1929 Ford Model A Roadster- How come nobody wants it?

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Hello friends I'm Paul Shinn welcome back  to the YouTube channel making model A's cool   again you know I've driven many open  cars meaning like model A's that have   convertible tops but I've never owned  one until now this is roadie [Music] this is a 1929 Ford Model A standard  roadsterer or model 40a there was like   a jillion of these things built in 1929 which  was the highest production year for the Ford   Model A and this was the least expensive of all  the Ford Model A's about 395 dollars brand new   I think in today's money that works out to about  fourteen thousand dollars something like that who   wouldn't pay 14 Grand for something as sweet as  this for those of you that have been watching my   videos for a while you've probably seen this car  before and recognize it this is the Roadster that   Tina and I drove in the Fourth of July parade last  year this car belonged to my friend Jim and this   isn't the first Model A I've ever bought from Jim  in fact my favorite card the one that's on all my   clothes and stuff I bought from Jim many years ago  it is the only Model A still to this day that I've   ever been able to drive home now Roadie is capable  of driving home too but the weather's terrible and   I have something kind of special in mind for this  car so I can't go home yet so it's still here at   my friend's house in his garage but I'm going to  go over the car and show you a few things about   it and show you why I bought this thing now first  of all this car okay it has a few flaws and we'll   go over that in a minute but there are some good  points about this car and I'm going to point that   out later but number one this car is clean I mean  it may not be perfect but let's face it I have   bought model A's that were so filthy the rats  were wearing slippers this thing not a problem   so let me take you for a tour around this this  model A was built in February 1929 so it retains   a lot of the kind of quirky 1928 features which  I'm going to show you in a second but one thing   that roadsters all have in common what makes some  really easy cars to restore or mess around with   there's no windows literally you don't have to  worry about roll-up windows and all that which   also means you don't have to worry about somebody  breaking into it by just cutting the top with a   pocket knife there's no need to there's no way to  lock this up but believe it or not for the purpose   I have in mind that is a good thing we're going  to talk about that in a minute so let's go on a   tour of this thing so first thing you're going to  notice when you open the doors is like miniature   golf course kind of carpeting on the doors and  on the kick panels and this carpeting here on the   floor I'm not sure which 1970s apartment this came  from but nice and Shaggy so you're going to notice   some interesting things like from the early cars  early 29s and 28s you will see for instance the   parking brake lever here is just in front of the  shifter it's not here on the side like it is in   the mid and on 29 through 31 cars way up here and  it's got a different kind of handle and you have   to push it kind of funny to make it work I don't  know it's kind of weird a little hard to adjust   but we're going to get to that at some point also  it's got this nice wooden shift knob I said wood   yeah that's going to have to get changed  out you'll see it's got the 29 Dash with   the oval speedometer and the built-in  trip odometer or odometer whichever   it's got some things that kind of need a little  work like for instance the seal here under the   windshield is I've seen better days it's kind  of petrified I have to do a little something   about that the top is in excellent shape though  and it goes up and down super easy I'm going   to show you how that works in a second the seat  excellent shape and it even has seat belts already   and when you see what I'm going to do with this  car you'll know why that's actually a real plus   but um yeah there's some really cool things  about this car let's go to the other side I   want to show you something else looking here  at the captain side you'll see that Roadie has   turn signals yes why would a car with only  one tail light have turn signals ah let me   show you so yes it has one tail light right  there but it has added lights here and there   so that you can have turn signals that will be  very important a little bit later on we'll talk   about that but other than that it is the standard  controls on a Model A the timing lever is here and   you it's stiff enough you can hang your laundry  from it Ah that's good it's got the throttle   right over here which is almost equally stiff  other than that plain and simple super simple   car so this is what I like about the standard  cars you don't have the cowl lights you don't   have the stuff in the way that you accidentally  bump it almost break it does have that cool 2829   body line that makes it look more antiquey and  other than