160hp bone stock 6BT 5.9 Cummins tear down getting it ready to drop in an OBS Ford

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] welcome back to CNC equipment's YouTube channel what do we have going on today Tucker well we got a best friend sandwich for start look hey bub oh bailed out on us Tucker what are we doing motor swap motor swap what are we doing are you stealing are you stealing my 2wd Dodge truck out here borrowing it and may or may not be giving it back over so you guys may have seen that little teaser clip we had a uh we got a 97 F350 crew cab Tucker's wanting to build the ultimate girlfriend oh boy horse regular Towing rig that's super reliable we'll get into the details here in a minute but uh Tucker stealing my motor out of this truck this is a very clean two whe drive Dodge truck let's pop the hood on this dude need a motor so if you guys know I bought a couple first gen Dodge trucks a while back yeah look at that look at this beautiful we've got the big 12 valve 160 horsepower 400 ftlb of torque yeah they were proud of that back in 1992 I don't might as well take that off so plans are we're going to take this 12 valve cumins all mechanical diesel stick it in 97 Ford Tuckers even took a 5speed transmission out of one of these jungle trucks I'll thr way over there yeah I'll throw a little clip of that he did that a couple weekends ago so we're going to build the ultimate super reliable what Ford should have done truck right just get rid of all that Ford get rid of all the inside Parts but first thing we're going to do is get this motor pulled out first thing we need to do like we always do in our truck builds make sure she does a good burnout I'm going to blow the motor up before I even get the put go fire it up we got to make sure it's a good one how many miles is on this truck she's full of clean oil we were looking in the glove box there's a lot of records from uh California on this truck right mhm MH yep only got one battery too that's all but you don't need no heat everybody get in got my arm out I'm ready for you I don't like sitting so close to cin why not I get creeper Vibes creeper Vibes we're a happy family this is back when they made trucks bud that's right you might one yeah there you go let's just safety first okay here we go are we stuck uh-oh all the power this is how much power your truck's going to have that's ay did you say ultimate Towing rig yeah I think I think G diesel is going to hook this up oh okay I'm used to no power anyway don't worry about it this is a nice truck 138,000 miles I almost feel bad taking it out of it take the over drive off made that fourth gear yeah okay we'll go down the road and get it warmed up look at that nice Dodge truck woo you ready to see what 160 horsepowers like Bud hold on hang on watch your neck hold your neck oh she's on the floor this has more power than my truck it does oh oh hey sh the big shift you should probably just keep this should we s it over the railroad tracks no better not go drop the whole the whole will drop well you can tell it's got way more torque than your green truck so yeah Tucker you guys have probably seen Tucker has a very nice green crew cab that was my dad's truck but he doesn't want to mess it up which I don't blame him not okay we can shift man when that thing locks up she goes there's your 400 footb lock locks her up Bub hits like warp speed oh yeah here it comes get ready so pad oh I'm engaged okay there we go you got to let off of a little bit and get that overdrive to come in oh my are you sure about this it's just as strous okay it' be all right okay we're to the turn around we had to pause the video it took so long there's a car around the corner but where just right I mean we got to come oh God dang no you ain't going to get that one I got her drop down first by by the time you get up I'm going to shift this dude manually so we get somewhere oh God we've learned we've learned a lot of things about this truck the first thing is don't there we go here oh yeah you just got to wait about 30 seconds yeah all right I don't know if it's going to do a burnout but we'll get oh don't get too hard on the brakes yeah so the SP D's not working I'll reset the trip D there see if that see if it rolls over in she got a tire out of bounds it's falling off we end up in the G that may not be good May or not what's falling off here it'll be all right just keep hit is it smoking at all no oh God is the tire coming apart oh boy she's a Shaker she is she's she's not happy another reason to give a a burn out I think it Bel come loose in the tire I'm going go ahead and take the overdrive off now we're going to slow back down and head back to the shop okay boys spill it up get a little Bish uh [Applause] hey bub I think I figured out where it's shiming it's over here at this tire I think we lost it oh my I'm surprised the old Dodge had it in it uhoh cops run hey your truck can't do that so Tucker has a 94 F350 with a 7.3 IDI turbo yeah it goes on paper it has more power and torque no but by the seat of the pants this thing smokes it you can tell oh yeah it's a ID hey let let her cool down for just a sec now's a good time to work on it yeah yeah for sure she's not even warm that's the beauty of a diesel feel that yeah we've been out there Kevin's done how many duts have we done well we found out that the passenger front the right front brakes locked up might be locked up that's why the tire looks let's let's show them the truck that this motor is going in Tucker so we got a 97 F350 come out of California super clean spotless ice got some ice in there clean body no rust nothing like that so this has a 460 automatic in