[1591] The Replicant: Pocket Key Casting Perfected!

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this is the lock ping lawyer and today I am literally adding something to my bag of tricks it's called the replicant and we just released it last week over on Covert instruments.com it is without a doubt the most compact and I think the best key cast and mold kit that I've ever heard of what's in my hand is everything you need to cast a replica key only having access to the original for a few seconds it works on most major types of keys here we have a pin tumbler key this is a dimple key and finally a disc detainer key so what I'm going to do is take you through everything that comes in the package then I'll put something protective down on the desk and I'll show you how it works we'll start with a package of sculpy 3 polymer clay colors will vary then we have 10 Woods metal ingots each one is perfectly sized to cast 1K here we have the kit body that contains everything it acts as a casting stand and it's also a mold compressor here we have the mold clamshell which includes storage for three of our Woods metal casting ingots we have the multi-use roller which will flatten out the clay once it's inside of the clam shell there's instructions on how to do that over on Covert instruments.com you can also open it up and it acts as storage for your release agent we'll talk about that in just a moment finally this acts as the handle for the multi-purpose casting spoon which goes right into there so you don't burn your fingers while you're heating the metal up now I should Note One Thing notice there's a lot of threads here and I wanted to explain that we tested this kit a lot and something really common was when people were rolling this they would actually remove the side of this so we added a lot of thread so people didn't end up spilling their release medium here we have the spoon this is also a multi-use device it of course acts for melting the metal but it also has a finely serrated edge and that's for cleaning up any imperfections in your cast key I also use it for cutting the sculpy up and the last thing in here is our retention band let me show you how this looks pre-staged and I will first note that there are two things that you'll need to get started we couldn't include a lighter because of shipping restrictions but it's designed to hold a bck mini it's one of the cheapest and most common lighters in the in the world you also need a bit of release agent I use baby powder but I've tried so many things ranging from talc to corn starch potato starch flour antifungal foot powder makeup powder they all worked fine but I like baby powder it's cheap it's easy and it works well here we have the kit pre-staged we removed the retention band and our lighter and Spoon come off here I have my roller and if we open this up you'll see a little bit of baby powder inside of there here we have our clamshell and you'll see we have our three ingots there and I've also rolled flat the polymer clay now the most common way people messed up when we were testing this is they didn't roll the clay out flat you'll need to roll it out I don't know six times 10 times close to Flat is not good enough mostly flat almost flat no it has to be flat if it's not flat you will not get a good result so I'm going to put something protective down on my desk and then I'm going to show you how all of this works okay we have a piece of metal down on the desk and we are going to cast a copy of the dimple key to this sliding bolt pad lock let's open everything up and get our clam shell out this is already pre-staged with the sculpy in place if you need to know how to do that I suggest watching the instructional video it's in the product listing over at cover instruments.com I think we have enough release agents still in here so let's go ahead and put the key in that should be good let's go ahead and close it up going to close it all the way now we have a couple options here you can just squeeze it shut with your hand I wouldn't recommend it I think the better way is to put it back into the case and what that does is gives a nice even pressure all the the way around the clam shell just one thing I would note is when you're pushing the two halves of this together don't push on the key also because it will destroy the impression okay let's take a look at the impression we have and I think this should be good going to make a little kind of funnel at the top there to pour our liquid metal into and we can put it back into one half of the outer shell that allows it to stand up take one of our ingots and let's go ahead and Heat this up it takes roughly 30 seconds though I've never really timed it before you'll see it melting fairly quickly probably a good idea not to have your hand directly under the metal just in case you slip up once it looks like the metal is completely molten I I recommend giving another five or 10 seconds just to make sure okay I think we're good now let's pour this in and we are going to give that a solid I'll say 3 4 minutes if you take it out early you will get a very weak key that's important if you need to air on one side or the other taking it out early or late give it extra time to cool so we're going to do that right now and I'll start the video again in just a moment okay it's been a few minutes let's see how our key turned out okay overall it looks like we have a really nice cast a little bit of flashing at the edge and we're going to use this to the serrated edge just to clean that up a little bit honestly this is not bad at all let's see how it works okay folks I think this is a really cool kit but a couple words of caution first fire is hot molten metal is hot please don't burn yourselves second cast keys are considerably weaker than normal Keys particularly if you don't let them fully cool down so don't break your keys off in locks it's easy to do if you aren't both experienced and careful if the key doesn't fit in or if it doesn't turn Don't Force It use the serrated edge on the side of the spoon to carefully remove all flashing and mold imperfections that usually solves the problem in any case that's all I have for you today if you do have any questions or comments about this please put them below if you like this video and would like to see more like it please subscribe and as always have a nice day thank you
Channel: LockPickingLawyer
Views: 1,169,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: L5Fus7qbRZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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