17 Warning Signs Mother Nature Is About to Strike

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this is John John seems to attract all kinds of bad weather and natural disasters wherever he goes see for yourself one day John notices his dog is restless the pooch keeps scratching the entrance door and wandering around the house he even tries to hide in the corner howling and barking when some mugs start to clink in your cupboard Jon realizes what it means the noise is produced by four shots many earthquakes leading up to the main event earthquakes often happen in clusters after a few weak Quakes a much bigger one is likely to be on the way sometime before the disaster strikes people might notice bizarre blue lights some of them seem to be coming out of the ground others are hovering in the air these are earthquake lights they may appear days or mere seconds before the ground starts shaking now John is walking along the ocean shore suddenly he sees the water Retreat from the beach really really fast uh-oh John run away as quickly as you can and find some High Ground a tsunami is coming and your life might depend on how fast you react if Jon spots a bizarre and unexpected rise in sea level it can be another sign of an approaching tsunami this happens in 40 percent of cases the incoming water is the first tsunami way the second one way way larger will come in in about 10 minutes John can also notice seawater bubbling swirling and creating bizarre patterns it's another sure sign a tsunami is near huh John feels there's something strange about the Sun through his special super dark sunglasses he sees that there's some uneven flares around the star's Contour if these bizarre rays are accompanied by auroras all over the world they're a sign of a solar storm such storms are usually caused by disturbances in the sun's magnetic field in this case the bursts of gas and radiation on the surface of the sun gets so massive and Powerful that they can even reach our planet luckily solar storms aren't really dangerous for people but they can mess with electricity and even cause blackouts the sky over John's head is darkening and turning ominously green something hits him on the forehead picks up the offending object it's a Hailstone but it's not that cold outside and it's not raining soon he hears Some Noise he is approaching rapidly and turns into a loud roar it sounds as if a freight train is moving towards him but it's not a train it's a tornado the funnel isn't visible behind a cloud of debris but John can't mistake this rotating column of air for anything else are you on the road John then get as far away from your car as you can fast find a ditch lie down in it and cover your head oh you're inside then get away from the windows and hide underground if possible please John be very careful if you spot some conically shaped clouds those mean severe storms and if you notice that such a cloud starts spinning around immediately search for shelter the cloud is transitioning into a tornado right in front of your eyes on the bright side John should only worry about warm conical clouds cold ones are totally harmless the only problem is to figure out the temperature of the cloud he sees the ah look John just spotted some weirdly shaped trees they look like the letter J and grow on a slope it means the ground under John's feet is likely to be unstable if he keeps wandering around it can cause a bad landslide square waves appear when two different wave patterns crash into each other this phenomenon does look kinda awesome no don't go into the water John keep watching it from the shore cross currents in that spot can easily pull even a skilled swimmer under the surface John keeps walking along the shore at one point he sees wild choppy waves carrying ocean debris and seaweed this time he stays out of the water he knows it can be a sign of a strong rip current it can carry a swimmer far away into the ocean how about a walk in the park John likes this idea the sun is shining and the sky is so blue and beautiful suddenly he spots are rapidly growing vertical Cloud at first it looks bright white but as it approaches alarmingly fast it becomes dense and Inky the sky is darkening it's getting windy that's when the guy notices that his hair stands on end it's his cue that he's about to get hit by lightning at this very moment positive charges are rising through his body they're reaching towards the negatively charged part of the storm if he doesn't react fast these charges will meet there's nowhere to hide so John should Crouch down and try to make himself smaller than the objects around him oh no John don't lie down on the ground it may be damp and thus a great conductor of electricity there are other signs that scream danger during a lightning storm John's Palms May begin to sweat he might hear bizarre crackling and buzzing sounds coming from metal objects nearby his skin can start tingling there might be a strange metallic taste in his mouth plus Jon is likely to smell chlorine that's how ozone smells electrical charges split the molecules of nitrogen and oxygen which are the main gases making up the atmosphere into separate atoms when these atoms come together again some of them produce molecules made up of three oxygen atoms that's ozone we can smell it during a thunderstorm because downdrafts bring this gas from high altitudes to your level some bugs can feel a storm coming they get ready for a natural disaster by freezing so when John notices that insects around him look drowsy he knows to get ready oh and bees can predict heavy rainstorms these Critters begin to work much harder the day before it starts raining while walking next to the river during a period of heavy rains John hears a roaring sound he feels paralyzed with fear it's likely to be a flash flood moving in his Direction indeed he soon sees debris coming down with the flow the water is rapidly changing its color becoming muddier and