From $0 to $11K Month on KDP! Low Content Profits Academy Student Success Story

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welcome back today I am thrilled to be talking to yet another star low content profits Academy student Kim George Kim is the founder of your sheet geek where she teaches solopreneurs how to create and sell epic digital products online she has got an incredible story that includes going from 30 low content book flops in a row to over 11k in sales last month and she's now on track for consistent five-figure months now in our chat Kim talks about her keyword research process how she decides on a niche how to stand out in that Steve competition her ad strategy and her tips for those just starting out in the space Kim is full of valuable low content publishing tips so I know you're going to love our conversation if you haven't heard of low content profits Academy this is my signature online course for people who want to start generating passive income creating and selling journals planners coloring books and more on the Kindle Direct publishing platform to get started for free you can download my free guide three steps to publishing your first low content book in less than a day by clicking on the link in the description below you can also attend my free master class three secrets to a widely successful low content publishing business also linked to down in the description below hello Kim thank you so much for joining me today super excited to talk to you so let's get right into it okay first why don't you just let everyone know when you started publishing low content books and what made you decide to give it a try in the first place awesome so first before we even get into the the rest of the interview I just want to say thank you um because um you know I I honestly started publishing in 2021 of March I think it was March of 2021 and it was because of you I um ran across one of your videos and um you know you were just talking about your experience in low content publishing and how you know you were able to kind of make the shift I think from non-fiction and kind of fiction books over to this because it was able to kind of you know um give you a little bit more leeway and and you know you maximize your income and things like that and so I saw your your videos I started looking and I'm just like oh wow you know this is great um so at the time um I come from a technical background so at the time I was doing a lot a one-on-one work um kind of techie stuff along with a little bit of DIY design but I was kind of burned out right I was just like man you know I'm stuck in 101 and I'm one-on-one work and I'm grateful for it but I'm like I need to find other income streams so again I found you I started watching all of your videos over and over again and um you know I have to be truthful one of the videos that you did talked about you know you talked about your income and things I said oh my God she is killing it out here with this low content book stuff so I'm like what is this and so um from there I kind of just signed up I embarked on the journey I kind of started publishing and you know and just learning and that led me into this the place where I am now with low content publishing and I absolutely love it I'm grateful for it so that's how I got my start and when I started well you've really killed it so you have come so what's that 2021 so in less than two years yeah is it what is it so month to month it's been like a year a year and a half it's been a year and a half actually so that's great because by the time I was making what you're making now that took me at least three years so oh my Godly beats big time yeah I mean when I finally did get to the low content it was about a year but it took me a couple of years to get to that point you know messing around with the fiction and then the non-fiction so I hope you understand just how much you are actually killing it I listen that really puts things into perspective because I again I I'm just you know we were just kind of talking I'm a I'm just kind of like still in awe and in shock really on what has happened I'm serious like I've just been sitting here like I cannot believe what happened I'm still in shock I am just grateful I'm really grateful I'm really grateful for you know everything that has kind of happened with low content publishing but I just didn't I didn't even think about it like that it was just like oh wow okay this is great now I need to do more and you know so that's really that's it really is like a phenomenal like hockey stick trajectory right off the top thank you you know normally you say there are no overnight successes well you might be one of those exceptions to the rule there so okay so it's it's only been about a year how long has it how long did it take for you to start experiencing some consistent monthly Revenue that's a great question so it took me I'll say around six or seven months to be honest because like everybody I was just kind of you know throwing spaghetti at the wall you know I I just figured okay I'm gonna publish these journals I'm gonna just put them out there um and just kind of see what happens and it it just wasn't happening you know so um I have to admit my designs were terrible they were ugly and I'm just like Lord have mercy what was I thinking not putting these things out here so but um I stuck with it and it wasn't until I joined first off it was a couple of things that happened that really kind of set things into motion with you know getting um consistent revenue and all that was I just won LCPA okay joined your your course which is phenomenal and then I started publishing books in a specific Niche and so I started noticing that those books were selling and I'm like huh and so I have to give kudos to my significant other because he's like him he's like why don't you just focus a little bit more on you know publishing in this specific area if you