100 Hours in Yamanashi, Japan! (Full Documentary) Japanese Food and Attractions outside of Tokyo!

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whoa we oh my God the noodles are ridiculous look at that they're huge konichiwa welcome to Japan this Asian island nation is home to the largest and most populous city in the world Tokyo famous for its Lively culture bustling atmosphere and vibrant food scene everyone travels to Tokyo but very few Travelers venture to the prefectures or States just outside the city which is a mistake they're amazing lying off the beaten path within a two and a half hour car ride from the heart of Tokyo are Charming towns gorgeous natural wonders riveting sights and Serene Retreats that every traveler should take a few extra days to experience in this documentary I'm taking you into the beautiful yamanashi shizwaka and Kanagawa prefectures from the stunning Fuji 5 Lakes region in the shadow of Mount Fuji in yamanashi to the relaxing Onsen spa Resorts of the Izu peninsula in shizuaka to the volcanic over kundani Valley in Kanagawa we're exploring it all plus we're diving into everything from Samurai Hot Pot to midnight Ramen along the way so come with me and let's explore the yamanashi shizuaka and Kanagawa prefectures just outside of Tokyo Japan Arigato let's go foreign what's up guys David Hoffman here from David's been here in beautiful yamanashi prefecture Japan today what I'm going to do is I'm going to take you to see the maglev exhibition Hall basically this is going to be the fastest train in the world it's gonna go 500 kilometers per hour double the speed of the bullet train it's basically going to connect Tokyo and Osaka in 67 minutes and then after this what we're gonna do is we're going to Highland I'm using and that's uh they say there's a lot of scary rides there but I'm super excited for this guy I wrote the bullet train on this trip and I cannot wait for 2027 that's the year it's gonna open up all right let's go inside and watch the test run let's do it it's the maglev dude look at this thing whoa goodness yeah I got it but it was so fast oh my God 500 kilometers per hour that is double the speed of the bullet train whoa this looks like a spaceship oh wow very nice so it's a very thin train it's gonna zip through Japan or the biggest difference between the seconds and the bullet train and the maglev is that the maglev in the economy is only two and two so it's a 2-2 Cedar the chicken set is a 3-2 Cedar this thing is amazing because it the so that's why they only have a seat too and the two so about the weight is half of the Swing cancer if you want a souvenir here of the maglev you get a stamp there's two stamps you got one here and then you have one over by the souvenir shop so put it right there right I did it bad for me another one how do you do it like right there hold it whenever you go down right there and hold and squeeze oh I still did it bad we're about to enter the maglev theater unfortunately I can't film inside but basically it's it's a theater that resembles or imitates basically how you feel on the maglev and Shakes and moves right it was so amazing basically the video shows you like the advancements in technology with trained systems here in Japan starting from like the early 1900s all the way till now and it shows you like it starts off that you know you see all the different trains and then eventually you get to the maglev and it starts like in Tokyo it feels like you're in front of the train like looking straight ahead and then it starts ramping up ramping up the wheels come up at like a hundred and fifteen hundred twenty kilometers Wheels come up and then it's elevated so it's basically floating like 10 centimeters above the tracks and it just Zips through and it goes from Tokyo all the way to Osaka in 67 minutes so that's how fast it's gonna go 500 kilometers per hour 67 minutes to connect Tokyo and Osaka it's gonna be the fastest train in the world this is freaking amazing and right here we have uh just a little map here what is this okay so this is the model when the future station so now there you see that new Darin station over there foreign car okay so I'm gonna wow oh my God it's amazing I mean you really feel it like you're just floating on the tracks wow that was fun like this is so cool it just feels like you just like gliding you know I'm gonna try to get the maglev to float so I have to get it to 150. [Applause] there you go look at that did it oh my God my arm broke yeah I need a hot spring experience though once you're done visiting the exhibition s you can walk over to the souvenir shop are you ready to buy some stuff It's gotta get something I mean look at this we're here before everybody else this doesn't even come out until 2027 so Primo Primo stuff over here I think this is what I'm taking home for my daughter so she could see well she's gonna ride in eight years from now the Meg love fastest train in the world wow so they have wine yeah they have a wine because yamanas is very famous for the great look the Chopsticks negative Chopsticks that's cool they don't just have like maglev stuff obviously here you can see some magnets souvenirs some socks um you got a pillow here you got Chopsticks I mean really cool stuff but they also have a lot of like products that they make here they produce here you got like blueberry juice here you have some grapes oh my God look at this this looks incredible whatever this is It's like a yam or something looks like a yam and a lot of good stuff wine lots of wine and if you need is a shower you can get the shampoo up in here and you can wash your hair show that's amazing I'm gonna get this for my daughter right here one more just in case all right so about my daughter the miniature maglev as you can see 972 Yen so nine dollars I think it's worth it I want to bring it here in 2027. can't wait let's go to amusement park foreign [Applause] [Music] that is the most rotated ride in the world we're here ready for some rides it was like better than a fast pass yeah right press pass all right here we go press pass chili I'm like super bundled up I'm freezing oh here we go let's do this wow this is a huge theme park oh man that's some scary rides though oh my God I'm a little nervous they're telling it's really going really really scary one it's been a while since I've been in an amusement park it's like a long time look at that it's just it's just huge right here we have a ferris wheel as well we got Mount Fuji right there it's a hujiku island so this is located also in yamana's Pre picture by the Mount Fuji and actually what do you see is you see the beautiful Mount which from here and here they have a mini mini that's scary right like most rotated right almost like go about 90 degree go drop so you will enjoy here the scary one oh my God 121 degrees so it's the most that or else okay so basically we have to take everything off everything in our pockets and I have to tape the camera to my arm my arm is like crazy this is how it is okay okay oh my God [Music] all right guys I can't do this I'm taking this off right now that was so intense oh my God it was so fast it wasn't scary just really fast and it just rotates I mean oh my God the camera was just blown away I mean thank God I made that last minute decision to take it off because there's no way you have to hold on the whole time oh my God that was crazy so good I want to do it again can we go back this is this is supposed to be the scary ride it's so great this was fast and it was twisty and it was windy and it had a little bit of tease with fat with Mount Fuji at the top but it was not scary it was awesome I don't know I felt a little scared it's like I had butterflies oh my God okay so now you are riding dodoma and this is the most accessorated right so in that one point party each second you're gonna go up to 180 kilometer enjoy oh my God we're about to ride the dotomba which goes 180 kilometers in 1.3 seconds are you ready I'm so ready oh my God guys oh my God that was so freaking scary oh I don't feel good I know I know it was actually scarier than the other one it's kind a wild it was really fast and it was pressing against my chest so here's crazy it's good it's like it's like one two go on it's like oh my God I'm like dizzy from that another one we're going another one [Music] [Applause] the next one we're doing is this one as you can see right here and it does 14 different loops oh my God I got dizzy just thinking about it so I'm gonna go on the twisty ride but I think that we're gonna have David go on the I think that might be more of your style right now I'm good one more there's the last there's the last ride so I'm done as you saw there's a 40 minute Wing oh my God [Music] and that's what we're doing right now we've already getting the Jitters because I'm uh a little nervous about this it actually like it doesn't just go in circles it rotates at the same time so like I haven't done this since I was a kid for this ride we have to take our shoes off the reason for that is because you're literally floating you hang off the ride and they twirl you this is gonna be the scariest ride in the entire park enjoy [Applause] I'm not ready for this oh my gosh Last Ride oh my god wow that right it was so amazing it was super intensely because you're floating at the same time when you're going down you're twisting and it's just like I mean it's just amazing amazing I think it's my favorite ride of all time I've saved fair ride I mean it wasn't so scary it was more just like exhilarating and a lot of wind up there so I put the hood on there was no other way to do it and uh yeah I mean I think we're just gonna end here with the ferris wheel we're going up there so we can get epic views over Mount Fuji look at that it's perfect time Twilight hour let's get on it all right let's do it whoa 11 minutes huh epic views I mean it's amazing wow stop peaceful out here too you can see people ice skating thank you I'm not really a huge fan of ice skating I like rubber Landing it's just stunning I mean we're seeing the sunset over Mount Fuji or actually the sunset to the right and under Mount Fuji because Mount Fuji is so massive and to be at the top of a ferris wheel we're like in line with it we don't even have to see all the rides around it's amazing that was awesome yeah super nice yeah super nice that was a quick 11 minute ride huh so what am I gonna try now you're gonna try that's the most famous confection you're gonna have in this yamanashi so I'm trying a samurai Mochi and has a lot of powder I'm gonna try on the bus right now so here we have it the famous shinge Mochi Samurai mochi okay and here we got it oh nice so it comes with two actually as you can see the is a little I guess what you use it's like a little knife right cool separate it so it comes in this little container and it comes with like a sauce right oh okay and then I do like this yeah oh it's black sugar so this is a different motion never seen a Mochi like a rectangular Mochi little different okay okay pop it you're kidding it everywhere oh oh my God bad idea doing this on the bus but it's so good I love Mochis too much powder nobody's doing powder well guys I hope you enjoyed this Mega love experience plus amusement park we had an amazing time I can't wait for 2027 to come back to Japan and ride that for the first time and then yeah I mean if you're in the area you should definitely check out this amusement park a lot of Thrills there I mean we were screaming our asses off I got a little nervous I got jittery the whole time and then yeah trying this Mochi was incredible but I'm gonna eat the second one in my place because this is a mess here on the bus and guys if you love this video give it a thumbs up leave me a comment below and subscribe to my channel for more awesome travel content I'll see you in the next travel Adventure in Japan [Music] thank you foreign [Music] what's up guys David Hoffman here from David's bin here an incredibly beautiful yamanashi prefecture Japan this place is amazing I just arrived to my hotel La Vista and I have an insane room and outside my room we have the most beautiful view of Mount Fuji this place is so epic guys like look at this room got a couch I have an incredible bed I got like a mini kitchen here outside on the Terrace I have a jacuzzi and I have like the most epic view for sure this is so beautiful and this is like my second or third time going to a spa hotel so right now we're gonna do is we're gonna go downstairs and have some dinner then I'm gonna go and show you around the hotel you guys ready let's go one drink is included from second drink you can charge it's the restaurant in the hotel it's on the second level and here we have a nine course dinner menu wow and we have to choose for entree it was either Ragu beef or roasted pork with both one with Ragu beef obviously what else we got here we got some chicken and tropical I don't know what that is uh pasta and crab chocolate Dome hey cheers so it's like a limoncello mixed with champagne so we say we have foie gras we have a winter vegetable with some onions and a sauce and then we also have a fish to the lake this all looks incredible oh my God all right so I think I'm gonna start off with the fish just because we're here in the lake and it was born next to Mount Fuji so why not look at this it looks like they put some type of batter on it looks a little fried at the same time very like gooey and jelly nice and soft a little crunchy from the bones next we got some broccoli but this is like a different type of broccoli oh I love the broccoli oh that was delicious oh the next thing we have