The MOC Missions Are Actually Good??? | Broke to Ballin' #72

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in this series Lost all the riches absolutely nothing broke broke broke broke so here we are in our bunker and right behind me is where I assume most of you would have anoc a mobile Operation Center however since I still haven't bought one it's just kind of empty like this guy is standing here I don't really know what his purposes at the moment he's been here for what 2 years or something and he's um done nothing with his life sort of like me but we're about to make that all change because finally after a way too long of a time period we're going to go ahead and buy theoc and honestly not a bad we to do it since it is on discount now I don't actually know if there's much of a difference between the huler and the Phantom but I'm going to keep it as this just because it's the more standard look and we're going to go ahead and get all the upgrades we could possibly want so a command center is necessary for the missions that we're going to be doing today in Bay 2 we can also get a weapon and vehicle Workshop uh sure I guess I think that's pretty much the the best thing you can oh I backed out my bad now bay3 also has this so we don't have a living quarters although I don't know how important that really is so I'm just going to leave it out interior color all look pretty bad to be honest I'm not really a huge fan of the beig and greens but we'll go with green at least cuz it is my favorite out of those and $1.8 million for my fully upgraded Moc I do have nearly 10 mil though so not too much of an issue and it spawns right in front of us that is very nice that is a long boy holy [ __ ] he is massive I'll take it for a spin in a bit to see how difficult it is to drive but first of all I want to head inside because that is where the fun happens and no it's not my bedroom damn okay I've never had the vehicle in weapon Workshop in here before this is huge I don't know what I'm going to use this for but cool I guess so the important thing about this place is this computer one of these computers which computer is it [ __ ] which one is it oh got is it this great I have to switch lobbies be back in a sec but here is theoc Mission set and instantly agent 14 is spewing garbage down my year so if you've ever played the missions inside the CEO office the special vehicle work it's pretty much the same thing as that a bunch of different missions that use specific vehicles that were added in the bunker update now the only Mission I've ever done before is this first one severe weather patterns I've not done any of the others and as you can see I don't even have any of them unlocked that's because this has the most annoying system in the world to unlock the vehicles and that is you have to complete bunker research sorry no bunker Supply missions that's what they're called right restocking missions you see here it says locked to 4 and it goes all the way up to 14 that means to unlock every single Mission I have to complete 14 resupply missions for the bunker if you've done them before they're not the most fun missions in the world so what I'm quickly going to go ahead and do is do all those resupply missions that I can and go ahead and play the missions when I have them unlocked now I'm not exactly sure how long this is going to take but I'm going to cut most of it out of the video cuz is pretty boring however once we get to the actual missions I'm sure they'll be pretty interesting because similar to the CEO missions you have to play them with other people and as you know playing with randoms is absolute hell in this game but here we are with the missions we need to do to even unlock the other missions it's steel suppli so you have to do this 14 different times to unlock every single Mission and I think I've done one of the these before they're definitely not difficult by any means but they're just kind of irritating for no reason they take a while and I think there might be a cool down on them I'll have to check that out afterwards but we'll see how this goes I'm using one of the new vehicles at the moment I don't even have It upgraded so it's not quick but it's fun to use I guess and we need to drive all the way over there I really should just use my oppressor shouldn't I ah well we'll do it later now I have been meaning to buy the m and do these missions for a long long time now I don't really know why I forgot to buy it I bought the bunker something like a year and a half ago and just never got theoc even though I have pretty much every other business/ bus vehicle in the entire game but this week it was on discount and as you might have seen there in the mission screen theoc missions are on Triple cash and RP which doesn't make them very good they're still pretty garbage but it gives me a reason to actually do them only downside is that this update week ends on Thursday and is currently Tuesday as I am recording this so if I struggle to get these missions done or can't find people to join the Moc ones uh we might be cutting it a little bit close and that's probably why I should really be using an oppressor right now well here we are at the Palmer Taylor power station and I don't really know what we need to do but it does seem like murder is involved so again my favorite activity now like I said I've only done one or two of these bunker research missions I keep calling them research missions bunker resupply missions before and I think most of them kind of