notice that this is what's selling and I'm like you may be right and so I did that and that's when things really picked up you know so it was just noticing a trend and kind of stepping back to say okay wait this is working so let me kind of you know put more energy into publishing books in this specific Niche and that's kind of what happened yeah that's a really great Point like when you find something that's working you gotta double down on that and milk it for all it's worth right squeeze the juice out of it as much as you can exactly exactly and so it was him just kind of saying that in Ray me in and I said you know what you're right for once I'll give you this one oh my God I'll give you this one but he was he's correct he was really correct and so um I just kind of doubled down I started putting more books out into this specific Niche and I actually turned it into a brand so um well you know I'll talk a little bit more about that but um I turned into a brand and it just kind of really took off from there and I'm just like okay this is great so that's kind of what happened that's amazing so how many books have you published so far I I checked yesterday and it was around I think I'm at 419 books or 19. yeah and I do want to say not all of those books are selling so I do want people to know that you're going to have a lot of books that you're going to put out there and you're going to think oh my God I you know this is a great design or great whatever and they don't sell so um not all of my books sell but um it's about 419 I did check that I'm like dang this is a lot of books but still more to go and I always like to ask do you do you notice the 80 20 principle at play here where you've got like 80 of your income coming from 20 of your books absolutely I do not again 80 the 80 20 rule definitely definitely definitely is at play with the publishing for me um you know I checked that yesterday again and I just was like wow yeah so it's probably yeah about 20 or so maybe a little bit more of my books that do sell but all of them do not make sales you know so you just have to kind of know that and be okay with that when you're first getting started and I think that's why a lot of people give up in the beginning right so you put these books out there and you're thinking oh this is going to sell it's going to do great or why am I not making sales I've been publishing for three months it just doesn't work like that guys like you're gonna have to fail forward you're gonna have to fail forward and you have to understand that failure in the beginning is going to be a part of the process and it's just you can't avoid it really you know what's going to take trial and error to until you find something that really works well yeah that's a great point and it sounds like you've really used that perspective to be able to keep going even when you were putting out you know maybe flop after flop for the first few times yes because I think you're absolutely right about that it can be disheartening when you're putting your you know sometimes your heart and soul into these creations and then your the feedback you're getting is you know they're being completely ignored no one's buying anything it can be difficult to keep going so yeah you definitely need the mindset that you clearly seem to have to be able to just pick yourself up make another one get that one out there and just Embrace that as part of the part of the process it is it is a part of the process and you know I'll say that once you you know well back when I started they had the little bars right with the KDP the reporting tool it was a little bar so to let you know that you've made a sale once you see that then that's the that's that was for me it was everything that I needed to say okay there's something here you know someone has finally purchased a book so this is telling me that I'm doing something okay so let me you know back to my previous Point double down on what it is that I'm doing with this specific book that is sold so once you see that cell then you know it's just like yeah yeah I won yeah that was I remember that that very first book I sold my little two dollar royalty and it was as if I just won the lottery it was like whoa okay this works let's let's do some more so did you actually make a sale on your first book or did you have to put out a few before you made your first sale oh God no no I think I published around oh goodness it had to be around 30 books or so before I made a sale and here again it was the one book and the specific Niche that was like okay this is sold once it sold twice it sold three ah there's something here so it caused me to really pay more attention to that Niche but no I I sold I had a lot of Duds before I finally found something that works that's really important for people to hear because if people put out the first book or the first five or first ten and don't make a sale that can be very disheartening so yeah I'm really glad that you said that I mean a full 30 books before you made your first sale I mean you've got some determination that's for sure so yeah that's really important for people to hear especially you know I've seen so many people just in the in the group that if they don't make a sale on that first book then it's like oh my gosh I know yeah I know it's like Oh I'm a fail again like guys you have to be willing to put in the time and to again be okay with failing initially be okay any with trial and error I mean it's just it's just a part of the game it's like I don't really know any because I'm in the group of course and I'm in several groups and I just don't know anyone that has had success with like I mean publishing five books and oh my gosh I'm gonna make 10K like it just it doesn't work like that and I think to be honest with you um a lot of that comes from some of the um information that's being put out there specifically like on YouTube and stuff where you see these videos