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visit MIT OpenCourseWare at PROFESSOR: Let's get started. Thanks for coming to lecture. Know there's a quiz coming up. There will be a tangible benefit
of attending this lecture. And it's not Frisbees. OK? We'll figure it out soon. So, two lectures on
approximation algorithms. One today and one,
I guess a week and two days from today on
Thursday after the break. Eric will give that one. So this is more of an
introductory lecture. Eric talked about NP complete
problems and NP hard problems. He talked about how you could
show that problems are NP complete or NP hard. So what happens when you
discover that a problem is NP complete or NP hard? Well, there's a
variety of strategies. You could just kind of give up,
and say this is intractable. I want a different job. You could say that
I'm just going to do the best I can without
any theoretical guarantees. I'm going to use a heuristic. I'm going to think of the
simplest, greedy heuristic. I'm going to code it up
and I'm going to move on. Or you could do
approximation algorithms. You could say, I'm going to
think up an interesting, greedy heuristic. But I'm going to prove
that this greedy heuristic, in every conceivable situation
with respect to the inputs, is going to be within
some factor of optimal. Right? And that's what we're
going to do today. We're going to take a bunch
of NP complete problems, and we're going to
essentially create simple heuristics with these
problems, simple strategies that are polynomial time, to
quote, "solve these problems." And what does it mean
to solve these problems? Well, you know that if
it's polynomial time, you're not guaranteed to get
the optimum answer every time. But you'll call it a solution--
an approximate solution-- because you're within
a factor of two for every possible input. That's one example. Or, you have a more complicated
approximation factor that we'll get to
in a second, where it's not quite a factor of two. It might be a factor of two
for small size problems. Might be a factor of
10 for larger problems. And so on and so forth. And then the last
thing is, it'd be great if you could spend more time
and get better solutions. And those are
approximation schemes. And we'll look at
approximation schemes as well. So, just dive in each
of these problems, depending on whether it's
decision or optimization is NP complete or NP hard. I'll define these
problems as we go along. But basically, the name of the
game here is, grab a problem, define it, think of an
interesting heuristic, do a proof. OK? And that's essentially what
we're going to do three times. The good news is the
proofs aren't tortuous. They're not 30-minute proofs. And they should be
pretty intuitive. And we'll see if we can
extract them out of you. A painful extraction process. I went to the dentist yesterday. Not for extraction. I should've said, I went
to the dentist yesterday and I'm now going to take
it out on you, right? OK, so what's an
approximation algorithm? An algorithm, for
a problem of size n, and so it's going
to be parameterized. And the approximation factor
may also be parameterized. It'd be nice if it weren't,
if it were a constant factor approximation. But sometimes you can't do that. And in fact, sometimes
you can prove that constant
factor approximation algorithms don't exist. And if they do,
then p equals NP. All right? So it's gets very interesting. So, in this case, approximation
algorithms or schemes exist for these
three problems, which is why we are looking
at them today. But you got a problem of size n. And we're going to define an
approximation ratio, row of n, for any input-- if for
any input-- excuse me. The algorithm
produces a solution with cost C that satisfies
this little property, which says that the max of C
divided by Copt divided by-- oh, sorry-- and Copt
divided by C is less than or equal to row n. And the only reason you
have two terms in here is because you haven't
said whether it's a minimization problem or
a maximization problem. Right, so of it' a
minimization problem, you don't want to be too much
greater than the minimum. If it's a maximization
problem, you don't want to be too much
smaller than the maximum. And so you just stick
those two things in there. And you don't worry
about whether it's min or max in terms of
the objective function, and you want it to be
a particular ratio. OK? Now I did say row of n there. So this could be a constant or
it could be a function of no. If it's a function
of n, it's going to be an increasing
function of n. OK? Otherwise you could
just bound it, and have a constant, obviously. So, you might have
something like-- and we'll see one of these-- log n
approximation scheme, which says that you're going
to be within logarithmic of the answer-- the
minimum or maximum. But if it's a million, then
if you do log of base two, then you're within a factor
of 20, which isn't that great. But let's just say if
you're happy with it, and if it goes to
a billion, it's a factor 30, and
so on and so forth. Actually, it could grow. So that's an algorithm. If these terms are
used interchangeably, we'll try and differentiate. But we do have something that
we call an approximation scheme. And the big difference
between approximation algorithms an
approximation schemes is that I'm going to have a
little knob in an approximation scheme that's going
to let me do more work to get something better. OK? And that's essentially
what a scheme is, where we're going to take
an input-- an additional input-- epsilon, strictly
greater than zero. And for any fixed
epsilon, the scheme-- it's an approximation scheme
as opposed to an algorithm-- is a 1 plus epsilon
approximation algorithm. And so here we just say that
this is a row n approximation algorithm if it
satisfies this property. And here we have a
family of algorithms that are parameterized by
n in terms of run time, as well as epsilon. And so you might
have a situation where you have
order n raised to q divided by epsilon running time
for an approximation algorithm. And what this means is that if
you're within 10% of optimal, then you're going to
put 0.1 down here. And this is going to be an
n raised to 20 algorithm. Polynomial time! Wonderful! Solve the world's problems. Not really. I mean, n raised to
