19 Tips to Age Backwards! ⏰ REVERSE signs of Aging for Women Over 40+

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I for one kind of enjoy getting older I kind of enjoy aging I don't like love all of the physical signs of aging but the emotional the mental like that part of getting older I enjoy Also the like not giving up you know what really anymore that's a freedom that I am basking in now when it comes to like the physical signs of aging truth is is that we often wait until we are showing lots of signs of aging before we start doing anything to combat that and it's hard to combat once you're already in it now I'm much more pinpoint about what I use I don't want a bunch of stuff I just want the right things what I want to share with you today are some of my favorite Anti-aging products products that can help you age backwards and I really mean that in the sense that my skin is better than it's ever been in my 30s and even in my 20s by using some of these products I kind of wish I would have started using them earlier cuz I think it just would have helped like slow aging in general I'm using them now I notice a difference fairly significant difference and so I want to share with you today what some of those products are y'all tell me in the comments down below what you use what you love what's like a musthave in your skin care routine I always love learning from other people what works for them and what they use am I a dermatologist no I can only tell you from my own experience and that's what I'm going to share with you the first things first which I actually think that almost any dermatologist or you know skincare expert probably agree with me it's sunscreen okay we've all lathered ourselves up with baby oil and taken like some tin foil and burned our skin to SMI the rains at some point the sun is what is going to age your skin faster basically than anything else so using a good sunscreen is very very important I wear a hat for almost all outdoor activities I'm not a delicate flower by the way I just want to be very clear here CU I feel like sometimes when people see these kinds of videos they assume that like oh you're just this like couch bunny or something I live on a hobby Farm I drive a tractor I Garden drag the arena with the ATV mow the lawn with my big Zero Turn Mower I am out and about in the sun doing things working hard but that doesn't mean that you can't also take care of your skin I just always feel like I want to give that caveat because people can get really touchy about these kinds of topics but the truth is is that we all would like to feel like ourselves and age well extremes and degrees of which you're willing to do things to achieve that is up to you I'm just sharing with you some freaking sunscreen okay so nobody lose their minds this is just my favorite standard put this on every single day it's by skin ptical it's a 50 SPF broadspectrum weightless finish very like thin easy to apply if you're not somebody who wears a lot of makeup or if you just want to have like a little bit of glow with your sunscreen the super goop I believe it's called glow screen and the Tula skin care probiotics and superfoods protect and glow sunscreen are these are like three of my favorites okay so sunscreen screen is a must ladies sunscreen is a must now you might be saying Angie but if I don't get some sun I look like I just crawled off the Mayflower I've got Cola and I'm not going to live through the next fortnite I know the feeling hello I'm a pale sister too in the summertime and all of that I do like to have a healthy glow spray tan is my direction for that you can go in and get a spray tan but I am rather lazy about it I'd rather just do it at home two of my favorite products for that at home are this Coco and Eve Sunny honey this is a facial tanning mist I use this stuff all the time just to give myself a light glow H you just Spritz it on your face uh when your face is clean and dry when you wake up in the morning you'll have just nice glow it's not a mask or anything crazy it's just a nice glow and then the corresponding cocoa and Eve Sunny honey Bali bronzing foam Bo the names of these things they're real tongue twisters I have the dark shade in it there's medium dark and Ultra dark I have the the dark shade I'll put this on my legs I give myself a farmer's tan when I do self tanner cuz I'm lazy so I tan the parts that can be seen the rest most of the time does not get a tan unfortunately for my husband these are my favorite if you feel like okay I'll stay out of the direct sun I'll wear my sunscreen but I still want some healthy glow these are my favorites for getting that like sun-kissed healthy glow let's talk a little bit about some tools I think people get very hung up in all of the tools and like products that are out there uh that you can use at home I have a gaggle of them and I've tried a lot of them one of the things that I think makes the biggest difference when you're actually like looking in the mirror something you can really see very quickly is using microcurrent the blumine face Pro I've shared that with you a few times before they are sponsoring today's video I've shared them with you guys for a few months now I really love this tool you want to talk about something that you can use and see almost immediate results you use this thing like three times a week even if you just did one side of your face to be able to see the difference you will see a difference around your jawline around your cheekbone just the kind of lifting of your face I mean that's the thing as we age everything just starts to fall our face Falls our butt falls down the back of our thighs everything just starts to fall this is really going to help give you that like toning and lift in your skin it also helps your skinc care products to sink into your skin better to be more effective there's also different colored lights that you can use different LED L lights they have different purposes