🐝 16 New BEE Dollar Tree DIYS & Finds! Wreaths, Decor & Tiered Tray

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hold up I am on my way I'm in Mo let's go to the yeah let's go [Music] outside we can [Music] hang welcome to crafty Beach this is Julie today I have all new B DIYs for you using supp FES from the Dollar Tree I had a lot of fun putting these together I love B DIYs for spring and for summer now this is one of the little bee wreath forms from the Dollar Tree I have no idea why they make these red so I'm going to take mine outside and give it a quick spray paint with some black spray paint because I don't want to have to worry about that red showing through in the final product I mean it should be black and I like to leave the antennas just wire so I need those to be black for sure so I sprayed the front and the back of it and we're going to start decorating this I've made one of these before here on my channel um and I wanted to see if I could do a different version of it since they brought these back again this year so I was thinking I want to do like a fuzzy Bumblebee and I think I was able to pull it off so let me show you how I put it all together first just making sure I had all of my paint dry and these are the materials that I'm going to use to kind of DIY this I found um a great fuzzy fabric at the Dollar Tree that I think is going to be great for the Bumblebee then for the stripes I thought I would use some of the black faux leather from the Dollar Tree I thought that would be easy to cut like straight stripes and it's going to provide like another texture for the piece as well and then I'm going to use shelf liner for the wings so first I'm starting with the head I thought since I had the black leather I would go ahead and do the head in that one so I am just laying the head right on top of the leather and just using a Sharpie to kind of sketch out where the head is on the back of the leather and I love this faux leather from the Dollar Tree it's so easy to craft with because it's just super easy to cut and you don't have to worry about fraying or anything like that so I'm just cutting it along those lines I want everything to be a little bit bigger than what I need so that I can attach it to the bottom of the wreath form and it can kind of peek out on the other side so I'm going to start with a little be head it looks like I cut it really well so I can go ahead and start gluing this I'm just going to do like half of it at a time with hot glue making sure that is down and then doing the other side as well I want to cover every everything with the materials from the back and then I will come from the front and cover um all of the wires too except again for the antenna but I did kind of need them to be black because I'm going to use a lot of black and gold on this bee and that red would have really clashed now this is the fabric that I found at Dollar Tree I was so excited I've never seen this at Dollar Tree before it's like a fuzzy golden material and I thought this would be perfect to make this guy look like a bumblebee so I'm going to do the same thing I'm going to lay it like fuzzy side down laying my wreath form on top and I'm going to sketch out like the body of the bee and um the material kind of gives a little bit so I was kind of having to hold the wire reform down on it I can go about halfway here um because that has like a double wire on the wings and then I'm going to cut that down to size now I end up actually using this fuzzy material too for the head I end up switching it later on um just because I had a lot of black going on on that be and I wanted just a little bit more of golden and I just love this fuzzy fabric it's so cute I found lots of new Fabrics that I've never seen at Dollar Tree before we're going to be using a lot of them today so that is the perfect size for the B body slightly overlapping um the little Stinger down here and the sides so I'm just going to attach us with hot glue from the back so everything is still kind of upside down and then kind of glue it here to the wings as well and then go up and I'm going to slightly overlap that with like the bee head just tacking everything down now I'm going to be using this B wreath form and also the beeh high wreath form like later on in this video they're probably my most timec consuming projects that I was working on today but man I really love how they turned out and I use these for wall hangings I don't really use them for wreaths but I guess you always could they're a little small for wreaths in my opinion now and this was my original plan was to use the black leather for the stripes so I'm going to cut out the rest of that rectangle um that I had left and then I thought the best way to cut it would be to use my like Cricut paper cutter um to get perfectly Square line so the first thing I'm going to do is make sure my rectangle is square and then I am just going to cut um I think I did like um half inch stripes and I ended up needing a total of three of those I don't want to go too crazy but I want to have stripes like go up the body of the bee so I'm going to need like a larger one down here and um I'm going to go ahead and attach that do make sure you get it on there this is straight when you're working kind of fast with the hot glue sometimes you can get carried away but that looks good I'm also going to glue it down to that fuzzy material as well so it doesn't like bow out at all I want it to lay flat and then I'm going to cut my other stripes down to size so I ended up actually only needing two um because I was able to reuse this piece it's pretty skinny up here at the top part of the bee then I'm just going to kind of trim off the excess leather and I'm also going to kind of trim off um the excess like fuzzy fabric that's kind of sticking over the edge and make sure everything is down and once I get these on then we can start working on the wings I have a really fun idea using some of that shelf liner from the Dollar Tree I thought we could make some wings that were kind of transparent like be Wings would be something that you could see through but something that's going to coordinate well with the gold and the black in the Bumblebee so I picked up just the regular shelf liner um I always like to walk around the other aisles of Dollar Tree to see what other materials I can use for craft materials and you can often find stuff like this um that can have another use so I thought it kind of reminded me of a screen right so I thought that would be a fun like trans parent Wing something that you could see through so I think that's going to work so again I'm just going to have to lay the um B wreath form on top of it and I'm going to sketch out like the size of the wing but it is black so it's kind of hard to draw on that where you can see it right so I'm just using my white paint pen and I'm just going to sketch it out in between the two wires that way I can make it a little bit bigger than the inner one but I don't want to make it too big that it hangs over the edges of the bee so basically two heart shapes and the paint pen actually worked pretty well for that so now we're going to cut those out and we'll have like basically all of the bee covered with the fabric and then we can start decorating the front of the bee I had so much fun making these DIYs I do bees every year on my channel they always seem to do really well hopefully this video will do well too don't forget to like comment and share that always helps it do better uh it's been very slow on my channel so I'm anxiously awaiting short living whenever it decides to show up in my stores I feel like a crazy person going to Dollar Tree every day at this point so I'm going to start here at the Cent or the bottom of the heart shape or the wing shape and I'm just going to do one section at a time gluing that shelf liner down and I was surprised at how well that that material help up to that hot glue it didn't seem to melt at all and I'm going to do the same thing over here just a section at a time and just kind of making sure I got it on right now I went back and forth about what kind of material I wanted to use to cover the wires on the front um Dollar Tree has rope but they have it in like brown rope they