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So welcome to 6046. My name is Srinivas Devadas. I'm a professor of
computer science. This is my 27th year at MIT. I'm teaching this class
with great course staff, with co-lecturers,
Eric Demaine over here and Nancy Lynch,
who's over there, and a whole bunch of TAs, who
you will meet through the term. We just signed up our last TA
yesterday, so at this point, even I don't know their names. But we hope to have
a great semester. I'm very excited to be teaching
this class with Eric and Nancy. I recognize some of you folks
from 006 from a year ago, so hello again, and
from other classes. And so let's get started. I mentioned 006. 006 is a prerequisite
for this class, so if by chance you've
skipped a class-- MIT or EECS has allowed
you to skip that-- make sure you check in with
us to see that you are ready for 6046 because we will
assume that you know the 6006 material. And by that, I
mean basic material on that data structures,
classical algorithms like sorting, algorithms
for dynamic programming, or algorithms that use dynamic
programming I should say, algorithms for shortest
paths, et cetera. 6046 itself, we're
going to run this course pretty much off the Stellar
website in the sense that that'll be our one-stop
shop for getting everything including lecture handouts,
problem sets-- turning in your problem sets, et cetera. And I should mention
that this course is being taped for
OpenCourseWare, and while it'll take a little bit of time for
the videos to be put online, we hope to do that perhaps
in clumps before the quizzes that you will have as we
have to have in our class. So let me just say a couple
more things about logistics, and then we get started
with technical content. As I mentioned, we're
going to be running this course off Stellar. Please sign up for
recitations section by going to the stellar website
and choosing a section that works for your schedule. Sections go from 10:00 AM
all the way to 3:00 I think, and we've placed a limit on the
number of students per section. We wanted the sections
to be manageable in size, but there's plenty of
room for everybody, and the schedule
flexibility should allows you to choose a
section pretty easily. We have a course information
document and an objectives document on the website. That has a lot of details
on the grading policy, the collaboration
policy, et cetera. Please read it very
carefully from the first page all the way to the end. And I will mention
one thing that you should be careful about, which
is that while problem sets are only 30% of the
grade, we do require you to attempt the problems. And there's actually
a penalty associated with not attempting problems and
not tuning problem sets in that is way more than 30%,
so keep that in mind, and please read the
collaboration policy as well as the grading
policy, carefully. And feel free to
ask us questions. You can ask us questions
anonymously through Piazza, or you can certainly
send us email. All the information
is on Stellar. So that's all I really had to
say about course logistics. Let me tell you a
little bit about how the content of this
course is structured. We have several modules,
and Eric, Nancy, and I will be in charge of
each of these different modules as the term goes. Our very first module is going
to start really next time. Today is really an
overview lecture. But it's a module on
divide and conquer, and you learned about this
divide and conquer paradigm in 006 or equivalent classes. It's breaking of a problem
into smaller problems and getting efficiency that way. Merge sort is a
classic algorithm that follows the divide
and conquer paradigm. If you're going to
take it to a new level. And I guess that's sort
of the team of 046. Take the material in 006 and
raise the stakes a little bit-- raise the level of
sophistication-- and you'll see things like
fast Fourier transform. Finding an algorithm
for a convex hull, we'll do that next time. That uses the divide
and conquer paradigm. We're going to do a
ton of optimization. Divide and conquer can
obviously be used for search and also for optimization. In particular, we'll look
at strategies corresponding to greedy algorithms, Dijkstra,
which hopefully you remember the shortest path algorithm from
006 is an example of a greedy algorithm. We'll see a bunch
of other examples, and we'll look at one today. And dynamic programming, it's
a wonderful algorithmic hammer that you can apply to a
wide variety of problems, certainly to shortest
paths as well. We'll look at it in
many different contexts. And then really
quickly network flow, which is a problem that's
associated with-- here's a network. This capacity is associated
with the network. The capacities could
respond to the width of the roads in a highway
system or the number of lanes, the amount of
traffic that can go through. How do I maximize the
set of commodities, or the amount of
commodities that I can push through the network? That it turns out is,
again, a problem that has many different
applications, so it's really a collection of problems. You're going to spend
some time, a little bit today, but a little
more than in 6006, talking about intractability. So a lot of algorithms that
we're going to talk about are efficient in the
sense that they're polynomial time solvable. And first, polynomial
time solvable doesn't imply efficiency
in the practical sense, so if you have an n
raised to 8 algorithm, it's polynomial time. But really, it's not something
that you can use on real world problems where n is
relatively large, but generally in a theoretical
computer science class, we'll think about
tractable problems as being those that have
polynomial time algorithms that can solve them
exactly or optimally. But intractability then
corresponds to problems that, at the moment, we don't
know of a polynomial time algorithm to solve them,
and the best algorithms we have take worst
case exponential time. And so the question is, what
happens with those problems? And we'll look at things
like approximation algorithms that can get us, in the case
of optimization problems, get us to within a certain
fraction of optimal, guaranteed, and run
in polynomial time. So you can't get
the absolute best, but you can get within 10% or
we can get within a factor of 2. That may be enough for
a particular instance of a problem or a set of
instances of a problem. And what we do a bunch
of advanced topics. I think we have distributed
