I Put Up A 40 Foot Ridge Beam By Myself!!!

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okay both ends are stood up both gable ends are stood up there both notched ready for the glulam I'm sorry for the lvl beam the beam is 40 feet long the distance is exactly 40 feet from end to end this is my 40 foot long 14 inch lvl I hauled this up here with my truck and trailer because the supply house could not get their trailer up here number one and number two the soonest that I could get it up here that they could get it up here would have been tomorrow afternoon so I used the backhoe again for the 56th time to get it up here I got a sitting here now this is my contraption to get it in place I would guess this LVL weighs around I don't know 350 350 400 pounds maybe this is gonna be the part that's gonna be a pain I built a little scaffolding just to kind of keep me off the stairs if I if something did happen but I took these two by twelve by twelve footers and I nailed them they're nailed in every which way I could nail them and I put some treads there just to give me something to bite on and I am gonna try and get this thing up in place I may have to use Terrell and Cole for some help but I got to get this thing up and in place so I can get the rafters going I got the 40-foot lvl beam in place not without struggle [Music] the the beam weighs about probably 350 pounds in that range I would guess the beam itself is a 14-inch lvl I had to drive 30 miles away to get it part of my problem was the only trailer that the company had to get it here would not come up the road and so I managed to use my little 14 foot trailer in my truck and it hung about eight foot over my cab and about eight foot off the back but I managed to get it up here without any issues I used a couple water barrels to let it slide on as I turned got it up here without any issues when I was setting the beam yesterday I tried to do as much as I could myself as usual and the beam shifted and pinned against my legs for a good 30 seconds and it did not feel good and so I stopped and I ran a gun Terrell and his son Cole the what I did over the stairs there's I built a scaffolding to make sure that it was safe over the stairs I just framed up a scaffolding and then we got that in place last night and then today I was able to actually by myself kind of do the same thing where I built another scaffolding on this end and I progressively and shimmied it up and then dropped it in so everything went well over the last couple of months I've had a thought that I needed to get out in front of and I just haven't done it and the thought it goes back to the inspections and the type of permit that I have on this property on this on this particular building on the main house that you can see out the window there the foundation I pulled a traditional permit because I was required to pull a permit as that's what the the city required the county required on the shop here I was only required to have what's called an Ag per and the AG permit is is typically designed for just like it sounds for agricultural use if I wanted a shop and nothing else I didn't need any more than that AK permit but over the last couple months I just kept thinking this really isn't the right permit for this building I probably should get out in front of this and make sure that that I don't run into problems down the road and I don't know what legally could happen if I build a structure in this county without the proper permitting but I don't want to find out I don't want to move my family up here and find out that you know I've got I got legal issues now because I I didn't pull a permit the good news is so I called the inspector who's a friend of mine and I called him up and asked him to come up this morning and he looked the place over had a couple minor changes a couple of suggestions thank goodness I had him come up here before I started them on the rafters because he explained to me what I needed to do to make sure it met code but everything's fine everything's good and so we we transitioned the permit from what's called an Ag permit to just a traditional building permit for a home now I pulled a permit on my septic system there's no issues there but now I I'm gonna have to jump through a couple of minor hoops to make sure everything else is inspected but the good news is from that point on there's no issues as far as this being even a permanent living facility so I'm super glad that I called him this is the downside I guess to living in a county that requires inspections you know in this little niche off-grid living home setting things like that people regularly try to find counties that do not require building permits in my opinion there's a downside to some of those counties so because of where we're at I'm gonna have to spend a little bit of money on some other permits but that's okay I don't have any issues with it and thank goodness so far everything that we've done I just had in my mind I had a feeling I need to build this to code don't build a pole barn frame it up properly build it you know like a normal home would be built and everything's good the next step is I've got to get all of the rafters up here in place the weather changes at about two o'clock in the morning I'm afraid I'm going to come up here tomorrow morning and it's going to be wet and rainy but I'm gonna keep working I want to get all the rafters up here and in place so I can work tomorrow even if it is raining it's supposed to rain most of the day the next step is to get the rafters trimmed I may get up on top of that beam and pull a string line just to make sure that thing is is straight and true as I set rafters but I'm gonna try desperately to get all the rafters set and in place so I can get the shear on the roof and and not have any issues with that the when I showed the inspector the the floor joists he thought it was overkill he said a little bit overkill but he walked around up here on the second storey and he was completely happy with the way it felt so this is the again the downside if it is a downside I don't I don't have a problem with that I'm a licensed contractor I don't have a problem with doing things by code even though it can be a little bit of a pain sometimes but the problem with putting your life on the on the internet for the world to see is sometimes people stick their nose and in business that isn't theirs and in my opinion it's better just to get out in front of his stuff and and I don't ever want to do anything up here that would cause people to think that I didn't follow the proper codes and then we're living in some sort of a shelter home that's it wasn't built to code so I'm gonna get all the rafters up here and get that in place and hopefully by Saturday I'll have them all done the rafters I'm gonna do what's called an exposed rafter tail the exposed rafter tail is gonna take more time because it is there's some detail that my wife liked with those two by twelves leaving in the two by twelves hanging down that far I thought rather than leaving the two by twelves just hanging out there that I would do some sort of a little bit of a decorative detail on the on the rafters and so each one of those I'm gonna have to cut with a with the jigsaw but it should look really cool when it's done so here's a little taste of what's to come I took a piece of scrap two by 12 and I found the angle and then I figured out the distance that we wanted for the rafter tails and I made that little piece first then I next transferred that to two by 12 and traced traced it on there and then figured it out to where it was sitting perfectly had to play with that knocks there a little bit this is the detail my wife wanted on the rafter tails and so the idea is that once it's up there and hanging off it'll have about a 16 inch overhang with that detail on it
Channel: Red Poppy Ranch
Views: 120,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: off grid living, off grid, off grid homestead, homestead, Barn House, homesteading, barnhouse, off grid cabin, Idaho Homestead, shop house, barn house, red poppy ranch, living off the grid, how to frame a house, barn door, how to build a house, ridge beam, lvl beam, lvl
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2017
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