is the foie gras I love foie gras I hate how they do it like straight butter that was so amazing here we have a duck beautiful next thing we have the herbs sauce it's like a very creamy sauce if you have a little bit of broccoli here some ginger I'm gonna eat everything right everything this one's very smooth it's very dry super cold always I think it's the best dog we've had in Japan next up we have some chicken with Truffle in the middle black shovel oh my God and some nice sauce and then we also have some herbs and some like fried onion like crispy fried onion right there so tender see you soon the black truffles are a great add-on the boot is really like wow next up we have a crab pasta with mullet shavings the mother shavings were just like an incredible add-on here what are they doing to me look at that so beautiful I don't think she gave me enough mullet though a little spicy no well I didn't expect that it's awesome I'm sorry it's my first time eating pasta with chopsticks we're doing awesome yummy yummy and the boss is so buttery all right what do they do with the spices that Wasabi okay so here we have a French dish it's actually boyabez we have a shrimp we have a mussel Cod we have a Cod ovary I've never had that before sounds different and then we have brussels sprouts and everything is in a fish tomato broth let's go with the muscle first super buttery look at that that's a huge piece of card very nice refreshing not too many spices perfect and here's the ovary very mushy very brainy [Laughter] and the shrimp dive into it always take that off so this is a fish tomato soup yes very light hmm I don't really taste too much of the fish it tastes more of the Tomato so here we have it main course Wago beef with a dried Apple potato dried pumpkin broccoli mashed potato and another herb this we can't use chopsticks even though I want to Rigo beef that's amazing with a potato right there a dried Apple that was amazing dried pumpkin do I look so tender and juicy it also has a delicious sauce what's the sauce they put here it's so good this is the best beef I ever had so next up we have a miso soup with clams we have bamboo rice and we have some pickles we're going straight for the rice let's try this out so it's sticky rice but it has a tint of bamboo right pickles really strong pickles very nice though okay so you mix and then very nice miso soup yes and here we have a little clam soy sauce right there nice mixed with the bamboo shoes yeah I want to put it on the side and inside is a hazelnut ice cream wow looks amazing all right so next up we have dessert we have chocolate Berry sauce oranges strawberries inside we have hazelnut ice cream I'm just gonna do the whole thing hurting together right all of it I actually like the Berry sauce it's very good way way to end this meal wow that was such an amazing dinner it was like the ultimate like gourmet dinner in Japan I haven't had food like that in a long time everything was so delicious I mean blew me away and now what I'm going to do is I'm gonna take you around the hotel first up to the right we have this bar and it actually doesn't even open until 9 pm so I'll come back here later and have a drink and then after that at 10 pm there's actually a Ramen like restaurant it's only open for one hour free Ramen for one hour from 10 P.M to 11 p.m so this hotel is basically like a night place they also have public baths and private baths now let me tell you about this so basically you know I have tattoos as you guys know I have tattoos so I can't go into the public baths and the reason for this is because during Samurai period you know all the criminals you know in jail they'll get tattoos so they weren't allowed into the baths right so that is the reason why I do it and it's a tradition that still like lives on you know three four five hundred years later so I'm gonna go to the private bath now also here next to the bar in the lobby they have a souvenir shop in the souvenir shop you have like lots of chocolates and lots of things they produce in the area they also have T-shirts they have jewelry they have a lot of things for kids I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to buy some chocolates for my family I'm looking for something for my daughter here and they also have like some delicious whiskey if you guys didn't know in Japan they make whiskey so I'm gonna buy a Japanese whiskey from this area for my father and now let's go to the private bath before going to the private baths I had to come back to my room and I had to get the towels and look the towels are in the closet towels I called downstairs because I was like is there anywhere to put my clothes like oh no you have actually closed to go downstairs and so here we have it gown pants so I'm Gonna Change really fast oh this is amazing look at this guys and there's also slippers right when you enter the room take off your shoes obviously Japanese etiquette always take off your shoes and there's like I don't know four or five different slippers there all right now let's go to the private bath okay so here we are to the left hallway path here we have the spa and here we have private baths there's five different ones and this light indicates somebody's actually there so there's a stone bath and this bath available let's choose one okay [Music] super freaking nice so wow so this is like a sauna in a way it's a bath hot bath and right here just how to enjoy the Onsen so first wash your body so take a shower right there you rinse your body with hot water the third thing is you go into the bath the next thing is leave the bath without rinsing your body first half body then it's up here and then leave the bath without rinsing your body all right I'm gonna enjoy this I can't wait it's my first time in Onsen and unfortunately because I have tattoos I can't go in the public one that's fine there's always a private one if you do have tattoos just go private that's the only way you can do it well guys I'm gonna enjoy this I'll see you in a jiffy all right I did it wow that was so relaxing oh my God you guys have no idea took a nice shower I reached myself with hot water got into the boiling water we gotta go slowly like it says here slowly go up to your stomach wait there for a few minutes then go down to here then when you're ready go like all the way up to here and something I didn't take as early as you gotta put a like a super cold wet towel on top of your head and just have it there and then when you feel really high you just like press down let it gush out all that cold water wow that was so amazing all right and just like that change I'm ready to go downstairs and have some sake at the bar and then after that at 10 p.m we're going to eat some Ramen okay so that's the second menu perfect thank you so much and I'll go with this one all right so I'm going to taikin yamadone and I had this one early today that's why I'm drinking it but it looks amazing they have so many things to choose from delicious sake it was a 1200 yen for like a big glass I mean it's like at least like four different like shops right and if you want the whole bottle it was 4 500 so by 45 bucks so 12.45 and this one's actually from this area you know she's telling me the clear the sake is the better it is and this one's actually like 40 clear so dry same to Middle sweet oh my God it's amazing I always drink Sake at Japanese restaurants it's just a thing I do I'd rather do that than beer or wine or anything else and you're not supposed to pour yourself another thing Japanese etiquette I always have somebody poor you drink for you foreign it's amazing it's not too strong I think like 15 proof so it's not it's not like crazy strong but if you have like two of these it's a lot they go ball to yourself it's a lot all right so after that sake we're back here in the petite poche and we're gonna have some Ramen at 10 p.m can't wait I'm excited please choose one which is better so I'm very surprised at how many people are here to eat ramen at 10 pm it's amazing and so you saw as soon as I came in they gave me two options to tomato or soy sauce like that soy look at me this and they're gonna bring it right now it takes like five minutes [Music] all right guys I can't tell you how happy I am because I haven't had promises the second day I was in Tokyo and look at this oh my God it's delicious Ramen got some pork got some onions soy sauce all right guys here we go foreign [Music] nice broth soy sauce lots of onions and then once you're done with the noodles you go in for the broth right look at that nice and crunchy lots of spring onions in here amazing I'm done all right guys we've had an eventful day I'm gonna sleep I'll see you in a jippy good morning wow last night was one of my favorite nights of all time I slept so well the room was super hot with the heater because outside was like zero fahrenheit right now it's 20 Fahrenheit it is freezing and I decided you know what I got this hot tub outside of my Terrace let me use it and there's no better way to enjoy this place than to do this with the incredible view of Mount Fuji and yeah I mean such an epic night last night we had a 10th course dinner it was like a Michelin star dinner every single dish was just amazing like really everything I don't know it's hard to tell you which one of my favorite I think they were all my favorites and then after I went to the Onsen that was an experience on its own after that we went and got some sake at the bar which is delicious delicious sake like super good I'm super excited because later today I'm going to the soccer Brewery which is going to be epic and then the icing on the cake was a 10 p.m Ramen it was so freaking cool I mean I've never been to hotel where things start late and then you know from the bar to the ramen and then to wake up to this and then just uh surprises experience Priceless like this was just so incredible I highly recommend when you come to Japan come out here for at least two days stay at this hotel get this View and yeah yeah guys if you love this video please give me a thumbs up leave me a comment below and subscribe to my channel for more awesome travel content I'll see you in the next child food Adventure in Japan oh [Music] foreign good morning everyone David Hoffman here from David's been here in beautiful yamanashi prefecture Japan today I'm extremely excited because I'm going to start it off right here at a sake Brewery then from here I'm going to Observation Deck to see Mount Fuji which is right over there and then after that we're going to eat some wheat noodle hot pot I've never been to Osaka Brewery I love sake I've never had wheat noodle hot pot it's really a special thing here in yamanashi and as you can tell it's right now it's freezing it is like 32 Fahrenheit literally zero Celsius and we're going to the sake Brewery let's go amazing it's so cool I know wow so we're just like walking through the back of this Village it's really amazing out here wow what are they doing so many things going on the breweries back here somewhere well here it is we also have media here yeah what's up man you good you're good all right let's do this yeah this Brewery tastes like over 300 years and before they produce sake they used to produce miso this guy the owner he's the 21st generation so like it dates back you know great great great great great great great grandfather really amazing and he was telling us that saki dates back over 2 000 years the history of sake it started in Shinto shrines the monks there like started producing sake and that's how it all started so you know America has bourbon France has wine here in Japan it's sake rice wine as you can see here they have a lot of soccer for sale I think I'm taking this bottle because it looks so amazing I think I needed to give this to my wife because she's the best and she deserves the best this is so good now we're gonna see the barrels and the brew house is that what it is at first we make sure you put the screen now and then you're gonna put some water 98 make sake in winter season if we make suck in some time there's many bacterias in the air or water in Japan there's only a thousand two hundred breweries or sake breweries in this prefecture there's 15 and we're at one of the best so this is the fermentation room as you can see these are huge barrels and each one is a different sake wow this one is ginormous wow look at all the rice beautiful smell really sucky yeah yeah it smells like fermenting rice like it's a mix between rice and alcohol this Brewery makes eight different types of sake and each one of these is a different stage in the process this room is Asian room is in those tanks these are the holding tanks and this is basically where they age the sake and sake aging is very different than Wine and whiskey it's six months to two years and they have two different ways you can either do in these tanks or they could do in bottles I mean these are massive tanks massive wow like inside the Aging room look at this whoa one is okay with two types we're starting with diginjo which is the best 40 this is amazing so I don't drink that much and we're starting from the top yeah oh my God the best sake ever oh that's really good it's so good it's really good number two come pie come by come by this is the second best okay so once you're done trying the sake time to buy it right so I'm gonna get their two best this one and this one and it's 33 dollars for each bottle so 66 I'm also gonna get this guy right here for my house this is a sake like Barrel right thank you so much so I bought two bottles of sake for my wife I bought a sake cup a sake pour and I bought a little mini