algorithms plan. Nancy works in that
area, and we'll also talk about cryptography. There's a deep connection
between number theory algorithms and cryptography
that towards end of the lecture, or, I should say, towards
the end of the course, I will look at a
little more closely. So much for overview, let's get
started with today's lecture for real. And here's the theme
of today's lecture. I talked a bit
about tractability and intractability. And what is fascinating
about algorithms is that you might
see a problem that has a fairly obvious polynomial
time solution or a linear time solution, then you change
it ever so slightly, and the linear time
algorithm doesn't work. Maybe you can find
a cubic algorithm. And then you change
it a little more, and you end up with
something that you can't find a polynomial
time algorithm for. You can't prove that the
polynomial time algorithm or polynomial monomial
time algorithm gives you the optimal
solution in all cases. And then you go off
into complexity theory. You maybe discover that, or
show that this problem is NP-complete, and now you're
in the intractability domain. So very small changes
in problem statements can end up with very
different situations from a standpoint of
algorithm complexity. And so that's really
what I want to point out to you in some detail
with a concrete example. So I want to get a
little bit pedantic here with respect to intractability
and tractability. You've seen, I think, these
terms before in the one lecture in 006, but we'll go over this
in some detail today and more later on in the semester. But for now, let's recall some
basic terminology associated with tractability and
intractability or complexity theory, broadly speaking. Capital P is a class of problems
solvable in polynomial time. And think of that
as big O, n raised to k for some constant k. Now you can have long
factors in there, but once you put a big
O in there, you're good. You can always
say, order n, even if it's a logarithmic
problem, and big O lets you be sloppy like that. And there are many examples
of polynomial time algorithms, of course, for interesting
problems like shortest paths. So the shortest path
problem is order V square, where V is the number of
vertices in the graph. There's algorithms for that. You can do a little bit
better if you use fancier data structure, but
that's an example. NP is another class of problems
that's very interesting. This is the class of
problems that whose solution is verifiable in
polynomial time. So an example of a problem in
NP that is not known to be NP is the Hamiltonian
cycle problem. And the Hamiltonian
cycle problem corresponds to given a directed
graph, find a simple cycle. So you can repeat vertices,
but you need the simple cycle to contain each vertex in V. And determining whether a given
cycle is a Hamiltonian cycle or not is simple. You just traverse the cycle. Make sure that you've touched
all the vertices exactly once, and you're done. Clearly doable in
polynomial time. So therefore, Hamiltonian
cycle is an NP, but determining whether a
graph has a Hamiltonian cycle or not is a hard problem. And in particular, the
notion of NP completeness is something that defines the
level of intractability for NP. The NP complete problems are
the hardest problems in NP, and Hamiltonian
cycle is one of them. If you can solve any NP complete
problem in polynomial time, you can solve all problems
in NP in polynomial time. So that's what I meant by saying
that NP complete problems are, in some sense, the
hardest problems an NP because solving one of
them gives you everything. So the definition
of NP completeness is that the problem
is in NP and is as hard-- an
informal definition-- as any problem in NP. And so Hamiltonian cycle
is an NP complete problem. Satisfiability is an
NP complete problem, and there's a whole
bunch of them. So going back to our theme
here, what I want to show you is how for an interval
scheduling problem, that I'll define in a couple of minutes,
how we move from linear time, therefore P, to something
that's still in P. But it's a little
more complicated if I change the constraints
of a problem a little bit. And finally, if I add more
constraints to the problem, generalize it-- and
you can think of it as adding constraints
or generalizing the problem-- you get
small changes to something that becomes NP complete. So this is something
that algorithm designers have to keep in mind because
before you go off and try to design an algorithm
for a problem you like to know where in the
spectrum your problem resides. And in order to
do that, you need to understand algorithm
paradigms obviously and be able to apply them, but you also
have to understand reductions where you can try and translate
one problem to another. And if you can do that,
and the first problem is known to be hard, then
you can make arguments about the hardness
of your problem. So these are the kinds of things
that we'll touch upon today, the analysis of an algorithm,
the design of an algorithm, and also the complexity analysis
of an algorithm, which may not just be an
asymptotic-- well, this is order n cubed
or order n square but more in the realm of
NP completeness as well. So so much for
context, let's dive into our interval scheduling
problem, which is something that you can imagine
doing for classes, tasks, a particular schedule
during a day, life in general. And in the general setting, we
have resources and requests, and we're going to have a single
resource for our first version of the problem. And our requests are
going to be 1 through n, and we can think
of these requests as requiring time
corresponding to the resource. So the request is
for the resource, and you want time
on the resource. Maybe it's computation time. Maybe it's your time. It could be anything. Each of these requests responds
to an interval of time, and that's where
the name comes from. si is start time time. fi is the finish
time, and we're going to say si is strictly
less than fi. So I didn't put less
than or equal to there because I want these requests
to be non-null, non-zero, so otherwise they're
uninteresting. And we're going to
have a start time, and we're going to have an end
time, and they're not equal. So that's the first part
of the specification of the problem and
then the second part, which is intuitive is that
two requests-- we have a single resource
here remember-- i and j are considered
to be compatible, which means you can satisfy
