19 Types of Students in an Exam

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[Music] [Music] hi mrs right now girl what are you doing here i'm here for the exam what i meant was what are you doing here this early the examinations will only begin at 10 am well that means i have exactly 3 hours and 34 seconds and based on past experience this is the optimum amount of time to get the extra revision in mrs right now i need an extra sheet of paper and supplement teeth what is wrong with you i'm just practicing for later [Music] strangely weird child oh god oh god oh i didn't expect me so nervous i should just cheat should you have the niece they'll be too obvious how about chin how no no no no we'll just fail together you know what how about i just go home no one's gonna notice one student's missing right yeah i'll just go i'll fail [Music] so aren't you worried about this exam nope i'm all prepared and ready to ace this exam [Music] sunny you look worried about the exam are you okay i've accepted my fate your bottle is almost empty are you sure you don't want to go refill it before the exam starts this bottle isn't for drinking water it's for collecting my tears hey debbie i see that you have a lot of pencils is it okay if you just sent me one for the exam sure jasmine thank you hey guys look what i have from dave any of you need some extra pencil she has plenty of shirt thank you debbie thanks debbie thanks daddy thanks daddy thanks devin thank you actually one more just in case [Music] where should i sit nah hi jess still didn't study my chess hey kev no nicole i'm not going to let you change the exam if that's what you're thinking about of course not hey no nicole we've literally not talked the entire school year now you want to cheat off me but pillow my name is paige you don't even know my name fine i'll see somewhere else students of titan academy welcome to your annual examinations if you haven't noticed we have mixed your classes up some of your classmates are not here as we have randomly placed all of you in two different halls and as you all know if you fail these examinations you will be expelled from the academy and there will be no exceptions and if i catch you cheating you will be expelled immediately you have five minutes to look through your paper and if you have any questions i hope not you may feel free to ask me and there will be no interaction with each other your five minutes starts now this is right now do i have to use a number two pencil or can i just use any pencil mrs rangna do i have to write my full name on the scrap paper or just my middle name or my nickname or maybe even my mobile legend's name because if it is that will be babyj66 mrs rangna if i have to go to the toilet later would you be escorting me that already with someone else mrs ragner what so is it mrs right now i have an a on e or is it ragnar shot for regina cause i'm kinda confused and also do you know that ragnar spelled backwards is anger is that intentional your five minutes are up and your exam is done mrs right now i'm having a weight of a tummy ache can you just postpone this your exams start whoa whoa whoa you cannot just make me stay here against my own will right now your exam starts now [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh [Music] pencil ruler calculator remote control econ control playstation control mission control do you copy i guess those lessons paid off after all [Music] yes i study for this yes this is the only thing i studied for this is the only thing that i didn't study for and this and that and this and that and this and that [Music] what why is it so difficult even if i studied i still don't know the answer but if i take a picture of vicky's paper maybe i can pass i bet mrs renner is not smart enough to catch me cheat so you're playing to cheat how how does she know my plan because everyone here can hear you how how can you hear my plan [Music] you what are you doing mrs ragna my horoscope tells me that my lucky direction for today is northwest is that so jasmine well the school tells me that if you don't put the table back to its original position you are going to have a very unlucky day all right okay hmm i'll come back to this later skip this seems a little bit too hard skip i'm sure there are easier ones escape i don't know how to do this one skip it's too hard skip keep skip skip ah look at that i'm done [Music] look at that [Music] [Laughter] so in this binomial expansion we're looking for the term independent of x that also means that the exponent of x is a zero so i'm going to use the general formula entries are 2x and power 2 to the power of n minus r negative 1 over square root of x equals r [Music] this means that n must be a multiple of 5. this also means that the smallest possible value of n must be therefore the answer is b so if the last answer was c it can't be c this time right let's just go with b yeah i think it's b [Music] no no it can't be dead wait where did my question go never mind i remember what it was [Music] it can't be this [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] no talking you already had your chance to ask questions [Music] i guess it's easier than expected i will just take a nap and please be reminded that under your desk you will find paper too which counts for 80 of your marks oh [Music] oh [Music] oh come on [Music] [Music] i know [Music] [Music] oh man i'll just use this [Music] hey exams can be tough but it's okay i'm gonna help you just this once okay don't tell anyone thanks mrs ragnar i think this student beside me is cheating [Music] stand up and get out of the exam hog now but what about the excitement i said now do i take this whip i said get out now thank you terry [Music] [Music] princess kevin kevin can you just shut up i i'm so sorry oh man what's that not sitting so far away pass it on can you ask diana to give me your notes just take it from her pass it on hey can you ask diana to take her notes got it hey can you ask diana to take a note hey dinah can i tickle your nose [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what [Music] go [Music] uh [Music] what's wrong with them i can't i think i'm gonna fail i don't wanna answer any of these questions i wanna get expelled i told you the study already no talking in the exam hall please [Music] me [Music] [Music] mrs right though do you have a sharpener i'll come to you [Applause] [Music] mrs ragna i'm done you can come up to the front and leave it here [Applause] [Music] mrs ragna i'm also done okay kevin you can leave it here [Music] damn it what can i remember anything i spent all night all night studying but i said soon i see the paper in my mind is blank like the paper okay students you have five minutes left oh mrs right now i'm actually done and where's your paper too people what [Music] [Music] yes [Music] okay time's up pencils down i said pencils down [Music] hey do you guys manage to finish your exams yeah but my calculator ran out of battery my abacus also ran out of battery are you nuts abby you use an abacus that doesn't even run on solar power that was a breeze guys hey hey hey what are long faces exams are finally over yeah i guess there's no more stress exactly can't wait for the results oh results happy birthday to me yo yo yo guys i studied real hard last night for the exams i'm so ready you're ready for the exams trav the exams ended like five minutes ago this i've got a prank right guys some kind of joke right guys some kind of prank right look at the fragrance [Music] give me that you're gonna show me happy birthday man thanks man i'm on the way to the bathroom [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: JianHao Tan
Views: 16,612,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jianhao tan, jian hao tan, jianhao, the jianhao tan, thejianhaotan, jian hao, jianhaotan, kim lee, singapore, singaporean, youtuber, youtubers, youtube, exam day, types of, students, types of students, titan academy, expelled, diana, debbie, liz, cleverly, regna, nicole, denise, organization, organisation, final, exams, annual, examinations, homework, study, studying, cheat, cheating, cheaters, before, after, exam, episode 45, ep 45
Id: Fz72fNcjnxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 21 2021
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