it but uh we're going to uh or you're going to I've already had to rip like three door panels off of it he's been working on it some so goal is we're going to pull that motor out trck truck we'll go through the motor we've teamed up with area Diesel Service they're going to work on injection pump for us and uh get us some injectors bigger turbo and uh we also teamed up with diesel conversion specialist so have more on that stuff in a bit Two Step how'd you feel about 160 horsepower I was not bad actually I was almost converted almost the whistle got me punt kids there's that Breck dragon all right okay Hood's off all the Freedom's ready to come out right we just need some upski got that uh what did you gave the old Dodge any sedative or anything before you put her out you were a good Dodge that's what you call a c it's the C it marks its territory what error I think we got it need to plug her in all right underneath this truck I've not seen a Dodge truck that's clean for a long time if anybody out there's looking for a nice clean cab hit us up that thing is why does this look way this looks way more simpler than that stupid transmission over there things were simpler back in the day apparently so Tucker's got this five-speed that you took out the zf5 that we're going to put behind the Cummins go ahead and start ripping that one out Bubby yeah this bed is like spotless under here now the bed does have some damage back here I don't if I had a tire blow up probably from doing burnouts speed burs look at all the chunks of rubber look at this back here Kevin this is crazy I know how clean it is I can say my old Dodge didn't look like that my new Dodge doesn't look like that anybody's looking for a truck hit us up sales at CC surplus.com I will sell the truck um especially by the time this video comes out so you guys are looking for a good shill close to Halloween what's the matter with you oh got all thick blood she's a bleeder good work boys good work all thing is you go up there good work brother show his boss careful you don't lift that whole truck up man okay your getting ready to leave the track a maybe Jack her up just a wee bit go ahead Tucker one good Chi chick got one boat left that's good I got two over here oh but the one's not really in there yeah you want the power tools no I'm give me the power tools we're in the 1900s where's that extension how do you want me to do it on this one down here this the big one big wobble I've got a hole right through here yeah but why put her on there and let her rip you got a hold of the transmission everybody was waiting okay that's all you don't need those bolts no more [Applause] oh uh we got to we got to unhook this here shift linkage here boys and girls one fresh hot trainy coming out let's get that pan back this a weave it ready for to go downtown just a little bit she's a leak he's coming down oh that's nice not my Dodge truck you ready to come down the dipsticks getting that's B oh look at that big flex plate holding back all that power your dip stick's actually like CP on [Music] me just say not my dipstick that's right bye-bye DOD Shany it was good knowing you it did a good burnout though this transmission it's still warm transmission's fairly new or mhm 2017 on that torque converter anybody needs a good two wheel drive overdrive transmission we got her darker we're starting to rain today partly cloudy out yeah we made it all cloudy earlier with the burnout see now it's raining that's how it works I you got acid [Laughter] R keep up the good work bub oh she [Music] comes we can only help pull the hard out the old Dodge the only thing the Dodge had going for you're taking it out not she she's got a clean body look at that front end bub that Grill's worth Dodge always look like a big old catfish coming down the road maybe we should put that on the wall oh for keep sake all right motor time all right put that in the bed keep in mind you're probably going to put the train in there too so that way it won't freeze and bust hey I'll get this don't good job Kevin oh I this don't want to grab a hold that cuz it's still hook to it over there on your side come up out of the other Mountain [Applause] [Music] come back straight up straight up straight back there [Music] go go up a little [Applause] [Music] bit still up you all right over there [Applause] [Music] yeah not to hit that [Music] Char you all right [Applause] now no I'm good slow in Reverse how you [Music] [Applause] go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's you all right go ahead and back up a little bit hit the cow a [Applause] [Music] little now you can go up [Applause] there she is one Dodge motor out of the truck they're uh so we're going to probably take this thing apart and go through it and uh we're going to put seals in at least probably head stud in it we're going to do a bunch of stuff we'll go through that later on but kind of old if it looks like it needs some new pistons and stuff we'll probably put those in there too but we're going to get this motor mount off we're going to make an adapter plate to fit our engine stand because we don't have one for the comings yet and we get her on there hey Bub we putting her back iny let's see little bit you you make Papa proud woo most part I mean a I think it'll be all right we just take this throw it in the trash Oh we can put this one on this forklift yeah yeah I heard this turbo is way smaller on this forklift M okay your daddy's cutting something out over there let's go see what he's doing did you fall down Tucker no I'm Randy you're Randy yeah did you wash your greasy motor off mhm it looks pretty good other and Kevin touched it and