barrel of sake and what the cool thing is about the barrel is that it's something I can put in my house and it has like the logo of this sake Brewery which stays over 300 years I mean what an experience and it's really affordable I mean 33 US dollars for the best bottle they have is extraordinary because I go to any winery in the world and I feel like the best bottle is usually like two three four five hundred dollars same thing with like whiskey pour even worse oh so I highly recommend when you come out to Japan if you're into you know alcohol into alcoholic beverages you gotta try sake you know it's a tradition dating back over 2000 years and yeah let's go to the observation deck and in this they have a nice Observatory so you see the another beautiful view of the Mount Fuji we're gonna see the observatory here get amazing views over Mount Fuji but we literally have four minutes because we're really late up there okay let's do it gotta run up here oh my God I'm winded wow that's beautiful really beautiful well there it is but we're not there yet up it's called the Fuji sendesk who you send it five minutes takes five minutes to get it to the top nah okay wow wow look at Mount Fuji incredible oh yeah on the right side you use the beautiful cargo's colleague it's a volcano Lake around 9th century there is a big eruption and they stop the river and they have a nice bacon on this today look at the beautiful Mount Fuji from here yeah I mean this is definitely the best views I've gotten in Mount Fuji as you can see you look over everything I mean just clearly see it beautiful it's in the top of Mount Fuji it's full of snow right now we have a nice little wet and like you see mountains and mountains and mountains over here we have the beautiful Lake we stayed right over there at the hotel La Vista and it's just gorgeous for like inside a valley it's really amazing and this deck is is just perfect I mean it's not so high but it looks over all the trees from here to Mount Fuji so so now we're going to lunch yes so yamana is a week Noodle and it is a famous the Samurai and he used to eat this hot dog before he went to battle so let's go in the hotel restaurant and you see the big uh yeah it's amazing yes the restaurant has two different types of dining Halls so here on the left we have like the samurai style you know take off your shoes and go down and sit like and then over here we have like regular seating you know the chair and right here we have our food oh my God so it's a hot pot all right so here we have Inari Sushi which is basically like rice in the middle and then you have fried tofu with a sweet sauce I actually had it in Tokyo it's freaking amazing look at this here we go um oh my God it almost tastes like honey honey with tofu and sticky rice I'm gonna add some ginger to it it's so good so good so I'm just gonna stuff it all right stuff the ginger in there pick it up like that it's really filling so amazing huh and it's the spoon for the hot pot whoa grab some of those wheat oh my God the noodles are ridiculous look at that oh my God they're huge nope they don't want to get inside the plate in a little Bowl here we go wow that's incredible smells amazing look at the size of these noodles they are like giant noodles this is something you get in China I've had a lot of this in China so we also have some like super red chili flakes here oh my God and it comes with a little scooper oh that's good that's good wow the noodles are so thick it's amazing wheat noodles the spice I put a lot I put it up people eat this whole Bowl the bowl is ginormous and what else is in here because I see a piece of tofu right [Music] it's incredible pumpkin but it's a little overwhelming for the size the size is just like and then right here we have a nice piece of fried tofu that tofu looks delicious so this lunch cost 1500 Yen for the combination with the inadi and the wheat noodle hot pot you can just get the weed noodle hopper for 1200 so 15 to 12 I suggest a combination and let this like like open this up and let it just chill because it's really boiling [Music] so it's wheat noodles with mushrooms tofu vegetables in a miso soup right everything's miso because they produce miso oh but it's still too hot right it's a really hearty meal like especially for for this for winter you know the reason why this hot pot's so big is because the samurai what they would do is they would eat this before going to battle they would eat this it gives them a lot of nutrients all the essential vitamins they need and then they were going to battle most likely they wouldn't eat for a day or two you know so they had to have a really fiddling meal to go at it right miso soup so good [Music] I mean this is my favorite like noodles with miso the best I'm gonna have one last noodle one last noodle done where are we going to the station to catch a train oh I need my sweater my jacket I'm freezing out here all right guys so it has been an amazing day we tried some delicious sake at a sake Brewery that was just phenomenal The Taste there was just so different you know coming straight from the brewery a different world then we saw an amazing view of Mount Fuji from that observation deck and then we had delicious wheat noodle hot pot Samurai portion I mean ginormous what an amazing time out here in the yamanashi prefecture and I hope you guys love this video because right now we're about to go to another state in Japan please give this video a thumbs up leave me comment below subscribe to my channel for more food and travel content I'll see you in the next chocolate Adventure in Japan peace foreign [Music] what's up everyone this is David Hoffman from David's been here in beautiful Izu Peninsula Japan this area is around 90 minutes south from Tokyo and it's amazing they have hot springs but they also have incredible views of Mount Fuji right now we're going to take a gondola and go up to the top of a mountain and from there look over the entire area and see Mount Fuji and then from there we're going to our hotel and we're gonna have a 10 course Delicious Japanese dinner are you guys ready okay now we are riding Panorama Park and now we're gonna take a gondora to go up to the mountain so you will see the beautiful Mount Fuji let's go the ride from the bus station took us around 30 minutes and then to get up to the top of the mountain it's gonna take us eight minutes we're gonna have about an hour up there uh there's many things to see up there but the most impressive thing is the sea Mount Fuji but they also have like Korea water oh it's clean it's clear water wow and these are the views from up there oh that's incredible let's go let's go the round trip ticket to go up is 1800 so it costs eighteen hundred and uh yeah after I'm gonna have a Wasabi ice cream later later I'm gonna get some I've done a lot of these done in Venezuela I've done it in Google Italy so many places I love this this is my kind of style I love this like going up to the top of the mountain yeah I mean it's an epic experience and look at that you're looking over this like Village as you can see in a valley lots of mountains and Mount Fuji is like over there somewhere but it looks like there's a lot of clouds are you gonna try the Wasabi ice cream yes I am no you know you have fun with that I don't think it's gonna be too spicy no no I'm actually getting really hot they told me that like it's gonna be cold maybe I think it might be at the top maybe maybe just like that eight minutes later we're here that was a bumpy stop a little rocky okay let's walk out here and see what we see wow no Mom Fuji it's not you can't see my Fuji it still looks amazing you can see it's starting to go up wow and what is what's the Sea called okay okay and from there you go south and you have uh Okinawa no over there so this is the katsuragi shrine so it is some years ago there is a monk Who Came From Another capital of Japan and also he came here and he built this Shrine to to for the spirit for this mountain so you do to come here grab this a little prayer wish for what you want sorry guys I forgot they had to throw something in here so here's some love [Music] what happened so kind of enough he brought the towel for you oh thank you so much just so you know the foot bath is only open from 9am to 4 P.M all right so my turn I'm gonna take off my socks every day I'm just gonna go oh my God it's so nice oh this is really amazing my first time doing this oh it's so hot between the cold air and the heat in my feet I don't know like I'm over here very relaxing I can't find it I find it extremely relaxing I think so too that's great I think the view is like putting me like in like a super like relaxed mode you know I wish it like chops in the Hills after doing a hike that this would be what you get to okay as your reward at the top that would be amazing my feet went from really hot to like really cold really fast oh this is good it feels like it's a natural sauna for the fee you know hot spring and right here we have an observatory so from here we're gonna get incredible views over the entire Mountain area The Observatory is like a small wooden platform and from here we have like a little map and it shows you exactly what you're looking at some Mount Fuji's over there and it's 3776 meters in height we have this other mountain in front of us 392 and over here we have like the bay we have other mountains in the background over there he's an also famous Shogun dating background almost 800 years ago and it is said he came here who are the hunting so that's why there is a statues okay so now you see the 100 goddess of damasi and the people come here and write a wish and this is the bibs also and you come here and you like them and you hang activity that God is optimize whichever you like and the two hung actually you can cook this is a very unique you can also climb up you see some of the foam and you can climb up all the way up if you like wow and you put there and your wish come true you come back here then this time you will buy the yellow beefs and you offer the yellow beef like thank you for the god of the mercy my wish come true so that's why you see the menu direct and the yellow bibs are in here and it is set about 1 000 years ago it they start kind of correcting this goddess of damasi so this is one of the historical sites you will see in here all right so I'm gonna write my wish here for the goddess of The Travelers uh-huh and then I'm gonna try to see where I can put it I really want to put it up like really high yeah okay so I made my wish obviously I can't show it to you because then it won't come true so I'm gonna go I'm gonna climb to the top you can either just find one that hasn't been taken here or climb up these these pillars are like pretty sturdy that's it it's up there for Life once that comes true I have to come back get the yellow one and climb higher and uh yeah now we're gonna go down and go try some Wasabi ice cream Wasabi ice cream wasabi wasabi wasabi where's it at so it's not Wasabi ice cream it's Wasabi shavings on top of vanilla ice cream [Music] is that like really hot because you know you do chilies I can't do this oh my gosh just making your eyes burn I mean it just goes into your nose you're gonna try mine yeah why not and now I'm gonna have the ice cream yeah okay so David was able to do like an entire shot of Wasabi I'm trying it with this I don't even really have Wasabi whenever I have my sushi but let's try okay I can do that I don't know if I can do this whole side no all right so here we go Wasabi ice cream so they shaved the Wasabi put it here let me get make a good amount oh my gosh oh my gosh even she said no no but the vanilla ice cream really calms it down it does I mean it cools the heat you're feeling it back like the back of your throat a little bit I could do more more and more and more wasabi really really hot too much too much now we are going to go ryokan you're seeing a Japanese style Hotel you're gonna sleep in the town and you're gonna have a nice dinner luckily the hotel is only a 15 minute drive [Music] I love you I love your outfit yours too very beautiful oh thank you very much you gotta take off your shoes right when you enter I like this part okay big slippers for David oh nice and uh we get to keep this right yeah no no no I'm excited oh use the right side right side first I'm so happy that we're staying at a rock on I've heard about this place they they're a little pricey but they're amazing look at this like just in this garden with the hot springs and the old traditional houses the roofs are so beautiful and we're gonna keep walking through this hotel and seeing you know all the different rooms and areas a lot of hot springs so here we have the entrance to a bath and this blue means men this pink means women there's certain times men can go into fast and women can go into bath so you just look at the schedule and it'll tell you but if you're in doubt this is woman blue is men and right now we're walking on this beautiful Bridge wow I love the architecture here it's incredible look at all the trees over here in the old houses I love this I love it it's good it's good I'm super happy we're here wow very meticulous clean all wooden it's my room let me see that wow whoa look at that so as soon as we entered we have this little dining area with two seats it's basically two pillows the seats are on the floor what do we have here and then we have a little sweet I'm hungry it's a Mochi right it's a Mochi I need to eat now it's a closet beautiful oh the river is the view wow okay and it's the bridge no yes wow okay they bring a futon before you go to sleep and