that basic car all right let's take   a look under the hood so let's talk about some of  the interesting things that you'll find here that   you don't find on a typical model a number one  a shroud around the fan here this is a 28 kind   of thing they drop this later on Roadie does  have a modification see oil filter this is good   keeps the oil clean longer it has a till it's end  carburetor we'll be discussing that later it's got   the glass fuel bowl and interesting aftermarket  kind of fuel line we'll be discussing that at   some point I'm sure but other than that stock 40  horsepower 202 cubic inches of power okay so let's   get down on all fours and look at this from the  boss's point of view let's take a peek underneath   so here we are underneath Roadie and you'll see  number one it's got a fairly new battery in it oh   it's uh O'Reilly's I think Super stocked it's got  the typical stock Model A drivetrain there's no   lump in the middle there's no overdrive here it's  all pretty stock which is nice the rear end looks   like it's pretty solid back here it's like the  Springs are in decent shape there's a little bit   of rest going on here just you know just just gosh  little uh weight savings going on here and there's   a couple spots here where you know you have  easy access to the inside of the car right here   might have to address that at some point here a  couple little spots for you know easy access to   the interior of the car from underneath that's  kind of cool it's Custom Muffler looks like it's   in good shape so I don't think we have any exhaust  gas is getting out of there that's good go where   they're supposed to other than that underneath  of this car looks pretty solid there's a couple   of uh things up front I think we're going to talk  about here so let's take a look under the front   end here you'll see yep another tube shock right  there and just kind of bolted into the axle and   brakes and all that are fine check the oh yep  sure enough I can get my finger underneath the   shackle that's good that means the spring is not  totally worn out not too bad those of you with   a keen eye for detail probably noticed a little  something weird going on on the corners of the car   these are modern tube shocks that have been  added onto roadie okay even with everything   going on under this car I don't even care because  a that's going to make a great video series doing   the work on this car the things it needs B for  the purpose I have in mind for this car it doesn't   even matter the main reason you buy a roadster  is because it has a really cool party trick it does this and Roadie does it well except she  might take two people I don't know let's see here   there we go ah so let's address the elephant in the room every  Model A left the factory with black enamel fenders   and splash aprons okay Roadies fenders and splash  apens are the color of baby poop I get that and   the body is the color of monkey poop okay I  get that too but I don't care that's the great   thing about this car this car is cute exactly  the way it is there's a whole lot more coming   your way about this car I can't wait to share  it with you but it has a very specific special   purpose in mind and when you see what I'm doing  with this car you're going to be like oh awesome   that's exactly what that car needs to be doing  this car is going to become an ambassador to the   Model A Ford hobby pretty much worldwide yeah it  sounds like a pretty lofty thing to try and put   a little car through but I think this car is up  to the test what do you think let me know bleep   bloop in the comments below thank you so much for  watching I'll catch you on the next video we're   going to take this thing for a ride when it's  not like hurricanes outside look [Music] Hello   friends I'm Paul Shin welcome back to the channel  already those of you that the early car uh 28 29   normally a Model A and now dang it part is it's  going to make a fudge it's going to make a and b   for the things that I have the things oh gosh  Come on brain b follow the script dummy I can   actually see my breath this thing needs done  under under I'm never gonna get this line I'm   never gonna get out from under this car B for  the there's a whole lot more coming up on this   on I need a can opener to get out of the car  there we go yeah it's a little tight [Music]
Channel: Paul Shinn
Views: 149,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ford, model a, model a ford, ford model a, how to, how to model a, model t, Tudor sedan, Town car, coupe, ford model a driving, ford model a enginewill it run, ford model a horn, Hotrod, ford model a pickup, restoration, roadster, ford model a truck, ford model t, ford motor company, henry ford, daily driver, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932, I am the warranty, Paulshinn, Paul shinn, boomer, Barn find, Will it start, Will it run, Classic cars, Classic car, Classic, roadie, present, tina
Id: JjCt2k9pRKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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