I love love this tool listen you touch it and you hear that like oh it's starting which I also love that it's not just running that it's once you touch it to your skin that it starts running you will notice tighter skin by using this tool for just 3 minutes three times a week but if you've got like an event or something like that coming up pictures or something that you really want to look your best for you know busting this out and making sure that you're using it for just that 3 minutes three times a week you will see a difference normally this tool cost $150 but I do have a link for you down Down Below in the description box where you can get $70 off plus they will send you a free ebook the deal is only for the first 100 people though it is sold out multiple times before U they will restock but the best thing about this is that if you don't see results then you don't pay you can get your money back if you don't love it if you don't see the results that you want you can get your money back so I would definitely recommend checking out the blooman face Pro if you want a tool that you can really see a difference with from the very beginning I would definitely check this out the other thing is that as you are aging and your skin is getting drier and duller you know sometimes it's hard to identify on yourself what the problem is like sometimes you just look in the mirror and you're like I don't know I just look tired and old I don't know what what is it right and what I've discovered is that is often an issue of like skin tone texture as well as dryness hydration and like evenness of the skin tone when tackling that the first thing that I would encourage you to do is to get rid of any like physical exfoliants we want to schluff off the dead layers of skin we want to get rid of the dead skin that's on our face however those physical exfoliants that have like the little scrubby beads and stuff they can do damage to your skin years ago uh one of uh my friends who's an aesthetician told me to stop using those and she told me to start using like chemical exfoliants or things that do this very gently without that like physical scrub Factor so one of the most popular ones that is relatively affordable is the paa choice exfoliate it's the 2% BHA liquid exfoliant with salicylic acid so this unclogs pores and shrinks them Smooths and evens your skin tone it's a lightweight liquid that absorbs easily this is basically going to help do all of those things that I just mentioned now the other product that here where I live I see an aesthetician and she's amazing if you're in my area I will link to their uh website down below she got me on to this product which is not the cheapest product ever but it lasts forever and you only need a tiny little bit of it so over time it breaks down to not be as expensive as you think but it's called lotion p50 this is great and you just put it on a cotton round and just Pat it in to your skin all around like your nose and mouth area and this will really help to like shrink pores exfoliate it's called a lotion exfoliant and you can use it like neck all the way up your face the other way that you can do this is through dermaplaning which is just a fancy way of saying shaving your face it's something that I absolutely swear by um I just get the little kitch razors from facial razors where are they I just get a pack of these spacial razors from Amazon um I will link all of this down below in the description box for you so you can find things but I use these and then I actually use this like it's called like hot shave cream or something I just like to be very care careful with this you do have to do this very very carefully but it takes that peach fuzz off of your face which is neither here nor there I don't really care about that what it does is it removes like the layers of dead skin especially if you've come back from like vacation and you've worn a bunch of suncreen you've just put on a lot of stuff that's like clogging up your pores a little bit and stuff I just really love to get that like layer of skin off so that I can get in like my skincare products can like get in there and do their job you know if you are have kind of have this barrier of like dead skin and stuff that's laying between the products and your like skin layers it just makes it harder for the products to do their job it'll take longer for you to see results I highly recommend uh shaving your face or dermaplaning you can go somewhere and have this done if you're afraid to do it you can go somewhere and have it done where you can guarantee that you won't cut yourself or shave off an eyebrow to me it's just it's something I can easily do at home so I don't I don't bother paying somebody else to do it but you can do that if you want to as well we've exfoliated we have toned and tightened the other thing that I have seen a big difference in my skin when I use is I started using this oaji medical um red evance skin rejuvenating complex it is a retinol cream basically it has like a silicone type feel this is one of the things that made me believe that skincare really does make a difference because my skin became like more even my pores got a lot smaller almost completely gone on my cheeks and that area like I said it's not the cheapest thing in the world but you just need a dim siiz amount of it if you're a first-time user of a product like this you want to ease into it and use it like maybe once every two or three days couple times a week until you see how your skin responds to it also this is why it's key that you have a good sunscreen because you don't want to get out in the sun if you're using a retinol or some kind of product like that so you want to make sure you're using your sunscreen too and um I put this on at night and let it do its work work overnight the other product that I have recently started using cuz I wanted to test it out Korean skincare is very popular for good reason they are really on The