15 Things You Didn’t Know About François Henri Pinault

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this is billionaire Mondays every Monday we present you with another billionaire today we're looking at 15 things you didn't know about false wah on repin Oh welcome to a Lux calm the place where future billionaires come to get inspired hello a Luxor's we're back with more billionaires today we have our eyes on probably the most talked-about billionaire in the world francois on repin oh is the owner of caring group one of the biggest luxury and lifestyle groups in the world under caring are the following brands gucci yves saint-laurent Balenciaga alexander mcqueen Bottega Veneta boo Cheryl and Briony with so many big names from the fashion industry in his portfolio at only 56 years old he's definitely on the radar of all the major tabloids magazines and women although he inherited the business from his father his input moved the group towards luxury goods and therefore bigger earnings with a tumultuous private life bourgeois habits and famous philanthropy projects he's managed to keep a relatively clean profile but we know there's always more to the story so we did a little digging to find out a few things some are controversial some outrageous and some sweet so let's get to it if you're new here welcome be sure to subscribe and follow us on instagram at a luxe number one his business is worth seventy four point five billion dollars the most pivotal moment of his career was when he took over the family business and took it to a whole new level back in the day caring had a different name and no portfolio he graduated from HEC Paris Business School so by the time he was appointed head manager and CEO he was very well acquainted with the industry he rebranded PR our group or penal printing Razoo to caring and also took the chairman position of Artemis the holding company that controls the assets of the Pino family with the sales growing more and more every quarter they successfully landed a market capitalization of seventy four point five billion dollars caring now has over forty four thousand employees and sales of over 17 billion dollars every year he'll soon cause serious competition to their fellow competitor LVMH number two he was married twice but has four children with three different women as you've probably noticed by now billionaires have a chick magnet attached to them it comes along right when you hit that billionaire bridge and it never really leaves you there's nothing wrong dating or even marrying older or younger partners but for billionaires it tends to be a certain pattern model or actress tall extremely beautiful involved in charity work or fashion plus while an repin oh is no stranger to dating beautiful women and also making children with them he's been married to Dorothea pear for eight years and has two children shortly after he fell for Linda Evangelista a relationship that ended with a child and some nasty scandals in 2006 he started dating Salma Hayek and three years later they married since then he's still married to beautiful Salma Hayek and they have a daughter and seemed to be pretty well in love he's only 56 so there's time to marry another bombshell if things go south number three he owns the biggest vineyard in Bordeaux coming from a rich family we can imagine how lavish and extravagant his family vacations were his father philosophy no founded the original business which was in the wood and building materials industry he was a very successful man and started shifting to luxury goods when he first bought Gucci shares in the late 90s years later his son metamorphosed the whole business into caring group to make it one of the most profitable companies in the world he enjoys his French life living in Paris and vacationing in Bordeaux where he bought the biggest vineyard he also owns stakes in three other vineyards too in France and one in Napa Valley just one bottle of Chateau Latour retails for $400 maybe the wine industry is less a hobby and more of an investment for him number four he is a feminist lately a few trending ideas and movements have taken over the whole world everywhere we look we see feminists libertarians inclusivity or LGBTQ supporters women's rights have always been a problem and a struggle but lately some men have stepped up to the plate and offered full support for all women one of those feminists is Francois on Rapinoe he founded the caring foundation to defend and promote women's rights and started the women in motion program to raise gender issues within the film industry it might be a little influenced from his wife but at least he's supporting a good cause he's also an avid environmental supporter and has worked to get caring group to be named the top sustainable textile apparel and luxury goods corporation in the world number five his fortune is set to be thirty point four billion dollars doing business in the luxury goods industry is very profitable you don't have to worry about pricing sales and customers not being loyal to your brand we're talking about a different perspective different behaviors and different budgets Gucci pom alot so and Balenciaga are doing very well lately and they're growing Pinos bank account like crazy thanks to carrying an Artemis group he now enjoys a 30 point four billion dollar fortune and a seat amongst the richest people in the world a few people know that his father founded the company in 1963 as a wood and building materials company and only 35 years later it's shifted towards luxury goods nowadays they have an estimated sales of 19 billion dollars per year which means that his fortune is riding that wave right now number six buying Puma and Volcom wasn't the best business decision ten years ago Francois Inori thought