15 Yr Old Student Vanished In Boarding School & Found Mysteriously Dead 3 Months Later On Campus

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this one is a doozy it was viral in China and it all kind of unfolded January 2023 so like four or five months ago a guard was patrolling the high school grounds he worked for this massive boarding school and when I say massive I mean I think they owned close to 600 acres of land so it's a it's a big chunk of land that he's guarding he had to take his little guard dog patrol through the woods make sure that there's no trespassers make sure no students are setting up a meth lab no Rogue chicken running about and he would go through the stone paths so it's not like the woods are completely unchartered territory it's not like it's overgrown the The Forbidden Forest you know there's paths there's trails to take and he would just walk along and some days he would be out there cutting down bamboo before it got a little impossible but today his guard dog had completely other plans his guard dog would not budge first the dog was frozen on the path and then slowly it turned its body towards off path and starts yanking at the guard the guard gives it one tug like come on let's get back on the path but the dog absolutely refuses to stop barking the dog is pulling towards the trees the guard is you know kind of curious normally his job is very calm very peaceful even but recently The Disappearance of a high school student at the school things had been different since then so even walking through these Woods it made him feel a bit unsettled it sent a chill down his back he took one step off the path onto the crunchy leaves the dog pulled on the leash until finally both of them were walking off the path and towards this abandoned shed on campus okay it's not necessarily a shed per se it's more like four brick walls that were set in place and inside it was used to storage things so that they wouldn't be in plain view and outside the four walls there were Linings of trees like think privacy trees but they're really tall they're really big they've got these humongous branches it's honestly kind of confusing so I'm trying to simplify it to make it digestible the guard dog stops abruptly at this shed and his leg and tail is stiff like all of his legs his whole tail his whole body is stiff his head is pointed upwards like an arrow and the guard stares at his dog follows his gaze to see where is my dog looking and at first he just sees trees and then he's like wait what is that in between the wall and the trees in these small little Gap there was a body hanging the 15 year old student that had went missing three months ago had just been found on campus hanging from a tree by a pair of shoelaces for the past 126 days it seemed like the whole nation of China had been looking for this student the campus had been turned upside down by investigators I mean it was absolutely gnarly how on Earth was he found just in the open on campus this is a case that would bring conspiracies of a essay ring in school a principal running an essay ring a chemistry teacher that wanted to commit the perfect murder using chemicals and even School bullies because of just how bizarre the death of this student is it seemed like every conspiracy made sense this was huge yeah like I was reading news about people were saying like there was Panda blood it was a blood donation yeah there's a Samsung Governor needs some organ and then they kidnap the kid for the organ yeah it was huge huge and the conspiracies are wild so let's talk about the case of the missing boarding school student and this is a case that seemed to drive practically all of China mad foreign [Music] as always full show notes are available at rottenminglepodcast.com I did have a mandarin speaker help with this research not him okay a mandarin researcher and especially in regards to all the public theories the threads that just catapulted this case into mainstream media I wanted to make sure that we covered the most of it and a lot of netizens they were invested in this case this received a ton of media attention in China and there's just so much mystery speculation conspiracies about what's going on so we're going to cover the most popular ones but just a reminder myself included it's easy to get swept up in these conspiracies but you know this is a case that affected and still affects the lives of real people so I think while speculation is fine as long as it's done with compassion and Grace but um let's just be mindful so with that being said let's get into the story this story takes place in a boarding school in China it's called the zhi Yuan High School which boarding schools okay we know one person that was in a boarding school for a few years and it's completely anecdotal but they said it was pretty creepy like I don't know maybe it's all the movies and books that make boarding schools feel like something is lurking in the background but it's not just a big sleepover you know that's what they said the first few nights feels like a big sleepover and then it's no longer fun that's exactly how they describe it it's just got an eerie sense now today's story solely takes place in a boarding school so I have to give you the rundown of the campus there are two main buildings in this campus there are a little bit of like small little one-story buildings here and there but these two buildings are the most important ones they're technically side by side they're .06 miles away from each other so it should take like a minute or two to walk from one building to the next right or Point zeros yes oh yeah that's super cool yeah that's like really close I mean there's some trees in between but it's so close now they're technically side by side but like I said there's a small little Park that you have to cross so one building is reserved for all the classrooms and most of the administrative rooms like think your principal's office all of these things teachers offices HR then you take a quick little walk then you've got the other building this is reserved for student dorms and the campus is reminiscent of a college campus but on a tinier much smaller scale I mean outside of these two main buildings they had a gym two parks soccer field basketball court tennis court I mean it's a pretty big school and since it's a restricted boarding school one of the appeals is that it is completely gated and fenced off from the general public and students were not allowed to leave the campus without getting explicit permission from teachers or staff because these are high school kids these are not college kids so this way parents feel a lot safer about sending their kids to this school because it's not some sort of free-for-all the kids are still under very constant strict supervision everyone is treated like a high schooler and not like a college student and this is all kind of important later so anyway the school has at least three massive Gates now the biggest one is the main gate it's huge it's fancy it looks Grand and it's used for big celebrations like welcoming Day graduation day and then you have a second gate you know a much smaller one and this one is used for Outsiders to come in so when you have parents visiting maybe potential deliveries they come in through this gate those types of instances Outsiders coming into the school then you have the last gate the smallest gate this was typically used solely by staff and students staff when they're coming in for work and students when they have permission to leave or for whatever reason and side note okay this boarding school is kind of unique this is the absolute first time that I've ever heard of this and I don't know if it's common in China but parents could board with their students what do you mean so each dorm room typically has a bunk bed and two students are placed in the room so one gets the top bunk one gets the bottom bug but sometimes one parent will choose to stay with their kid at the school so they share a room and they share the bunk beds and a good amount of parents chose to do this at this particular school I think there was 90 something parents who lived on campus that's my biggest nightmare you know China's parents are so obsessed with kids grades it's almost like let me live with you so you don't have to worry about your day-to-day also all you can do is study yes that exactly why so while the kids focus on studying the parents will focus on tidying up cooking meals running errands cutting up fruit just making sure that their kid is actually studying yeah so back to the setup of the school it's gated and the fact that the most of the school was fenced off was pretty impressive considering the fact that the school had two parks on the property students were allowed to use them and this is again not like some sort of Forbidden Forest type of scenario one of the parks is about four acres very very small and the largest one was about 589 Acres yeah so to put it in perspective how massive that Park is it takes an average student about two and a half minutes to walk through the Four Acre park right it takes about six hours to walk through 589 Acres 589 Acres yeah Central Park is 843 acre oh yeah this one is like more than half of that that's crazy wow yeah yeah so it's huge I mean the big Park is huge but again don't get me wrong it was designed to be somewhat usable for the students there were these pavestone walkways there were these trails that led through it so if you want to go hiking or if you wanted to go sit on a bench inside the woods students could do that it's not like this wild haunted overgrown Uncharted Territory that's just looming behind the school like oh I'm gonna kidnap you students would actually frequently wander through the park looking for a quiet peaceful place to put down a blanket and to study now on October 14th a 15 year old student by the name of who shinyu hushing you let's call him shing shing was not looking for a peaceful place to study instead on October 14th he walked into those woods and he never came back out alive the last time that he was seen alive was October 14 2022 at 5 49 pm Shing was seen walking into his dorm building he checked the time he had about 10-15 minutes max before his next study hall class so his next study hall was at 6 20 pm and the class technically starts at 6 20 PM But the teacher wanted all of the students to arrive 