1832 Steam Engine - Jay Leno's Garage

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[Music] since it's raining today in California and the weather's not very good we're gonna stay inside for this segment we're in the stationary engine part of my garage this is a sterling hot air engine these were used to pump water got this at a Teddy Roosevelt's house interesting story but we're not going to deal with that one today this is a steam engine out of a tugboat from about 1900 we haven't got this running yet but we'll hook it up you've been on this website before you've seen our 1866 right steam engine a design and built when Lincoln was president but we're not gonna focus on that one either today because well we did a piece on this one you can go the website and check that one out it's gonna go to the oldest engine of my collection this one over here this thing was designed and built in 1832 1852 think how long ago that was this ran a color and dye factory in England don't have a lot of history on it I know Henry Ford bought it bought it in the mid 20s for his museum it was an antique then it got sold off and went to a number of owners I got it we restored it and it's running for probably the first time and I would guess 70 or 80 years anyway quite a fascinating piece of equipment you notice how wedges hold everything together you see you set everything up and then you tap those in where you want them and they hold it firm or just firm enough to hold it and not fall out but still be able to move the whole thing is put together to these see there's a tension on them here so they can't back out kind of cool well here let's let's fire it up this is about the speed it would run back in the day you know it's interesting people kind of get to miss the misconception that machine shops back in the late 18-hundreds were noisy places they weren't steam was very quiet I mean you hear how much noise this thing is making hardly anything at all just a little bit of creaking and once it warms up and anything gets really hot it's almost completely silent what you're hearing right now is mostly metal expanding and contracting until everything gets warm but this is about this would run all day long this engine ran I'm told for almost a hundred years before Henry Ford bought it so no he bought it in 20 tight eight years about 80 years yeah you know the wizard behind the curtain that's jim back there he's the Wizard of Oz he's running the throttle the throttle valve is really just a steam valve you open or close it I mean you see how slowly you can run these you can run these literally down to about 5 rpm but they like to run about maybe 120 rpm something like that the interesting thing about it is it was built in 1832 built in England but we don't know who built it because they didn't put their name on it but they did a beautiful job just piston is in here this will come and notice the napoleonic car the Greek columns rather these were really thought of the space shuttle's of their day and they wanted to be as intricate and beautiful as possible because they wanted to show off the technology of the day you know when you look at modern machinery it's very efficient but it's not pretty you know and this is really I think a beautiful piece of early 18th century artwork so what you call your walking beam up here these are lubrication points up here you fill these with oil and those drip down this is your lubricator this fills with oil and sends oil into the cylinder water obviously not a lubricant so what that does it puts a little dollop of steamed oil into the piston on every stroke this is what people did before television you sit down and you just watch your steam engine run all day and it's a fascinating thing to look at this is your governor what this does is as as the centrifugal weight throws the balls out that controls your throttles you don't over have the motor this is where the famous expression balls-out comes from balls-to-the-wall that's another whole different one but falls out comes from steam engines we have to make a couple of new pieces this was cracked so we took the old piece off designed it on a four dollar C&C machine and made a new one out of brass your ticket look what Bernard is doing is redesigning the part or I guess scanning it on the computer so we can make another one is that correct well yeah what we did here is start out with some simple geometry of the top view and then end view or the part okay I hear simple geometry and I'm out of here see the great advantage is almost any mechanical piece you have for any kind of vehicle or just about any kind of engine you can redesign or make a brand new one using this Gibbs program it's it's pretty amazing and something it would take a machinist the weeks to do you can actually do fairly quickly here you had a neat part is you can design it on on the computer screen and and attach pieces together see we we now have the back section of it in the front section of it there's a hole down through the side with the center of it we can also rotate this around so we can get different views of it do you see the hole that goes down selectively where it's going to sit on its shaft got a front view side view top view from here we go to the next step which is to generate a G code that the machine can read and then we can do the machining on the fat all let's plug it in and make the part I think we're ready to go here this is our program here see what happens and what we're gonna do first we're gonna cut the top down before we start making the real nice pattern for it so it'll save some time now you notice the older the machine the bigger the balls that's what's kind of the way life is I guess but look at all the way this goes is your pump down there that you want to pump down there in the hole don't forget this is before the days of standardized threads there was no standard thread standard screw everything was made for that particular machine you always want to make sure you've got plenty of oil there all sorts of little places you need to constantly keep monitoring look at these all hand cut gears in here look at this beautifully done I'm just they were designing this thing today hey don't stand there that hey don't look at that hey keep 50 feet away and I'm not back on those days guys had reaching the ball will hit you in the head and then this would come down and crush your skull and no that's too bad yeah tough break yeah insurance get out of here your own fault it's amazing to look at now I can't imagine what it was like in 1832 England really ruled the world England controlled steam power James Watt of course the genius of steam he really designed everything and the English guarded this technology the way we would got our defense systems today because those who ruled steam ruled the world your factories your ships everything anyway I hope you enjoyed looking at something different as soon as the rain stops we'll take some our cars and motorcycles out and do some burnouts but right now just gonna spend a quiet afternoon look at my steam engines
Channel: Jay Leno's Garage
Views: 1,150,028
Rating: 4.9249668 out of 5
Keywords: Jay Leno, Automotive, Cars, Garage, horsepower, Jay, Leno, mods, custom car, Speed, Fast, modded cars, mechanic, fastest car, Jay Leno's Garage, cars, exotic cars, interview, custom, Leno car, funny, Leno funny, car show, Rare, Motorcycles, racing, jay leno interview, auto, drive, power, fast, amazing, cool, the cars, vehicle, 1832 steam engine, steam engine, dye factory, steam
Id: zoBWAE0win0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 14 2012
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