20 is pretty bad. But it's not exponential. Right? So you see that there
is a growth here of polynomial degree
with respect to epsilon. And it's a pretty fast growth. If you want to go to
epsilon equals 0.01, I mean, even n raised to 20
is probably untenable. But certainly n raised to
200 is completely untenable. Right? So this is what's called a PTAS,
which is probabilistic time approximation scheme. And don't worry too much
about the probabilistic. It's a function of epsilon. That's the way you
want to think about it. The run time. And we'll look at a particular
scheme later in the lecture. But clearly this is
polynomial in n, OK? But it's not
polynomial in epsilon. All right? So a PTAS is going to
be poly in n, but not necessarily in epsilon. And I say not necessarily
because we still call it a PTAS. We just say, fully polynomial
time approximation scheme, FPTAS, if it's polynomial in
both n and 1 over epsilon. Right? So fully PTAS is poly
in n and 1 over epsilon. So a fully PTAS scheme
would be something like n divided by epsilon square. OK? So as epsilon shrinks,
obviously the run time is going to grow because you've
got 1 over epsilon square. But it's not anywhere
as bad as the n raised to 2 divided by epsilon
in terms of its growth rate. OK? So there's lots of
NP complete problems that have PTAS's and that some
of them have FPTAS's as well. And so on and so forth. Question? AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] PROFESSOR: So we won't
get into that today. But you can think of
it as the probability over the space of possible
solutions that you have. You can distribution of inputs. The bottom line is
that we actually won't cover that today. So let's shelve for
the next lecture, OK? So just worry about the fact
that it's polynomial in n and not in epsilon
for the first part. And it's polynomial in n and
epsilon for the second part. OK? AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] PROFESSOR: Oh I see. So, it's a good point. So for the purposes of this
lecture, thank you so much. I'm glad I didn't
have to get into that. Polynomial time. Good. Better answer. Either way, we're not
going to cover that. All right? Good. So, it's polynomial. I mean, you could have
probabilistic algorithms that have this kind of
behavior, of course. But we're not going to cover
that in today's lecture. But thanks for
pointing that out Eric. So, that's our set up. We essentially have
a situation where it'd be great if we could tackle
NP complete problems using this hammer, right? Any questions so far? All right. Vertex cover. So let's dive right in. Let's talk about a particular
problem, very simple problem. What you have is an
undirected graph, G(V,E). And all we want is
a set of vertices that cover all of the edges. So a set of vertices
that cover all edges. What does it mean to cover? It's the obvious thing. If I have something like this. As long as I have a vertex
in my set of vertices that I'm calling a
cover that touches one endpoint of an
edge, we're going to call that edge covered, OK? So, in this case
it's pretty clear that the vertex
cover is simply that. Because that vertex
touches all of the edges at least at one
of the endpoints. A vertex is going to touch
one endpoint of an edge. But this vertex cover that
I've shaded touches every edge. So that's a vertex cover. If, in fact, I had
an extra edge here, then I now have to pick
one-- or this one of that one in order to complete my cover. OK? That's it. That's vertex cover. Decision problem, NP
complete to figure out if there's a certain number that
is below a certain value that do the covering. You obviously have an
optimization problem associated with that. And so on and so forth. So that's our simple set up
for our first hard problem. All right? And so, just to write that
out, find a subset V prime, which is a subset of capital V,
such that if (U,V) is an edge of G-- belongs to E-- then we
have either U belonging to V prime, or V belonging
to V prime, or both. And it's quite possible that
your vertex cover is such that, for a given edge, you have
two vertices that touch each of the endpoints of the edge. And the optimization
problem, which is what we'd like to do
here, is find a V prime so the cardinality is minimum. OK? So that's it. So, we don't know of a
polynomial time algorithm to solve this problem. So we resort to heuristics. What is an intuitive
heuristic for this problem? Suppose I wanted to implement
a poly time, greedy algorithm for this problem. What would be the first
thing that you'd think of? Yeah, go ahead. AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] PROFESSOR: Find the max degree. I love that answer. It's the wrong answer
for this problem. But I love it because it
sets me up for-- ta-DA! All this work I did
before lecture, OK? All right. So, it turns out, that it's
not an incorrect answer. It's really not the
best answer in terms of the heuristic you apply to
get an approximation algorithm. So we're still in the context of
an approximation algorithm, not an approximation scheme. And what we have here is a
perfectly fine heuristic that, who knows? It might actually work
better in practice than this other
approximation algorithm that I'm going to
talk about and prove. But the fact of the matter
is that this approximation algorithm that has,
as a heuristic, picking the maximum
degree continually. And completing your vertex cover
by picking the maximum degree continually is a log n
approximation algorithm. And what that means is
that I can construct-- and that example is right
up there-- an example where, regardless of what n is,
this particular heuristic-- the maximum degree
heuristic-- might be log n off from optimal. OK? Whereas, this other scheme
that we're going to talk about is going to be within a
factor of two of optimal regardless of the
input that you apply. Right? So, you have a domination
here with respect to the two approximation algorithms. You've got one that is log n. Row n is log n, as I've
defined over there. And on the other side,
you've got two, right? So if you're a theoretician, you
know what you're going to pick. You're going to pick two. It turns out, if
you're a practitioner, you might actually
pick this one, right? But this is a theory course. So what is going on here? Well, this is a
