15 Weird Animals That Will Give You Chills

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all of us will come across an animal in our lifetime that we're a little scared of [Music] maybe it's the neighbor's dog that growls every time you walk by or your grandma's cat with the extra sharp claws and sassy attitude but your average domestic pets have nothing on these ones from a purple frog to a terrifying shark here are 15 weird animals that'll give you chills number 15 snub-nosed monkeys it's hard not to see the hairs rise on the back of your neck as soon as you see a snub-nosed monkey for the first time even photos of them can give you a little chill these 21-inch monkeys which grow up to around 37 pounds were discovered in 2010 between china and myanmar they were then identified as a new species in 2011. they have black and brown bodies a light pink face and a prominent and thick lip [Music] their eyes are quite disconcerting to look at for their black and almost almond shaped but it's their nose that makes your eyebrows raise a little they don't get called snub-nosed monkeys for nothing their noses face upwards and they have broad upturned nostrils as well these monkeys look nothing like many of their relatives across the mekong and saloween rivers even though they only live a short distance away by the time you factor in their white beards muscular limbs and ear tufts it's clear to see that they're definitely a weird animal that many people are curious to know more about before we go on like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleeping [Music] now it's time for the star topic this is by far one of the weirdest animals that'll give you chills even more disturbing is the fact that we don't know what it is this odd little alien caterpillar humanoid thing was found in a family's front yard the entire family was out gardening when their dog started barking at something and furiously digging at the dirt sitting on the grass behind the dirt was this strange creature it definitely gives you chills the first time you see it what do you think it is comment down below with the hashtag star topic and let us know your opinion in relation to what we just showed on screen with that said let's keep things moving number 14 goliath tiger fish if you thought that great white sharks and piranhas would be the animals to invade your nightmares then wait till you learn about the goliath tiger fish out of all animals to give you chills this six foot 100 pound fish would shoot to the top of the list tiger fish live in the congo river of africa and are heavily built fish they have long teeth like that of a crocodile and they can tear chunks out of fish and any potential food source that doesn't give you much confidence to swim in any body of water alongside them while they mainly feed on fish that doesn't mean they aren't capable of doing some serious damage to people there's been a report of a young girl entering the congo river wearing a belt made of bottle caps to ward off evil spirits instead of warding them off the belt attracts a goliath tiger fish with fatal consequences that story encouraged jeremy wade from river monsters to visit he caught the large predatory fish in an episode called demon fish upon catching one it became injured and wouldn't survive being released so it was given to local villagers number 13 purple frog when you describe a frog as being purple you imagine this cute little critter with a vibrant purple color scheme that warms your heart but this purple frog the pig-nosed frog is anything but cute in fact it's more likely to appear as a swamp-dwelling monster in your nightmares it's definitely something to give you chills the pig-nosed frog will spend the majority of its life underground so you fortunately don't have to see them that often they also only live in the western ghats of india where they have been quietly evolving in the background for the last 100 million years [Music] but even though they've been around for a long time that doesn't mean they aren't vulnerable they are listed as endangered and are at risk due to deforestation what's particularly interesting or chilling about this frog is how it differs from others as if its looks weren't terrifying enough they also use sucker-like mouth parts to cling onto rocks where they feed on algae these squishy slimy little frogs don't always make it to adulthood though some locals eat the tadpoles or use them for medicinal purposes number 12. goblin shark you don't come across too many sharks that'll make you say oh it's so adorable but you'll struggle to find any shark as ugly as the goblin shark researchers certainly weren't exaggerating when they came up with its name goblin sharks date back around 125 million years and they are a rare deep sea shark they have pink skin a flattened snout and a protruding jaw with teeth like nails only the goblin has a jaw that whips forward like a slingshot if that doesn't send chills up your spine then nothing will goblin sharks can grow to around 13 feet long and live at depths greater than 330 feet the deeper you go the more adult goblin sharks you'll find juveniles tend to loiter around the shallows a bit more as far as shark anatomy goes the goblin shark is pretty ugly they have small fins flabby bodies and a strange snout that it uses to sense prey they tend to feed on crustaceans cephalopods and teleost fish the worst part about this shark is that they exist in all three major oceans fortunately because they're deep sea sharks you're not likely to come across one unless you're actively looking for them number 11. venezuelan poodle moth if you're a big fan of animals as long as they're fluffy and small then you may be changing your criteria the venezuelan poodle moth fits into that criteria but it's not exactly what you would call a cuddly creature in fact it's more likely to send chills right up your spine for years people even wondered if this moth was real it looks like something someone would create in a graphics program as a prank but as it turns out it is real zoologist dr arthur anchor photographed it for the first time in 2009 in venezuela's grand sabana region he took around 75 photos of it but you'll only see a few of them float around the internet anytime you see it online too you're guaranteed to find comments by people