15 minutes early so truly he only had about 10 minutes before he had to make his way over to the school building he did not go into his room maybe he didn't want to lay down if he has to get right back up so instead he goes to the fifth floor of the dorms and walks out onto the balcony so they've got this little mini rooftop area wait where is he walking from so he walked from the school building back to his dorm building and he's got like 10 minutes left you know so he's inside he's supposed to walk back to the school building because he has a class in 10 minutes a study hall but instead he walked all the way to the dorm building walked to the fifth floor and went out onto the balcony now this balcony overlooks the forest slash park behind the dorm building and he's just standing there alone staring out in into the woods so he spends about two minutes there and CCTV does see him heading out at 5 51 PM so we see him walking to the balcony and then walking out at 551 he was just there for like 2-3 minutes that's it so now he's like okay I gotta cross the small Park to get to the main School building to show up from my study hall and he's seen walking on the CCTV cameras at a somewhat leisurely Pace he doesn't seem rushed which he's not late so he doesn't have to be he doesn't seem angsty he just seems like he's enjoying his nice little walk he turns into the park and that is the last time anyone has ever seen him it took a little while for people to start panicking the students were expected to be at the study class 15 minutes early because there were always late students so usually the students would even be late for that the students would come five minutes before the class which is fine as long as the teacher can start the class on time she didn't care now Sheen was not early he didn't even make it when the class was supposed to start but even then teacher a this is a fake name she always knew that there's at least like one student who shows up super super late like 20 minutes after class has already started so teacher a thought it was just strange though because Shing was never that student he was never the one that showed up late he was always early to class she tries to focus on her lesson and didn't really start worrying until about 30 minutes into her lesson and she realizes wow he's still not here now like I said this is not College where students can opt to not show up for certain classes or study halls Shing is supposed to be here and he's not so there's a problem she knew something wasn't right she excused herself went into the hallway pulls out her phone and starts talking she starts placing calls to administrators other people she's like hey can you guys go check fishing in his room maybe he fell asleep but he's supposed to be at study hall for whatever reason the kid said that they the students in the class said that they felt something was off they felt like something was amiss the way that she was outside for so long talking on the phone the energy was just strange I mean often times you can imagine that kids skip class because they took a nap they fell asleep or they lost track of time whatever excuse but this just it felt amiss okay eventually it was announced to the class and administrators that Xing was missing he wasn't in class the administrators went to his room to check for him there he wasn't there found it empty of Shing nothing was moved or packed in fact all of shing's belongings were still there so it's phone money wallet watch everything valuable and important was left in that room the only two things that they could consider missing were his student ID and the recording pen that he took everywhere so this little recording pen was something that he recently bought and he would bring it into all of his classes and record all of the lectures so that he could bring it home import it and listen to it over and over and over again as a form of studying that was it those two things were gone oh and Shing was gone now the school does not immediately call Shane's parents right away because I mean imagine they call every parent to tell them that their child is missing when in reality they're playing hooky they're taking an extra long bathroom break they're making out in the woods like you don't know right instead they focused a ton of their energy and searching all of his friends dorms and all over the dorm building and the school building for Shing and it was until they were absolutely certain that he was nowhere to be found that they made the call to his parents he was last seen at around 6 PM his parents received a call at around 11 21 pm Mr who this is teacher a your son's study hall teacher Shing didn't make it to study hall today and he's not in his room either and we couldn't find him anywhere on campus he did attend the last classes so I'm sure wherever he went it can't be too far you know but it's just been a few hours so we wanted to alert you now Ching's family they lived three hours away from the school his dad and his aunt they get into the car they rush over they get there around 2 A.M that's as fast as they could be shing's mom on the other hand she worked in a completely different Province so think working in a completely different state she couldn't get to the boarding school until about 11 A.M the next morning so the whole family they arrive and they're rightfully nervous they're rightfully upset I mean like what do you mean he's gone missing I mean the whole reason that we sent him to a private boarding school and pay money every single semester like isn't that part of what you guys are supposed to do make sure that the kids are safe or at least accounted for like what on Earth are you talking about he's gone so the family speaks to everyone shing's teachers his classmates friends anyone that might have seen them that day and nobody was a great amount of help all they mentioned was I mean it was fine yeah I mean nothing out of the ordinary no I didn't I didn't notice anything strange he didn't seem like he was acting strange I didn't see anyone following him I didn't see anything alarming yeah just seemed like a normal day shing's family they start getting frustrated because there is a lack of information here the teachers are like we don't know he just didn't show up anymore they're like we are not communicating I feel like we're not even speaking the same language so they proactively they print a ton of missing posters for shank place them all over the school they had his picture in big bold red letters it read missing person 15 year old male no device with him that can help him communicate only has a recording pen with him he was last seen wearing a white T-shirt and a black zip up Hoodie short hair glasses and was wearing black pants with white stripes down the side if you have any information that leads to him being found we have a reward of seven thousand dollars now xing's family they stand at the massive Gates of the boarding school and anytime a staff member a student a parent anyone a passerby a regular civilian they would pass out these posters they place these posters all over the outside of the sporting school so that just regular civilians with no association to the school would also be on the lookout the family was desperate the police do get involved pretty quickly and okay even though the police get involved the way that they're looking for Xing is very different I think that the the parents wanted them to look for shing with such urgency and it would be classified as like a criminal case shing's family is like you need to look for him as if someone kidnapped him however the police went in there and looked for Shing as a missing person's case so they did this with a little bit more leisure but missing's person is yeah so I guess to in China is classified as a missing person just means we don't know where they are does not mean that something bad happened to them in order for it to be classified as missing persons criminal case it means there needs to be some sort of hint that someone kidnapped them someone took them they got in trouble and something happened versus missing persons is just straight up we don't know the location of this person okay they could have willingly run away yeah I guess it's all very similar huh to the US yeah I mean we just classified as like a runaway versus a missing person's but same thing right so the teacher police and Ching's family they searched the entire school property with the help of Civilian volunteers they look in every single room on the grounds they check the pools attics roofs everywhere I mean they went the extra mile they drained septic tanks just in case a team of Searchers flew drones over the grounds to run 3D imaging and scans they brought in drones that did thermal scanning to look for him in the woods again nothing showed up are you guys seeing where I'm getting like that's weird okay it's weird civilians volunteered to search and the local community they really came together to help a lot of people said people searched as if it was their own son that had gone missing it could be pouring down rain and people would be bringing in their own resources they would come in with parkas rain jackets walking sticks it was said that at the biggest size the search party was like 2 000 people big so clearly this is not a half search I mean keep this in mind because his body is found in a place that should have been so easy so I'm gonna show you a map for the visual people but if you guys are just listening to the audio it's like the next building over the shed I know it's it sounds like it's way out in the woods I think it was 0.2 miles away it's really not that deep into the woods and it's a building it's like right there people know of its existence it's not like this forbidden like oh nobody knows what the shed existed the students had no idea this shed was there so uh they search everywhere everywhere they're draining tanks they're combing through school security footage but nothing seemed to miss when they see Shing he's wearing a white shirt black zip up jacket walking out of the dorm building at 5 51 pm he heads to a study class and that was the last footage of him then poof nothing he's not seen ever again he's not seen at the campus Gates he's not seen leaving the grounds he's not seen coming back to grab something he's just gone the leader of the rescue said it's as if he vanished