it would be a great boost for their business to buy other brands outside of the luxury goods industry so that when people are fed up with five thousand dollar bags and designer clothing they would be prepared with lower end brands he ventured out and bought Puma and Volcom spending roughly 1 billion dollars on those acquisitions unfortunately for him even though the two brands are quite popular they're still not returning the whole investment as much as he wanted because they're behind bigger brands like Nike Adidas or vans nowadays he sold most Puma shares retaining only a minor 15.7% and plans to sell off Volcom because the group wants to focus on luxury brands only number 7 he refused to pay child support to Linda Evangelista previously we mentioned that for us while onry had been married twice dated someone and thus now has four children out of all of his relationships one caused the most media fuss Linda Evangelista is the woman we're talking about and even though she didn't marry him she still wanted a percentage of his billions because she requested that Francois pay forty six thousand dollars a month in child support they feuded in court because he didn't want to pay that amount of money that would have went straight to her account and used for her own personal spending not the child's in the end they settled it outside of court privately we don't know how much money she got from him but can we really judge her for wanting her child to have the lifestyle his father has number eight he moved with his family to London due to high taxes in friends everywhere you go you have to abide by the rules if you're working rules change because you have to pay tax and that some of the highest taxes are paid in Europe in Belgium at 40% Germany at 39% and Denmark at 36% in France taxes are not low people pay somewhere between twenty and thirty three percent and rich people will pay up to forty five percent up until 2015 the country had adopted a law that would for millionaires and billionaires to pay 75% tax of course this idea sparked a lot of rage and controversy and was dropped with such high taxes some French businessmen migrated to other countries even fuss while inari is said to have moved to London with his family but he denies it his wife Salma lives there because of her acting career and they even bought a house but he claims to not have changed his residency taxes in the UK are not necessarily lower but not 75% died there so we wouldn't blame anyone for moving to avoid taxes that high in fact we're surprised he hasn't moved to Luxembourg or other places that are taxed Haven countries number 9 he surprised Selma with a trip to Bora Bora for their 10th anniversary these two seemed to have a beautiful love story we rarely see these days they got married on Valentine's Day ten years ago in Paris today they're still together proving that love is real even for actors and famous people fortunately for Salma her billionaire husband can afford the kind of luxury like surprising her with the most amazing and outrageous gifts the latest surprise was a trip to Bora Bora for their 10-year anniversary he put together a vow renewing ceremony on a private beach with rose petals a band and their daughter they wore flowers in their hair casual clothes and enjoyed a Polynesian ceremony simply amazing this shows that real love doesn't need expensive things well about that a normal trip to Bora Bora is roughly around $12,000 for a couple and since they brought their daughter and put up a whole ceremony it piles up pretty fast they probably don't travel economy class either and opted for a luxury hotel so real love survives better when you spend around fifty thousand dollars on surprises I guess number ten he owns homes all over the world billionaires love to invest in estates we've shown on our channel multiple times the most expensive houses of CEOs billionaires athletes or actors while sois honoree is no stranger to that habit either he owns three houses one in France one in London and one in Los Angeles at least when he travels he can feel at home he invested around 100 million dollars on houses only the London mansion is set to be worth 26 million dollars and only has two bedrooms his Los Angeles house was bought for sixteen point five million dollars as an investment into their daughter Valentina's future he's also the proud owner of a private jet and two luxury sports cars a Lexus LX SUV for the family and a Ford GT which can be bought for as much as two million dollars depending on the model now I'll Xers if you're interested in learning some more about the companies that Frost while Unruh manages why not click on the upper right hand corner to watch our video the 15 things you didn't know about gucci number 11 his father plans to open a museum for his 1.25 billion dollar art collection as we mentioned before Francois Pino is a massive art collector he invested a lot of money in modern art as well as fashion items that deserve a good home he already has over 3500 pieces in his collection some by Mark Rothko or Damien Hirst that are estimated to be around 1.2 5 billion dollars all these art pieces were collected over the years and now at almost 80 he wants to publicly exhibit them with such a vast and expensive collection it would be a shame to keep it locked up therefore he decided to open a museum the new location will be near the Louvre museum in Paris after keeping his collection private in Venice for years it was not revealed how much the acquisition was or how much the rent will be since they got a 50-year lease contract but we can assume it was a few hundred thousand dollars number 12 his wife got jealous over seeing some messages marrying a Latina woman can be intense they are sexy energetic and sometimes quick