darker flash floods are very very dangerous take care of your safety immediately John another day John sees a spectacular wall cloud it seems to be stretching for up to five miles in the best case scenario it's just a severe storm coming but if the wall cloud begins to move in a circle it's a sure sign of a tornado John is walking across a snow field in the mountains listening to The Sounds the ice under his feet makes the noise is kinda Hollow hmm quickly check whether there are Cracks around your Footprints John if so the chances are an avalanche is about to happen soon John sees an avalanche moving in his Direction he does his best to get off the slope in most cases he could probably run it by heading downhill and then veering sideways but not this time he realizes he doesn't have enough time and heads for the nearest tree if John keeps holding on to it really tightly the Avalanche might not follow him along but if this doesn't work he should try to swim up to the snow's surface while the Avalanche is still moving on a pretty nice summer evening John notices thieves with soft stems droop all of a sudden ah it might be because of an upcoming storm right before extreme weather arrives the air usually becomes more humid leaves also get damp and heavy and the wind easily flips them over John lives in a pretty old house and is used to having cracks in the interior walls but one day he notices that some of them have widened and look there are a few new ones it's an alarm Bell he lives in an area with loads of limestone so new cracks can mean a sinkhole is about to open next to his house John is hurrying home trying not to waste time admiring shelf clouds they look like something from a Sci-Fi movement they form when warm and moist air gets caught in a thunderstorm updraft and these ominous clouds most often mean a storm is coming I hope you feel well rested because I've got a tough task for you don't worry it's fun you're going to visit different planets of our solar system and try to run on each of them let's figure out where you can run the fastest and where you can barely walk the fastest man on earth Usain Bolt can run with an average speed of about 23 miles per hour but his top speed is higher up to 27 miles per hour sadly we can't all be Usain bolts the average person runs at a speed of 6 to 8 miles per hour but maybe there's a planet out there where you can beat the famous Jamaican sprinters records but first things first what will affect your speed when you run on other planets for one thing gravity depending on how strong it is on the planet you visit it'll influence your weight and in most cases the heavier you are the more slowly you run Plus on all other planets in our solar system except Earth you'll have to wear a bulky space suit without it your chances of survival there are non-existent and don't forget about extreme weather conditions on most planets it's either freezing cold or boiling hot or very and I mean it windy anyway your amazing journey is about to begin buckle your seatbelt the first planet on your itinerary is mercury as you sneak a peek at this world through the window of your spaceship you notice that the planet looks eerily similar to The Good Old moon but just a few moments later you realize it's just an illusion all over the surface of mercury you see craters left by space rocks this may make your task of running on this planet way harder this and your bulky spacesuit duh but you wouldn't survive on Mercury without this protection the temperatures on the planet are extreme 800 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and negative 290 degrees Fahrenheit at night but there's one thing that can work in your favor on this unfriendly Planet let's say you weigh 155 pounds on Earth then on Mercury you'd weigh around 58 pounds which means that despite your bulky spacesuit you can move way faster than you do on Earth and maybe your speed will even reach 13 miles per hour if you try really hard the next planet on your itinerary is Venus also called The Morning Star while coming closer you see a world very different from the bluish Planet you might have seen in books before landing you have to get through a super dense atmosphere made up of carbon dioxide and while your spacecraft is descending you're watching thick clouds of sulfuric acid pass by Venus is often called Earth's twin because these two planets are of similar size and density no wonder that on Venus you weigh almost as much as you do on Earth 140 pounds so your weight is a bit smaller here but don't forget about your spacesuit and still because of almost the same conditions on the two planets you'd be able to run a bit faster than on Earth at around 8.5 miles per hour your first impression of Mars is that it's freezing cold the average temperature here is about negative 80 degrees Fahrenheit even from afar the planet looks reddish once you make your first step on the Martian surface you understand why the grounds covered with Rusty colored dust the same fine dust is floating in the air around you wherever you look you see golden brown tan and even greenish Hues they depend on the minerals that make up the soil the size of the Dust layer varies from area to area but in most places it's around seven feet thick that can make running much more difficult on Mars your weight would be much smaller than on earth a mere 58 pounds this will help you achieve an impressive speed of 12 miles per hour aren't you a champ what's that on the horizon it looks like a tornado is it a dust storm then it's time to make a run for it dust storms sometimes cover the entire planet and you can even see the largest ones from Earth and now you are facing a problem you see Jupiter as well as Saturn is a gas giant this means that the largest planet in the solar system and Jupiter is so large it could swallow 1300 Earths doesn't have any solid surface well you'll just have to imagine what your running workout would look