15 Ways People Self SABOTAGE

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hallo a lakh saris welcome back to provide the most value to our community we decided to take a look at the things that are keeping most of you from being great because of the way each and every one of us is brought up we get to develop who we are with a different set of core principles with different ideas and the ways to look at life it's only after many years and with much effort that one can escape some of the traps they've built for themselves welcome to a Lux calm the place where future billionaires come to get inspired if you're not subscribed yet you're missing out today we're putting all of it on the table for you to confront a harsh reality the one that's governing your life in a way that's not allowing you to grow life is plentiful and amazing yet most people never open their eyes to the beauty around us because they're too busy building their own cages of misery luxurious about living life in a way that you make the most out of this incredible change you've been given and the world is waiting to see your potential so put everything aside for a couple of minutes and check to see which of these 15 ways you are sabotaging yourself number one poor prioritization skills we wanted to start off with a big one some people can't tell the difference between what's important and what's urgent this leads to some people going through life just trying to put out one fire after another until they eventually die that's no way to live being able to prioritize your long term health happiness and relationships over trivialities is one of the biggest differentiators between people who live a successful life and those who are just merely alive we want you to take this moment to ask yourself what is actually important for me to do in the next couple of years what do I want from this life who do I want to be write it down and then do everything you can do to get that done stop allowing [ __ ] to come between you and what would make you feel fulfilled number two impostor syndrome people think they're not good enough to do something so we're going to share with you a little secret we learned along the way everyone starts at the bottom of the mountain you just got to keep climbing one foot in front of the other the problem we've identified here is that people only look toward the end result stop comparing your level one character with someone who's maxed out everything all you can do is get started and learn things along the way your credibility comes from your results not from your expectations as long as you keep putting in the work even the smallest increment pushes you in front of everyone who's wasting time on the couch number three always being late how many of you felt attacked when we said that it's because you know it's true poor time management shows everyone including yourself the type of person you are you don't take yourself seriously you don't take others seriously and you don't value the one thing that we all care about the most time you're not late because of the traffic you knew it was going to be like this yet you made the decision to watch one more episode before you got ready it was your decision to have eight alarms go off in the morning and skip the first six since you were born you had time for everything you wanted but more recently some of you may have noticed that time is passing quicker isn't it time is accelerating you blink and the day is over this is you not respecting time as an entity you don't value yours so it's fading away quicker than before the first step for anyone who feels like their life is chaotic should do is start taking time seriously and you begin by not being late anymore number four being a negative assumption [ __ ] we've boiled it down to numbers statistically speaking negative people will miss more opportunities than everyone else why because they assume things are not going to work out anyway here's where we stand on the topic many of you might be familiar with the yin and yang symbol but very few people we've actually met know the meaning behind the white represents the good in the world the black represents the bad this black dot represents the bad in the good and this white dot represents the good in the bad all in a perfect equilibrium we have a great deal of respect for the symbol because to this day we've not found a more profound idea about how one should look at life other than this we bow our heads to the wisdom of the past live your life like the yin and yang simple be a realist take the good with the bad and bring them together because you only get one shot at this life and you might as well enjoy it while it lasts number five it's never enough this is something we've learned the hard way growing up poor we believed money would solve all of our problems so we started pursuing wealth if only I could make this amount of money I would be happy and fulfilled what happened we reached that milestone and although it felt good something was missing so we moved the milestone even further maybe if I get this kind of money and this lifestyle then I'll be happy we got there and the same thing happened not gonna lie getting the money was fun and it took a lot of stress out of the equation not having to worry about bills being able to afford anything we wanted it was all great but there's a trap here we learned the hard way because nobody told us about it so we're telling you now the stress of not having money got replaced by the stress of not losing it all back in the day the thought of not having enough money kept us up at night years later we were still unable to sleep because of different thoughts even if the ingredients changed the results stayed the same it was only upon this realization that we figured out how to escape it wanting more wasn't the trap there's nothing wrong with having big goals and dreams in life thinking that you don't have enough is the moment we understood what was actually happening was the moment our life changed to this day we live our life with a deep state of gratitude and ever since our businesses took off even more fascinating isn't it we know that for some of you this will resonate and we truly hope that this realization comes to you sooner rather than later sadly we've seen many people sacrificing their lives playing for a high score without even enjoying the game and if this clicks with something inside of you it might be a good time to hit that subscribe button or at least like the video number 6 shitty role models ok the previous point was clearly deep so we gotta lighten the mood bring it back to the surface people have shitty role models it's shocking to us how many people want superficial success the surface Fame it boils down to what we consume and what the world pushes forward as success stories to some degree we blame the media to another degree we blame the consumer media is just providing a supply