15 Weirdest Cat Breeds In The World!

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one of the world's most common pets the household feline comes in all shapes and sizes colors and breeds adored by many throughout the world the cat is known for its typically bossy demeanor and ability to rule the home above all else even the family dog from the rarest and most expensive cat breed in the world - the ideal cat for the pet lover with allergies here are 15 weirdest cat breeds in the world before we begin make sure to hit that like button subscribe to our Channel and click the notification bell for more amazing videos every day that being said let's begin number 15 caracal cat care a cat currently the world's rarest and most expensive cat breed the Kara cat is a cross between a wild caracal and an Abyssinian cat priced at twenty three thousand four hundred dollars apiece there are currently only thirty known specimens throughout the globe with wild Kara calls revered for their exotic beauty and elegance they have often been depicted in murals and buried with Pharaoh's in ancient Egypt's Chinese emperors are also known to have given them away as special gifts and even today cat lovers are fascinated with the breed although sold by some as domestic pets the kara call is known for its aggressive traits hence the Kara cat a hybrid said to be accidentally created in 2007 a relatively large cat they grow up to fifty centimeters in height and can weigh up to fifteen kilograms first-generation Kara cats can easily be distinguished by their black tufted ears and long sharp claws instead of meowing they are known to screech setting them apart from other felines the second-generation Kara cat does not look the same as the first but the long sharp claws remain some owners prefer to declaw them for safety however breeders believes this practice is unethical a controversial breed mating itself is difficult with the caracal preferring to eat the domestic cat instead if pregnancy does occur the resulting kittens can be born prematurely due to the difference in the length of gestation between the breeds they can also be born with an inflammatory bowel disease requiring special diets and repeat surgeries and if that's not enough there's also a possibility their wild personality may emerge number 14 sphynx an unusual looking cat the Sphinx is known for its lack of fur developed through selective breeding between a hairless cat and a Rex starting in the 1960s its skin as either fine hairs like down or none at all each cat has the same type of markings than usual cats do such as tabby and tortie however their skin is this color instead of their fur they may or may not have whiskers however because they have no fur or very little fur they can tend to feel the cold prompting them to seek out sources of heat said to be highly intelligent they can learn tricks and are exceptionally playful and social animals they enjoy interaction with people and are often seen to be mischievous if not given enough attention well-suited to active homes with multiple pets or children the Sphinx is a medium-sized cat with a wrinkled face a relatively small cat they appreciate a cuddle over the cooler months you can't really blame them Kenya number 13 Peter Bald experimental breeding seems to have been prevalent throughout the years with the Peter Bald a cat of Russian origin created by Olga's Mironova in st. Petersburg in 1994 the cat resembles an oriental Shorthair and was accepted for Championship class competition in 2009 they are known to have a hair losing gene therefore although born with hair can lose it over time others are born completely bald the Peter bald comes in all colors and markings and has a slim and muscular build like the Sphinx sweet tempered and affectionate these cats tend to enjoy adult company and are known to be curious smart and energetic there are quite a few varieties of Peter bald cats from the fully bald to those with a sticky touch to their skin however while not all are hairless they do have less hair than your average cat code because they require more energy to keep warm the Peter bald may eat more than your typical cat they also don't like spending too much time outside if they do go out depending on the weather they need to wear sunscreen or a Jersey not unlike us humans really number 12 munchkin the name of this miniature feline is the first giveaway with the munchkin short in stature similar to a dachshund energetic and playful this low-riding felines dwarfed appearance is the result of spontaneous natural mutation rather than some peculiar breeding program the fast-moving munchkin is an artful dodger by lying its size anything bud laid-back this cat is full of energy and ready and willing to play with kids other cats and friendly dogs they're capable of jumping on the furniture too so don't think for a minute they won't sometimes called Magpies because they love shiny things the munchkin is known for hiding its treasures out of sight so secure your valuables from this tiny feline other than their stature they resemble any other cat and are well suited to any home number 11 the leek oi you would be forgiven for taking a step back upon meeting the leek oi a feline that looks remarkably like a small werewolf with bald patches around its gleaming eyes the cat was first discovered in a Virginia rescue shelter in 2010 by Patty Thomas who co-founded and named the unusual breed named Lee coy after the Greek word for wolves the cat's appearance is said to be due to a random mutation found only in feral cats Thomas found the first litter and a second was located by veterinarian Johnny gobble in vain' or Tennessee a year later the LICO is not the result of an inter breeding of recognized cat breeds but a naturally occurring mutation gobble bred his cats with black cats as they carry genetic similar to the mutation with the resulting litter mainly having black roan fur and black hair sparsely mixed with white described as a fun-loving intelligent breed the leek enjoys the company of humans cats and even dogs with striking facial features slender legs and a muscular frame their code ranges