like if you could run on Jupiter this planet has an atmosphere that consists of hydrogen and helium gas during your descent you admire thick brown yellow red and white clouds they make the planet look colorful and beautifully striped on Jupiter you'd weigh 390 pounds you'd have to break a sweat to simply walk there wearing your clumsy spacesuit if you could step on the planet's surface that is if you tried to run there your best result would probably be a speed of one or two miles per hour to make matters worse it's extremely windy on Jupiter with the wind speeds ranging from 200 to 400 miles per hour do you see those Rings that's Saturn another gas giant with no solid surface this planet's made up of mostly hydrogen and helium and its temperature and density change the deeper you go if you decided to leave your spacecraft and step on Saturn's surface you just fall into the planet but from above it looks as if Saturn does have a surface the seemingly solid yellowish Brown sphere is surrounded by several layers of clouds the visible outer layer is made up of ammonia clouds under them there are hydrosulfide clouds and the innermost layer is made up of clouds of water even though Saturn is a gas giant your weight wouldn't be very different here around 165 pounds that's because the planet's gravity is similar to that of Earth but because of the conditions on the planet and your bulky bulky spacesuit you'd run a bit more slowly there at a speed of about 4 miles per hour before leaving you admire Saturn's most famous feature awesome gray beige and tan Rings these groups of tiny ringlets are made of chunks of rock and Ice you also spot several of the 53 moons of Saturn oh that's Titan an icy world bigger than our moon and even Mercury it's the second largest moon in the solar system the next planet on your way is a blue green ball of ice and gas that's ice giant Uranus it has this beautiful Hue because the light from the sun gets reflected off the planet's surface Uranus isn't solid hit the brakes if your spacecraft doesn't manage to stop in time it'll fly through the upper atmosphere and sink into the icy liquid center of the planet hmm I doubt you'll be able to conduct your running experiment here so let's just imagine what it looked like on Uranus your weight would be around 138 pounds and Against All Odds you could actually reach a good speed here at least eight miles per hour if you didn't get caught in a hurricane of course extreme storms occur on the planet in the summer when Uranus is heated the most then hurricanes can spread for more than 6 000 miles the furthest planet from the sun Neptune is four times the size of Earth but 17 times as heavy the blue surface you see When approaching Neptune is actually a layer of swirling gas and permanent clouds the planet's mantle is made up of water ammonia and methane ices it's the closest thing Neptune has to a surface and still there isn't Solid Ground for you to walk on so once again try to use your imagination on Neptune you'd weigh a bit more than you do on Earth 174 pounds but your running speed would be just a bit lower than on Earth around 5 miles per hour in 1996 one of the most vigorous snowstorms in history hit the east coast of the U.S it was named blizzard of 1996. from January 6 till January 8th a huge amount of snow fell in the country the storm was so strong that people couldn't see anything around except a white Veil huge snow drifts formed people couldn't leave their homes because snow had covered all the doors and windows someone spent hours shoveling snow to get into the car and while they were doing this new snow drifts appeared around this is considered one of the main winter storms of the 20th century schools and universities didn't work shops libraries and cafes were closed you can look out the window and see nothing but a white ice wall the wind lifted snow into the air and blocked the movement of cars people abandoned their cars to hide in the nearest shelter which created many miles of traffic jams during the snowfall hurricanes formed and destroyed buildings chaos rained everywhere people were afraid to leave their homes strong wind and rain forest rivers to come out of their mouths which caused massive flooding in nearby cities many states lost millions of dollars because of the destruction however at that moment the residents of one small town didn't notice the problem the blizzard of 1996 covered almost all of Pennsylvania but the weather was not so bad in Delaware County AKA Delco neighboring cities were attacked by the storm but not this one since about that time a legend has appeared among the locals they say their small town is protected by a mysterious weather bubble in 2013 they called it the Delco bubble according to the locals the bubble covers the entire Delaware County and protects it from all natural disasters and other hazards residents of a quiet Sunny town like to talk about this phenomenon but there's no scientific evidence of its existence it seems bad weather bypasses the district during huge storms as soon as the Hurricanes approach this place they break up in different directions and then converge right after passing this area all this happened according to the Local's words without meteorological evidence they remember several different storms in the 90s including the blizzard of 1996. they announced that the storms would reach Delaware on TV and radio but in fact no forecast came true and the residents enjoyed Pleasant weather one resident says that he often looks at forecasts and satellite photos and sees how black clouds disperse in Delco it's peaceful and comfortable here it seems as if time has stopped here too however the bubble doesn't protect against all problems there were some floods there after all so many residents don't believe in anomalous protection there's one scientific explanation proving that storms are weakening in this place sea breezes go Inland and settle in places