of you know make these kind of books and you're gonna make 10K a month it does not work like that you know um so I think it's just that's just a realistic you know perspective that I have with it you have to do trial and error and see what works and then once you find what works double down yeah that's exactly that's that's that's everything in a nutshell interview over uh no so how many how many author names do you publish under I think I have oh gosh I think I have around 15 but there's three or four main ones that the best so um the one that I mentioned with the specific Niche um that one was the one that I first started with that took off and I decided to create a brand around the books and um when I say brand I'm talking about you know Social Media stuff I have a social media page for that I have an author website for that I have um what else uh email list you name it I decided to really go forward with creating a brand around like really go out with creating a brand around that and then here lately um you know um this is one of the top earning books that went crazy in December I created a brand around this book because here again I noticed that wow this book is really taken off so maybe there's something here so I wanted to go ahead and just create some more um add some more books to that specific line of books and create a brand around that one as well so yeah that's great yeah so it sounds like you did a lot of experimentation in the beginning with multiple brand new yes brand names everything and once you found found one that was working you decided to put your focus your energy there which I think is a really smart move yes absolutely so so how do you decide uh what Niche is to pursue that is a great question um and this is something I really want people if you don't take anything else away from this interview please take this you cannot Escape research you cannot it's it's just you can't escape doing your research but um typically when I come up with niches um it'll be sometimes just things like going to the store but when I go to the stores I browse around in the book sections and I'll maybe see something and take pictures of things that I see that it's like oh okay well this is really cool maybe I can try something like this or you know go and take a picture and do the research and see if maybe something comes up or it can be just having a conversation with people and you know maybe they'll say I wish I had a book where I could write this this and it's like oh I'm gonna make a mental note of that or record it in my ever notice one of my favorite tools or um essentially going to Amazon looking at some of the best sellers um looking at you know different niches out there and just kind of seeing like hey what's selling you know is there something that I can you know take from some of the best sellers like a sub Niche within that Niche sure et cetera et cetera so I go about it a lot of different ways but that's typically you know kind of what I do definitely I've noticed that with a lot of people that have had success they kind of get off their rumps and take it offline and like go to real bookstores or have conversations or pay attention to things they're seeing in the news or like local hobbies and things like that yeah yeah yeah I mean that's really smart you you have to and again this is kind of going back to the whole um you know this magical Niche is going to make you this you you guys have to think like if someone's putting out and there's nothing wrong with that because you can definitely take information from that but you have to think if someone's putting out a video that is talking about a magical Niche and that's getting you know hundreds of thousands of views or whatever how many other people do you think are gonna run is to start putting out books in that Niche it's just by the time you get to it it's going to be like oh crap you know there's thousands of books that I have to compete with so you have to be willing to find other ways to come up with ideas for books that you can create and you will be surprised like you know like I was just mentioning and just having conversations with people talking to people or just listening you have to have an ear to listen sometimes at like things that people are having challenges with and you can take that you know go and do the research and see if there's a niche for it and then kind of go for it from there but that's typically what I do now once I find something that is like okay this seems to be interesting then I will head over and I use a couple of Chrome extensions to kind of validate the niches to make sure that they are something that people are looking for on Amazon so one of them is um I think it is the AMZ suggestion expander yeah it is a calm extension that I absolutely love another one is uh Corvin van Stone's uh self-publishing he's from self-publishing Titans yep um he has a tool that is called the I think it's the BSR Checker or something like that but I use that as well to just kind of see what the numbers are looking like like you know how many people are competing or how many independently published books are in that Niche and then also DS Amazon quick view I love that one because it kind of tells you you know what the rankings are for those books so that's kind of those are all free tools right yes they are free Chrome extensions you just install them into your Chrome browser and they they do the magic yeah those are all really really great great tools and they definitely shave off a lot of time yes okay so mentioned competition a minute ago what how do you approach you know being able to stand out amongst the competition for your own books definitely one of the things that you have to get great at is design like your covers have to be on point your Interiors have to be on point or if you can find something like a really quirky kind of you know quote or phrase or something that you can put on