just involve going to a place killing people and like stealing something or getting some information not the most interesting so doing this 14 times is probably going to be a bit boring for me luckily for you I'm going to cut it all out of the video cuzz I respect your time and speaking of respecting your time today's video is sponsored by your mother did I get you on that one did I trick you are you offended you should be [ __ ] [ __ ] say that to his mother not me got it I have the plane in the air above Los Santos as we speak you're going to need to chase it down are you serious I thought we'd come over here just to steal a vehicle and drive it back I've come over here to find a plane and now I have to chase the [ __ ] plane go for Resa plan missions these are very long aren't they okay let's get my press now I see the plane and there are also some attack Choppers near it great if I die here I might just give up and stop the video cuz this does not seem my time worth time what why can I not string simple sentences together and why can't I lock on oh God why can't I lock on excuse me uh is there a reason why it's not letting me lock on like at all I feel like I should be able to otherwise I'm really going to die wait you have to stay on it the whole time without losing connection oh [ __ ] this Mission man okay and the plane has guns as well are you serious this is awful I know there are other oh my I'm actually dead I'm actually so dead dude how the [ __ ] do you do this I'm not complaining for no reason here am I right like this seems ridiculous you have to have your phone up the whole time you can't lose signal and you get shot and you can't shoot back this is so unfair hey hey stop it oh my God this is [ __ ] hopeless man I know there are other bunker missions to get supplies that are much easier than this so if I get this Mission again there is absolutely no way I'm doing it I'm going to reset until I get something easier man this is awful it takes so long as well finally where do we have to go now all the way back there I have to do 14 of these missions just to unlock the actual missions God why does rocks to make everything so difficult man well finally we have some supplies and we have to drive now a slow SUV all the way back to our bunker I'm telling you if someone in the public Lobby kills me are you [ __ ] kidding me what even just happened why are those supplies stuck under the truck ah great now the car's just completely broken as well this Mission could not be going any worse like I haven't died so I probably shouldn't speak too soon but in every other respect this is horrendous wow the first mission took me basically 16 minutes to complete and I know I didn't use my oppressor straight away and it's probably one of the longer missions but if that's a Telltale sign about how this grind is going to go I am terrified for my sanity now can we do missions okay that's fine I wanted to just leave what just happened what huh why am I out here I Game Stop breaking please oh my God I can't even go back inside what even just happened trying to run to my computer to start another mission now what is going on this game has always been pretty broken but recently it's been Breaking Me way way more I can't even get inside my bunker what the [ __ ] is happening and there's still an enemy Chopper apparently glitched on the side of the map what the [ __ ] is happening here welcome back everybody did you miss me probably not it's been 2 seconds but I finally completed all of the missions to unlock theoc missions it took a little bit of a while some of the missions as you would have seen in the video already are quite annoying but we got through it now we have every single one of these unlocked except work dispute which I imagine you unlock this once you complete all the rest of them which makes sense I guess but it's time to go ahead and get started starting off with the first one severe weather patterns okay well that didn't take too long about 3 minutes but we have Bella loves Braiden so a love a girl or something with me sure why not oh I just realized they're going to drive now aren't they oh [ __ ] okay well we're going to have to trust the driving skills of a random which if you have watched my videos before has not gone well in the past okay so from what I remember from this Mission it's basically just taking down a bunch of Merryweather Vehicles which is not the most difficult thing in the world and I do have a neck for shooting why is Bella slowing down what are you doing chase the cargo Bob go oh Bella maybe go on the air strip where it's flat and easy to drive that might be uh useful how much [ __ ] health does this thing have Jesus I know a military vehicle and everything but godamn finally there we go uh Bella Bella no Bella just B where you go where are you going I'm so baffled by this decision- making you could have just driven around the crate what is happening wait wait wait wait did you give up do you want me to drive do I don't have my mic on do I I don't think so uh she fully gave up and wants me to drive you know what fair enough now we're going to have to see see if you have the shooting skills to take it down try and take down the uh Buzzard first maybe no okay that's fine well we won't worry about that it's not going to kill us poses no threat to us I'm sure hold up I want to try something how strong is this [ __ ] Caro B dude holy [ __ ] what was that six rail gun shots and all the shooting that uh my lovely team here did I see