they put the futon like right here right right there oh nice look at that this is an Onsen so it's a hot spring so I turn it on and it pours out like boiling water and outside right now it's freezing like you guys know it's really really cold and this is open I love how it's traditional Japanese but we have the high-tech toilet super Advanced toilet it's amazing now we're going quickly to see the bridge let's do it now we're gonna explore around this Tuesday by the river so you'll see the beautiful view at night small bamboo Falls we are going to we're now inside the bamboo forest it was like right next to the bridge and what they were telling me is that I should lay down here and then look up wow we're walking around the town and as you can see there's a lot of traditional houses these are local people and there's a lot of hotels obviously it's a hot spring like Resort town so a lot more you know tourists than locals but the locals here are working at all these Resorts and the next place we're going to is a hot spring that's right here bus you can enjoy at night and that's our hotel for your thing and that's like the beginning of this shoes engine it is that there is a famous mom called Kobo the Monk and he came here I've never seen foot Hot Springs like places to put your feet in anywhere else in the world in a few other hot spring destinations and this is very unique so here like you saw earlier do you have your shoes it's really cold put your feet in they warm up and keep going I saw one here they have another one over there amazing and that's it guys we explored a town at night now we're going to eat all right so we have to get dressed up like this for dinner feel great like a samurai 10 courses sake are you guys ready let's do it the way it started tonight is we walked in and they took our drink water they have an extensive menu they have sake they have whiskey they have sochu which is um potato distilled potato and they have a bunch of other things craft beer from the area and we decided to go with two dry sakes and then we have here our appetizers we have three different things we have soft Road tofu we have boiled oil Abby Taro and we have mixed Seafood with sake least sauce and in front of us we also have Wasabi stems itadakimasu okay so first up we're doing the soft rock tofu mixed with some of that row delicious the tofu is super nice so this is pure wasabi so is this one of the most like like yeah Taro yam do I just take the whole thing oh no it's two pieces of Zoom so dedicate everything it's dense but same time soft is that miso sauce on top like orange is that me some very tasty super healthy whoa this looks incredible sake very potent oh a great mix of seafood here this is awesome love this one okay so it's fermented rice just before they become alcohol this is the winner of these hi mine is like okay tuna Yellow Tail and the Supreme also this is sibling as well and the radish so when you grind it the Wasabi you use shark skin Sebring right here there's two different sea brings later okay so this one's for now put it in there nice looks so good it's amazing the Sebring it's a jack right well I hope both of you don't like it so I can eat the rest yeah I love it I know you love it I know you love it so soft are they Sprouts so fresh until it looks so amazing put it here in the soy a oh my God like butter I think the tuna is the best by the way stop eating the fish hmm next up we have some Wasabi stems look at this looks almost like green beans tastes like celery to have the spice no I love the sauce it's also incredible here we have a steamed crab dumpling with Mochi radish and mushrooms phenomenal yeah next I have the mochi so much is great and this is mushroom that's it and you drink the soup right yeah I like the drink it's good very refreshing yeah so we got some yelto teriyaki we have a ginger stem this is an egg yolk something typical this water drop for so they just looks pretty because this is she's not the useful it almost tastes like a mochi sticky little dance Ginger huh you get whole thing oh okay amazing so the way we eat the Seattle is just puncture with that pick it up it looks so good though it goes around the Stars I Love Teriyaki the glaze it's incredible so we got red snapper mizuna greens and carrots that's it right so where is the Snapper oh right here oh my God this is so good that was an amazing snapper super lights oh this is taro again I don't know what tower it was oh the yam again the yeah it's almost like a potato yeah okay it's a big radish yeah big radish so once you're done eating it you drink it [Music] wow next up we have the flat fish tofu and radish this is a flatfish I've never seen a flatfish what is that right the fly fish almost tastes like tofu that's how soft it was um basically Japan uses everything from the sea whatever is available they'll use it it tastes like mushrooms it's like a super slime mushroom this is chicken with carrots chicken with carrots chicken with Sesame it's almost like a puree turned into like a sausage vinegared egg rice and carrots [Music] coleslaw there's a persimmon with cheese love it the last thing we have is fried banana flakes right here I'm gonna put some in here in the rice and then we're gonna put some Wasabi banana flakes over there okay let's mix it all in there some Wasabi soy sauce banana flakes oh I put too much banana flakes here all right guys we're ending it off with some Citrus jelly strawberries kiwi and whipped cream Kampai Kampai oh that one's strong Citrus jelly all right guys so we had such an amazing day went to the top of a mountain on a gondola we had epic views unfortunately we couldn't see Mount Fuji but still amazing gotta go up there after that we came over here to the rokan and we saw our rocom we saw the bamboo forest we saw some of the springs and we had a 10 course dinner which is I thought it was going to be like super small I mean this was like expansive like it was a lot of food I think my favorite thing was everything okay you know what this is the sushimi in the second one all right guys so if you love this video give it a thumbs up leave us a comment below and subscribe to my channel for More Travel content and uh check out Haley she doesn't stop working cheers [Music] [Music] good morning everyone I hope you're all doing great this is David Hoffman from David's been here in sunsenji sawaka prefecture Japan on the Izu Peninsula around 90 minute drive south from Tokyo this area is so beautiful and right now I'm sitting inside my room at the Aria rocon which is a traditional Japanese house which has been converted into a hotel it's amazing the second you walk into the hotel you take off your shoes and you put this robe on you walk around they have like hot springs all over the place and as soon as you walk into your room you'll feel the heat I mean it's really hot in here because outside is freezing you sleep basically on a futon so there's no bed a futon you have a closet you have an amazing bathroom over here and yeah today we're going to do is we're gonna go eat a traditional Japanese breakfast which is made up of fish and vegetables I love it like I can eat that every day we're gonna eat it here at the hotel and then we're gonna explore the town we're gonna see the bamboo forest we're gonna see the river and we're gonna see a temple are you guys ready I'm super excited let's go oh perfect so here we have it we have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen different things and a little orange here yeah right 13 remember yeah it's there it's there at least at least 10 hearty things yeah it's a lot of stuff yeah I think I'm gonna start here with the seaweed seaweed for breakfast very nice crunchy this is some type of fish in here too it's like a refreshing seaweed it doesn't really taste too to see you know what I mean and right here we have a miso soup with clams how many clams there are it's like amazing I know it looks amazing put them out of here yeah very nice yeah how many there are yeah let's try the soup oh it's amazing oh my God yeah the good thing is they're very like natural they don't put too many things into like when they steam them but you have to really know how to use chopsticks to get them yeah you know um so many by the way these clams good amazing next up we have Uber which is the skin of soy milk that has been boiled it looks like a big tofu I'm just gonna put the Wasabi directly on top I don't love this this is Japanese omelette right I think so Japanese omelette I'm guessing they put soy into it because that was a very soy taste look at this salmon looks amazing and right under it what do we have some tofu baby sardines so many almost really seaweed very similar saltier though what I love about traditional Japanese breakfast is that it's like almost like an Indian tally like you have 20 or 30 different things to choose from always here we have fish cake with seaweed just like evaporated my mouth that's how good that was next up we have squid it looks like more like an oyster to me but yeah squid with a nice sauce beautiful and you like just like that right the sauce tastes almost like a mix which you can catch up in mayonnaise next up next up this is sardines with radish and she said to put it inside the rice you don't have to put it you eat with okay that's what you're with yeah I'll try to eat it with it almost makes me feel like I'm eating sushi because the rice rice with the fish I'm immersing myself here we have fried tofu and it's stuffed with carrots and it's in a fish like broth I'm gonna dip it again get some of that fish dog um oh that's good that's real good the tofu has basically absorbed the fish stock it's amazing next up we have four different pickles here we have pickle Plum so it's a little sour and then here are there these are like two different radishes I guess I'll go with the plum it has a seed [Music] very sour tastes like an airhead oh fun not too much it's too much [Music] if your eyes are watering a little oh pickle radish yeah it was like a red radish Stone I also have the other one extremely sour if you don't want to have you know pickles alone you put it into the rice and just mix it in here mix it in there but mine's like a big mess it has sardines everything that's one thing if you don't know how to use chopsticks you gotta learn before you come to Japan because it's like Chopstick travel oh the last thing we have is hot pot with tofu and vegetables wow and then we also have it looks like an oyster in there so grab some of the tofu drop it in here oyster right there this is like a mushroom right a soy sauce so soy sauce with chili basically very crunchy extremely crunchy mushroom so this is Chinese cabbage so mix it with a tofu very healthy breakfast huh so lastly we got the Tangerine I love this but I hate the seeds yeah it looks like there's not they're sweeter than sour I think I'm done guys yep my breakfast is huge okay now we're gonna explore the susanji town well as you can see it's a really really cold rainy day unfortunately it's not freezing because if not it would be snowing but as you can see it's really beautiful here the houses all the rain I love this Pond here with the koi fish and just the architecture is really incredible I mean this this probably dates back like three 400 years see the rooftops yeah just beautiful let's go inside let's let's go explore the village we got our camera crew right here following us so it is raining right now so we have to open our umbrellas let's see here we go I guess the only way we can do it it's the only way to walk around right now it is raining like crazy she's in Temple the last time you remained by the cold water because this is a hot spring of town so they have a hot spring it's coming up here so it's rather warm so you can cleanse here can't fast before we explore the distributions Temple all right this is how it plans right ah and then right here and then like this right perfect there you go Temple and it's established around 9th century by kukai who is very famous monk and this is a starting point of this chuzange town just take off my shoes and now we're entering the main hall yes in here you will see that around 13 seconds and this Temple is beautiful it really shows you how old this area is I mean easily dating back to Imperial Japan time every single column every single piece of wood here is just perfectly carved everything's so smooth and I mean look at the craftsmanship it's just gorgeous unfortunately it's raining I'd rather it be snowing you know but uh I guess it's okay the hardest thing about traveling is you never can predict the weather walking through the town very nice super clean town a lot of traditional houses here also we're going to Observation Deck okay cool we're gonna get a bird's eye view of the town first thing we have to do is take off our shoes very nice wooden bell tower sort of reminds me of like walking up a bell tower in Europe how many flights of stairs do we have I'm guessing a lot there's like at least four stories it's not bad four stars I can do that it's amazing and right here we have the temple our rokan is right over there the rivers look right there in the middle this town started from right there right it's the temple okay but what's that that's the hot spring at fast hot spring but as I told you this Temple is started with a cookie and the same the monk he kind of it is Vision it is it he kind of cracked the Rock and the hot spring is gushing out so that's that's starting point well the area is over a thousand years old incredible now let's make our way down and we're gonna head over to the bamboo forest we saw it last night