concocted example that shows you that a maximum
degree heuristic could be as far off as log n, right? And so if you look at
what's going on here, you end up with something where
you have a bunch of vertices up on top, OK? And you end up with case k
factorial vertices up on top. So k equals three in this case. I have six vertices up there. I got two down here because
this is 6 divided by 3, because k is 3. And then I got 6
divided by 3 here, so that's 2 and 6
divided by 1 here. And so that's 6. OK? And so these edges are
set up in such a way that it's a
pathological example. And I misspoke in terms of
the approximation algorithm. I will correct myself in just
a second, in terms of log n. It does grow with the
size of the graph. Well, I'll precisely tell
you what this approximation algorithm is in terms of the
row n factor in just a minute. But let's just take a
look at this problem here and see what happens when
you apply this maximum degree heuristic, right? And we have to take into
account the fact that, if you have ties, in
terms of maximum degree, you may end up doing
the wrong thing. Because you haven't defined
what the tiebreak is when you have two nodes
that have the same degree. You could do the wrong
thing and pick the bad node for this particular
problem, right? You have to do a
worst case analysis. So in the worst case, when
you create a vertex cover using maximum degree, what
is the worst case in terms of the number of
vertices that we picked for this particular example? Someone? What is the worst case in terms
of the number of vertices? Yeah, back there. AUDIENCE: Eleven? PROFESSOR: Eleven. And where did you get that from? AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] PROFESSOR: You grab all
of the ones on the bottom. Fantastic. All right, there you go. Could you stand up? Whoa. All right. It was the dentist yesterday. So, that's exactly right. That's exactly right. So what could happen
is you could pick this, because that's degree 3. Notice that the maximum
degree here is 3, of any node. Right? So if I pick something of
degree three, I'm good. I'm in keeping
with my heuristic. I could pick all the
ones at the top, right? And then I'm done, right? That's a good-- that's
a good does solution. That's a good trajectory. But all I've said is, the
heuristic is maximum degree. So there's nothing that's
stopping me from picking this. And then once I pick that,
I could pick this one. And then I'm down to, once
I've taken away these two, remember that now the maximum
degree in the entire graph is two. Right? Because each of these things
is losing the degree-- losing one from its
degree-- as I go along. So then I could pick this one,
this one, this one, et cetera. And so I could end up with 11. OK? So if you go do the
math really quickly-- and this is where
I'll correct what I said before-- the algo could
pick all the bottom vertices. And so the solution and the
top vertices are optimal. Top optimal. So that's k factorial, right? According to my
parameterized graph. That's k factorial in terms
of the optimal solution for this graph. But if I pick the ones
that are the bottom, then it's k factorial
divided by k, plus 1 over k minus 1, plus da
da da da, plus 1. Which is our harmonic number. And that's approximately
k factorial log k, OK? And this is where I misspoke. I kept saying log n, log n. But that's not
completely correct. Because if I think of n as
being the size of the input, k factorial is n, right? And so if you see that
I have log k here, then remember that this is log
k where k factorial equals n. So this is another log
factor, roughly speaking. Right? So think of it approximately
as log log n approximation, OK? Which is pretty good. But it does grow with n, right? The point is this
does grow with n. So it's not the best
approximation scheme that you can think of. Because the approximation
factor grows with the size of your problem. So it'd be great if you could
come up with a constant factor approximation scheme that
would beat this one, certainly from a theoretical
standpoint, right? But this one, maximum
degree, chances are, if you're a practitioner,
this is what you'd code. Not the one I'm
going to describe. OK? But we're going to analyze
the one I've described. I've just shown you that
there is an example where you have this log k factor. We haven't done a
proof of the fact that there's no worse
example than this one. OK? So I'm just claiming,
at this point, that this is at best, a log
k approximation algorithm. We haven't actually shown
that it is, in fact, a log k approximation algorithm. At best, it's that. OK? Any questions? All right. So what's another heuristic? What's another heuristic
for doing vertex cover? We did this picking
the maximum degree. Nice and simple. But it didn't quite
work out for us. Any other ideas? So, I picked vertices. What else could I pick? I could pick edges, right? So, I could pick random edges. It turns out that
actually works better from a theoretical standpoint. So, what we're going
to do here is simply set the cover to be null. Go ahead and set all of
the edges to be E prime. And then we're going to
iterate over these edges. I'm not even
specifying the way I'm going to select these edges. And I still will be able to
do a proof of 2 approximation. OK? Oh! I forgot the best part. This is on your quiz. That was the tangible benefit
of attending the lecture. So copy that down. So this is very simple. It's not a complicated problem. This is not simple
heuristics that are going to be
particularly complicated. You just do some
selections, and then you iterate over the graph. And you take away
stuff from the graph. Typically, you take away
vertices as well as edges. And you keep going until
you got nothing left, right? And then you look at
your cover, and you say, what is the size of my cover? And here we return C, all right? So I won't spend
any time on that. You can read it. It's simple iterative
algorithm that fixed edges randomly and keeps going. So, now comes the
fun part, which is we need to show that that
little algorithm is always going to be within a
factor of 2 of optimal, OK? And you can play around
with this example. In fact, in this case,
you have 6 and 11. So that's a factor
of 2, of course. So even this algorithm is
