$176 vs $11 Donuts: Pro Chef & Home Cook Swap Ingredients | Epicurious

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lemons what's the oh oh my god oh what did i do is that fruit juice and an egg carton bucket hi i'm penny and i'm a professional chef at the institute of culinary education and these are my 176 dollar donut ingredients hi i'm onika and i'm a home cook and these are my 11 donut ingredients oh not my pistachios my tray was better this is a lot okay what's this are these green beans i was planning on making sicilian pistachio and calamansi jelly donuts oh god that is such a mouthful it's a lot we just can't do a regular old donut like just fry some dough my donuts were going to be dipped in a calamansi glaze that was made from a caramel that had calamansi puree added to it one of my fillings for the donuts was going to be a pistachio pastry cream the second filling was going to be a calamansi jelly guillotine i don't know is this gelatin i'm writing my glasses on and the final touch was going to be caramelized pistachios oh are these pistachios did somebody just peel these they were going to be bright green nutty and absolutely delicious i was going to do a baked donut with white chocolate glaze hot coffee in half and half so anika's ingredients are definitely more humble with a little bit of technique we can make them incredible if i had to guess i would say all of this cost about twenty four dollars eleven dollars shut up okay we can make something out of nothing i think that this whole ensemble would cost like about a hundred bucks 176 dollars are you guys paying about an hour it's gonna take me five hours to do it okay my plans for my donuts was pretty elaborate i hope she's not too intimidated by my recipe book chef penny gave me a list of ingredients but no instructions what am i supposed to do good luck anika you got this thanks chef penny i'm gonna need rose bros hey hey rose it's always good to see you i'm having a problem sicilian pistachio and calamansi filled brioche donuts so not just a regular donut it's a lot it is a lot but it's gonna be delicious and you're gonna have the best doughnut of your life and you're gonna have made it yourself first question how do you make this brioche dough first thing you're gonna do is you're gonna make a sponge and that's where you have two parts flour and one part sugar the yeast and then add some warm milk mix it all together and then set it aside to prove for like 30 minutes to an hour then you probably have some all-purpose flour and then you have some double zero flour which is a really finely milled flour we'll put some salt in it and then i have to zest the lemon and you're gonna beat them with an egg as well as four or five egg yolks you're going to use a standing mixer and the first attachment is going to be a paddle so you're just going to get everything incorporated i think whoa why is it being so aggressive calm down then you're going to switch to a dough hook and you're going to really need that with the doho for like 10 minutes the lemon smells so good this smells so good already and then you're going to switch back to the paddle and that's when you incorporate the softened butter after you do the initial mixing and the butter is incorporated you're going to let it rest and prove for a little while then you're going to just gently deflate it pour it out of the bowl and press it down with your fingers let it rise and you roll it out the third time after you've proved it you're going to roll it out to about a half inch thickness and you're going to use a round cutter and then you're going to let it rest again okay so the the dough has to rest when do i rest no monitor deserves a rest thank you rose i really appreciate it call me anytime and have fun with the ingredients that onika gave me i actually decided to make pot a shoe a super versatile dough on the inside it becomes very airy there's a lot of opportunity to pack it with delicious things into my saucepan i'm gonna place my water my butter some salt most important ingredient in all pastry recipes and some sugar i'm gonna bring this to a boil obviously the butter's gonna have to melt first mixture is at a full rolling rapid boil i'm gonna take it off the heat i'm gonna add all my flour in at once and that's really important you don't get the proper distribution of all the liquid if you don't drop it in all at once and then i'm going to go back over my heat and some people might say oh well it's already formed a ball you're good no you're not what we're looking for is a skin to build up on the bottom of the pan the more moisture we cook out here the more eggs i'll be able to add later the more eggs i can add later the greater my puff will actually be it's very difficult to talk and do this at the same time there we go if you can see there's some film at the bottom of the pan when it looks like this we can transfer it over to our stand mixer and what we're trying to do here is cool it down because if we