Into Thin Air We're not gonna give up but we have no clue they had already conducted four cross searches covering 90 acres of land 12 buildings 884 rooms 11 underground pipes 10 septic tanks 10 water heaters 9 water reservoirs Two Lakes two parks two sports centers one garbage dump 2238 residences near the school 589 Acres of Woodland south of the campus 226 temples 159 businesses 124 miles of Riverbank 72 ponds 16 miles of railroad and 25 nursing homes wow they followed and eliminated 378 tips and cleared all the school personnel and students including the 98 parents that were residing with their children on campus they did not find a single trace of Shing they didn't even find a goddamn clue they found nothing that suggested Foul Play or even a runaway I mean that's the thing they didn't find evidence of either thing they found no evidence none which meant that it was going to remain a missing person's case in the eyes of the law which is not what the family wanted missing persons cases in China like I said are equivalent to Runaway cases in the U.S they are not treated with nearly the same amount of urgency that criminal missing persons cases get which you know it's like that here so the who family they're broken from the lack of I mean nothing has happened their son is missing they're doing all of this and nothing was found like the lack of findings and progress made it so difficult for them to even feel hope to them it just didn't make sense there's a lot of anger there too of like I sent my kid to the sporting school to be safe and now you're telling me you have no idea where he went shing's mom was also dealing with a lot of guilt she said originally she wanted to be in the boarding school wishing she practically begged him but he turned her down and it's not like they had a bad relationship they got along really well but he's 15 and for the first time ever he's like Mom I just want to experience a little bit of something different maybe next year you can move in but it's my first semester here I just I want to see so the months leading up to the move in his mom would ask are you sure I could cut fruit while you study and I could clean up for you Mom it's fine you're three hours away I'm gonna be good so even though shing's mom was a little bit sad she let him have his space and there was nothing that made her concerned for him or or worried for him like Shing was a good kid both his parents his older brother Tau they adored him side note his older brother is like 15 years older so it's like his second dad basically Tao was adored adored Shing anytime he made a little bit of extra pocket money with his job he would buying new clothes new shoes I mean they got along so well everyone that knew Xing not just his family members they said yeah that's the type of kid that you would trust to be alone in a boarding school like other kids you'd be like oh I don't know if they're gonna study I don't know if they're gonna listen to the teachers but Ching yeah neighbors remember seeing him walk 30 minutes to his grandmother's house a couple times a week on a regular basis so that could she was wheelchair bound and he would take her on these long scenic walks he would run and buy groceries for her he would clean up the entire house he would do all the chores and when he wasn't doing that he was typically perpetually hunched over a math textbook he's like every parent's dream kid for example one time their town was completely flooded the water was coming up to people's knees it was really flooded so school for some reason was not canceled do you guys want to cancel school often in China if it doesn't affect the study then no yeah really like if it snows and the roads are a little icy it depends on the city some City are used to it you know yeah I just remember growing up in the South it's like one snowflake Falls school is canceled for a week yeah for Georgia yeah yeah yeah no school for some reason was not canceled and all the other students are trying to talk to their parents about this newfound discovery of the dangers of floods they're like Mom Dad I'm gonna sit you down and tell you floods are so dangerous we walk out there do you know how much bacteria is in that water we can't go to school we can't I know it's not canceled but I can't go to school they're like trying to tell their parents that not ching ching put on his backpack and his neighbors said they were shocked to see him splashing onto the streets running to school same as always he was like one of the few students that showed up even when his parents gave him allowance he would just put it away into this little box and they're like please just use this money go watch a movie with your friends like you got to put down the math textbook we're thinking that you're becoming a little bit anti-social and you've refused when he felt like he had saved up enough he would present this little box of cash to his grandma and she would be so upset absolutely not I'm not taking that money so when his grandma refused he would use the money to pay for his own school fees like what kind of kid is selfless enough to do this and it's not like the family was financially struggling at the time it wasn't a situation where they were emptying out the last of their pockets to send their son to school he just felt really guilty to use it I mean they just had a little bit of extra and gave it to him that's it so it really doesn't seem like the type of kid to run away or skip boarding school because he doesn't like the studies or get involved with the wrong type of groups the extent of his Wild Streak or his rebellious teenage years was watching anime and that's not even rebellious that's just called de-stressing and of course he never watched so much that it would affect his grades like he would finish all of his studies before he watched anime like this was their son and now he's missing and the authorities were hinting at the fact that maybe Shing had walked off the campus by his own free will they argued that maybe Shing just got tired of school and left he's over it he doesn't want to study anymore he snapped does the best explanation that existed and the family was like no absolutely not they argued that is logically incomplete you can't just say that because you can't find anything else you can't be like because we can't find evidence of anything else we think this is the theory if you want to argue that he walked out of Campus you need a witness or you need evidence to make you believe this Theory something that would bolster this waterless baseless Theory and it's what are you saying it doesn't make sense okay so a month into the search The Who family lawyered up and released a statement the statement was titled suspicion of a campus burial case in changshi so they were requesting immediate criminal investigation a campus burial case meant that the family was terrified that school was trying to bury his case and that Shing was literally buried on campus they believe that his body was being hidden on campus Because it's like a locked room situation nobody saw him leave no cameras caught him leaving so he must still be on campus now side note there was a campus Bureau case that had taken China by storm recently in 2019 a body was found buried in a high school's Field track it was discovered that a supervisor for doing the school Renovations he had gone missing during work one day that was like years ago decades ago they found its body so the case you know reminded people that schools are not as safe as we think they are or even want them to be are you talking about the playground case yeah oh my gosh yeah okay so oh that's a different case it's a different one there's a lot of it was a playground where they were doing renovations and they dug it up and they found a body yeah and just the idea that these kids are like bouncing around hanging out having fun on top of a dead body like how does a dead body even end up buried under a playground out of school I think it was a construction they were doing years ago and then there's a conflict between was it a principal or a teacher or something yeah and a big contractor yeah they just go went ahead and pushed them into the ground and and piled it up yeah so like 20 years I believe the principal was working with the construction company and overpaying them so they were saying oh if the construction actually costed like fifty thousand dollars they would overpay them to a hundred thousand dollars and then split that extra profit one of the teachers found out they killed it yeah because the construction company and the principal had relations yeah I've talked about this before if you guys follow us on YouTube but before I met my fiance I went through a phase in my life where I struggled with debt okay I had credit card debt and I was so stressed out by it that I thought I could shove all of that into the closet and if I don't look at it it doesn't exist right it only made the problem worse I tell you it only made it worse because yeah duh but I guess I just didn't even know 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family hosts so think of a Camera Host as a big family every single one of those 100 plus cameras belonged to a host camera so they're all clumped together and each host would cover a particular area of the property and some hosts might be in the school building some of them are in the dorm buildings some of them are outside some of them are in the Park area at the gates the one host that conveniently wasn't recording at the time covered the area around the main entrance of the school the family believed if the administrators believed that Shing walked out on his own free will show us the footage but maybe they can't because the footage would show something else entirely so that's why it wasn't working so the family had a lot of distrust the family suspected that someone had messed with the cameras before they were turned over to the authorities why would they think that so each person that signs to watch the CCTV cameras or to review them they have to sign into a monitoring log and this is like a in the system so it's not like a piece of paper right it's in the system and out of the six Camera Host five Camera Host logs were missing what it had been like wiped meaning like we have no idea who signed into view or alter any of those five camera hosts and those cameras stopped recording