both of these requests. They're compatible. Incompatible requests,
you can't satisfy with your single
resource simultaneously-- Provided they don't overlap. And an overlapping condition
might be that fi is less than or equal to sg, or fj
less than or equal to si. So again, I put a less
than or equal to here, which is important
to spend a minute on. What I'm saying here in this
context is that I really have open-ended intervals on the
right-hand side corresponding to the fi's. So pictorially, you could
look at it this way. Let's say I have
intervals like this. So this is interval number 1. That's interval number 2. Right here I have s of 1, f of
1 out here, s of 2 out here, and f of 2 out here. So this is f of 1 for
that and s of 2 for this. I'm allowing s of 2 and f
of 1 to be exactly equal, and I still agree that these
two are compatible requests. So this is-- I guess
it's terminology. It's our definition
of compatibility. So you can imagine now
an optimization problem that is associated with
interval scheduling where, in a different
example, I have this interval
corresponding to s1 and f1. I might have a different
interval here corresponding to 2, then corresponding to 3. And then maybe I've
got 4 here, 5, and 6. So those are my six intervals
corresponding to my input. I have a single resource. I'm just drawn out in
a two-dimensional form. There's six different
requests that I have, the six different intervals. Intervals and
requests are synonyms. And my goal here-- and it's kind
of obvious in this example-- is to select a compatible subset
of requests, or intervals, that is of maximum size. And I'd like to do
this efficiently. So we'll always consider
efficiency here, but in terms of the
specification of the problem as opposed to a requirement on the
complexity of the algorithm, I want maximum size
for this subset. So as I showed you, or
I mentioned earlier, in this case, it is
clear from the drawing that I put up there that the
maximum size for that six requests example
that I have is three. So that's the set up. Now we're going to spend
the next few minutes talking about a greedy
strategy for solving this particular problem. If you don't know of
it, the greedy strategy is going to always produce
the maximum size or not. In fact, it depends on the
particular greedy heuristic, the selection heuristic that
a greedy algorithm uses. So that's going to be important,
and we'll take a look-- and hopefully you
can suggest some-- at a few different
greedy heuristics. But my claim, overall
claim, that I'm going to have to
spend a bunch of time here justifying and
eventually proving is that we can solve
this problem using a greedy algorithm. Now what is a greedy algorithm? You've seen some examples. As the name implies, it's
something that's myopic. It doesn't look ahead. It looks to maximize
the very first thing that you couldn't maximize. It says-- traffic is a
good example-- don't let anybody cut in front of you. You've got some room up there. Get up there. Generally, people
are greedy when it comes to getting
to work, trying to minimize the time
and, in this case, on the time that they
spend on the road. But we've had other examples. For example, when you look
at interval scheduling, you might say, I'm going to
pick the smallest request. And I'm going to pick the
smallest request first, and I'm going to try
and collect together as many requests as possible. And if the requests
are small in the sense that si and fi, for
the two requests, are close to each other, then
maybe that's the best strategy. So that's an example
of a greedy strategy for our particular example. But just to give you a slightly
better definition of greedy than what I've said so
far, a greedy algorithm is a myopic algorithm
that does two things. It processes the input one piece
at a time with no apparent look ahead. So what happens is that greedy
algorithms are typically quite efficient. What you end up doing is looking
at a small part of the problem instance and
deciding what to do. Once you've done
that, then you're in a situation where the problem
has gotten a little bit simpler because you've already
solved part of it, and then you move on. So what would a template
for a greedy algorithm look like for our interval
scheduling problem? Here's a template that
probably puts it all together and gives you a good sense of
what I mean by greedy, at least in this context. So before we even get into
particulars of selection strategies, let me
give you a template for greedy interval scheduling. So step 1, use a simple
rule to select a request. And once you do that, if you
selected a particular request-- let's say you selected 1. What happens now once
you've selected 1? Well, you're done. You can't select 2. You can't select 3. You can't select 4. You can't select 5. You can't select 6. So if you have selected 1
in this case, you're done, but we have to codify
that in a step here. And what that means
is that we have to reject all requests that
are incompatible with i. And at this point, because we've
rejected a bunch of requests, our problem got smaller. And so you now have
a smaller problem, and you just repeat-- go back to
step 1-- until all requests are processed. All right, so that's
a classical template for a greedy algorithm. You just go through these
really simple steps. And the reason
this is a template is because I haven't
specified a particular rule, and so it's not quite an
algorithm that you can code yet because we need a rule. So with all of that
context, let me ask you. What is a rule that you
think would work well for an interval
scheduling problem? Yeah, go ahead. AUDIENCE: Select one with
the earliest finish time. SRINIVAS DEVADAS: Select one
with the earliest finish time. All right, well, I did
not want that answer. [LAUGHTER] But now that you've
given me the answer, I have to do
something about this. So I want a different answer, so
we'll go to a different person. But before I do that, let me
reward you for that answer I did not want with a limited
edition 6046 Frisbee, OK? [APPLAUSE] You need to stand up
because I don't want to take people's heads off. [LAUGHTER] Yeah sorry. All right, so here you go. All right? Good. [APPLAUSE] So people do cookies and candy. I think Eric, Nancy
and I are cooler. [LAUGHTER] So we do Frisbees. All right, good, so
the fact of the matter was that this class was
scheduled for 9:30 to 11:00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. That's when we decided
