gasser so that's the plan kind of already committed right this one here she's pretty stuck i tried i thought i had a starter there's no starter it clearly is nate good so yeah you see me cut the front of the horns off and the back because i didn't want to hack the front holes up in the front here where the bumper would have been mounted so i cut that part off first so it was separated then i cut the back and then i just had tons of things always hanging up so it's taking a while to come down but anyways i think i think that's really this one because i need parts so so far i had a really lazy day and that's about as far as i got in a couple hours with it so anyways guys i think that's where i'm gonna leave this one as always thanks for watching and we'll catch you on the next one later [Music] you
Channel: Halfass Kustoms
Views: 53,152
Rating: 4.9497395 out of 5
Keywords: classic car, drag race, bullet nose, rat rod, hot rod, gasser, 1951 Studebaker, bullet nose studebaker, custom studebaker, bullet nose car, gasser build, gasser cars, 1950 studebaker bullet nose, rat rod build, bullet nose studs, Studebaker gasser
Id: Qrn_osidvkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 16sec (1696 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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