from mostly coded to nearly hairless the Lee coy multi-year although their coat appears dense they lack an undercoat therefore are considered strictly an indoor pet they show wolf-like attributes as they enjoy exploring appear to guard small children and other cats and often appear as if they are the king of the home number 10 Japanese bobtail with the tail resembling that of a rabbit more so than a cat the domestic Japanese bobtail is native to both Japan and Southeast Asia a well known breed in Japan for centuries the cat is now found throughout the world and frequently appears in traditional folklore and art a medium-sized cat that has both long and short haired varieties the long slender and muscular bobtail can jump great heights and comes in a wide range of colors the predominantly white calico is preferred by the Japanese and cat fanciers as in most other breeds the males are bigger than females with their naturally occurring short kinked tail as individual as a fingerprint although shorter the tail can still be seen with many long-tailed versions able to plume their coat is soft and silky and their lack of undercoat prohibits them from spending too much time outside in the cold air number 9 Scottish Fold a naturally occurring and dominant gene mutation is responsible for a near fold that makes a certain breed of cat appear both unique and owl like the Scottish Fold is a domestic cat that has a mutation affecting the cartilage throughout the body causing the ears to bend forward and down towards the front of the head originally called lop-eared or lops after the lop eared rabbit the Scottish Fold was given its name in 1966 there are however several versions of the name depending on registries the long-haired cat is sometimes known as Highland floored Scottish Fold long hair long hair fold or coop the Scottish Fold enjoys the company of people and can often be found participating in whatever they are doing they're sensitive expressive and active and don't like to be left alone preferring company even if that company is another cat the cat's heritage is nothing elaborate as it can be traced back to a simple barn cat called Susie who had unusual folded ears one of Susie's kittens was acquired by shepherd William Ross in 1961 a kitten he named Snooks she had kittens and one a male was bred to a British Shorthair the rest as they say is history number a cow money a rare breed of cat with its origin set in Thailand for hundreds of years the kalman e cat is completely white with striking blue gold or odd eyes with one of each color this is a feature of only the rarest variety the kalman e has a short smooth close lion coat and is a muscular athletic cat with a reputation for being active communicative and intelligent well known in its native land the breed was only adopted in western countries in 2009 however it is quickly advanced through competition ranks promoted to championship level in 2015 the kalman e is one of the naturally occurring ancient breeds originating from thailand and until 2009 was a closely guarded secret only referenced in the cat book of poems known as the Tamra meow written in the 14th century number 7 oriental Shorthair closely related and developed from the Siamese the oriental Shorthair maintains the modern Siamese head and body type but appears in a wide range of code colors and patterns a domestic cat the oriental Shorthair has a triangular head shape large ears and an elongated slender and muscular body both vasai amis and the oriental Shorthair show similar personality traits both are social playful intelligent and very vocal in fact the Oriental is said to be amongst the smartest of all cat breeds in the world and boasts a naturally inquisitive nature more so than any other cat they seek out human action and are happiest when living in pairs the oriental we see today is not a direct descendant of those first developed in Thailand but rather a Siamese hybrid mixed in the 1950s and 60s its creation was deliberate with breeders looking for a cat that had the appearance and personality of a Siamese but in a wider range of colors and patterns British breeders crossed Siamese cats with domestic Shorthairs and Russian blues in the 1950s and in the late 1960s American breeders captivated by the British Orientals crossed Siamese domestic Shorthairs and Abyssinians to create a new look unfortunately as a breed derived from the Siamese the Oriental Shorthairs risk of developing health issues is heightened issues typical of their ancestors include neoplastic and gastrointestinal problems Frost eyes lung infections feline OCD vestibular disease feline hyperesthesia syndrome and diabetes mellitus number six the Savannah you need only look at a picture of this cat to figure out its origins unsurprisingly the Savannah is the largest of the cat breeds a cross between a domestic cat and a serval a medium sized large eared wild African cat the unusual mix is relatively new among breeders becoming a registered breed in 2012 the first cat was born on April 7th 1986 the domestic cat breed comes in different colors and patterns however the international cat Association teeka breed standards only accept spotted patterns with certain colors and combinations developed to give the impression of the grandeur and dignity of a wild cat with a cheetah type appearance the Savannah has expressive eyes that appear to have dark tear stains they are a stunning cat with vibrant coat colors solid contrasting black spots huge sonar like ears and long legs although most have a well rounded temperament they appear wild looking and provide a suitable alternative to an exotic pet an active confident cat the Savannah enjoys interacting with people and other cats it is an intelligent and curious feline and can walk on a leash and play fetch this is also keen on water and requires tough sturdy toys as it can be quite destructive almost sounds like a dog to me number five Persian deemed is one of the most expensive cat breeds in the world the Persian is highly desired for its luxurious coat distinctive round face short muzzle and gentle temperament commanding a relatively high price tag