#170 Tektronix 465 Review troubleshoot Pt 1

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hello guys everybody's doing good on this hot afternoon about 94 degrees here and in this video I want to do it or talk about scopes because I got something special in just a moment that we'll be unboxing but we'll get that a minute but back to the subject of scopes scope you know great handy piece of equipment to have them any text bench in fact it's a must they're just something you really need to have and over the years I have acquired several scopes remember the new rogue all we got back not long ago thanks to Neil to DST 150 board Z and if you remember last year I picked up this TAS code and you know it's a 465 and basically what tas stands for is Tektronix analog scope has a little bit of data acquisition on the front end but it's basically had a while to go and it has some menu-driven features and I like the scope but it's you know a little bit dodgy back when the scope was made its made from about 92 to 93 excuse me it was made from 92 to 96 and it just didn't take off about this time Tektronix was coming out with a lot better stuff that I just kind of put this scope on the back burner but it's not a bad scope for what it is you know it's good reliable scope but it still wasn't what I wanted you know and we have several more in here just like here on this bench you know not only so we had the tier six or sixty five in the DSi 1054 Zed we also have the Tektronix twenty to thirty five sitting up there and over there with the old CB analyzer we have a touchy 20 megahertz oscilloscope and it works real good number that was sent in by Dale last year and it works good for that system when I do use it I don't walk on a lot of CDs I just don't have the time for it you know so I dedicated that scope to the being case CB analyzers then we slip over here to the other side the bench where the older test equipment is you see up here we have the old echo oscilloscope and just over to the left of it is a bell in house now there are two Scylla scopes I have always wanted and one of them was the sink or CES 61 and not acquired that's quite a few years ago and it's like great work in scope 60 megahertz and it just works fine with RF equipment you know on the HF frequency is not very good for anything above HL but it works great for that that scope has developed a profit that's why it's sitting up there the shelf Queen just haven't been able to get to it to get it fixed but it's it's on the list to be done so we're gonna probably be getting a video out on troubleshooting that and fixing it sitting over here is one of the first DSO scopes they were bolts and that was the o 1p s 6062 s and it's also a 60 megahertz scope but I never like this scope from the beginning when I got it in it's just to display it's not bright enough to really see what's going on you can't look at the waveforms and tell now it does have good link to a computer where you can capture the waveforms on a computer but you know that's pretty much useless I haven't made my mind up what I'm going to do with this scope yet you know this $400 sitting there and it probably haven't got 20 hours of use on it cuz I just don't like it I don't like the the contrast and the brightness of the display I haven't really made my mind up on what I'm gonna do with it yet I might end up just giving it away I don't know we'll see how that goes but us doing sitting over here is another Tektronix 20 to 35 the shoes them here on this side of the bench so why mustn't here talking about all the Scopes I have well you know like scopes I love to collect scopes I got eight or nine more packed away of different various finished scopes that I haven't gotten around to to work on but will be sometime and you know I just love collecting scopes and I love having scopes on the bench but the real reason it's like I said that was to Silla scopes and I've always wanted one more steel sink or CS 61 and the other one is down here in this great big each box so we're gonna get this thing opened up and let you see what we have in here now this was sent in by a viewer that wishes to remain anonymous and I'll respect that and will not give out his name but he took the time and sent this in to us and gave it to us so let's take it out and see what we have as you can see this thing is very well packed it's put in a big box with a lot of packing peanuts I mostly try not to use a lot of packing peanuts I used to try to use the phone name since off mic is off introduced Stephanie but when you send out something that's heavy and use packing peanuts if you don't get the pack right he spent a push and then you have box inside just moving all around this one's packed right it's got a big enough box to hold enough packing peanuts to keep the smaller box bouncing around and crushing I'm so bad so go ahead and get the other box out all right we've got the smaller box out would you steal away I have a large box so we can get this opening more you were taking the stuff out of the box but uh until you're stacked pretty good well I got the big old beast out of that box and you can see that just green to get the cover off of I think you'll be very excited to see what this is some of you might even be just looking at