to judge it's not a bad thing but sometimes things are hard not as they seem and when cheating rumors fly around things can get a little messy this was the case with selma and francois honoré as well although she claims to a the love of her life in Faust wha Inari she still gets a little intense and jealous when random messages from other women appear on his phone she told the story on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon about how she thought her husband was cheating on her with an English tutor it turns out he wanted to improve his English accent and download an app for that the app then messaged him about the lesson and it used a female name when she saw the message from the so called teacher she thought the worst thankfully she confronted him and settled everything in just minutes we met from now on she is going to dig a little deeper before accusing him of cheating number 13 he decides what happens with each brand under caring people don't know that big brands are in fact a part of a group that kind of decides strategies budgets acquisitions and other aspects most luxury brands look like they're being managed individually but in fact they're all in the same puddle for all the brands and caring's portfolio its mr. Francois on Rapinoe who makes the big decisions even the artistic decisions he's been involved in everything regarding the group since he took the business from his father years ago when Balenciaga was feeling stuck he decided it needed a refresh and fired Nicholas cast year and replaced him with Alexander Wang who was younger and more Restless he is the real boss at caring and in the fashion industry number 14 he used to sell electrical equipment in Africa a SWAT on Reed didn't grow up in a poor family quite the contrary his father worked decades in order to set the founding ground for what caring is today he went to business school he served in the army and he gradually took over the family business it didn't happen overnight and it was not easy until he took control over the PPR Group boss hua Andrey had several jobs that weren't easily fashionable before PPR ventured into luxury goods they used to specialize in construction materials and wood after the acquisition of CF AO a company specialized in trading with Africa and in electrical equipment distribution they be and doing business at another level only after that they started going into retail and ten years later into luxury goods it all started with Gucci and YSL in 1999 number 15 caring eyewear is partnering with Cartier French people like to do and keep things locally especially when it comes to business some of the most exciting news over the past years was the launch of caring's eyewear line for the exciting new release they collaborated with Cartier but not to coat the glasses with gold or diamonds in fact Caring acquired one of Cartier's France eyewear plants to have full control over the whole process and Cartier wants to use the influence caring has to market the eyewear this new alliance or project comes as a win-win situation bringing their operations together to create a stronger platform for the development manufacturing and worldwide distribution of the Cartier eyewear collection this shows how much luxury groups want to control the whole chain and the prices especially since Cartier glasses sell for at least $800 unlike Gucci glasses that top out at $500 at the most in the end of course it's all about money nowadays fuss while honoree seems to have it all no more scandals a happy wife a happy family good business and a prosperous future does a man need anything else he seems to have it all and we hope nothing changes because happiness suits everyone best what do you guys think is he going to become richer than Bernard Arnault from LVMH does he have a chance to beat him in the luxury industry let us know what you think in the comments and in the meantime for those of you stayed with us until the end those true ale Xers out there you know you get a bonus here it is number 16 YSL beauty was sold to L'Oreal years ago caring started out with Gucci and Yves Saint Laurent they were their first two brands and they're still in their portfolio almost twenty years later both brands have very good credentials and a lot of fans all over the world with iconic bags runway shows these brands manufacture more than luxury clothing Yves saint-laurent has a beauty line why asal beauty that's doing very well their lipsticks and foundations are one of the best on the market and sell very well in shops like Sephora but the line is actually owned by L'Oreal when Pino bought YSL he bought the beauty line too but later went on to sell it to L'Oreal for 1.15 billion dollars although they carry the same name branding and culture the owner is different thank you for spending some time with us a lexer make sure to subscribe so you never miss a video if you want more we hand-picked these videos you might enjoy or head over to a locs calm for the best in fine living content on the planet be a part of the largest community of luxury enthusiasts in the world and tell your story
Channel: Alux.com
Views: 144,353
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Keywords: Alux, Alux.com, luxury living, luxury lifestyle, luxury homes, luxury cars, fine living, new life, most expensive, billionaire lifestyle, François-Henri Pinault, François-Henri Pinault net worth, kering group, salma hayek husband, François-Henri Pinault interview, françois-henri pinault futbol, françois-henri pinault and salma hayek, françois-henri pinault gucci, françois-henri pinault house
Id: iHqoRs8b5-I
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Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 08 2018
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