15 Tips Level SORCERY Fast | Materials Guide | Conan Exiles

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black blood himself oh my gosh there's a giant  spider on my wall yay Australia so we all know   by now that sorcery can be a little bit of a grind  in Conan Exiles to level up especially if you're   new to the game you have the items can be a little  obscure to find and um I'm here with you today to   share with you some of the best most effective  ways that I know how all my hours to get these   items to level up sorcery as quick as you can and  it's not super important it's nice to have some of   them are really fun to use and quite handy in PvP  I can recommend leveling up if you haven't been   bothered until like now or you've only got halfway  through and you're a little bit stamped watch this   video and hopefully it helps I'm illibet I play  a bunch of survival games Conan exiles being one   of my favorite and um let's get to these tips  we're going to start off with sorcery itself   once you float your way pastels a little turtle  man you come to this platform come up here and   touch this guy and it's going to give you a term  and a staff when you first touch it I already have   the staff learned so if I lose mine I can just  craft a new one if you do happen to lose your book   through whatever reason you get raided you die  you can't get it you can come back here and get   another one you can just get several while you're  here by dropping your book on the ground and then   just touching this again and then looting that  book and then you have multiple so on so forth   I got sorcery learned and you've acquired your  term you will need some sorcery Pages which can be   acquired by either killing Sorcerers which you can  kill in the easy areas and then take the skulls   to the little Caravan do my other video for more  info on that it's very worth doing but they have   a chance of dropping a certain sorcerer's page for  dead Scrolls and scroll Dead Man's map which leads   you to the place that I just showed you the the  cabin there and a few other random things a recipe   for the summer I am wearing well mostly wearing if  you don't already have that and they can also draw   satchels which will potentially give you pouches  we'll open up some of those and sorcerer's Maps   failed Sorcerers Maps you'll end up getting a  fair few of these really quickly I think you   need around 15 also to level it up there's about  15 levels to sorcery but around where you find   sorceros you'll also find their little summoning  Alters summoning Alto sacrificial altars and   they'll often have a scroll around that you can  click on and get an extra you're also going to   need volatile glands which can be acquired by  killing salamanders which I need to do for my   daily progression or by killing certain Pirates  and things like that that drop them randomly in   their inventory a few different types of Thrills  do certain spots like this one here scroll down   the map so you can see better I have salamanders  but there's a lot of other places that you can   find them pack them up with it used to be a clever  but I'm gonna try this guy going on that time   yeah let me get that stick so you might have to  kill a fear before you can get something that   this guy gives Manny with this I think this is oh  there we go 16. bit of a rare chance I'm pretty   sure the butcher's knife does do a better bit  but I don't have mine on me currently oops while   you're in this area you might as well come get  one of the next ingredients needed at a nearby   Temple which entrance you can get through by going  through this little crevice in the mountains just   here I'm gonna head to the arena unless you have  an elevator down into the sinkhole anyway you kind   of need to come in this entrance to get some of  the gray looters sufficiently you can get gray   lotus in other places like the uh God breaker  dungeon but he has a pretty reliable source and   you want to get those lotuses and turn them  into seeds in a dryer if you happen to get   lotuses because I think I can't remember the exact  conversion rate but it's better off doing it and   then you want to make some potent compost and  I'll show you all those in a moment run up here they do have a sinkhole video which shows me  getting a bunch of the gray Lotus basically you'll   get a lot of corruption too if you don't already  have a corruption build there's some snakes to   poison you and some skeletons and a boss snake  down there to avoid basically run around in this   area and I grow maybe the um boss skeleton dragon  either unless you're prepared to fight him that   um you know ended excellently for me last it  was less strong then but uh yeah if you can   avoid all of those things or you're prepared  to find them it's quite easy to find a decent   amount of lotus here and then you want to go and  make some compost so to make the compost you'll   need to grow the lotuses and trust me it's much  easier than running around and getting a million   lotuses unless you get lucky but you can use the  gray Lotus as well and stuff so you want to get   some bone milk by grinding bones in a grinder some  grass and some Russian flesh well putrid meat as   it's known in this game because I'm not playing  other games um don't know why Rasmus journals   in there they'll also produce fat grubs as well as  compost alternative actively you can also add dung   in there from your animal pen if you don't want  to use putrid meat and you get that compost