this and already know what it is so they go ahead and get this off plastic off and discover hope for another so you can see that it's patters on both sides on each end of it that keeps us from getting damaged it really all makes me happy to see that people have enough pride when they ship stuff that they pack it well so it cannot get damaged imitating these curry are some of them they don't care what's in the box they just toss it on the conveyor tosses the back of the truck and end up tossing them in the front doorstep so you can get this off so what was in the box well if you could see if they tectonics for 65 to channel hundred megahertz oscilloscope now mister Tektronix for 65 is poverty one of the most popular oscilloscopes that's ever been made by Tektronix these things has graced many repair benches across the country a lot of people love these things I have been trying to get one for years often eBay that was you know a tech special and I always get beeped out of let's say thanks to our anonymous friend for sending this in to us and give another chance to get this old great piece of history back up and running now when this thing is fixed it will probably be one of my main oscilloscopes while walking on to equipment I do not like putting the TAS for 65 or the like all onto equipment it seems to like solid-state stuff better but it's only for 65 we'll have no problem working on two receivers and trade severs our transmitters so you can see us in very very nice condition it just looks real good I'd only have to do much cleaning there is a cow sticker on it let's see what the date is and it was like the date of calibration was 12 April 88 and it was supposed to be recalibrated on 12 April of 89 so yet we have a calibration sticker scope is in really nice shape you know it's got a few battle scars on it that's expected one surprising things still finding the bag on top is still in good good shape not torn up or anything and inside we have the original Tektronix instruction manual here skillett oscilloscope probe yet paper there was no probes with this and we have this point if you're not sure what this is she's a public rare and hard to find itself let me show you you're using this scope outside like at a tower of something walking on a piece of equipment outside you just pop this over the top this gives you a bezel around your screen to keep the sunlight off of it so you can see the white going better very nice back in the pouch look at the back of it Manny's power cable still has the protection plugs on it that looks real good no signs of any damage whatsoever the rubber feet on the back for standing it straight up or missing and one thing I like about what this guy did it was very professional of him was that he said it's envelope it also stamped parts that he's replaced inside of it and not only that and a very comprehensive letter of the things that he found I was giving it problems and what he'd done to try to correct it and it looks like to me from reading this just a moment ago that big problem is in the power supply I had a lot of ripples on the power supply maybe place capacitors something happened it did not want to work they went back to some of the old capacitors back in that part of it back up and running but it had a 60 cycle little on the way on the start wheel so he did the right thing by going to the power supply he also had no sweep on the part in there that was our bad he'd be placed that got a sweep back more so looks like we got something here that's going to be fun to go through to figure out what was going on with it so one of the next step to do on this leave I'm scoop sitting here maybe we need to turn it on and not take it apart no we're not going to do that because thanks to our anonymous friend he give us enough information already in the letter then set with it that we know that we'd only need to turn it on and try anything probably best just to go ahead and take the scope apart and see what we can find out what's going on with it okay I'll remove the screws on back of it he's poor the rear bezel wall so all we should bear to do is push this goes right on out the form a little bit tight there there you go just have to lift up on the back just a little bit just slide to cover off and there's the inside of the scope now one of the nicest things about walking this type of techtronic oscilloscope just about all of your major semiconductors your transistors and your Assis or socket so it's real easy to test by just pulling the transistor out and testing it and putting it back in no soldering required now you will see some transistors or solid in but mostly you know those and I didn't know of critical areas but just about everything that's that's critical will be able to unplug and check now Tektronix do have a few items in this don't off they rolled itself and would probably be impossible to find if you need it but from reading the documentation that the viewer sent with this I don't think that would be any problem at all with this oscilloscope so I think mostly what we need to do is just go through this power supply but back here you see the capstone standing up here and now check out this power supply and get that power supply back up and going like it's supposed to one thing