due to a glitch so after he was seen walking out of the dorm and into the park where there's no security cameras the camera stopped recording and they don't start recording until around 1am the next morning you're kidding me yeah from the moment he went missing pretty much how did they explain that yeah they said it was a glitch okay it was like an hour after he went missing they're like it's a glitch that could mean that someone could have tampered with the footage from at least dozens of cameras but we don't know because these logs are gone and even the camera the one camera that still had their logs left that's the one that wasn't working the one near the main entrance and that one didn't even start recording until way later on so I mean are you kidding like we can't even see who is going in and out of this school at the time that he goes missing and is that just a weird coincidence or is something else going on and another thing there are no cameras in the campus parks a lot of netizens just felt like that was strange if anything that's like a big amount of space you would want to monitor especially when you have high school students right I mean yeah you want to monitor the classrooms but the parks come on so the family's attorney argued and begged for the public to pressure the school and police into finding Shing they said there is no video footage of the school entrance and no sign of him climbing up school walls and escaping it's like he evaporated Into Thin Air it's hard not to suspect that this is a criminal case and not just some sort of disappearance it is possible that this is a school burial case we hope that the offender can turn themselves in because that is the last and only way out both of shing's parents quit their jobs to focus on finding their son they argued yes there are no signs of Foul Play but there's no evidence that he left on his own accord we need to push this to be a criminal investigation so we can find out where he is things are not adding up Mrs who held a press conference and it was very hard to not sympathize with her she had Shing at 40 years old and she just wanted to do everything to give him like the most happy upbringing and then this happens foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] s came together and they start publicly supporting Mrs who they even push her to start her own Tick-Tock doing account the account was called shing's mother looking for her son she just posted video after video begging the public to help her she wanted to bring her son home and in the beginning everything was very understandable but of course you know in Desperate moments I think that humans have a tendency to do things that are a bit maybe out of character maybe a bit questionable I think everyone understood where she was coming from it didn't necessarily make it okay but Mrs who starts accusing random teachers of being involved in her son's disappearance she was originally pointing the finger at the study group teacher teacher a she explained that she had left the room with her phone for a long period of time and the students claimed that she was acting strangely she also stated that teacher a not calling shing's parents immediately was a very strange thing to do but I don't know I find that a pretty reasonable reaction like I said you can't just call parents every time a kid doesn't show up to class because you would have a lot of disgruntled parents I don't know if I would have waited five hours but I think it's not too unreasonable now netizens disagreed with her slandering a teacher without any concrete evidence but it's hard to turn on the Hue family I mean they would Camp outside the school Gates holding up signs that read give me back my son like it was heartbreaking if you see the deterioration Mrs who looked like she had lost 50 pounds in a month I mean she looked frail she looked weak bystanders could do nothing but watch I mean she was fixated on finding her son the family hired professional rescue canine teams from the other side of China to come and search the campus the dogs only signaled near the stairs of the dorm building keep that in mind but I mean otherwise it checked out it cleared it looked normal the security footage in that area didn't show any sort of weird happenings either the family hired a security engineer to help them go through the school security system to see if it was tampered with to get some sort of clue if her son walked out fine which way did he go did he leave with someone did someone stop and talk to him like was he taken that's what she wants to know once it was revealed that she was going around hiring her own detectives people start speculating wait why would she have to hire her own detectives if the school is helping maybe the school is not helping maybe they're not cooperating why would the school not want to cooperate netizens started spreading a rumor that Mrs who was offered three hundred thousand dollars to keep quiet about the case the rumor started because she stopped posting on doing it's unproven to this day if this offer was made but it's clear that she never took it if it was because she continued to post later on she also said that she spent her own savings to hire these third-party professionals it was also discovered that there were 13 cars that were in and out of that school around the time that Ching vanished they were all cleared by the police but one of them was an SUV that was caught parked near the cafeteria near where Xing was walking and the who family believed that this SUV could be the answer to all their questions maybe Sheen was put into that SUV driven out of the school and that's why you don't see footage of him leaving again the police tell them listen we cleared every single driver including the SUV driver but the who family do not trust the police like what was the car doing there fine then tell us what if the car was the one that carried our son off campus like how do we know finally near Christmas of 2022 Mrs who posts on doing she rants about the only way that she could talk to the principal was through social media because he refused to get in contact with her to even talk to her yet you better believe that set off netizens okay it was like a bombastic side eye like what are you talking about the principal where your son went missing on his campus refuses to cooperate with you very strange she publicly asked the principal series of questions one principle you were off the day that my son disappeared so you were not on campus but at 5 51 PM you were seen rushing back to the school did you rush back to the school to mess with the security tapes two why was there an SUV park near the cafeteria the SUV wasn't caught on your security cameras but did you know that the SUV was caught on a different camera the SUV was sitting there for about six minutes was Shing taken away in that SUV three this is to the SUV driver I want to ask you did you take my son 4. do all the teachers here still even have a heart I believe you carried my son to the cafeteria gate and into that SUV so I think what the who family at this point were believing was that something might have happened to Xing at the school maybe bullies had hit him maybe an accident had occurred maybe a teacher had abused him maybe he died suspiciously and they wanted to get rid of all the evidence because the death on campus is probably worse than a disappearance because a disappearance you could say while I was a troubled teen who wanted to run away whereas a death I mean a lot of parents would pull their kids from this private school you have to remember it's not even a public school they get all their funding from tuitions they need parents to trust this establishment five question to the principal and the SUV driver where did you take my son now most netizens were supportive but it felt like Mrs who was unraveling online they commented mama who just please take care of yourself okay leave it to the police side note the police did investigate the SUV driver and they said that it was completely normal he's cleared but that doesn't stop the internet from doing what the internet does best random accounts start popping up alleging some sort of relationship to the investigation and stating that the SUV driver was guilty of murder and was currently confessing to the crimes social media ran with it reposting that one random person's video and that video got about like 800 000 views in like an hour or two wow yeah it was later proven to be false but the impact was massive even mainstream media started running with it without fact checking just stating that the SUV driver was the killer the case flew to the top of online public attention I mean this is really winning catapulted because not only did mainstream media say they found the killer but they also had to backtrack and be like just kidding the SUV driver has been cleared so now all of China is like wait what is going on over there why is the even media forking it up so bad now most netizens are good people that just want to help there's going to be a few rotten ones in the mix so with this case there were two primary rotten ones one man who claimed to know privilege information about what happened to shing he stated that he was trying to bring Shing home and he just needed to get in contact with shing's family to pass along all this Vital Information netizens tagged the who family till finally shing's uncle got in contact with this strange man on the internet the man was looking for five minutes of fame he told the family the only way he could help bring Shing home was if they told him everything about the investigation all the confidential privileged information the family and the rest of the public had an inkling that this guy just wanted all this privileged information so he could be the first one to break the news online and become some sort of breaking news crime reporter wow just one of the views the family rejected his help and this man lashed out he went from being a pro-hue family to the biggest hater of the who family he went online to allege and accused the family of Faking this disappearance so that they could get some sort of money or compensation from the school he even accused the family of being the reason that the sun disappeared they were willing to sacrifice the Sun so that they could get paid out from the school another really easy situation to come