like Delaware County sometimes the streets and surroundings are filled with cold air this creates air stabilization then when a storm forms and goes here from the West it meets this stabilized air mass hurricanes lose a significant part of their strength so it seems as if bad weather simply bypasses the district also the Delco bubble can be explained with the help of psychology almost all rumors about the protective anomaly come from people residents write on social networks and tell each other about how the hurricane didn't touch their homes in such cases people often think that if trouble didn't happen to them then it didn't happen at all imagine you go out on the porch of the house while the radio predicts a strong storm everything is calm before your eyes a light breeze blows in your face but behind a few hundred feet away from your backyard a real hurricane is Raging you didn't see it when to write a post on the internet that the Delco bubble saved your city again storms are a dangerous weather phenomenon and you should be wary of them especially if you don't live inside a protective bubble but let's say you missed all the news and reports about an approaching thunderstorm it's okay you'll know it's approaching you thanks to the clouds one of these clouds is called cumulonimbus these are precursors of thunderstorms hurricanes hail floods and even tornadoes you will easily recognize them by their formidable appearance they are thick heavy dark and can sparkle because of the lightning created inside the first reaction to such clouds is to escape or seek shelter but wait a minute let's see how they form the warm air lifts the smallest drops of water they are so tiny that they form steam most often this steam rises from the ocean since there are several times fewer of them on land they rise High into the sky in an area with a very low temperature there the warm steam cools down in the droplets turn into tiny particles of ice then these Frozen pieces are mixed with other particles that the planet is filled with dust ice and sea salt all these things stick together into a homogeneous mass and create a cloud millions of other extra particles stick to it and the cloud becomes more voluminous the mass increases and drops begin to fall to the ground in the form of rain clouds are necessary for the planet they protect us from the strong radiation of the sun's Rays you could say they filter the Sun for us when night falls the clouds act as a blanket they keep warm and don't allow the cold to penetrate inside almost all clouds are formless the human imagination comes up with what they look like but there are rare clouds that have a clear striking shape lenticular clouds they are stationary and have the shape of a huge round plate these clouds often cover mountain peaks mamidus Cloud they often form under cumulus rain clouds they look like hundreds of huge bags filled with water hanging over the ground if the sky looks like gasoline is spreading all over it you see macrius clouds common for areas with rather low temperatures you can see it in places closer to the Arctic Circle they get this color thanks to the sun It Shines on the clouds at a certain angle and creates this pattern Morning Glory clouds are like huge ropes stretching along the ground you can observe this phenomenon in Northern Australia so let's go down from the clouds to the ground and look at the mysterious phenomenon hiding among the swamps for centuries people have been observing this strange thing some called it Fool's fire at night somewhere far from civilization you can see mysterious Bright Lights among forests and swamps they glow with orange and blue colors it seems like somebody has lit a torch and now is waving it to attract your attention perhaps someone needs your help and they are signaling about it in the past people thought so too they walked towards the lights and found themselves in the swamps now they needed help but there was no one around in the mysterious whites just disappeared walking through swamps is very dangerous so don't let these lights catch you in this trap should know that there's a scientific explanation for this phenomenon bioluminescent fungi in algae grow in swampy places and sometimes glow with a blue color from afar this creates the illusion of a small light wind and water swaying algae with mushrooms so it seems as if lights are flying also there's a lot of organic material in the swamps leaves grass mud clay tree branches this stuff decomposes rapidly in wet conditions and releases methane as soon as the methane comes into contact with the air it ignites and flies over the swamp in the form of a burning ball this phenomenon is observed all over the world in swampy areas but the most famous flying lights are in the west Texas desert they are called marfolites each of them is the size of a basketball and always appears in the desert the lights flicker merge divide into two parts Fly Away into the sky however there's no scientific explanation for this phenomenon maybe these are just lights from passing by cars however many people think that marfellites appear for the same reason as spook lights over swamps there are large reserves of oil in natural gas with methane hidden under the desert sometimes this gas comes out of the ground and gets fired after contact with oxygen
Channel: BRIGHT SIDE Series
Views: 17,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: analytical skills, astrology, bright side, bright side space facts, bright side videos, brightside, creative thinking, critical thinking, education, facts of life, improve your memory, interesting videos, intriguing videos, mysteries, recent space discoveries, what if, Nature, Strike, Mother Nature, weather, flash floods, phenomena, tornado, planet, earth
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 59sec (1559 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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