add our eggs in and the dough is still hot it's going to cook the eggs and make them scramble me here at last on the ground you in mid-air i have moments where i have a really good voice and then mostly it sounds terrible okay this has cooled down a lot i'm feeling a little bit comfortable that we can start adding our eggs what am i looking for well there's two kinds of cues the first cue is that when i drag my spatula through does it come back and fold onto itself and it does right the other cue that i was looking for is with the paddle if you put the paddle in and pull up you should have a v here there's my v so our dough is in our piping bag that's been fitted with a large open star tip next step is to pipe these out and fry them so now these have been resting they look like biscuits in the way to me and my oil is at 350 so now it's time to fry i have four inch parchment squares and i'm gonna pipe circles with a large open star tip and then when i get to the end where it closes off i stop pressure on the bag and just keep moving in the same direction these will get larger when they hit the oil i'm going to turn my heat up here because the second that this hits the oil the oil temperature is going to start to go down and i'm going to drop it very gently by the corner into the oil they look like donuts for real oh they are donuts for real because i made them the paper allows you to get them into the hot oil with them keeping their beautiful shape once they hit the oil they should start to steam a little bit and the paper comes off very easily in the first you want to just leave them alone for a minute or so let them build up some structure some color on the other side let them poof a bit and then flip them over beautiful golden brown oh here we go all that puff is happening look at me chefin nice and golden brown and i like to drain the donuts on a rack it's that big cavity in there that's what we're gonna fill that was the quickest thing nine hours of letting this dough rest for this two second process okay so it's time to make our calamansi jelly apparently it's pretty easy palamonzi is a very small green citrus fruit it's got this incredible citrus flavor where it just brings together all the great things about all the different types of citrus in one fruit to make the calamansi jelly you're going to want to put the calamansi puree and a little bit of sugar into a bowl and then you're going to sprinkle the gelatin over the surface you're going to let that sit for about five minutes or so and the gelatin is going to bloom in the puree five minutes i mean this will make you patient then you're going to pop that into the microwave and short 30 second first you're going to cook it in the microwave until all of the gelatin melts yes ma'am it's dissolved and now it's time for the vanilla bean the vanilla bean is in we're going to put it in the fridge so it can set and cool and then to make it into a consistency that's a little bit more pipeable you'll use an immersion blender in the bowl until it's a little bit more smooth in consistency oh look at that where the doughnuts let's fill them up so onika gave me coffee beans and i decided to turn that into a coffee pastry cream this is some of the milk that she gave me i just want the milk to be warm enough to be able to extract the flavor from the coffee so i'm gonna let this steep for about 10 to 15 minutes so now it's time to make my pastry cream i'm figuring this out as i go so i got the tips from rose i have that logged in my brain now i'm pouring in half of the milk some sugar when you're making that pastry cream you're going to want to add vanilla bean to it i'm going to take the other half of our milk and the other half of our sugar egg yolks and our egg and our cornstarch as you temper your eggs you're going to take a little bit of the hot milk add it to the egg mixture so that it brings the temperature up so that your eggs don't scramble when you add the egg mixture back to the hot milk mixture my darling i'm tempering the eggs right now that's my julia child's voice so now i think i just got a whisk and whisk and whisk and whisk and whisk our milk has been steeping for about 15 minutes with the coffee in it and we're gonna strain it about half of it into my pot and the other half of it will go into a bowl i'm going to add half of my sugar to my saucepan where i'm looking to dissolve it the other half is going into my cooler milk where it's going to help break up my flour and my eggs and help me avoid lumps it's a little bit abrasive so we're just waiting for this to come up to a simmer go faster okay here we go and i'm gonna add a little bit at a time and as long as i'm always moving and always whisking it then i'm not gonna have any lumps you can smell that coffee it's incredible i'm gonna add this back to my pot and i'm gonna whisk constantly whisking is very misleading rowing should call this rowing okay here we go this is the critical point you start to see some lumps in there