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[Music] hey folks Jonathan here figured it was a good time to get started on the video on this 39 Chevrolet it's probably was gonna rain so I'm probably not gonna get a first start done on today but I get started on anyway here's what we got let me explain the story cuz everyone hasn't heard it some of you have my friend Jack owned this vehicle and I don't know he never told me the story of where he bought it or when he bought it but I know he he enjoyed old cars and back in 1971 this would have still been an old car his son was driving this car and while he was driving it he came to a stop and somebody hit him in the back and hit it pretty hard I've done quite a bit of damage here and it actually did bend the frame above the rim and so anyway this car was pulled in and as you can see the P symbol that was a vietnam-era there but uh was pulled into a barn and part and it was still driving even though it was hit it was you know it didn't hurt the drivability of the carpet it was driven into the barn and park in 1971 and not moved as you know after that and a lot of you have seen the video and the where it was sitting in that you know chicken house so me and Jack was actually in negotiations on this car and you can see he's got his name on the on the dash there which I'm not gonna take off but we was indication ago she ations on this car and in this chicken house where it said he had rented two spaces in that house in that chicken house of the barn $3.00 per car for a lot of years and then he eventually bought place so since his cars was already there and so he felt that he had you know a little money invested in it with the the $3 a month that he he paid for a lot of years and you know that it added up some and of course his initial cost the car so me and him just couldn't get we couldn't come to an agreement on price we were close very very close but my plans was is to buy the vehicle and drive it out of the barn this vehicle believed not was parked there the same year I was born which was 1971 it's 48 years ago so I just thought it would be neat you know with it being driven in there and park that I could get in it and you know get it running and drive it out well one of the things that I had checked before was to make sure the engine wasn't stuck and it's not and live it or not three out of four of those tires are holding there now that we're all completely flat I put air in all four I'm I didn't put much in this front on this side I sprayed the car was gonna roll away but I did put air in that one in it it went down of course but I would have liked to have driven driven and out of there so it would actually been easier to drive it out and would have been to to winch it out and but you know that's the way it is and where we're at so what we're gonna do and what we've already done so far I've rode the engine over by hand and I got the hand crank for the front it was actually laying in the back of the car rode the engine over and it wasn't stuck there was no tight spots whatsoever so pulled the valve cover off and check the valves and I don't think we've got any sticking at all which is very very surprising and it makes you wonder how how wore out the motor could be it may be wore out because something said in 48 years I'm surprised it didn't you know at least get stuck but uh good thing of the you know the nut filter was there didn't have to worry about that I don't know if anything climbed up the exhaust hopefully it didn't and I guess the next step on this is to pull the plugs out and I'll go ahead and do a compression test on it just to see where the compressions at and and you know it's not it's not really going to help me any because you know we've been doing the same thing to increase compression and all whether whether it shows on the gauges got it or not so it just gives everybody an idea what it's got and what it's gonna have after it runs Wow you know if it gets any better so anyway gotta get a battery in and see if it'll roll over and if it rolls over I think my battery I think we'll go and get someone solar can do the test on okay let me talk a little bit about this issue back here the play and of course I think is to get this fender off and probably go and get the gas tank off and out of the way and then we're gonna go ahead and try to pull this I'm going to pull it before I cut anything away this rear panel I've already bought and it's on its way and it actually goes from about right here all the way down all the way to the fenders all the way below the trunk and it's just a whole pan and it's not cut out for the bumper because a lot of people don't run a bumper but we'll figure out what we're gonna do on that but uh so I've got that pan this car came with a piece that has this quarter on it the trunks lids been changed it needs some work we've already been changed the fender I don't have so if I don't find a Fender we'll have to work on it so let me show you what we've got you know when I go to polar then we'll try to straighten all this okay right here's what I have for for the parts so we need this section here which is in good shape it gets a little bent up there we can work with it but down here of course we're going to be replacing all that with a new panel they make an inner panel also but that outer panel is $340 the inner panel is 310 I'm not gonna buy the inner panel I'm going to do the work on it you know I don't want to spend that kind of money on it something that's not going to be really seen anyway so I can just do it myself and also get a extra trunk lid with it which was probably a nice trunk lid until they set it in the dirt and the edge of it rusted up we'll just work with what we've got ask for floors only place I found a rust was a little bit on this edge and a little bit on that edge same same place on both sides the rest of the floors in the back on the seat everything is in really good shape so we'll figure that out I think we're probably going to have to put an