17 Most RARE and AMAZING KOI Varieties!

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what's up guys welcome back to a brand new episode here on the channel today I show you 17 very rare koi varieties from Japan starting with showa uh one of my favorites guys I found this koi on the old Japan Koy in Japan a black koi with some very nice white and red patterns so we immediately continue with another one that I really like this is a kiuri it's a very nice koi that is in this case bred by the Maro hero koi fr farm from Japan it's a black koi with a yellow pattern and if you look really closely to the uh to the skin quality this is absolutely uh a very rare fish uh because there are not many breeders that breed this variety so having a nice cute Sur in this size is absolutely wonderful so then we have one of the fishes that are in my top five I found this Koy also at Mar Hiro KO Farm last year uh this is a shushi uh what I really like about this variety is is the difference in pattern a really nice Benny also called red on the side of the lateral line of the fish then we have the really nice gray skilles on top of it and look how clean the head is it's very wide uh so the combination of the colors and also the size of this fish is uh is very nice then we have uh one of the big three guys the one from the Goa group this is kohaku this is a kohaku from Noami koi farm I filmed her last year and I really wanted to show you her because I really like the Cloudy pattern on top of this fish with the red mask um so kohaku you have in different varieties from different breeders but um I really like this uh white koi with the red pattern so uh up to the uh the next one so the next variety uh is uh Sanka uh this is the other one out out of the big three so this is um a very nice white koi with some red and black markings uh uh it's also called tricolor um three colors wet R and black uh it's a really nice fish this one is from Sakai and it's a parent koi from the shintaro koi farm uh I was able to see her live last June in Japan and the year before just after the shintaro koi farm purchased her uh for breeding koi so absolutely a very nice fish with a great body I think she was 90 CM so then up next guys we have a gindin Matsu Ka II um this is a very special fish guys this is from the danich koi farm and it's also called Black Diamond um this fish is famous because this fish can change over the years when you buy this fish at the year of uh of the at the age of one or two uh it could be a very white fish with different colors and some black and the year after it it can be a whole black Koy and then the next year it can change again so um it's like the can Cy ball that every time uh it can change colors over season so it's pretty cool what I really like is uh for example this goshiki so goshiki is a a black koil with this very nice red uh markings on it uh it's even more beautiful when the Black is all around the the red uh so you have uh a black coil with uh um yeah with the red pattern and look how clean that red pattern is there is not any single black spot in there uh especially in harder water like here in Europe these fish are doing very well in ponds so next up is uh it's not a cow guys this is a Kario uh also one of my favorite varieties uh it's also known as The Flying Dragon of koi uh it's a very special variety you also have this in a Benny one and then it's called a Benny krio up next is I think it's owned by select koi guys this is a he utsuri this is a black koi with red markings and look at that monster I think she is around 85 CM I spotted her at the Shinoda koi farm last year and uh what I really like about this fish is how clean is the red look at that there are not really many spots in there uh some very nice black in the fins and the size is uh is insane so we go back to the old old Japan koi show last winner and in the same uh category guys this is Aira utsuri so this is not a hug suti but Cho means white and in this case uh it's a very nice uh nice black koil with white markings um it's almost like if you're playing chess if you look at the the pattern on it um this one is actually a ginrin one so I means it has these glistering in the skills as you can see it's very shiny that's what we call ginrin I don't have the right English pronation for it pronation for it now but uh absolutely a great fish uh it's almost like a checkered flag uh what you see at Formula One uh very beautiful one uh next up is a fish from Denzel I spotted this one as well on the ult Japan koi show uh just like the one before you can see how shiny the skin is so this is a ginrin Tano you also have this one in a variety with black and then it's called ginrin Tano showa for example um but this one uh is absolutely insane I really like it uh it's some kind of misunder understanding that people think that these are the most expensive or valuable fish when you're talking about Japanese koi um but that's not true but of course this is one fish that everyone should have in uh in their koi Pon absolutely beautiful fish up next is one by Benedict again on the ultra panoy show and look at that