better than a factor of 2. But it won't be if I expanded
the graph and increased k. But that algorithm that I
have up there is always going to be within a factor of 2. And we want to prove
that, all right? So how do we go
about proving that? We want to prove, in particular,
that a prox vertex cover is a 2 approximation algorithm. So, any ideas? How would I prove
something like this? Where do you think this
factor of 2 comes from? Someone who hasn't answered yet. You answered a lot of questions
in the past, all right? No? Someone? All right. AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] PROFESSOR: I'm sorry? AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] PROFESSOR: That's an
excellent observation. The observation is
that the edges we pick do not intersect each other. So, I gave you a Frisbee
for the wrong answer. So for this correct one,
I won't give you one? That's fair, right? No. That's unfair. Right? There you go. Sorry. So, the key observation
was in this algorithm, I'm going to be picking edges. And the edges will not
share vertices, right? Because I delete the vertices
once I've picked an edge, correct? So there's no way that the
edges will share vertices. So what does that mean? Well, that means
that, I'm getting-- let's say, I get A edges. So let A denote the
edges that are picked. So I'm going to get edges
that look like that. OK? And I got continuality
of A edges. I know that in my vertex
cover, that, obviously, I have to pick vertices
that cover all the edges. Now I'm picking edges,
and what's happening, of course, is that I'm
picking 2 A vertices. So my C-- and remember,
my cost was C. And I had Copt, that
corresponds to the optimum cost. And so the cost that
this algorithm produces is 2 times A, right? Make sense? Because I'm picking vertices,
we are picking edges. There's no overlap. And therefore, the cost
is 2 times A, right? So as long as I can now say
that Copt, which is the optimum, is less than or
equal to A, right? I have my factor of 2
approximation algorithm. So that's it. It's a simple
argument that says now show that Copt is at least
A. Copt, I'm minimizing. Copt should be at
least A. Right? I hope I said that right before. But I wrote that
down here correctly. So if I say that
Copt is at least A, then I got my proof
here of 2 approximation. Because I'm getting
2 A back, right? So if you go look at C divided
by-- so this means, of course, that C is less than or equal
to 2 Copt, if I can show-- make that statement. And it turns out that's
a fairly easy statement to argue simply because of the
definition of vertex cover. Remember that I'm going to have
to cover every edge, correct? So I'm going to cover--
need to cover every edge, including all edges in A.
A is a subset of edges. I have to cover all the edges. Clearly, I have to
cover the A edges, which are a subset of all
of the edges, right? How am I going to cover
all of the A edges that happened to all be disjoint
in terms of their vertices? I'm going to have to pick one
vertex for each of these edges, right? I mean, I could pick
this one or that one. But I have to pick one of them. I could pick this
one or that one. And so on and so forth, right? So it is clear that, given
this disjoint collection of edges corresponding
to A, that Copt is greater than or equal to A, OK? And that's it. So I had to cover all. This requires, since no two
edges share an endpoint, this means that I need to pick a
different vertex from each edge in A. And that implies that Copt
is greater than or equal to A. All right? Any questions about that? We all good here? Yup? Understood the proof? So that's our first
approximation algorithm where we actually had a proof. And so, this is kind of cool. It obviously a pretty
simple algorithm. You're guaranteed to be
within a factor of 2. It doesn't mean
that that's the best heuristic you can come up with. It doesn't mean that
this is what you'd code. But this is the best
approximation algorithm that you're going to cover
for vertex cover, OK? So, what about other problems? What's the state of the world
with respect to approximation? There's lots of NP complete
and NP hard problems for which we know
approximation schemes. And we like to move towards
approximation schemes slowly. But I'd like to look at
a problem that perhaps is a little more compelling
than vertex cover before we get to
approximation schemes. And that's what's
called set cover. So set cover tries to
cover a set with subsets. And it's very useful
in optimization where you have overlapping
sets, maybe it's schedules, it's tasks, it's people getting
invited to dinner, et cetera, and you want to make sure
everybody gets invited. You want to invite
families, and there's overlapping families, because
people have relationships. And you want to
eventually minimize the number of dinners you
actually have to have. And that's, I don't know,
hopefully a motivating example. If it wasn't, too bad. So you do have a family of
possibly overlapping subsets. S1, S2, Sm, subset
of equal to x. So that's that big
set that we have. Such that I want to cover
all of the elements. So that's what this little
equation corresponds to. The union of all the
selected SI's should equal x. I need to cover it all. And I do want to minimize. It's called a C. Find
C subset 1, 2, m. So I'm selecting a
bunch of these things. So C is simply-- capital C here
is some subset of the indices. And the only reason I do
that is to say that I want to do this while minimizing. I wanted to I equals 1
through m while minimizing C. OK? Let me get this right. So this is what I have. Find C, subset of these,
such that-- I'm sorry. There's one more. Union of I belonging
to C, SI equals x. OK? Sorry for the mess here. But this last line
there-- so this is simply a specification
of the problem. I'm going to be given
x, and I'm going to be given a large
collection of subsets, such that the union of all of those
subsets are going to cover x. And now I'm saying,
I want to look inside and I want to
select all of them. I want to select a
bunch of these things. You know, C, which is some
subset of these indices, so 1 may not be in it. 2 may be in it. 4 may be in it, et cetera. And such that those subsets
that are in this capital C set add up to x. OK? So pictorially, may
make things clearer. You have, let's say, a grid
