19 Terrifying Real Paranormal Stories - The Vanishing Woods

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join us on paranormal M the channel that takes you beyond the ordinary if you feel like it hit that subscribe button drop a comment even better and turn on notifications to explore the Realms of The Unexplained with our latest intriguing stories we hope you're ready to question the reality that you know I got lost in the woods so when I was like 7 or 8 we used to live in Webster Wisconsin we lived in a house a little bit wider and longer than a trailer house no upstairs just the base floor and basement it was a beautiful house with a big area that was just Woods one day my cousin was supposed to be watching my two sisters and I said that we we could all go play outside so long as we stayed in his sight but within 5 minutes he ran into the woods and told us to keep up of course we listened to him we ran after him he disappeared we couldn't see the house or even the tree line where the woods stopped we were lost we started freaking out and crying and then about half an hour later a really tall Native American Chief came up behind us they asked us what was wrong and why we were crying and if we were okay or if we're lost I told him how we were chasing my cousin and how we lost him we didn't know how to get back home he smiles and said don't worry sweetheart I'll make sure you get home safe and sound just come to my Village and rest for a little bit eat some lunch play with the children and when you're ready you can explain to me where you live I said okay so we go back to his village it's a small one in the middle of the woods in a clearing but it had at least 60 people and we ate a stew or something and it well made me draw in the dirt unlike the road and where our house was and he smiled I said I know or rather he said I know exactly where you live if you want to play for a little bit that's okay but I want to get you home before dark there's a lot of dangers in these Woods like bears cootes and bobcats not good for children to be out so he took us home he didn't leave the edge of the woods my mom just was coming out crying asking where we were saying she was about to call the cops we were apparently missing for about four or five hours she asked us why we left the house without Scotty a cousin I said he was with us and he ran into the woods and left us behind we tried to call for him but he was gone then he came out [Music] ghost on Military Base I'm in the Navy and I currently work on base which encompasses an island called San Clemente Island the island itself is mostly deserted it's pretty much untouched but on the North End of the island is a town for lack of better work s and that's where the Navy and the contractors live one night I was headed down to relieve a coworker from watch as I'm driving down the road which is mostly pitch black I see a figure in the street in my headlights naturally I slam the brakes I begin cussing a storm because some idiot is walking in the middle of the road at night shortly after however I noticed it isn't a person but more of a solid Shadow you could make out no features on it but it had mass and it was human shaped it was in the middle of the road sort of stomping almost like a weird dance then suddenly it was gone just gone it didn't fade away didn't do anything dramatic just gone I freaked out and told a lot of my co-workers who didn't believe me never never saw it again I've heard stories of people on the island having doors in their work area open and stuff on their own but no story similar to mine I don't know much about the history of the island itself but I do know at some point it was owned by Native Americans and often remains of them are found or Unearthed often buried with the remains of foxes ask Reddit ghosts have always gravitated toward me I used to live in an apartment that was redone it was redone because of a fire and somebody had died because of it I had no clue that the apartment I lived in had this death I happened to choose the room where the woman passed the whole time I'd lived there I'd get shake and awake at 7:30 every weekday morning I'd look and see no one and and go back to sleep and immediately get shaken again I'd look and again I'd see no one then I would try to sleep then I would get shaken even harder I'd get up and go to the couch at 8:00 a.m. I'd get shaken again go back to bed go back to sleep I worked nights as a dishwasher so 7:30 and 8 was way too early for me when my girlfriend moved in with me that's when I realized it was a women who died in the room at least when that fire happened mostly because after my girlfriend moved in I'd still get shake and awake every weekday morning at 7:30 and 8 but my girlfriend wouldn't women get changed together all the time so having my girlfriend in the room was fine to this ghost but not to me and 30 minutes is just enough time for a woman to get ready for work after a shower we figured she liked us because we'd start to hear a disembodied laugh every now and then not a bad laugh a genuine that's funny laugh spooked everyone who heard it at first but we got used to it after a while then one day my girlfriend invited my ex-girlfriend over no biggie they were friends my ex and I agreed after a troubled relationship that we're better friends that female ghost hated my axe the room would get cold whenever my ex came by and she'd heard angered growls just my ex by the way one night when they were getting ready to head out to the bar my ex took a shower at the apartment cuz it was better than hers she comes out of the bathroom white as a ghost and scared didn't you hear me yell she asked us thought you guys were with the light in the bathroom kept going on and off and I could hear the switch then the water goes ice cold and I could see the outline of a hand going past the shower head no not a word came from the bathroom I guess the ghost doesn't like you you didn't say anything about a ghost here my ex said sternly how can you live like this oh oh well she loves us we make her laugh I said really all I hear are growls when I'm here explains why it gets cold when you come by my girlfriend said thought you had no heat heat bills paid it only happens when you're here I said fine I won come anymore she clearly hates me my ex said she never went back to the apartment after that it went back to normal every weekday I'd get shaken awake at 7:30 to 8: the disembodied laugh came back then a year later we moved out I'm fairly certain the Ghost came with us because my roommate who lived with us said it was too quiet and the apartment door stopped opening and closing on its own at 8 on weekdays I had no clue about the door to the hall until he said that the mimic so I'm 20 years old and getting married to my fiance in October I know the house across the street from us is haunted and we may be stirred the spirits up doing a little spooky ghost investigation but me and my best friend have both seen something dark I'm a Christian and I do believe in the Paranormal one day when my fiance was at work I heard what sounded like my soon Tobe brother-in-law's voice from the living room it sounded like