have it in white rope and I didn't really think I wanted to do either one of those so I will show you what I ended up doing using another product from the Dollar Tree I think the wings look pretty good and this is what we're going to use the black macade cord so they have this in colors including black so I thought I could make my own rope by braiding the macade cord so that's what we're going to do and I'm going to use that to cover all of the wire wreath form so I'm going to do like about four feet of the the Rope and I'm going to cut out like three pieces of it and then I'm just going to tie the end of that into a knot and I need to attach it to something so that I can pull on it and braid it and I can't really tape down to my work surface here because it's silicone and not even duct tape nothing will stick to this stuff and so I'll show you what I ended up using to kind of work around that and I ended up having to make like four different ropes I'm going to show you the first one that I made here so I'm just going to take a block of wood um that can serve a couple purposes you'll see here in a minute and I'm just going to use my staple gun to attach that so I can pull on that braid it no big deal so I'm going to start braiding it now you can braid a section but as you can see when you're working with really long pieces of the maccrate cord like that it is going to get tangled up so you do have to take breaks and kind of untangle as you go but the board works great because you can just flip it like that and and kind of keep the tension on it and keep everything untangled and as you can see I'm just braiding like you would braid hair three pieces um it's going to give me a flat rope um which is going to be plenty wide enough to to cover up the wire wreath form and all of like the seams and everything I have going on where I've attached the other fabric so I just keep braiding this until I get all the way to the end and then I just tie a knot on it too just so it won't become unbraided until I can work with it so the board trick definitely works for that especially if you don't have something you can attach it to but I thought this was a good way to do a black rope um I know you can paint the Rope but it doesn't always turn out um with like very good coverage so I thought that this was a fun idea I'm going to start like here at the bottom underneath the wing and just start hot gluing that on as you can see I want it to cover like any fabric that might stick out from the sides and cover up everything cover up the wire and whenever you're working with like this like flat macave rope it's really easy to go around like even sharp angles like that um you can even kind of reverse Direction bend it back you can do all kinds of different things with it and so I'm going to do this the bottom of the bee like this and then I'm going to continue that same piece just to kind of make less seams and I'm going to keep using it until I can't use it anymore so I'm doing like the outer wire of the wing I will have to double up the wings because the wings have two wires it's kind of inevitable I kind of wish that it had one wire um it would make it a little bit easier I think but I'm going to keep that one going I can go all the way around the powder rope and the bottom of the bee with that one piece of macet rope that I made I am cutting them off I'm not like leaving the knots on them or anything like that I'm just kind of leaving those on there until I can get like my ends glued down and once I get them glued down like that it shouldn't be any problem like not unraveling or unbraiding so this is my second rope that I braided and I'm going to do the inner wing of this side so we can finish up this side of the B wreath form the pointy part here in between the two wings um you do have to kind of get it tight to try to cover up everything I put the hot glue on there and then kind of squeeze it together to try to cover up as much space as possible but then again I'm just covering up the wire on this one and I want it to be as close as I can get it to the other one so there's really not like much of a gap in between the two different wires the two different braids so I have some left over here I should have enough for the head on this rope so I'm going to go ahead and just start kind of where the wing is because everything kind of overlaps there so I don't need it to go all the way down and I'm just going to do the top part of the head gluing that down and then I have another rope here I'm going to just cut my um knot off of it I'm going to start it on the neck there where I can finish off the head and then I'm going to continue that same piece down and go around the wing as well and I'm trying to make sure that I don't have like any like visible hot glue or anything on the top of the macra Rope so I'm trying to be careful with that if I see it I clean it up with my heat gun as fast as I can so that rope got me about that far I didn't make that one quite as long so I'm going to have to do a fourth rope that I braided and then I do the inner wing with that one again I have to kind of go around this crazy Corner up here and I just pinched everything together to cover that up one thing I love about how this bee wreath turned out is all of the fun textures like we've got like these great see-through Wings we've got the fuzzy bumblebee we get the leather Stripes it was so fun to do this one but it was a little timec consuming once I got that Wing covered I'm going to again cut off the rest of it and this is what it looks looks like at this point I can just use the antenna to hang it that's when I decided it was a little too dark so I'm going to pop off the leather for the head and replace it with some more of that fuzzy golden fabric um to brighten it up a little bit because I had a lot of black going on between the black rope the black wings and the black head so just using my heat gun I'm carefully popping off the leather I'm going to use that as a template to cut out the fuzzy gold fabric I'm really glad I did it I think it's so much cuter now with the little fuzzy bumblebee head so just cutting that piece down to size then I've already got like the braided rope on the front I just have to kind of replace this here on the back no big deal I just attach it with hot glue and I even thought about like maybe making a back on that and kind of stuffing the head a little bit so it's stuck out a little bit but I decided the the fuzziness was good enough of a texture and this is how it turned out I think it's so pretty I'm just going to kind of clean up that black macom rope kind of picks up any of that fuzzy material and just make sure I have everything cleaned up and then again I don't need a hanger because I can just hang it from one of the little bee antennas but this is how it turned out I think the Shelf uh liner for the wings is just a really fun idea and here on a photo you can really see the fuzziness of that material I think that was a really fun choice if you can't find that one um any kind of gold or yellow fabric um would be really good as well but if you can find it I think it really did add a special touch to my little bee hey guys if you're enjoying today's video be sure to hit that like button and don't forget to subscribe okay the next DIY I picked up this hexagon frame with the Dollar Tree because it looks like a honeycomb and I thought we could do something fun with this so it's like a plastic black frame and that's really all I want I don't need anything else and then I want to use some of the Dollar Tree card stock I'm going to choose the yellow piece that you see there and we can cut like Honeycombs to go inside that honey comb shape right so I'm going to use my Cricket I designed an SVG G file and I will share that in the description below this video and I wanted to see if my Cricut could cut out a good honeycomb pattern and we could kind of have this open without a back or anything like that and I was pleasantly surprised with how well it did so I'm just going to lift the card stock off my cutting mat and look at this great honeycomb pattern it cut out I made sure to do it a little bit thicker so I didn't have to worry about tiny lines breaking or anything in between but