your books those work well too but the biggest thing is going to be designed I mean there's no way around it I think that you know a lot of people you know whenever I have people come to me or there's so many and say I'm send me an email say hey Kim you know can you take a look at my book cover you know what do you think the first thing that sticks out as bad design outside and so um I just want people to know that you know you don't have to be like some kind of graphic I'm not a graphic artist I'm a diyer you know fortunately like tools like canva things like that have templates already available that you can just modify and font so you can pair together it just really makes everything easy but going back to it the biggest thing is definitely the design you have to be good with design that's the first thing that people see so it has to be good um your Interiors have to be on point two um you know I know that you know you can definitely go and purchase Interiors from different places but um anytime that you do that you definitely still want to add some kind of pizzazz to it and make it your own make it something you super unique you have to think like would I buy this book is this something that I would use it's something that I would buy you know so you kind of want to think from that kind of perspective and you're creating your books yes absolutely design yeah books are judged by their cover they are yeah you've got you've got that one chance to make a first impression exactly any other cheesy quotes I can think of that line because somebody of design and if you don't then there goes your chance and that's and that's exactly really quickly Rachel what happened with the book that took off so this was in a competitive Niche there's a lot of type of you know a lot of the same type of books that are out there and um I I started thinking like what what was it that I did that really kind of made this book stand out and it was the design it was different it was unique and it's something that looks totally different from everything else that's out there so again you know you have to be you have to get good with it or know how to hire someone that can help you create well-designed books I mean it's just it's just what it is you know absolutely yeah so we kind of already touched on various points of this but can you kind of just walk us through your research creation and publication process like where does it start and where does it end so for me it starts with again doing the research um you know or coming up with a niche idea and again there's several different ways you can do that for me it's again hearing maybe something that someone has said they're you know challenged with or going into the store seeing something oh this looks pretty cool or just being on Amazon and just looking around to find different ideas so once I find an idea for something that I may be interested in publishing I have to validate it you have to validate things guys you just can't and oh my gosh I'm sorry I have to say this but please guys I know that you might like to go you know I don't know what I don't know just thinking of something crazy you know my my mom I'll just put it like this she comes to me she wanted to get started in the business she's like I really think that people will like this and I'm like it does not work like that we have to find something that people are actually looking for before we put something out there because if we don't it's going to be a waste of time so I'm saying that to say that just because you have an idea about something it doesn't mean that you should just go and just immediately put a book out about it you have to do your research so going back to that question whenever I find something that I'm interested in I go over to Amazon again using the tools that I mentioned and I validate it I'll type it in if it comes up or if I see something that is assigned to me that oh okay people are actually searching for this so that's all the validation that I need and then from there I'll go on to you know like I said check the BSR numbers um I will check to see you know how many search results comes up I will check um just other things to make sure something that people are looking for so that's that's my process but yeah it just I just wish people would understand that it you can come up with all these different things but if no one is searching for it and looking forward might be your own sole customer yeah yeah you might get a couple pity purchases from family members and it happened with my mom right so I I got to the point with her and I'm like I love you Mom and I'm like I don't people aren't looking for this but I said I'll put it out there for you I'll publish it but I said but I I can't guarantee it's going to make sales and she said well I think it will okay great no sales well I guess you were right oh damn you know I love her but you know God bless her but I just was like okay I'm just gonna have to show her like this is how this works so yeah yeah all right so you you use ads so can you just talk about when you started to use ads like how far along in your journey before you got in there because that's a whole other animal and then just talk a little bit about what your ad strategy is yes that is a great question so I um started using ads probably I'll say so I started making consistent sales around six or seven months so probably honestly in month number [Music] five or six I started using ads and I have to tell you it was terrible because I didn't know I was doing you know I didn't know what I was doing I just you know kind of saw videos on YouTube about other people talking about using ads to boost sales and I said well you know what I'm gonna give it a try and let's just say that I was definitely in the negative it was horrible I said I'm not doing this anymore this is just taking my money and it was because I just didn't know what I didn't know you know so um