him saying my name and asking if I was downstairs me and my fiance live in a basement apartment by the way and that really wasn't abnormal because you would come sit down and ask me questions so I answered with yeah what it is is just well no response but I did hear what sounded like the screen door closing so I thought maybe he left I got up to investigate there was nobody there I called my soon to be mother-in-law and she asked him if he can come downstairs and the scary thing is he said he hadn't been down there at all I know what I heard and it sounded exactly like him it's not the scariest part though yet another day my fiance was in the restroom and I saw him go in there and heard the door close as I'm on the couch not even a few minutes later out of the corner of my eye I see what looks exactly like him except tall and well he had gray sleep shorts on and a shirt standing outside of the bathroom which admittedly I thought was weird because I hadn't heard the door close so I look up but he's not there a few minutes later he comes out from the bathroom my best friend was over and it was time to go to sleep so I was just praying when I thought I heard her whisper my name thusly I stopped praying I asked her what she wanted but she swears to me she never said a word one day she's in the shower and the water's running but I wasn't paying much attention I wasn't even able to hear the water running or stop and out of the corner of my eye I see what looks like her curly hair and her tie ey shorts and in one of her shirts and again I know for a fact she in the shower so I look up to say something to her and she's not there a few minutes later out she just comes from the bathroom again another day I'm sitting at the table eating my fiance goes to the restroom and I hear the door close I just keep eating I kid you not I thought he was still behind me because it felt like someone was standing behind me looking over my shoulder but when I turn to give him a kiss there's nobody there so I shrug and go back to being on my phone phone when yet again I swear I saw what looked like him in the this black shirt and wool pants he walked toward our bunny cage but when I look up there's nobody there another time my best friend was over she' comes screaming out of the bathroom telling me to hurry and go upstairs once we get up there she' tells me she got out of the bathroom and saw what looked like a seven or 8ft tall black shadow that ducked whatever this thing is it mimics my loved ones and I don't like it I was in bed and I saw the same Shadow she was talking about next to the bed covered my head and hid don't blame me I don't know what this thing is but whatever it is it isn't good I think my great grandmother spoke to me after she passed I received the news a little under a week ago that my great-grandmother passed away the night prior she lived in California I live in Pennsylvania she died at 7:30 which would be 10:30 my time this is important my dad had just moved closer to my mom's house so transitioning me and my sister would be easier for for a couch temporarily we're using like a giant bean bag now you've gotten a little insight it's time for the actual story my sister and I had been laying in a bean bag at night just sitting on our phones I'd been looking through YouTube looking for a video not playing anything and my sister was watching Tik Tok and it was some song I don't know which one but just a song and some video around 10:30ish maybe a minute or two over 10 30 I heard a female's voice whisper into my ear hey I asked my sister if she said my name and she just didn't I then asked if it was her video and she said no to that as well so I was confused but I guess I really thought nothing of it because I hadn't gotten the news yet the next morning I got the news and I asked my dad when she passed sure enough it was around the same time I heard the voice I waited a little bit later to tell him what I heard because I didn't feel like it would be appropriate time for that sort of thing I never really knew her that much on a personal level at least besides phone calls and very vague memories from when I was young even though I didn't know her that much I did know she was a caring nice lady who loved talking to her great-grandchildren weird experiences I'm not religious and I don't really believe in ghosts Etc but I have had some weird experiences when I was about 14 I lived in a house with my mother and younger sister it was a pretty standard three-bedroom house on a quarter acre section in town I was sitting in a lounge one day watching TV with my mother my sister or excuse me with my mother comma my sister was not home but her bed door that was to the right beside the TV opened as we watched the lever handle pushed down and the door swung open by itself with nobody else in the house we just looked at each other like what the hell other instances in the house followed my mother came into my bedroom one day white as a ghost saying that she had bent over to put food in the cat's bowl and someone or something had growled in her ear right behind her that's when she turned around and she was yet again alone I had one of those old 80s Tower stereos in my room started turning on in the middle of the night and it was waking me just the turntable on top would start spinning and the light on the side would come on I unplugged the stereo and it did it again another night with no power source I also woke to find a black shape standing over the bed one time in the end my mother had enough got a priest in to do something he wandered round burning something and praying for memory we never had any issues after that we did find out from a neighbor afterwards that the woman who had the house before us used to have people around at night and they would put sheets on the clothesline Shine car lights on them and dance around apparently they also killed a goat in buried it in the backyard good times in Upper Hut faceless head looking at us I live with my girlfriend and our three kids our house is two floors the second is the rooms and the first floor is the living room bathroom kitchen and a small Hall that's behind our living room now what's happening is I'm a firefighter that means I work at shifts and I have to work at night when I'm at home everything is calm one day or two we hear strong noises like beating on something bags falling out of nowhere it's rare but happens in the first floor me and my girlfriend feel a very strong and negative sense from the bathroom not only the bathroom but also the hallway I mostly close the bathroom door and for me Works a bit to get more at s okay sometimes I feel that someone is watching my back at night when everyone's asleep feeling so strong that I turn off the TV and go upstairs now the worst part most of the activity happens at night and when I'm at work my girlfriend and my kids feel really scared to go to the bathroom or the one floor that they say they feel watched and a sense of dread me and my girlfriend don't talk about this stuff with the kids around so it's strange that they see the same things my girlfriend says that sometimes when she turns around she sees in the hallway or