I made sure to make it large enough I think I did um 9 by9 to make sure that it is large enough um to cover this entire frame so now we're going to kind of dismantle this it does have a back on it and it also has like glass and all kinds of stuff in here I'm just going to go ahead and get rid of all of this because I want it to be like um see-through with the honeycomb I thought that'd be really cute now it does have these like little um levers that keep the back on which kind of get in the way for me I don't really need that so I'm just going to go ahead remove the screw on each one of those and take those out leaving me with just a plain black frame I'm going to kind of maybe put it on it at a diagonal like that just for a little bit of fun and I just laid the frame on top and I'm going to kind of sketch out where I need to cut this with a pencil all the way around and I did have a little bit of trouble since like the plastic frame um is kind of all open in the back but I'll show you what I did to kind of make this fit in there I've always wanted to do kind of like a cutout like this um I see a lot of DIYs made with that with not necessarily like Honeycombs but like intricate detail shapes like this where you can kind of make a project kind of see-through and I'm really glad I tried it because it turned out pretty cool now I cut it the size of the frame so it doesn't necessarily fit in there especially with all of the areas that held the screws for those little Clips so I'm going to line it up the best I can and then I can just go in there and kind of trim it up to size to make sure it fits down inside the frame I want like the front of the black frame to be on the front of the piece and I want this honey comb to kind of be on the back um making it a see-through project so I just trimmed it all the way around until it fits down in there now the next thing I thought it was going to be kind of hard to glue it on with just the like little pieces overlapping I thought if I added like some walls it would add a little bit more stability so I'm going to take whatever yellow card stock I had left over and I'm G to make some skinny strips to frame it out only I think I did a quarter of an inch so really skinny strips because I don't want you to be able to see it on the front of the project I want it to be able to hide here in the side of the frames and so I'm just going to kind of cut those down to size I can get two out of one strip and I'm going to do that all the way around then I can attach that to the honeycomb that we cut out of the card stock and um it's going to be a little bit easier to glue in place I think so again I cut out six of those and then since it's paper I thought a like just regular like school glue stick would work to kind of attach these together so I just put some of that school glue on the strip and I lay that right on top of the honeycomb pattern leaving it in the frame so I know exactly where to put it to kind of work around those little screw Hol holes there for the braces and then I can have something a little bit more substantial that I can then glue to the frame so once I have that set up I can I thought hot glue would probably work okay since I have like the borders now so I'm just going to use some hot glue and glue each side each side down by kind of gluing it on the Inside Edge of the plastic frame um because I don't really want any hot glue to be visible um around the edges so I just try to get it right there on that strip because it doesn't quite go deep enough to go down in the grooves of the plastic because it's kind of wide open which is one reason I wasn't sure I was going to be able to attach this but this definitely worked well I'm going to do that all the way around until we have our little honey comb in place now I kind of want this to be like a standalone decoration the frame is not wide enough to stand it on its own so I am going to have to make a base for it and I want something that's going to kind of blend into the black frame so I'm just going to use a little piece of scrapwood that I have left over from something I don't even know what and I'm just going to cut down a little piece of that and it's going to provide me a nice heavy base for the bottom of our honeycomb so I just went to my saw and cut that down to size and I'm going to sand off any splinters or loose pieces to give me just a wood block now I do want it to blend in with the black plastic and so I'm going to paint it um with some black acrylic paint and I'm just going to go over the top the front the back and the sides anything that's visible with that black paint and one coat um I went a little heavy on it so one coat is definitely going to be enough on this one and then I have I have a few ideas of how we can decorate like the honeycomb cells as well so once I get this dry it took me a minute because I put so much paint on it um I also want to um decorate the little Honeycombs so I have some of these bees left over last year for Michaels they're kind of broken some of them are missing wings and stuff like that they're super cute though I'll try to give you a close-up view because I think it would be fairly easy to DIY with some string painted yellow and black and some wire for the antenna and the legs but look how cute these are I did see some people making um DIY BS like this with the little carrots the string carrots from the Easter aisle painted like a bee so that's an option you could do to kind of get a similar um style of bee but I had these and they're kind of broken so I thought thought I would just kind of use some of them this one had a broken off Wing the top one there is like completely missing wings from the other side I did use these last year for my bee coffee bar so I'm just going to choose like two of those and they're pretty lightweight so I can attach them to that card stock and I just glue some of their feet in place um that kind of overlaps with the honeycomb and I'm going to do a second one this one was not broken so it was ready ready to go but I thought these were really cute now normally I get like the little wooden bees from the Dollar Tree but this year I didn't see them at any of mine did you guys see them this year the little tiny bees I don't know if I didn't have any luck or if they just didn't have them this year but I do need some mini bees on some DIYs today and I kind of made them from scratch they turned out pretty cute so I think two bees is enough for this and now we can go ahead and put it all together I'm just going to put a bead of hot glue on the bottom of the plastic frame and sit it in the middle of our wood block that we painted black and that's all there is to it I think it's really cute I love like the uh cutout design like that so definitely we'll share the Cricut file for you if you want to try to recreate and that yellow card stock again is just from the Dollar Tree so that is an inexpensive option as well this is how it turned out I think it's really colorful I like the fact that that frame was already black so I didn't have to worry about painting that and it definitely goes with the colors that we were going for there the gold and the black very sweet I love it now the next DIY I wanted to make like a be SK vase with grass in it so I'm using one of these black plastic vases from the Dollar Tree and I thought we could wrap it with Dollar Tree rope to make it look like a be scap so this is the rope that I'm using this is the skinnier longer Brown rope from the Dollar Tree and I want to wrap the entire vase with that and I'm going to do that by starting at the bottom so I just cut the plastic off and I just hot glue as close to the bottom as I can get I'm not going to do the very bottom of the vase um I just want to go all the way to The Edge and then I glue that and place all the way around and then I'm going to keep using that same piece of rope to keep wrapping it around when you're kind of going up at this point you don't need any glue all you have to do is wrap it and that's what I'm doing trying to keep my rope tight together so that I don't have any gaps so you can't see the black through and then I'm just going to glue down the end that's how far one package got me and then I can just start a new pack