got grease on his face I should probably weld on the other side of it too weld her up bud you don't want your motor phone on the floor so we got these custom ad adapter kit it's going to bolt on the side of the block right over here right here in the motor mount bolt holes ready to see how good your welds are didn't weld it that he didn't weld it that good that's refreshing let her down Chuck it's there it didn't break is he even on show it what it's made of I don't want to give it to Herky liner yeah maybe not oh all right come on water oh I mean oil say not yet oh look at it it's perfect is it metal sparkly no looks pretty clean fun okay for me it's fun I don't want nothing I don't want none nothing Ducker if you boost it it will grow what what we need more boost bub yeah that's right did you see that smile going for did you see that smile he said we're going to send a rod to God baby come on oh man on the blad no balls did y'all see Forest Gump Forest Gump was just here just here see if he can get him where is he come on oh I found forest forest what's your name I'm named Forest Gump just running I deliver parks at the night that funny we'll see what's video you shooting for right now oh we're going to be doing a Dodge to Ford okay did you just find your hero I did he said he watches too so he'll be ready for it watches our Channel yep oh yeah he's ready all a Napp guys do he'll be waiting till Christmas time he caught my eye the second I saw it all right we got her stripped down we ready to pick the head up grab a hole that head there you got her going up we pulled the injectors out already set it right over there all right as expected it looks uh almost like brand new don't it we got good cross-hatching no scoring so uh yeah I don't know if we need to mess with that part of it we'll see that's up to you what you want to do I don't know we can get uh kits real cheap but uh I say we get this injection pump off be to do that I mean it's not too big a deal get the injection pump off so we're going to put new seals in anyway we got to get to this gasket so we got to take this front cover off I know the cam has to come off and they got the killer Dow pin in there you know what that is the no KDP I'll show you that later figure it out all right we'll get the front off front cover and then we'll take oil pan off we'll bring you guys back in here are we all on time yeah was one thing I preach about all the time is getting everything on time taking a picture of it before you take it apart Kevin had the engine turned on where the number one and number six was flat but everything was out 180 so we had to spend around again have all the timing marks up so we just verify everything I pretty much know how those go but uh gives Tucker a good idea but while I was down here inspecting things there's a pretty major piece that's missing you guys have worked on these engines you know they have what they call the killer Dow pin so there's a dow pin that goes in this hole that aligns this aluminum cover up from the factory over time they found out these will rattle loose and when they do they'll fall down in here now if you're lucky they fall in the oil pan they're real bad to go through the gear train and bust everything now this one is missing so somebody's either took it out or it's down in the bottom a lot of times I'll take a punch and seat those where they can't come out or they do make a piece that uh locks out in too so my guess is if this oil Pan's not been off this motor it's probably laying down in there Kevin Tucker's getting ready to pull the injection pump off next is that right I'm trying to get this dip stick off I'd probably just leave that on there why in my way um we're going to send it off to area Diesel and they're going to work their magic on that thing I think they're hooking us up with a set of injectors and a new turbo but that will probably be in the next video Turbo all right we spun the engine over all the lifters are hanging down now which means that the cam can come out and the reason we're taking the cam out I said before there's a gasket in there the only way to get that gasket is pull the cam shaft out Kevin thinks we're bigger can did you get your retainers out retainer loose out now you you can pull that out oh there goes that there goes your retainer put your bolts with it broken now it's going to sound like a little Su Chef over here are you pulling the top off or we taking the cam out first let's do the top first what's under door number one I don't know it's scary clean diesel performance what she look like where's my thingy at there is one not bad for a 31y old truck what's this Dow pin did you see it find it I'm sure the motor would have already been grenaded if it was in there motor's clean looking ain't it oh what's what's that is that metal is yummy that's great it is a chunk of metal oh now we got find way I think well could have been from that front cover if it exploded once we'll do a little further investigation you going to pull your cam out go ahead and pull it out so you got to be real careful it's going to be real heavy back through here you don't want to Nick the bearings like that I see there's actually only one bearing at the front the rest of them are just in the block if I remember right it's just how's it supposed to come out you got to push down on it pull out you what accidentally drop it so I can get a new cam great idea which way I need to go don't be mad if I drop it on purpose you got it all right Mr Tucker got some beautiful um here's the Dow pin I was talking about this thing fell out of the engine a while ago got extremely luckily whoever had this truck so this