and   you put it in another compost bin make a potent  compost which you need to grow lotuses you need   raw Ash which you get from hitting obsidian in  the volcano and a few other random event things   drop it in their inventory you it will need blood  or alternatively also dung will replace blood and   you'll need the regular compost you put blood  in there that one so fourth to get blood you'll   need to squish people's arms or little things  that you the extra bits that you get when you   haircut people in the floor press or you can  get some Demon blood and come over to a Jhebbal   Sag tier 3 Altar and do a little thing called  purified Blood by adding demon blood in there   we'll craft some and lemon blood is pretty damn  common especially if you happen to like doing   the event with the blood moon beast and she gives  you a cropped liver which you can then put in the   fluid press which will turn regular blood one of  them into 50 demon blood be sure and less enough   that and then you can essentially have an endless  cycle of Bloods without ever having to hack up a   human you do have to kind of fight a Blood Moon  Beast right now and then though but yeah it's   kind of awesome definitely easier squishing people  because in my opinion but you know there are other   ways to do it as you can see it gives you a fair  decent amount of blood in return for deep and   blood then you get your fancy compost to put it in  a Atlanta the Lord the better tier planter it is   the more space it has for growing and different  things and then you'll get some lotuses in a   return then put them in the grinder or the dryer  if you want to continue the process again dry more   seeds get more lotuses continue the process um or  you can just grind these straight up and get your   level of sorcery complete and as you are going to  need demon blood for sorcery as well and you're   probably going to be going out and getting them  now for converting it to other blood for your   compost you can also get blood sacs from certain  demons usually sipter guys those new encounters   click on them and is going to give you a variety  of different Bloods it's also a good way to   collect black blood if you have been struggling to  make it up to those caves which I'm about to show   you because you do need some black blood in your  life for the sorcery about a hundred I think it   is now there are a fair few of these caves I used  to like going to particular ones to get the black   blood tool chance but with these two encounters  who needs that but uh you go around and kill these   skexy looking dudes and they have a chance to drop  black blood even the the shitty ones I would hatch   it oh I got some arrows that time my scrap Ellen  you can get feathers you don't need that many   feathers for sorcery but if you have also been  weirdly struggling to get Brothers they drop here   as well the one skulls and boss guys are more  likely to drop the black blood for sure and I'm   pretty sure Pig works better we'll have a go now  allegedly riding a horse and biting them you don't   get the knock down as much I just bring a throttle  and let them take some of the aggro and help them   out every now and then but they can mess two up  so definitely calm prepared and probably bring a   torch because it can get dark in here if you don't  have night time turned off like I currently do for   filming trying to get me then oh the stamina  is really getting dreamy definitely got to   mess around with a more stamina stuff if I'm gonna  have this build this is a pretty shitty throwing   weapon that different guys are going to give you  different things from them he can also drop some   other stuff like a bow I think you can drop the ax  or it might be the other guy and I don't have any   form of kit on my pick but it's okay because it  might go to break a boot do fix it oh apparently   that can trigger my little boo me thing from my  corruption that's interesting how much I've been   farming of late um yeah so three skills much more  likely one skulls also likely much rarer off the   no-name birds Skeksies bad things it's pretty  easy to get the amount that you need I got a   couple hundred just in killing that one dude and  a random legendary and just for reference I came   to this particular cave but there's a bunch up  and down this Cliff with variant difficulties   of Boss birds in there and the guy that actually  drops the black blood himself oh my gosh there's   a giant spider on my wall the Australia just to  show you guys that's about the size of my hand   at least it's on a huntsman and I do hope he stays  up there and gets to themselves that would be dope   likely oh God it's crawling onto the roof I'm  I'll be back well that was quite the adventure   that spider decided to to choose violence if I  could speak it I'm still a bit crook I almost   trapped it and it decided to jump at me and it  would have lived apart from it decided to jump   at me and it was an incredibly active spider that  would have some point crawled up my leg and I've   got a treaty kind of with spiders if they gave to  themselves I'll leave them the [ __ ] alone and or   remove them to outside this guy apparently did not  hear about said treaty and um yeah unfortunately   they got squished but along with the video we  continue so you gotta also need Dragon powder I   think it's about 10. the best bang for your buck  is going to be making it in a Precision Fireball   cauldron because that'll cost you 50 still fire  and 25 Crystal 5 brimstone