in the dark a small head something small and pure black and faceless it's always watching her she says she even says that she saw a reflection of that when the TV's turned off out of nowhere my older kid also has this saying that he says he sees a black head in the corners watching him and how never heard us talking about ER and one night in the three of them woke up at night having a nightmare at the same time the three of them screamed like hell that was after they woke up because they said they saw a big shadow in the the middle of the room me and my girlfriend woke up with the screams turned on the lights and saw nothing they managed to sleep with our presents the middle one is scared so much that he pees in the bed instead of going to the bathroom at night or to use last night I was at work and now arriving at home my girlfriend said that she was in our bed with her older kid talking and apparently out of nowhere my girlfriend said that she saw a small shadow jump to the bed of the older kid our older kid saw it too and said to her see I told you there was a shadow watching us that's when she had straight chills and also told me during the night downstairs they could hear strong knocking at 3:00 a.m. our younger kid screamed in panic she said thatat saw a blackless faceless head and some hands in the corner of the stairs that leads downstairs at 7:00 a.m. she screamed again saying that the black shadowy head was now top of her watching what the face was a she my girlfriend said that the head is really common but it's also watching them and once spotted it goes away sorry about that that writing is crazy but I trust that they are not next the building in the we in 1999 I started working as a designer at 8,500 hallway drive it's now an empty lot but it used to have two buildings formerly homes in the 20s at some point I was told that it was a brothel in the 60s it was owned by psychologist who allegedly held LSD parties with the hippies and Rockers that hung out at Barney's Beanery down the street supposedly Jimmy Hendrick crashed there the two buildings were connected by a bridge that my bosses and former building owners built the main building had a basement type area where the design team worked the main floor had been renovated to accommodate a conference room in boss's office and a teeny room for the assistant and an office space that was rented to a PR agency the quote unquote basement had a back door that opened to the backyard space with an even lower area that an artist rented for Studio in a giant old avocado tree the second building's lower area was rented to a photographer the main level floor functioned as photo studios kitchens and another computer room the second building was avoided by everyone no one liked being in it it was uncomfortable it felt anxious and it was always cold but the area where I was the design dungeon as we jokingly called it is where I experienced several things I still can't explain everyone joked that it was haunted because of its weird past things like that were found in storage like specimen jars of things that didn't help I laughed along with the rest I didn't think much of it until one night I stayed late I was using the production table to cut and glue a present for my boyfriend it got late as I was distracted and lost track of time started hearing footsteps upstairs H I wonder who came back as I checked the clock it was 9:00 p.m. started cleaning up my things but then the footsteps started getting louder it was right above my head then I heard the Telltale sound of my boss's chair creaking and rolling across the wood floor so I yelled up the stairs hello the noise stopped I went back to my task thinking I was being silly and imagining things the footsteps started walking around I ran up the stairs and yelled out who's there this isn't funny I looked into the dark offices and stood still waiting for someone or something to move I'm losing it I went downstairs to finish cleaning up the footsteps started running back and forth through the front door and over to my head repeatedly I left everything where it was I raced up the stairs and out the door setting the alarm as fast as possible then I waited for a couple of minutes in the parking spots for someone to come out but no one came the parking spots were empty except for me I brushed it all for weeks I was tired or something then one day everybody goes outside for a break I need to finish something and stay at my computer the next thing I know a woman's voice whispered into my left ear in a throaty seductive tone I'll be right back I spun around so fast to see nothing behind me jumped out of my my chair I ran outside and saw my co-workers you okay you're pale the buildings are gone now so I hope whatever was there moved on too me and my friend both saw a figure walk past us at the same time me and my friend have ancestors who've lived in the City for over 100 years in the same neighborhood as the place of this incident me and my lifelong friend were waiting to go into a club we were standing outside of a candy factory that's existed for around a 100 years there were vents pumping out hot air so me and my friend and a few other people who we knew were standing in the heat because it was very cold out we left our jackets in the car I was talking to a girl leaning up against the wall of the factory and they were talking to to a few other people on the opposite side of the sidewalk all of a sudden we both snapped our heads to the area in between us we're both from the city and were very situationally aware I had seen a figure walk past us quickly when we both looked around to either side of us nobody was in sight I remember the figure being about my height 5'8 having a hat on although I'm not sure if it was just the motion or an actual Vision I wasn't going to say anything but then my friend says what the did you just see that then he described a person much shorter than him walking past us he's 6'2 he also said he couldn't see their face which makes sense if he was looking from above at a person wearing a brimmed hat I'm a very logical person and could have Justified me seeing a figure but the fact that his description matched what I saw and the fact that we both reacted to it at the exact same moment has left me question questioning everything what could that have been could what we saw have been a ghost or is it some sort of Rift in time that humans don't understand because Surly people have been walking in that path huddling next to the Heat next to the factory for 100 years maybe that affected the energy in that location what exactly did I see Shadow People ghosts I've been trying to figure out what exactly it was that happened and I saw something I've tried to Google this numerous times and the only thing that comes close to explaining the encounter is what they call Shadow People this is 100% facts I really need to know what the happened happened it wasn't only me who witnessed it I was with two of my friends and when it happened we all looked at each other simultaneously as if confirming as if we all witnessed and saw the same thing okay so here's the story it was January 2012 the house I was living in