I have found I have worked on quite a few of these over the years and one of the things I have found that has caused a lot of problems you'll see this two big transistors mounted here on the case and I have seen these legs break and cause issues but that doesn't appear to be the problem with this particular scope and your regulators it's graduate the virus or soldered in they would not be plugged in so we will need to go through all these bridge rectifiers and make sure that they're right check all the the voltages on the low voltage supply I finally have a high voltage probe coming that's a good two up to about eighty thousand volts and I talked with the guy this weekend I've made an offer on the whole kit he has a fruit 27 fpm which is the military spec voltmeter and I've looked on ebay to see what they're going for I think we've come up with agreement so what will be purchasing that from him mainly for the that nice eighty thousand volt high-voltage protein it has and I kitchen say that the old 27 /fn was just being thrown lien for it and it's in a case and it's got the original pros with it too very nice looking low low our unit so I was hoping to get it this week but it'll probably be two weeks without logging in but it'll be nice to have another thing I've always liked about white take on it did this this is your polish with you on the front you see this rod runs back to this with a connector here in the back and you see that's just a simple toggle switch in that and that is your power button now this is drilled out what another switch to be put in and not sure if this is something that was done on a different model or carried over from a model home to this one but I've always really liked the way that Tektronix did this mechanical switching on stuff even the some of the switches on the front see if I can find them here I'm sitting out a little bit there they are you can see these are switches on the front as these little rods that go down to the switches very ingenious the way that they did stuff like this I'm just looking over to thank people see the funny in channel 1 and channel 2 say Oh delay line coming in back in the back and it goes into the middle and just spirals around much for quite how long that delay line is but you know that's a little bit of us it's what you can call data acquisition on that delay line few milliseconds something what it is but yeah I'm tell you it's just amazing that just how clean the inside of this unit is it looks very nice you know there's always the good thing about the way - this unit is designed it's very simple to service off you don't have to pull a lot of stuff out just to get in here and work on it looks like you need a power supplies right behind this boss and everything is soldered on the main board from the bottom side the only thing is getting to somebody's bridge rectifiers on this side is you know practically impossible without removing the board or removing stuff but if you take your time use a good iron you can actually remove the components from the bottom of the unit without giving you the other side of the board to block D solder it so there we go a quick look at a classic Tektronix 465 oscilloscope I think we will get someone good series out of this piece of equipment we want to start with the power supply and walk away through that and make sure the power supply is working correctly there's no other problems than that then we'll move on to the vertical and horizontal amplifiers and check all them out make sure we think you give everything a good clean four switches and stuff get this old girl back up and running like she used to be so again take big thank you to our anonymous viewer for sending this in say wonderful looking pieces of our equipment we're gonna have a great time getting this up and running and very nice access to the bishop so thank you again so we thought we'd go ahead and stop taking a look at this take chronics 465 bit our friend sent in to us and you know with any repair is always the first thing you do is to go online and download the service map and the service manual is available for this unit as you can see up here on VR over monitor I have the service manual there so it'll be easy to get it now I really like paper service manuals on something like this because you're constantly flipping from one page to the other you might go in and look at the power supply and then you want to go and look at the board layout and it helps when you've got paper to do that with but also you know we have three monitors here so I can put different shots of us the manual up on three different screens at one time and we can also go in and take different of snippets of the power supply like this is the 8 volt rail of the US and the 15 boat rail and just cut out their single sheet this way you're not doing so much flipping back and forth it just kind of helps to keep things out you know situated and you're going through the steps of the repair and with enemy fire you know the first thing do you look at the scope give a visual inspection to see if you see anything that's bar cracked broken or whatever this has already been done to this particular unit by the previous owner and like I said he's done with a nice detailed level what's been done to it