the health bar there I don't know how I didn't see that before there we go I like how we're just switching rolls in this mission it's nice a out of teamw work going on here Bella go go left go left you can you can cut through you don't have to follow the GPS we're not we're not following the laws in this playthrough okay yeah you just do your thing it's all right it's fine never have I seen someone so intent on following the GPS in GTA it's quite it's honestly kind of cute okay you literally drove under the vehicle instead of around it what are you doing it's a strange strategy to say the least fantastic and that marks pretty much the end of the mission nope there's another Titan never mind my memory fails me once again where are you what is going on well if you guys everone experienced the game Through The Eyes of a child or three-year-old toddler play with randoms it's quite humbling sorry it's actually the absolute opposite of humbling it makes me feel like a God okay just stay away from the helicopters Bella you stay away we can do this from a distance keep chill keep undamaged you know just have a fine time to be fair I don't think these helicopters really okay I can't shoot it from here barely you're going to need to slow down and there we go final Titan down and another carob Bob God they're really putting us through the ringer on this one I believe this is the final one though go down here then deliver this vehicle back to someone agent 14 I think maybe who knows it's not important these missions aren't important I don't know why I'm playing them huh scared you I wonder what these guys are even delivering I'm sure there's some sort of story about it it's probably just weapons to be honest I doubt it's that intricate this [ __ ] Buzzard is killing us drive Bella Drive we're going to get [ __ ] killed oh my god oh this is scary I don't know why so many missions in GTA to involve helicopters that absolutely [ __ ] you up beyond belief oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] go that was close I'm not going to lie for a first mission in a mission set this is pretty intense usually they start you off quite easy and slow but this is [ __ ] pedal to the metal right from the start not that I'm complaining makes some more entertainment for me there's not many things that get me interested anymore I was going to make a joke out of that but that's just sad honestly well I'll say that's a mission well done Bella I appreciate the help you definitely did your job I can say that much wow that's actually way more money than I was expecting to get I know these are on three times cashing RP as of the moment but 52k for I think that's was about 7 minutes of work these missions actually good why won why why didn't I grind these earlier why did nobody tell me I know people told me I just didn't listen I apologize also 21 kills to two is is an incredibly balanced team though it's like playing Cod all over again okay time to move on to the second mission half track bully infiltrate enemy Agent B I'm sure you don't care about what the actual mission is and you know what to make this a bit more interesting let's play the rest of the missions on hard mode we get more cash and RP as well and it makes for a bit more of a challenge I don't know how much of a challenge it's really going to be I doubt much so but let's give it a shot seems like we have someone joining already SMI 886 and while I would like to play with four people I'm afraid he's going to leave if I don't start it up any second now so let's play okay starting out on the canals and we're with a um an interesting fell here that's quite the fit you have there why wait why why am I not driving I got in the boat first and my character chose to sit in the back seat what are you a toddler the [ __ ] I wanted to drive man is my own character questioning my own abilities that's a new level of disrespect and not doctor disrespect that's an even further lower kind oh okay security cameras didn't expect that so we're looking for a half track which is a type of truck car thing there we go so we're going to be trying to do this sneaky and Silent approach although considering I have zero communication with my teammate uh I don't know how well this is going to go okay good so far I am the goat out we we did it for a while I guess to be fair I don't know if we actually triggered them or because we started hacking the vehicle it started this I wasn't really listening to hm14 then again who does not even his mother cuz he's a bastard like me again though like I was saying early in the video well I think it was early in this video my dementia precedes me but the mark 2 weapons make this just an absolute Breeze definitely the best upgrade I've made all series also where the [ __ ] are these guys coming from they are spawning out of midair God is smiting us with a bunch of men who probably have no families again like me bastard joke coming back again oh my teammate's in the vehicle already please don't ditch me okay also don't get stuck that might be helpful you have definitely gotten stuck oh my [ __ ] God how did you even manage to get here this is impressive stuff right now are you [ __ ] kidding me dude it's been like 3 minutes how have we how oh my God how have you managed to fail that it wasn't even really destroyed it just got a little bit stuck that's impressive once again the kill ratio was really off well at least he's fine restarting I'm sure he recognizes his own shortcomings can I drive please nope