16ShotEm Calls In To Check Flakko For Calling Him a Bum!

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I got two questions can I can I be in your game and can I beta test it with you yeah yeah sure yeah yeah man feel me yeah but definitely man I want like early access to this and yeah that be Sicky get game well I'll get paid that's a white man mentality but okay yeah no no man no but listen No but I know the no jumper Community is going to get behind this game and I know as soon as we launch 100,000 people people is going to be playing this game you feel me I'm not going to lie Flo I kind of see the appeal in this I think you're going to have people who want to play as you and you know beat the game but I think there's going to be a lot of people who just want to play as you and get you beat up yeah right now listen though right oh that's a good game actually cuz you know so many people probably want to like just smack you in real life so just make a video game where it's just you on a phone and people just smack you and then next thing you know he's calling the cops and that's the video game it's but you got to call the cops within 3 seconds listen that is cool do we have to be the police I can't be the police yeah we can be I can be care about people yeah right so right so like what I'm trying to do right is like you can buy like a Hellcat skim right so what like so what like a skim is is like they play as Hellcat you feel me or bu like a Josh skin or bu like a Adam skin you feel me now skin yeah skin sorry again I don't know nothing about gaming they just right so but but now but now but now but now here's the thing though you feel me I feel like the hardest person to convince the sign over their name of likeness would probably be Adam feel me oh he's not but I think that you could get some of your enemies to sign off on this hell no man [ __ ] them [ __ ] man listen you don't want 16 in your game bro one [ __ ] 16 should be the final boss at the end that you have to beat one [ __ ] that [ __ ] uh what do you want to do [ __ ] up his weight no two bro bro listen man like he's listen like like he's like a guy bro where like and he's the prime example man of why bro like when you get on here just be just a good genuine person just [ __ ] with everybody right you feel me don't get too bigheaded bro and you'll be straight you feel me but when you get on and you start hating on everybody and start trying to like you feel me trying to like like like um and you think he hated on you that's not how it came off no no no no no no I don't think he hated on no wait no right me listen me and him like and have issues right but how his wave ended was you think his wave ended I don't think it's ended his videos are still doing good oh oh watch look let's pull it oh oh listen look watch this right now but honestly that energy you're using right now to pull up his channel you could be using to pull up your own channel and say look how great my channel is instead of this negativity that's happening right now look look look look look right look look right look look and he has one 2 3 4 five 6 7 eight videos right just just in the last like 45 days that has that that d d do that hurt you Dad no no no no no no no no look you stay up at night and get mad no no no right right look though and he has seven to eight videos in the last last 45 days that has under a th000 views I'm saying that's a [ __ ] who clearly the wave is over with who do you think you keep up with more other people's channels or your own huh do you feel like you're very competitive cuz it seems like you watch other people's channels more than your own no no no no no no no no and he's a bum right like he's a Pon right how so he he has eight views sorry eight videos under a th000 views meaning this right there's not a video I can drop in life right from this point forward that's going to get under 5,000 views under 10,000 view you bullying a [ __ ] at this point no no right look though right so look and and and he had a wave and he was on and then instead of like embracing like the djus and other people right he started to hate on them right box them out right attack them and online and now those people they they've all came and surpassed them and now he's the last [ __ ] that's kind of like on like the ground level The Underground Level the surface level and it's kind of like damn bro like if you was just like a good [ __ ] and [ __ ] with everybody right if you feel me right and had no ego you would have been somebody bro like who would been like the OG of these new wave [ __ ] right but you hate it on them you attack them you you like talk you feel just m [ __ ] about them right and try to boxed them out and now they all came and passed you and now you're like you feel me R so him bro I just feel like bro like even beefing with him is too much service with him right because he's somebody bro where he like he like he's doing nothing right now you feel me man so yeah bro Josh I would never put put him in in my [ __ ] or even a address the [ __ ] you feel me cuz you know you know he's a bum man do you think if you made a video right right now of the five reasons you like Hellcat on your channel title it that way you'll get more than 5,000 views absolutely I want like a simple non uh non-combative you know easy opinion video because I feel like most of the stuff you do yeah is strategically done where it's going to create controversy it's don't s you know you are good at what you do but I you just say you can put any video out listen Josh look right Josh look that's pretty confident Josh look right look right look Josh look I can post poop or hay can you do that or hello do a video about hay give like a breakdown of hay different types of hay origins of it how would that benefit me but that's likeing but you know what no I just want you to prove your point though you know maybe he's not making videos as salacious as yours maybe he's not doing the same type of content he does it worse oh bro tell me about B me um listen bro bro listen and he and he interviews the same five [ __ ] to tell the same two story but let me ask you a question so does that make me a bum because I have a big channel right and I keep getting my page deleted damn homie 11 and right now I'm Shadow ban so let's say I post a skit I could get a th000 views right now does that make me a bum no that means someone's [ __ ] with me that means someone who's a [ __ ] loser that had someone pay off to get my page taken out does that make me a bum them cuz by your example you're basically saying that I'm a bum because what if I get less than a thousand views you're yo what the [ __ ] going on man not um I don't know if you're watching but what hey tell him he's he's a bum how is he a bum though who is it yeah again though and he gets no views um he does nothing he's heard spit on you and now I'm a bum and all this go bro you don't got no issue with me we just at Adam birthday party I'm seeing you you ain't do [ __ ] just let it go you making this [ __ ] look way worse you the same [ __ ] though who was again though he was on clubhouse and that's the same [ __ ] though in on clubhouse telling everybody yo when I see Flo I'mma slap him when you see me I don't want to go to jail you tuck your tail duck your head and kept walking right me he just said he don't want to slap you he said he just said ja I mean do you promise if he slaps you you won't call the police you promise I I will [ __ ] him up and call the police for me I will [ __ ] him up and call the police he going to [ __ ] you up and call the police now we need you to promise you're not going to call the police I will [ __ ] him up and call the police you [ __ ] him up if you've never been in one fight [ __ ] him up listen he's my enemy a no R slap he's my enemy in rules to this [ __ ] right enemy why why is he what is he done you he [ __ ] your mother why is he what he done sure look what has he done look look look right he know what happened wait wait so one so one he he came in this bit like Cloud chasing right he came here Cloud chasing you feel me right two after that moment I let it go and then he went on like Clubhouse Cloud chasing some more so I said okay cool how is he CL how is he CL chinging he does the thing wear no Clubhouse cloud chaser it's just [ __ ] SP on how are you a cloud chaser but you guys do the same thing right so how is he a cloud chaser how what do you mean how but sh if something happened and we let it go if a [ __ ] let he's been let her go he's been let her go but you're uninformed though I am very informed no your ass if he's been on clubhouse routinely talking [ __ ] about me right bring it up he's a clout Chaser listen 16 knows right that without flco nobody gives a [ __ ] about him right is that what it is yeah of course listen give a [ __ ] I give a Fu how a th000 views in two months he's a [ __ ] I mean when you have somebody stopping your channel who bro who you can't blame FL over my but that's why I'm saying it's a perfect example my Channel right now Shadow B does that but okay who stoping him though huh but okay who stoping his channel I still am who I am who stopping his channel though come come on how I'm not going to I don't need to say no name who are you just saying he'll bom [ __ ] him anyway for trying to spit on you he'll listen before I spit on you listen R look he's a bum right again he's a bum list right he's a bum he does nothing he's a bum BR bro listen bro you're a bum bro listen bro you fail that life right you get no money your channel is done my [ __ ] right it's okay he failed at go away he failed at he's linking me after this he's definitely not failing go away gracely bro you are now irrelevant it's okay bro you trick yourself opposition my [ __ ] is cool you feel me you get no numbers now right you feel me bro listen bro you bro again he was hot at some point right right again he was the man at some point he was the [ __ ] at some point ites spit on you though what was so serious anyway we're still Ling after this oh sure right right look right so look so look right so look so and he's the dude right and who came thinking he was tough right you feel me right I just think when it comes to beef you see how this negativity has been around for 2 years I think Let It Go losing but it's like bro say if I don't like someone [ __ ] him why can't you just say [ __ ] him and keep it moving like I feel like you still you're uninformed about how this keep going up no but I'm informed he's the person keeping it going he's the person right wait though he's the person who keeps it going when I let it go he's the one who went on on the [ __ ] Clubhouse to keep it going he's the person when my channel was was hacked he's the one who took to Instagram yesterday right I did a whole day press celebrating this [ __ ] right so I'll let it go because because he's a bum ass [ __ ] who don't got [ __ ] going on for himself right he has no money like again and no Channel no business no nothing right he just a bum broke [ __ ] no wait no no no wait though right no but you said off it's like we got it you think he's a you don't like lie though right wait though wait you can't lie because you said right that I'm keeping it going that I'm the reason I'm tell I'm not a liar but you just lie though one thing I don't do is lie and that you said though that I never no no no I'm asking cuz you're saying just I just want to know why my friends are beefing but wait though right so you said I'm very informed on how this [ __ ] went oh I you meant in general I'm informed I thought you were saying in general I'm uned in general I'm very informed about everything and he's the Thirsty cloud chaser and who believes I don't think anyone that is does what we do is a cloud chaser that's like calling me a cloud chaser I'm not a Cloudchaser would you say I'm a cloud chaser but be honest do you think you tell me you watched you did a whole reaction no would you call me a cloud chaser now for defending myself this morning this morning this morning is that not a cloud chaser right there that's a cloud chaser this man was literally sucking dick to be up here after talking [ __ ] about no jumper compa want to come here and crash out for no jumper after talking [ __ ] that's a cloud chaser let's talk about this now
Channel: No Jumper Clips
Views: 51,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: No Jumper podcast, No jumper interview, No jumper Adam22, Adam22 interview, no jumper clips, no jumper tiktok, viral clips, no jumper reacts, no jumper beef, no jumper news, akademiks, joe budden, art of dialogue, vlatd tv, barstool, drink champs, shannon sharpe
Id: emG7hXN4aiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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