oh man I'm I really fell in love with this fish look at the scalation the details guys of of this Jin matsua uh a very nice metallic sheto uh with some very dark um dark color in the skills it almost looks like it's 3D uh if you really pay attention to the skills it's uh it's so perfectly balanced uh and it's a big one I think she was 90 CM if I'm correct so this is a variety that I don't have a lot of information of but I had to show you to I had to show this one um it's a scaleless one so it's called do I'm a big fan of dosu um for example people that watch my videos they know that I really like dosu sha so that's a showa like the first KO you saw in this video uh but then without any skills like this one this is a maruten um but look at the guys look at the Quality uh almost perfect uh I don't see these fish very often I don't know who the breeder is but I had to share this one with you up next oshiba if you are talking about the Autumn uh oiba means leaf and look this crazy colors it's a bronze color on this fish with the gray skin uh below it and uh if you look closely again it also has some kind of 3d effect in the skin quality you don't find oiba that often uh especially not in this size in this quality uh this is a winner and I think she won a prize at the ultan koi show that was one of the reasons why I filmed her and next up is the aagi uh look at this amazing fish if you compare this one with the number three from this video the shushu I like this fish as well uh it has on the lateral line so that's on the side of the fish it has this nice red pattern and look at the skills these are Next Level uh this is one of my favorite varieties that is so hard to breede so I had to show you this one uh and that's also for this one what I really noticed during the Alan koi show is how white the skin was so white is called Cheeto and look at this it is so pure white it almost looks like snow uh fun fact snow is called Yuki in Japanese still working on my Japanese guys so I hope I can do some Japanese communication in the future with some of the Breeders uh look at this very nice white fish with this black pattern on it uh I had to show you this uh this one was one of my favorites of the oldan for sure so he's looking uh for the picture that he needs to pick out and it's quite difficult to see because as you can see when you have them in the water they look quite black but when they come up you will see like the amazing quality of this coin I have to go out of the way right now it's that is nice here you go this is exactly why they call it bronze Samurai you see the bronze the bronze cards on it it's insane and this is um even a a smaller one they have I think even bigger than than these uh but this one is already uh above 70 cm look at that skin I've never seen anything before like this very beautiful huh beautiful yes look at that it's really really nice very shiny too look at the G on it and the bronze skills and they're perfectly divided from the other skills as you can see it's quite interesting so when you have this fish in your pond uh it's kind of black but when it comes up and you can see it very clearly now in the video there's a whole some kind of hidden pattern on it and I really like it to be honest that's amazing look at the Hat very clean with got same bronze pattern on it try to zoom in on the skin isn't that amazing guys I've never seen something like this before oh man that is beautiful that is amazing look at that how old y SI sunai sunai sunai 3 years old uh SI 70 74 74 W oh man look at that look at the P too that's a beautiful fish I really like the dark contrast between the bronze and the black and then you have even that painting on his head and look how that that black is divided in their uh in her fins oh this is a good VI I hope we're going to see more of those fishes it's so cool when um when breeders start developing new varieties we have seen a lot of a lot of them in the last few years uh new varieties that popped up new names that popped up and this is a perfect example of one that I've never seen before um and I think it's a great addition to all the other varieties and it's also something different for the dichi cor Farm I mean most of the people know they're famous about the kohaku Chas and look at that and the tanos too guys isible really really nice fish so I hope um more people will get to know this variety and um I hope we will see those fishes on KO show too that will be interesting so let me know in the in the comments guys in which category this fish should be showcased just let me know
Channel: The Koi Partner
Views: 22,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: koivariety, rare koi, beautiful koi, top 10 koi, top 15 koi, koibreeder, japanese koi, koifish, koi, nishikigoi, koi variety, koivarietie, unique koi, uniquekoi, koi varieties, koi fish varieties, koi carp varieties, japanese koi varieties, koi fish variety types, koi varieties list, koi variety guide, rare koi breeds, rare koi patterns
Id: x4Lf8OMV2fk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2023
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