17 Mystery Brain Teasers for Thrill-Seekers

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hello Blair Works in a Historical Museum she's an archaeologist a mysterious guy brings her these three ancient Scrolls and asks for appraisal he says he found them during his trip to Peru only one of these Scrolls isn't fake can you guess which [Music] the first scroll looks pretty ancient but there's a modern aircraft in the sky in the picture therefore it's fake and the third scroll is just a printout can you see the watermark stock photo written in English therefore only the second scroll is real yes Blair takes the original scroll to her lap to study it better can you see anything odd in this room this mummy is wearing a smart watch Blair finds out that this scroll is a treasure map but suddenly the light in her lab turn off for 30 seconds when the power is back again Blair sees that the scroll is gone she questions three of her colleagues Rosamond says the light turned off so suddenly I was restoring vases and cut my finger by accident Nicholas says I was standing near the vending machine when the power went out it ain't my money but never gave me any peanuts and Kevin says I've been meditating on the balcony for the last 20 minutes what happened who's lying Nicholas he said the vending machine didn't give him the peanuts but what's in his right hand then oh also Rosamund is lying all her fingers are fine the thieves ran away with the scroll but luckily Blair saved its pictures on her phone and now she's on her way to Peru to be the first to find the treasures these three guys have private jets and offer Blair a ride but only one of them is trustworthy can you guess who the second guy is a runaway criminal his portrait is hanging on this wall and the third guy's aircraft lacks a windshield therefore Blair should pick the first pilot Blair arrives at the local archaeological Expedition Camp she's told that she can find the big boss bill in The Red Tent Flair wanders around and finds these three red tents can you help her decide where Bill is foreign s around the first tent are animal traces which means we can exclude this option someone wrote Bill's name on the third tent but take a closer look there's also an arrow pointing to the neighboring tent so bill is in the second tent hello Blair asks bill for help he replies I'm gonna help you if you help me find the missing fragment of this ancient tapestry can you help Blair solve this mystery thank you only the third fragment fits perfectly Blair and Bill used this map to find the treasures but it's twisted can you decide which of these three routes can lead them to success only the second path is correct Bill and Blair reached the Final Destination there are three tunnels leading to the tomb with treasures a cute Mother tiger is cuddling her Cubs inside the first tunnel there are thousands of lizards and scorpions crawling around the second tunnel and the third tunnel is filled with hungry rats who haven't been eating for a year which way is more or less safe [Music] the third one rats can't survive without food for so long which means they're not dangerous the guys find themselves in a Spacey hallway unfortunately all the treasures are locked behind this door do you have any clue how to open it there are three wheels with four different symbols on the door it's an ancient code lock there must be a hint somewhere here oh there it is all we need to do is find the corresponding symbols and spin the wheel a leaf for a tree an eye for a human and water for a cup Blair and Bill enter the next room but there's another riddle to crack there are no Treasures here only three old stones with Engravings can you help the guy solve this mystery evenly overgrown with moss and creepers but the third stone is buffed what makes it different they should try to move it and open a secret door over there finally Blair and Bill get inside the tomb it's filled with gold and gemstones but there are three hidden dangers in this place can you find them toxic acid drips from the ceiling if it can corrode the Stones it's probably dangerous for humans too a snake is hiding among the gold coins and this statue is moving oh suddenly the zombie statue jumps on Blair and Bill they run away and find these three doors leading to freedom but the first room is full of fire there are tons of gross cockroaches inside the second room and the third room is full of mechanical traps can you help the guys make the right choice they should choose the second room bill is holding a fire torch and cockroaches are afraid of fire so they'll do anything to avoid it ha finally Blair and Bill are outside but something's wrong with this place can you spot any odd details take a look at this tree apples are growing together with oranges this rock is floating in the air also Phil casts a shadow to the right and Blair to the left Blair and Bill get back to the camp she wants to send pictures of the treasures to the local authorities but the internet connection works very slowly so she decides to go to the shower first after a while Blair returns and finds out that someone had stolen her phone he questions three people standing nearby Diego says I was busy cooking dinner multiple people can confirm that bill says maybe it's your Rivals from work I'll ask the guards to strengthen the security around the camp and Maya says I think I saw the silhouette of a man coming out of your tent five minutes ago who stole the phone Bill he is talking on his own phone but something else vibrates in his shirt pocket Blair realizes that bill is a bad guy but it's too late he added sleeping pills to her teeth Blair wakes up in a creepy basement bill says no worries I'll let you go if you manage to choose the right door there are three doors to freedom in front of Blair but each door has hidden dangers there's a family of gorillas behind the first door there's a tank with crocodiles behind a second door and the third room is a refrigerator anyone who spends a night there will turn into ice which way is more or less safe Blair should choose the third option she only needs to walk through the room not spend all night there Blair wanders around the jungle and finally finds a road three people offer to give her a ride but only one of them has good intentions can you help Blair find this person [Music] this biker is too transparent to be a real human he's a ghost this lady has a fancy car but a Sinister monster is hiding in the back seat so Blair should trust this truck driver with cute llamas Blair arrives at the police station and tells them everything about Bill they arrest him in a couple of hours Blair goes to say hi to Bill through the bars now she knows for sure that he's planning to escape with his cellmates tonight how [Music] he draws a coded instruction on the wall the Rebus means Escape tonight finally Blair can relax and go home on the way to the airport she sees a beautiful spot she asked her driver to stop and take these two shots are they identical can you see any difference [Music] there are three differences Blair arrives at her office she finds her favorite co-worker Kevin lying unconscious on the floor Blair calls an ambulance doctors claim that Kevin was poisoned the police officer questioned three people who last saw Kevin conscious Nina Chris and Daisy after checking out the crime scene the officer arrested one of the witnesses can you guess who and why foreign wanted to leave a clue that's why he squeezed that Daisy in his hand before fainting that's it for today so hey if you pacified your curiosity then give the video a like and share it with your friends or if you want more just click on these videos and stay on the bright side
Views: 99,948
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Keywords: bright side, brightside, riddles, puzzles, creative thinking, critical thinking, improve your memory, analytical skills, brainteasers, logical puzzles, test your logic, riddles with answers, test your intelligence, observation skills, train your brain, creative thinking techniques, creative thinking activities, creativity, brightside riddles, survival riddles, riddle marathon, workout for your brain, more riddles, logical riddles, super hard riddles
Id: tX4n-Eb2cME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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