in comparison to this   little guy over here don't mind my chaos house I  will sort that out at some point where your dragon   powder is in fact gonna cost this but now with  those new Headhunter encounters you can basically   get free demon what's it called steel fire and  if you do the other event that I recently posted   a video about the Witch Hunter one and hand them  into the same Caravan guys you get a dragon powder   anyway so you can just continue doing that if  this is too hard for you and putting a throw   in there is going to increase the bead as well I  don't know why he's filling in the inventory but   that is what it is and on to the next ingredient  even the glowing goop is quite easy to gather and   most people come back quite readily while you're  actually coming to get the Lotus at the arena   here there's a little bit of glowing goop in the  water yeah you can either pick by hand or with   the sickle if you can't be bothered going to do  the drags or head over to the Jungle or do Dagons   descent dungeon over there or anything like that  you'll get basically what you need from Justin   like yeah I thought I'd quickly jump back in and  add that into this section before we move along   to the next ingredient so you're going to need  weathered skulls and one of the easiest ways   to do that is come over and kill some spiders I  like to come to this area near the sinkhole as   well another convenient place well while you're  in the neighborhood because you can teleport to   there and just run along to these spiders here  there's plenty of other places with spiders and   you'll get a zath bag if you use a zath knife and  you'll learn that religion over here and it's got   a little shortcut I also have a separate video on  that if you haven't viewed it and you need a bit   more guidance that is also available for you and  you'll open up it said zathbag for a chance to get   a few different random things bernica and skulls  I just got 100 skulls out of my first bag and we   only need 20 something rather than running your  luck trying to get them off humans or skeletons   dropping them from Cleavers and that does that  nasty way to get in some now as they are quite   heavy I do if I probably don't open the bag until  you get home much like barrows backpacks and the   rewards from the Caravans you don't know what  you're gonna get and you can easily become over   in comfort so even if you have a thrall or a pad  some pets help you come just don't open them till   you get home it's it's safer trust me they're also  going to need which fire powder and if you're not   using the glowing Essence to convert it into which  fire in The Cauldron and all of that nonsense   which you need more glowing group some mounds of  the Dead in this area and look out for the white   here's one I prepared earlier they drop a bunch of  goodies good source of XP as well you can either   use a sickle and get a chance of getting like  gossama nothing glowing goop and witchfire or   you can use a pick and more consistently get which  fire but you're also going to get a lot of putrid   meat I've got none that time a lot of bone and  most of the time which fire but in smaller amounts   than what you get with the sickle feel wildly  worth it try and use your best one of course and   it's a good source of rotten meat for your compost  to grow your Lotus all skeletons drop a lot of   me there's a few places that have a bunch of them  around this area this little Hut has a fair few so   we're going to go into there and kill more and see  if we can't get some more witch fire powder and   the small loot box was about to discover let's see  what they're gonna get me I said burn and there we   go some which fire powder you do need 100 I think  so very luck with the circle if you don't want to   be a full-up of the stuff and you actually need  gossiper and glowing goop as well what I usually   do this does seem to be slightly more consistent  with drops compared to the physical technique if   you don't want to get super full and you're not in  Conference Bank like myself the sickle is probably   the way to go this is in no particular order when  you need them either I just thought I'd add that   quickly in there because I don't think I specified  this is essentially the harder to get pieces and   where to get them efficiently and this is just if  you gather all of this stuff and you are starting   from scratch you might just need to gather some  like a few little feathers and meats and stuff   nothing hard that you won't know how to get once  you know how to get all this stuff so you can go   around together then is prior to learning sorcery  or as you go but either way you come to the   unnamed City so this little area there's a bunch  of other areas that drop the red leg of fragments   but you only need five and one of the other tips  kind of provides a couple potentially you can also   do places like the Khari dungeon in said City near  the West Waterside click a little door there um   there's a lot of Relic fragments in that place but  if you're not prepared you can just come running   around the unnamed City and touch a few of these  boxes that are usually here but they are a random   spawn chance so they'll eventually all spawn back  in until they're all touched again it is kind of   a random thing especially on an active server  but this little spot in particular is usually   one because he's quite hidden and not many people  know about it so if you don't want to get full of   stone you can