AG I did have to start and stop three times and so um or I used three ropes so I have multiple seams I just made sure that all of my seams were on the back of the vase so they were all like on the same side now I found when I was working up on this one going up the uh round shape I did have to hot glue these to keep these in place so that took me a little bit longer and I'm just hot gluing it pinching it together try to make sure that you can't see any of the black through and we're going to fill this up with that Dollar Tree onion grass and decorate it to make it look like a little beeep or a beehive and I love the shape for it I think this is a really interesting shape to try so I'm running out of rope I'm going to make sure that I kind of cut it where it will end um on that same side so all of my seams will be back hidden back here on the back of my vase so definitely takes a lot of rope when you wrap a project like this um this is my third package of that thinner rope from the Dollar Tree and again I'm just going to cut the tape off of it start again and I hot glue that in place and I'm kind of going up again so I'm not needing to glue it in place like I did before until I start getting here around the rim I have to start gluing it in place because I don't want it to slip off the end I want it to stay tight and I'm just kind of going around until I cover up all of the plastic this um B comes in black or white you're not going to be able to see the inside of it so it doesn't really matter which one you get and I'm just going to kind of overlap it a little bit there um just to cover up the very top and cut off the rest of the Rope gluing that end down so it kind of Blends in um with the top of the vase face now Dollar Tree rope is notoriously like fuzzy it's kind of got some crazy pieces sticking out of it so next up I just take one of the long lighters and we're just going to go over it and burn off all the fuzzies and try to clean it up a little bit but it looks pretty cool as just a base right now when I dress it up and kind of make it look like a beep it makes it look even cooler so burning off all the fuzzies if I have any kind of weird like sticks sticking out I try to trim those off as well and I think that looks a lot better now to fill it up it's going to be super easy I'm going to use some of that Dollar Tree onion grass um and just kind of stick that in there but first I wanted to decorate it to make it look like a be scap so I just took my black paint pen and I'm just catching out a simple Circle here on the front once I got it sketched out then I can kind of go in with some black paint I'm using some chalk paint but you could use acrylic um just kind of whatever you have and I'm just going to fill in my circle to make a nice bold black spot on the front of it for a little hole for the bees and this is what Dollar Tree rope looks like painted I mean you can do it but as you can see you have to use a brush to try to get down in between the individual ropes and all the fibers and everything like that that and I'm just going to kind of um touch it up try to make it look like a circle the best that I can and then for bees I was brainstorming a way to make little bees and I remembered I have some of these yellow pom poms um garland from the Dollar Tree so I'm going to try it with those I just cut off one of the little mini pom poms and rolled it into between my hands to kind of make it like a oval shape and then I'm going to take some of the black wire U from the hardware ey at Dollar Tree and I thought I could wrap that around the yellow pom pom to make like little black stripes and I can also use it for an antenna right so I start here at one end of my pom pom this helps it keep that longer shape too instead of the circle and I wrap that around a couple times to give like three stripes for the bee and then I'm going to leave a little tail on there for one of the antenna and then I'll have to cut off another little piece to make a second antenna for the front of the bee and I am going to make wings in just a second but this is like basically the body of the bee and so I'm going to go ahead and attach it now I can always add the wings later just trying to make sure everything looks good I think that looks pretty good for a DIY B and I'm going to glue it right here kind of near near the opening and I really like how that turned out so I'm going to try making another one so if you were not able to find the little bees from the Dollar Tree this year as well this is an option if you have some of this bom pom Garland I love this pom pom Garland I think I have it like every color from the Dollar Tree because there's always so many things you can do with it so for the second one I did the same thing I tried to make it kind of longer wrapped it with that wire three times for three stripes left one piece for the antenna and then I cut another piece down for the other antenna and kind of wrap that around the wire making it kind of stick out of the head just like the other one we can glue that here on the other side like this one might not be going in the Beehive but the other ones probably going to now I was trying to think of something fun I could use to make little tiny beads wings and I remembered I had this ribbon from the Dollar Tree it's kind of like a I don't know how to explain it kind of like a snake skin I thought like um the fun texture on it would make it look like a um texture or veining of a um bwing so I'm just going to cut off a little piece and basically a bwing is just shape like a heart um so I'm just going to use an ink pen and cut out some some heart shapes here all about the same size on the fabric with the veining kind of avoiding the pattern that was on there and then just cutting those little wings out I kind of did two smaller ones to like larger ones without really meaning to but I'll just pair those up with the small ones on 1B and the little bit larger ones on the other be so kind of a teeny miniature like little project there but I was really happy with how it turned out it was really cute and a lot cuter than just skipping the bee right so I just do a little dot of hot glue on the back of my bee and then I'm just going to sit the tip of the wing in it right here on the back they're cute without the wings but I think the wings really make them special make them really look like little bees I'm going to do the same thing here on the other side a DOT of hot glue for each Wing just kind of making sure they are like right across from each other and sticking straight up doesn't that look so cute I mean you could always add more bees if you wanted to go crazy but I think two bees is enough for this but I absolutely love how this Dollar Tree vase turned out it's such a fun interesting shape for like a be scap and it's practical cuz I can now put Greenery in in there and have like a floral piece this is the onion grass I'm using I'm just using the plain onion grass if you can only find like the ones with like butterflies or eggs in them you could totally use that as well just kind of removing the extra stuff but I was I had three of these now they didn't sit in there too well because I don't really have like any foam or anything like that in the vase so I decided to add just some Dollar Tree standand to the bottom just to help me be able to stand those up a little bit better and make sure they're not like kind of flopping all over the place because it is a pretty big vase as you can see so there it is three of the onion grass and our little be sket vase I think it turned out really cute so let me give you a little preview I thought the idea of the onion grass would be really cute the grass kind of reminds me me of bees and the vase looks like a beap really creative and fun I loved making these B DIYs they were just a blast hey guys I wanted to take a moment to let you know about my private Facebook group I always have it linked below we would love it if you joined us I also have a Facebook page Instagram Tik Tock and Pinterest and my handle is Crafty Beach on YouTube and I would love to see you on any and all of of those platforms okay back to the DIYs I promised you guys we would be doing the Beehive wreath today too I have done this one before