15 TIPS to FIX "AMD GPU's Problems" | Easy 2023 Tutorial Guide

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hello guys I should give Blaze on Fabio P skill and welcome to my channel over a year ago I made a video of 10 tips to actually fix amd's problems and now over one year after so one one year after the previous video so it's kind of over one year it can be below one year that's doesn't really matter what matters is that I'm now actually remaking that video that video that I see passing right now on the screen but now with 14 tips instead of the 10 tips and of course this video will be hell of a cool and you know what's also cool yeah the sponsor of today's video today's video sponsor is we're using my skg discount code leads to a 25 off across several products making a Windows 10 serial key only 16 after the payment you'll receive the key in your account and all you need to do is to introduce it in your Windows settings and back you have an activated system just before going into the tips let me tell you that this is more uh driven or or made towards the amds dmd's problems but this also works for Intel and Nvidia systems as well actually most of them do so if you have if you have problems on your Nvidia or Intel system as well you can use this video info to try and correct them so let's go to the first tip the first one is a clean driver installation in this case GPU driver installation this is one of the most common issues or at least one of the most common problems that lead to issues problems what I meant is that this is one of the most common causes of the issues that most people have okay it will leave things on Windows that may actually that may actually cause your system to have problems your Windows installation to have problems due to living uh things of the past drivers on the new drivers even more if you update from let's say you're using AMD drivers if you applied from from the 22.5.1 drivers which are drivers from like May and you go and update to the newest AMD ones which are drivers from November you may actually have problems because you are updating from an older version a really old version and kind of overwriting the the newer drivers on the previous driver since they're so old that can actually make cause issues windows and driver related and for that you do a clean GPU driver installation how can you do it well you can use ddu which is display driver you installer for both Nvidia uh Intel and AMD cards as well so use display driver installer you can also use for the AMD you can use the AMD cleanup utility that you can that you can download on the amd's website and if you don't want to use any kind of utility you can also just when installing the driver select the option a factory reset and that will actually do a clean installation of your drivers or drivers plus software kit and that alone will make a huge difference in terms of stability and sometimes even performance being able to fix black screens blue screens stuttering amongst other issues the second one is chipset drivers and it kind of annoys me that most people don't even know what the chipset is chipset drivers are your motherboard drivers okay if you look at the chipset closely it looks like a CPU that you have on your motherboard basically um the the computational units that uh that controls all your motherboard things like inputs outputs and so on that's what it does more or less okay if you do not have your chipset drivers even more on the AMD side you may have issues like black screens blue screens even issues like freesync not working properly yes chipset drivers not having the chipset drivers or having really old chipset drivers or bad badly installed chipset drivers may cause your system to hang may cause stutters and may cause even things like unstable freesync where you can actually see the tearing in the bottom of the screen okay that may be caused by not having the chipset drivers or having older versions of them now what can you do for the AMD side it is quite simple you just go to EMD website you select the drivers menu you go there then you select your motherboard socket so if you have a ryzen from the 1000 to the 5000 series you select the am4 motherboards if you actually have a ryzen 7000 series you select am5 uh over that you select the chipsets your motherboard is for example b550 B 450 x 670 or 570 570 am4 670 M5 then you just go there and download the chipset drivers easy as it can be as easy as it can be and all you have to do is run the installer install the chipset drivers and reboot your system and you're good to go and like I told you before chipset drivers May fix a lot of issues because they actually uh include drivers like the GPU input output uh Promontory drivers nvme drivers lots lots really lots of things that are really really important on the system and since AMD AMD Hardware is kind of it's kind of picky in terms of drivers you should always have chipset drivers installed okay these ones are for your motherboard and for your CPU so but they it's it's the motherboard that connects the GPU to the CPU and RAM and so on so it's very important once again to have chipset drivers installed and the third one is to update your Motherboard BIOS which is basically your motherboard software your firmware okay it's basically what it is and if you're having issues it is very very important to update your Motherboard