#174 Shop Talk Rare Equipment Restore

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well hello ever just wanted to make a little quick video here piece of equipment that was recently sent in and the reason why I'm doing this is that it's a bit of a rare piece of equipment a lot of you probably have never seen the piece on the left before because I really wasn't that many of them and what we have here is a trans Eliza mark 3a and this was made by a transyl corporation now for what I remember in the past transyl corporation made a lot of stuff for CB radio like what meters now that was some ma you've never made a helper files that were built that have the name trance or on them but I'm not sure what they are the same part or the same company as the company that made this now this piece was sent in from a viewer that wanted me to restore it and get it back operational and basically what it is this a transmitter analyzer and you can see it has a watt meter and an oscilloscope tube on the left hand side well the scope is made to look at the RF carrier in modulation of a single sideband or a young signal as far as I know as far as I can remember I've never seen trance or make anything for ham radio but if we look down here in the middle you can see here this band switch goes on 11 meters all the way up to 160 meters now the bass swish does not affect the what meter where it affects is the input of the oscilloscope and you also see it has tones out one time one plus ten - and Tony one should be probably a thousand kilohertz tongue and tongue - is a mix of two tongues or a single side there and you see the output beside it and the side that is a output or headphones to monitor your signal so you can listen to it - what meter also has a peak in average power settings there's a tone and receive size that shows up on this scope and above this is it's double your cart cow and headphone volume and then above that is the selector or power levels or what meter here we have our focus in our tensity our own switch vertical position and vertical size if we take a look at the back side see over here we have the antenna connector the radio connector received monitor input there's a fuse and this is where the power cord should be coming out of now if we look over here on the far left you can see that there is two cutouts in the chassis and they just punched around that's what another board goes right here is H frequency counter input and it's not populated so it does not have the frequency counter unit in it what to have a frequency counter you it would be the mark three a - C or counter but it was very interesting when this came in that the first thing got noticed after picking it up he doesn't how light it was I did not see a AC cord attached and I figure well maybe someone cut it off so it cannot be used and - after was rebuilt I'm going to look on the side and I removed the screws holding the case all over him pour the case on we'll take a look inside of it okay I got the case off and we'll lock swinging around and first thing we'll notice is this Hitachi through your people and hey CRT and this is a tube that is used to show deep modulation waveform and when I got this opened up the first thing that I've noticed is that all the brackets that hold the tubes in place or loose so somebody has took the tube out I also look here we see that the plug on the back is not already pressed in so you know that kind of makes me think maybe that it's a good possibility in this CRT could be bad we don't know and I've checked on eBay and this particular moral - that's running about a hundred and thirty dollars just for the tube itself we get out here and look we can see that there's no power cord coming in and also there are the two wires that are connected to the fuse holder has been clipped off appealing the power switch we also see that the wiring to the power switch has been cut turn the unit around we see the horizontal sweep amplifier power supply board mounted here in the middle and right down in here is our two-tone board and this is all input where our arm coupling goes into the 32 watt meter into the scope circuit but if you notice right here in the three holes here the transformer is missing and as you can see here this is the wiring for the transformer has been cut off we've got two green terminals back here should be the six point three volt filament we have some blue terminals some red terminals and some yellow terminals now looking on the back of this board and we know Green is a six point three and I can also check throw it find out that it goes to the filament of the CRT the yellow is marked 12 volts on the back of the board and the blue is more 285 volts on the back of the board so donors thing we don't know is what is the voltage of the AC voltage input on the two red wires I know looking at the circuit I could see up here - 1600 volts well we know that this transformers not gonna be a 1600 volt transformer so I text a friend of mine it also has one of these and he took some voltage measurements and it's a little over 500 volts and this two red wires so it here is a triple-a circuit to power the board and the reason why I had to contact him button though he had when he posted it little over a year ago on my website is that there is no known schematic for this piece of equipment they use however a manual and inside the manual it has it block diagram these they're showing weight