what I decided to do was I started looking at I think I took Dave chesson's I think he has a free right yeah his free ads course he has a free ads course and then I started looking at some other YouTube videos from people who were really doing well with ads and it wasn't for KDP though it was for like FBA but I learned from those videos like you know these are things that you need to do to optimize ads or how to find keywords or you know how to do an auto ad and things like that and so once I really got that process down that's when I started to really notice a shift and first off I became profitable and then I started really testing and playing around with other different ads but it was probably month six five or six that I really started using ads for my books and then how long did it take before you became proficient with ads like what was that learning curve like like how long did it take for you to get profitable it took it took a couple of months or so it really did it took a couple of months because so one of the things that I recommend um that folks kind of start off with to get your foot in the door with ads is doing Auto ad campaigns okay because I know manual campaigns can be great but I say Auto ad campaigns because here's why with an auto ad campaign Amazon is doing a lot of the work for you so they're finding keywords that may be associated with your book they are finding related products as well that are like your book or associated with your book and you guys have probably seen these related product you know the related products word whenever you go into a book and you click on that book you go all the way down to the page you're going to see other related products down there so with an auto ad campaign you basically are getting your book in front of way more people two times instead of just once with a manual campaign if that makes sense right um now so with also with an auto Camp Auto ad campaign you can basically kind of test your budgets and things like that so you can go in um I usually start off with like say two dollars uh per day or two dollars per day and then I set a really low budget of like let's just say 11 cents for the entire ad campaign I see how that works let's see if it's getting Impressions and then I kind of scale from there if that makes sense right so once you start getting your impressions and you kind of start getting clicks to things from there from the books that you're getting the clicks and Impressions and things to you can take that information and put those into its own manual campaign so that's essentially how I do it and then I also use a lot of react campaign as well um I absolutely love it I know there are some people that are like that's it but no it works well um and it's basically just a low budget campaign where you take all of your books I have like 400 and something so I just take all of the books that you know really don't sell and I put them into that campaign it's an automatic campaign I set a low budget like seven cents and I just let it ride and then Amazon is going to go out and do all of the work with fine you know putting it in front of people and things like that so that's essentially my strategy that I use but it it's been working pretty good so I'm grateful for that just you know that's excellent so is there any advice you'd give people as to when they should focus on ads like do you think that they should really spend the time and like make sales on their own without ads first get that process down and then tackle ads because I know some people right in the beginning they get discouraged they're not making any sales so they think oh maybe I just need to put ads on it and before they've learned out how to make sales without the ads yeah and then of course there's further disappointment when now not only are they not making sales they're actually losing money on ads right so here here's here's what I would say I would say if you have books that are that have already been proven to sell organically then you can go ahead and run an ad campaign on it to boost those sales even further I live on the dangerous side so that so if have a book and first off ads are not going to amplify a book that has a horrible cover okay and a terrible interior it's just not going to amplify those things if you don't have those basic things down packed you're gonna struggle you're going to have a hard time with sales I'm just keeping it real here so you definitely want to make sure that you have a really strong cover really good interior and all of that good stuff before you start turning on ads and then like you said you know for beginners if you again if you have books that are already selling yes go ahead test ads I would say run an auto ad first to get your feet wet to understand how to you know kind of you know look at your stats and things like that and then go on to manual ads but yes I would say that wait till you have a sale first and then amplify that book you know the book sales with ads but again again I live on the dangerous side because I'm kind of familiar with running ads but again I don't I don't run ads until I know that a book has made some sales and until I know that the cover or if I know the cover is really strong and the interior is really strong then I will go ahead and test running ads so again even with ads you don't have to spend a lot of money per day you can spend a dollar per day you can spend two dollars to kind of test things out so that's kind of my strategy but again cover has to be on point interior has to be on point you don't you know you can't put bad books out there and run ads to them it's just not gonna work so yeah that's great advice so what what is your profit margin then for your assets yes so my profit margin is is typically pretty good um my a cost because that kind of is the telling sign of whether or not you're profitable and something else that people need to know when you're dealing