Cutting Edge of a lot of things when it comes to like skin care stuff you can also find affordable beauty products um that are you know from these Korean skincare Brands so I've been testing some different things out and one of the things that I read a lot about was this rle shot so there's different levels of it I kind of got the mid it's called the rle shot 300 and let me tell you I wasn't entirely prepared or expecting that when I think I know why they call it a rle shot like a retinol needle like kind of a thing right but when you put it on you do get this like almost like tiny poking effect like this little little teeny bit of a sting which is kind of you're like okay maybe you're doing something um now they'll tell you depending on the level you get how often to use it I've definitely noticed a more even skin tone um even more like of an oomph to my skin this this one is more affordable than this one this one is a tried and true for me I the oaji medical I've used it for a couple of years now this one is a little bit newer uh if you've never used any products like this I would definitely like maybe step down to the uh 100 level I think so there's 100 300 700 and 900 I cannot imagine what the 900 feels like or what it does but holy canoli so I'm very impressed with with that we talk about like evening our skin tone and making overall our skin look more youthful is getting rid of dark we can be in a middle ground I feel like that's where I was where I couldn't really tell why my skin just looked kind of like dull and eh and it's from the like tiny dark spots that are hard to like pinpoint but overall they just make my skin tone not look very even or smooth the other thing I want to mention here is that for me the goal of of doing a lot of this skinc care stuff and using these different products don't get me wrong I enjoy makeup I enjoy wearing makeup I will never pretend not to but I also Al really enjoy not wearing makeup and the majority of the time I wear no makeup at all and I just want my skin to look better without makeup on people will think I'm sick or ill and like oh you don't feel good if I don't wear makeup it's annoying I'm not somebody who's like I'm not confident enough to not wear makeup that's not true at all I just get tired of answering the questions about whether or not I'm sick or not feeling well because I just look kind of I guess green around the gills when I don't wear makeup so for me getting my skin tone more even brighter healthier looking is also about being able to just not wear makeup without people asking me if I'm Ill that's part of it for me too and part of that is correcting some of those dark spots so this is by Keels this is the clearly corrective dark spot solution I did some research and this had a lot of really good reviews so this is what I have been using there's a lot of crossover between what some of these products do but I did want to mention this that dark spot correction is like kind of key to aging backwards to looking more youthful and younger is correcting and reversing some of those dark spots which you can absolutely do it can be done and with that I also want to mention a really good vitamin C so this is what I always tell my girlfriends when they ask me about like what are you using and and if maybe they don't know anything at all about skincare or don't know much about skincare stuff and they're asking me I always tell people this is like my preference because it's what I've noticed my priorities as far as like what I'm willing to spend a little bit of money on is like I said is a good exfoliator a product like that a really good vitamin C and then a retinol or something of the like and a sunscreen that's it so you're seeing me talk about a lot of products and a lot of different things but if I have to pinpoint like what the four steps that I feel are the most important it's those so when it comes to vitamin C I'm here to tell you ladies if you don't already know this what you probably do is that if if your vitamin C doesn't smell like hot dog water it ain't doing the thing okay I don't know why you know when you boil hot dogs and you take them out and then you have the water sitting there hot dog water that's what your face will smell like after you apply this stuff why I have no idea why they can't make it not smell like that I don't know but you want a good high percentage vitamin C skin ptical C ferulic is the one that I have just I'm kind of a creature of habit with certain things like vitamin C I've tried some different ones but as far as like good really good quality skin ptical oaji medical those are ones I know that I can trust that the product is really good so um this is one of my favorites though I will link you to a couple others that are a little less expensive but also have really good benefits and um the reviews and stuff seem to be very positive that they do what they say they will do so I'm on when I'm out of this I'll start trying some other less expensive vitamin C's and see what I think but I've still got a little bit left and I definitely don't want to waste it as we age like I said our skin starts to look drier uh duller and so one of the things that as somebody who just like kind of chronically has dry skin I've always loved a cleanser that doesn't dry out my face so I've used many over the years but I love um something that is like a cleansing oil this is from the skinc care place that I go to they sell this it's called Dolce do it's the antioxidant cleansing oil I don't know I'll see if I can find this online but I love a good cleansing oil or cleans in balm the other one that I have raved about for years is the Colleen Rothchild her cleansing balm you can get like a giant pot of it I've gone through so many of those you just grab a little bit out and rub it between your fingers put on your face add a touch of water to help it like emulsify and um oh it just you take your like when you wipe it off your skin