BIOS because some people for example having issues with smart access memory they have stutters with smart Access Memory activated they have stutters they have black screens and so on using smart access memory or resizable bar for example and that most of times is due to not having an updated Motherboard BIOS so you just go there to your to to your motherboard's website you can actually search on Google if you want to imagine that you have for example a b450 tomahawk just go to the Google search b450 Tomahawk bios go to the MSI website okay go to the BIOS part download the BIOS part and well if you want to actually know how to install the BIOS you have these this video that I made but it is actually pretty simple most motherboards will allow you to to actually search for your for your hard drives on your bios MSM motherboards usually require a pen drive so it just uh unzip or extract the file of your bios put it on your pen drive put the pen drive on your computer run your bios and then go to the easy update BIOS it's it's really simple like so actually it's a pretty simple process but once again you can watch this video if you want to see it step by step but overall very important as it upgrades your CPU micro code which also improves performance stability and so on most of the times uh even memory stability memory overclockability in between other things so it is very important if you're having issues to update your Motherboard BIOS foreign [Music] has two types of drivers you have the adrenaline ones and you have the pro once the adrenaline ones are more gaming driven they're focused on the gaming performance while the professional drivers are exactly that so they're focused mostly on the professional side of things and the pro drivers are way more tested in terms of stability in terms of smoothness exactly because of that because people working every day every single day 24 7 some of them with their computers in terms of professional workloads they can't afford having black screens blue screens stutters and all other things that some people do have so if you're having problems with the adrenaline drivers you can still try these these drivers these pro drivers and don't worry because you can actually use your the pro drivers in any GPU that you want you can even go to the RX 570 or RX 580 and use the pro drivers no issues at all you have an RX 5000 series 6000 series no issues at all go install the pro drivers and they will work automatically so it doesn't bring most of the newest or recent features but it does bring way better smoothness and overall way better stability as for the Amer nimi model driver as well the Army drivers are an in between the the adrenaline drivers and the the pro drivers because I do believe that the pro drivers are way more stable and maybe smoother than the Amer nimi model drivers because the amenimi model drivers are just modeled by a team uh or a team of one I don't really know if it is just one person or not but they're more than okay but in some scenarios they do um they do bring better results than the usual uh adrenaline drivers because they unlock features that the adrenaline drivers don't so imagine if you have an APU if you have an older GPU or even if you have um let's say if you have a laptop okay the Army model drivers can unlock the the AMD recording feature while you don't have it that while you don't have it on the adrenaline drivers the Amir neme models once can actually unlock that feature and the same happens for example for the X11 optimizations the X11 optimizations from AMD came for the RX 6000 series after the 22.5.2 drivers but they did not come to the 5000 series yet at least officially but when using the yamanimi model drivers uh even the older ones you can have the X11 optimizations on the RX 5000 series and in some games like for example god of war and others it does make the difference so if you want more performance and if you want overall better stability in older apis like the x9dx11 and so on I made an email the drivers are the way to go if the Army model drivers do not work well for you you can also try the pro drivers which will bring you way better stability and once again supposedly a better overall experience [Music] the fifth one is still on the software side and it is basically installing Ms After Burner and disabling the ulps mode well PS I do believe ulps is ultra low power state or ultra low power saving it's something like that this is solely for the AMD cards okay because they have several Power States and they will kind of decrease to really low power States when your GPU is kind of idling or when you're watching just some videos on YouTube for example and that's mainly those lower power States may lead for example two intermittent black screens may lead to stutters in some games if the GPU bios isn't working properly okay because you can actually be playing a game and you may have issues like like for example frequencies dropping a lot even when you're not running into a CPU bottleneck uh and some things like that and that may happen due to your GPU bios not being that great and going into the ultra low power state or ultra low power saving mode when playing games or when watching videos or so on and that leads to intermittent black screens intermittent stutters uh overall stuttering and so on so by installing MSI afterburner and disabling the ultra