out of this was and this makes me really scared for the future someone deep faked Mrs who using her videos online they deep-faked her face and voice and started multiple new accounts where they were using the AI deep fake asking netizens for donations wow a lot of people donated Mrs who had to come out and stayed on the record we did not ask netizens for donations we will never ask netizens for donations thank you all for supporting this case but do not be fooled we want to establish this as a criminal case that's what we want we want the truth that's it so the whole case was turning into a mess but regardless of the public attention to the case there was a lot of pressure on the school the city and the government to figure out what the hell happened to shing netizen started doubting even the efficacy of the searches they wrote online usually when a search party is that large like 2 000 people large they already have some sort of clue or purpose for the search it's well organized it's not just hey guys we're just gonna go out into the field and look around but as for shing's case there's no leads no proof no organization it feels like you went missing inside the school if they really wanted to search they should start from the teachers students and parents that were in the school there are still suspicions that the CCTV camera was tampered with they should start with the security guards plus the places that were searched besides all the houses or all the public places that people pass through each day Xing has been gone for almost 90 days if traces of Shing were there they would have been discovered a long time ago so basically saying even right now the police are searching random places that don't even help the search to make matters worse at the end of the year at the end of 2022 when xing's mom went to the campus to search more for her son they would not let her inside she told netizens my son is in that school and I want to bring him home but now we can't even enter the school I want to see the principal but I can't even do that they won't pick up any of my calls this enraged the public even further which resulted in reporters and civilians lining up at the school gates to get information and to protest the boarding school went into intense lockdown absolutely no Outsiders were allowed inside the school Gates reporters noted that the school was putting up new barbed wire fences along their Eastern Fence which I get it you want to protect your students but overall not great for Optics the school just kept finding itself in hot water immediately after students had leaked messages that they were getting from administrators of the school and the school was telling all the students and family members keep quiet about this case they stated rather bluntly that any student found discussing this case even amongst each other would be expelled what which feels like they're hiding something to netizens netizens took to weibo to argue if we don't find this kid all of China will come for this school the police and the school kept arguing that Shing must have left school because he was unsatisfied with school he was a runaway netizens argued okay give us clear footage of him leaving or else we don't believe you anymore now we slowly start charting into the conspiracy territory here but xing's mom posted a few pictures of notes that Ching had written in the margins of his school books most of it looked like random scribbles or Doodles like the kind that you would draw when you're bored in class but some netizens went overboard and trying to analyze every single piece of writing like every single scribble suddenly became a clue it became certified evidence like literally every clue I'll give you an example on one page he wrote lamb skewers so netizens suspected that he had skipped class to eat lamb skewers and that he was kidnapped at a lamb skewer shop they all try to figure out where all the lamb skewer shops in the general vicinity were and like okay as far as investigative work that one isn't that bad I I can see where you're going with it it makes sense but then there were the weird ones like he had written down numbers and some of the numbers weren't that clear but there was a four and a seven close to each other so a sushi which apparently if you use word play it can also mean period of death yeah okay so they thought that maybe he was being stalked or he knew that he was gonna die soon that someone was creeping him out the other numbers were 140 57 000 and 6 000. for some reason netizen started speculating that he was burned to death and those were the temperatures of the Furnace that he had been burned in yeah I think it was around this point that netizens caught themselves going too far and they start reminding everyone let's reel it back in and stop these baseless rumors because we're becoming unhinged but because everybody is getting so wrapped up in these conspiracies the case becomes bigger than it ever was before I mean it was gaining so much attention that it started backfiring and harming the investigation the who family was asked by the police department to sign a confidentiality agreement meaning that they cannot release any more new information about the case unless the police release it first the family agreed they did not care they just want to find their son it's not like they're doing this for social media clout and for a while it was crickets until chinese-american Detective Lee Cheng Yu gave his two cents on the case and the media went into this Feeding Frenzy so if you don't know Chang Yu is a huge huge name in the detective field he is a famous criminal forensic expert in America he's Chinese though he's a legend in China yeah he's a legend here too yes he's a legend I think there's many cases we talked about in the past he was a part of it okay he completed his PhD in Biochemistry in just one year usually it takes people four-ish years to complete it he was the first Chinese American to hold the highest position in the State Police Department in the entire U.S he investigated more than 6 000 criminal cases in more than 17 countries he worked on JFK's assassination Nixon's Watergate scandal Clinton's impeachment O.J Simpson's murder the JonBenet Ramsey case he worked on that one the 9 11 attacks and those are just some of the cases that he's worked on he is famous even in China even though he's an American detective he's been named the number one Chinese detective yeah if something happens he's the one to solve it he was asked about this case and he said first of all I've never been to the crime scene so I just want to clear the air I don't want to start false rumors I am just gonna you tell me what you know and I will tell you my expert advice so he's not saying this is what happened he's not saying I investigated I talk to people it was literally just a question and someone was like okay so the student went missing and like blah blah blah blah and he's like from that information you just gave me he said I've been in the detective field for many years and I've seen all sorts of crimes according to the Past cases the possibility of a 15 year old boy leaving the campus on his own like this very unlikely the security cameras on campus also did not catch him leaving so how could the police give out such a conclusion without evidence to support it yeah I've never been to the crime scene and I can't spread false rumors but from my experience I believe that Shing had already been harmed and it happened inside or around the school premises he's probably hidden inside the school another possibility is that it was organized crime and everyone is giving the same verbal evidence so for the offender what I've learned is this is crazy the most dangerous place is usually the safest place so to commit a crime at a school where you're familiar with or your home it's the most dangerous because that's where the police will search but it's the safest netizens took that to mean that there is a possibility of this being an inside job that meant that the personnel and the students on campus weren't cleared even though they were cleared by the police they took it to mean that multiple people could have faked a story and convinced everyone to share that story over and over and over again until it became the truth the most dangerous place is usually the safest place he's hinting that the culprit being someone at the school had heard him at the school and he's still at the school he also went on to question the police and he stated my analysis comes from similar previous cases more than this specific case in particular but Qing is a minor and according to the footage and information that the police do have there is a possibility that he was harmed or harassed and could be in a life-threatening situation according to the law it should be classified as a criminal case at this point the police have not done so I don't see why there are reasons behind this unfortunately there in fact were reasons behind this and I don't think they're good reasons this is not in the police defense I think this is Goofy and this is like everywhere even in the US it's goofy but in China in order for missing persons case to be classified as a criminal case you have to meet multiple criteria the place of disappearance has to have clear evidence of violence like Gone Girl style coffee table turned over blood a person must come forward stating that the missing person was harmed I saw that person get pulled into that van the missing person must have disappeared with a vehicle or large amount of money that doesn't even apply to a 15 year old the person is under the age of 14 and has been missing over 48 hours the person had conflicts or disputes with any other party before their disappearance or no one knows where they've been for the past three months so no one knows where shing's been for the past three months three months had passed but because he didn't check off multiple boxes it was not a criminal case which feels contradictory okay it feels dumb it's a bit of a huge double standard the police state that the security footage evidence had not been cut or edited but it was too late you know the public they were having a whole media frenzy with this one netizens yelled at the police if he's alive we want to see a person if he's dead we want to see a body ultimately January 28th of 2023 the police would have an entirely