here corresponding to x. So each of these dots
that I'm drawing here are elements that
need to be covered. So that's my x. And I might have S1
corresponding to that. This is S3, right? And S2 is this
thing in the middle. That's S2. S5 is this one here. And I got a little S4 over here. And finally, I got--
let's see-- S6, yup. Which is kind of this funky
thing that goes like that. So this thing here is S6. All right? OK. What's the optimum? You got 30 seconds. What's the optimum cover? Yeah, go ahead. You had your hand up. AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] PROFESSOR: Yep. That's exactly right. So the optimum S3, S4, S5. All right. AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] PROFESSOR: Oh. S3. Yeah, S4 is this one here. S6, S5, OK good. S3. And then-- oh! You know what? You're right. Let's make you right. Don't erase that. Here you go. So that's 3, right? So C would be-- cardinality
of C would be 3. So it's a nontrivial problem. It's not clear how
you're going to do this. I've got to use a heuristic. Hard in terms of optimization. Optimal requires exponential
time, as far as we know. And we're just going to go
off and say, hey let's design an approximation
algorithm, right? So let's think of a heuristic. What's a good heuristic? What's a good heuristic
for this problem? I hope I haven't scared you. What's a good heuristic
for this problem? What's the obvious heuristic? Yeah? AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] PROFESSOR: The largest subset. And in this
particular case, it's actually the best also
in terms of theory. So, approximate set
cover-- at least the best that we're concerned
about in this lecture. And what is
approximates set cover? It's pick largest SI. Remove all elements in
SI from x, and other Sj. So you're constantly shrinking. And then keep doing that. So you'll have a new problem. And you're going to specify that
new problem on every iteration, just like we did
for vertex cover and we've done many a time. If you do that over here,
notice that what you end up with is picking S1, because
S1 is the big boy here, in the sense that it's
got six elements in it. Right? Up on top. And so you'd pick
approx or heuristic algo would pick S1, S4, S5,
and S3 in that order. I won't go over it. It's not that important. The point is it doesn't get you
the optimum for this problem. And in general, you could
always concoct examples where any heuristic
fails, of course, right? Because this problem is hard. But it's four as
opposed to three. And the big question, again, as
always, is, what's the bound? What's the bound if you
applied this heuristic? And what can you
show with respect to the approximation algorithm? What is row n here? So that's what we
have to do here, in terms of what the bound is. And we're actually going
to do an analysis here that is pretty straightforward. It's got a little
bit of algebra in it. But if you go look
at that this, it's covered in CLRS, the textbook. But the analysis in there
uses harmonic numbers, and is substantially
more complicated for, in my mind, no reason. And so we have a
simpler analysis here that is simply going to
be a matter of counting. We are picking the maximum
number of elements every time. The best we can do. It's a greedy heuristic. We're trying to shrink our
problem as much as possible. Initially we have x. And then we're going
to get a new problem, let's call it x0 first,
for the initial problem. You're going to get
a new problem, x1. And we're maximally
shrinking x1 in relation to x0, in the sense that
we're going to remove as many elements as we can. Because that is
precisely our heuristic. So the big question is, as we
go from the biggest problem that we have, the
original problem to smaller and smaller problems,
when do we end up with nothing? When we end up with
nothing, that's when the number
of iterations that corresponds to the number
of SI's that we picked is going to be the collection
of SI's in our solution. And the cardinality of
that is our cost, right? So that's all pretty
straightforward, hopefully. So what we need to do, of
course, is show a proof. And the way we're
going to do this is by a fairly straightforward
counting argument. Assume there's a cover Copt,
since that Copt equals t. OK? So the cardinality
of Copt equals t. So I'm just assuming that this
t subset's in my optimum cover, OK? t subset's in my optimum cover. Now let x of k be the set
of elements in iteration k. And let's assume
that x0 equals x. So initially, I'm at 0. And I want to subscript
this because I want to point to
each of the problems that I'm going to
have as I shrink this set down to nothing. Now I know that for all
k, including of course x0, xk can be covered by t sets. OK? I mean, that's kind
of a vacuous statement because I assumed that x0
could be covered by t sets. And x0 is only shrinking
to x1, to x2, et cetera. And I'm just saying,
all of these things could be covered-- each of those
intermediate problems as well, can be covered-- by t. In fact, in the
solution that we have, the optimal solution,
if these x0's are coming from my heuristic. But if they were coming
from an optimum solution, then x0 would be covered by t. x1 would be covered
by t minus 1. And t minus 2, and
so on and so forth. But I don't have an
optimum algorithm here. I just have my
heuristic algorithm. And I'm just making a
fairly vacuous statement, as I said, based
on my definition, that the original problem
can be covered using t. And therefore, a
smaller problem, when I remove elements from it,
could also be covered using t. OK? So far, so good? So now, one of them covers what? What can I say
about one of them? What principle can I
use to make a claim about the number of
elements that are covered by one of these t sets? Remember a principle
from way back? 6042? My favorite principle? Flapping. Think flapping. Pigeon hole. Pigeon hole principle, right? See, you have to remember
all of the material that you learned at MIT
for the rest of your life. OK? You never know when
it's going to be useful. OK, so here you go, pigeon hole. My favorite principle. It's such a trivial principle. So one of them covers at
least xk divided by t. I mean, why is this
even a principle? Right? Elements. OK, so that's it, right? That's the observation. And, now that implies that