low power State mode ulps doesn't really matter and then rebooting your computer may actually solve these issues that I just talked about so it is very important if you have an AMD card and if you're having problems to disable ulps foreign [Music] is really interesting and it is the view ramp temperatures overall you should be watching your GPU temperatures from time to time when playing and for that you can use the previous software that I talked about as well the MSI afterburner now for the vram temperatures I do believe the MS After Burner can be configured to show the vram temperatures as well but you can simply manage them or at least watch them when using wa g464 which is the software that I actually advise you but what exactly can the HIV Ram temperatures cause well they can cause several things but one of the most annoying ones that I've experienced with the previous GPU that I have the RX 470 for from Asus streaks one of the first gpus that I have since I actually created the channel in 2017 was that due to high V Ram temperatures the GPU was throttling okay and even though the temperatures of the core were fine complete people find like let's say 70 degrees sometimes even less 65 due to the high vram temperatures the GPU would throttle to 300 megahertz instead of the usual 1400 it would go like from five to five seconds it will go down to 300 megahertz for one or two seconds and then it would go up back again this would cause massive stutters massive FPS drop and at the time I didn't actually know I didn't actually know sorry what it was but now I know it was the vram temperature and it was actually causing that bad really really bad throttling but what can you actually do to fix it per se the first thing that you can actually do is to ramp up your fan RPM basically if you're running your fans at 60 even though your GPU core temperature is fine your vram temperature isn't so what you have to do is go from let's say 60 to 70 or 80 percent to maintain those vram temperatures at least below 100 degrees because it may sound like a jet engine but it may actually fix your issue but if you don't want that you can also change the vram thermal pads on your GPU you do have to open the GPU so if you have warranty in some cases not all countries but in some countries the warranty will be avoided but if you still don't have or if you don't have the warranty anymore you can just open the GPU you can change the thermal pads you can buy some on eBay Amazon and so on change them put new thermal pads on your GPU and that will most likely fix the issue because the vram overheating is not a common issue but it does happen mostly on lower end GPU models where they actually chip out on thermal pads and other components so ramp up your fan RPMs or change your thermal pads on the vram if you don't know how to do it just take your car to someone who does in order to not actually break it that's or just watch some tutorials I mean do what you wish but it will most likely fix your issue if this is the cause foreign [Music] is GPU receipt and I know this might sound crazy or my might sound a little bit dumb but it actually isn't I saw lots of people having problems uh before with stutters black screens uh sometimes the computer even shutting down and that was because they have the GPU badly seated so it wasn't fully connected with your with the motherboard it would still display image it would still play but it would have lots of issues black screens blue screens sometimes the computer just powered powering down uh stutters in between many other things and yeah the GPU was not well seated also it may have for example a short circuit or it may even have some dust on the connectors of the GPU that may be fixed by just resetting the the GPU so just take the GPU off reseat the GPU once again and it may actually fix your issues seeming number or not it may yeah now we have display cables and display connections having bad display cables or bad display connections can usually lead to Black screens or intermittent black screens gray screens green screens even sometimes even stutters on the monitor side and that all because of a poor display cable or a poor display connection the first thing I advise you to do is to try your current cable and just change the display connection okay if you have for example two or three uh DisplayPort connections just change in between them to see if the issue is fixed now if you have for example a spare HDMI or a spare display port imagine that you're using HDMI and your GPU and monitor actually support DisplayPort so try changing HDMI to DisplayPort as it may also fix the issue but let's just imagine that your monitor just supports HDMI and does not have a DisplayPort entrance then just get a new cable and don't please please don't buy those cheap cables that annoys the hell out of me don't buy cheap cables get a decent HDMI cable gold plated if you can that supports high resolution at high frequency so and if you can a thick cable a decently thick cable that's what you said once again um because those are usually better than the than the Slimmer ones that than the smaller ones so just get one a decent HDMI cable and that once again May fix your issue with intermittent black screens with some stutters green screens and even gray screens okay that's a tip still on the monitor side we have monitors firmware what is the