burned down out of nowhere the boiler just exploded this is a whole other story in and of itself I don't want to Sidetrack and get off topic but yeah my family was living in the hotel because they had the insurance my dog had just given birth the day before and thank God all the puppies survived but yeah I would go to my house every day to make sure it was clean and they had food I was with two of my friends and we were all just talking standing next to each other that's when all of a sudden and this wasn't like it's in the movies where you see ghosts and it's like a human form this was more like a gas slm smoke type of black darkness it came from one side of the room to the other and less than a blink of an eye I'm talking about so fast it was like a black cloud of smoke and it was like a very very dark black I don't know how I just don't know how to explain it but wasn't like a humanoid figure that's why I don't want to say it was a ghost but it was definitely something that was not normal there wasn't any smoke nor was there anything like fire that would cause this to happen just happened out of nowhere and went from one side of the room to the other when it happened we all looked at each other and we were all just stunned and speechless and to this day my two friends don't even like to bring it up they like to get freaked out this is why I tried to give the short version of the story but anyways you remember in the beginning of the story how he said the house caught fire and whatever well basically I'm going to tell you the whole story my parents got divorced right I'm not one to believe this in Spanish it's called brujeria English they call it Voodoo or witchcraft but I know myself that's part of the family that they used to dabble in that and right after they get divorced everything like everything went down here especially for like my mom's side of the family well my side of the family basically like first of all of my dog and first thing that happened was like my dog got sick out of nowhere like from one day to the next what's it called he just stopped eating I would have to open his mouth and stuff bread down his throat so he would eat he wouldn't want to eat at all to the point where I just put them down then my dad got sick ended up losing about 50 lbs in 3 weeks nobody knew what was wrong with him turns out he had an autoimmune disease and yeah like every like a bunch of weird stuff started happening and then out of nowhere the house caught on fire like the boiler exploded yeah like I'm convinced that there was a curse whatever I don't like to really bore that up because it makes it sound like like Hollywood Story two likes in a row brutal whatever but yeah like you know what I'm saying especially the thing with the with the black shadow things whatever you want to call it if anyone has any similar experiences like this or knows what this is please let me now and this is something serious please if you don't have anything nice to say please don't say that at all cuz I'm really trying to find out what happened otherworldly symbolisms flash messages I am an addict I've been an addict since I hit puberty and I use substances to cope with the feelings that I experience I've been diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder which I think is schizophrenia and I have an avoidant personality disorder I avoid conflict and I also have generalized anxiety disorder I've struggled with the Christian faith for quite some time 23 now and I revoked it at 13 and I have re-experienced it many times trying to gain some comfort I simply cannot believe in the tales that are told it is not all worldly and I believe it is fantasy ever since I denounced my faith for the last time things have been ever so the same nothing has changed whether I pray or not with all that said I've had experiences with the otherworldly a few few times I bought a Ouija board it was themed stranger things I bought this at Target began to use it at my mom's house in my room the four-bedroom house I used it with candles and the crystals that I saw fitting I met a spirit named r a female claiming to be a Native American who died on the foundation of the house in the 1800s she was kind and helpful no malevolence there there was also other male Spirit not as kind who misled and pretended to be other entities from what I made of it I banished him with the black obsidian requested to only talk to R from here on out he didn't come back I tore the Ouija board into three pieces and put it away for a long time Flash Forward to years later we lived in an apartment Shady one before my firstborn was born there was a clock it that I saw a void a distinct void of black and darkness Starry apparitions the Mist when the closet was open it was a one-bedroom apartment with no door simple Studio claiming to be a one-bedroom with no door to the bedroom and this closet creeped me out I felt negative and repulsive energy when I was in there like the entities who resided there wanted to slowly kill me with agonizing pain wanted me out immediately we kept diapers and wipes in there from the baby shower until she was born I also kept marijuana in there we moved from this location and about eight Moes Flash Forward again in another place it's like the utmost mysterious this is the place that has circuitry problems and another slum but it's what we call home the numbers three and six are common occurr is here in the beginning nothing seemed out of the ordinary a two-bedroom duplex with one bathroom and a small kitchen things began happening one by one my son whom I believe has been tortured by Spirits is one-year-old every time I would pray or preach or read the word of God he would Bellow out crying in agony when have since taken him to the ER twice and see a specialist and is due for further testing but throws his guts up after eating certain foods but every time I would read the word of God his problems began as if claws were piercing his abdomen based on his screams of pain lasting for upwards of an hour at a time and always happening in his sleep I also used to have a habit of using drug IV I stopped after my first born cold turkey and felt great about it during our time with in the home with the closet but I returned to it years later out of desperation when nothing was filling the void anymore the very first time I went to use a needle the third bathroom light flickered and went out there are three lights in the bathroom and every time I would get angry at my partner for not cleaning up and being irresponsible not treating me like a lover usually the third light would flicker in the bathroom this is after while high as a kite one day I took out the New Testament I had and began to open page by Page what I felt God told me to say and scream I shouted at the spirit scripture in my kids room the very next time I entered the room I no longer felt that dark observing stalking energy and the room simply appeared brighter the kids have been sleeping less my son has not had another gastro attack in his sleep while sleeping in there commonly it like 1:00 or 3:00 a.m. now with the bathroom I've left it there if they want to reside in the bathroom so be it