to do Frisbees. And then it got shifted
over to 11:00 to 12:30, but then we bought all these
Frisbees, so we said, whatever. It's not like we
could use all of them All right, good. So I don't like that answer,
and I want a different one. Give me another one. Yeah, go ahead. AUDIENCE: Just carry it
through in numerical order. SRINIVAS DEVADAS: I'm sorry? AUDIENCE: Just carry it
through in numerical order. SRINIVAS DEVADAS: Carry it
through in numerical order. Is that going to work? And what's an example
that it didn't work? The one right there, right? Should I get her a Frisbee? We should. I'm going to be generous
at the beginning. You can just-- But that's an answer I liked. Yeah, there you go. So entering through a numeric
order isn't going to work. This is a great
example right there. Give me another one. [LAUGHTER] There are no
Frisbees right here. Over there, yeah? AUDIENCE: Try the one
with the shortest time. SRINIVAS DEVADAS: Ah, try the
one with the shortest time. OK, so the shortest time in
this case might be this one. The shortest time
might be this one, and, hey, that might
work in this case because you pick this one,
which is the shortest, or maybe it's five,
which is the shortest. Either way, you could get 2, 5,
and 6, looking at this picture, seems to work. Maybe 4, 5, and 6 if you pick
5 first, et cetera, right? I'll give you a Frisbee if you
can take that same algorithm and give me a counter example. AUDIENCE: Let's say you have two
requests which don't overlap, and then there's-- SRINIVAS DEVADAS: --there's
one right in the middle, exactly right. Yep, so let's see. What do I do? Oh, here. So pictorially, a really
you can look at this, and you can actually figure out
whether your heuristic works or not. But this, I think, what
you were thinking about. There you go, right? So you get one. So that clearly doesn't work. So this one was
smallest, doesn't work. The suggestion
here was a numeric. It doesn't work. Here's one that
might actually work. For each request,
find the number of incompatible requests. So you've got a request. You can always intersect
the other requests with it and decide whether the second
request is compatible or not, and you do this for
every other request. And you can collect
together numbers associated with how many incompatible
requests a particular request has, and you say, well, let
me use that as a heuristic. So each request, find number
of incompatible requests and select the one
with the minimum number of incompatibles. So just to be
clear, in this case, you would not select
1 because clearly 1 is incompatible with
every other request, so that clearly is
not numeric order. In this case, you would
not select this one because it's incompatible
with this one and that one. So you'd select that one
which has the minimum number of incompatibles. So you think this
is going to produce the correct answer, the maximum
answer, in every possible case? AUDIENCE: No. SRINIVAS DEVADAS:
No, who said, no? Well, anybody who said,
no, should give me a counter example. Yeah, go for it. AUDIENCE: If the
one that it selects has mutually incompatible
collection of intervals with which it's compatible. SRINIVAS DEVADAS: Right,
so that's a good thought. We'll have to [INAUDIBLE] that. And I think this
particular example, that's exactly what
you said, which just instantiates your notion
of mutual incompatibility. So here's an example
where I have something. It's a little more complicated. As you can see, this is
a pretty good heuristic. It's not perfect as you can
see from this example, where I have something like this. So if you look at this,
what I have here is I have just a bunch
of requests which have-- this is incompatible
with this and that and these two, so clearly a lot
of incompatibilities for these, a lot incompatibilities
for these. Which is the minimum? The one in here, but what
happens if you select that? Well, clearly you don't get
this solution, which is optimal. The one on top, so this
is a bad selection. And so this doesn't
work either, OK? There you go. So as it turns out,
the reason I didn't like that first answer
was it was correct. [LAUGHTER] It's actually a
beautiful heuristic. Earliest finish time is a
heuristic that is-- well, it's not really a
heuristic in the sense that if you use
that selection rule, then it works in every case. In every case, it's going to get
to you the maximum number, OK? Earliest finished time
so what does that mean? Well, it just means that
I'm going to just scan the f of i's associated with the
list of requests that I have, and I'm going to pick
the one that is minimum. Minimum f of i means
earliest finish time. Now you can just step
back, and I'm not going to do this for every
diagram that I have up here, but look at every
example that I've put up. Apply the selection rule
associated with earliest finish time, and you'll see
that it works and gets you the maximum number. For example, over here, this
has the earliest finish time. Not this, not this,
it's over here. So you pick that, and then you
use the greedy algorithm step 2 to eliminate all of
the intervals that are incompatible, so these go away. Once this goes away, this
one has the earliest finish time and so on and so forth. So this is something that you
can prove through examples. That's not really
a good notion when you can prove to
yourself using examples. And this is where I guess
is the essence of 6046, to some extent 006
comes into play. We will have to prove beyond
a shadow of a doubt using mathematical rigor that the
earliest finish time selection rule always gives us the
maximum number of requests, and we're going to do that. It's going to take us
a little bit of time, but that's the kind of thing
you will be expected to do and you'll see a lot of in 046. OK? So everyone buy
earliest finish time? Yep, go ahead. AUDIENCE: So what if we
consider the simple path example of there's one
request for the whole block, and there's one small request
that it mentioned earlier. SRINIVAS DEVADAS:
Well, you'll get one for-- if there's
any two requests, your maximum number is 1. So you pick-- it
doesn't matter-- it's not like you want
efficiency of your resource. In this particular case,
we will look at cases where you might have an extra
consideration associated with your problem which
changes the problem that says, I want my resource to
be maximally utilized. If you do that, then
this doesn't work. And that's exactly-- it's
a great question you asked. But I did say that we were going