but obviously we need to see it during the day it's going to be a completely different View you know uh all lit up beautiful like 50 to 60 foot bamboo trees thank you Arigato um right here in front of the river we have a heated pool for your feet so basically you still have your shoes put your feet in there and cool down it's it's amazing and you can see the steam coming out Steve just keeps coming out we're in the spot where a monk over a thousand years ago cracked this rock and a hot spring came out this is right along the river and it's in the center of the town you can see just steam coming out really hot right how hot it's hot extremely high oh my God all right let's go to the bamboo forest okay and I'm right here in front of us we have another like hot pool for your feet if it's really cold just take off your shoes and cool down okay so this is called kawanoy and so nowadays innovate it as a food pass so people just walking and they enjoy put your hood on the nice hot spring we're walking along the river on this like footpath a little passageway right here and we're about to cross the bridge and this place is just beautiful and here we have the bamboo forest right there incredible here we have that's not yeah that is our Rokon that's where we stayed last night and it just feels like a scene out of a movie right now so gorgeous feels like it can be in the middle of Europe just the way it looks very foggy Misty beautiful winter day we are now walking through the bamboo forest this Forest is pretty young it's 15 years old it's located right here along the river it's only like a two minute walk from my hotel and as you can see it's small in the center they have this big circle of bamboo so like a basically a table bamboo so you can lay down and look up I did it last night but right now unfortunately it's raining so you can't do that and if you didn't know bamboo grows really really fast they cut bamboo right now in about a year it'll be like 60 to 100 feet tall that's how fast it grows just really really quick these are easily there's around 300 bamboo trees here and they are like 60 to 70 feet tall so I mean they're pretty young some of them look really thin and uh yeah I mean such a great experience out here off the beaten path in Japan you know my thing is I you know I love big cities I love Tokyo soccer Kyoto I mean they were you know incredible places and especially the food but coming out to places like this that people don't know about it's something you guys have to do when you travel and yeah when you come out to Japan definitely come out here you guys will love it today we had such an incredible breakfast like a 13 course breakfast just phenomenal the food was so good I love fish for breakfast then we sell a temple which is beautiful observation deck we looked over the entire town we saw the hot springs along the river and then we came out to the bamboo forest which is just so peaceful out here so peaceful and guys if you love this video please give me a thumbs up leave me a comment below and subscribe to my channel for more awesome travel content I'll see you in the next child food Adventure in Japan peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey what's up guys David Hoffman here from David's been here in beautiful atami shazola prefecture Japan this town is a resort town about 40 minutes to drive south from Tokyo and they're famous for a few things so they're famous for salted fish but they're also famous for having cherry blossoms in January yes Cherry blossomed in January it's one of the only places you can see at this time of year cherry blossoms usually bloom in March and April here in Japan but this city is a little hotter so it actually blooms now we're gonna go see that right now and then after that we're gonna go have some French food in Japan I'm very excited about that we're gonna explore the atami Ginza which is like the shopping district they're their shops there's craft breweries there's a lot of different things there so you guys ready let's go explore atami this feels is more like a Beach town in Europe as you can see lots of cool buildings got some palm trees over here and we're walking through like a garden as you can see right here lots of different plants the sun's come out I'm like starting to get really hot I'm gonna take off my sweater but yeah I mean I'm sure the fish here is outstanding the water is literally right there everything's in Japanese but I'm guessing these are like hotels maybe some residential buildings here as well lots of commercial on the ground levels that means know what Hot Springs the town called and it's that room in starting from middle of the January so now it's the best time to see so let's take one okay so that them is also famous for the dried fish so you have a Mac wheel that how they dry the fish so if you dry the fish The Taste is more intense so you have a much more rich flavor oh wow and there you have it if you're in Tokyo in January come down to atami it's a short drive until the cherry blossoms wow there's around 30 or 40 cherry blossom trees right here along the river and we can actually go down wow and just go down here and see them from the bottom definitely gotta be careful because it's a little slippery oh let me let me go through here oh man it's amazing oh my God this is super slippery really cool I actually think it's better to see them from above right here I mean it's nice but it's not the same thing being really up close to them is a lot better starting broom from the middle of January until the middle of the February so if you happen to be here please join us yeah so if you haven't been in Tokyo short drive this is gorgeous as you can see this tree is huge after the seconds of the Second Street in the oh wow so pretty [Music] so because atomy is a climate is quite warm so that's why it's actually it's a faster person you see the year that it's starting from here that's the reason why cherry blossoms bloom in January here it's because it's so warm obviously we're next to the Sea it's not cold at all I'm like I'm sweating with the sweater and wow look here's a way better view oh this is the shot right here if you're thinking about coming to Japan and you want to come to see the cherry blossoms I highly recommend coming in January and coming here to Tommy the problem with coming in March and April is like yeah you'll be able to see cherry blossoms everywhere in Japan but the biggest issue is that it's going to be super super expensive that's when everybody wants to come to Japan that's when the hotels are completely booked so yeah I mean if you are in Japan in January come outside it's really quick from Tokyo and I mean look at this this is stunning this is like incredible wow it's beautiful hi Dave hi David what do you think they are very peaceful and they're so timid you know they come around so infrequently so it's nice to be able to come here whenever they're in full bloom foreign this is something I love about Japan is that there's 2.4 million liquid vending machines throughout the country right here there was two of them and I haven't had my coffee for the day so I'm having coffee black espresso this is amazing and it cost me 140 so a dollar 40 cents the only problem is whenever you have trash in Japan it's so hard to find a trash can it's like impossible so the best thing to do is drink the coffee next to the vending machine because there was a trash can there and now we're off to lunch we're gonna have French food yeah so here's the restaurant wow yeah it looks good yum tomato soup French style here in Japan oh what is that nice Bread on top oh it looks too hot right I have to wait it's too hot it's too hot yummy and as you saw this restaurant's very cozy very small I think six Table Restaurant first time trying French food in Japan I love French food it's been a while oh nice A little bit of time in case you need it nice thick tomato soup it's fantastic still really hot they'd almost taste like an onion soup as well I mean like these places like the bamboo forest our main course is sea bass I think you got beat right you got beef we got beef and there's really good root vegetables they all seem really lucky yeah a lot of vegetables here got some potatoes got a nice creamy sauce some rice as well a grilled sea bass that has has some batter on it it's amazing no food oh I love the batter to use on this it's super tasty food was delicious but I have a limited time so I wanted to show you [Music] right here we have a hot spring see you right here [Music] put your feet right in here look at this this is awesome right next to them we have this it has the guide of the seven hot springs and there's actually a map here so it shows you where we are right there you can you can walk and follow the map to the other six Hot Springs incredible and right here we have a shop that has dry fish they have a lot of different things I mean so many different fish you got like sardines you have Wasabi you have seaweed hello again everything looks amazing you got shrimp squid nothing to try I can't try anything no no nothing to try oh it's unfortunate see the problem here is that everything is take home and cook but so many good things lots of Fish seafood seafood seafood and right here we have a little table area for seating and yeah let's go to the Ginza luckily it's been caused other places I've been in Japan everywhere else has been really really frigid I mean I think the coldest place I've been was Osaka maybe Kyoto I mean Kyoto was like 20 something Fahrenheit every day and right here we have a Tommy Ginza this is a shopping district as you can see it's a long Street lots of restaurants shops we have souvenir shops we have a lot of salted fish and we also have some craft beer right here let's go see if we can try a craft beer this shop right here sells dried fish right at the door as you can see all the dried fish right here they also have a lot of other things they got shrimp scallops you have Oysters we mean so many things fish cakes wow this looks incredible yummy yummy everything looks so good can I try anything anything to try or everything Ziploc that's the only problem here is that you have to buy stuff and take it home to cook but I mean look how many things they got they have never any amount of things they got some eel wow that looks so good what else do they got well they have like a mini Barracuda right here I don't know maybe I should buy something either later Maybe incredible amount of seafood here I mean obviously we're by the water so lots of seafood and the thing what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna post up right here I'm gonna get myself a craft beer yes craft beer great what do you have paleo pills and Red Ale can I try this one paleo perfect one pillow I'm trying this craft beer from atami dramatic and it's a pale ale mmm oh it's really good really good fantastic actually and something really cool about Japan is that you can actually have an open container out on the street so I can drink this and just walk around the city so they're telling me that this place is actually called maruya so Guest House of Maria so it's actually a hostel and this is the Terrace area so they have craft beer and they also have food so you have food as well mackerel sandwich is the best mackerel sandwich yes yay thank you thank you Arigato Arigato arigators wow this street is awesome because people at that hotel the guest house maruya which is Guest House of Maria really nice people great beer they also have amazing food it looks like they have amazing food so if you're gonna come by here definitely stay there I mean it's on the Strip to be a lot of dry fish like incredible amounts of dry fish they have everything like literally any type of seafood you want they got it and I mean such a beautiful place I like that it's a little cold right now probably be really epic during summer you guys I hope you enjoyed this video it was awesome cherry blossoms in January this is probably one of the only places in the country in Japan where you can see them so definitely come to Japan in winter and come here to atami and see the cherry blossoms the French food was freaking amazing you know I was almost skeptical because you know I personally only want to eat Japanese food but I'm in Japan but it was really good and then going to atami Ginza was just like awesome I mean thank God that I made time to go over there and see it I saw a lot of fried fish tried an amazing beer amazing craft beer from there these are the places I love places that are undiscovered and now you guys know about Tommy so next time you travel to Japan come to a Tommy only a 40-minute drive from Tokyo and if you love this video give me a thumbs up leave me a comment below and subscribe to my channel for more awesome travel content I'll see you on the next travel food Adventure in Japan peace [Music] good [Music] what's up guys David Hoffman here from David's been here in hakone Kanagawa prefecture Japan today I'm here at the Great Valley and this place is basically a Sulfur Spring and they're famous for their black egg which is basically an egg that has been boiled in Sulfur water after this we're gonna go see the hakone open air museum where we'll see some of the sculptures and then after we're going to hakone and we're going to be staying at a Rokon which is a traditional Japanese house and then we're gonna have a delicious Japanese dinner are you guys ready let's go explore oh wow so we just saw the Great Valley and now we're gonna try the black egg are you trying the black egg you don't think so I don't know I don't even like regular eggs look