all new glass in this thing because of the the white in it I don't know why it done like that I've never seen windows do that it's good extra sticker here in North Carolina I've never seen before on the inside from 66 67 never seeing that sticker before and then there's a 1940 some sticker here know what this one is I know there's a care on top of the car somebody has changed it out and put a clock in it and here is a delete that's the clock delete they must have just recently oh well I shouldn't say recently huh I guess before they stopped driving it probably 1970 or so put that in and I also found these and I didn't know what these work first Scot was here and he recognized them these are actually papers that if you went to the dealer you wanted to check out a car you would actually fill it out and deposit it in a box and give mark what vehicle he was interested in and it's got the people's names and numbers on them now this is probably from the early seventies and there's the flights of 71 plates it was on it okay I guess that's another safety inspection sticker from North Carolina 1949 I've got a date February is it approved never sent a 1949 sticker and then above it is the 66 67 me okay folks here's all six spark plugs in order and believe it or not they'll actually look pretty good no rust or anything on them so we'll spray some oil down holes and see if we can do a little bit of compression test here all right just freshmen tester in number one and see what we got hey if I was compression test number one cylinder we got just a little bit over 30 pounds all right about 40 pounds so that's a little better all right let's try number three so we've gotten 30 and 40 just like we've got about 15 only about 15 psi and that's after I've already put it all in all the Saunders tells me the valves are not seating for sure so all right so 30 40 15 all right okay so I went ahead and tested the rest of them we've got 30 on number four seventy-five on number five and zero on number six and I cannot get number six to come up at all so I don't know if one of them bout it's just not quite closing all the way they feel like they are but it's definitely no compression it makes me wonder who might be a burnt valve on that cylinder something you don't see that much anymore used to see a lot of years back was burnt valves where it would actually burn a section of the valve all so don't be surprised if we get this running and number six never picks up so if it don't then we'll just deal with it but anyway so next thing I've got disturber cap off we're going to clean the points up and maybe see if we can get some fire to it and I've got to do something with plug wires or hold the rock think I'll wire a different coal in a little more burn up that original coil especially on my 12-volt battery so we'll do that and then probably going to pressure Washington and see if we can get some of this crud and crap off there is there's dirt on this sign that is a you know half inch thick or more where this thing had been sitting so we'll see what we get off now we're down to the the paint's going here and this whole quarter the paint looks like it's coming off though so what we're gonna have to do still see a shiny it's gonna take a lot of that off so we're going to sand that and get something on it to keep it from rusting but uh I don't know what it is whoever painted her whatever whatever was painted it just just not sticking to the metal that's okay let's see if we can at least get some pressure washing them and and then we'll see if this thing will sputter off at all [Music] [Music] well we was doing pretty good until we ran out of gas that's if I got something around here and I would get it finished up one of the bad things I see I was kind of hoping the windshields was good I knew the rest of the windows had their delaminating something's going on with him I don't know if they had trouble that year or what but uh you can see where they're you know there's two pieces of glass there's plastic in between and looks like they are coming apart it's uh I don't know what year they started the safety glass like this but uh this could be some of the early stuff and maybe that's why so I was hoping to just get a window kit without buying the windshield because I sort of liked the stickers on it but uh looks like it's gonna need a whole window kit you know I've never seen that 49 inspection and I've never seen that inspections being on this side said new one on me but like I said the window is just shot where it's delaminate and you can see the the bubbles in there both sides of that way all the other windows are that way so it had to be an issue that year none of the other cars are like that the back glass looks like it might be okay yeah with the rubber shot so it needs foreplay so like said when you buy this glass you can buy it in a in a kit and just replace it all I think this one - yeah this one's busted I think there's a crack in that one that's the only one I think that is broke but anyway so that's definitely something we're gonna have to take into consideration here before long because you're looking at you know probably $500 for this glass and rubber hopefully no worse than that but you know you start throwing 500 here and then you know if he was to buy the right tires back for this the 616 especially the white walls you know you there's another $700 and the rear panel that I bought was three hundred and ten dollars no 340 $340 you know it's it's a one one of them deals - where do you stop at because I'm not restoring the car and how much money can I put in this thing and then if I ever got ready to sell it you know to keep from losing my butt on it you know you can't you can't just start piling money in this stuff so I've got to look at it that way I will probably go buy some by two fifteen seventy sixteen radials and put on it and it won't look nothing like this I could get the porter walls and put on it but the thing is this you know the radials are gonna ride so much