but if you didn't have that type of information after you do your initial test you can go ahead and start your troubleshooting process by starting with the power supply and I have the coffee here of the main power supply so we can go in and start checking those you know we'll start with the 120 volt rail 110 volt rail 55 volts 22 a fifteen volt or five volt and our negative 8 volt rail that's what we need to beat the sewing with since we've already know the condition of the scope and I have check the fuses and the fuses are not blown and it does have the correct fuses installed now so go ahead and power the scope up just to see what we have Matthew you know unsure what's the condition of it you pile it up you need to power it up on a variable transformer with isolation or what some type of I can't in a mini device then you get the scope please moved on the bench and we'll go ahead and power it up and just take a look at the front okay so the scope is plugged into leveling protection then we'll go ahead and pour the power switch on and as you see we have nothing no lights don't you know Fanny ring nothing will get themed fine just to make sure nothing on the screen no trace no dot the power lights no nothing so this tells me that there is a problem somewhere in the power supply and you know another good thing was there was no smoke so we're pretty safe on that so what we will do is go ahead and check out the power supply rails find out which ones are working which one is not we can assume that we do have mains voltage coming in but when it you need to check for that to make sure that it is getting mains voltage the if you look here on the bottom up in this area this is your power supply this you have on a second so load by voltage power supplies you'll see a ground loop here that you can attach to and then you'll see several pins over here for checking our low voltage supply so we'll go ahead and start checking to make sure that we do have voltage on this thing I'm gonna just go ahead and check and make sure we do have some mains voltage and I'ma go from one side of the fuse to the other side to make sure that uh AC voltages are present by killing the trash Homer then we have about 120 1.3 volts so we do have AC mains I can turn it on now and I do have power on the high side of this unjust witch so now that we know that we can go ahead and start testing our arm let voltage power supplies okay I'm gonna start I got all off- leaves on the ground test point and we should better come right here this is our 110 let me go to DC voltage this is all 110 volt rail and we had about 100 six point seven this is all +5 volt rail and she's that six folks here we have our 55 volt rail 47 point 4 volts this is our plus 15 volt rail 1.8 volts and here is our minus 8 volt rail and it's point 4 volts so that is wrong and our 15 volt rail is definitely wrong so now we know that we do have a problem in our negative 8 volt rail and in our positive 15 volt rail it is possible that one rail is affecting the other it may not be that Bo Furi also down if I remember correctly this thing does have a circuit if when Tyler's five rail is failing it can't affect the other power supply rail so once you've done this and you check your voltages on those rails you can always go up here to the bridge rectifiers and check your voltage off the bridge rectifiers and see if that's correct and that'll tell you what is coming off the bridge rectifiers the next thing you can do after you took the troubleshoot that is you can start isolating these supplies it's lifting one of us connected to it and going back and checking the supplies and see if you have full voltage then you can put a load on it check scope out the rail and look at the voltage and the ripple on it so think now that we know that our 15 volt and our mother's eight bow trails or not producing voltage I think I said four volts on a boat rail is actually 0.4 volts all eight more real so it's less than a half a volt so what I'm going to do this is our 15th boat bridge rectifier this is our 8 volt bridge rectifier some we'll go ahead and look at the AC voltages on these rectifiers and see if we can determine what they are they thought we were in the shop here our 2-minute back owns we can get down here read this AC voltage then the 8 volt rail that's 12 volts of AC on that rectifier then we'll check out 15 volts right to fire see how much AC is going to it and we have 1.3 9 volts so the input voltage AC input voltage to the 15 volt regulator rectifier is way low then look at this other rectifier one here nice bubbles I saw five volt rectifier it looks good so I'm thinking there's a problem somewhere in this side fifteen boat rectifier and the next problem is getting this thing out of here because it's very hard to get to the other side of the board without tearing this coat completely apart so watch get a little creative to us remove this row our rectifier so I got the fifteen volt bridge rectifier out and you get out ahead to pull the capacitor that's right next to it we lost one little circle over here on the ground bug on this side it had so much solder in there that it just you know had to really heated up to get that connection loose and getting this out was a tane also I was able to go