at the black egg is it this big I'm joking I'm joking and then there Fuji Mount Fuji yeah right over there my Fuji and the black egg you get five of them fur 500 yen so five bucks black egg that's it so you bought it oh wow oh my goodness here we have the black egg so it's basically just bagged and boiling sulfur and they say if you eat this you live seven years longer you gotta crack it right here right there boom so it's just basically a horrible that I can sell for water looks great though they also give you salt nearly 30 years old a sulfur a little bit of a black egg in Japan um so apparently well I'll tell you guys that black egg was delicious I like hard-boiled eggs so that was pretty good it doesn't really taste different but they say extend your life but we bought the eggs there's also like a huge souvenir shop huge I mean they have everything like chocolate sake I mean you name it they got it Japanese stuff and they also have some cool Vlogs golden cats the Golden Cut stick I love the Golden Cut it's pretty cool for 15 bucks I don't know about that all right guys I think we have to go to the open air museum let's go okay it's raining hardcore I'm hoping the place we're going next is uh not raining because open air museum and this place is so oh my God it is raining like intensely whenever we were going up the hills I looked off to the side and I kind of had a Second Glance thinking it was like the Blue Ridge Parkway after a short 20-minute Drive we've arrived here to the hakone open air museum they have a Picasso exhibit and basically as you see it's an open park there are a few different things park space here Brown Plaza here we can't film inside the buildings but we can film outside where the sculptures are it looks beautiful let's walk around and explore follow me we just walked into the hakone open air museum this Museum dates back to 1969 and this was the first open air museum of its kind in Japan it has over 400 pieces of work between the indoor and outdoor portion outside is over 120 sculptures and the overall size is 70 000 square meters they also give me an audio guide and with the audio guide it's in English and we put it against the pamphlet and it'll tell me everything about the sculpture who made it when it was done Etc so we're gonna do that right now let's go next up we have the big hand by Raynor Chrysler Germany so you can see then it's called my sky hole and it was done by book 3 in Norway and you can recollect it the ball you can see the reflection of the nature and the surrounding and also yourself so you'll be part of the nature okay so this is one of my kids favorite place you can actually climb into the net and you can just experience the art one of the things that they were telling us is that this place is very popular for kids people love coming here because a few different activities kids can do right in front of us we have this huge net the kids climb you take off your shoes here you climb it but you have to be 12 years old or younger so unfortunately I can't climb it but if you're traveling in Japan with kids it's a great place to come to have a lot of fun here and it looks amazing I mean I really want to go in there are you sure you can tell them I'm 12 years old okay now this is a big mate so you can go inside and you can be lost it in the museum unfortunately it's closed right now but it reminds me of the Harry Potter movie I forgot I think it's the fourth one and they get lost in there I mean it looks as you can get really lost behind us we have the Picasso exhibit this exhibit has over 319 pieces mostly ceramic work unfortunately we can't film inside but it's amazing you guys have to come here and see this I mean if you like Picasso if you like art you'll love this so this place also has a heated foot bath heated foot bath something off my shoes if I can oh watch warm oh it's so cold outside and this is just like a different world it's just relaxes your feet I've been walking for days and it feels so good and uh in case you didn't bring a towel most people don't this towel is for sale here 100 yen oh this is great A few people here what a great experience I love this about this area of Japan I've never seen this foot baths oh and there's like a little brick here I can just like because I can lay my feet here oh yeah so once you're done dry off dry off really good oh that's good oh my feet feel like ridiculously good right now oh that was so hot so this Museum there is a huge collection of the handyman as well so you you hand me more that he prefer putting his work outside so this is his dream the museum we did it we explored hakone open air museum it is beautiful out here the Picasso Museum the foot bath I mean there's so many beautiful experiences and if you have kids a must visit if you love art obviously and now we're gonna do is we're gonna drive to our hotel and go for dinner I'm super excited Japanese dinner at these traditional houses are on another level of amazing let's go eat five minute drive later we are here in the rokan and this is my room 412. wow this place is amazing it's called miznoto miznoto sorry it's it's hard to pronounce it but it's a beautiful rokan it's a mix between Western and Japanese as you can see here at the far right we have the Japanese style flooring we have a table very low there's some Japanese sweets right there we have some green tea we also have the chairs they're on the ground from the stools and some towels for the public and private baths and over here we have you know two twin beds so I'm gonna sleep here tonight but if you wanted to you can get futon which is right here put together and that's it and they have like a mini kitchens we have microwave a sink and a fridge and here we have the bathroom got a sink custom cups right here got the shower and the toilet is actually on the other side right there all throughout Japan you have these super Advanced toys look all those buttons those are like the days and behind it you have that so you have a sink and as soon as you flush that's what happens and like I said it is a Japanese traditional Japanese Hotel so over here we have the like you know the robe and you gotta dress with the robe for dinner so let's see right here we have LL shirt and yeah I'm super excited because I love wearing this this is like the way you do it traditional Japanese dinner in a traditional Japanese robe all right I'll see you at dinner all right ready for dinner as you can see I'm dressed up I'm ready to go I love this outfit super sick got my sandals let's go eat 76 or put these in there and guard those perfect oh wow amazing yeah oh we're sitting up here yeah yeah nice wow okay so we are sitting not on the floor we're sitting like on a bench looks like we're staying on the floor because the floor up here where you walk on is where you sit but you at least put your feet down so it doesn't hurt your legs you know because that really hurts but today we're doing like something very different we're doing like a grill like as you can see the fire is right here and we're gonna do is we're gonna get fish or meat and put it right here and it Cooks it's sort of like Korean uh barbecue in a way but it's Japanese barbecue oh my God I'm so excited tell me look at the drinking menu so I'm gonna go for some sake I have to I mean guys the only reason I drink Sake while I'm in Japan is because I can we have like some appetizers here oh my God everything looks so amazing okay I'll go with the most dry yeah it's fine so to start we have a mix appetizer plate we got some Blowfish skin over here we have some tofu over here we have some crab we have some chicken salmon bean lotus flower I mean a huge variety this is tofu soybean tasting Blowfish skin with a salad and the Blowfish skin is the very bottom nice very refreshing salad it almost smells like a super super light coleslaw with with glow for skin man it even tastes good grab the little biscuit pictures of crab a little crispy fantastic chicken with poppy seeds you said chicken pot pie textures this is fish cake with salmon two completely different flavors not bad monk fish liver right here like delicious liver dried parseling with cheese it looks almost like a dessert actually Mmm Yeah yeah this is a fried lotus flower super crunchy feels like tempura next up we have four different pieces of sashimi and we have some sake and then right here we have a miso glaze like a sauce some of the Wasabi in there and then right here we have salmon with some seaweed and you said this goes good with the Miso mustard right right there oh oh there's actually two pieces here I didn't notice that the Miso mustard almost it's like a honey mustard wow next two things we have are Sebring so we have two pieces oh yeah incredible another Sebring with an herb and some carrots and this one I'm gonna put the soy right yes the herb is really strong it was the Wasabi that was strong and the next one is Yellowtail it's up to you yeah I'll try it like this well remind me so much of honey mustard and then we also have over here all the things we're in a grill so we have like some beef we have some fish we have some scallops we have shrimp we have broccoli brussels sprouts lots of mushrooms made here interesting and trying new things oh it looks great it's trout okay we'll do the the fish side and some veggies and we'll do the meat side and some veggies all right so here we have some cod and we have a yam this this is the yam for sure it looks like a potato similar they got mashed potato it's a little it's a little hard though right here we have delicious Cod this is one of my favorite fishes cod fish that's amazing our barbecue is almost ready I'm excited shrimp scallops soy sauce like butter what would you put the scallop into so green onion salt sauce that was very nice brussels sprouts everything is so fresh only thing they have is like salt and pepper I need a spring onion and here we have the shrimp we have to rip it apart I mean it's not smart to grab this after it just came off the barbecue right there bathe it in the soy sauce so we're gonna put some lagu beef amazing I love Bible beer so I'm gonna I'm gonna leave some space we're gonna put more vegetables got some duck here as well look has some nice fat on it [Music] that one's right there this one's like cooked Perfection right there how about this yeah [Laughter] so a duck she says we could dip it I'm gonna put that with a miso foreign but the fat delicious super yummy so it's just saying we should definitely put some sauce with the wagon beef I'll put in this one I like this one back this one's pretty good look at that yeah it's like bathe in the sauce that white was ridiculous so freaking good some salmon roll right here that's all it is salmon robot with some jelly right with jello on top wow I'm just gonna mix it oh my God yeah all right here we have some mushroom water just brushed it out for the yam right here I love some meat left put in veggies we're taking up a little bit of space you have a dried sweet potato dipping in the soy sauce mmm incredible sweet potato we have pork drizzle that I mean that was a sauce all right so Haley didn't want to eat the macro with radish I was gifting it to you I know I mean it looks great but I might just go for the macro it's like a nice miso glaze next thing we got the white will be one piece um that's the best one Sebring rice C bring rice so you gotta mix this all up get some of that Sebring get that sticky rice up wow sticky Sebring rice with uh some herb and a spicy little glaze very fishy rice big chunks and the the rice is actually a little like uh like it's burnt you know they burnt it a little bit which is good night it was just really nice first thing we're trying here is Uzu jello with Citrus on top oh my God look at that it's really good it's almost like a creme brulee with Citrus on top I guess they're a little flan a potato all right guys I'm done wow we have such an epic day here in hakone I mean we will first we'll start out the Great Valley and we saw the Sulfur Springs and we tried a black egg which is pretty delicious then we went and we saw the hakone open air museum it was amazing I think my favorite part was the Picasso Museum and also doing the foot bath which is like it's epic it's something you can do only here in Japan and then coming here to this hotel and then having like a barbecue Japanese barbecue I mean this meal is epic really filling I'm like Beyond four but it's like once in a lifetime right so you have to do it yolo well guys if you love this video give me a thumbs up let me comment below and start my channel for more awesome travel content I'll see you in the next travel food Adventure in Japan peace plum wine is pretty good pretty good [Music] morning everyone David Hoffman here from David's been here in beautiful hot Corner Japan it is 5 45 a.m and this morning what I want to do is I want to take you to eat a traditional Japanese breakfast and I want to take you to an Onsen which is a hot spring this hotel is called the mizunoto it's a mix between a Japanese house which is a raycon and a regular hotel as you can see half my room is Japanese style low table low chair and then the other side is just a regular Hotel you got two beds you have a bathroom you have a toilet you have a shower here in Japan a hot spring tub is called the Onsen so it's a tub that fills up with really hot water obviously from the hot spring and what they do is they give you this so you have your towel and you also have this little towel that you put in your head and you basically put it into super cold water so you're in the hot tub and you put this on and it's amazing and the