questioning if it's real dr anker called it a venezuelan poodle moth for obvious reasons it's from venezuela it's a moth and it's kinda poodle-like in a way it also looks like other furry moths like the bombix mori but it's different from it in several ways as well the moth measures about 1 inch long and is thought to only exist in the kanaima national park in venezuela since it was first spotted it has not been seen again number 10 the brazilian treehopper there are around 900 000 living insects in the world that we know of and while a fair portion of them won't faze you some will make you recoil in horror the brazilian treehopper is an excellent example they are related to cicadas but we'd like to say that they appear to be distant relatives they certainly share very little in common with them they live in the treetops spend all day munching on trees and live in africa south america north america asia and australia so if you don't like disturbing looking creatures then you may like to move to new zealand they have a strange type of headdress with what looks like little black orbs both males and females have small black balls on their heads and scientists still aren't sure what they're for some think they may show off their genetic vigor but that would only make sense if only males had them other scientists think they mimic a second dummy head to confuse predators trying to attack but the most popular and probably most realistic answer is that the strange balls are designed to look like the fungus called ophiocordyceps unilateralis this type of fungus invades ants bodies and causes fungus to burst out of their skin if they look like that then predators may be less likely to eat them number nine blue dragon blue dragon blue angel sea swallow or whatever you want to call it this sea creature is creepy even though it only grows to around 1 inch long that doesn't mean that it doesn't make the hair stand up on the back of your neck you aren't likely to spot them all that often in the ocean because they blend in with the sky and ocean however when they end up on land they're a bit ew to look at they are a brightly colored sea slug with all those strange looking feelers that do some really odd things they feed on large venomous prey like the blue button jelly and portuguese man-o-war they then store these creatures stinging cells in their bodies so that they can use them later against predators if that's not awful enough they lay eggs on the carcasses of their prey or any floating masses they come across while they live deep in the ocean they can also swallow air bubbles to float to the surface and if you ever see them floating around in groups these are called blue fleets what a strange little creature number eight giant isopod found throughout the world the giant isopod is an animal that'll not only give you chills but probably make you wince a little too poor guy it can't help how it looks but it's definitely not pretty giant isopods are bottom dwellers that live between 550 and 7020 feet below the ocean surface they tend to prefer clay and mud floors over anything else these features don't make these animals weird but their looks do yeah we get little bugs like that in australia under rocks you know maybe they are invertebrates with dorso ventrally compressed bodies consisting of overlapping exoskeleton segments the first shell section is fused to its head and the rest form a type of shield over their abdomens if that's not weird enough they also have large strange eyes that are spaced far apart with a section of shell jutting out over the top they have seven pairs of legs two sets of antennae and little respiratory components that act as gills even their coloring is a bit odd as you can find them in either brown or a lilac color fortunately giant doesn't mean they're the size of a car at their largest they're about 14 inches long number seven cereal leaf beetle the cereal leaf beetle sounds like a cute and humorous little critter but it is anything but how would you like it if you were trying to eat cereal but a beetle kept getting in first that's the battle that many farmers are currently facing this gross looking critter is on the fbi's most wanted list well not quite but it's certainly the target of many biological control efforts these beetles eat spring and winter wheat both the larva and adults eat the newest leaves on the plants the larva will cause much of the damage by eating most of the tissue from the upper leaf surface the adults will eat completely through the leaves anything left behind is barely any good to anyone these beetles are such a problem that in washington state losses of up to 25 have been reported in irrigated spring wheat fortunately there are effective management methods farmers have been introducing parasitoid wasps which can destroy cereal leaf beetles by inserting their eggs into their larvae they can also prevent them from being a problem in the first place by creating border strips seeded to oat about two weeks after spring weed number six the blob fish if fish had trophy cabinets the blobfish would probably have no room left and that's not because it's an overly good swimmer or wins the ocean bake sale every year it would definitely take away the title of being the ugliest fish it's not just unsightly it's plain hideous the blob fish lives up to 4 000 feet below the ocean's surface and believe it or not it looks pretty normal down there wait wait wait don't come don't let me just let me look at you a little bit longer that's thanks to the water pressure but if it ends up in a fishing net and the pressure of the water decreases it starts to lose its shape extreme tissue damage makes it look like a sad gooey gloopy blob at this point some fishermen attempt to throw them back in the water to give them a chance of survival but it doesn't seem like there's any coming back from that it probably doesn't help that this type of fish doesn't have any bones and barely any muscle mass but they really don't need it they loiter around the ocean floor and chow down on crabs and mollusks that are unfortunate enough to be in their path if any fish is gonna make you recoil in horror it's gonna be the blob fish number five star-nosed mole if your parents ever tell you that you eat as fast as a star-nosed mole then don't be offended in fact be a