17 Minute Fruit Platter (+ Melon Flower Garnish)

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putting together a fresh fruit platter is something that can be done quickly and badly or quickly and beautifully the tips and this video will help you create a stunning Masterpiece quick and beautiful that's definitely a food presentation win I've been down to our local fruit and veggie shop and this is what I found for our platter today I've got a nice piece of watermelon here I've also got a calou or Rock melon as it's known here some oranges strawberries green kiy fruit and a pineapple here's another piece of rock melon I have something in mind to show you with the whole melon so I need a bit extra and we've got some red grapes I only use seasonal fruit on a fruit platter it's much more affordable and no matter what fruit is available you can still create a stunning platter Arrangement there might be some of you watching from a different country in a different season but you'll still be able to use these tips and ideas and apply them to the fruit that you can find let's prepare our fruit I'm going to start with the pineapple which brings us to a common question do we need to peel the fruit or not think about the practicality of it is it easier to eat with the skin on like watermelon or is it yuck and hairy like kiwi fruit putting together a quick fruit platter doesn't simply mean cutting through the fruit and skin and leaving it at that sometimes you see a hunk of pineapple like this on a fruit platter but have you ever actually tried to eat it like this you've got this hardcore piece here and then this bit is awfully stringy it's almost impossible to pull it off with your teeth so the answer to the question of do we need need to peel fruit or not comes down to how it's being eaten and whether peeling it will make it easier and more enjoyable to eat it might only take a few extra minutes to peel something but it can make all the difference to a fruit platter let's carry on and peel this pineapple when peeling fruit if you cut off the top and bottom it gives a sturdy base this makes it easier to peel down the sides following the Contour of the fruit I once worked with a chef who said fruit isn't Square so don't make it Square by being lazy with your peeling make sure you cut just behind the eyes of the pineapple so you can remove them I also use my serrated bread knife for peeling large fruit it does a great job of cutting through the thicker skins if you cut your pineapple into quarters after you've peeled it you can also remove the hardcore section which isn't that nice to eat have you ever made pineapple juice before you can use the skins and core pieces and make a lovely pineapple juice here's a link to an older video which will show you how oranges are a fruit that can easily be eaten without being peeled however I'm going to peel mine today because I plan to slice them I think that will best fit in with my overall platter style you also need to decide which fruit is for eating and which is going to be used for garnishing these two Ki fruit will be for slicing and I'll use the other one for garnishing if you've never tried peeling KY fruit with a spoon you should try it all you need to do is cut off the top and bottom then make a little slit and carefully slide a spoon between the skin and the flesh then work your way around and the skin skin will come away it works well with ripe fruit but if it's still a bit hard it can be more difficult doesn't it look more natural when it's kept circular I'm going to peel this piece of melon too Rock melon has some green flesh right under the skin it isn't sweet so it's best to remove it down to the beautiful orange colored flesh you can also scrape the seeds out easily with a teaspoon nobody likes eating too many of those we'll cut it in half so it's ready to slice for our platter let's make a melon flour next to use as our Central garnish or show piece of course I'm going to cut off the top and bottom to make a solid base first then I'm going to cut V Cuts or a zigzag pattern through the middle of the melon notice how I'm holding my knife a little differently to to control the depth of the cut you need to stick it in quite far but not all the way through to the other side by accident oops even though I've gone right around I haven't quite loosened it properly if this happens just retrace your lines you'll notice a few spots you might not have cut deep enough it should pop up out pretty easily there doesn't that look fantastic for so little effort this makes a great Central Point on your platter and adds an eye-catching well Factor we can take it a step further though I'm not a fruit cver and I know people have done some amazing things with fruit carving but here easy peasy kitchen I show you simple things you can do to still achieve a while Factor if you want to take the smell in a step further you can add an additional VC cut to each triangular section try to keep the distance the same all the way around and only cut deep enough to get through the skin this technique also works well with poror or honeydew melon or anything with a softer thinnish skin once you've made your way around cut down each petal as if you were peeling the melon only go down as far as the bottom of the