16 Personalities as Avatar: The Last Airbender Moments! 😍 | ATLA (out of context) | MBTI memes

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got a bald head some nice tattoos you're going to fit in real well around here [Music] how am i gonna find him uncle he is clearly a master of evasive maneuvering you have no idea where you're going do you well i know it's near water i guess we're getting close then [Music] yes we've defeated you for all time you will never rise from the ashes of your shame and humiliation well that was fun how do you like the city so far it's okay what do you like to do for fun nothing i know something that's gonna make you feel better you do shopping he's meditating trying to cross over into the spirit world it takes all his concentration is there any way we can help how about some quiet come on guys i can hear every word you're saying poor tough she must be so scared you think you're so tough why don't you come up here so i can smack that grin off your face i'm not smiling i can't believe we gave up our tickets and now we're going through the serpent's pass i can't believe you're still complaining about it i know momo this place is creepy i don't know if i'm gonna be able to fall asleep i've spent years preparing for this encounter training meditating you're just a child well you're just a teenager what is that thing this is appa my flying bison right and this is katara my flying sister i've been working all day on my oppa saka the arrow was on oppa's head this is his head why are feet coming out of it those are his horns as you can see i am blind and these three imbeciles are my valets but the animal is my seeing-eye lemur the stars sure are beautiful tonight too bad you can't see them tough that's what it will sound like when one of you spots it i haven't seen him in a while okay it looks just like him to me thank you i worked really why do you feel the need to do that stand and fight avatar oh were we fighting i thought you were just getting warmed up who are you where are the men who ambushed us there were no men i thought you ran off and joined the circus you said it was your calling well azula called a little louder i have a mission and i need you both count me in anything to get me out of this place i don't know why but i thought this thing would be a lot faster in our group typically we start out our missions with a more upbeat attitude chong how long do those torches last uh about two hours each and we have five torches so that's ten hours it doesn't work like that if they're all lit at the same time excuse me sir would you and your girlfriend care for dessert she is not my girlfriend i brought you something it's a coupon for a free cup of tea wait a second there's no way a bunch of girls took us down a bunch of girls huh the unagi is gonna eat well tonight no don't hurt him he didn't mean it my brother's just an idiot sometimes how was your night prince zuko it was nice may and ty lee take the earthbenders out finally something to do so you were just gonna take oppa anyway yes it's okay because i forgive you that give you any ideas let your anger out and then let it go forgive him okay we'll be sure to do that guru goody goody looks like it's time for another therapy session hey i'm queen lee i work up in communications oh hi i worked out in the engine room that's probably why we never met before big airship you know huh yep i can't believe the captain remembered my birthday he really does care happy birthday wow this is amazing to watch kind of makes you realize how insignificant we are you've seen nothing once you've seen it a thousand times i found something that you're not gonna like well it sounds like a sheet of paper but i guess you're referring to what's on the sheet of paper what's this i don't know i mean seriously what's with you people i'm blind [Music] that's quite a bit of damage yes you wouldn't believe what happened uncle tell kamenetza what happened [Music] you're so colorful it's making me nauseous you're not prettier than we are i even wash all the clothes have you ever smelled your dirty socks let me tell you you're trying to keep us here and waste all our time um right i think your friend just said that genius and since you can't see i should tell you i'm rolling my eyes i'll roll your whole head mr consider the safety of the crew the safety of the crew doesn't matter [Music] it's like we're dancing together right swamp no problem saga hotman hotman hotman hotman we'll be safe now [Music] you're going to fail a lot before things work out statues that's it where's the meat i like your hair i have hair we are the earth king's humble servants knew each other back then do you think we could have been friends too from my way step outside phil he means no offense i'm certain you bathed regularly the number one mistake nice guys like you make being too nice you can be too nice yep oh hey katara i didn't see you there hey hang that's okay i'm busy with my own stuff so papaya uh-huh would you like some you know me i don't really care what i eat a big strong man like you we wouldn't stand a chance true but don't feel bad after all i'm the best warrior in my village wow best warrior huh in your whole village wonder what's changed i wonder how i've changed i just asked if you were cold i didn't ask for your whole life story it means uncle's a quitter and a loser he found out his son died and he just fell apart a real general would stay and burn busting say to the ground what is wrong with that child would you