with burlap the burlap with flowers on it and rope on the front now for this one I kind of wanted it to not be the full beehive so I'm just going to use my pliers and pull off the bottom to kind of make it look like a beehive with like a flatter bottom than just the longer be Hive just personal preference but I kind of like how it turned out I just wanted something a little different than the one that I made before now I found some more great fabric at Dollar Tree today this is fuzzy too but it is vure they had this flure in all different colors I got a whole bunch even for like Christmas I got like Reds and greens and blues I loved it and then I also picked up one of the yellow aprons just because I needed some yellow fabric um for the back of this what I want to do is kind of make like a little pillow um that I can stuff that'll make like um that vour fabric kind of come up in between each layer of the Beehive and make it look more 3D so I just lay my beehive on top of the apron and I just cut this down to size now I thought fabric would be the best for the back of the pillow I did find that that the stuffing kind of went out that direction as well so if I had this to do again I might replace this fabric here with cardboard because it would be something that you could still cut but it wouldn't be quite as giving as the fabric with the stuffing that I kind of wanted to go the other direction but I was able to make it work so I cut that out that's going to be the back of the pillow that looks good and then I'm going to cut out the V the V is going to be the front of the pillow and what's coming through that wreath form and look how pretty this fabric is I'm so glad they're carrying all these new fabric products at the Dollar Tree so I'm going to use um the apron that I cut down for reference to cut this out I want to kind of leave a little bit of room in between um because I want to be able to cut all of my Sharpie off here I don't want any of that to be visible on the final product so I drew it next to it but definitely not right on it so I can then just cut all of that off and have the front part for it so that's what we're cutting down now we're just going to cut down the Valour to size and it's a great color I thought this was a really great color for a beehive if you like um doing like a kids room or something like that with like Winnie the Pooh this would be super cute for that kind of reminding me of that my son had a Winnie the Poo themed playroom when he was little and I had a lot of fun decorating that with Winnie the Pooh definitely a classic and so just cutting all of that Valour down two size so now we have the two pieces we can kind of build the pillow the reason I wanted to do the p again is to make it look more 3D from the front so that I can actually stuff it I want the material to come up in between those different pieces like a honeycomb shape so I'm just going to start like a no se method hot gluing it I do actually have to end up doing some sewing on this project though you guys know how much I hate sewing but I couldn't think of any other way to make it work but I'm gonna glue most of it close I'm only gonna leave open like half of the bottom for stuffing so I'm going to leave up the bottom part right there and Dollar Tree carries polyfill now so that's a fun find I'm just going to take some polyfill and I'm going to stuff it nothing crazy just kind of like medium thickness I probably could have stuffed it more but I kind of wanted it to be flat so I'm just kind of putting one piece in at a time try trying to make sure that no area really gets stuff more than the other and that looks pretty good now I was concerned about how I was going to attach the wire wreath form to the valure once I got it closed up like that I just glued it shut and I didn't really think that I was going to be able to hot glue it in place as you can see once I stuffed it kind of made it a little smaller than the wreath form so I kind of needed to do something a little bit heavier Duty so got to break out one of those giant needles from the crafter square at Dollar Tree and we're actually going to have to sew because I couldn't really think of any other ways to attach it so if you're going to stuff yours to you might want to make it a little oversized and that way you could hot glue the wreath form down onto it better but I'm going to go ahead and attempt to sew I'm going to do a really loose Stitch all the way around and just something to kind of keep it all together and it actually worked even though I didn't want to sew so this took me a little bit of time so I'm going to put this on super super fast speed but basically as you can see I'm doing a very loose Stitch all the way around I mean sometimes like maybe even an inch between stitches um with like the excess string just being on the back of it so I don't really have to worry about any of that being visible and I am just sewing the pillow to the wreath form this worked out pretty well um that way it stays tight the edges then I can kind of go in and I'm going to cover the wires on the front so I'll be able to cover up like any stitching or anything like that so again just going all the way around I do want it to be puffy though like in the middle and so once I get the edges sewed on I also sew um the middle bars too to kind of make it give it that puffy appearance it's going to kind of pull the wreath form down in between each one of the segments so it wasn't too thick of a pillow so it was pretty easy to do that and again I'm just doing a very loose Stitch like every inch and just using Le the excess string there on the back and I'm going to do that all the way up I don't really care too much what the back of it looks like because you're not going to be able to see it but I was glad that I did like the pillow fluffy shape on it cuz usually these are super flat and I think that they should look bumpy like that that was my goal now for the wire we're going to cover up with Dollar Tree rope I'm actually going to use two different kinds I'm going to use this larger Brown rope from the Dollar Tree to go all the way around the edges of the The Beehive that way it can kind of cover up that large seam that I have um I thought the skinni Rope was not going to be large enough so I'm going to start right here on the bottom of our beehive and I'm just going to hot glue this one section at a time and glue that all the way around then when um I'm going to go in and do the middle sections too but that one I'm going to do with the Dollar Tree thinner Brown rope um because I don't want to take away too much from that vure beehive it turned out so cute so my goal here is to cover the wire and also cover the stitching so I'm kind of going just to the edge because I really have to cover a lot of stitching here and that white thread I don't want you to be able to see that and that is the outer edges and again we're going to do the inner part of it too I want to um decorate it as well kind of make it look like a beehive again I'm using this one for a wall hanging not necessarily like an outdoor wreath I don't know how well this beautiful vure would do outside unless you had kind of a well protected porch so on these I kind of have to do um individual pieces so each row I'm going to have to cut down to size but I'm glad that I did the thinner rope on this cuz I don't really need much more all I have to do is cover up the wire and the stitching isn't super obvious on this one because I just stitched the wire down through the pillow and we're going to do the same thing here with the other three pieces until it is framed out now I wanted to have like a hole for the front of it um you know a hole for the Beehive for the bees to go in and out out and I was trying to decide if I should add like black fabric but I actually ended up doing it with that same rope that we just used um I'm just going to start here and form a circle with it hot gluing that to the vour in this little second section and then I can just spiral that along I do have to kind of hot glue it all down to make sure it stays in place until I get to the center cutting it down to size and gluing that Point down now I did notice that it kind of wanted to stick up especially