new problem on their hands shing's body would be found a security guard was about 0.18 miles away from the main school building 0.2 miles I think I said it was under a mile it's 0.2 miles um wow yeah and the guard dog was barking he followed his guard dog up to a big red brick wall and there were overgrown trees in front of it hanging from one of the tree branches between the red brick wall and the trees was a decomposing body police rushed to the scene and immediately stated that they knew that this was Shing they stated that his black zip-up hoodie was still on him his shoes were on the ground below him and curiously his recording pen the one that he used to record his lectures it was on the wall this wall the red brick wall had like little Ledges that technically he could climb up to so that he could hang himself or to put a pen a lot of his students were seen climbing up and down these walls before which is suspicious because that means everyone knows that this shed exists so why didn't they search it so at first glance the police believed that he committed there's conspiracies on why the police might lie about something like this but let's explore the route shall we in order to do that we have to take it back to 2019. his body is found in 2023 but the story starts in 2019 according to the police it was a rough time for Shing his grades started dropping he was like the ultimate student until code and not because he was watching too much anime but hit China sooner than it did the US obviously so Xing was already doing online school in 2019 and for the first few months he did okay but like a lot of other students the lack of routine communication motivation even the lack of interpersonal connections Xing starts declining in his performance it was just so mundane he couldn't focus he spent the last two years of Middle School like this until June 2022 he took the high school entrance exam in China there's not just a college entrance exam there are high school entrance exams the higher you score the better the high school that you get placed into which is insane because the high school kind of sets you up for the college that you go to which sets you up for life so by the time that you're in eighth grade your whole life is in the trajectory of this one freaking exam insane I can't even so most middle schoolers in China are probably more stressed out than a 40 year old in America like the amount of pressure they face is astronomical so Shing knew his grades had been slipping recently with all the online classes but he had been preparing for these exams since like the beginning of his life okay he was stressed but he was ready until he wasn't ready the stress weakened his immune system and just a couple days before his exam he came down with a massive fever but you can't just skip it because you got sick you got to be like hospitalized for them to even allow you to retake this exam later it's that serious so he shows up takes the test and ends up getting a 531 out of 850. out of the 1300 students in his school that took it he ranked 650th which is kind of like smack dab in the middle he was an average student he was devastated the high school that he had been fixated on his whole life since he was in elementary school he's like this is the high school I want to go to he had just missed the cutoff by like 19 points so instead of attending his dream School his parents got him into a private boarding school in a different province which is why they're like three hours away I believe the tuition for this place was about five thousand dollars a year and his parents asked him multiple times if he wanted them to stay with him but he declined every single time he just wanted to experience something different something new so when the semester starts they get him settled in his room they meet his roommate and then tearfully they leave now they told him you got to call us anytime okay all the time Shing stayed true to his word he called his parents very often and he had typical teenager responses to everything classes are fine school work is fine homework is fine yes Mom I'm eating and for a while Shane was able to hide the truth from his parents the fact that he wasn't doing well not just academically but mentally Shing was in a precarious situation so the way that he was ranked in this new high school was he was ranked high enough to be placed in all the top classes but because he had just made the cutoff he was constantly falling short and ranking the absolute lowest in all of his classes so you're saying like let's say there's a thousand people in grade eight he's like top 200 but each classroom has 200 students so he's like the last person in that first 200 class which is what he sees on a daily basis isn't that like sad and ironic like you do well but you're actually it's bad for you to do well you might as well have been placed in the class right underneath so that you could be the top of that class right yeah so it was really hard for him and unlike a lot of those kids that went to the school Sheen was born to a very very average family and one of the main things that they tell you no matter what country you're in one of the easiest ways to escape your socioeconomic class is to get a high education I'm sure he heard this over and over again and believed he was taking this one and only chance for not only helping himself but also his family his parents it felt like no matter how hard he studied he just couldn't improve and then slowly it started feeling like what is the point of studying if I can't even improve at all like what is the point to any of this by September 2022 Shing was allegedly so frustrated and helpless he told his mom all of these things he just asked Can I please just drop out you've only been there for a couple months and of course it's gonna be hard it's gonna be an adjustment period but you've always been a good student you're gonna get better with time don't drop out just give it a little while longer Ching was not having it he told her passionately I hate studying I don't want to be here I hate it here his mom reassured him that the beginning of October was a national holiday so that they're gonna pick him up go home he's gonna have a few days at home and it'll be great like maybe you just need a week off to take your mind off of things now on this visit home everyone noticed that Ching was not acting like himself I don't think that he was acting so abnormally that warranted people to be like oh my God I'm so worried I need to do something about it but for example he was talking to his grandma on the phone and she's like oh my God I didn't know you were in town like when are you gonna come visit me and he snapped on her he said I don't have to come visit you every time I'm in town you know that right it was so out of character but people forgot about it because just two days later he visited his grandma helped with the chores and everything seemed normal everyone seemed happy once break was over he went back to school that was the beginning of October like the first week October 14th he went missing so they're confused I mean xing's family they're confused at how quickly things might have developed it didn't even cross their minds that he could have hurt himself or that he even wanted to they never suspected a single thing now authorities believe that he climbed a little ledge of the outer shed walls to tie both of his shoelaces to a tree branch and then around his neck to sustain his weight then he jumped from the wall ledge letting gravity do its work and effectively ending his life he would have to climb 15 feet up the wall which is not impossible Witnesses have stated sometimes students would climb up the shed walls not often but it's been done before the police believe that he put his recording pen down on the wall ledge then jumped that was the initial working Theory but just because something looks like it doesn't mean it is right that's what the family and the internet argued the family argued yeah he was going through a hard time but he would never do something like this and with the amount of distrust the netizens already had for the police in the school everyone wanted concrete proof that he did this they're like where's the letter where's the note things just aren't adding up the recording pen oh we're gonna get there so the netizens they're like bombarding the police with all of their suspicions and there's a lot of suspicions first of all the location of the body you guys are so close to the school's main building this is less than 0.2 miles away and after that long list of searches that I purposely read to you guys because that was released by rescue teams to be like look at how much we've searched how the hell was his body not found and sure you could argue that his body was hidden by trees but like how the hell was the search that bad then that inefficient and what about the smell of trees don't hide decomp smell the police stated that the bodies de accomplished so bad his skin had practically turned into leather how could nobody smell that there were even dogs brought in to sniff out cadavers netizens speculated that Sheen was killed elsewhere and his body was brought here after the search parties were done then there were other things shing's body had no signs of a white T-shirt on but he was seen on CCTV cameras wearing a white shirt underneath his black jacket and speaking of black jacket his black jacket oh this is weird it was on backwards and zipped all the way up so imagine you have a hoodie zip up you put the arms in and the hood is in front of your face and you don't put the hood on your face but you put your arms to the back and you zip up all the way oh that is so weird and nearly impossible I mean I guess it'd be possible if you put it on like a crew neck yeah what situation would you do that yeah that is so unnatural so unnatural I mean maybe he wanted to put the hood on to cover his face and then it fell off but it's still very people tried to do it at home and netizens found it nearly impossible to zip it all the way up in the back even the most flexible people were struggling to do this and you're telling me that in his last moments that is what he chose to do and then you have the shoelace netizens do not believe that one or two shoelaces can withstand the weight for not just his death but for months and months we don't know shing's