apparently not okay that's fine we'll just trust you to not mess up again even though you managed to mess up within about 15 me of driving which should be a new record I would imagine but who knows there are a lot of players I've seen worse than him which is saying a lot I feel like every time I play with randoms I end up just being a complete [ __ ] to them but also at the same time can you really blame me oh why the [ __ ] do you have missiles and oh my God these helicopters are always so cracked man there's so many of them holy [ __ ] why are there three calm down Lads to be fair I don't usually play missions on hard so maybe this is a product of that but still holy [ __ ] dude there are way too many of you guys for Comfort oh my word piss off I can barely even defend myself please go away I don't like you guys I want to be alone like the half track still has a good amount of Health left so that's not concerning me uh the bigger concern is my own health mentally of course okay we're nearly there we are nearly Home Free luckily I think the helicopters are leaving us alone now seems to be the case which is nice how did you f the GPS all the way up here and then miss it getting to the actual drop off location I swear to God I play with the weirdest people in the world but mission complete can't complain okay how much more money does hard mode get us holy [ __ ] that is nothing why did I get so much more for the other Mission what I'm so confused we got over 50,000 for normal mode in the other Mission but not even like 20 oh sorry not even 30 for that is there a method to the Manders how did he get zero kills okay I was on the Gunner the whole time I need to stopped complaining but I won't cuz that's my entire personality okay well there's some progress towards the tier 4 gun running challenges if I ever want to complete those I don't really but cool anyways now I did actually go ahead and teleport back to my MSC last time to set up the next mission but I might as well just call it in might be a bit quicker and I get to stay in the same Lobby which means I get a chance to play with SMI again which is my greatest desire in life I did also say i' drive this thing around a bit to see how thick it is so before the next mission let's go ahead and give that a try I doubt I'm going to be too impressed cuz my word you can't even see the back of it that is crazy I don't know if this is still the case but I do know this version of the MC used to be one of the most armored vehicles in the game in terms of you know if people were to shoot rockets at it it would take like 20 or something ridiculous I don't know if it's still the most powerful in the game I know some of the Amal Tech vehicles are pretty strong but to be fair I don't know who would be caught dead actually driving this thing it's slow as molasses and as thick as your mother which to be honest isn't a bad thing but I'm just stating a point well I think that's enough driving for now with proving that this thing is a vehicle let's start another mission that is not what I meant to do I honestly forgot you could even do that well there is a little blue dot here on the mini map what's what's that about let's go check this out this is a massive detour on the video I apologize but I'm uh letting my ADHD take control right now no it's just it's just a dead man very unfortunate why can't I grab it can I'm supposed to grab the map right you don't you don't want me to game you know that's fine too I can just kill myself oh it's the metal detector I can't see that's so cool I'm never going to use that mission number three exit Strat which is how the natives pronounce it again playing it on hard mode just for that added spice now are we going to get back a friend from the last mission I sure hope not oh God damn it well we do have two other people as well this time so maybe will go a bit smoother or maybe it will just be more chances for people to [ __ ] up who knows let's try now let's actually try and drive this time Dan please driving is my favorite thing in the game if you haven't been able to tell about all my videos talking about it and for some reason I'm just not getting any why are you crashing already what what is what the [ __ ] is going on okay he's trying to sabotage no one's getting in with me do I smell that bad or something I showered today guys come on what the [ __ ] is this disrespect that's so disrespectful Why did no one get in my vehicle I'm the host godam what the [ __ ] is going on oh you're getting in with me now now you want to get in my car I see I see how it is damn I've never actually driven the Insurgent before weirdly enough this thing is quite Zippy I are you [ __ ] this is why we can't have nice things in GTA if a teammate quits the entire Mission ends the mission only requires two people we still had three we didn't the game didn't need to quit rockstar I can understand it with heists a little bit but with this seriously come on get a grip on this okay boys let's try this again oh you can sit in that I did not know that could you take a chill pill lad oh my God you're going to fail the Mission Again already aren't you you just need to calm the [ __ ] down for 2 minutes please I'm sure there'll be people to kill soon okay so it seems that for this Mission we're going to be protecting a plane um from assassins so basically we're bodyguards very epic you're trying to [ __ ] kill them Smitty your hands okay well the planes oh okay there's more planes okay never mind I don't think it's