in from the top side and D solder these two pins with 2d soldering gun however we could not get these two pins so I had to take the solder down and go up under the two the bridge rectifier and heat these two traces up and slowly walk this thing out to I was able to get some solder wick under there and get some of it out and keep working it up I did leave this trace a little bit but I can be over to use some heat glue and glue it back down it'll be fine no problems at all but I was real interested in this two components this is a fifty-five hundred microfarad at thirty volts DC and make sure it's discharged and we'll take our off peak at listen leader and give her a little test and see what she's at I'm gonna has an es es are of two point four arms and it says in circuit Leakey so that is definitely a bad capacitor so that's good to know that that capacitor is part of the problem now this bridge rectifier okay it was a pain to get that rectifier right layer will go to diagnose in the rectifier checks okay so it looks like the culprit was this capacitor so now that we have that out we can go back and check our AC voltage we should have indeed to Center pins remember before we won't get in but about two volts will go back to AC then we'll come up there and check between the two AC secondaries of the transformer I believe y'all can see the voltmeter there turn the bank power on turn this power switch on and let's see if we have any AC voltage and we have 20 volts of AC alrighty I think now we're getting somewhere well not here I want to go ahead and check our 8 volt DC rail and see if that has changed any nope still at point 4 volts I'm showing 15 volts on the end of the regulator if we go to the negative side of the bridge rectifier then we got minus 0.4 volts probably the capacitor off of this rectifier has been replaced but that doesn't mean anything it doesn't mean that it hasn't gone bad again so we'll have to pour that out and check it looks like I need to get some capacitors it's just an old Mallory capacitor as you can see all right okay I got the capacitor replace and I made up this temporary full wave bridge rectifier it's a little hard getting this one in and now it's it's kind of large it's not the same size as the other three I've got some of these in a drawer somewhere I just had to find them but I wanted to go ahead and just test this out so I made up this little small bridge rectifier not the prettiest thing but you know it works okay for testing getting the voltmeter in shot show any glare on it power unit back up and go to ground see what we got on the output go back to DC and we're showing -3 volts okay across the rectifier we now have 21 volts so there's still something that's drawing that down let's check out AC side of the rectifier now 20.7 volts so at least we have AC voltage down I think the cat was marking the pulling the AC down if we follow out the positive side of the rectifier because right here to the cap and it snakes all the way around to this big transistor here so next task is to check this transistor so you know we check the voltage and we got 20 volts right down here to your collector of keys 15:46 which is a power transistor i pulled the old transistor out it's cracked on the back and the legs are little loose we'll check it out with the old component tester and see what this thing says about this now this is emitter collector base so we should do a read at this transistor is any good enough and as you can see something sure is they're not working right is showing it from p.m. one to two is a diode so that is definitely wrong so we noticed transistor is bad it has a motorola partner walnut of a M 352 and it also has look that one day just fell off also has the Tektronix part number which is 151 - Oh 349 - 2 0 0 I've gone online I've looked at I'm finding these anywhere from six to thirty dollars each I dug around in my power transistor collection here and out of all these transistors I found an e/m 352 and it is label mje 30 55 and looking this up it has the exact same thing out as our original Tektronix part number i said will pop just then give this thing a gut okay so i ever so carefully bent the legs got the transistor mounted in place and you have to be careful Ben these are fake legs and you can break the leg out of the body if you're not careful this being the own this one I hate that definitely did not want to break it I'm gonna go ahead and get a solder dean we see what we get all right I didn't notice that when I removed the big filter cap these three ground lugs are on different circuits and it's grounded through the capacitor to make up the complete loop so I lost some grounds I lost ground on the bridge rectifier and lost ground to the main ground loop so I had to add a cup of jumper wires and all this is temporary just to get you know the thing tested once everything is back to a working stage then we can go and start replacing the old components with more original style components that will fix everything you know like the bridge rectifier some of the caps and stuff but we'll get that fixed we're gonna turn the power on let's see I believe you can see V volt leader in the screen we can come up and check our fifteen volt rail again uh-huh fourteen point nine six