an algorithm-- because it's going to pick the
maximum of these, right? The algorithm is going to
pick the maximum of these. So, it's going to pick
a set of current size greater than or equal
to xk divided by t. Otherwise, the algorithm
would be incorrect. It's not doing what
you told it to do. Right? It's got to pick the maximum. So keep chugging here. And one real observation, and
then the rest of it is algebra. So, what I can say
is that for all k, xk plus 1, which is
shrinking, is less than or equal to 1
minus 1 over t, xk. OK? That's the way I'm shrinking. Right? This is again, a fairly
conservative statement. Because the fact
of the matter is that I'm putting t in as
a constant here, right? But t is actually, in effect,
changing, obviously, halfway through the algorithm. I don't need t sets to cover the
x-- whatever it is-- xk over 2 or whatever it is that I have. I need the t for x0. Maybe I did a bad selection
with my heuristic, and I still would need t, which
is optimum, remember, for x1. But halfway through
the algorithm after I picked a bunch of sets,
I'm still saying I need t, OK? Because I just need
that for my proof. That's all I need for the proof. In CLRS, this
actually varies and it turns into a harmonic series. We won't go there. OK? You can do the natural
logarithm of n plus 1, a proof, just doing the simpler analysis. OK? So you see what's
happening here. That's my shrinkage. That's the recurrence,
if you will, that tells me how my
problem size is shrinking. And when do I end? What is my stopping point? What's my stopping point? Mathematically? When do we end this lecture? When you give me the answer. No, not quite. So I end when? I got nothing to cover, right? So when one of these things
gets down to xk equals 0, right? When xk equals 0, I'm done. I'm constantly
taking stuff away. When xk equals 0,
I'm going to be done. OK? And I'm going to
move a little bit between discrete
and continuous here. It's all going to be fine. But what I have is, if I just
take that, I can turn this. This is a recurrence. I want to turn
that into a series. So I can say something like 1
minus 1 over t, raised to k, times n. And this is the
cardinality of x, which is the cardinality of x0. So that's what I have up there. And that's essentially
what happens. I constantly shrink
as I go along. And I have a constant
rate of shrinkage here. Which is the
conservative part of it. So keep that in mind. But it doesn't matter from
an analysis standpoint. OK? So if you look at that, and
you say, what happens here? Well, I can just say
that this is less than or equal to e
raised to minus-- you knew you were
going to get an e, because you saw a natural
algorithm here, right? And so, that's what we got. And basically, that's it. You can do a little
bit of algebra. I'll just write
this out for you. But I won't really explain it. You're going to
have Xk equals 0. You're done. The cost, of course, is k. Right? The cost is k, because
you've selected k subsets. All right, so that's
your cost, all right? So, when you get to
the point, you're done. And the cost is k. So what you need
is, you need to say that e raised to
minus kt divided by n is strictly less than 1. Because that is
effectively when you have strictly less than 1 element. It's discrete. So that means you have zero
elements left to cover. That means you're done OK? So that's your
condition for stopping. So this done means that e
raised to minus kt times n is strictly less than 1. And if you go do
that, you'll get k over t, just about greater
than natural logarithm of m(n). The algorithm terminates if we
just do a little manipulation. And that implies that
k over t less than or equal to natural logarithm
of n plus 1 is valid. Right? k over t is going
to be less than or equal to natural
logarithm of n plus 1. Because the instant
it becomes greater, the algorithm terminates. Right? And that's how you got
your proof over here. Because this is
exactly what we want. k is our C from way back where
it's the cost of our heuristic or the cost of
our approximation. t is the optimum cost. That's what I defined it as. And this is a bound on k over t. All right? Cool. Any questions on this? OK. So this approximation ratio
gets worse for larger problems, just like this other
approximation's algorithm that we didn't actually prove
from the very first problem. That also got worse. We had a log k factor for that. And as your problem
size increased, obviously the approximation
factor increased. This is a little
clearer as to what the increase looks
like in relation to the original size of n. So it's just natural
logarithm of n plus 1. So, so far, we've done
approximation algorithms, a couple of different varieties. We had a constant
factor one, and then we had a row of n that actually
had a dependence on n. Now let's move, and we'll do
one last example on partition, which it turns out has a trivial
constant factor approximation scheme. And this obvious
thing, and we'll get to that in just a second. But what is nice about
partition is you can actually get a PTAS, right? Polynomial time approximation
scheme, and FPTAS, fully polynomial time
approximation scheme, that essentially give you with
higher and higher run times. They're going to
give you solutions that are closer and
closer to optimal, right? If you want to do the
FPTAS, we'll do the PTAS. So partition is a trivial
little problem to define. It's just you have
a set, and you want to partition it into two
sets such that they're not unbalanced. So your cost is the imbalance
between the two sets. And you want to
minimize that cost. You'd love to have two sets that
are exactly the same weight. But if one of them is extremely
unbalanced with respect to the other, then it's bad. Either way. So, here we go with partition. Set S of n items with
weights S1 through Sn, assume S1 greater than S2, Sn,
without loss of generality. So this is just
an ordering thing. I mean, obviously,
there's some order. I'm not even claiming
uniqueness here. I'm just saying just assume
that this is the order. The analysis is much
better if you do this-- if you make this assumption. And I want to
partition into A and B to minimize max of
sigma I belongs to A. Si sigma I belongs to B Si. And this is the weight of A.