a plane just another person so this one is in a car what the [ __ ] is wrong with you Smitty okay bro is going down on nothing that's sick these missions are quite old right probably came to the game like 7 years ago or something I would imagine cuz they are very glitchy it seems which hey makes for great content but well great video content not great gameplay content I guess where is this guy even going you've driven around the whole entire airport and you have no clue what's going on this helicopter here okay do you want to go more than 2 m a [ __ ] hour please thank you you are you not in a rush you getting chased by dozens of people trying to kill you and you're driving like an old grandma going through a school zone actually who am I kidding they don't care about school zones they'll kill the kids oh my God SMY you're trying to self- sabotage the helicopter's taken off right okay yeah we're good I imagine there's going to be a final one yep of course there is well we haven't failed yet no one's died so I'm feeling pretty optimistic please don't make me change my mind on that I'm looking at you SMY is there any reason why you're shooting the planes God there are so many helicopters aren't there I would be interested to know what it's like on normal mode compared to the hard I'm playing on cuz there just seems to be so many enemies way more than I've ever seen in missions before the only times I've seen this many enemies at once is maybe doing the Diamond Casino Heist otherwise this is unheard of but I think that's the final one gone and mission complete no we're going to leave first okay we have officially left to the airport I'm going to imagine we have to deliver these somewhere yep of course shouldn't be too much of an issue unless SMI kills me well it seems like his trick of happiness has finally died down which is nice to see I'm glad he's reforming into a better human being brother please don't shoot what are you guys doing I was so worried that was going to come up and say failed for a second $65,000 though that's pretty good I don't know why the last mission didn't pay anywhere near as much as these other two there must be some reason maybe it's cuz we failed it but I don't know um but yeah pretty decent well continuing the trend of driving bulky ass Vehicles we have offshore assets which we are using an aquatic ATV I honestly don't even think I knew this vehicle existed until 5 seconds ago but cool enough I guess now are we going to get back the same Heist crew it's not even a heist D the same Mission crew from last time nope we have Jose of Monarch nope I read that completely right Joseph Monarch LGB is coming back again and we got Bogen bugalugs that might be top two names I've ever heard in my life Jesus Christ that thing is about to fall over so quickly oh you get in like that did not see that coming for some reason seems like I am driving though so not complaining about that how exactly are we driving this thing by the way like it didn't convert when we got into the water it kind of just went and I know there's no ground beneath us right now how does it work I am intrigued like it's cool I don't know if anyone GTA online history has ever used this thing seriously L but it's cool drone I feel like this was entirely unnecessary agent 14 to be honest oh look at that I'm giving him a kiss how cute you know what team's actually doing work I kind of respect it I think all of them have guns except for me so I'm kind of just driving along doing my best job to give them a good angle but they they're kind of killing it I feel like the the level of my teammate's ability is improving each Mission by Mission but unfortunately we do have to dive down into the depths of the ocean to uh get this loot at the moment which is probably one of my least favorite mechanics the entire game and there's just one more that M teammate's getting and we can head back inside the APC I was going to call an ATV cuz I'm uneducated and stupid and hopefully that's the end of the mission although considering Rockstar's garbage game design I wouldn't be surprised if we had to do this three more times oh thank God drop off is luckily basically right next to where we are between the the armor of this vehicle and the competency of the teammates definitely the easiest one so far is there any reason why uh the boat has been beached like a whale how did you even get up there that's honestly quite impressive five gold stars for being a [ __ ] and five gold stars to me for that incredible roast oh [ __ ] hell we have rocket copters again is this what happens in every hard mission in GTA there's just rocket copters everywhere if that's the case I I I'm not a fan I got to be honest with you more like an AC unit if anything you can boo me if you want I understand well I'd say my role as a designated driver has been successfully completed good job team very proud of us today it's not often I'm so content and happy playing a GTA Mission but I do appreciate these rare moments and 65k definitely tops me off just like your mother did last night are these jokes getting stale tell me if they are and then I'll continue to do them cuz I don't care about your opinion I'm being really mean today oh look at that it's our boy T willly a regular on the L and Dan Channel I wasn't trying to get crew members to join by any means but why not I'll take all the help I can get um why did he start moving before me what the hell was that I appreciate you letting me drive though although to be fair out