to look at the team here, which I don't have anymore, but of
how problems change algorithms. And so that's a problem change. You've got a question. AUDIENCE: I have
a counter example. You have three
intervals that don't conflict with one another. You have one interval that
conflicts with the first two and ends earlier
than the first one. SRINIVAS DEVADAS: OK,
so are you claiming that there's going to be a
counter example to earliest finish time? AUDIENCE: Yes. SRINIVAS DEVADAS: All
right, I would write it down on a sheet of paper. And get me a concrete example,
and you can just slide it by. And if you get that before I
finished my proof, you win, OK? [LAUGHTER] So I would write it down. Just write it down, so good. All right, so this
is a contest now. [LAUGHTER] All right, so we are going
to try and prove this. So there's many ways
you could prove things, and I mean prove
things properly. And I don't know if you've
read the old 6042 proof techniques that
are invalid, which is things like prove
by intimidation, proof because the lecturer said so,
you know, things like that. This is going to be a
classical proof technique. It's going to be a
proof by induction. We're going to go into
it in some detail. Later on in the
term we are going to put out sketches of proofs. We are going to be skipping
steps in lecture that are obvious or maybe
not so obvious, but if you paid
attention, then you can infer the middle
step, for example. And so will be doing
proof sketches, and proof sketches are
not sketchy proofs. [LAUGHTER] So keep that in mind. But this particular proof
that we're going to do, I'm going to put
in all the steps because it's our first one. And so what we're going to
do here is prove a claim, and the claim is
simply that-- whoops, this is not writing very well. What is going on here? OK. [LAUGHTER] Back to the white. Given a list of intervals
l, our greedy algorithm with earliest finish time
produces k star intervals where k star is minimal. So that's what we like to prove. AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE]. SRINIVAS DEVADAS:
Sorry, what happened? AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] SRINIVAS DEVADAS: Oh, right. Good point. Maximum. What we're going to do is
prove this by induction, and it's going to be
induction on k star. And so the base case is almost
always with induction proofs trivial, and it's
similar here as well. And in the base
case, if you have a single interval
in your list, then obviously that's
a trivial example. But what I'm saying here for
the base is slightly different. It says that the optimal
solution has a single interval, right? And so now if your problem has
one interval or two intervals or three intervals, you
can always pick one, and it's clearly going to be
a valid schedule because you don't have to check
compatibility. And so the base
case is trivial even in the case where
you're not talking just of intervals that
have cardinality 1, but the optimal schedule
has cardinality 1. So that's a trivial case. So the hard work, of course,
in the induction proofs is assuming the hypothesis
and proving the n-plus-1, or in this case, the
k-star-plus-1 case. And that's what we'll
have to work on. So let's say that the
claim holds for k star, and we are given a
list of intervals who's optimal schedule
is k star plus 1. It has k-star-plus-1 intervals
in the optimal schedule, so L may be some large
number, capital L, maybe in the hundreds. And k star, there may
be 10 of what have you. They're different. I want to point that out. So our optimal schedule, we're
going to write out as this, s star. So usually if you use star for
optimal in 046 and it's got k-star-plus-1 entries, and those
entries look like sf pairs-- so I'm going to using the
subscript j1 through j k star plus 1 to denote
these intervals. So the first one is sj1, fj1. That's an interval
that's been selected and is part of our
optimal solution. And then you keep going
and we have sj k star plus 1 comma fj k star plus 1. So no getting away from
subscripts here in 046 So that's what we have in terms
of this is what the optimal schedule is. It's got size k star. Of course, what
we have to show is that the greedy algorithm
with the earliest finish time is going to produce
something that is k star plus one in size. And so that's the hard part. We can assume the
inductive hypothesis, and we'll have to do that. But there's a couple
of steps in between. So let's say that what
we have is s1 through k is what the greedy algorithm
produces with the earliest finish time. So I'm going to write
that down sik fik, so notice I have k here, and
k and k star, at this point, are not comparable. I'm just making a statement that
I took this particular problem that has k star plus 1 in terms
of its optimal solution size, and for that problem,
I have k intervals that are produced by
the earliest finish time greedy heuristic. And so that's why the
subscripts here are different. I have i1 here and ik,
and then over here I have the j's, and so these
intervals are different. If I look at f of i plus f
of i1, and if I look f of j1, what can I say about
f of i1 and f of j1? Is there a relationship
between f of i1 and f of j1? They're equal? Do they have to be equal? Yeah? AUDIENCE: Less or equal to. SRINIVAS DEVADAS:
Less than equal to, exactly right, so
they're less than equal to. It's possible that
you might end up with a different optimal
solution that doesn't use the earliest finish time. We think earliest finish time
is optimal at this point. We haven't proven it yet,
but it's quite possible that you may have
other solutions that are optimal that aren't
necessarily the ones that earliest finish
time gives you. So that's really why the
less than or equal to is important here. Now what I'm going to
do is create a schedule, s star star, that essentially
is going to be taking s star and pulling out the first
interval from s star and substituting it
with the first interval from my greedy
algorithms schedule. So I'm just going
to replace that, and so s star star is si1 fj1. And then I'm going to
be going back to sj2 fj2 because I'm going back to s
star and all the other ones are coming from s star. So they're going to be sj k star
plus 1 comma fj k star plus 1. So I just did a little
substitution there associated with the optimal
solution, and I stuck in part of the greedy
algorithm solution, in fact, the very
first schedule. AUDIENCE: So the 1 should be i1. SRINIVAS DEVADAS: Oh,
