Genghis Khan Explained In 8 Minutes

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[Music] in the year 1162 between modern-day Mongolia and Siberia a ruthless leader and great Conqueror was born the king of kings a brutal barbarian and the founder of the largest connected land Empire the world has ever seen his name Genghis Khan Genghis together with his sons and grandsons went to war on an immense scale and in only 25 years the Mongol army conquered more territory than the Romans had done in 400 by the time of his death in 1227 the Mongol Empire stretched from the Pacific Ocean to the caspian sea encompassing around ten million square miles the Empire was vast measuring the same size as the African continent and larger than the United States Canada Mexico Central America and the Caribbean islands combined making Genghis Khan one of the most successful military commanders the world has ever known born in 1162 to the name Temujin he was the son of a local chieftain and was said to have been born clutching a blood clot a sign from heaven that he would become a great warrior Temujin experienced grief and suffering from an early age with his father being poisoned by a rival tribe when he was only nine years old after his father's death the tribe abandoned Temujin and his family as Mongol tribes would only follow a strong and respected leader forcing them to survive in the harsh conditions of the steppes by themselves it was during this time that timeat had killed his half-brother who had been accused of hoarding food while others starved this allowed Temujin to gain control over the tribe and soon he was leading it alongside his lifelong friend and blood brother Jim uka ten years later Temujin understood that his small tribe in the open grasslands of the steppes was weakened exposed so he sought to bolster his numbers by marrying into a local tribe he soon found bought a his first wife not only did Temujin gain a loving companion but more importantly the fighting force that came with her Temujin was not fated to have a peaceful life as it would not be long until adversity returned to him the powerful market tribe came and raided his camp many in stealing bought a away Temujin and jamika managed to escape and made their way to the local con who had fought a site imagens father begging for help the carne accepted their plea and soon Temujin was at the head of a massive fighting force shortly after he took swift and decisive action against those who wronged him heading to the market camp in the mountains of northern Mongolia he slaughtered the offending tribe taking his wife back in the process these cruel conditions Temujin faced in his earlier years helped shape him into the face warlord he was to become and taught him not only how to deal with his enemies but also the value of forging friendships and alliances as time progressed the tribe became divided as the fundamental differences between the two leaders became apparent Temujin valued talent wherever it came from whereas Jammu Coe thought only those who had a noble birth should be respected this led to a rift in the tribe and an eventual split with Jammu can now lead in a clan of his own it would be two years until the pair would meet again in which Jammu coos men slaughtered Temujin unprepared and outnumbered tribe the generals Jammu car captured also faced a gruesome death being boiled alive when Temujin found out what had happened he was furious and it said from that day on he would seek revenge and pledged never to be defeated again in 1204 the two finally fought each other in a pitched battle which would be crucial for the survival of the Mongol people and would determine Temujin specialist commander tribesman were trained in both archery and horsemanship and when the battle began they used this to deadly effect bows were made from wood and animal bone and had a shooting range of 500 yards the military ranking was also based on the idea of meritocracy so it was in this battle that Temujin proved his military genius he told each warrior to light five fires on the eve of the battle so Jammu ku Scouts would report an immense fighting force striking fear into the heart of the enemy as dawn broke both armies advanced and when close enough Temujin forces unleashed a barrage of arrows and used cavalry charges to demolish Jammu Kazami he then feigned retreat with some of his squadrons luring his foe into a planned ambush where they were promptly slaughtered this led to a decisive victory over his former blood brother who fled from the at all jamika was later betrayed by two of his generals and bought before Temujin when he refused the second chance Temujin offered him he was given an honorable death and finally the Mongols were unified under one leader to honor this great achievement Temujin was granted a title of genghis khan in 1206 meaning universal leader genghis khan soon turned his attention to the vast chinese dynasties in the east he knew the emperor would never allow such a strong and unified mongolia on his borders and so decided to take the first strike heading into china the khan's army plundered raped and killed any who stood in their way until they reached the capital of the north as ong do now called beijing the city was one of the most advanced in the world sporting 40-foot high walls that were completely alien to the nomadic mongols to get into the city Genghis Khan used captured Chinese engineers to design siege equipment and camped outside the walls cutting off vital supply lines this lasted for so long that the Chinese began to starve to death by the thousands many turning to cannibalism when the mongols went to take the city they met reduced resistance and were able to take it with relative ease this led to a month of plunder and destruction that enhanced genghis khan's reputation as a bloodthirsty murderer and brought the mongol empire to new heights his army continued west after the conquest managing to reach eastern europe showing little sign of slowing down Genghis Khan died in 1227 during his final conquest into China according to the secret history his last words were I have conquered for you a large empire but my life was too short to take the whole world that I leave to you he appointed his son Oh God I as his successor in the hopes that he could complete the divine mission genghis khan was buried in an unmarked grave with all those who arranged the funeral apparently executed in order to keep the location a secret genghis khan left a remarkable legacy not only in blood and warfare but also in his descendants as he took the most beautiful women as prizes from every conquest naturally he had many children so many in fact the recent study suggests that one in every 200 people living today are directly descended from him under Genghis Khan's rule there also developed a complex and sophisticated Society which paved the way for modern-day civilization the Mongols disregarded race ethnicity and class creating a society based on meritocracy where individuals were rewarded on ability in Tallin above all other things they also practice religious tolerance allowing the Mongol Empire to become one of the most diverse in history in an attempt to unify the feuding tribes of Mongolia Genghis Khan gave land to each tribe and established a legal system where he laid out uniform punishments so as to create a combined society that abided by the same laws he also forbade the enslavement of any mongol helping to solidify equality for all citizens he also offered protection for the merchants traveling across his empire leading to the re-establishment of the legendary Silk Road that enabled the transportation of goods and technology from east to west this path was so valued and well protected it was said that a man could walk from one end of the Mongol Empire to the other with a gold plate on his head and never be attacked this also enabled the spread of Chinese culture and ideas to the growing civilizations in Europe trade surged a new technology such as paper gunpowder and the compass made its way to the west igniting the Renaissance just a few generations later while there is no doubt that Genghis Khan was a cunning and ruthless warlord it is debatable whether he was just an evil barbarian or managed to benefit the world in some way while there is truth to the idea that he was a genocide or maniac he also created a diverse and equal society under which the trade of both technology and culture flourished in this way Genghis Khan started an empire that had a wide and long lasting impact on civilization in both the east and the west the repercussions of which could still be felt today thanks for watching remember to Like and subscribe and for exclusive rewards check out our patreon page [Music] you
Channel: The Life Guide
Views: 3,250,981
Rating: 4.8137784 out of 5
Keywords: genghis khan, genghis, khan, chinggis khaan, chinggis, khaan, temujin, mongol, mongol empire, the mongols, land empire, empire, mongolian empire, mongol tribes, mongolian ruler, mongolian warrior, miike snow, genghis khan bbc, genghis khan documentary, genghis khan facts, rise of the mongol empire, great khan, genghis khan miike snow lyrics, islam, best rulers, evil leaders, evil rulers, great ruler
Id: pDyece8CQF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2017
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