since that area was stuffed so I did take that same needle and thread kind of tack that down as well sewing that in so it kind of goes you know back kind of like a button sewed in to um the pillow and then I was trying to think of what I could use to make make a bee for a beehive this big I mean it is pretty large and I'm actually going to use a toy from the Dollar Tree so while I have the Rope out I going to go ahead and make a simple hanger for a beehive I'm just going to cut a piece of the Rope down to make a simple Loop like that that I can put on the top I do want this to hang like straight up and down especially since I made like the bottom of it flat by removing part of the wreath form and I just attached that to that yellow fabric on the back that used to be an apron um and that should be a plenty good hanger now this is the toy that I was talking about from Dollar Tree there's their toy bees and I thought this would be a really good scale for this since it's such a large beehive but I want to give it a little makeover I'm not too crazy with the way they paint these so the first thing I'm going to do is use my heat gun to try to remove these Wings they're really kind of in there cuz I don't want to get any paint on those so I want to go ahead and get those out of the way I have painted these like really realistic before this is going to be kind of an easier version I like like the yellow and black um B tail here with the stripes so I don't want to change anything there so I just tape that off with some painters tape I'm not too worried about the underside of this one because you're not going to be able to see it so I'm only going to paint the top but I definitely wanted to protect that section and then I kind of wanted to paint everything black like black legs black antenna I know bees have black heads so um we're going to use just black spray paint you could also use like black acrylic the great thing about these is they have like a texture on them and so you can kind of really get a realistic look if you wanted that I just kind of wanted a quick easy one so I just sprayed it down with some of that black spray paint and that does say it works on plastic so it should work well on this little plastic toy it didn't want to dry too quickly though I don't know if it was a spray paint or maybe I used a lot of it but I'm going to go ahead and remove the painters tape from the tail and I like the way it looks better now with all of that painted black so just kind of cleaning up any kind of bleeding that I had there from the painters tape and I'm going to finish drying this be so we can attach it to the wreath form um can't forget to reattach the wings had to make sure which way they went when I took them off so I could put them back on the same way I'm not going to glue them in place there's kind of enough tension keeping those in um I think that that's going to make it work and then we can attach that to our little fuzzy um beehive with the Valour that's what I was trying to think of the lure and I'm going to kind of have it to the side of the opening kind of like that I think that looks good and I'm just going to attach it to the vure with some hot glue kind of pushing that down in there just like that and I think that's a really fun detail anytime I can add like a be to a beehive I'm going to love that and then I like it I thought it needed just a little bit something more something would go with like the bee theme so I decided to add a flower this is the cosmos from the Dollar Tree it is a big white flower with a yellow Center I thought this would look really cute with the colors that we have going on and a be definitely goes or a flower definitely goes with a be theme so I just kind of hot glued that on that second section up against the Rope nothing crazy but I think that's the perfect final step to this little pillow beehive I really love the vour um almost as much as I love that fuzzy fabric that we used for the bee Reef super fun textures and the little toy bee looks pretty good on there as well and as you can see the texture on the bee they're really kind of cool but you know like any um Dollar Tree toy they're going to look a little bit better when you paint them okay the next project I found these cute little B Signs of the Dollar Tree the only problem are that they are small right so I thought I could take three of them put them together try to make it a little bit more substantial so just using a pair of pliers we're just going to remove the rope from the back so we have um be nice be kind and let it be now I don't want to cover up that cool like wood burning on them I want to be able to use that to paint it so I may made just a really watered down yellow acrylic and we're just going to kind of whitewash these with that thinned out paint I'm going over everything and as you can see you can still see that wood burn through there I just kind of wiping off the excess there with a paper towel and I was trying to decide if I was just going to leave like the Woodburn kind of look on there and you totally could do that or if I wanted to paint it I thought it ended end up being a little plain and so I did end up painting everything that I could see stamped on there black to kind of give me that yellow and black color scheme so doing that same white wash on all of these and I want good coverage but I think that's proba going to be enough for right now I can always add more later now I started with a black paint pen and it worked the only problem was I don't know why my paint pen Maybe because I was using a fine tip it was kind of like um splattering and getting little specks of black paint all over it so I'm just going to kind of remove that I used a wet wipe and then some cleaner to try to remove that paint on there and I'm going to try a different method to make those black just CU I didn't want the spatter on there so I tried to clean that up give it another couple coats of that yellow white wash to kind of cover up the BL black paint and I switched it up to a black Sharpie gave me a lot more control and none of that splattering so I'm just going to sketch out the little be you can see the shape perfectly through and the little wings and I'm also going to like sketch out like the words for like Let It Be and I'm glad that I decided to make these black I think they're a lot easier to read than if I would have just left the wood burnings and yellow and black is always great for B Decor so we're going to do the same thing here on our be kind sign and I found that one of my Sharpies that first one I used was a little um on the older side so I switched it up to a newer Sharpie this one was a little bit cleaner and I'm able to do that really fun font so this is just a fun way if you find some of these little B Signs I got them at the crafter square at Dollar Tree um how you can kind of take them and put them together make a bigger piece even with three of them together it's still not big they're just really small as you can tell I have really small hands and um it's about the same size as my hand so I'm going to touch this one up because that one kind of had the older Sharpie and two of these also have like a honeycomb pattern on there and I kind of like that so I'm going to go in and sketch that out with the black Sharpie as well but the Sharpie was definitely the way to go with this one um really easy to draw everything out and I think it all turned out looking really good actually so this one had honeycomb pattern on the top of it so we're just going to draw those all in there too and then I want to kind of break up that perfect black by whitewashing it some more because I want it to look old and weathered and distressed so I just go over all of the black Sharpie with another coat of that yellow white wash and that really gave it a Cool vibe there is a lot of water in that paint so I got to try to make sure I get this dry and this is what it looks like right now just trying to make sure I have like an even level of yellow on there and then we can put these together I was trying to decide if I wanted my Honeycombs to meet up like that or to be opposite like that and I decided opposite so I'm going to put the three together all kind of interlocking like that and