I don't have the faith to cleanse this home and I have called two churches to come to a cleansing but they just won't do it I still feel a creepy watchful presence every time I take a they told me to work on myself and I suppose they will not feed off of my hatred so I did I began exercising regularly eating very right and stopped taking my anger out on the ones I love and simply put the lights no longer flicker they don't even go out I've cast out IV and drugs from my life completely congrats so with all of that said this morning typing this at 8:00 a.m. on a Sunday I heard a beeping a beeping that continued six times I counted the beeps 1 2 3 4 5 6 six beeps it was the oven at 7:00 a.m. the holy number the oven has never done that before I believe it is a spirit in purgatory senten to hell or demon in Hell crying out 6666 the mark and the oven the Flames the Flames that will not be put out why else would they target the oven the burning the heat the only thing they could allude to to send a message when manipulating the electricity let it be known that the oven is not done this ever in the years that we've lived here what does all this mean I don't know that's why I'm asking the most trusted sight there is about this and then letting the most trusted Channel speak it I don't believe in the teachings of Christianity but I certainly believe in evil and helping entities alike I went to check the oven and it hadn't been on reset but nothing else on that electrical line or breaker has been touched I no longer believe in coincidences if it's too good to be true it must be spiritual and you should immediately find out who's doing what I've set up a demeanor prayer scripture emotions and willpower against anything that would hurt my children I recommend everybody does some studying on crystals and IES and entities so that way they have a lesser influence on your life I've been in psychotic States in which I've done things that I would never do I've attempted suicide three times in this place alone does that say anything about the energies that inhabited the previous residents had hundreds of roaches and was a serious druggie who had people in and out so bad that the nextdoor neighbor set up a camera needles were found everywhere if anybody wants to share serious thoughts about this topic please do so I just want to congratulate you for turning your life around my ghost story from when I was a kid living in a haunted house when I was 12 my family and I lived in a tiny house on the corner of South 11th Street in cop Paris Cove Texas things were normal most of the time but we started having weird experiences my mom would get the strong smell of flowers and things would go missing or be moved one night when I was up late watching Nick at KN my television this was probably in 2000 or earlier 2001 I saw a figure in my doorway it was propped up by my elbow and my feet were pointed at my door out of the corner of my eye I saw something move I looked at my doorway it was a black mist but I could clearly make out a head and shoulders kind of just faded into nothing for the rest of the body it was turned with its side to me and was walking toward my bathroom door and that door was perpendicular to my bedroom door they touched and made like a square shape it stopped walking and turned to me I could see its shoulders square and it looked well it looked like something was standing facing me we sat there both looking at one another for what seemed like forever before it turned back to my bathroom door and walked into the bathroom when I got up to investigate nothing was there I wasn't scared it had a very good energy and felt almost as if it was there to protect me a few months after this happened my father got on post hunting and we moved to Fort Hood it name is recently changed but it was Fort Hood at the time after living there for a few months weird things started happening in my room the lights would flicker my TV would turn on and off randomly sometimes spending minutes just turning off and on one night I was sitting on the edge of my bed watching TV and I had just finished eating I placed my plate and Fork on top of the TV and was just minding my own business when the fork flew off the plate of my face landed beside me on my bed needless to say I was absolutely freaked out I'd been expressing all the weird things to my best friend she told me I needed to tell whatever was there to get out but I felt weird about that until one day it was with my TV I stood in the middle of my room and no one was home but me and I screamed get the out of my room leave me the alone over and over again panic in the woods or something more Sinister this morning I a 33-year-old female and my best friend a 34-year-old female took our children and dogs to the woods for some fresh air we live in the UK down south it's a Woods that we both been to often right off the bat there was an atmosphere in the air both dogs seemed on edge my dog more so often whimpering and barking which is unlike her my daughter four stayed glued to my side the entire walk while my friends twins which were both seven ran ahead of us there are two paths into the woods a high path and a low path below the low path there's a valley as we walked along the low path the twins decided to climb the Steep SL SL to reach the top path something they've always done many times by the way my friend's dog wound up joining them while at the top of the slope the twins said that they heard some pigs this isn't uncommon as there are pigs that roam the woods often within seconds the twins had gone completely out of sight this is not typical of her children they are adventurous but have never left our eyesight before my friend frantically shouted for them but we couldn't see or hear them at all my friend in a panic attempted climb the slope to no avail deep in the valley below us we heard a dog screaming in pain sounded like a dog had got itself trapped in a snare of some sort my friend stopped her attempt at climbing the hill and started shouting for her dog who we both thought was the dog that was screaming the screaming of the dog dog became more intense so much so that my friend then attempted to climb down the hill onto the valley to help what we thought was her dog in the corner of my eye I saw some movement and it was her dog walking toward us from the direction her twins were last seen as soon as we saw her dog the screaming in the valley stopped dead a woman then appeared on the top of the slope and shouted to us that the twins are making their way back down the path toward the beginning of the woods we shouted back thank you to the lady my friend told me that she would run ahead to find the twins we both looked up to where the lady was stood and she was just gone we both looked around to see where the lady may have gone but couldn't see her from the direction she was standing only a moment ago approximately 50 deer ran straight past us into the valley below into the direction of the screaming dog my friend then ran ahead to find twins leaving me with her dog my dog and my 4-year-old as I continued my walk toward the beginning of the woods I heard rustling amongst the foliage in