doesn't feel like a desert and like uh it feels really hydrated and really good A lot of people do a double cleanse so they'll cleanse with a cleansing oil and then after they'll use a regular cleanser like this I find that I can get all of my makeup off with the cleansing oil and it doesn't clog my pores or make a problem for me to just stop there for a lot of people it does so I also um have this Cetaphil gentle skin cleanser this is great very affordable if you just want a very basic gentle skin cleanser what you haven't heard me talk about yet is any kind of an eye cream I've tried many over the years because under my eyes is my like biggest problem area my under eyes are dark get like dark circles under there sometimes the skin can get really crepy but what I found is that first of all most skincare products will tell you like don't use it around your eyes that's because people are dodo birds and they don't want you to get it into your eye so they just tell you to avoid your eye area completely I think that's why a lot of people feel like there's a gap like I need to do something else I need Specialty Products for my eyes when most of the time if you're just like careful and you use your products carefully and just don't get them like in your eyes you can use them around this area of your face and I found by not going crazy on eye products my under eyes have gotten better I think sometimes the under eye products can tend to be a bit much now with that said there is one that I swear by and absolutely love ever since it was released this is from Colleen Rothchild and it's The Illuminating tinted eye cream it is like a pink tinted under eye cream this has saved me when I don't want to wear makeup just put this under eye cream on and it really helps with the dark circles under my eyes and making me not look so sick and tired when I'm not wearing makeup so I absolutely love this product and I love The Illuminating the pink tint it really helps if you're not one of those women who was blessed with the very like bright under eye area when I see women like that who wear no makeup and they have like that bright under eye area I'm like so jealous I'm so jealous we're talking about our skin on our face but we cannot neglect the skin on our body because it ages too in trying to kind of reverse some of those signs what I have found is when we're younger we get really sucked into like all of the like Bath and Body Works and Plumeria and Moonlight path and all these like excessively scented lotions and body creams we all smell like a vanilla bean all the time that kind of thing as I am aging I am paying more attention to not the scent of the product but what I want is skin care products that actually do something not just a moisturizer with some perfume in it kind of a thing this is medic 5.5 this is the retinol and for RC acid Age Rewind body treatment cream this is relatively affordable on Amazon for this big bottle again having kind of the same effects evenness of skin tone tightening getting rid of crepiness on our arms and legs I bought this because I've been using this for a very long time this is the uh replenix anti-aging retinol smooth and tighten body lotion medical grade ingredients and the price reflects that so I really like this but it's very expensive especially for the size you get and you know it's your body you have to put this on so you use a fair amount of it I just was like that's not totally sustainable for me to want to buy this and spend that much money constantly so I wanted to find something that was also a retinol product that was more affordable and that's where this beauty comes in but if you've got money burning a hole in your pocket that you want to spend uh then I would definitely recommend this one I really like it it's age defying body lotion visibly lifts and tightens skin while helping to improve the Skin's texture and tone it's almost completely empty okay so let's talk about some other things that are not necessarily skincare related things but uh we'll jump to hair really fast because I just have two things to show you when it comes to anti-aging and hair is that listen if you are at the point where you're ready to like embrace the gray hair and run with it go on with your bad self I am always waffling on that but I'm just I'm not quite there yet but I have a ton of gray hair a ton of gray hair ever since I gave birth to my twins like from then on my hair just went gray almost overnight it seems It's it's kind of wild I have a lot of gray hair and it loves to pop out I have like a Corella DeVille stripe of gray hair one of the things that I love is in between doing my hair I use this WOW powder that allows you to kind of cover up touch up the gray spots I probably should have used it today because I am long overdue for a hair coloring but you can just use it on the front part you know the the part of your hair or the front area wherever the gray is showing if you're putting your hair in a ponytail um you can also use it to like fill in if you've got like a little bit of baldness or hair loss in certain areas you can use this to fill in it comes in a bunch of different colors the shade that I have is dark blonde but it's really great for covering Grays and then the other product I've tried a million different root touch-up products but when you dye your hair or whatever a little lighter it's very hard to find ones that actually work that like cover the gray and sort of lighten your hair at The Root versus like depositing darker color color so if you have like brown or black hair it's probably easier for you to find root coverups that actually work but when you're dying your hair or your hair is naturally lighter it can be harder and then I found this product the magic root rescue from L'Oreal Paris this is the nine matches light blonde Shades comes with this like bristly brush that you use to apply it and it actually works I really like this stuff especially for helping