18 year old, accomplice being held on nearly 30 charges in deadly school shooting

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we are going to begin tonight with the horror now revealed inside that school shooting in Colorado the two suspects both students both in court today and what we have now learned there was a massive and quick response to the call of an active shooter nine students shot one of them killed as he rushed the gunman children from kindergarten to 12th grade inside that school they're distraught parents waiting for word that they were safe tonight the two young heroes including that student Kendrick Castillo who lost his life what he once told his parents and the other hero a young Marine recruiter we hear from him right here tonight ABC's chief national correspondent Mac up and lead us off from the scene tonight that first glimpse of the young man accused of bringing murder to this Denver area stem school eighteen-year-old Devon Erickson that stripe of fuchsia in his hair nails painted black saying a single word in his first appearance nodding vigorously when the judge addressed him but never looking up he and a 16 year old accomplice facing nearly 30 charges including murder just after lunchtime Tuesday Erickson allegedly calling out nobody move in his class before opening fire nine students shot in that English class one of them killed his name was Kendrick Castillo his family telling reporters that Kendrick once said if there was ever a school shooter he wouldn't think twice about acting and tonight details about his heroic last moments complete disregard for his own safety he was immediately there to respond he was immediately on the shooter and he was ready to end the threat Brandon meolli a marine recruit was one of the boys who lunged towards the shooter there was fear I still looked back at it and I still feel a bit of fear when I think back to it but after that point it is just doing what I thought I should do these high school seniors including Castillo were just three days away from graduation but there are other heroes as well as we go through this I think we're gonna find that there were a lot of students that did a a number of great horrid things police there within minutes they had to force their way into the school which they were able to do and they just happened to pick a door that they forced into that one of the suspects was right you know down the hall from that door soon after the all-clear sounded the kindergarten through high school students bussed to reunification centres for anxious parents waited and waited for those honks but tonight questions about what allegedly drove that 18 year old boy and that 16 year old to murder we're trying to get a suspect info we do have one person shot the lower back schools in lockdown the male shooter had been active in school theater even had his own YouTube channel featuring cover songs it didn't seem like he was the type to do it at all but when police searched his house they found his car spray-painted with expletive Society his accomplice a 16 year old also a student at the school the suspects the first pair of student shooters to target his school since the Columbine massacre 20 years ago tonight that high school changing its sign in solidarity our hearts are with you stem so let's get live to Matt Gutman in Colorado tonight outside that school which will remain closed for the rest of the week we were told Matt and we also know the second suspect was also in court today that's right David in with a strikingly different demeanor this suspect the 16 year old had short cropped hair was engaged and very attentive with the judge and right beside him was sitting his mother because he is a juvenile now he was born a female but his defense team petitioned the court that he be recognized as a male that was granted the DA is now considering whether or not to charge him as an adult David Matt Gutman in Colorados and I've Matt thank you hi everyone George Stephanopoulos here thanks for checking out the ABC News YouTube channel if you'd like to get more video show highlights and watch live event coverage click on the right over here to subscribe to our Channel and don't forget to download the ABC News app for breaking news alerts thanks for watching
Channel: ABC News
Views: 12,917,715
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Keywords: 18, year, old, 30, charges, deadly, school, shooting, lunchtime, Devon, Erikson, Nobody, move, open, fire, gunshot, WNT, world, news, school shooting colorado, suspect, in court, 2 shooters, Kendrick Castillo, hero students, Brendan Bialy, STEM, Highlands Ranch, Colorado, student charged gunman, 2019, ABC News, p_cmsid=2494279
Id: 5qO6FEYItqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 0sec (240 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2019
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