of all players I've ever played with t Wily might be one of the people I trust the most as you can see level 525 so clearly very experienced in this game and is also the one that um apparently gives me all my video ideas if you watch the recent phone one now I do see a jet in the distance should I be concerned yeah no I should definitely be concerned it's already trying to kill us okay the enemy will Target will spot and destroy the Moc if it stays below the minimum speed for too long well good thing for me that I am a speedy demon the sky tly the sky is up okay I think tly was supposed to get in the back of the m and use the weapons inside of it oh well I'm sure we'll be fine without it it's not like there's a dozen enemies trying to kill us or anything no we're fine as long as I keep the speed up we're good [ __ ] we're good I just couldn't see for a good 5 Seconds this thing is as big as your mother as I said before doesn't make it the easiest to drive or see where you're going whatsoever honestly for how many enemies there are in annihilated and jets and not insurgents but whatever those vehicles are being in a big armored vehicle like this gives you a sense of security that I haven't felt in a long long time and it feels nice I'm sure there's going to be more to this Mission than just driving to the docks right I know it says that's the mission but this is not very difficult at all we're on hard difficulty and we're barely even being damaged I guess to someone with less driving finesse uh it could be tough but I'm not seeing many difficulties here [ __ ] okay enemy lock on are stopped so I can crash as much as I want now which is still going to be zero times cuz I am perfect at driving but I think that's literally the whole mission that was without a doubt in my mind the easiest one so far there was no challenge in that this vehicle is so heavily armored you have basically no shot of dying unless you really really mess up and crash hey no complaints for me hopefully an easy 65k or so again T Wily didn't even need to be here really he just came along for the ride okay not as much money but still 40K for what like 3 minutes of work that's a pretty good mission right there look at that two kills and zero kills for 40K these missions should be triple money all the time okay well moving on from that snooze firstest in a good way I mean that mission was extremely easy and I appreciate it time to do mle hunt now T willly may join again but I'm going to try and wait for some randoms just to make it a bit more interesting because honestly me and T willly could probably dance off into the sunset together and Destroy every Elite challenge in this game if we really wanted to but that would be no fun to watch would it never mind seems that no one wants to play with me except for T willly we tried oh the weapon is H missiles for some reason I didn't know that I don't know why this should be a more fun mission though me and T Wily in separate tampers oh this should be good all right I'm going to go B he goes a together we make a blood type okay T willly has destroyed his Jammer I am just about at mine it should be somewhere I'm sure is it in the truck must be there we go signal jammer B down I honestly love the peace of mind doing missions with a good player gives me I don't have to stress or worry about us suddenly failing the mission out of [ __ ] nowhere I can just have fun it's such a great change of pace cuz often when you're playing with randoms you don't know when your time is over you don't know when your time's up that was really cool but playing with not only a viewer of mine who I know will never let me down well sometimes but also someone who plays GTA clearly quite a lot is just fantastic t- Wily stocks going to the [ __ ] moon right now apparently invest in him if you want to guys whoa okay that was a bit dangerous okay search the area for the rogue agent I'm sure there's going to be some sort of Telltale sign who is the rogue agent but I don't really know what that is right now Jesus okay question for the chat not that there is a chat but I'm just going to pretend there is because I like talking to my demons does this vehicle have armor from explosions or am I going to end up killing myself by shooting these Rockets cuz I'm very concerned okay doesn't seem to be a rogue agent down here I did hear someone just say he's nearby is it those white dots on the map no they can't be they're outside of the Zone definitely can't be them um I honestly have no idea where the hell to look feeling quite useless right now well that is open oh okay someone found something what the [ __ ] just happened oh he he he dipped cool come on T Wily you can get him I'm leaving it up to you man take the rains take my Paton do the Lord's work murder yeah he's [ __ ] done for the boys are absolutely destroying him look at this man getting taken down bro this mission's actually lowkey pretty [ __ ] fire this is definitely my favorite one so far RAR mortar oh that is sick I didn't know this vehicle was this cool like I used it for the stunt jump challenge I did a couple of videos ago and it was [ __ ] useless for that but in terms of the actual missiles and Rockets and Ms it has damn this thing kind of slaps and safely delivered to the drop off the boys are absolutely steaming it today I don't know if that's a saying but I'm going to pretend it is one are you [ __ ] kidding me okay apparently he doesn't see us or something go to spec Savers $55,000 as well I could go on a