little proud it's quite an achievement for this weird little animal can devour a worm or insect in around a quarter of a second but that's not what makes the star nose animal one that'll give you chills it's the octopus looking attachment on its nose these moles live underground and make their way through soggy soils given how dark it is underground they don't need sight so theirs is very poor fingers that allow the mole to sense the world around it but they do need something to help them find things to eat so they have a little squirmy thing as a nose they press it against the soil and can feel about a dozen different parts of the earth at once therefore they can quickly determine which delicious snacks are there for them to eat it also helps that this little star has about 100 000 nerve fibers that send information to its brain if you didn't know what that octopus thingy was for though you would probably let out a small scream when seeing a star-nosed mole in person number four the red red-lipped batfish the red-lipped batfish is an excellent example of what marine life would look like if they wore makeup even though it's light brown with gray a white stomach and dark stripes and dots there's one part of it that stands out and that's it's red lips it looks like it's spent a lot of time applying makeup or it's recently devoured something very messily there doesn't appear to be any good reason for them to have such lips but they definitely break up the dullness of the color scheme but that's not all that's intriguing about this fish it has a few other unusual quirks it's more than capable of swimming around the seabed for something to eat but it doesn't instead it uses its fins like legs and walks around these fish also have tiny little structures on their heads called elysium which they use to lure prey in now we thought they put on their lipstick for that they mainly live on a diet of fish shrimp and mollusks and you'll find them in the pacific ocean around galapagos number three gariel crocodile the gharial is a critically endangered crocodile which is almost on its last little stubby crocodile legs it may not be long until there are none left but there are probably plenty of people out there who don't mind that one bed seeing one of these in person would give you chills gharials live in the northern parts of the indian subcontinent incorporating four river systems they prefer fast flowing fresh water and they only leave the water to nest and vask in the rays they are known as some of the largest crocodilians in the world which doesn't give anyone who's fearful of crocs much confidence they can grow to a whopping 21 feet long but it's not only their size that would make you nervous they also have up to 110 razor sharp teeth and webbed feet that make them lightning fast in the water fortunately their leg muscles aren't the best so they can't run after you they can slide after you though there has been around a 98 decline in the gariel population in the last century currently there are about 650 wild gharials left on earth number 2 dumbo octopus there are plenty of facts about the dumbo octopus that'll surprise you they're definitely no ordinary sea creature that's for sure they live in the depths of the ocean down to around 13 100 feet as a result they are the deepest living of all known octopus species somehow they managed to live just fine in the dark deaths of the ocean where temperatures are frigid you buy and then the female can wait until she's in a really good situation to care for her eggs before fertilizing but that doesn't mean they aren't faced with some challenges such as reproduction surprisingly though they overcome them if they come across a mate they can never guarantee that it'll be the right time to reproduce so they carry eggs at various stages of their development they can also store sperm for a long time after mating when the conditions are right they can move the sperm to their most developed eggs and improve their chances of being able to breed strangely though even though they spend most of their lives suspended above the sea floor they lay their eggs on rocks and hard surfaces on the bottom these absurd octopuses are certainly not boring number one yeti crab crabs aren't exactly oil paintings they won't win any beauty contests that's for sure but there's something quite chilling about the yeti crab it's not ugly it's not pretty it's just strange it's a relatively new species having only been discovered in 2005. it has long yellow hairs a long body and has the official name of kiwa hersuda scientists who found it think this type of crab is blind because it lacks pigment in its eyes it's hairy pincers which helped give it the name of yeti crab contain filamentous bacteria this bacteria is used for detoxifying any poisonous minerals from the water surrounding hydrothermal vents where they live fortunately you are unlikely to come across any of these while taking a casual dip in the ocean the yeti crab was discovered around 930 miles from easter island at about 7 200 feet below the ocean's surface on hydrothermal vents these vents let off hot water which clearly creates a comfortable living quarters for this fluffy sea creature even though most people just call it a furry lobster the yeti crab is a squat lobster which actually makes it more related to crabs than lobsters as it turns out the earth is a terrifying place with a lot of animals that are best to be avoided some of these are definitely ones you will not want to come into contact with have you actually seen any of these in person also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: The Finest
Views: 696,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animals, animal, creatures, unexplained, scary, creepy, mysterious, strange, chills, creature, scariest, mysterious creatures, discovered, strange animals, sea creatures, facts, bizarre, science, mystery, mysterious videos, weirdest animals, scary creatures, unexplainable, creepy creatures, unexplained mysteries, mysterious things, strangest, discovery, unbelievable, documentary, mysteries, ocean creatures, terrifying creatures, mysterios crearures, strange creatures, weird animals, give you chills
Id: RyhUf6sswXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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