we can make a fun little wall hanging just going to use hot glue to attach them to each other they're pretty Square um as fitting together so I was happy with that and I'm going to glue the third one on right there it's looking pretty good I like the yellow and the black I am going to distress it a little bit more with another coat of the yellow white wash just because I really kind of like that Vibe and dry that over the top of it I did end up wanting um to make a hanger for the back I was trying to decide like if I should use one of these little hooks from the Dollar Tree I ended up using twine I thought it would be the easiest way to hang it I could attach it to two signs because it has such an abnormal top and then that way I can kind of adjust it left to right to make it hang level that was what I was worried about so I just took a piece of twine and tied a knot in each end and I'm just going to hot glue that on the back of the two signs kind of at a level point now I did want a little bit more contrast I had used that yellow white wash for the frame as well but I thought it was just just a little bit too much yellow so I decided to paint the frames black I'm just going to do that with a black paint pen simple enough I just go over the front of them um just trying to make sure that I don't get any on the images themselves and that provided a nice you know um black frame for these to kind of break them up a little bit I do like the fact that I like used like the yellow white wash and kind of made it look more subtle on the designs but I do like the um addition of the bold black for the frames um definitely just provides another color a little bit more contrast on this one so I just painted the front edge of all of them but then I decided that I probably should paint the sides too because it's going to be hanging on the wall you'll be able to see the sides too and one thing I love about like be Decor I um start it in the spring but it's definitely something you can leave up all summer I know some people do it for the summer so a very versatile item um to decorate with and always lots of fun but these frames are really cute I just think on their own um it's just going to be a really small sign if you're only going to do one of them so I I like the idea of doing three of them and putting them together like this I think it really helped make it more substantial so that's how it turned out our little bean nice be kind and let it be sign here's a little close up look how it turned out the wood burning really provided a good background for me to be able to add those images I kind of wish the wood burning on it was even darker so maybe you wouldn't have to paint that part um but it definitely turned out really fun hey guys I have a new website it's crafty beach.net you're going to get a blog post post for each one of my YouTube videos the great thing is you're going to get lots of extras too so if you go to my website crafty beach.net you can find what you're looking for if you click on it what's going to happen is you're going to get a picture of each one of the DIYs that you can pen on Pinterest so you can remember to come back and make some of my DIYs if you go down to the bottom you can find my YouTube video that goes with those projects I'm going to have them organized by season right now I just kind of have Easter and spring but I also have my Amazon shop on there and my Etsy store for all of my cute little crafting meme printables and stuff like that so be sure to visit me over at crafty beach.net I'm really excited about this new website for you guys okay back to the DIYs I want to do my tear tray with a be theme but I wanted a really simple easy be theme and Dollar Tree had lots of so cute items and um dollar spot at Target too where I didn't have to make too many things for it and it turned out really cute now the first thing I'm going to do is make a little mini pen it Banner for the front of my tear tray and I'm just going to do that with some of this black and yellow striped ribbon from the Dollar Tree that it looked like be Stripes so I'm just cutting a little triangles down I'm going to leave the seam on the top of them um just to kind of give them a little bit of structure for the top but only for the top the rest of it's just going to be ribbon I cut the second wire off on the bottom and I want to do like five of them all about the same I just cut down a piece of twine about the same size as my top tier and I'm simply going to attach them with hot glue just a very simple um little mini pin it Banner doesn't take too much I'm just going to kind of guess my spacing I'm doing them fairly close together and just hot gluing the little penants down one at a time I had kind of started in the center there so I would know where the center needed to be and I want to do a total of five I didn't really like how that piece looked so I'm going to recut my fifth piece and attach this here and I'm just going to attach this to my top tier with a little dot of hot glue on each side just to provide a little bit of fun be um feel to that now for Greenery I always like to use Greenery for filler on my tear trays this is some Greenery from Dollar Tree it's really beautiful isn't it I cut it down to size a longer piece for the bottom and I'm going to use the shorter piece up here at the top just going to provide a little bit of green color but the leaves are nice and small now for the first item I found this one at Target dollar spot isn't this so cute this was $3 and it's a beautiful little beehive it looks like wood um and it's got a little bee on the front the opening everything like that so it is ready to go I'm going to display that on the top of my tear tray and this is another item from my stash this is my rayen Honeypot that I got actually on clearance at my Publix grocery store which was kind of wild but you know what I did right here I was showing you this on camera and I tripped and I broke the lid on it on my way to the tear tray I was so sad but you know what the honey pot is still cute even without the lid so you know what we're going to use it anyway that's one of my favorite be pieces that little honey pot this is another Target dollar spot fine this little bee it was $3 as well I got it this year at Target and it's got like a braided rope with like a brown um braided rope stripe it's all covered in that like like material it is so cute and so wellmade like the bottom of the Wings are like kind of a burlap I love it it's kind of big too so we're going to display that on the top I'm going to have it kind of climbing out of the tear tray so you can definitely see it because it's definitely one of the stars of the show I really like it and the top tier on this one is not too big so I think that's enough of the larger pieces but I did want to use some flowers for a little bit more filler these are from Dollar Tree to these are the Asters I picked these cuz they were white with like the yellow Center I couldn't really find exactly what I was looking for at Dollar Tree but I think of these will work I'm just going to give them a quick iron with my heat gun they really wanted to fold up on themselves um and cover up like the yellow centers and I really wanted the yellow centers to be exposed and so I just kind of iron them out with my gun um one at a time until they look their best and I can use those as filler um the top is kind of small though so I'm only going to need a couple of them to fill um on the top but I just put one in front of the honey pot and then one between the Beehive and the Honey Pot there in the back and that is filled in nicely it looks really fun for spring and we can move on to the bottom so this is the rest of that Greenery that I got at the Dollar Tree and I'm just going to kind of string that around the bottom of it and we can start decorating the Bottom now this is from Dollar Tree the little be humble sign it's so cute it's like a slatted wood sign it is so perfect it stands up on its own and it is a perfect size for a tear tray so I told you this tear tray was going to be really easy right I was able to find most of these pieces already pre-made so definitely stay me some time now the next project we are going to kind of put together these