whole rent about this again if Rockstar made these missions give you this much money all the time they wouldn't be overpowered they' just be another great way to make a money why can't they make these missions normally worth this much or instead of two time or three times cash just do two times like they'd be so much more playable cuz these missions are actually really fun if you play these with randoms or friends or whatever they're actually really enjoyable and a great change of pace from Kai Paro the contract autoshop contracts but they just pay [ __ ] nothing 90% of the year so annoyed at Rockstar cuz he's this is actual like fun content half the time if they just paid a bit more they'd be worth doing God damn it okay now moving on to what maybe the most fun mission I haven't played it before obviously but we get to use the oppressor mark ones we also use them in work dispute but data breach we get to really use them oh Outlander 51 okay we have a new participant in the missions I was trying to make that sound more epic than it was we just start now do we wait for a fourth the longer I wait the more risk he has to leave but the longer I wait the more time someone else has to join this is a difficult decision not really I'm just trying to make suspense out of nothing a [ __ ] it let's just play oh I have my press Mark 2 in this Mission what the hell you never get to use these emissions I don't know why it's different for this one but I'm going take my opportunity and run with it hold up can I fly my oppressor into here oh this is fantastic this is great this absolutely trivializes the content why would they let you do this this is stupid like I know why they don't usually let you use the oppressor in these missions cuz again it trivializes it but why can I use it in this one did the game just glitch out or something and let me use my personal vehicle I don't really get it t is on his as well we're just having a good time our other teammate is just kind of left behind I guess I think i' who I think I've r of missiles and I don't have machine guns cuz you can't have both at once for some reason guess I'm going on foot boys or we can fail the mission that also works who [ __ ] destroyed it t willly if it's you you're going in the N corner all right let's try this one again no oppressor this time just going to go on foot take it a bit more slow and steady that's what I tried to say a sentence there and my big fat tongue got in the way it's tragic really when you think about it no don't destroy the truck bro we could have driven that further in God damn it guys Willie I hear explosions again just take it easy man if you fail the Mission Again The Naughty corner is definitely being put in place and I have the right to do that put the explosives away I do not trust you one bit after last time okay there are the oppressors seems like we have are you [ __ ] kidding me how dare you disrespect me like that okay that means we can get the [ __ ] out of here woo W I'm going to crash okay no I'm not I'm perfectly skilled with this vehicle what a goated vehicle by the way easily top 2500 in the game and a quick little delivery to the cargo plane marks Mission over we oh god what the [ __ ] just happened why why what no stop it stop it game game game game I'm going to have a hissy fit why can't I get it in the plane what the [ __ ] is happening bro it's broken let me in oi boy let me in Willie I might need you to do it Willie can you can you do it please it's bugged okay thank you okay let's see how it's done yeah I don't know what the [ __ ] just happened but I guess it worked sure where's our teammate by the way okay he's getting here [ __ ] okay why the [ __ ] did it work for everyone except me what huh again the disrespect is unbelievable okay well that is seven out of eight Moc missions complete but since I have started doing them in hard mode since the second one and I kind of would like to get hard mode done for all of them going to quickly go back and do severe weather patterns just quickly probably just speed run through it get that done in hard mode and then we can move on to the finale am I developing a stter what the [ __ ] is going on wow I wasn't even really going to show this Mission but no T Wily does surprise me we may actually have a difficult time I'm scared well I guess this is the only Mission we'll get to see the true difference between the difficulty of normal and hard hopefully won't be too tough otherwise you know aneurism and migraine and anger don't really want that okay first carob Bob down that was pretty easy having a separate set of Gunners or a separate set of um a separate you know what I mean another car definitely helps not noticing a massive difference in difficulty so far okay second Caro Bob down this is going quite smoothly to be honest all right Titan number one down this is incredible we are absolutely killing it team who needs t- Wily what the [ __ ] how's that thing standing and there is Titan number two down and onto the final car Bob somehow the hard version of this mission is going much faster and much more smoothly than the normal version I guess having better teammates on a second vehicle does that to it still surprising um can we not drive so close to it please they're throwing explosives out back like seriously back up a little bit please oh God we're going to die aren't we okay there we go last Caro po down now just go drive back to the drop off and the first mission's done technically and there we have it and another $65,000 again these missions are great right now and then we can now see mobile operations on hard difficulty in under 10 minutes I didn't know that was a task but under 10 minutes 7 out of eight which means the finale is the last one left and hopefully we can complete that tier 4 challenge which wasn't something I was planning on doing but it's a nice little bonus now the moment you've all been waiting for the finale of the mobile operations missions a work dispute using oppressor bikes take down a rogue company Mobile Operation Center at our own HQ the target will of ground support and be utilizing deceptive techniques like flirting with your mother once again playing on hard of course and let's see who we can get in we've played with a lot of people in this video let's see who's going to be my final ride or dies T willly is back for the final makes sense and we also got Dean and Dean what a team up well boys this is it I know you can't hear me but I'm going to give you a team talk anyways um don't fail let's go oh look at this pretty sick starting position I can't lie okay why is tly able to drive before the rest of us okay we get three vehicle respawns I'm assuming that means about oppressors are destroyed we can get more and only one team life which hasn't been a problem so far we'll see if it starts to become one t- willly is leading the charge as he should and we got to destroy enemy mobile operation centers I'm going to go to this one on the left let's see how we do okay there's the first one destroyed it just sat behind cover and got it done effectively and efficiently t- wheelies controller died oh God that is not what I like to hear Mid Mission [ __ ] what the [ __ ] um how strong are these Shoppers bro oh my word they took me out like nobody's business that is not the way I wanted it to go like we got this we we just got to lock in real real hard and no I'm not going to make a joke about me being hard that is beneath me just like your mother sorry I can't help it man okay I think taking out those helicopters is going to be a massive priority they absolutely just destroyed me before what the [ __ ] are you doing wow that was the most perfectly synchronized explosion I've ever seen in my entire life I honestly got turned on a little bit okay if we could destroy theoc that would be great why am I here okay I'm going to get [ __ ] killed again bro these helicopters are crazy oh my God chill out bro why are they so cracked okay go on Lads okay got to chase off to another truck that's fine by me we can get on out of here me and Dean on the Move already I honest think it might be faster just to stay on the ground with this bike I haven't checked but that might be the case obviously sometimes it's going to be a bit faster if you can get over gaps like this okay you're mine or not maybe someone else can destroy it I guess no you're mine holy [ __ ] this one takes a lot Jesus I know they're strong but damn God damn it t Wily stealing my thunder okay now just time to go to the drop off and we're good not too difficult for a mission I know we failed but those helicopters really work on something else okay only thing I'm concerned about is that for that tier 4 objective we to complete it in under 10 minutes I don't know if it takes that first fail into account or not like I imagine it would but um I guess we'll have to wait and see got to lose the cops as well shouldn't be too difficult when we can literally fly over their heads okay cops gone fantastic now that might be under 10 minutes it did feel pretty quick guess we got to wait for the moment of truth I missed the checkpoint that is fantastic of me just waiting on the other Declan can't see him at the moment not even with my thermal vision but hopefully she'll be coming around the mountain when she comes or something like that is he driving on the road brother you have a flying bike why are you following Road Rules couldn't have asked for a a better team okay that was uncalled for but Mission passed and theoc Mission set finally completed only $46,000 which isn't the greatest to be honest but I I'll take it anyways I wasn't really doing this for the money more for the experience but we still got quite a bit of money I'll show you how much in the end but it was a lot like way more than I expected and I got the least amount of kills oh it's fine six is my favorite number I don't feel inferior or anything okay now time for the reveal did I complete the tier five CH tier four challenge sorry and yes I did complete all mobile operations missions in under 10 minutes on hard difficulty eight out of eight now I don't think that in self gets me any rewards I think you have to wait to do uh more stuff I don't even know where you find this is it gun running must be uh there we go tier 4 challenge one of them is complete research is also done I need to earn 25 million selling weapons yeah [ __ ] that okay there's another 100K 578 made 100,000 not you know just dollars obviously you guys think I'm stupid don't you why don't you just go ahead and unsubscribe [Music]
Channel: LankManDan
Views: 63,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, gaming funny moments, funny moments, gameplay, gaming commentary, lankmandan, gta online, gta online funny moments, gta online money making, gta online rp, gta roleplaying
Id: P2csHVhJK7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 33sec (2313 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2024
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