the valley next to me I looked down and saw five deer running past me in the direction of the other large group of deer I lifted my daughter so she could see the deer for herself as I placed her on the floor I heard a noise in the valley but very close to me it sounded like a person making an old phone ring like that sound I stop and I look into the trees but I couldn't see anything as I turned away to continue my walk the same sound started again and stopped the moment I looked over at this point both dogs were behaving extremely nervously and continuously checking behind us this was as I was trying to pull them forward I can't explain why but I just knew my daughter wasn't safe what ever was happening in those woods whoever it was or whatever it was was trying to separate us all I ignored the sound and continued walking toward the start of the woods as quickly as I could whilst dragging my daughter and the dog on their leads as I walked around the corner saw my friend who had found her twins the twins both looked very pale in the face and said that they were very scared they had told us that they were well they began to sing in the woods because they were you know Stood Still and they could hear twigs and leaves breaking all around them they said that they came across a lady with a face that they recognized but her face was really shiny she told them to walk down the path they said they recognized the woman from their school and I do feel the need to add that both myself and my friend would recognize anyone from that school neither of us recognized that lady they also said they could hear shouting them and they did shout back but we couldn't hear them we both heard all the sounds we both saw the lady we both had the immense feeling that we were all being separated but neither of us can explain what happened or why it happened we've been Googling it and the only suggestion is something called a panic in the woods but we but we both experience the same thing encounter with a stranger who seemed to know who I am Had A peculiar experience about 7 years ago I frequently gone back to it thinking about well never been able to figure out what exactly it was that happened so I was about 16 or 17 years old at the time I'd been on my lunch break from college and I was walking to the the Town Center making my way back for my next class there's a big church in the middle of the town where I had to walk through there are often people standing near the church offering people leaflets and preaching and stricking up conversations about religion that sort of thing which by the way didn't bother me as long as they're respectful to those who don't want to stop and talk anyway as I was walking past that church I was stopped by somebody who had well they had some leaflets didn't think much of it at first she just seemed like your average middle-age religious lady and the things she said to me initially weren't out of the ordinary she was just asking me if I had a belief in God and if I attend church that sort of thing I PL explained that while I'd love to chat if I had the time I was actually on my way back to college so I didn't really have any time in fact this is where it got kind of strange she put her hand on my arm and sort of G R not in a way that felt aggressive but quite firm is the best way I can describe it she then looked me in the eyes in a quite intense manner addressed me by name and said I know you're hurting I can see it in your eyes I was taken AB back that she knew my name because one I'd never met or interacted with her before two I didn't tell her my name and three I was alone there was nobody around that could have heard anybody saying my name and lastly I wasn't wearing my college ID badge or anything else that would have been able you know to identify me I tried to make out that I was completely fine and that I didn't know what she meant but the truth is is that I do struggle quite badly with mental health problems and I was really low at the time although I thought I'd been making a decent effort at hiding that and pretending to be happy she didn't really say much other else but she did tell me to take care of myself and all off I went to go about my business my childhood paranormal experiences from the ages of 6 to 10 I had paranormal encounters my first encounter I remember was when we were leaving my mother's nail salon her nail salon is connected to my grandmother's house to get to the salon you have to walk on a strip from the road to the door about 10t distance it was around 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. I stood at the end of The Strip by the road cross the street was a neighbor's house growing up me and my cousins were scared of this house due to how hidden behind the shrubs it was I stood at the end of the strip and look across the street into the neighbor's yard I was a little girl with pale skin long black hair that covered some of the face and wearing a white gown I was frozen in fear I turned to my mother who was coming from locking up the shop gecko and asked her if she was seeing the same thing I turned my head back within 5 Seconds the little girl was gone so perhaps she wasn't the little girl but she had seen one my second time encountering the spirit was when we moved into a new apartment I thought I'd share what I believe to be my first ghost encounter during October cliche I know of 2023 I was hanging out with a friend I began asking her some questions tied to the Paranormal the subject has always piqued my interest and I knew that she had actually had some experiences so my questions mainly pertain to those as well as a bit on how she believed the Paranormal World worked as I'm aware viewpoints can vary wildly depending on things such as religion and personal experience she was more than willing to answer too and I eventually asked something well that had been on my mind for quite some time you see one paranormal experience she had was when she and one of her other friends had used a homemade Ouija board which she claimed had actually worked so with my interest in the subject of the Paranormal being that of is it all actually real I'd asked her if we could do something similar she agreed and after Gathering the materials we went out into the American Midwest Countryside that we called home and by about Sunset we arrived at our first location we had set it up under trucks bed I was quite literally trembling with anticipation and fear and and a bit of cold we tried three times but nothing happened however she did mention catching the eye or the reflection of what she claimed was a skin walker we also saw the reflection however it was too far from myself to confirm what it was because of course it was we were planning to see a movie afterwards so we left to see that with the drive there consisting of her sharing more of her paranormal experiences and also quite a bit of talk of Skin Walkers after the movie we went to a completely different area this is where the meat and potatoes of this post really happened we had done the same setup and I should mention that before we started I pulled out my camera's flashlight because we were worried whatever we first