17 times One Direction was a mess at award shows

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I mean five songs have been amazing you know they started out on YouTube but now they're one of the biggest buns in the world we're so happy for them they're such nice boys so they deserve it they write their own stuff they play their own stuff they're amazing tell us what can we expect from the tour next year 2015 I mean it's a different tour we've we've written a whole a whole different album it's gonna be a huge show for us and obviously we didn't get to come here this year but Australia was one of the first places that ever picked us up in terms of outside of our country and there the other side of the world so you know we have to give them a show no no I know you're dancing out there back there mate tell us about the action we're expressing what we feel about the album in does basic yes yeah they say we feel we call this interpretive dance and basically yeah we're one sorry what water sorry mister [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here's a song about bottom say you guys are a fan of this whole booty big booty movement I mean would we lie bottoms there's some rumors flying that saying you are leaving the band is that true yeah he's gone he's on the next slide no that's the first I've heard of that he's very good job you a hologram right now [Music] [Applause] map map [Music] [Applause] the thing is this five of us so you know it's always kind of one way or the other there might be two people you know saying something in three people win and that's just the way it is how is it with your fans do you have one minute off where you can feel like a private person of course yeah I think you can do everything that you that you want to do we're looking forward to you performing yeah yeah thank you you too bye bye it's actually quite relaxed in there actually surprisingly considering the amount of people and you know this the first name that this award show has happened yeah it's great and I mean what this has been a really great year for you guys a really great year for music what's some of your highlights obviously you know we we did a stadium tour this year which was you know what were wildest dreams we didn't manikins so I'm gonna dance but well I'm excited it's the first time they've been to Australia it's been absolutely amazing and you actually look just like my dad what asking the old women on base I'm just gonna have dinner I think by dad the fourth phase called peg face attach the clothes pegs to your faces the one who gets the most guests to accept the award yeah I think I feel like I need to dribble especially kind of big for Brittany so it's great you know we're happy so it's great it's just so you know I'm still there so quickly because I was trying to smoke of the Brit I Liam's got one so they don't know oh look say say look I'm gonna yeah it's been a great night this was a good start in a week because on Saturday we open up our world tour here at the o2 so it's gonna be it's gonna be a great year why'd you whisper in my ear and so yeah that doesn't finish till November and he's telling me to say I'm Irish and well we've got to movie coming out and the world tour and it's very I love Ireland and it's going to be very exciting here a huge congratulations thank you for your time thank you very much [Music] [Applause] [Music] we'll be closing the show it's gonna be incredible we'll see you who's gonna get the award at home we're gonna break it into five we decided earlier Anya we're gonna win a break all right we're live and radio on here with one direction you just went towards the birds how are you enjoying that why different you Liam Payne because you've consumed a lot of our competence to much this is true won't name any brands but I've had a very very good time Zayn what's going on with you right now how are you feeling what what is the word from you right now wait a bit wait vixx you heard it here first folks Harry I know you're say something sensible how are you feeling you went to the toilet I can ask was he and number one or number two it was it was it was a number one everybody we can clear that was it worth missing the start of my speech he was sending a tweet I will never ever get over this I are you're on crutches tonight how hard was it to get to the stage to receive such global success award hang on that's new a serious question right now but the biceps are doing I love it is Wow and my shoulders but apart from that I thought yeah I'd like to thank me my crutches threatened me and my knee surgeon I don't know if you guys are familiar but in America wheats work I don't know if the United Kingdom is working do you guys know it's work nothing Perris on your on the edge do it all right we're short-handed but when we get to the end of the show you guys only have a couple minutes to practice [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] others will say we cut this award two seconds and already we've broken the basic estar but thank you so so much to MTV [Applause] oh no Nile has anyone seen a curly-headed won the curry loud where's it right there there's four of us now I don't know where you are Harry he's livid he goes cause this time hey are you talk I'm really sorry I was having away the toilets for ages away a massive thank you to all of our incredible incredible fans everybody here thank you so much thanks for having us again thank you [Music]
Channel: Swiftstyles II
Views: 762,716
Rating: 4.9854541 out of 5
Id: 07fyPYb_xYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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