this should be-- i1, AUDIENCE: Right? SRINIVAS DEVADAS: i1, thank you. Yep, good. So we've got a couple of things
to do, a couple of observations to make, and we're going
to be able do prove some relationship
between k and k star that is going to give us
the proof for our claim. So clearly, s star
is also optimal. All I've done is
taken one interval out and replaced it
with another one. It hasn't changed the size. It goes up to k star plus 1, so
s double star is also optimal. s star is optimal. s
double star is optimal. Now I'm going to define L
prime as the set of intervals with s of i greater than
or equal to f of i1. So what is L prime? Well, L prime is what
happens in the second step of the greedy algorithm,
where in the second step of the greedy algorithm,
once I've selected this particular interval
and I've pull it in, I have to reject all of
the other intervals that are incompatible with this one. So I'm going to have to take
only those intervals for which s of i is greater than
or equal to f of i1 because those are the
ones that are compatible. So that's what L prime is. And I'm going to be able
to say that since s double star is optimal for L, s
double star 2 to k star plus 1 is optimal for L prime. So I'm making a statement
about this optimal solution. I know that's
optimal, and basically what I'm saying is subsets of
the optimal solution are going to have to be optimal because
if that's not the case, I could always substitute
something better and shrink the size of the k star plus
1 optimal solution, which obviously would be
a contradiction. So s double star
is optimal for L, and therefore s double
star 2 through k star plus 1 is optimal for L prime. Everybody buy that? Yep? Good. And so what this
means, of course, is that the optimal schedule
for L prime has k star size. And I'm starting with 2. I've taken away 1. So now I have L prime,
which is a smaller problem. Now you see where the proof is
headed, if you didn't already. I have a smaller problem,
which is L prime. Clearly, it's got
fewer requests, and I have constructed
an optimal schedule for that problem
by pulling it out of the original optimal
schedule I was given. And that size of that
optimal schedule is k star. And now I get to invoke
my inductive hypothesis because my inductive
hypothesis says that this claim that
I have up there holds for any set of
problems that have an optimal schedule
of size k star. That's what the inductive
hypothesis gives me. And so by the
inductive hypothesis, when I run the greedy
algorithm on L prime, I'm going to get sk
schedule of size k star. Now can you tell me, based
on what you see on the board, by construction, when I
run the greedy algorithm, what am I getting on L star? By construction, when I run the
greedy algorithm on L prime-- there's too many
superscripts here-- when I run the greedy algorithm
on L prime, what do I get? Someone? Yeah? AUDIENCE: We get s of i sub
2, s of i sub 2 interval. SRINIVAS DEVADAS:
Exactly right, I get everything from
the second thing here all the way to the
end because that's exactly what the greedy algorithm does. Remember, the greedy
algorithm picked si1 fi1, and then rejected all requests
that are incompatible and then move on. When you rejected all requests
that are incompatible here, you got exactly L prime. And by construction,
the greedy algorithm should have given me all
the way from si2 too sik. Thank you. So by construction,
the greedy on L prime gives s2 to k, right? And what is the size of this? 2 to k gives me a
size of k minus 1. This is k minus 1. So if I put these
two things together, what is the next step? I have the inductive
hypothesis giving me a fact. I have the construction
giving me something. Now I can relate k and k star. What's the relationship? k star is equal to
k minus 1, right? Do people see that? So size k star or
just k minus 1. So what that means is
given that s2k is a size k star, it means that s1k
is of size k star plus 1, which is exactly what I want. That's optimal because
I said in the beginning that we had k star plus 1 in our
inductive hypothesis this case as being the optimal solution. So this last step
here is all you need to argue now that s
of 1k, going back up here, this is optimal because
k equals k star plus 1. There you go, so that's the
kind of argument that you have to make in order to prove
something like this in 046. And what you'll see
in your problem sets, including the one that's
going to come out on Thursday, is that different
problem that you have to have proof for
a greedy algorithm for. I forget exactly
what technique you'll have used there,
perhaps induction, perhaps contradiction. And these are the
kinds of things that get you to the
point where you've analyzed the correctness
of algorithms, not just the fact that you're
getting a valid schedule, but you're getting a
valid maximum schedule in terms of the maximum
number of requests. Any questions about this? Do people buy the proof? Yep. Good. So that was greedy for
a particular problem. I told you that the
team of our lecture here was changing the
problem and getting different algorithms that
had different complexities. So let's go ahead and do that. So the rest of
this lecture, we'll just take a look at
different kinds of problems and talk a little more
superficially about what the problem complexities are. And so one thing that
might come to mind is that you'd like to do
weighted interval scheduling. And what happens here is
each request has weight wi, and what we want to do is
schedule a subset of requests with maximum weight. So previously, it was
just all weights were 1, so maximum cardinality
was what we wanted. But now we want to schedule
a subset of requests with maximum weight. Someone give me an argument as
to whether the greedy algorithm earliest finish time first is
optimal for this weighted case, or give me a counter example. Yep, go ahead. AUDIENCE: Oh, well, you
know like your first example you have your first weight
of the first interval, it took the whole
time, [INAUDIBLE] would have three smaller ones? Well, if the weight of the
first one was 20 and then-- SRINIVAS DEVADAS:
Exactly, exactly right. All right, I owe you one too. So here you go. So it's a fairly
trivial example. All you do is w equals 1,
w equals 1, w equals 3, so there you go. So clearly, the
earliest finish time would pick this one and then
this one, which is fine. You get two of these,
but this was important. This is, I don't know,