homes for am sitting side banging if we get here look we can see the block diagram and down here on the corner of it is our power supply and it showing six point three - 1600 + 300 + 12 + 8 well looking at the board it gets to 8 volts off to 12 volts that's why you don't see a a boat tap or the trash for me so all day and plus you know show 1600 volts so we know the transformer is not gonna be 16 when a motor start with but like I said there is no schematic that I can find on this unit so I'm tasked with now trying to find a transformer and we got pretty you know mushroom in here you put about any size transformer even if we have to put two I've checked around I've got some 500 watt transformers that has filling it in high voltage but it does not have the 12 volt and then we had the 285 volt which that's one you know by the time filtering rectifiers gonna be up to 300 volts so trying to find the transform with the right combinations is probably going to be a little tough the onliest kicker is is that after we do all this and get the circuit back up and running you can see we got several fuel caps here that's gonna have to be replaced a couple electrolytic C on the board just wind back one down in here and one here and then on the other board there's a couple just small buy you off electrolytic the problem these are for section cans here and they had 450 volts so if anybody that has seen one of these happen to have a schematic for what we would like to have a copy of it I also got the numbers off the original transformer from another viewer so uh you know I've searched the internet have not found anything that's close to it so we're going to be looking around and to get we find the transformer or to transform us so we can get this thing up again the only bad thing is you know we go through all this time to do this and then find out that the CRT it's no good like I say we can get a CRT off the eBay but you know it's roughly 130 bucks is the unit worth putting a transformer and a CRT in well that's questionable it depends on how much of a vintage collector you are and I would say with the rarity of this piece of equipment it would be worth it to me and I'm sure that the owner which is also of you is gonna want to I'll do what if he can to get this thing up and running and lock you in the back also show you that this is where the frequency counter board would mount in the mark 3 a - C D mark aids did not have the frequency counter but they use the exact same chassis or the mark 3 a and the mark 3 AC okay I didn't mention but I'm on this side you see another board this is all protocol amplifier board now you know that this will have vertical gain control but it does not have a time base board in it and that's because it's only used for monitoring or el5 modulated signals so now you go through never seen the trans so trans survivors are mark 3a that is what they look like and again on the trans so made CB watt meters and a few accessories I never knew that they were made anything that was a setup for ham radio maybe y'all know any stories behind any of this I don't know maybe Mike as seen them or know stumps in the bottom you know Mike over at Mike's ready over there guy seems to have one of everything anything that was ever made so uh yeah that's a look at it like to hear your comments and ideas and thoughts on this piece of equipment here's another piece of lost rare equipment that you don't never see much of I've had seen the accurate instruments companies uh equipment before but this is a model 152 a vacuum tube alternator and she is old and a bit crusty this was also sent in from the same guy that sent the Tektronix 465 scope and it was basically sent in from pause when we kind of talked back and forth a bit and I told them I was going to take on restoring this piece of equipment you can see the faceplate the glass is heavily yellowed but it looks like the deplaning on the mirror is in excellent shape the meter movement is in good shape no problems at all but as you can see the aluminum plate here is in very very rough condition I mean it looks real bad you know I'm looking at it and the dysfunction switch seems to work fine no problems at all the range which seems to be okay but the two potentiometers don't that one else turning now this one it just moves a little bit so that tells me you know they are heavily corroded okay the two banana jacks look okay they have a RCA jack in the center instead of that screw on mic connector but you know we look at the handle and when you see it has accurate written on it turn round through the backside here it has a fairly decent power cord on it you know no problems at all it looks to be in pretty good shape it's not haunting or cracking we'll go ahead and pop the back off this thing and have a look inside when I got to back off and when we look inside we can see that it is in fairly decent shape inside you know a little corrosion on the traces and what is these traces have been soldered over and this was from the factory at the time but you know the soldiers got a little corrosion on it calibration parts seem to be in good shape this resistor here is a bit swollen in the center you see it's been patched a vacuum cute vote leader and if we look here into the bottom of it we should see the controls and the way for switches looks to be in pretty good shape and you can see these two potentiometers here that would have to be replaced