with ads and a costs and all of that kinds of stuff you it really depends on the price of your book so let's just say for example if you're running an ad on a book that's like 6.97 then I think you're a good a cost for that is going to be around 24 or something like that so that's worth noting like the more the you know the the pricier the book then the more you know leeway you have to run your ads but mine are pretty profitable um overall uh my ad campaigns are are hovering around I'll just say like a 20 something percent a cost so for me I know it's still profitable you know does that mean that your your overall profit is like 75 80 percent it it can be there it can be there it definitely was there um in December it was really nuts I was really profitable but um for for where we are now and we're recording this in uh what is it January um it's around 20 something percent so yeah it's probably around 60-ish percent in profitability which is great and so yeah yeah that's awesome yeah that's fantastic yeah and I know I see a lot of people and and I'm gonna say this I know this is going to be controversial I can tend to be that way sometimes um I know that a lot of people um kind of start off with ads and you know they see that the a cost is really extremely high so there's a couple of things that you have to consider okay with that if you know that again you have a really strong cover and it's a book that's in a really competitive Niche and your egg your a cost is really high if you know that you're willing to spend a little bit of money to push that book up the ranks and you're okay with that then I would say go forward if you're not don't do it just don't just wait until you get the organic sales and then run an ad to it from there so it's just a way to think about it because I had to start thinking about it that way too like okay I know I'm losing money but I know that because I'm pushing this book out there even with the loss on the a cost and all of that I'm still gonna if I'm making sales I'm good even though it's not as many sales and then ads do another thing they bring in more organic sales so you kind of have to think about that when you're running them you kind of have to put that into you know into the back of your head as well so just something to think about yeah I always like to say like never never spend any more money than you're willing to lose absolutely absolutely if you're okay with make taking that risk yeah and it doesn't work out well you've already decided that that was okay so it's all good yeah yeah one one last thing that I will say too um is that with ads guys ads are not set it and forget it ads take a lot of testing tweaking and optimization and I think that's something that people you know just kind of Overlook you can't just think that oh I'm gonna set an ad up and it's just gonna run and you know I'm just gonna it's gonna make me all this money you have to constantly be tweaking like doing things like for example with an automatic ad campaign if you're running an automatic ad campaign and you see that it's like taking a lot of your profits and it's not making you a lot of money you're gonna have to do things like go in and dig into that ad campaign to see okay what keywords are getting a lot of clicks but no sales if you see that there is words in there that are doing that you need to add those to the negative keyword space right or if you see that okay I'm setting a budget of let's just say I don't know 20 cents per bid then maybe you need to decrease the bid so it's just things that you have to you know you have to tweak it you know you really have to do a lot of tweaks and optimization to really get to a point where it's like okay I found a sweet spot this is working for me I'm not spending a lot of money my a cost is down I'm good so just know that as well yeah absolutely so apart from ads are there any other marketing strategies you use I know you mentioned uh you do have some Social Media stuff going on for one of your Brands yeah so um so with social media um a couple of the platforms that I use for my main brand that I kind of mentioned earlier on in the video is going to be Tick Tock and then also Instagram so Tick Tock guys is phenomenal um you know with Tick Tock I just basically go to canva I use one of the templates in there I kind of you know add some pictures mock-ups put a little bit of music to it and it just kind of works you know um but Tick Tock has been working pretty well for me and then also I'm going to get more strategic and really try to be more consistent with publishing to like Instagram and to Facebook as well for a specific brand but um Tick Tock has been working the best that I've seen so far for me um as a matter of fact one of the videos that I published and it just kind of took off it was like at 10 000 views and I'm like what are you crazy so you know so it's it's pretty fun and it's pretty easy and um you know I know a lot of the non-fiction authors tend to do really really well with Tick Tock but I'll just say just give it a try you know you never know it's free so it can't hurt to to get out there and try other things you know I've got to get on Tick Tock because you're the third or fourth person that's like tick tock's really working for me so yeah yeah it does it doesn't it's just you know you just kind of have to be consistent with it and you're just posting the videos and just different things and you know it's it's pretty fun so yeah I would just say give it a try you know we'll just kind of see what happens that's amazing um okay so just going back to your success in general like yeah why why do you think that you have been so successful so far with low content publishing I think that it's been a mixture of a couple of things I think persistence I think uh the ability to fail forward and be okay like again be okay with it like be okay with knowing that I'm going into this this is a business this