monitors firmware the monitors firmware is basically your monitor software okay it's the inbuilt software that controls for example if you have freesync or g-sync the software that controls the monitor how it displays the image how it displays freesync and if you have your monitor for example if you bought your monitor when it came out several years ago well it is possible that you have the first or one of the first firmware versions of the Monitor and some of those first versions of the monitors firmware may not work properly what I advise you is to go to the monitors website go to the model go to the support part and see if they have a firmware update if they have a firmware update download it and install it because it may fix indeed once again gray screen problems green screen problems and in between other problems even black screens okay go to the manufacturer's website download the firmware if available the firmware updates and install it and that's it foreign [Music] is aimed at AMD gpus only and it is disable radian anti-lag and enable freesync why am I telling you this and why is this important because you may actually feel the stutters but the stutters may not be happening on the GPU side wanna check it out basically use the software that we talked about before Ms afterburner with a rivetender statistics server run into a game and see if you if you have kind of a flat line on your gaming so enable the the frame timing line okay and see if the frame timeline is stable if the frame timeline is minimally stable without any big spikes then it means that your GPU is actually performing fine and the stutters are not on the game side on or on the GPU side it means that the stutters that you're feeling or the choppiness that you're feeling is actually on the monitor side once again a if the line has no spikes no visible spikes it means that the stutters are on the monitor side how can you actually find out what's causing it well usually one of the features on the AMD software kit may actually cause it and it is called radian anti-lag so if you have written anti-lag enabled and you're seeing exactly the same situation that I'm telling you right now disable the radiant anti-lag and if you have freesync and do not have freesync enabled enable it right away want to know more about freesync and how it works and the benefits and the downsides of freesync or even versus g-sync well watch this video passing right now on the screen with link in the description because it's a very interesting video in my opinion foreign [Music] is very and very very important actually much more than most people think which is checking your overclocking stability you can have a stable Ram you can have unstable CPUs and you can have unstable gpus and even gaming for several hours straight with no issues but when you go into that specific game that actually demands more of your GPU of your CPU or of your RAM configuration you'll have crashes you'll have problems and then you'll think something like I did in the past I did the same mistake in the past you'll you'll think something like okay but it is stable in all games why this game is having problems maybe this game has a submission no whereas some issues is you are overclocking basically when overclocking gram I do advise you to use test memory 5 and do several runs like two or three hours if you want to go into the maximum stability with a minimum of 15 minutes in my opinion of course so you should not have any errors because if you have one error alone it will actually say that you're not stable as for GPU stability I do advise you to to actually test it on really really heavy GPU games because from my experience it is the best way to test it if you use the the inbuilt Raiden Benchmark or stability Benchmark it isn't that great it tells you most times that the system is stable while it is not even if using benchmarks like heaven like 3D Mark well those will won't most of times show you your system your GPU instability in this case but when playing heavier games like for example control in some scenarios to test vram Assassin's Creed Valhalla is a great game so just go test your games um test really heavy games for your GPU one hour let's say and if they run flawlessly then your system is most likely stable in terms of GPU and in terms of CPU it is the same it is the same you just go and test for example prime95 for let's say an hour and if your system is stable for one hour in Prime 95 it is highly unlike it that it will uh ever and I repeat ever um reboots your system or have instability in other things like gaming uh even rendering and so on so that's my opinion in this particular fact and if you're having problems if you're having blue screens if you're having black screens if you are having your system shutting down out of the blue just disable all your overclocks and I mean it like CPU overclock Ram overclock even if you are using XMP okay if you are using the normal ramp frequency uh and timings just put it down to let's say if you're using the dr5 ddr5 to 4800 if you are using ddr4 to 21 33 megahertz or 2400 megahertz just put it down on the BIOS and try again and if that fixes the issues that were having before it means that you have an overclocking instability so before you start pointing fingers check your overclocking stability foreign closer to the final line we have disabled virtualization