nicer steer better and you know that's not just saying that I mean that's coming from experience you know I know I drove particular cars that had both on it and you know when it comes to the roads with where the big trucks that run the rust on them and stuff if you're on a car that's got bias you know they like to walk back and forth and follow the you know the ruts and the trails and but if you've got radios you know it just you don't fill all that stuff so you know I can put a set of radios on this for you know what two hundred twenty-five dollars from you know Walmart and you know set of Douglas radios and then you know that's gonna save a lot of money on you know what I stick into it but still be able to drive it's because my and go was to of course get it started and running and then be able to drive it once and see how I like the way it drives you know it's kind of crazy but I always wanted to do car reviews on old cars but driving them the way that they were you know not after they've been hot rodded and stuff I'm talking about it as original and cars like I'll give you a for instance my 51 Studebaker nice car but not the best cruising car in the world and I know it's it's a crazy to to say this but the reason being is when you put your left arm on the door rest to low when you put your left arm on the window opening it's too high so as a driving around car you really can't get your left arm comfortable like you would normally do on most cars so it's little things like that and there's a lot of little things about these cars that that make them easy or make them more enjoyable to drive than others and you know when you when you drive them a lot you know like the Studebaker like I do you notice stuff like that so anyway I guess I got to come up with some some good see if we can get the rest of the software okay we've got a pressure wash to the best of our ability anyway now I think we're go ahead and clean the points and maybe see if we get this thing to fire over and I didn't brush wash the engine or anything because I've got the valve cover off so I didn't want to do that we've gotta get our tags bolted back up there I don't know when Chevrolet was using that slogan I'm sure I can look it up online but you know I would guess if I was to guess I'd say you're early seventies because you know that's when the car was last driven that's pretty neat I got the spark plug sandblasted and got them back in got a coal hooked up out here and getting ready to try and start it and I'm gonna see what happened [Music] yes she was trying [Music] it's that one song of a good compression [Music] be pumping oil soon [Music] [Music] here's how it don't want when they're cranking it don't want to work [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] love them stories hook a chain to it [Music] you choke open or closed it's closed oh look before the problem I never get enough air [Music] [Applause] [Music] coming up [Applause] thank you for a little huh that's what we get some gas in there she'll stay running now pick the floats back up do another compression test I just want to see what the compression is changed to and then we'll write it down again with the other and it did fire up there for a second and smoke pretty good which I put a lot of oil in this owner so I don't don't surprise me okay we're doing a compression test again all right so we went from 20 to the wolf 42 815 this 45 30 to 65 75 to 100 5 and 0 to 60 and in two seconds so we're going to we've got the gas tank we're gonna go ahead and stick we can get it to run a little longer [Applause] [Music] [Music] wrong [Music] we're a local store [Applause] [Applause] I can't believe it's a later the dealer plate let's go 48 years in this thing is running believe it I'm pretty good we didn't even clean the carburetor see I could have drove it out of that barn oh yeah thing about body difficult you want help put the back end drive it up put it back in the barn I would never believe that that car boy we did anything so therefore I just can't believe it's running that girl will probably cut it off and water form and maybe do another [Music] we're playing black like that got a little dark on me here I had to run off but anyway running good I'm surprised I'm really surprised we're gonna just about and maybe do kill the little things to it but here's what we got for now for compression start with number cylinder number one we've got 110 pounds number two 115 number 380 number 485 number 5 105 and number 690 and we ran it just a little bit more after we've done that so it may be up higher than that now but we'll keep playing with it and keep getting everything right to where I'll be able to hopefully get to brushing on up where it needs to be and get it all tied up and wrapped up where we can drive it and clutch was not stuck put it in gear went forward went reverse of course there's no brakes on it so it wouldn't take much to have this thing driving down the road the vacuum hose for the that goes in for the fan was broke and I already plugged it off so that's why our fan wasn't working I'd like to check it out just to just cuz I think it's me but uh anyway it does run and we'll hopefully be doing the first start the first drive on maybe do some bodywork on a little later on gotta wait for everything to get here parts wise and stuff and and we're still working on model ways to so and Franklin I've got some of the cylinders down I've got a lot of the parts cleaned up so we're slowly getting there I have not got the Rings in port yet and but we'll be building the engine on it here real soon but it looks like this engine here is gonna be just fine we're not going to mess with that so anyway appreciate everybody watching and until next time bye
Channel: Jonathan W
Views: 657,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zZane-yme3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 5sec (1865 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 20 2020
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