triangle when you've done all the petals carefully pull out the outer edges and you'll end up with the stunning melon flour you can also scoop out the seeds to create a basket which you can fill with some other fruit what do you think it looks like it's taken ages but really it wasn't much extra effort was it I only bought a wedge of watermelon so I can't top and tail it to give it a sturdy base that's making it a bit tricky to cut I want to cut it in half with the skin on so when I slice it there will be triangular pieces when you have such a beautiful natural shape you may as well use it to your advantage I'll square up the edges ready for slicing soon I'm going to use the last kiwi fruit to make a couple of decorative flowers I'm using the same technique is the melon but notice how my finger is much closer to the tip of the blade so that I don't cut and too deep of course this isn't ideal for eating but we do have some sliced kiwi fruit for the platter too sometimes you might choose to use some of the fruit purely for decorative purposes like our melon flour yay we're ready for the fun part of putting this together we've got such a lovely variety of colors so I'm sure this will look stunning I like to slice my fruit when making a fruit platter but of course there are no rules I love the scope it gives for a creative presentation try to keep the slices the same thickness because the consistency will look better today I'm going to create a Mirror Image Design on the platter it spreads out the fruit and it adds balance when you're putting together a platter like this think about the colors you have to use I'm going to put the pineapple slices next to the melon so they both stand out I'm also going to Fan it in the same direction for continuity and visual impact Fanning out the fruit not only makes it appear like there's more of it but it also adds a depth that you don't get If You Leave the Pieces tightly together the orangey colored melon won't stand out as well if I put put it next to the pineapple so putting it next to the watermelon looks better and don't worry about the little gaps around the platter in these early stages we've got plenty of fruit to use that will fill these in nicely I usually start with the biggest fruit and then work my way down to the smallest remember the odd verse even rule I often mention when it comes to food presentation an odd number of things has been proven to look better to the eye than an even number so split up your slices in threes or fives if possible sometimes this might not work out so don't be overly pedantic it's just something to keep in mind the addition of kiy fruit to our platter will bring some much needed green color every platter needs some green so if you can't find green fruit you can always add some fresh mint or even bzel will work berry fruit fruit brings the addition of wonderful Reds and purples but they weren't available here at the time of recording this video like I said earlier you don't have to buy expensive fruit use anything that's seasonal and you can still create a stunning presentation now it's time to add the central melon flour I love how this platter is coming together I'm going to fill the melon with purple grapes when you're putting grapes on any platter try to hide the stalky bits it looks so much better when you arrange them it's often easiest to do this by tipping the bunch upside down you can even add a few loose grapes in the gaps if necessary so that it looks nice and full it's these little things that truly make a difference to the overall presentation of your platter last but not least I'll add the strawberries I'm going to cut a few into smaller pieces since these are rather large berries and there's not a whole lot of room left for garnishing I'll fan a few to spread around all you need to do is thinly slice through the whole Berry and then fan it out it's so simple yet so effective isn't it doesn't that look fantastic remember at the start of the video I said putting together a fresh fruit platter is something that can be done quickly and badly or quickly and beautifully I think you'll agree This falls into the second category I'm sure anyone who saw a platter like this would say it's got a w factor and it wasn't hard was it you might have noticed I still have a bit of fruit left over just because I have it it's it doesn't mean I need to squash it all on the plate this would ruin the presentation so what can we do with this we could eat it we could store it in the fridge for another day or why not use it to create another flatter have you seen this video where we create and share more fruit platter arranging tips and tricks why don't you go and check it out see you over there
Channel: Easy Peasy Kitchen
Views: 33,209
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Keywords: fruit platter, fresh fruit platter, froot platter, frut platter, frot platter, plate of fruit, how to make a fruit platter, how to arrange a fruit platter, how to cut fruit, how to slice fruit nicely, fruit arrangement, melon flower, how to make a melon flower, how to make a quick fruit platter, fancy fruit platter, cantalope flower, cantaloupe flower
Id: oj3nYERAX-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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