way you walk around this hotel is you get this like a traditional rope and they give you this blue little jacket you put on top in case you're a little cold and and yeah so we're gonna go right now to the Onsen there's two different types of the public and the private and the reason I can't go into the public bath is because during Samurai times anybody who was a criminal had a tattoo so basically part of Japanese culture is to never allow anybody with a tattoo into a public bath that's okay I can go into the private bath so let's go down to the private bath and then we're going to breakfast let's go okay so this hotel has four floors I'm staying in 412 and what I have to do is I have to go down to the first floor and then go through a passage and then from there I'll get to the private baths but yeah I'm excited looking good right loving the shoes slippers here we go so the passage is like freezing this is where we are say guest room passage so we're going here right so as you can see at the moment all three private baths are occupied so they're right here occupied so they're basically to the key I'm uh I'm hoping somebody comes back quick because I'm freezing okay so I've been waiting for like 20 minutes and still nothing so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna show you the area where the Austin's are and wow It snowed last night oh this is great look at this it's I'm freezing right now by the way it's 33 Fahrenheit and this is how it looks right now look at all the snow incredible as you see that's the awesome somebody's using it very nice lots of snow here I mean I'm gonna leave these people in peace here because they might think I'm like creeping on their stuff but they can only be in the Onsen for about 40 minutes I have only 15 minutes till breakfast so unfortunately won't be able to use the Onsen right now I'll probably come back here and quickly get a shot and show you guys but uh oh it is cold let's go to breakfast so we have 7am breakfast here it's like a scheduled breakfast restaurants they give us a number and that means the spot that we're gonna be sitting okay so take off my shoes as well for 80. okay so here is our huge Japanese breakfast we're actually sitting one table away from where we sat last night for our incredible incredible incredible Japanese barbecue which was like out of this world we have only one thing to barbecue today we have the barbecue right here but then we have a bunch of other things we have like here we have a poached egg she said to put some soy sauce we have miso soup we have like a ginger salad then we have a bunch of different vegetables here we have like minced tuna uh right here we have another soup looks incredible like a fish cake and a few other things in here fish from a hot pot that's what it looks like first things first gotta put this on the grill let it cook for a bit okay so the first thing I'm gonna start with is this fish cake here oh it looks so good look at this mmm it's so hot it's been drowning like in a miso oh I love it fish cake with carrots though it's been drying in this miso soup and here we have like a piece of I think it's a piece of chicken the chicken here we have the poached egg I'm just gonna put some soy sauce poached egg yeah right there just bursted this one's gonna be a little hard to eat it's like broken pieces here it's more like a soup egg oh wow the yolk is super runny the egg white mixed with the soy sauce I'm just gonna drink it oh wow it's a lot of soy let me get this out that's cooked oh fish barbecue I'm gonna try some of his other stuff so here we have this is basically so Japanese omelette looks amazing hmm that's your little sweet but I like it and here we have the salmon nice piece of salmon it's been cooked like to Perfection I hope um nice roasted taste still super hot here we have another piece of fish it's like a fish sausage cake as you can see minced tuna you got the Wasabi right there how to mix it in together oh that's great oh look at that I'm all about minced tuna hmm very soft wasabi super kick wow there's something about eating fish or breakfast I personally enjoy it like a lot here we have some more fish cakes as you see nice and soft tastes almost like The Omelette same consistency next up we have this bad boy fish so this fish you gotta be careful because there's spines in here and there's also oh yeah big spines wow that's like too much it's gonna break it up a little bit a few pieces thank you I'm not a big fan of with fish with spots so I'm going to pass on that from different vegetables with accelerate nice and yummy so there's another fish looks like Bonito and they have a little like cream next to it oh wow that cream is super super creamy like extremely sweet but you know it's a little salty that's great it's not vegetables guys there's so many things I'm just going through the mom I have a very limited time I have to be somewhere in the next 25 minutes so ginger salad it's a lot of it it's a nice refreshing ginger salad oh super refreshing it's a good Paddock cleanser after that fish let me get some of this soup really quick so no it's like a miso tofu soup so for this one straight Chopsticks oh look at that mmm nice tofu um very delicious soup very earthy herbal here we have tofu with soy as you can see it's really delicious I love this it almost reminds me of the consistency of creme brulee from here but the taste is completely different it's almost like a creme brulee but tofu Style very creamy so good I love the soy in here we have this jelly as you can see I'm guessing this is dessert could be like a flan all right let's see um delicious custard wow so freaking creamy it's very milky and frothy oh my God I mean that's basically the only thing left is some rice here but I'm good with rice right now I mean I had a huge breakfast the only thing I didn't like was this fish because his bones and a spine in there I'm good with that I think my favorite thing was this one this tofu is soy it's gonna like get in here and dig in it incredible did we go back to the bats let's go let's go we have time let's go really fast wow all still occupied I also want to tell you about the ramen last night they have Ramen at 10 30 PM I've only done it in one other Hotel on this trip but let me not tell you about it let's experience it it's pretty amazing and what my friends my Japanese friends were telling me is that you know when they eat dinner it's because you're eating fish and vegetables they get hungry later so they'll go out for ramen and the love because Ramen is obviously noodles with broth and it's delicious I can't wait I mean it's opening in three minutes so this restaurant is like a traditional Japanese restaurant in the middle is like a little pond with a rock I'm number two and uh yeah so number one is called I'm Number Two they're gonna call me right now and watch right now wow we have some Ramen some pork in it some seaweed some onion amazing still pretty hot super thin noodles did you see extremely thin mmm so good pork right here is that nice broth very good extremely hot though you know it's funny they do this at night because it's so much food at this point I mean it's one big Ramen Bowl our mom is basically like pasta thick noodles for me it's very unique because I've never been to a place where they eat ramen at night obviously Ramen is from Japan it's pretty cool that they do this at night this is my second hotel we have Ramen at 10 pm here's a little later 10 30. I'm done [Music] guys thank you after eating the ramen I heard like a lot of wind and a lot of rain so I came outside and I'm looking I'm like what the you know this is crazy it's snowing it just stopped snowing now it's like all just coming down and slush so as you can see snowflakes all over the trees lots of snow everywhere snow all over the floor and I guess that's enough for me because I am freaking freezing here in the lobby of the hotel they have a huge souvenir shop as you can see they have chocolates clothing sake I mean they have so many different things but everything is from Japan and a lot of this stuff is local the hotel is in 95 rooms just like mine half Japanese half regular they have three private onsens unfortunately we couldn't go to them because they were always full so I mean I got there like at six in the morning and it was full and they also have public answers you could tell the difference between the onsense by the curtinent the curtain is pink it's for women if the current is blue it's for men and right now we're gonna go on a train ride just waiting for my guide here okay now we are hitting Juarez online it's a local train so we do some of the experience using the local train and a lot of people do this experience of course yeah okay awesome let's go I love this after a quick like five minute driver hit the station and they must afford so much snow on us last night at least three inches okay so this is the snow is very famous for the Switchback because according month is quite steep so they have to switch the starter Point start and also in so the driver is going moving forward and backwards wow okay okay we're going we're going I love it no reserve seats oh whatever's whoever's gonna be the best for photos we're going this way and it changes later because it goes backwards and forwards so we're gonna be on the stream for 30 minutes and we're going to the town of yumonto and that's getting closer to Tokyo so slowly we're making our way back to Tokyo amazing as you can see I mean there must have been at least three four inches of snow falling down because I think every single tree is covered wow and the mountains as you can see behind us are like completely covered is very famous for the home screen so now in the mountain uses a mini mini style from Spring Hotel they don't have enough snow for skin yeah okay now we they are going to switch back the train so we go to back forward so right now is the Switchback as you can see he's living in station and this is called the hakone tozan railway and we're at 346 meters in height wow no now we're getting out of the snow completely the snow is all over here and now we're exiting the snow as you can see the sun just came out this is a beautiful beautiful mountain range so this is the station okay so we're getting off here so I just saw we went through like 15 tunnels and it's got a lot hotter we're going down the mountain slowly going down the mountain we've got our stuff I don't have anything luckily I have everything in the truck all right guys so I hope you enjoyed the morning we had an incredible breakfast and I took you back into the past until last night into the ramen dinner it was really delicious at Ramen dinner I mean breakfast is incredible as well just so many Delicious Japanese things a lot of fish and it's pretty cool eating the fish like cooking yourself barbecuing yourself which I hadn't done before and uh yeah I mean I love the hotel I wish I could have gone to the hot spring into the Onsen I mean that would have been really cool but unfortunately couldn't do it and yeah this training experience as well was incredible I mean really nice going through the mountain it felt like I was somewhere like in Northern Spain like in the Pyrenees and uh yeah guys if you love this video give me a thumbs leave me a comment below and subscribe to my channel for more awesome travel content I'll see you in the next travel food Adventure somewhere in the world actually in Japan [Music] good morning everyone this is David Hoffman from David's been here in beautiful Ottawa Japan this town is located only a 35-minute bullet train ride south from Tokyo and they're famous for being a castle town they have a 15th century Castle called the arada castle and it's built on these huge Stones it looks very similar to the Osaka castle and they're also famous for Olden which is Hot Pot So today we're going to explore the castle we're gonna see some more of the town and we're gonna eat some delicious Japanese Hot Pot you guys ready let's go explore Ottawa after a five minute taxi drive we're here so you say when you come to the castle you see the moat to protect the castle so you can order in the center around it surrounded by the moat and now it is the end of January so you see the old Plum is blooming beautifully and also this Castle is very famous for the plum tree so please enjoy them hello hello good morning David good morning plum blossom trees like this one gorgeous look at this very nice very beautiful so now you know in January you can see Plum blossoms as well we saw cherry blossoms yesterday but here we can see Plum blossoms so this Castle has one gate one main gate which is right over there and then Castle is up here I have to take a bunch of steps to get up to the top you can see there's another gate here and this Castle's actually destroyed and they rebuilt it so they were telling me that after a samurais fell all the castles in Japan it's a five were destroyed and here we have a beautiful Ottawa Castle I love the white huge Stones beneath it and this is really like you know Imperial Japan Samurai Style just incredible I personally love visiting castles I visited I don't know probably visited over 100 between Europe and Asia and yeah this is just another one let's go inside and explore the castle and we might even dress up like a samurai hello yes so what we're gonna do is just climb up to the top okay Power perfect this is a beautiful you know 360 degree beautiful ocean mountains so that'd be great to take it let's do it after I think like 500 stairs we're finally here I know I need some air oh wow gorgeous where you stayed last night over there