uh stretch between hair appointments most of the time if you're trying to cover Gray you really have to go into the salon like every 5 to six weeks to get your hair done it costs you a lot of time and a lot of money so using a product like this allows me to stretch out hair appointments make that Gap a lot bigger for times before I go into the salon so I really really love this and it actually works if you have lighter hair another thing that ages us very quickly as women not only just our hands but our nails if you have like a lot of ridges and I found as I age my nails just don't look look quite as healthy as they once did getting like a smooth nail look even if you don't wear a lot of nail polish or hardly any this is by nailtech is called a ridge filler I love this before I put on any kind of a nail polish it's just a very thin layer of this it helps to fill in those little ridges you have in your nails so that when you then apply a nail polish it looks better I've talked about these I mean probably a 100 times at this point but I just can't stop talking about them cuz I love them especially if you don't get your nails done you don't want to um you don't really want to wear a bunch of nail polish I love these I do a thin layer of that Ridge filler and then I just pick one of these uh cure Illuminating nail concealers I have three Shades I thought I had four but I maybe my one of my teenagers stole the other one you can buy them based on like your skin tone you can look at the models and see I like them all and there's very subtle differences between each of them but you just do one very thin layer on your nails and it just gives your nails kind of a natural like a very natural look that's what I like when it comes to Nails we still have a few things to talk about that are not at all related to skin care and stuff but they are things that affect uh our aging and how like the process of Aging okay so one of those is hydration I know that we know this but as somebody who's like chronically dehydrated I can tell you that it's one of the fastest ways to like look older more tired whatever is to get dehydrated if you struggle um I have been drinking liquid IV for a long time but I started backing off of it because I didn't want the sugar from it well I recently found and maybe they've had it for a while I don't know but the it's called like white peach it's a sugar-free and there's no like fake sugar in it it's just void of sugar um white peach flavored liquid IV and I love it I love it so much um and now I can really bulk back up my water drinking I don't have a problem in the spring in summer like when it starts to warm up but in the winter I'm just terrible at drinking water I do drink a lot of plain water without anything in it but putting something in it especially in the fall and winter really helps me to drink more of it but I also don't want a ton of sugar so that's where the sugar-free stuff comes in now I'm going to tell you the thing that nobody likes to be told but it's that sleep makes a huge difference um hopefully if we're talking about anti-aging and things I don't know where you are in your life and children but if you've got little ones sleep is often can be a little harder to come by um but once you have enough of a routine then we have to like be diligent about getting to sleep at a reasonable time and getting enough sleep however you put that you know if you're uh you stay up late but you get up later that's fine it's just you know the quantity of sleep we have to get especially as women women need more sleep than men do so we need to get sleep all of the like cell turnover and recovery and all the things that happen when we're sleeping are vital so we need to let those things happen so sleep is important the other thing my friend who owns her own practice and does injections and procedures and all that kind of stuff like facial stuff she could tell which side I sleep on because of how different my face is from one side to the other is sleeping on our backs and not pressing our face into a pillow is very um recommended it's hard to do if you are not a back sleeper it's very hard to do but burying our face into a pillow and putting like smashing our face it's not great um it's not helping the situation any but I also recommend using a silk pillowcase or a satin pillowcase something like that will help but the other thing that I got a little while ago that has really helped me in more ways than one are these wedge pillows I got a wedge for the my back you know so I can sit up and be a little more elevated I also got one for my legs and feet so that um it's really helped with my like lower back pain because trying to lay completely flat is it hurts my back um and I end up like sleeping in weird position and then I wake up and I'm like oh gosh I feel like 100 years old so sleeping with my feet a little bit elevated has helped and having the wedge at the top to keep me I can sleep on my back if I'm like sitting up a little bit so not sitting up but you know propped like your head and stuff up elevated a little bit not completely flat so I love these wedge pillows they've been amazing for helping with that but when we like smash our face into a pillow and just wake up with like sleep lines and stuff it's not great sometimes it can't be helped you know if you're a stomach sleeper or whatever it's just it can't be helped but if it can those are my recommendations and don't forget to check out the blumine face Pro and use the link Down Below in the description box to get $70 off and don't forget to put on your sunscreen drink your water we'll do our best to not age like milk
Channel: Angela Braniff
Views: 26,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anti aging, look younger, reverse aging
Id: XwzWMV7auiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 43sec (1663 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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