those aren't panic lumps those are coming together lumps so you really want to stir to get it as smooth as you possibly can so now i'm going to add my butter and i'm going to add my vanilla extract we wait till the end on the vanilla because the compounds are heat sensitive and if we were to add it in the beginning we would cook all that flavor off that we're trying to add in there the texture is definitely thick and luscious but it's smooth and it's basically pudding it's what pudding is you can eat it with a spoon directly we need to transfer this to a clean flat surface now we're going to spread it out into a thin layer this is to help it cool as quickly as possible so i'm going to cover the surface with plastic wrap and i'm going to make sure that the plastic wrap is touching and there's no air bubbles and that's to avoid a skin and now we're going to get this into the refrigerator to chill down as quickly as possible to the refrigerator we go so now that our pastry cream is chilled we're going to turn that into pistachio pastry cream with this pistachio paste that penny gifted me thank you penny so now i'm going to add the pistachio paste to the mixture well this looks like my shirt at this point i'm matching this donut today look at that all right i think that's it our pistachio pastry cream is done i wanted to use the coffee beans that onika gave me in two ways so i'm gonna candy them and cover them in white chocolate i'm gonna use these for garnish so we're gonna beat them up a little bit and make them a little smaller and you know if it's the kind of day where somebody needs to be taught a lesson this is the task now it's time to make our caramelized pistachios apparently i have to make a dry caramel i think that the caramel and getting that to the just right place is going to be the tricky part for her rose says it goes pretty fast so i'm going to have to keep my eye on it i am waiting for the sugar to round a little bit just something oh i could do this this is easy i made a caramel from sprack i'm like the bomb look at me okay i feel pretty good about it so once they're about this size they're pretty much ready to go next we're going to get our sugar cooking we're going to start by adding sugar to our pot and then water alongside get all of the sugar granules in contact with the water we're gonna get it on the heat we're going to cook it to 240 degrees so let's just double check here we go 240. i actually want the sugar to crystallize on the outside of the beans so by stirring i'm initiating that action i know we're there because the sugar is starting to melt on the bottom of the pan again what i'm looking for is a little bit of sweetness and sugar to balance out the bitterness in the coffee and then we'll add a little bit more when we coat them in white chocolate our candied coffee beans have cooled completely we're ready to coat them with our white chocolate morsels i'm going to microwave them just to the point where it's melted i'm going to add a little tiny bit of oil to it the oil is going to loosen it up a little bit but the other thing that it can kind of do is sort of fake temper chocolate so it'll help it set at room temperature our next step is to actually coat these beans the thing is though this is really a two-person job and my friend who stole my tray and my pistachios is gonna give me a hand a little higher and just go ahead and pour there we go nice perfect you're doing an excellent job thank you keep it up and i don't care how good of a job you're doing right now you still stole my sicilian pistachio that's the kind of thing that i remember for the rest of my life frankly all right you can stop for a sec for me that was very well done for a pistachio thief and now i'm about to add my pistachios and then i'm just going to turn this around time to put it on a tray drizzle drizzle drizzle i'm going to put them back out onto my sheet tray in a single layer but they're gonna do their thing at room temperature in about 10 minutes or so our caramelized pistachios have cooled and now it's time to jack them up it's we have more tools just more too but i'm ready my caramel is unbreakable like a taylor swift song you know yeah look at this i've broken them up as much as i can and now the food processor needs to finish the job booyah feel like it's perfect there you have it our garnish look at that sicilian caramelized pistachio crumble i'm using the white chocolate morsels that onika gave me in two different ways and for our glaze what i'm going to actually do is caramelize this i'm going to pop them into a 300 degree oven for about 10 minutes or so and they're going to completely transform we're going to have to make another dry caramel sugar in lemon and mussel so there we go totally different right we're going to take our chocolate and place it into a bowl over some simmering water or a double boiler pour over about two ounces of our half and half and we're just gonna whisk them until they melt into our half and half