saw had followed us I kept it out so we could see what we were doing in the homemade Ouija board we did the thing and this time I can't remember it was the first or second try but that's irrelevant cuz it worked we had asked the spirit basic questions their name is the only one I remember asking though as we continued my fear and dread continued to climb I began looking around the area with my flashlight believing to have felt the presence of a human nearby and I still swear up and down that I heard breathing nearby that wasn't coming from either of us my friend eventually told me to stop I could be pointing it at the spirit and if that I was doing so could anger it we eventually said goodbye and left as she drove me back home we talked about what happened and also some extra details about Ghost Encounters and ghosts in general with all of that being said one standout detail I remember her mentioning that if we saw what would almost look like a dark wall of shadow or there shouldn't be at least that was probably a ghost and to look away from it she also recommended I stay out of dark areas for a few days of which I vly did in the end I'm personally still a bit off the fence about whether or not ghosts and other paranormal beings do really exist however after some time to sit on this story and getting the opinions of others I've come to the conclusion that if they do they're pretentions for staying on Earth probably aren't good however I'm sure you all won't be surprised to hear that I still have a morbid curiosity about it all one that if anything has probably only grown since that encounter if I'm being honest despite my parents warnings of whom I told all about this but if that friend were to invite me to do this again I probably wouldn't say No in fact I again might be the one to ask unexplainable experience SL spontaneous fires five or six years ago I had a really strange encounter as a teen that I've never been able to explain or make sense of if anyone has any reasonable explanation for this story please comment below background the story takes place in Raleigh of North Carolina there's a nature reserve area near my old neighborhood that I used to frequent with friends that became our unofficial hangout slsm smok spot the Nature Reserve is called shank Forest the area is owned and managed by North Carolina State University and it's also home to some veterinarian school for horses it also operates as a teaching and research site for the University's Forest Management program the land itself has an interesting history prior to it being utilized for University purposes there is a prison farm on the land pre1 1930s when visiting the area even prior to this experience my friends and I always would joke about how the land had a strange energy and field to it in the parking area of the reserve there was a small graveyard yard an abandoned house which certainly further contributes to the interesting Vibes whenever I well I guess however I just never felt scared or uncomfortable in the space would often go to the area alone here's the actual Story one night I was about to meet up with my friend we were going to meet at the Nature Reserve Park she was getting off work that night I ended up beating her there and while waiting for her I parked my car off to the side of the road and turned it around to face the direction in which you would enter the park behind me was the graveyard I could see the area decently well in my rear view and left side mirror it is important to mention that my car was the only car there and that there were no other humans in sight the time was just past 7:00 in the middle of October the sun was almost completely set and it was starting to get dark outside after arriving to the park I sat in the car for a few minutes on my phone trying to kill time while waiting for my friend after sitting there for a moment something caught my eye in the side mirror of my car in the graveyard area behind my vehicle there was a small fire that had started on the ground my immediate reaction was to get out of the car and to stomp out the Flames that is exactly what I did found it a bit odd that this fire had started started seemingly out of nowhere but presumed that somebody had tossed a cigarette out just before I arrived the fire was in an area where there were dry leaves on the ground so this was a plausible explanation at that time after stomping out the small fire I got back into my car and continued scrolling on my phone it was almost completely dark outside at this point and the sun had gone Beneath The Horizon again something caught my eye in the side mirror of my car the fire had seemingly reappeared instantaneously I immediately presumed that I had failed to put out the first time got out of my vehicle once again to try to put out those Flames upon getting out of the car I quickly realized that this fire was separate from the first one that I had put out it had started approximately a foot behind where the charred spot and leaves from the first fire were after realizing that the ground had spontaneously caught fire not once now two times in a graveyard at night I started to get a little creep down and sped walked back to my car to leave I didn't bother putting out the second fire just as I put the car into drive I glanced back in my I glanced back into my rearview to witness a third fire spontaneously start just behind the second fire of which was still burning this time I saw the fire begin with my very own eyes sped off left that Park as this whole situation made me quite uncomfortable and Confused the next time that I returned to the area after this experience the ground was still charred in three places in a perfectly vertical line This occurrence was not a figment of my imagination or delusion and I've never heard of or experienced anything like this in years after this ever since I had this experience I've been trying to come up with a reasonable explanation for how this could happen I've just been well entirely unable to do so there were no other humans around and with the sun being down there's no plausible way that these fires could have just been brush fires started by direct sunlight I'm not religious and I do not actively practice spirituality but I felt like these spontaneous fires were a sign that I was unwelcome there or at least at that time the entire experience has left me confused fused for years and if anybody has a scientific explanation or Theory to how this could happen I would love to hear it had multiple creepy encounters tonight about 2 weeks ago I was sitting down at home in the living room for clarity I don't live alone and I have two cats as well I felt a gush of air passed by my right arm I thought it was one of my cats but they were elsewhere entirely I was also alone in the room another week passes by sleeping in bed when I feel the weight of something push onto me twice felt like one of my cats but again they were not there the pressure and weight felt like something was trying to wake me up by my feet but I was already awaken under the covers when I flipped my cover to see what it was nothing was there I'm the only one who sleeps in my room as well and fast