is something that I'm going to really stick out I'm going to treat this like a business but um also knowing that you know everything is not initially going to go great but it's trial and error so um I think that you know that and just kind of persistence pushing through being able to to say okay I've identified something that's working and I'm gonna double down on that um and um just the research again doing the research and just taking the time to really understand and be okay with knowing that I'm going to do my research I'm going to again double down on things and um sticking things out I think has really been a part of the success and then also to um I will have to say standing on as they say the shoulders of giants like yourself and other people that I've seen um looking at videos and just always be being open to learning as much as I can and continuing to learn has been a part of the success as well so yeah and and I know your success has happened relatively quickly so I don't know how many big changes you've seen so far but like how has the success changed your life so far I am the same old goofy your girl Yorkshire that's I'm just I think that I'm I'm grateful that is just how I could explain it Rachel um KDP has really uh changed the game for me um it's changed the game for me in more ways than one you know one of the things that I always wanted to do and this is kind of what I talked to initially was I was really looking for ways to add other income streams you know to my life and so um it's great knowing that okay I have this other income stream that's working for me um it's helped me with being you know more creative and getting it more into my creative Zone and um you know those are just some of the things that it's done you know I mean like I said it's been fun I have fun with Katy you have to have fun with this you have to really love it and I do I have a lot of fun creating you know the low content books and things so it's been phenomenal and I'm just still in awe of you know what has happened but I'm just super grateful for it if everything I am so you're an LCPA student obviously a star one um which parts of the program would you say were the most helpful for you oh my gosh I shouldn't be singing But Rachel Rachel thank you so much for breaking down and I'm serious guys the keyword research and the back end process how it was just like a light bulb went off finally because that was one of the things that I struggled with like I I was just like how in the heck what am I supposed to put in these seven back it do these Seven slots on the backing keywords and so the way that you explained it the way that you broke it down I was just like oh my God this is what I have been missing you know all of my life um so yeah I I just it was that that just the way you put things the way you explain that process and how to put things together just really set the light bulb off for me so it's just really made it so simple so whenever I'm doing books now it's just kind of like okay I got a Rachel's process I gotta get these seven back in keywords in here we're good you know so it it really it it was a game changer I cannot understate that guys it really was a game changer well that obviously makes me so happy to hear so so happy um okay so you know we're at the beginning of the year now what are your goals for this year so my goals for this year um are to continue publishing um in the low content space but caveat I am going to be focusing more on books that are harder to compete with um like I've really been getting into children's story books and picture books um that's been really great for me um I'm going to also really delve more into you know publishing and creating other Revenue income streams or streams of Revenue I'll say right um so for example um I recently started an Etsy shop I really want to get more into that um and just a couple of other things I really want to double down in so for KDP definitely going to continue publishing but just in a different way really want to focus like I said on you know like I said the children's books maybe more activity books and things that are a little bit harder to do because while I love the lower content books I mean it's just it's really getting competitive and um so I figured you know I need to probably switch my strategy a bit and do and think really more outside of the box with things and do things that are a little hard to to meet with so that's that's definitely the strategy for it well I cannot wait to see the success that you're going to have this year because I know you're making a tremendous amount um finally I just kind of want to ask you what advice do you have for anyone that's just starting out right now with low content publishing or maybe they just started a few weeks ago they're struggling maybe they're on their 30th book and they haven't had any sales yet yeah so my advice is is gonna be this guys it's three things um number one is understand that this is a process um you have to again be willing and I know that I've said this several times but it's true you have to be willing to fail forward you know if you're really serious about this you have to be willing to make mistakes you have to be willing to you know um put the time in to the business um like I said I think a lot of people get um and I kind of don't like this side of uh the the YouTube space but it's just too many videos that are just like you publish this kind of book you're going to make all this money oh and it's just not the case you know it's hard work it really is like it's hard work and so you have to be willing to put in the time the dedication and be willing to fail a little bit before you find that something for you that works okay um number two is to your design game needs to be on point if you don't have the design prowess then consider Outsourcing or hiring someone one that does again it's way too competitive out there to just throw