rose said i have to just keep stirring and be patient until this becomes a caramel now it's looking more like a paste now it's time to put our calamansi in whoa okay that's okay this needs to calm back down i got serious quick feels like i ruined the whole thing but i'm just gonna keep on stirring just trust the process this is basically a ganache so it's a little bit of a liquid with a lot of chocolate this is what it should look like beautiful amber caramelized we're going to finish it off adding a little bit of butter for richness a pinch of salt it's a lot of sugar in there you really want to balance that out and our favorite vanilla extract we're just going to add a little touch for the roundness of the flavor and this is our glaze for our donuts while this is boiling down i'm going to i got to get this vanilla in here so my lumps are gone i just need to check the temperature to see where we are so now we're at 272 all right so we can take it off the heat so now our glaze is ready i'm gonna set it aside so we can dip our donuts in it all the work that i did today is about to come down to this moment we finally get to assemble these beauties i'm gonna poke three small holes in the bottom of each of my donuts it's time to assemble all right i'm starting with the pistachio pastry cream so this is our filling tip that allows us to poke right into the donut gonna find the holes that i piped in put some pressure and move the tip around and try to evenly disperse my coffee pastry cream throughout the whole donut and as i'm doing it i can feel it's getting a lot heavier so i know that i've got it nice and filled i stabbed through it don't stab too far okay so now we're done with our pistachio pastry cream now it's time for our jelly if the filling starts coming out of the place where you've inserted the tip then you know you have plenty in there [Music] sorry i've made a donut a little donut and i'm going to pick up one of my donuts dip it about halfway in lift it up if you can get your wrist moving a little bit it helps remove the excess and i'm going to add the pistachio to the glaze when it's hot so it sticks i'm a baker i think these babies are ready for their beauty shot i can't wait for chef penny to try this i'm gonna choose this one she's the fairest of them all this is the one that i'm gonna present to anika so i'm just gonna put it on a plate for her and this is my take on onika's donut i can't wait to see what she thinks and there you have it chef penny sicilian pistachio filled brioche donuts yes i wonder what she did with my ingredients hi hey how are you i'm good how are you i'm not good you put me through that's a lot you need a nap or a cocktail both i need a cocktail first so that i can nap one two three whew look at that it's beautiful that's beautiful look at that i wasn't quite sure what the intent with the coffee was oh to drink a couple to drink a cup of coffee all right so i wanted to use the coffee beans in a couple of different ways so inside of the donut is coffee pastry cream and then i took the coffee beans candied them and then coated them in the white chocolate morsels that you gave me you candied coffee i candied coffee bean okay i can't wait any longer i need to try this okay okay oh wait a minute it's filled with something oh that's good that is the coffee pastry cream yes that's delicious you like it a lot darling this is amazing so the coffee bean gives it an extra texture but the filling is just so sweet and good and gooey well all that hard work definitely amounted to a beautiful donut look at that that's incredible pretty i can't wait for you to try it all right ready on your mark get set go [Music] what do you think i know you did incredible that is so good i just love the way it tastes it's like the caramel brings you in and then this interest just spins you off it's nice i like it you get those caramel bitter notes that are in a super good way right but then the last flavor that's still in your mouth is the colimanzi and it's really bright and citrusy so even though it's significantly indulgent the last thing you taste is really citrus isn't that cool yeah so you can trick yourself into thinking that there's no calories in it let's open up a doughnut all right let's do it let's do it you guys better come to our donut shop [Music]
Channel: Epicurious
Views: 906,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best doughnut recipe, best doughnuts, cream doughnut recipe, donut recipe, donuts recipe, doughnut, doughnuts, doughnuts recipe, epi, epicurious, epicurious donut, filled donut recipe, filled donuts, fluffy donut recipe, glazed donuts, glazed donuts recipe, glazed doughnuts, homemade donuts recipe, how to make doughnuts at home, ingredient swap, make donut, make doughnuts, pro chef vs amateur, pro chef vs home chef, pro chef vs home cook, pro doughnut, yeast donuts
Id: BJWOzyBidGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 22 2022
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