exact weight but looking at CCTV he looks average to thin sized so this one I don't know what to think so even though his body was found it looked like there were more Mysteries more questions and it was only getting deeper netizen started to scream online we need to figure out where his feet were pointed netizens argued that if his feet were pointed downwards like his toes were pointing to the ground then he must have died via hanging but if they were parallel to the floor then he might have died in a separate position when rigor mortis had set in and then his body was hanged yeah to this day it was never released where his feet were pointing which is pretty easy to prove in 2023 with crime scene photos I mean you don't have to release the photos but you could just tell people where the feet were pointing but because of these questions the police had failed to answer immediately and satisfy the online theories you know these theories spread like wildfire so let's explore some of the biggest conspiracies before the police come back with their own Theory the evil chemistry teacher let's call him teacher B teacher B was not only shing's chemistry teacher but also his homeroom teacher so this is going to be the teacher that is most in tune wishing like the most their working side by side the internet hates this guy a lot of it is pretty privileged I'm dead serious people literally hated the way he looked stating that he didn't look like a good person he didn't look like a good teacher he was bald had small eyes and a big build which many netizens deemed to not be a morally nice person look I don't even know how to unpack that one but from there it was just confirmation bias they found all these things about him online that they didn't like about him and to be fair they were pretty bad okay but I don't know if it makes him capable of murder teacher B graduated from one of the top universities in China which is why it was easy for other teachers to overlook the fact that he was the principal's nephew he had the education to back up his position and he apparently did so well that he was quickly promoted as vice principal I'm sure it had nothing to do with his relation to the principal he took the role but he also kept teaching Kem and he kept his homeroom class people said he was a genius people said that he could have easily found a way to kill Shing in a way that would be undetected in Ching's body and maybe he did it to prove to like this guy seemed egotistical that's what people said maybe he did it to prove that he could commit the absolute perfect murder other evidence quote evidence if you will to back it up is shing's family came to record at the school to show the public that nothing was being done about their son so they're like filming around the school and teacher B was there and he's like hey can you stop filming me asking the who family and the way that he spoke to the family was very heartless you know most people felt compassion for the parents but the way that he was doing it was like Hey legally you're not allowed to film me very Karen and technically teacher B was in his legal right to ask the who family to stop recording but they refused and they were very upset they were saying things like okay well if you don't want to be filmed then you can stand away from the camera like we're not trying to get you you can stand over there we're not trying to film you get out of the way then if you don't want to be in the video teacher B said no I'm gonna stay right here why should I move foreign didn't like it I mean it wasn't a good look for Teacher B and like technically it doesn't make him guilty of murder but I will say it's a very strange reaction Nelson said as shing's homeroom teacher a student from one of his classes was missing shouldn't he be actively cooperating with the parents or I don't know have at least a little bit more compassion but it seems like he just was very like no legally you're not allowed to film me it's just weird later netizens found an online Forum from students who went to that high school and apparently teacher B got into a fight with another teacher one time and that other teacher got into the hospital and had to get 10 stitches because of this fight remember how the police had professionals look through the security tapes to see if the footage had been tampered with and they said that it wasn't well after the professionals came back saying that they hadn't been edited the who family lawyer got a hold of the tapes and took it to their own professionals they were able to recover some footage and that footage showed the chemistry teacher and the school principal entering the CCTV camera monitoring room so even though the logs were deleted we do know at least they were in the room where you could monitor the CCTV cameras so they did delete stuff it could be very easily argued that they did not delete stuff but they were trying to look at the CCTV camera to see where he had gone because he went missing which is a very normal response you know I imagine if someone went well why would you delete that then right but the police are saying it wasn't deleted it was faulty like it was a glitch okay yeah the system glitched okay so I mean you could argue both ways and it would make complete sense both ways so it's very hard to say now they allegedly stayed there until about 2 A.M the next day about the time that xing's father first got to the school now you could argue that's a lot of time to delete and alter footage and come up with a story other people could argue yeah because they're probably so panicked about looking for answers because the dad is about to show up and demand answers and to be fair it is the principal and the vice principal so it kind of makes sense but I don't know do I think he's a good person no he made another teacher get stitches but I don't think it was right for the internet to drag him through the mud and accuse him of murdering a 15 year old there were headlines that just had his picture and wrote murderer of student Ching or headlines that read Shing was evaporated by chemicals made by his chemistry teacher and a lot of the comments were like yeah you could just tell he's evil just by looking at him which is pretty privileged batch then you have the principal Theory so remember the principle is the chemistry teacher's Uncle so these two theories are about to merge According to some machine's classmates Shing had a girlfriend and there was a rumor that Qing went to visit his girlfriend in her dorm room at around 10 30 a.m October 1st so two weeks before he vanished and he found the principal in there with his pants around his ankles classmates said Shing saw the principal quickly pull up his pants and push past Shing as he left the room his girlfriend started crying and told him through her SOB said she had been R worded by the principal allegedly the next day the principal had a little chat with Shing to force him to keep quiet about what he saw and the principal had to make sure he kept his mouth shut because if not not only could he lose his job but the principal would find himself in prison for three to ten years if this ever got out so maybe just maybe the principal asked the chemistry teacher his nephew to help him you know a piece of evidence to support this theory is that apparently Xing had called his mom on that day crying and just said that he really wanted to cry but no matter how much he asked he refused to tell her the reason why the two of them potentially the theory is plotted for Shing to go missing and they asked him to meet with them on the night of October 14th and that's why the cameras were scheduled to be shut off so they scheduled for the cameras to all go down they were going to meet with him so instead of him heading to studying class he was going to go meet with the principal and the vice principal other things that support this theory was that there were rumors that the school had mistreated students and let them to take their own lives three years ago a female student ended her life by jumping from the roof the school allegedly gave her family over a hundred thousand dollars to keep quiet a few months before Shing died another girl died and the story was that she was caught cheating on her test and her teacher wanted her to pay money what it sounds like blackmail like hey pay me money and I'm not gonna report it type of thing she was very stressed and ashamed and she ended her life now some students said that's not actually what happened she was essayed by administrators and that's why she took her life again these are all internet speculations there are two students that did die other than Shing but the reason why it's all speculation now in the end the police cleared the chemistry teacher and the principal of any wrongdoing so then we have the blanket Theory the what theory so some deleted footage from CCTV cameras were recovered by The Hired professionals from the family and one of them was from the stairs of the dorm building remember where their professional sniffer dogs came in and also signaled and the footage shows around the time that Ching disappeared there was a white blanket that fell down the stairs and the white blanket like imagine throwing a white blanket down the stairs you kind of can already picture how it's going to Tumble down the stairs this white blanket looks like Casper the Friendly Ghost like the way that it falls down the stairs it looks like there's some something in the white blanket I'm gonna be honest with you it looks like something's in the white blanket but the theory gets a little crazy okay they said that someone had thrown this white blanket over Xing and thrown him down the stairs and then cut off the CCTV cameras and then disposed of his body personally the strange shape to it the way it falls it's weird but we've already seen Shing walk out of the building but it is weird it's a very strange coincidence now the blanket Theory goes cold for a while and in comes the theory you were talking about the panned blood theory this is perhaps the most outlandish Theory but there was a rumor that Ching had a very very rare blood type the rumor was that only one percent of the population had this rare blood type hence the name Panda blood the school might have known that he had this Blood maybe from his past medical records that were submitted or from a nurse's visit but