are those new be um tins that they have at Dollar Tree this year they're kind of big and I wanted to kind of fill it with a house plant and I didn't really have anything that would fit in there and so I'm going to kind of try to make a faux house plant with some of this Greenery from the Dollar Tree the first thing I'm going to do is and just kind of take the whole thing off the vine um that's just going to leave me with the leaves and I wanted to see if I could kind of make my own little house plant so I'm going to use one of the little green foam pieces but as you can see it's a big bucket so it doesn't fit in there too good I'm just going to use that excess twine to kind of boost that up a little bit so we can like make the house plant by using the vine and actually putting it into the foam that's my plan so I'm going to leave the two leaves attached but I cut off a little bit of a stem so I have something that I can put down into the foam like that and it's a little bit easier to work with when it's not quite in a bucket and it's also easier to work with if you poke a hole in that foam first before you add the greenery so that's what I'm doing I'm just using a little tiny screwdriver poke a hole in the foam and put the greenery down in there and this was a quick little hack to try to give me a little faux house plant that's going to provide a little bit more Greenery to the tear tray as well and a fun thing to put in that little bee bucket they have they still have the smaller be buckets the ones with the stripes those are super cute too and you could do kind of the same project with that one but I wanted to try one of these new ones it's definitely a larger bucket so it's going to take up a little bit more room there and then I'm going to use just a little brown floral Moss any area where I can kind of see the green foam to to disguise that and it totally worked here's our little faux house plant and our B bucket kind of a DIY now the next item is from the fairy garden section at Dollar Tree they have these cute little bee gnomes they have different ones this one's holding like a b skep and like a b mine was a little skinned up sometimes you know the Dollar Tree products can be especially like these little fairy garden things so I'm just going to touch up this skin on his nose and his hands to kind of make him look a little bit better but otherwise he's super cute I'm going to display him here in front he's not that tall so I think he'll work well there and then the next item is a candle it's a sunflower scented candle it smells really good and it's got like a little glass bee on the side of it I got this at Dollar Tree as well I was trying to decide if I should just leave it clear glass with be on there but I decided I wanted you to be able to see the be a little bit better so I'm going to try to paint it on so I'm using a black paint pen to kind of draw that on I did notice that this black paint pen was a little thick for the little tiny dainty legs and stuff like that so I'm going to switch it up to like a finer tip tier one for the legs um because they're a little bit skinnier here and just kind of drawing everything that is kind of um lifted out of the the glass and you can really see it a lot better now and then I gave it a couple B stripes with my yellow paint pen to make it look like a bee and I think I'll store it with the lid on it to keep that fragrance safe until I burn it because it smelled really good I definitely want to burn this candle but it's nice and small so I fit it right there in front the next item is also from the Dollar Tree it's a sign but it's a hanging sign but I'm going to use it kind of as a leaner sign to go up against the center intersection I do want to kind of paint it give it a little update since it's going to be kind of the very front of my bottom of my tear tray and sometimes the paint doesn't go all the way to the sides on these projects and sometimes you want to customize it too so I'm going to show you how I do it I just touched up the wings which I don't really like the fact that the wings are yellow but I I'll show you what I do for that and I'm going to touch up the black and all the different areas super cute and then I wanted the flowers to kind of match the flowers that I used on the tear tray so instead of purple I painted mine white and then we can go back and add like yellow centers to them to kind of match the flowers that we used I'm also going to use like a fine tip black paint pen to do like the veining there on the um wings of it and I also kind of whitewash it a little bit with a little bit of white on top of it too to kind of make that a little bit different color than the bright yellow that were painted before not really sure why they were painted that color but with a little makeover I think it looks really nice and I'm going to display this right here in front you can also use one of the be stepping stones those are super cute as well and they would work well in a tear tray and then we're just going to finish it off with those white and yellow flowers from the Dollar Tree I told you this tear tray was going to be really easy it's really quick to put together lots of fun finds from Dollar Tree and dollar spot for this this year and I always love a b tear tray I think this is the third one that I've done so yeah check back I do have some more detailed ones for sure um but this one was definitely the easiest one I think I've ever put together and it turned out really cute I think it looks really pretty for spring with all the flowers all the little bee touches and I really love that bee there from the target Dollar spot I think it's super cute okay you have made it to the end of all the DIYs today thank you so much for joining me don't forget to comment your favorite DIY in the comments below and don't forget to like And subscribe if you haven't and here is the final reveal of all of the projects that we made today enjoy [Music] I'm driving you're smiling just really doing nothing that's the thing I like about you on the highway it's our way Route 66 and we keep on driving we just do what we W to do yeah no nothing's complicated with you hey playing songs on the radio sing along the that we don't knows out let's just run away I can drive the you like being on the highs out I got a little crush you say that I'm crazy it's just the way that I get every time that I am with you your laughter takes me to Heaven I just want to make you repeat it and repeat it again yeah you make the sky so blue no nothing's complicated with you hey playing songs on the radi sing along in the woods that we don't know brings our problem let's just run away yeah I can drive the with you like being your high brings out got a little CR thank you so much for joining me today and making it all the way to the end of the video that always really helps and I want to give a huge thank you um to all of my crafty beachbum members for supporting my channel here on YouTube thank you to Karen o'haren Melinda Elizabeth Jamie job Susan Edmonds Carrie R Tracy Knight Nancy wner Julie Miller Jana Fairington Pamelia Ren Maria Grace Donna Shriner Sandy C and Lindsay thank you so much for supporting me if you'd like to join it's $4.99 a month you can cancel any time and you're going to get early adree access to my videos all you have to do is hit the join button under today's video and you are in okay guys if you'd like more Dollar Tree DIYs YouTube might thinks that you might enjoy this video right here happy crafting
Channel: Crafty Beach
Views: 20,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bee diys, bee diy, dollar tree diys, dollar tree diy, diy dollar tree, dollar tree bee diys, dollar tree bee diy, bee dollar tree diys, bee dollar tree diy, bee tiered tray, bee tiered tray diy, bee wreath diy, bee decor diy, bee vase diy, bee wreath, bee decor, bee vase, bee dollar spot, dollar spot bee, bumblebee diy, honeybee diy, dollar tree hacks, dollar tree crafts, dollar tree craft ideas, dollar store crafts, dollar tree diy crafts, dollar tree summer crafts
Id: q9T5YGusYI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 26sec (4586 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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