forward to tonight I was on my phone when I heard some light and walking and fidgeting with something thought one of the cats slipped into my room so I immediately got up and both of them were out in the living room when I checked to see where they were I got creeped out and told my sibling about it they wanted to check the room next to mine which someone else also sleeps in but they went out tonight and for reference their room always gave off negative energy so my sibling then checks underneath the door just to see if there's anything the lights are off but as soon as they open the door to go in there's a night lamp that's turned on so then not to feel lonely or even more creeped out we decided to let the cats in that room they love hanging out in there they did not want to stay in there tonight though at all so we'd leave the room light on and close the door sibling heads back into the room and I go into the bathroom and that's when I hear what sounded just like my sibling so I call out and ask if they said something they said they didn't I was so creeped out by now but I had one more thing to get for my room so my sibling waited for me and as I grabbed what I needed I hear shuffling coming from the next door and head out I was left so creeped out by this forgot to mention by the way this morning I also heard a baby cry twice and that's in the room where there's no one next to mine I need some advice I think my house is haunted and I don't know what to do hey guys I'm coming here for some advice mostly because I feel some sort of dread presence in my house and specifically in my kitchen and in the living room they aren't separated sort of like the same room I'm 20 and I live just with my mom I don't really know where to start but I've had multiple different physical things happen in my kitchen while I'm home and let me also say I moved into this house not even a full 2 years ago and I've never had previous encounters with anything paranormal I guess guess I'll run down the list of encounters starting with the first one and leading up to the most recent instance one maybe about 2 or 3 months after I moved in my mom whose bedroom is on the first floor she said she woke up at about 3:00 a.m. to wind chimes making noise in her kitchen she walked out there and actually saw them moving my mom loves Windchimes and before this she always had some inside we took them down after this this instance two this was the first event I actually saw with my own eyes last winter maybe about November 2022 sitting with my ex-girlfriend on the couch watching TV in the living room we had been there for maybe 35 or 45 minutes that's when out of nowhere My Lunchbox flies off the top of the refrigerator and lands on the floor about 5 ft in front of it I paused the show and I was freaking out since the only people home at the time were me and her so I picked it up and put it back on top of the fridge my ex was already freaked out so we both ran upstairs not sure if this is important or not but afterwards I told my sister who is well versed with Pagan witchcraft practices to read tarot cards regarding the situation a few times she pulled cards with cats playing on them she told me the spirit is likely a dead pet that wants somebody to play with she also did some sort of sage ritual at this time as well instance three this happened 2 days ago was the second thing I actually saw with my own eyes I have a home gym and sometimes I'll work out after work 2 days ago I was home alone working out in the basement when I finished I walked upstairs to the kitchen to make my protein drink and eat some strawberries creepy feeling is always in that room but I try to ignore it so I was standing at the kitchen sink rinsing off strawberries and eating them I looked up out the window and that's behind the sink it was completely dark in my backyard and I couldn't see anything but the reflection of the room behind me when I looked up I saw what appeared to be a blurry black figure moving very quickly from one side of my living room behind me to the other I couldn't make out any features because I only saw for about half second I don't even know if it really had any at all and I mean fast like the same speed of a human full sprinting from one side of my living room to the other I turned around and there is absolutely nothing there at this point I'm freaking out and I start saying like whatever you are you are not welcome here and you need to leave this is my house I live here and I don't want you here you need to go then I walked upstairs and laid in my bed until my mom got home mostly because I don't get this Eerie creepy feeling when there's somebody else home I showered and then I went to bed instance 4 after instance 3 I debated not saying anything to my mom because I don't want to freak her out since she sleeps on the first floor last night I decided I'd tell her though she was understandably a little freaked out and this morning my mom calls while I'm at work and tells me that she herself was withholding experiences from me because she also didn't want to freak me out my mom runs a small business out of that part of the basement and that's located directly underneath the kitchen and living room she told me that she has at least a dozen times heard Footsteps in the kitchen above her walking around and she's usually sure that she's the only one home apparently this is why she plays her music so loud when she's down there and from my phone call with her this morning I learned she got in contact with some people from her church and soon she'll be having somebody who specializes and spirits come take a look instance five I'm not entirely sure if this was in my head or an actual encounter because I was tripping on shrooms not my first time so I know it function about a month ago I decided to trip in my house and my current girlfriend and two other friends were there for the majority of the trip we stayed upstairs watching cool TV shows the midnight gospital on Netflix highly recommended I had to go downstairs to piss so I went down by myself I swear that while I was coming down the stairs I saw what looked to be a woman's face smiling in an unsettling way at me from the couch I had some laundry on the couch and I saw the face vividly in the laundry this actually Disturbed me and I sprinted to the bathroom to piss then sprinted back upstairs for the rest of the night and then the narrator sprinted to go to bed sea
Channel: Paranormal M
Views: 7,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paranormal stories, paranormal, haunted house stories, scary stories, ouija board stories, ghost stories real, paranormal ghost stories, ouija board, real ghost stories, real life ghost stories, paranormal investigations, paranormal videos, reddit paranormal stories, paranormal encounters, paranormal reddit stories, paranormal reddit, supernatural stories, paranormal activity, paranormal experiences, paranormal files, paranormal scholar, a haunting, haunted tales, hauntings
Id: jrqRkUWTJwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 13sec (4393 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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