we can see the big ol for ah I think that's a 4 micro farad capacitor in there there's a couple of other paper and wax capacitors inside but even the battery holder is in excellent condition so you know your question would be you know when - you wear your power AC comes in and the question would be is this a meter of this vintage and condition worth a restoration actually no it would not be I mean it's there's a lot of work to do to this thing to get it back up and going but I am going to do a full restoration cosmetic intellectually and what I'll be doing is adding this repair to the troubleshooting tech tips video series and we'll go as far as designing printing and making a new faceplate forward and taking care of the cosmetics on the handle and getting it all back looking like new again and the reason why I'm doing this is just that people can see how to do something like this I mean this was a five or six hundred dollar piece of equipment in this shape that was vintage and it belonged to your great grandfather you know you may want to restore it back to its original condition so you know that just sudden you just show you how I would go about and my thought thought process on rebuilding something of this nature so will completely in a future video strip this thing completely down and go through it and since you know all the parts are here the tubes for sent in a bag with us you know sealed up and and wraps and it wouldn't be broken so uh yeah I think it'll be a fun little restoration shouldn't be too hard at all metal I have not been able to find a schematic or manual on the accurate instrument model 152 without having to purchase it off the hill in there but if you have one of these and you need a manual if you'll get the model 77 back into voltmeters and that was made by superior instruments it's basically the same leader the schematic will be close enough to get the job done on restoring or repairing one of these so well there you go guys two more old rare pieces of equipment you don't see every day and you know we'll get these things up and going like I said I'll do the vacuum tube voltmeter in the troubleshooting tech tip series just to show the thought process I'm not going through and restoring something that may be a value this should be fairly simple to do the biggest thing that's going to be refabricated that bottom panel will use a new piece of aluminum cause that one is a bit pitted and corroded and then we'll have to get the a decal made and put on the front of it to take you know place over the old one so it'll be Italy it should be a fun restoration well that's mostly you know you know my channel was directed to new people that's getting into the Hobby because my thought is to you know try to keep this hobby of our vintage restoration and electronic skills and stuff going on and you know welcome to the future I thought most of all of this going on because you know I will say the part of what I do is a bit of a downer hobby it's not as many people doing this today and it used to be you know we was talking the other day and that's not even that's one TV shop in this big town that we live in and they only service what they sell to do not service any other brands and used to every couple of blocks there used to be a TV shop there used to be several electronic stores here and that's not even an electronics store in 200 miles of here now so everything that I purchase you know and buy parts or whatever is off the internet so why you know them days the long go here and read and see a lot of people say that you know they have a fryer or something close by where they can walk in and pick up what they want but you know we don't have that opportunity here and with that I had to thank all of you guys for joining in and watching these videos you know y'all the ones that helped keep this channel going I also want to thank those that have donated and my patreon memristor has donated in the past so you know it's a big help and you know helps keeps parts coming in to walk on this old type of stuff so with that guys you know leave the comments down below we love hearing from y'all love hearing what y'all have to say it's taken me a bit longer now to answer Khan comments from what it used to be but you know these things get so many now and I get so many emails and that's just no way to you know answer every email that's coming in you know several thousand a week it's just unreal so if I don't you know if you email me if I don't contact you backs not that I'm ignoring you it's just that a lot of times by the time that I I get a chance to go through emails there's already several thousand more has come in so it's it's really hard to keep up with it anyway hope you enjoyed this and be looking that for some more videos to come my goal is to try to at least get one video out a week it's real tough wait things are going on right now it seems like come on you've been getting one a month and you know that kind of hurts the whole thought process of doing YouTube videos but you know real life happens so what that's that it goes anyway we'll catch you in the next video
Channel: The Radio Shop
Views: 4,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: transel, transelyzer mark IIIa, restore, electronics, repair, theradioshop, the radio shop, ham radio
Id: XgMGlK5_kQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 22 2018
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