sleep party, 6046. [LAUGHTER] So there you go. So the weight it is, we
should make that infinity. Most important thing
in the world at least for the next six months. So how does this work now? So it turns out that
the greedy strategy, the template that I had, fails. There's nothing that
exists on this planet that, at least I know of, where
you can have a simple rule and use that template to get the
optimum solution, in this case, maximum weight solution,
for every problem instance, so that template just fails. What other programming
paradigm do you think would be useful here? Yeah, go ahead. AUDIENCE: DP. SRINIVAS DEVADAS: DP, right. So do you want to take a stab
at a potential DP solution here? AUDIENCE: Yeah, so either
include it in your [INAUDIBLE] or discard it and then continue
with set of other intervals. SRINIVAS DEVADAS: Yeah, that's
a perfect divide and conquer. And then when you include
it, what do you have to do? AUDIENCE: Eliminate all
conflicting intervals. SRINIVAS DEVADAS: Right,
how many subproblems do you think there are. I want to make you own
your Frisbee, right? [LAUGHTER] AUDIENCE: 2 to the power
of the number of intervals you have because-- SRINIVAS DEVADAS: Well,
that's a number of subsets that you have. So you have n
intervals, then you have two [INAUDIBLE] subsets. AUDIENCE: Yeah. SRINIVAS DEVADAS:
But remember, you want to go-- you want to be
smarter than that, right? You want to be a little
bit smarter than that. So here, you get
a Frisbee anyway. [LAUGHTER] No, not anyway, here you go. Right. So anybody else? So what I want to use
is dynamic programming. We've established that. I want to use
dynamic programming. And the dynamic programming--
you have some experience with that in 006-- the name of the
game is to figure out what the subproblems are. The subproblems
are kind of going to look like a
collection of requests. I mean, there's no
two things about it. They're going to be a
collection of requests, and so the challenge here is
not to go to the 2 raised to n, because 2 raised to n is
bad if you want efficiency. So we have to have a polynomial
number of subproblems. So someone who hasn't
answered yet, go ahead. AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] so
[INAUDIBLE] subset [INAUDIBLE] So from interval i to
So you're looking at every pair of i's and j's,
and, well, not all of them are going to be valid. There won't be intervals
associated with that, but that's a reasonable start. Someone else, someone
who hasn't answered? Yeah, back there. AUDIENCE: You could
go the best term to start to some even point,
and so there'd n of those. SRINIVAS DEVADAS: Ah, best from
the start to any given point. All right, well, you
got close, Michael. There you go. You need to stand up. Ew, bad throw. That's a bad throw. I've got to practice. OK, so as you can see
with dynamic programming, the challenge is to figure
out what the subproblems are. The fact of the
matter is that there's going to be many different
possible algorithms that are all DP for this
weighted problem. There's at least two
interesting ones. We're going to do a simple one,
which is based on the answer that the gentleman
here just gave. But it turns out you can be
a little smarter than that, and most likely you'll hear
the smarter way in the section, but let's do the simple
one because that's all I have time here for. And the key is to
define the subproblems, and then once you do that,
the actual recursion ends up being a fairly straightforward
and intuitive step. So let's look at dynamic
programming, one particular way of solving this problem,
using the DP paradigm. So what I'm going to do is
define subproblems R star, so R is the total number
of requests that we have, and the subproblems
are going to correspond to-- I'm going to request
j belonging to R such that-- oh, I'm sorry. This is R of x-- such that sj
is greater than or equal to x. So what I'm doing here
is, given a particular x, I can always shrink
the number of requests that I have based on this rule. And then you might
ask, what is x? And now you can apply the
same subsetting property by choosing the x's to be
the finishing times of all of the other requests. All right, so x equals f of i. So what this means is-- then
I put f of i over here-- it means all of
the requests that come after the i-th request
finished our part of R of fi. So R of fi would simply be
requests later than f of i. And there's something subtle
here that I want to point out, which is R of fi is
not the set of requests that are compatible
with the i-th request. It's not exactly that. It's the set of requests
that are later than f of i. So keep that in mind
because what happens here is we're going to solve
this problem step by step. We're going to construct the
dynamic programming solution essentially by
picking a request, just like in the greedy
case, and then taking the request that
comes after that. So we're going to
pick an early request, and then we're going
to subset the solution, pick the next one just like
we did with the greedy. And so the subproblems
that we will actually solve potentially bottom up
if we are doing recursion are going to correspond to a
set of requests that come later than the particular subset
that we're looking at, which is defined by a
particular interval. So requests that are later
than f of i, not necessarily all of the requests
that are compatible with the i-th request. And so if you do that, then
the number of subproblems here are small n, where n
is the number of requests. So if n is the
number of requests in the original problem,
the number of sub problems equals n because all I do
is plug-in an appropriate i, find f of i for it, and
generate the R of f of i for each of those. So there's going to be
n of those subproblems. And we're going to solve
each subproblem once and then memoize. And so the work
that we have to do is the basic rule corresponding
to the complexity of a DP, which is number of
subproblems times the time to solve each subproblem,
or a single subproblem, and this assumes
order 1 for lookups. So you can think of
the recursive calls as being order 1
because your assuming you're doing memoization. So I haven't really told
you anything here that you haven't seen in 006 and likely
applied a bunch of times. Over here, we've just defined
what our subproblems are for our particular
DP, and we argued that the number of
subproblems that are associated with
this particular choice of subproblems