also use something like a circle or  a skinning knife to get rid of the rocks and not   gather a stone and then you see this little guy  and this is what the chests look like if you're   unfamiliar with them look at them get your Relic  fragment five of those I think it is you can   um learn the oils of our that's usually what you  put on your black blood stuff I'm not worried   about that right now because my God breaker boots  Hill I need your ability that I'm wasting when I   take damage when I'm holding them so I don't even  have to waste a kit on that which is excellent   but I usually put them on there so they're nice to  gather up but you can also trade them in for other   recipes you can eat them for XP not XP feet points  rather if you are level 60 I think you have to be   to do that and one of the recipes you can get from  touching the esoteric Library whether you learn   the map maker yeah you can get tablet of power and  you make that with also I think five fragments and   you get a bunch more knowledge points to spend  these guys I haven't been eating them obviously   because I have knowledge points to spend but I  also don't really need to learn that much more   than what I already have but yeah gather them  up you need a few to make the oils as well you   need five for this recipe we're gonna go along go  get get some Dragon horn efficiently now there is   a couple ways to get dragon horn you can just  kill dragons and hack them up and get a dragon   horn every time and you go to kill 20 of them or  you can take a journey a bit deeper into the old   unnamed City to the boarding pools and come visit  this lovely lady follow us a bit too far away to   attack now she does have a tendency to stomp your  follower into the ground which is super annoying   and she's not allowed to leave too easy to kill  by yourself but not undoable mostly the fire   attack that's really gonna mess with me I hope  I'll live through this that'd be very convenient rather than rolling because I have like  non-steminar unless it's emergency like   then I possibly should have that didn't  hurt me too bad at least I tend to just   work my way around in little circles  having something like a thunder weapon   bring down their armor we'll make it go  down quicker apply some more Thunder there   this will all be worth it in the end I swear I'll  avoid a little Stumpy's there's also a really   fragmented box usually behind her here too you can  gather that I'm behind the other dragon and on top   of some of these towers and a lot of these buses  have a chance to drop them when you kill them as   well in the unnamed city called hyper armor Maya  roll strength stuff has probably worn off too   I'll do the rest of the killing and then I'll be  back in a minute I spammed the ice too but like I don't know unless I I don't know yeah  it kind of helps expensive though just   to get a little bit of stand back  on there it is about to go down oh maybe I'm about to go down no she's dead  are you gonna loot that good stuff and she's   gonna drop like a kit of some type either um or  a weapon kit some type of legendary sometimes and   not always this isn't all right one I'll keep it  um usually fragments of power as well that's like   a guaranteed drop and then you get a meat cleaver  I'm fairly sure works best I mean how come up you   get all of the Dragon horns so if you're sick of  killing individual baby dragons or dragons I just   got 32 from using my meat cleaver yeah that's  definitely the go-to Strat and it does seem to   work on the red mother I um I don't think it works  on the other guys but you might as well come kill   her anyway even if we worked on the other guys  because she drops of unload grind a million   dragons in normal for their one horn if you need  a bunch horns the red mother is the answer on to   the next ingredient week side note they also do  drop a lot of volatile glands if you use picks   and stuff as well as um already cooked leather if  you're struggling for weirdly real leather though   you can kill a dragon and they'll give you some  without it being like hide for a final couple of   little harder to get ingredients you're gonna need  a sacrificial Stone altary thing and some glass   flasks which you don't have to make from Crystal  you can buy from West Wall prison area for silver   which you can mine from over here at the jewel  Barn quite easily we'll get some boxes while   you're venturing around in the unnamed City or  wherever that's the much easier way you get like   lunch for one of the words insane no other way to  get glass slots but get some glass flasks uh not   full of water from memory no Empty Glass flasks  and we're gonna need to get some blood as well   for these guys so you're gonna need my preference  is using blunted Stone daggers but my trolley here   has a Szeths Truncheon on them and we're gonna  go Knockouts and throws real quick these guys   seem pretty conveniently located now obviously the  easier area you have you can always oh you might   um actually end up getting turned  into a zombie but you knock her out   um the easier areas the dudes are easier to knock  out et cetera et cetera so building grind Huts   near Lake Safari camps for this wouldn't be a bad  idea get that many binding bring them back over   to your stone and you get a lovely little cut  thing where you make the blood all of its Glory could you knock her out a little quicker because  I'm getting shot at here did notice it weirdly   wasn't taking damage interesting well you might  