in comparison to other felines the Persian cat is a purebred with readers asking anywhere from five hundred to five thousand dollars per cat there are many factors that can affect the price of a Persian from location to lineage however they are an exceptionally high-maintenance pet you can expect veterinary and grooming bills if you choose one of these as your feline friend they tend to have eye problems and if not regularly combed their coats become matted widely known as Iranian cat in the Middle East and Shiraz cat in Iran the first documented ancestors of the Persian were imported into Italy from Iran around 1620 an aristocratic cat who the persian is ideal for older people and children they are affectionate balanced and quiet and require a little more than a comfy sofa or armchair to occupy number four Maine with its distinctive physical appearance and valuable hunting skills the Maine is a magnificent animal and one of the oldest natural breeds in North America the largest domesticated cat breed they are nicknamed the dogs of the cat world and are both family friendly and extremely intelligent and interactive they have characterising long Tufts on their ears and toes denser fur on the stomach and rear regent's and a bushy raccoon like tail these adaptations help them to survive in rough cold environmental conditions often referred to as the gentle giant the Maine is adored for its friendly loyal and obedient nature highly intelligent and gentle mannered unlike many other cat breeds the Maine is very trainable and can learn many tricks one of the few water-loving felines they have plenty of personality can walk on a leash and get along well with children and other pets but before you start thinking they'd make an ideal addition to your family some do have a range of serious health concerns including a higher risk for polycystic kidney disease hip dysplasia and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy a condition in which the heart muscle becomes abnormally thick so it might pay to do your homework before taking one home number 3 Chelsea with an incredibly athletic and muscular build the chassis is a domestic breed of cat that was developed by breeding a few individuals from the non domestic species jungle cat with a far greater number of domestic cats a distinctive looking cat with a large body not unlike that of its wild ancestors the Chelsea is categorized as a non domestic hybrid however has a completely domestic temperament their long and strong legs make them quite adept and running and leaping with their striking facial features drawing plenty of attention and intrigue the chassis has prominent ears that sit upright and taper to make slightly rounded points and their coat comes in just three varieties brown ticked tabby solid black and black grizzled ticked tabby the hair shaft itself is unusual as it starts lighter closer to the skin and gradually gets darker the domestic version is affectionate and enjoys company whereas the wild Chelsea loves running and needs plenty of space to blow off steam although strong in appearance these cats have a fragile digestive system with many found to be gluten intolerant great news for an owner with the same problem my guess number two the Ashera yet another jungle like cat via Shira was developed by crossbreeding with two exotic wild species the African serval and the Asian Leopard can but - a domestic cat was added to the mix and lo and behold this striking leopard like feline was born a beautiful cat with leopard-like spots and contrasting stripes via Shira is both elegant and striking at four feet tall on its hind legs the Ashera is a big cat that likes to climb and is very playful weighing in at an average of 30 pounds this big cat is capable discouraging any unwanted animals were humans for that matter from entering your home and if you have any other cats on the premises they probably won't be too impressed either developed at the beginning of the 21st century through genetic manipulation in the United States via Shira cat can only be adopted from the lifestyle pets laboratory they cannot reproduce and are all implanted with a chip with a price tag of up to 96 thousand dollars a specimen depending on the type of ash Iria choose you would want to be certain this is the right cat for you number one Selkirk Rex looking for all the world like it's been caught in the rain or at a fresh perm the Selkirk Rex is simply one big curl right down to its whiskers originating in Montana in 1987 when an unusually coated kitten was born and then placed with a Persian breeder the Selkirk is distinct from all other Rex breeds said to be patient and cuddly this curlicue of felines hair is of normal length and not partly messing with plush thick hair and a chunky build this cat is impressively powerful the Selkirk Rex displays three types of coat hair guard on and down hairs however each are wavy giving the Cota soft feel the coats come in all colors and patterns and their curliness depends on the cats age gender climate and the season a heavy boned cat that is classified as medium to large the Selkirk Rex is considered incredibly patient loving and tolerant sounds like the perfect combination for a new family pet to me who knew there were so many varieties of the family Maggie and many more exotic than you would ever imagine some so exotic they appear to have walked straight out of the jungle and into your home imagine the mailman surprised at being met at the door by a big leopard like cat how about the gorgeous feline that appears to have just left the hairdressers with a fresh perm also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: The Finest
Views: 707,813
Rating: 4.7774348 out of 5
Keywords: Weirdest, Weirdest Cat Breeds, Weirdest Cat Breed, Cat, Cats, Breeds, Breed, Cat Breed, Cat Breeds, In The World, The World, World, Weird, most expensive cats, weird cats, cat videos, cute cat, sphynx cat, rare cat breeds, ashera cat, top 15, expensive cat breeds, expensive cats, strange cats, animals, animal, pets, pet
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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