And this is the weight of B. And so there's only
so much you can do. If you have 2L equals sigma
I equals 1 through n Si-- so I'm just calling that 2L--
the sum of all the weights. Then my optimum
solution is what? What is the lower bound
on the optimum solution? If it's 2L? What's the trivial lower bound? Just L, right? So I could have L
here and L there. And if I had 2L here
and 0 here, then oh! That's right. I want to minimize. Remember, don't-- maybe
that's what threw you off. It threw me off right here. I see a max here, and
I got a little worried. But I want to minimize
the maximum of these two quantities, OK? And so the best I could
do is to keep them equal. And if I get L for
both of them, that would minimize the maximum
of those two quantities. If I had 2L and 0, then the
maximum of those two quantities is 2L, and obviously I
haven't done any minimization. So now you see why there's
a trivial optimum solution is greater than or
equal to L. Right? And now you see why there's
a trivial two approximation algorithm. Because the worst I
could do is 2L, right? I could dump all of them
on one side, constant time, and the other one is 0. And my cost is 2L. So I'm within a factor of 2
in this problem trivially. So, unfortunately that's not
the end of the lecture, OK? So, we've got to do better. I mean, clearly,
there's more here. You'd like to get much closer. This is a different
kind of problem. And it would be wonderful if
we could get within epsilon. Right? I'm within 1%. How long does it take me? I'm within 0.01%, guaranteed. How long does it take me? Right? That's what an approximation
scheme is, as opposed to just a plain algorithm. So if you're actually going
to talk about epsilon here, and we're just doing a PTAS. So we're going to see something
that is not polynomial in 1 over epsilon. It's polynomial in n. But not polynomial
in 1 over epsilon. But there's an FPTAS
with this problem that you're not responsible for. So this is going to be an
interesting algorithm simply because we now have to do
something with epsilon. It's going to have
an extra input. It's not going to be the
simple heuristic, where I'm going to do maximum degree
or maximum number of elements or anything like that. I want to take this epsilon and
actually do something with it. All right? So how does this work? Well, basically what happens in
PTAS's, or in a bunch of them, is that you essentially do
an exponential amount of work given a particular epsilon to
get a partial optimum solution. So you can think of epsilon
as essentially being 1 divided by m plus 1, where
m is some quantity. And as m grows, the
complexity of your algorithm is going to grow. But obviously, as
m grows, you're getting a tighter
and tighter epsilon. You're getting guaranteed closer
and closer to your optimum. And so we're going
to have two phases here in this particular
approximation scheme. The first phase is find an
optimal partition, A prime, B prime, of S1 through Sm. And we're just going to assume
that this exhaustive search, which looks at all possible
subsets, and picks the best one. OK? And how many subsets are
there for a set of size m? It's 2 raised to m. So this is going to be
an exponential order, 2 raised to m algorithm. OK? I'm just going to find
the optimum partition through exhaustive search for m. Right? m is less than n. So I'm picking something
that's a smaller problem. I'm going to seed this. So, the way this
scheme works is, I'm seeding my
actual algorithm-- my actual heuristic-- with
an initial partial solution. And depending on how much
work I do to create the seed, I'm going to end up
having higher complexity. And obviously that's a function
of small m, or 1 over epsilon. And so this takes-- this optimal
takes order to raise to m time. And you can think
of that as order 2 raised to 1 over epsilon. And so that's why it's a
PTAS, and not an FPTAS. OK? So this is PTAS. What else do we need to do? Well, I don't actually
have a solution yet. Because if m is really
small-- and by the way, m can be 0 as well. Right? Epsilon would then be
at 2 approximation, 1 divided by-- this
would be one half. And so 1 over epsilon is 2. So then you've got
your trivial algorithm that we had, the 2
approximation scheme. So that makes sense? So the second phase
is you're going to start with your seed
corresponding to A and B. You're going to set them
to A prime and B prime. And what I'm going to do is,
for I equals m plus 1 to n, if w(a) less than
or equal to w(b), A equals A union I--
running out of room-- else B equals B union I. OK? So it's not that hard
to see, hopefully. All I'm doing here is, I'm just
going in a very greedy way. I got my initial A
prime and B prime. I set them to A and
B. And I say, oh, I got this element here. Which one is bigger? This one is bigger? I'm going to put the
element over here. And then I look at it again. I got another element. Which one is bigger? And I go this way, that way. That's pretty much it. So, again, all of
these algorithms are really straightforward. The interesting part's--
the fun part's-- in showing the approximation guarantee. So we're good here? Yup? All right. So back to analysis. One last time. So, let's see. We want to show that
a prox partition-- ah, you know how to spell
partition-- is PTAS. I guess I don't, but you do. Let's assume that w(a)
is greater than or equal to w(b) to end with. Right? So I'm just saying,
at the end here, I'm just marking the one
that was larger that came out of the max as A. Right? Without loss of generality. Just to make things
easier, I don't want to keep interchanging things. So our approximation ratio
is w(a) divided by L, right? w(a) could at best be L if I got
a perfect partition, perfectly balanced. But it could be a
little bit more. And that's my
approximation ratio, OK? So I need to now figure
out how the approximation ratio reflects on the run
time, and is related to m and, therefore, epsilon. All right? So what I'm going
to do here is, I'm going to look at a point in
time where I have A and B-- and remember that
w(a) is defined to be greater than w(b). But here, I'm
looking at some point in time, which is not
necessarily at the very end here. It could be. But you can think
of this as being, I'm just going to say
B or intermediate B. And this won't matter too much. But I'm just being a little
bit of a stickler here. I'll explain why I said
that in just a minute. But the point is, I
have a situation where I know that w(a) is
greater than w(b) or greater than or equal to
w(b) because I assumed it. That's how I marked it. And I'm going to look at k is
the last element added to A. It's been added. Now this could have been
added in the first phase or the second phase. It's quite possible
that for a given m, that if it's large, for example,