for what is clearly demanded by everyone else that's why you have all these paper celebrities the sex tape scandal is the beefing the he-said she-said not value stories it's easy to fall into that trap bad baddie has a net worth of 4 million dollars while you're struggling to pay rent Snooki made millions as well it's easy to be drawn into the shiny lights put on people like them but these people should never be your North Star number 7 not giving your body what it needs your body is constantly telling you things and you're ignoring it we're pushing ourselves harder than ever yet still getting nowhere that's a big way people self-sabotage if your body requires rest then rest if your body requires energy give it food and water not coffee or energy drinks filled with sugar it's like you're putting a band-aid over internal bleeding that's just not how it works we push ourselves into becoming these artificial versions of what we think society expects from us and then we're shocked when we don't like who we are becoming that's why so many people are dealing with depression on a scale like never before yet almost all of them ignore even the meaning of the word depressed your body needs to be in deep rest because it got tired of being somebody it's not meant to be number eight trying to keep up with everyone else just for appearances you don't need the Balenciaga sneakers the off-white hoodie to be the envy of your peers nobody needs anything that's trendy trends are the result of smart people sitting in rooms figuring out ways to get you to buy things you don't need under the pretense it'll make you feel happy and accepted that's what marketing is trust us the Apple watch makes us happier than the fifteen thousand dollar Rolex now there are a few things we actually need in life some of them are time with people we care about good conversations healthy food and a comfortable home we need entertainment and societal validators as well but to a different degree it all boils back down to Maslow's pyramid of needs people try to fake their way into the top layers of the pyramid without securing the foundation and that's why it all comes crumbling down number nine staying in toxic relationships this has constantly been a shock to us as we've seen people we know stick in toxic relationships which later became marriages to people they don't completely like because they were too scared to have a difficult conversation and start over but think about it you're gonna spend the rest of your life with someone who isn't making you happy because you're scared to try something else this is how a lot of people self-sabotage they accept misery as their destiny through choice people stick with their childhood entourage despite realizing it's holding them back people maintain abusive relationships with family members because of some weird notion of loyalty that they brainwashed into themselves in the same way parents are asked on planes to first put the breathing mask on themselves and then on their kids that's what you have to do in life you have to take care of yourself you can't only take care of others do what's right for you and then hold out a hand and help up those who want to grab it number 10 the inability to control our mind and emotions we are all emotional beings we feel things we desire things we urge for some and we are scared of others here's how to think about it we are what we do and everything we do begins with a decision in our mind very much like a seed inside our mind certain ideas begin to grow they influence our reality our actions what we do every day very much like soils our minds grow whatever we decide to put in it and almost every successful individual out there is aware of this overcoming the demons that lurk in everyone's mind and putting them to work for personal gain is one of the main reasons people become successful by now you're aware of the depth of work that goes into creating every single one of our videos which are offered for free here on the channel if our free stuff is so valuable imagine the type of value we put into building our first premium experience we wanted something for entrepreneurs and high achievers something that allows you to focus your mind on specific problems you have in life and harness your creativity it took over a year to get it right and rid of all the [ __ ] it's like having a personal coach that's pushing your mind to think in a way you've never done before and the results are incredible we believe in this product so much that if you go through the experience and by the end of it you still believe you didn't get your money's worth we'll give you your money back no questions asked you can enroll in the experience yourself by going to a lacks calm / mind mastery number 11 not asking for what you want most people don't get what they want in life because they never asked for it believe it or not people would have said yes many times if you simply had the courage to just go for it many of you are probably thinking about old flames and crushes when you were younger but the same goes for life opportunities you didn't get any of the internships you didn't apply to you didn't get a raise because you didn't ask for one instead of asking people for what you actually want you settled for mediocrity only 17% of people are comfortable with their level of pay and two out of three people never have asked for a raise in their life this is why other people get ahead in the financial game and you're stuck to where you are right now number 12 accepting outdated ideologies times are changing and you should change with it if you want to have the most pleasant experience you can while alive on this tiny rock floating through space for some reason a large portion of the population chooses to never upgrade their initial software despite newer versions coming out now here's what we mean by that people are born into certain families following certain traditions certain ideologies with certain beliefs about the world and despite new evidence they take those as ultimate truths thus limiting their own options to enjoy life we're going to put religion and geographical examples aside as we believe you're smart enough to understand those and bring the focus to the way we interpret the world through our parents eyes the moment you're born your parents start installing your initial belief system in many cultures this is thought of as the seven years from home your initial set of values comes from the way the people you care about the most instill them in you if your father tells you that all rich people are dishonest and got to where they are by ripping off poor people because this is your mindset you're going to grow up building on top of that belief you'll think there's nobility in honest poverty because what would be the alternative there comes a point in everyone's life where you need to re-evaluate the things the previous generation has passed on to