or core isolation if you want to use for example a virtualbox virtualization is needed now if you don't need virtualization for anything else if you don't really need it if you don't use it if you just game and do some applications some render some compressing decompressing well just go to your bios that's my opinion of course that's my advice go to your bios usually on the advanced settings on the advanced CPU settings and disable the hyper-v or the hardware virtualization now if you use it for certain applications like virtual boxes for example and you actually need it enabled just leave it enabled on the bias and go to the search bar on Windows and search for core isolation just go to the setting and disable it as you can see in this video passing right now in the screen I tested it on the 7700x which is a very powerful CPU and even then when going into the Spiderman remastered I can actually see a performance uplift when this saving the core isolation it means that the core isolation was actually using resources that were needed in the game CPU resources and I was having way lower FPS with it enabled so if you need virtualization uh but you still want to game properly and you don't want any other thing messing with it disable the core isolation power supplies who doesn't have one everyone has a power supply now some people have real power supplies and other people have time bombs they have something there that it isn't actually a power supply and that is there just waiting to explode and up your whole computer what I advise people when buying when buying a computer or when upgrading is do not cheap out on power supplies never a power supply will last you a decade I actually have a power supply completely working here giving zero issues zero issues it has over 10 years and it is still performing almost as it was new okay because the PSU was actually good it was a good PSU with good components good capacitors uh good power rails and so on and that's why after several years it is still working perfectly get at least something from a known brand like Corsair Cooler Master and something like 650 Watts see Sonic for example um there are more but anyway minimum of bronze certification with 600 150 watts plus that's what I advise if you can spend the money at least 750 watts gold because like I told you a good power supply will last you for over 10 years it is worth the money spent and it will ensure that you won't have problems when it comes to power auto power supplying and some things like that okay it's a major thing to do do not chip out on the PSU so even if your PSU seems to have enough power for your computer okay the power rails may not be enough for the power picks or the power rails may have low quality and that may lead to the power not being fed correctly to the GPU and that will mean that the GPU won't work as it should work and that may mean to you black screens blue screens stutters in between many other things so get a good PSU from a good brand to not have this kind of issues and to not even care about changing PSU in more than 10 years that's my opinion the 14th one and almost the final one is also an obvious one changing your HDD to an SSD and yes you may have a NASA computer but if you put a game inside your HDD and actually run it from the HD in your NASA computer it will still stutter and that because the hard drive won't be fast enough to fit enough data to the other components in this case to the to the CPU to the ram then the GPU and that will cause stutters if you want to watch more I have this video of HDD versus SSD and you'll actually see side by side that games like Horizon zero Dawn games like Call of Duty Warzone stutter a lot a lot not just a little a lot in most Parts uh when using the hard drive even with a very very good system when using the SSD it will be smooth as hell and the last one is basically a clean Windows installation and yes once again it may seem obvious but in some cases well most people won't know that that's the problem you may have virus you may have a corrupted Windows installation you may have lots of software actually conflicting with your games and causing you several problems so if all the other things before failed just to a clean Windows installation because that may fix your issue and well guys that's all for this video hope this video really helped you don't forget hit like subscribe and share this video and leave your comment in the comment section if this video helped you in some way or if you need more help besides this video thanks a lot for watching and see you in the next one [Music] [Music] oh [Music] thank you
Channel: Ancient Gameplays
Views: 186,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ancient gameplays, how to overclock, amd driver problems, amd gpu drivers, amd gpu driver issues, amd gpu driver install, amd gpu drivers encountered an error fivem, amd gpu driver timeout, driver problems, fix amd gpu problems, how to fix amd radeon settings not opening, how to fix amd driver issues, how to fix amd driver timeout, how to fix amd radeon software and driver version not matching, how to fix amd graphics card crashing, how to fix blackscreen, 15 tips, amd drivers
Id: dLPbznvmRfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 41sec (1841 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2022
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