be about Archer all my game's tripping out but   after like 40 minutes of waiting to do that you  get the sacrificial blood which you can then use   to craft these guys you'll also need the Soul  Essence for corrupting your attributes as well   this but at least you don't have to go through the  whole process oh yeah it takes a fair few of them   and you go on around five or ten or something I  can't quite remember and the same process again   to get the solar Essence and go get a thrill while  I'm here quickly I'm gonna put her in the shallow   grave and make a random number I don't know how  well they turn out but let's go I'm gonna stand   here raise them dead quickly although you  can just like kill some Sorcerers now get   the skulls and get named Fighters which is how I  got this to Dalinsia here and my previous thrall   here that unfortunately died despite the poison  because I wasn't paying attention I don't have   an authority built if you haven't Thrills you  care about follow you you to level up for base   protection whatever definitely have an authority  build and also zombies you can get a bunch more   of them to follow I don't know what you turn out  with sure I'll keep you around for like when the   purge hits I'll get you back though dot dot dot  they haven't earned a name yet we'll see if they   continue living to level 20 or not and it does  also I wasn't using stamina and I did have some   admin settings on this where I could turn them  off again I forgot but there we are popped them   in there and this time Prince Soul drain and yet  a slightly different little summoning ceremony to   enjoy where the soul gets kind of sucked out of  them rather than the other one and uh sometimes   it's a little bit more graphic than others oh yeah  you got married for like four minutes while it's   happening this one is quicker than the other  one though and you do get five from doing it   and I can't remember how much it is it's like 15  or five even maybe you need a couple of them but   getting a bunch of them for leveling up your  attributes if you want to corrupt them is cool   too so their way easier but like I said setting  up little grind heart somewhere definitely an   easier Strat especially when you're starting  off but that's basically all of the hard stuff   or slightly rarer to find stuff more rather than  and um how you get the beginning of sorcery and   all that I've already leveled it up a fair bit  so I think I need a dragon bone you can also   um get your failed sorcery pages and turn them  into regular ones I almost forgot about that yeah   so we need some Dragon burn in there it doesn't  have a very big inventory unfortunately yeah you   craft another Arcane staff if you happen to lose  it in battle or whatever click on those books you   go away you craft that you get a little summoning  desk clothes finally got some Abyssal stuff   more Abyssal stuff I should say I've got to be  close now we need this thing I'll be back with   my supplies yeah I got my dragon powder it must  be clothes I have kind of lost counter I can't   remember the exact order from what I've come now  we need our fragment of course I don't have them   on me I'll be back again dang and all my time  here I've only collected like nine or something   I actually know I've touched the recipe wall  a few times I have gotten more and you'll need   black bladder for this portion as well lightning  storm they have nerfed that but it was super crazy   in PvP I got to experience some of that more black  blood and you which fire powder that we prepared   earlier it was so exciting finally gonna have  the full sorcery I did have it on PVP which is   what matters oh that was the last day oh good  stuff so now I can make teleporters and I can   make stalls and I can make this llama quite fun to  mess around with I'm specifically very strict to   use the teleport is because then I can go around  to my different right type of farming like there's   one there and I've got another one here I went  around in the jungle somewhere that's like half   built that I'll finish building at some point um  but yeah they're quite handy for that especially   on solid player servers a little bit harder on PVP  but awesome on PVP for getting around with your   stuff the shop super worth it and if you've been  struggling to find those ingredients with ease   now you know how if you found this information  useful please do drop a like it shows that you   like this content and want to see more of this  type of content it helps me in the algorithm   if you extra liked it please do subscribe if  you're not already again it shows me that you   do like this type of content I want to see a  bit more of it until next time I hope you have   an excellent day evening night morning whatever  it may be or wherever you may be have a good one
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Keywords: conan exiles gameplay, official settings conan exiles, conan exiles 2022 gameplay, min max conan exiles, australian accent, conan exiles game, conan exiles guide, age of sorcery chapter 2, conan exiles endgame, conan exiles tips, conan exiles sorcery guide, age of sorcery conan exiles spells, conan exiles sorcery spells, sorcery materials conan exiles, dragon horn conan exiles, illibet gaming, conan exiles, conan exiles beginners guide
Id: QKy6on1IWzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 37sec (1477 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 18 2022
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