corresponds to n if you have n requests in the
original problem instance that you've given. So the last thing that we have
to do here to solve our DP is, of course, to
write our recursion and to convince ourselves
that this actually all works out, and let's do that. And so what we have
here is our DP guessing. And we're going to
try each request i as a plausible first request,
and so that's where this works. You might be thinking,
boy, I mean, this R of fi looks a little strange. Why doesn't it include
all of the requests that are compatible with
the i-th request? I mean, I'm somehow shrinking
my subsequent problem size if I'm ignoring
some requests that are earlier that really
should be part of-- or are part of the
compatible set, but they're not part
of the R of fi set. And so some of you
may be thinking that, well, the reason this
is going to work out is because we are
going to construct our solution, as I said before,
from the beginning to the end. So we're going to
try each request as a plausible first request. So even though this request
might be in our chart all the way to the right,
it might have a huge weight, and so I'm going to have to try
that out as my first selection. And when I try that out
as my first selection, then the definition
of my subproblem says that this will work. I only have to look
at the request that comes later than that because
the ones that came the earlier, I've tried them out too. So that's something that you
need to keep in mind in order to argue correctness
of this recursion that I'm going to write out now. And so the recursion, and I have
opt R, what is the first thing that I'm going to have
on the right-hand side of this recursive formulation? What mathematical construct
am I going to have to do here? And you see something like
guessing and seeing something like try each request as
a possible first, what mathematical construct am I
going to have to put up here? AUDIENCE: Max. SRINIVAS DEVADAS:
Max, who said max? No one wants to
take credit for max? It's max, right? So I'm going to have max 1
less than equal to i less than or equal to n. And I'm going to-- does
someone want to tell me what the rest of this looks like? Someone else? A couple Frisbees left, guys. [LAUGHTER] What does the rest
of this look like? Yep? AUDIENCE: 1 plus
the optimal R f of-- SRINIVAS DEVADAS:
Not 1, just what kind of problem do we have here? It's not 1 anymore. AUDIENCE: Oh-- SRINIVAS DEVADAS: The weight. AUDIENCE: Right. SRINIVAS DEVADAS: The
weight, yep, so Wi plus the optimal R fi. OK, so we got Wi plus
optimum of R of fi. And you said "1," close enough. If it was 1, you'd use greedy. And so that's why we
were in that Wi mode, and we end up getting this here. So that's it. You try every request
as a possible first. Obviously, you pick
that request so it's part of your weight in terms of
the weight for your solution. When you do that, because
it was the first request, you get to prune
the set of requests that come later corresponding
to R of fi that you see here. And then you go
ahead and simply find the optimum for a
smaller problem, clearly has fewer requests. And as long as you maximize
over the set of guesses that you've taken, and there's
n guesses up at the top level. Obviously in the
lower levels, you're going to have fewer requests
in your R of fi's, and you'll have fewer durations of the max,
but it's n at the top level. So one last question,
what is the complexity of what we see here? AUDIENCE: n square. SRINIVAS DEVADAS: n square, and
the reason it's n square is you simply use-- you can be
really mechanical about this-- you say, if this was order 1,
I'm doing a max over n items. And therefore, that's order n
time to solve one subproblem. And since I have n subproblems,
I get n times order in, which is order n squared. So the last thing I'll do-- and
I just have one more minute-- is give you a sense of a small
change to interval scheduling that puts us in that
NP complete domain. So so far, we've just
done two problems. There's many others. We did interval scheduling. There was greedy linear time. Weighted interval
scheduling is order n squared according to this
particular DP formulation. It turns out there's a
smarter DP formulation that runs an order n log
n time that you'll hear about in section on Friday,
but it's still polynomial time. Let's make one reasonable
change to this, which is to say that we may
have multiple resources, and they may be non identical. So it turns out everything that
we've done kind of extrapolates very well to identical
machines, even though there's many identical machines. But if you have
non-identical machines, what that means is you have
resources or machines that have different types. So maybe your
machines are T1 to Tm. And it's essentially
a situation where you say, this
particular task can only be run on this machine
or this other machines, some subset of machines. So you can still have a
weight of 1 for all requests, but you have something like
A of i belonging subset of T is a set of machines
that i runs on. OK, that's it. That's the change we make. Q of i is going to be
specified for each of the i's. So you could even
have two machines. And you could say, here's
a set of requests that could run on both machines. Here's a set that only
runs on the first machine, and here's another set that
runs on the second machine. That's a simple example
of this generalization. If you do this, this problem has
been shown to be NP complete. And by that I mean, NP complete
problems are decision problems. And so you say, can some
specific number k less than and requests be scheduled. This decision problem
is NP complete. And so what happens when you
have NP complete problems? Well, we're going to have a
little module in the class that deals with intractability. We're going to
look at cases where we could apply
approximation algorithms, and maybe in the case of
the optimization problem, if the optimum for
this is k star, I will say that we can
get within 10% of k star. The other way is to just
deal with intractability by hoping that your
exponential time algorithm runs in a
reasonable amount of time for common cases. So in the worst case, you might
end up taking a long time. But you just sort of
back off after an hour and take what you get from
the operative algorithm. But in many cases, the algorithm
might actually complete, and they give you
the optimum solution. So done here. Make sure to sign up for
a recitation section. And see you guys next time.