cool oh wow so we have like a little map here great this is amazing this is why I like going up to castles because you can see incredible views over the cities that you're in over here we have the hakone mountains over there here we have another incredible mountain range you can see straight North wow look at all the snow so much snow and here we have the city of the water City in front of us we have the Pacific Ocean look at that right there Pacific Ocean oh lots of sun it's getting really hot I'm gonna take everything off wow beautiful and they also have these so if you want to look it's 100 yen though yeah it's off so the mountain you see over there it's called the tanzawa tanzawa mountain it's beautiful and where's Tokyo all the way over there all the way up there all the way up there wow gorgeous and this is all other Watertown right yeah in the station and the station's right there so the island over there it's called it's Oshima Island it's a little tiny Island but you know that we have a ferry from nearby here we spent like 15 minutes up here getting great views over the entire area it gives you a 365 degree view of adawara and uh right now we're gonna do is we're gonna walk downstairs and we're gonna actually dress up like a samurai I haven't done that yet I'm excited to do it uh for the adult it's uh JPY uh 500 yen for the child uh 300 Yen ninja samurai this is gonna be my first experience dressing up like a samurai so let's get this one yeah okay and then all this is this all together yeah all together okay so let me take off my jacket right and possibly with my hat all right okay dressing up like a samurai I'm excited it's gonna put a lot of things on me okay here we go on my legs okay so for my arms I love the work it is here through my thumb Avengers Avengers Assemble my upper piece okay there was multiple samurais I mean many samurais each one basically had a castle right and they fought like as ninjas basically right I mean they have swords so I'm gonna get a sword now as well oh wow the last summer yeah I saw it with Tom Cruise is amazing Tom Cruise loves Japan by the way he's coming like 120 packs right whoa tight this is amazing these guys are going to battle like this yeah so this one is a little more real this one's fake so the samurai is a go hahaha thank you is there is there nunchucks I used to do everything I mean this is like a bulletproof vest okay yep it's nice samuraize with the guys the feudal Lords who rule Japan for like 500 years into the year 1868. they basically owned all Japan look Haley's also dressed like a samurai right here I got food okay now we are going to making Japanese potpourri associate and then do it in the samurai period which is on the 1868 and there's still enough that many like ladies put this in the clothing so your clothes is very smells very nice very relaxed so let's do it so here at the workshop with Sarai though what we're going to do is we're going to make sachet bags basically we get to choose from six different natural fragrances we can put one scoop of each or we can do a variety we gotta get six different spoons so I think I'm gonna mix it up and then at the end we're gonna mix them and then we're gonna put them into these These are sachet bags really nice here we have frankincense hmm smells great so I'm gonna get one spoon one tiny spoon spicy and exotic scent right here we have Saddlewood sweet and plump Aroma oh that's good I love cinnamon so I'm going for it right there Spike now oh it's different heide that's one right there perfect so I'm mixing it I'm gonna mix it see what it smells like oh wow incredible pretty good yeah I like it so it's made of silk perfect yeah this is for my wife so I love it silk right this is silk it smells amazing you can put in your sock drawer your underwear drawer anywhere um but this would be for my wife well that was a pretty cool activity that was different I've never done that before I've never made my own fragrance it was really nice I mean we got to choose from just six different fragrances mix them all together if you want I like them all mixed I mean it's a huge variety of smells right here the aroma is ridiculously good the smells are ridiculously good and as you saw it's a workshop and if you love handicraft you'll love this place and if you're rocking around on the water and you want to do something that's indoor activity definitely come over here but next up let's go eat some Olden oh then Hot Pot Japanese Hot Pot I love it I've had it a few times now and they were telling me that Ottawa is famous for its Olden so let's go eat okay here we go and here we have the restaurant so basically it's called haunten here we have it big group here it's what you do is you choose five from this okay so let me explain five pieces yeah okay so from here you keep saying oh yes you are not allowed to be hungry in Japan so now it's a time to eat so this restaurant is basically an Odin restaurant a hot pot right in the middle and the other table as you can see it's a huge counter hop out right there and as soon as the guy gets the order he just starts pouring it out and selling it over and we actually have an appetizer here so we have some fish we have like uh some green beans here we have some more beans looks like potato and a few other vegetables we got some green tea as well this is incredible green tea is delicious oh it's really good and then this is like uh some sauces so all spicy sauces here all of them are spices first things first every Japanese restaurant clean your hands with a wet towel I like to use it to clean my face too no seriously just go like that are you sweating no I'm not sweating but it's been a long day this is sardine dry salty but I like the glaze they put on top it's a piece on the outside they have a banana place with sesame [Music] over here we have a bunch of different things like celery we've got some red pepper cucumber pretty refreshing Japan they love red beans that's all protein oh these are sweet very sweet so many flavors a lot of contrasting flavors okay so here we have it the old dent I got five different things we got the macro right here wow this looks amazing got fish cake we have shrimp right here this is a shrimp cake we have macro dumpling and we got a white fish oh my God this white fish looks like a huge scallop and in front we got some condiments so we have mustard we have Wasabi and we have misos love me so okay so macro I'm gonna get some of the Wasabi for this guy oh my God it's really hot Wasabi it's extremely hot finally finally finally so we have the fish I'm gonna try it alone hmm nice dense fish yes very strong but yeah a rare Wasabi I'm gonna try the mustard and change it up the matcha is strong too very strong we got the spicy combination right here I guess we'll try both of them together see how hot it is enough of that I'm gonna try the other ones so next up we have the white fish it looks like a humongous scallop let's see very dense that's what I've noticed about everything here and they're all very dense the cakes almost good let me get some of that miso some miso on top poke it in so we have mackerel dumpling right here yeah you definitely taste the chunks of macaroness mmm very fishy a little salty but damn good should I dip into one of these I'll just dip into the Wasabi water thank you that's good it's good he's doing that green tea and lastly so it's a shrimp cake looks like a plum tree I love how all these cakes they're so unique anything here on the Pacific is like a must do but the best part is the broth fish broth just tastes like a miso soup especially because it's cold outside to end our meal we have macro sushi with seaweed on Top This is beautiful this is like looks amazing yeah it's working hard really gorgeous put some of that it's the most beautiful sushi that we've had a taste the seaweed is very different almost tastes like a fragrances coming out of that right well you only get four pieces so you gotta make them count put a little bit of that Wasabi in there this is probably the best sushi I've ever had like really you're so good yeah just the flavors the texture as you said there's something in between Blossom or something next up which I didn't know we had another thing to eat but we have this and we have also dessert so we have wheat noodles look how big these noodles are wow it's amazing hmm oh wow they're so juicy and all they absorb the soup so the price of this meal is a thousand eight hundred Yen 18 bucks for an incredible meal best sushi I ever had in my life incredible hot pot and these noodles are just so good but I'm getting cool it's like a five course lunch for 18 bucks so lastly we have vanilla ice cream with plum jam on top oh wow oh I love it it tastes more like an orangey taste to it delicious okay so we just finished the incredible lunch and now we're gonna do is we're gonna take the bullet train from here to Tokyo the bullet train takes 35 minutes I think we're going to economy class and that's fine because I actually experienced like the business last year green cart on the ride from Tokyo to Kyoto and Osaka to Tokyo this is gonna be great I can't wait to experience the economy class bullet train from here to there I mean this is how this place is connected the best way to get from Tokyo to here is the bullet train don't take any other way this is Ottawa station and we're taking the Shinken Zen which is the bullet train it's only a 35 minute ride what we're gonna do now is we're gonna walk around here we still have about an hour to go we're gonna see and then we have Goku the Mochis oh my God this place is famous for its fish cakes and right here we have like a crazy selection of fish cakes I mean it doesn't end and they also have an incredible amount of sake and up there you have like sake barrels I actually bought one at the brewery went to but here they have them and they're like triple the price now we're gonna take the bullet train from arawara all the way to Tokyo we're going in cart 11 car 11. that is with reservation it's not the Green Card which I took earlier from Tokyo to Kyoto and then Osaka to Tokyo this is just reservation there's also regular where you could just you have to go into the cart and just pick a seat but we got a reservation thank God thank you again thank you and then we go through here you gotta put this guy in there right there boom I got it I got it are you ready for the bullet train anytime every time anytime the hardest thing for me is traveling with this huge luggage especially in Japan I mean every once in the world is easier because I just go like in a taxi or an Uber and I just drop it off but here's hardwood trains but it's cool I mean the biggest issue really is when I have to go up and down stairs but right now we're gonna escalator so it's great and uh our train is leaving whoa crazy I haven't seen that before like that once the train gets here you have to get on fast because they leave fast okay get in okay and then the best place to put your luggage is in the back all the way back yes thank you where's my other one sitting in car 11. there's actually three green cards which is like business class which is like super luxurious and you have three non-reserved cars and the rest of the cars the other 10 are with reservation like this one right here right now we're going almost was it 300 kilometers 350 kilometers per hour as you can see we're flying through Japan and it only takes us like I think 35 minutes from otherwara all the way to Tokyo so really quick I mean you barely have time to eat your bento box between adawara and Tokyo there's two stops but it's really really really fast so like the guys are getting off they get to the door they get off 20 seconds later they close the door so I mean it's that's the only thing is like when it's stopping and it's your stop you have to get ready with all your bags it's not gonna wait for you I mean it's really quick watch watch we're gonna do it right now and this stop is called your Ohama it's a famous Port Town they have a lot of good food here I want to come here next time so we're gonna get off and we're gonna get back on so there's Yokohama you see there's a train number 11. all right so it's about to leave literally about to leave let's get back in right he's leaving right now I mean it's really fast like really really fast there we go [Music] literally less than a minute okay and just like that 35 minutes later we are here in Tokyo guys I hope you enjoy the day a lot of our Castle Hot Pot and the chickenson full of train it was really amazing I mean I mean what an incredible day give me thumbs up give me a comment below if you like Japan if you're in Japan you guys should definitely come out here Japan is freaking amazing I am a lover Japan and yeah subscribe to my channel for awesome travel content I'll see the next child food Adventure somewhere around the world peace thank you [Music]
Channel: Davidsbeenhere
Views: 124,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davidsbeenhere, yamanashi maglev, yamanashi japan, japan sake, japan, japan food, japan street food, mount fuji japan, yamanashi food, kanagawa japan, japan travel, japanese street food, japanese food, street food japan, japan trip, japan food tour, japanese cuisine, japan travel guide, japanese, life in japan, japanese sake, japan guide, tokyo japan, food in japan, japan vlog, street food, street food in japan, tokyo, living in japan, davidsbeenhere japan, mount fuji
Id: 6ie9wcJOtFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 39sec (8379 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2023
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