like a pot of tea we've been working in a tea shop all day i'm sick of tea sick of tea that's like being sick of breathing this may be a little tough but try to block me [Music] anything else you want to teach us who can possibly defeat the fatherlord you mean the fire lord that's what i just said but you have to follow all of our traditions of course and i mean all of them do i really have to wear this it feels a little girly it's a warrior's uniform you should be proud bravery and honor hey saga nice dress you're looking at the rare white dragon bush its leaves make a tea so delicious it's heartbreaking hmm delectable tea or deadly poison come on slowpoke yeah actually i am pretty comfortable put on your eclipse glasses remember that plant i thought might be tea you didn't i did and it wasn't hmm i fell on purpose to make you feel better i got you admit i got you check this out what's going on have a cookie anybody got a problem with that those evil savages make me sick they have no respect for shh what i'm not allowed to be angry uh what would uncle say sometimes clouds have two sides a dark and light and a silver lining in between it's like a silver sandwich [Music] what are you doing are you all right hank i'm okay you seem to be having a lot of nightmares lately you want to tell me about it i think i just need some rest please is unbelievable yeah it's great isn't it no just unbelievable [Music] you're acting downright weird you've got to take care of yourself you can't go on like this when life seems hard take a bite out of the silver sandwich [Music] maybe we haven't failed after all that's a spirit i can't believe that worked i didn't even know what i was saying no what you said made no sense at all why is it that every time you play with magic water i get soaked the boulder takes issue with that comment pound away hey you kids like earth i'm a great climber then climb that cliff climb it fast i can climb fast do your duty jet do it do it now you're in no position to bargain am i not you're definitely not you've had a good first day of training i messed up every single thing we worked on you mess things up in a very special way [Music] it is a dancing party a new guy i know it's the rule to have your helmet on at all times but this is the lounge relax but what if there's an incident if i'm not prepared someone could strike me on the head tickets and passports please is there a problem yeah i got a problem with you i've seen your type before probably sarcastic think you're hilarious all done with your pants and look what a great job i did wait i was just kidding i can't wear these katara please relax saka where we're going you won't need any pants [Applause] i'm not leaving without you saka i'm staying too not me i'm out let's roll baby the boulder feels conflicted about fighting a young blind girl sounds to me like you're scared boulder [Music] are you going to finish that i was going to save it for later they have buildings here that don't melt say something funny funny how it wasn't your skills that impressed me no it certainly wasn't your skills this is incredible it's like my inhibitions just disappear [Music] okay they're back again it's gonna be real dangerous good for you you're not gonna stop me nope have fun i will great i know it's great i'm glad you know i'm glad you're glad good bye my first girlfriend turned into the moon that's rough buddy the boulder's over his conflicted feelings and now he's ready to bury you in a rock-a-lunch whenever you're ready the pebble maybe we can make some big pots of glue and then i can use glue bending to stick his arms and legs together so he can't bend anymore yeah then you can show him his baby pictures and all those happy memories will make him good again do you really think that would work no hey i just got orders let the prisoners out into the yard but we're in the middle of lockdown oh okay ow what should we do zuko i don't know watching you show off for a bunch of girls does not sound like fun well neither does carrying your basket oh i'm such an idiot oops wrong tent sorry do you need to talk to saka too nope not me well hello the zuko yes why would i be expecting anyone different [Music] i don't care what everyone else says about you you're pretty smart i'm sorry momo this is all my fault no katara it isn't yeah it kind of is would you like some tea first i'd love some how about you kachi i make you as a jasmine man am i right he's the one who's been a real father to me that's just beautiful maybe he can pass down to you the ways of tea and failure now show me your leader that's him over there you avatar do something gee i'd love to help but i'm supposed to be boiled in oil fair community service now serve our community and get rid of those rhinos this is for you why would i want that i saw it and i thought it was pretty don't girls like stuff like this maybe stupid girls forget it i thought that was so hot here thanks this is really refreshing oh saka you saved me actually it's me oh well you can go ahead and let me drown now you see i have very large feet furthermore your temple matches your statue but i was in a painting at sunset so there you have it you
Channel: MBTI memes
Views: 371,618
Rating: 4.9527297 out of 5
Keywords: mbti, mbti memes, tpc, personality types, infj, infp, enfj, enfp, intp, intj, entp, entj, istp, istj, estp, estj, isfp, isfj, esfp, esfj, infj memes, comedy
Id: NYc7NNcVYns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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