Dow pin was in here you guys remember seeing all those gears so this thing fell out and you can see where it hit right there then it bounced around in there hit there even has a couple teeth mark on it right there so it's bounced around and luckily it fell back down into the pan uh we checked the cam gear it looks good we need to check the crank gear here Kevin you guys are about to reull that cover off aren't you careful there's a couple more Dows in there oh somebody got extremely lucky that piece fell in the pan like that this other little piece that we found is just a little piece of plastic in the pan that may be from manufacturing or something like that but that's nothing major but this here could have destroyed that front cover for sure so there you go you guys are ever in these things make sure you can either take a punch and retain those just kind of punch that in there so it don't fall out or get you a uh they make a little plate that goes over that too so no cracks in that or anything it wasn't pouring oil out or anything got lucky for sure I'm not see that's what this would have looked like originally sticking in that aluminum cover mhm that lines up so crazy isn't it little piece can ruin engine all right we got a main bearing out these things are looking like brand new and they appear to be the original all standard but uh a little bit of minor scuffing but that's it and I've seen engines with a few hundred hours look like that on them so we're going to put that back in there crank looks perfect and we're going to check a rod bearing but I don't see no reason to uh take that motor apart unless you're just wanting to I'm good there's no point if you don't need to that's pretty that's why these engines run from there they're made made out of good stuff for sure so we'll put that back on there all right Tucker got the main cap torque back down we took a rod cap off that crank is looking like brand new bearings look excellent all original we're going to put her back together and leave the rotating assembly alone those cylinders look awesome we're not going to touch any that stuff so this motor has been taking care of me and Kevin was talking about how clean the oil is it's not all black they've kept up their oil changes being it's a two wheel drive truck I'd say something Popa bought it brand new and that was his baby doll Tucker how do you feel about it some thanks for saving it for me I think you found a good one we're getting ready to check the Inplay on the crank we're going to put this back together here first well well we have a whole assortment of Parts Cam's looking good um only thing we've seen a little issue with these lifters had a little bit of pitting on them more than we'd like to see so we're probably going to get some new lifters we did pop out a couple valves while ago they look perfect like say whoever's had this motor has took care of it and baby it for sure so the fuel pump has never injection pumps never been messed with you can tell um cylinders are looking awesome the bearings look awesome we measured the Cam Bearing here it's all in Spec in playay is good so we're going to leave that alone we're just going to clean that up get new seals and stuff in that what do you think I'm very thankful condition yeah it's not that we couldn't get it fixed but even inside where the oil cooler is there's no pitting inside there they've kept good coolant and stuff in it so I'm very happy with what we see for sure so oh my now we got a whole lot of parts to order better get your wallet out bud I don't know so uh we're going to get a big old laundry list together we're going to send that pump off to area Diesel Service they're going to help us out with that um we're going to get some new lifters I think we're going to head St it right in case you get a little carried away with your turbo so we're going to get a whole bunch of stuff we're going to get a little bigger fuel pump lift pump for that and uh seal kit and all that good stuff so what do you think we got a lot of parts to order it's going to take a while oh boy it's time away from the girlfriend time to go up here tonight or not well we'll see anyway we appreciate everybody watching make sure you go down below and leave a comment for Tucker and make sure you go hit that thumbs up button so we can keep doing videos like this right helps pay for these projects we can keep doing them yeah as always we appreciate everybody watching and uh got any comments or anything let us know down below uh next video coming out I will probably be putting this motor back together huh mhm what color are you painting it it used to be tan cumins is red now I think decisions decisions the T might look better originally it was Tan in fact right here's the color it was Dodge painted in Black com's beige don't like it don't listen to him anyway we'll catch you guys next [Applause] time
Channel: C&C Equipment
Views: 68,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Deere, John deere, forestry, construction, tractor, winch, 700j, 700k, c&c equipment, ccequipment, ccsurplus, nashville indiana, letsdig18, dirtperfect, loggerwade, diesel brothers, heavyd, dieselcreek, carnage, repair, transmission, hydro, hydrostatic, rebuilt, pumps, calibrate, john deere, 455g, 555G, crawler loader, track, loader, 4n1, highlift, 977, will it start, will it run, recovery, rescue, wrecker, peterbilt, 389, trail eze, powerstroke, diesel, turbo, area diesel service, caterpillar d7f, Het, M1070, military
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 51sec (2271 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2023
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