up any old thing and think that it's going to work because it's just not you you probably could have worked maybe in 2019 I'm not really sure um but you have to be really really really you know um good with design or find someone that is good with design or take classes or just learn you know some of the design fundamentals okay um tip number three is to give yourself Grace you know that's something that you spoke to me about um when we talked previously and it really it really spoke to my spirit and my heart when you said that um about something and so just give yourself some Grace you know just know that again this is a journey it's a it's a marathon it's not a Sprint and that um you know it may take a little time before you find something but um if you're really serious about it you're gonna put the time you got to put the energy the effort and all of that into you know to putting out things that are great you know something that you would want to buy so um those are kind of the things that I will leave you with and last but not least research can't get away from it you cannot I'm sorry I'm sorry you can't you have to do your research you have to put the time in to do your research so those are the things that I'll leave with you guys all really wonderful advice and you're so right you just you can't escape the the hard work it doesn't matter what you're doing nothing is going to be easy I'm sorry it just isn't it's not it's not guys I you know again I had a huge month in December and I'm still in awe but it took a lot to get there I have I would be up sometimes guys you know hours eight hours working on things just hours you know and I know that it's that's probably not gonna be the it's probably not going to work for everybody um but for me because I was so dedicated to this and really learning this and again I wouldn't recommend eight hours open to doing low content but um it's just just saying that you have to be willing to put in the time I'm so serious about that you have to be willing to put in the time if you treat it like a hobby it's gonna pay you like a hobby treat it like a to pay like a business it's wonderful advice absolutely so Kim where can people find you if they want to keep updated on your progress and follow you I know you've got a YouTube channel and you're putting out all sorts of cool stuff there so where can people find you yeah if if you guys want to um you know follow my journey um and all that good stuff I am have a YouTube channel it's over at your Chic geek and um also um I where else um over on YouTube I am over on I'm on Instagram I've come on Instagram I think I'm over on Instagram but primarily through YouTube that's where I really do a lot of my you know talk about my journey and things that are happening with me um with uh low content books and you know all things uh passive income so you can find me there and I think I have Instagram at your sheet geek and um that's pretty much it just mainly YouTube though for sure that's where I am and you've got a swipe file as well oh I do thank you Rachel I'm sorry but I do I do guys so for those of you that are interested I do have a free swipe file where I have 101 um different uh passive income products that you can create and publish and sell so if you're interested in that you can definitely download that just to kind of get some ideas on things you can do so yeah and we'll leave a link to that uh swipe file down in the description below so people be sure to check that out and I'll link to your YouTube channel too so awesome yeah well thank you so much Kim it was just such a pleasure speaking with you today and yeah I I just can't wait to see what you get up to this year and thank you how much more are your success just kind of explore loads over the next 12 months so thanks again no so so seriously I have to say this uh thank you again Rachel um again you were one of the first people that I started following and um again thank you for just putting out great information thank you for being who you are and um you know I wish you nothing but you know more success and all of that good stuff as well for this year so thank you appreciate it thank you so much Kim thank you thank you so much for watching I hope you're as inspired and motivated as I was after chatting with Kim again if you want to find out more about how to get started with low content publishing download my free guide three steps to publishing your first low content book in less than a day I have linked to that down in the description below and you're also invited to attend my free pre-recorded masterclass three secrets to a wildly successful low content publishing business also a link to down below inside that masterclass you're gonna learn the four things you must do before creating your first low content book the five-step formula for writing a book description that sells the three mindset musts for low content publishing success and you'll also learn more about my paid program the program that Kim is a student of a low content profits Academy if you like this video please hit the like button subscribe share it with anyone you think might find it helpful for another low content publishing success story check out this video next to see how another one of my star LCPA students is made talking 5K a month on KDP with no ads thanks so much for watching and see you next time
Channel: Rachel Harrison-Sund
Views: 26,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: make money online 2023, how to self publish a book on amazon kdp, self publishing a book, self publishing, self publishing on amazon kdp, self-publishing a book on amazon, rachel harrison sund, low-content profits academy, your chic geek, kindle direct publishing, low-content publishing
Id: Ss2_Xifbag4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 50sec (2690 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
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