people speculated that an illegal organization must have been after his blood why would they kill a student for this type of blood I mean a student in a boarding school you're going to get so much attention well the theory was that a very powerful person a government official of some sort needed this Blood to survive the principle and the chemistry teacher were in on it to make a profit so they shut down the security cameras they helped with the kidnapping of the kid and yeah now the thing is netizen said that he had RH blood but RH is not a blood type it's a protein so either you have this protein or you don't there's only four known blood types there's a b a b and O and if you have the RH protein you're typically a positive blood type like you're either a plus b plus a B plus or o plus so it's not really rare at all yeah Panda blood is not really a thing yeah I mean there I believe there are rare rare blood types like oh blood is highly sought after because you know yeah but it's common yeah some people said it was for his organs but I mean you know you would imagine then that its entire body would have been drained of blood completely if it was a rare blood type or that his organs would have been missing and there is no indication of any of that in the end the police did find evidence that he had taken his own life so remember the recording pen that he had left behind they were able to retrieve all the audio and um you know the police handed over the audio recordings to the family but they the police did not release them to the public it was just really dark the transcripts were released October 14th the day of The Disappearance at 5 40 PM so this is when he's on that fifth floor balcony he turned on his pen and he said now that I'm standing here I feel so nervous my heart is beating so fast to be honest I don't really have a reason why I just feel like life has no meaning what would happen if I jump I don't know probably no one would notice for now but after a few days people will definitely notice why didn't I jump I really want to jump no no maybe I don't the second recording was taken the same day at 11 08 PM it speculated that this was when he took his own life and he said there's no more meaning it's almost midnight I might as well just wait a little bit longer and die I can do it because today I just feel so unsure now I I just want to die I really feel like there's no longer any meeting in life fellow students and teachers came to state that he expressed on multiple occasions that he was stressed he had insomnia he was struggling to stay focused on his studies it's believed that the Tipping Point for 15 year old Ching was just three days before his disappearance he ranked the lowest in his class on his geography test other notes were found in his notebook that were not just random scribbles and doodles and he wrote If I feel useless I should think about where to go and bring up the idea of going back home first I should consider how to tell teacher a it's best to be specific I'm worried about how this will affect others I don't want to bother her I'll just adjust my emotions myself you know I care a lot about how others feel but I'm not unsociable another one said it's so hard to adapt to this new environment my introverted personality is so annoying maybe I can't blame it all on my personality this is just me I can write to calm down my emotions though another one I finally understand those people with insomnia at night you just think about all these random bizarre things and I finally know why my eyesight is getting worse I keep staring at the book on my table I don't even dare to look up at the Blackboard I'm scared the teacher might notice me looking with a blank and Confused expression on my face and then she'll get annoyed I hate seeing people get annoyed at me but at the same time I treat people with such negative attitude too I haven't changed my habit of procrastination I do this every time I leave my homework till the very last minute and just simply complete it the next day I'm not super rushed at least I can get some sleep psychologists who studied this case stated that Ching was a people pleaser he was introverted he had a very delicate personality where he was very like if someone was disappointed or annoyed with him he took it very very harshly he took it personally he seemed really really depressed at the fact that he only ranked 58th and it's not just the ranking that was so psychologically impactful for him it was the fact that he felt like his parents were disappointed even his teacher who he had just met a few months ago he hated seeing them being disappointed an autopsy was released that showed Ching's body had no blunt force trauma all of his bones were in place and there were no abnormal bone fractures or other damage to his bones identified his organs were all there and they showed no signs of internal bleeding there was no choices of drugs or poison in a system as for the other questions the white shirt forensic experts came out to state that when you are that far in decompositioned your skin starts to decompose and oftentimes there's almost like a bubbly ass like acid like a liquid that will start to form and it seeps out of the body I don't okay it's not acid but it does have like a not a not a disintegrating texture but for example it's like if you were wearing a shirt and you got wet in the rain and it starts sticking to your body like that could potentially happen during D comp and it caused the white shirt to stick to his body and then the further along that he got in the decomposition and being exposed to the outdoors and exposed to the elements as well as other organisms like maggots and flies and wild animals basically his body blackened and rotted and so did the white T-shirt they stated that this was nothing new or strange in the decomposition process what about the shoelace it was argued that because there were two shoelaces it held his weight and he was a little bit on the frailer side now why didn't they find his body sooner the police argued that because there were usually stationed guards at this abandoned shed 24 7 when Rescuers came to search the area the guard just let them know that nobody had gone in or out of the sheds recently so they just visually combed the area and left and a thorough search was never done now this one feels iffy but it kind of reminds me of people being incompetent like I think the way that he got into that area there probably wasn't a guard paying attention or maybe there was never a guard there but the school was supposed to have a guard there so they faked it later and was like oh yeah the guard was there but I guess he just missed him in the end ultimately it did seem like all the roads lead to him making the choice The Who family they were devastated at their loss and I'm sure there's a lot of emotions to unpack I think with cases like this there's like a lot of guilt it didn't help that the netizens turned on the who family a lot of netizens completely switched sides and went from giving support to Mrs who to asking her how did you not know were you just a tiger mom that only cared about grades maybe you pushed your son here they were saying things like how do you not even notice that he's struggling shing's mom cried and said you know I didn't have a high education level I didn't even know what Depression was I thought providing food clothes and education to my children was everything I needed to do the online hate got so bad that Mrs who deleted the post about her son they also had to move out of their family home the case was not completely shut and done though you know there are some still loose ends and theories floating around first of all netizens still have questions about how the body was when it was found the jacket being on backwards is a big detail I mean even just the fact that they didn't find the body sooner is a big detail that puzzled the internet but as for the jacket a psychologist came out and argued sometimes people who are making this decision they will do strange things that are hard for other people to understand it shows their dissatisfaction in certain areas of their life and in xing's case coming from a bit more superstitious background it could mean that wearing his jacket backwards or throwing his you know things backwards means that he hopes that in the afterlife things would be the opposite of how they are in this life they also stated that some people choose to leave a letter by stating their grief but others others choose to leave quietly and the psychologist stated sometimes people deliberately leave in a way that is mysterious almost as their own sort of Revenge on the world I don't know all I can say is from his notebook and writing it seems like he was deteriorating mentally and oftentimes people don't notice how others are doing until it's too late all we can do is just hope Shing is in a better place and that his family is able to slowly recover from their loss I will say about the conspiracies on this case I saw online discourse about it and I found it fascinating but for a lot of netizens in China they said that it was easier to come up with these conspiracies than face the harsh reality that the education system in China is so competitive and so Cutthroat it can even drive a 15 year old to do or want to do Unthinkable things and sometimes coming up with these bizarre theories or conspiracies are just a way to cope with the depressing reality of this case and I can sympathize with that to a degree but I don't know what are your thoughts please stay safe and I will see you guys on Sunday for the mini sewed bye
Channel: Rotten Mango
Views: 3,861,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stephanie Soo, MissMangoButt, Stephanie Soo Story, Stephanie Soo Storytime, Stephanie Soo Podcast, Rotten mango, Rotten Mango Podcast, Podcast, Mystery, Mystery Storytime, Mysterious, Scary Story, Internet Mysteries, Urban Legends, Documentary, Dark Academia, Boarding School, thriller, psychological thriller, psychology, Bailey Sarian, Dark History, That Chapter, Mr. Ballen, Morbid, Strange & Mysterious, Ashley Flowers, AudioChuck, GrazyTV, Reddit, Two Hot Takes, scary thriller, creepy
Id: bYmU5Ihookw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 12sec (4992 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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