them some are valuable and you should definitely keep those while others are simply outdated concepts that people use to justify their fears and insecurities number thirteen feeling entitled and arrogant the world doesn't owe you anything yet people still behave like they were born with a chip on their shoulder you're not special until you prove how special you really are arrogance and entitlement are very dangerous for there is a no-win scenario associated with it if things go your way you remain the same but if things fail you'll never recover the problem with these people is their arrogance isn't founded in truth it comes from the expectation of their own version of truth because the better you are at performing the you understand the long-term value in being humble successful people allow their actions to speak for them they earn respect through their work people follow your example more than they follow what you say when you're arrogant people are rooting for you to fail they're not going to help you navigate life number fourteen being scared to go out of your comfort zone people are scared usually of the unknown of public humiliation of proving to themselves that they're not good enough we'd much rather stay put and live life the way we already have there's this interesting concept of Hell we've been introduced to almost a decade ago that's stuck with us until today and we're going to share it with you our version of Hell consists of when you die you get to meet the person you could have become and see the life you could have lived it's an interesting concept that gets your mind racing ever since our goal has been to shorten the gap between that person and who we are today self-sabotage has people sacrificing things that are good for them in exchange of familiar mediocrity while everything good in life is within reach you just have to get off your lazy ass and go get it it's meant to be hard it's meant to seem difficult but that's how to become strong building muscle requires you to push your body to the limit and allow it to adapt thus growing stronger it's the same in life maybe you need a wake-up call right now so here it is old ways won't open new doors number 15 not finishing what you start with this one I think we're calling out a bunch of you guys aren't we you know who you are think about it like this you're putting in 10 to 30 percent of the work already and then you decide to postpone the rest of the work indefinitely truth be told you never go back to it you never finished writing that new novel you never finish the website you just move on to other projects that you start and never finish procrastination is by far everyone's favorite form of self-sabotage you're throwing resources away with getting anything in return the time you put in getting started you're never getting it back but here's the thing at one point you believe that this projector task was the right thing to do and even right now you still think it is you just hit your first bump and it was enough for you to call it quits since we are getting to the end here we'll share with you one thing that helps us get done even when we don't feel like it we figured out a way to tricking our brains and body to do the work and here's how you can as well one write it down on a list of tasks you have to get done just the fact it's on the list reminds you it's a priority to force yourself to start for even five minutes we touched upon this a couple of weeks ago if you started brushing one tooth you're probably gonna go for the entire mouth three do it poorly most people don't put in the work because they expect expectation to hit them all of a sudden if the wind isn't blowing in your sail it might be time to turn on the engine for included in your daily schedule every day no matter how poorly you do the job sit down and work on the project for a limited amount of time some days you're gonna make a lot of progress while in others you're going to grind it out follow these four simple steps and your results will double almost immediately one of the best videos we've ever put out is called 15 steps to master self-discipline which you can check out by clicking in the top right corner we definitely recommend you watch it after this one so what about you a Luxor what's your experience with self sabotage share your story in the comments and we're pretty sure someone in our community will jump in and help you with a way out we know we'll be browsing the comments too and because you stuck with us until the end of this video we are sharing with you a bonus as a way of saying thank you if you don't have something it's because you don't want it hard enough this single idea has been the main driving force behind our ability to self motivate over the years this concept that everything that other people have managed to get is available to you as well if you're willing pay the price you can build a multi-million dollar a year business but you have to do what people who build those types of businesses do you can date a supermodel but you have to become the person in a position to date a model a lot of people are not willing to pay the price and all they're left with is wishes your reality is influenced by how satisfied you are with it if deep down you're satisfied with the life you have it's not gonna change why would it what is the driving factor people get more because there is a fire burning inside of them a hunger a thirst for more than society tells them they should be they take that hunger and put it to work that's why your mind doesn't stop thinking about that one idea that's why the room you're in doesn't feel right that's why the friends you have seem to be stuck in the same cycle that you are and all of you want to break free if you don't have it it's because you don't want it enough so what about you a lexer how badly do you really want it if you're in this please right I do in the comments let's see you go after it thank you for spending some time with us a Luxor's make sure to LIKE and subscribe so you never miss another video we also hand-picked these videos which we recommend you watch next you can talk to us on all social medias or ask a question on our website Alex calm thank you for being an a lexer and we'll see you back tomorrow
Channel: Alux.com
Views: 145,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alux, Alux.com, Alux Youtube, luxury living, luxury lifestyle, new life, most expensive, alux video, self sabotage, Ways People Self Sabotage, how to stop self sabotage, self sabotaging behavior, self-sabotaging thoughts, signs of self-sabotage, the self-sabotage cycle, self sabotaging quotes, self-sabotaging examples, examples of self-sabotaging, self-sabotaging happiness, Self-Discipline, ways to self sabotage, procrastination, self sabotage quora, self sabotage reddit
Id: yvLTzQjotHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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