volts so we are back well we have our fifteen volt rail back I'll check the - 8 volt rail and it's at minus seven point nine six so as you can see like I said before the fifteen volt rail was affecting the negative eight volt rail now we still don't have anything going on on the front panel so we're gonna go back through now and look at the rails and we'll come down here to the 110 volt rail I've got the voltmeter I'd the shot sorry about that okay 110 volt rail there's 110 volts fifty-five volt rail is 54.7 the five volt rail is minus two hundred seventy two point three million volts so we do not have a five volt rail so now let's go ahead time to troubleshoot the five volt rail so you see without the five volt rail we still don't have nothing on the front I'm in the nating so what I'm going to do just for curiosity I'm gonna take our little DC power supply constant current constant voltage and I got it set for five volts and we wanted connect this up and see if we get any lights at all come on to see if anything happen I do hear the fan running now so fixing the fifteen volt rail and the negative 8 volt rail has least brought the fan up but I would like to see just how bad a shape the five volt rail is going to be so we want to just inject five volts into it and I don't look you can see it or not the light I'm counting one is owned I'll flip the channel two and that light comes on see how it right over here come on I don't see any intensity but that gloves could be born out even being founders not brings up a trace still no trace on this coke but we least we do have some life it's starting to come back in it so we'll go ahead and troubleshoot that 5 volt rail ok this is the 5 volt rail and we come off a CR 1551 which is our full bridge rectifier of a capacitor across the ground and the positive side we should have 9.8 volts and this goes down to Q 1556 and it looks like some type of dual transistor but we should have plus 5 volts on the emitter and about plus 6 point 7 on the collector so we need to check this out and see what's going on here if this is dead we need to come here to all 15 leave this 1558 it's 1.2 ohm and pull this and see if this comes back to life if not then this is going to be dead so cute 15:56 is right here and whenever you walk it on these keep this cover in place warning high voltage do not remove this while you're walking on the low voltage supply there is another power transistor under here but you know keep this cover on until you really have to go into it because about 20 450 volts negative DC current a DC voltage under that case and that makes for a nasty day if you come across it okay we'll go ahead and check those voltages on tooth 1556 and on all collector let's see it does help you turn the power back on while collector we have eleven point one volts only base remember we're supposed to be six point seven volts and we had 11 rows and on the emitter weekend a millivolt range all right so let's go to the next step okay I'll remove the resistor here on one again you can see all right here so now we go back and test the voltages and see if anything changes turn the power back on and have not grown back up switch on in India never put it back on voltage why start with collector at 10 volts the base is still at 10 volts and the emitter is that seven volts so this is telling me that we have something pulling this line down to ground cause the 5 volt reel is working it's a little high but you know there's no load on it so it's good that little transistor here it's not because I doubt I'll have one of those and it could be that when it gets a load on it it will drop another thing I have to do is give me a constant current dummy load I do not have one I had a homemade one and it's in really bad shape that's Soho and I was gonna don't want the field or nothing when we go ahead and buy a one that'll get the job done make it a bang good and see what they can send me for free you know 5 volt rails show 8 volts and now we need to go to the other side of the circuit and check out and see what's going on okay I'll have it set to ohms and we'll check you out all right Miller we can see we have an open circuit I come to where I poured the resistor Adam is tired and won't shake from the ground yep that's a dead short you can see all zeroes so we definitely have a dead short on the other side of this resistor to grow so I'm looking at this circuit here trying to figure out what's going wrong in it you know we've got Levin volts across the two pins of the transistor so what in between that could be causing this and the first thing that comes to my mind is this Q 1558 that could be very suspect right there so let's pour that out and take a look at it then we see Q 1558 is right here and it is a metal transistor and it's probably just a general purpose transistor like a Kiwi and 2222 or something sure everything is shut down who will reach in for this like I said one good thing about this a lot of these components or sockets don't want to focus and it is a 2 in 22 22 go to the poets being a gray of one keep the legs bent right there should be middle base collector see these little holes someone's mentioned that my chair makes a lot of noise and one of my other videos I do not sit in a chair and