that A prime that you end up with is your A to
begin with here, and that you never
execute this statement OK? It's quite possible, right? You got your initial seed
and never added to it. And that was it. Because your m was large,
for example, right? So what I'm saying here
is, k is the last element added to A. OK? So there's clearly
a last element. I'm just marking that. And we know that A is
greater than or equal to B. Now it may be true that if
I'm looking at the snapshot when just after I add
the k-th element to A, I may not be done yet, in terms
of I still have a few elements. And I may be adding
elements to B. But regardless,
given my definition, I know that the rate of B
is less than the rate of A. Because even though the
last element overall may be added to B,
w(b) is less than w(a), and I'm only looking at the
last element added to A here. OK? So why all of this skulduggery? Well, there's a method
here to the madness. We're going to analyze
what possibly happens in the first phase
and the second phase, and get our approximation ratio. Shouldn't take too long. So there's two cases here
that we need to analyze. The first one is easy. The second one is a
little more involved. I'm going to now assume
that k was the last element and was added in
the first phase, OK? If k is added to
A, what can I say? If k was added in
the first phase to A, and that's the last element
added throughout the algorithm, by the time you get a
partition, what can you say? What can you say
about the solution? What strong statement can
you make about the solution? What's the only interesting
strong statement that you can make
about a solution? So I got to A. Remember
what the first phase is. What's the first phase? Well, it's optimal, right? So, after that,
what happened to A? Well it didn't change. Right? So, what you got is optimum. Right? Because w(a) was defined to be
greater than or equal to w(b). w(a) was optimum for the
smaller problem, whatever m was. You never added
anything else to it. So you're done. It's optimum. So in this case, your
approximation ratio is 1 because you got the
optimum solution, right? So if k is added to
A in the first place, this means A equals A prime. We have an optimal partition. Since we can't do
better than w(a) prime when we have n
greater than m items. And we know w(a) prime is
optimal for the m items. OK? So that's cool. That's good. So we got an approximation
ratio of 1 there. And remember that, this is not
taking overall exponential time necessarily. It's just a case where I've
picked some arbitrary m, and it happens to be the
case that A equals A prime at the end of the algorithm. So I am taking exponential
time in m-- m as in Mary-- but I'm not taking
exponential time in n-- right? n as in Nancy. So the second part is where the
approximation ratio comes in. k is added to A in
the second phase. So here, what we're
going to do is, we're going to say we know
w(a) minus Sk is less than or equal to w(b). This is the second phase
we're talking about here. The only reason
Sk was added to A was because you decided that A
was the side that was smaller, right, or perhaps equal. So that's the reason
you added into it. So you know that w(a) minus
Sk is less than or equal to w(b) at that time. So think of A and B here
as being variables that are obviously changing, right? But what I'm saying
here is, even if you look-- this is the
algorithm where A and B, you constantly look at them
and decide which way to go. But if you look
at the last step, then you look at
the final values. Then you could certainly
make the statement for those final values,
that the w(a), which is the resultant value, minus
Sk, should have been less than or equal to w(b). And you had a smaller
w(a) to begin with. And you added Sk to it. And that happened
in the second phase. OK? So this is why k was added. This is why k was added to A. I want to be a
little careful here given that we're overloading
A and B without trying to point out what each of these
statements actually means. And ask questions
if you're confused. I know that w(a)
minus Sk is less than or equal to 2L minus w(a). That's just a substitution. Because w(a) plus
w(b) equals 2L. And then, last little
trick, again it's algebra. Nothing profound here. We have our assumption that
we ordered these things. So you had S1 through--
Sn, excuse me. The whole thing was ordered. And so we can say that
S1, S2, all the way to Sm, is greater than or equal to Sk. We are actually
doing this in order. We are taking the
bigger elements and then deciding where they go. So we sorted those
things initially. And so what we end up
with when we look at Sk, we have taken care
of values prior to Sk that are all greater
than or equal to Sk. Right? That's, again, using
our initial assumption. So what that means
is 2L is greater than or equal to m plus 1 Sk
since k is greater than m. Again, this is not
particularly tight. Because m could be really
pretty small in relation to n. But I do know that I
can make the statement that since the values
are decreasing, that 2L, which is the sum of
all of those, is greater than or equal to m plus 1 times
Sk, regardless of what m is. Right? And so, that's pretty much it. Once you do that, you have
your approximation ratio. Let's leave that up there
because that's the algorithm. Finish this off with
a little algebra. So w(a) divided by L is less
than or equal to L plus Sk divided by 2, divided by L.
I'm basically substituting. I have this and I have that. And I'm playing around with it. And I got 1 plus
Sk divided by-- 1 plus Sk divided by 2L, which
is-- now this I could say is equal. That's simply equal. This, I have a less
than or equal to. And then I can go less
than or equal to 1 plus Sk divided by m plus 1 Sk. And then I got 1 plus
1 divided by m plus 1, which is, of course,
1 plus epsilon. So all I did here
was use this fact and essentially relate 2L to Sk. And once I could
relate 2L to Sk, substituting for Sk in here, I
ended up with the approximation ratio that I want, w(a) over
L, is L plus Sk divided by 2. That simply comes from here. And plug that in,
divided by L. And then I have Sk divided by 2L. And then this part
here, 2L is going to get substituted by
m plus 1 Sk and voila. I'm over here. OK? So the story behind
this particular problem was it was in the quiz. And Eric, I guess took the quiz. Did you actually take the quiz? Or edit the quiz? And he says, this
problem is impossible. It was a problem. He said, this problem
is impossible. I had to Google it to
find out the answer. Or something like that. And I said, well, I'm going
to give the answer in lecture, right? So there you go. So remember this. Write it down. Four points for coming
to lecture today. See you guys next time.