what makes all that noise is this magnifying light here that I need to put some silver cutting spray on and then we see my work benches here in the shop or waist-high so I do not sit down and do repair I like standing up feels more productive you get sat down you get comfortable and you get sleepy and that's when bad things can happen alright we've got that qe and 2222 replaced they see mains on turn the power switch on and I can already tell you good news to start with we have lights on the front of the unit it comes in a check off by a volt rail you can see will you're at five volts now so that makes a world of difference that was simple to fix and troubleshoot another bad component well we're back on the front panel you can see we have channel one light on when we go to channel two you can see the channel two holes per division lights up we have a light over here running I press the beam fine and we have no trace make sure the intensities cut up that knob is very very hard to turn focusing off tone is good I still don't see no illumination here like I said it's a good chance that the lamps in this is born out there is a common problem with these scopes so we're probably placing them with some good quality LEDs but you know we still have no trace factor in the back I've noticed that this fuse has blown again and I believe it's f-14 19 and use if it blows that means that they kept somewhere down the line that has shorted and we look over here on this side you noticed I have the high voltage exposed make sure your scope is off not plugged in no power costs just as dangerous voltage over here and over here is see I think it's 14 19 I had to look back on the schematic this video is already getting kind of long and I'm running short on time so I want to go ahead and finish it up right quickly but another tantalum cap that's normally over here and I see it has been replaced and these are long over here you see us been replaced with a different type of our Channel and cap and not expect that cap is shorted so we're going to pour that out and drop electrolytic in there and see if we get any trace on the screen okay all I had was a off 50 or 50 isolates I went ahead and mounted that in there for right now and I'll dig through my door with my mother Capps later on and get that replaced to an original cap I'm gonna just use electrolytic anyway I'm not gonna put a tap them back in it but we're gonna go ahead and turn the main zone then pull the power switch and I've been him replaced if you use 1.5 amp fuse do not blow stuff is on and we're seeing a dot on the screen I'm able to move it vertically I can move it horizontally but we have nose sweep so that's another thing that would one have to troubleshoot but I want to see now Fi we have any deflection on the trace so I'm gonna plug it Prothean and always saw it wiggle I'm gonna do it just take my finger and put on it [Music] and as you can see it is seeing the you know just a regular signal there's no sleep at all so we have able to make quite a bit of progress on this scope today and I've got to get some new capacitors ordered as a bunch of other capacitors in here a bunch of 10 ohms in here I see that's some month like point other ones in the power supply that are kind of black and dirty looking we need again replace those also I'll get some new regulators to order come on replace all these regulators but rectifiers to him replace all of them get the correct bridge rectifier back installed and we'll do all that in part 2 of this video we move the camera down although it kind of looks a little funky right that would turn the intensity down a little bit and get rid of that dot you can see that's a nice pretty trace it focuses out real good we're not actually a trace but a line there a dot it's real good and we can see that the probe calibrator is working that intensity knob is a little funky but you could say we do have the dot there and we know the calibrator is working so again we made a lot of progress and I just gotta get some stuff ordered and run point to will go ahead and troubleshoot my sweep circuit and get that up and running and then we'll go through and just do a general maintenance and I'll land in another video we'll do some testing and stuff with it but it's good to see that this Tektronix 465 wasn't hard to bring back to life at least it has a heartbeat now so well yeah I think will will be real good on it anyway hope you enjoyed it I know it's kind of in and out on some of the things but uh hey I think we'll be working before long we'll have this old 465 up feeling diminished ability using Oh get a lot of many years of service out of it anyway thanks for watching I'll leave links down below to the website if you want to discuss this further I'll get this on the website also so until the next video we will see you then bye now
Channel: The Radio Shop
Views: 25,918
Rating: 4.933434 out of 5
Keywords: tektronix 465, oscilloscope, waveform, ripple, repair, electronix, theradioshop, the radio shop, ham radio, restore, restoration, gokarters.com, patreon, alignment
Id: n5kvAdPlFgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 18sec (3978 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 23 2018
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